Jupiter-Saturn and Mercury Triangular Massing, Jan. 2021
Happy New Year everyone! Welcome into 2021 and let’s put 2020 as far back in the rearview mirror as it will go! We covered some good ground with our blog last year and we are opening the New Year by extending the topic of December’s blog. Of course, we are keeping Jon Nessle and his family in our hearts and prayers for his full recovery from Covid, and believing for his completely successful restoration to health.
If you caught the Jupiter-Saturn Great conjunction last month, this union of the largest planets in our Solar System is certainly an eye-opener for their renown in the history of astronomy. These planetary giants share both individual and common elements in the annuls of Biblical Astronomy, among the most notable of any known planets in our celestial neighborhood. They spent most of 2020 moving ever closer, in Sagittarius and Capricorn, as they neared their appointed 20-year union last December, in regular conjunction. As the New Year opens we find Mercury rising to meet these celestial titans descending into the solar fires of the horizon sunset in mid-January 2021. As Mercury speeds to meet the much slower colossal planetary pair, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury will appear to pack themselves in the triangular close confines of a 5-degree circle, from Jan. 8th-10th. The pattern of this three-fold planetary massing went from an elongated triangle on Jan. 8th, to a near equilateral triangle on Jan. 10. Jupiter will occupy the top of the triangle as the brightest of the three, with Mercury and Saturn forming the base angles. The sides of the triangle each measure about 2 degrees, as this triangular massing packs closer into about a 2.5 degree circle on Jan. 12th.
Figure 1. Jupiter-Saturn and Mercury in a triangular planetary massing in Capricorn.
This triangular union of planets takes place in Capricorn, pictured as the Goat with a fish-tail. In the Goat we find the atoning sacrifice of Christ, while in the fish we have the body of believers for whom the sacrifice was made. Brilliant Jupiter (mag. –1.9), med-bright Mercury (-0.9) with dimmer, yellowish Saturn (+0.6) were closest together on Sunday evening (Jan. 10), when Jupiter and perhaps Mercury are visible to the naked eye.1 After Sunday, Saturn recedes into the bright twilight first, trailed by Jupiter fading into the solar glare in mid-Jan. On Jan. 23, Saturn moves behind the Sun closely followed by Jupiter, Jan. 28. A few weeks later, the pair of titans will emerge in the morning light being visible in the pre–dawn eastern night sky. This cyclical planetary renewal in the dawn’s early light as Jupiter and Saturn transition to our sunrise skies, are joined by Mercury, in another triple union before daybreak, as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter meet together on Feb. 13, 2021. The entrance of Venus into this picture is noteworthy as we find in the comparison of celestial signs and planetary unions in 2015, below.
A recent previous instance of a Jupiter-Mercury massing of planets also took place near Regulus in Leo, in August, 2015, as seen in Plate 1 below. This shows Jupiter-the King Planet unified with Regulus the king star, declared by Mercury as the Messenger Archangel Gabriel. This reminds us of celestial signs of the birth of Christ, with the triple crowning of the King star Regulus by the King Planet Jupiter in Leo in 3-2 BC, as the archangel Mercury-Gabriel announced the birth of the promised seed-Jesus Christ. This idea was established the day before on August 5th, 2015 with a Venus-Mercury union in Leo, where the messenger Planet Mercury-Gabriel and Venus the Bright and Morning Star met in Leo, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Then on August 6th, we have Jupiter and Mercury meeting at Regulus as seen below.
Plate 1. Jupiter and Mercury with Regulus in Leo 8-6-2015.
Within 3 weeks prior to this triple union of planets on July 17th, 2015 there was also a Venus-Regulus union in Leo, displaying the union of two natures of Christ in the Bright and Morning Star-Venus along with the King Star-Regulus. This triple planetary union was inserted between 2 Jupiter-Venus conjunctions that opened and closed the month of July in 2015. We have provided a summary of these planetary unions including 3 Jupiter-Venus conjunctions between July-Oct. 2015, linked to the Plate 1 graphic below.
The following day-August 7th, 2015 was a busy day with two separate planetary conjunctions on the same day. First, there was a Jupiter-Mercury conjunction in Leo the Lion, signifying a union of the King Planet with the Messenger Planet Mercury-Gabriel. As the fastest moving planet in its orbit around the Sun, Mercury closed its triangle with Jupiter-Regulus on the 6th of August, until reaching close union with Jupiter the King Planet on the 7th. Later that same day Mercury reached a close conjunction with Regulus-the King Star, forming a tight celestial triangle, in the Lion of Judah. It’s like Gabriel the Messenger archangel declared his support for Christ first as the bright and Morning Star-Venus. Then in its triangular union with Jupiter-Regulus, it supports both the King Planet and the king star. These added elements of Christ were announced by Gabriel together, prior to being singled out by Mercury-Gabriel in individual planetary unions each with Jupiter and Regulus.
This notable day [Aug. 7th, 2015] of dual conjunctions was followed on August 11th, 2015 with a Jupiter-Regulus union in Leo, displaying a unified front between the King Planet and King Star in the Lion of Judah. Once Gabriel had announced the King planet and the King star, then Jupiter-Regulus were cleared to show their individual unity. In the King planet’s regular 12-year [11.86 year] orbit around the Sun, Jupiter enters the constellation Leo every 12 years. With each 7th cycle of Jupiter’s 12-year visit with Leo, Jupiter shares 2 unions with Regulus, translating into 2 Jupiter-Regulus triple unions every 83 years; [11.86 x 7=83.02]. These are based on the retrograde motion of Jupiter that is visible from earth as a crown circling the King Star on these occasions. As a testament to the Creator’s 7-fold temporal order written in the heavens, when seven of these 83 year Jupiter cycles are calculated, we arrive at a total of 581 years, or 7 x (7×12). The helical rising of Jupiter with Regulus also occurs once every 83 years, during Jupiter’s regular visits to Leo. However, the King Planet does not normally share a triple union with Regulus except when Jupiter is in retrograde motion. As it happens, we were approaching one of Jupiter’s normal unions with Regulus on Aug. 11th, 2015. It has been discerned that the birth of Christ took place during the seventh 83-year cycle, on the seventh cycle of Jupiter’s seven 83-year cycles. This also coincided with the first day of the holiest 7th month on the Hebrew Calendar, Sept. 11th 3 BC. This first day of Tishri was also Rosh Hashannah/Hebrew New Year’s Day, when all the Kings of Israel and Judah calculated the start of their respective reigns, regardless of when they actually began. With Jesus Christ as the King of Kings, it is fitting that he was born on this key day in the 7th and holiest month on the Creator’s divine Calendar, that also holds the 7th Feast of the Lord, the Feast of Tabernacles; [Lev. 23, Luke 1-2]. God’s precision timing is impeccable.
We must also distinguish the elements of the rulership of Jesus as the King of Kings, from Jesus‘ authority in putting his Kingdom into place, as it parallels the Sufferings and Glory of Christ. This not only accounts for the similarity of celestial signs at Christ’s birth, compared with the signs we are seeing in the present day, that also highlights areas where we can discern how current celestial signs focus on Christ’s glorious Return, when he installs the ironclad authority of his kingdom on earth. Taking into account these two phases of the Advent of the promised seed, first in his sufferings second in his glory, we find the following division along the lines of Jesus’ ministry as seen in the four gospels and the four Cardinal points of the ecliptic:
He came as a Man/Son of Man/Luke/Aquarius
He sacrificed his life/Servant/Mark/ Eagle for Scorpion
The Son coming in Judgment/Son of God/John/Taurus
The Lion-king of Judah rending his prey/King/Matthew/Leo
Figure 2. The Four Celestial Signs at the four points of the Compass; Man, Eagle, Bull & Lion.
As symbolic references to the four quarters of heaven, the 4 unified faces of the living creatures represent the vision of Ezekiel at the river Chebar describing the faces of the living creatures, matching the signs of the four Cardinal Directions of the heavens, [Ezek. 1:3-11]. As a composite of the celestial narrative, these signs witness to the return of Christ the redeemer, and his judgment on the assembly of the wicked.
Below we find a list of celestial signs and planetary conjunctions from July to October of 2015, which preceded the replay of the Rev. 12:1-2 sign at the birth of Christ on Sept. 11th, 3 BC that showed up again on Sept. 23rd, 2017. The following list dates not only the Jupiter-Venus unions in Leo during the transition from the Hebrew Sabbatical year to the Jubilee year of 2015-16, but other notable planetary unions and heavenly signs in Virgo and Leo forming the Celestial Sphinx during this period:
June 30th- July 1, 2015 [Jupiter-Venus]
July 17th, 2015 [Venus-Regulus]
July 31st, 2015 [Jupiter-Venus]
August 5th 2015 [Venus-Mercury in Leo]
August 6th, 2015 [Regulus-Jupiter-Mercury in Leo]
August 7th [Jupiter-Mercury in Leo]
August 7th [Mercury-Regulus in Leo]
August 11th 2015 [Jupiter-Regulus in Leo]
August 29th 2015 [Venus-Mars]
Sept. 13th 2015 [Partial Solar Eclipse]
Sept. 17th 2015 [Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet]
Sept. 17th 2015 [Mercury-Spica in Virgo]
Sept. 21st 2015 [Hebrew Jubilee Year opens on the Day of Atonement]
Sept. 28th 2015 [Final Super Blood Moon, Feast of Trumpets]
October 8th, 2015 [Venus-Regulus in Leo]
October 17th-18th, 2015 [Jupiter-Mars in Leo]
October 21st, 2015 [Orionids Meteor Peak]
October 25-26th, 2015 [Jupiter-Venus]
October 28th, 2015 [Jupiter-Venus, Mars unite in a 1-degree triangular massing] in 2016.
October 29th, 2015 [Mercury -Spica in Virgo]
This impressive parade of planets on the dance card with the King Star-Regulus in August of 2015, gets our attention as it contributes to our understanding not only of the Jupiter-Regulus triple conjunctions marking the birth of Christ, related to the Rev. 12 sign in Virgo, but also how these signs apply to the victorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ in Glory, as seen in the context of the climax of the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015.
Even as there were key celestial signs that took place exactly two years before the Rev. 12 sign at birth of Christ in 3 BC, so also we find these celestial signs of 2015 showing up exactly 2 years prior to the return of the Rev. 12 sign, Sept. 23rd, 2017. These signs in 7-5 BC are what allowed the Magi to recognize the star signs that marked the birth of Christ, and there may be a similar pattern in play to help us recognize the arrival and installation of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth.
An evident and recurring dual theme in Rev. 12 is not only the birth of the King of Kings, but also the birth of his kingdom of everlasting righteousness. Thus we find clear references to this kingdom, in the authority of he who rules with a rod of iron, symbolized in the king’s scepter-Jupiter. In a previous post [The Blood Moon Tetrad and the Rev. 12 Heavenly Signs] we noted how Jupiter was being “birthed” in Virgo, in the time leading up to the Rev. 12 sign on September 23rd, 2017, as Jupiter exits Virgo’s womb area after 42 weeks in retrograde, a period well within the period of human gestation. This fits with the connotations of the Hebrew word for “rule” in Psalm 110:2, linked with the Talmud’s birth idiom. As this emphasis was evident in the heavens in 3-2 BC, at the birth of Christ, so we also saw a concurrent triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Venus taking place in 2015, all in the sign Leo. A key element of these Jupiter-Venus unions was their alignment with Regulus on the ecliptic in Leo in the summer of 2015, carrying not only the original import of Regulus‘ kingly triple coronation, by Jupiter the king planet, but Jupiter’s marking of Venus the Bright and Morning Star is added also [Rev. 2:27-28]. The planetary symbolism of these conjunctions depict Jupiter-the King planet uniting with Venus-the Bright and Morning Star, in alignment with the star Regulus in Leo the Lion of Judah, [Rev. 5:5], over a four-month period in 2015.
Jupiter-Venus Conjunction
These planetary unions were followed with added Jupiter-Venus unions taking place in Virgo in 2016-17. This Triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Venus, the two brightest stars in the heavens after the Sun and Moon, is notable especially with the addition of Mercury, leading up to their planetary alignment with Regulus in Leo, forming a Crown of Virgo in the repeat of the Rev. 12:1-2; “Great Wonder in Heaven” on Sept. 23rd 2017, summarized in the Celestial Sphinx.
With our eyes to the skies, we remain vigilant in our observation of the celestial signs that the Creator has placed in the planetary cycles and conjunctions, where the Gospel in the Stars agrees with the testimony of the Gospel in Scripture. In the natural progression from last month’s Jupiter-Saturn union, to this month’s Mercury Jupiter-Saturn triple union, we will watch for the next triple union before daybreak, of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter as they meet together next month on Feb. 13, 2021.
God Bless!
1. https://www.travelandleisure.com/trip-ideas/nature-travel/jupiter-saturn-mercury-rare-triple-conjunction-january-2021