Recent Observations of Planet Parades in light of the 2024-2025 Lineups.

Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus will be in the southeastern sky while Neptune, Venus, and Saturn will occupy the southwestern sky at around 9:30 pm. local time.
The six planets visible leading up to this time, include Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. These six planets are visible in the days prior to Jan. 21, 2025, and for about four weeks afterward. Mars, in Gemini, Venus, and Saturn in Aquarius, with Jupiter in Taurus, should be visible for naked eye watchers, but you’ll need some high-powered binoculars or a telescope to spot Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries.
A key aspect of planet parades or alignments is that in some cases they occur as part of other historic celestial signs. We don’t have to look far for a recent example of this, as we had two separate Planet Parade’s in 2024, just last year.
Planetary Parades many times can be indicators of other key celestial events, like last year on June 3, 2024, if you were in the right part of the world on that night, you could be able to see up to six planets. Sharp-eyed viewers were able to see Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn with the naked eye. Those with high-powered binoculars or a telescope were also be able to view Uranus, which was located near Mercury, with Neptune, near Saturn as seen in Figure 3 below.
June 3rd saw a Second Planet Parade of 2024. The last one, a small alignment marked the April 8th, 2024 Total solar eclipse, opened on April 4, 2024, when four planets Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune aligned on the same side of the sun as Earth. Viewer’s in the Eclipse‘ path of totality could spot Jupiter, Venus, Saturn & Mars right in the middle of the April 8th eclipse, although Mars and Saturn may have been more difficult to spot. On April 20, 2024 there was another planetary alignment of five planets: Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Mars & Saturn, bracketing the April 8th, 2024 Total solar eclipse. This led to the June 3rd-Six planet Alignment below, both categorized as “Large Planet Alignments“, consisting of 5-6 planets. The last “Large Planetary Alignment” of this kind for 2024 fell on Aug. 28th- aligning the 6 Planets : Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. #3
Figure 3. The June 3rd, 2024 Six Planet Alignment.#4

It’s remarkable that this Planetary Parade/Large Alignment was not only visible, but formed an integral part of this climactic Total Solar Eclipse as part of the Alpha-Omega/first & last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet over the Continental US! This unique “Eclipse Crossing” over the US Mainland, in a 7 Eclipse-Year Cycle, from 2017-2024, was a historic Celestial Sign, with major implications for our Country. Adding a Planetary Alignment in the midst of this Eclipse Crossing, while 2 other alignments bracketed this Eclipse, surely gets our attention!
We need to watch for other historical cases where this may have taken place. Thus a goal of this month’s blog, is to point out cases where Planet Parades or alignments mark key celestial signs, like Total Solar Eclipses, crossing the US seen from 2017-2024. What really establishes this idea for modern Planetary Alignments is when we realize that another Planetary Alignment marked the opening of this 7-Year cycle of Eclipse Crossings in 2017. As best views for the 2024 lineup, were in New York State for Americans hoping to see this alignment and Planet Parade in 2017, so New York state was also the best vantage point for the June 3rd 2024 Planetary lineup just before sunrise, about 5 am ET, exactly 7 years previous in 2017! Venus was present, but was impossible to see-being too close to the sun. The six-planet parade was visible every morning for about a week. But Jupiter, Mars and Saturn remained visible in the early morning sky for weeks.
Figure 4. Sunrise view of the Morning sky on June 3, 2024.#5

New York state residents had views of all six planets, and the Moon.
This celestial event was viewable for a few days in other regions. Those in other parts of the world were able to see at least part of this alignment between May 28th and June 6. In 2024 & 2025, we have seen a cluster of six-planet, Large line-ups with each alignment consisting of five or more planets.
Planet Parades in 2017 started the evening of January 24, 2017 – with a large alignment of planets at dusk, and concluded when the Moon and Mercury ascended over a sunrise horizon on January 25, 2017. This alignment marked the opening of the 7-year Total Solar Eclipse Crossing over the US, Aug. 21st, 2017. It was feasible to view all the planets visible to the eye from Earth: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Sky watchers caught the two evening planets – Venus and Mars – as soon as darkness fell. Jupiter rose in the east in the dark of the night and was found high in the sky before dawn. Mercury and Saturn, the two strictly morning planets now, were found in the east before dawn. This group of 5-planets was also present during the Aug 21st 2017, alignment in Leo during the Total Solar eclipse, except for Saturn.
Its fascinating to see that these same five planets are found in alignments in separate months of Jan.– Feb. 2016, but also in Aug. 2016, where we find large lineups of 5 planets as a prelude to the alignments of 2017. These heavenly signs involving Jupiter–Venus open the next 2 years, leading to the birth of Jupiter in retrograde motion in Virgo’s womb in 2017.

The Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 was the most–observed solar eclipse to date. It was the first total solar eclipse visible from the contiguous United States since 1979. Exactly midway through the Occultation series – on August 21, 2017 – the Moon actually occults Regulus on the same date that the moon totally eclipsed the sun, but in the midst of this 4-planet alignment in Leo! For those within the path of totality on eclipse day, the only time to look directly at the sun, without eye protection, were the brief minutes of totality, when the Moon covered the sun completely. During this totality on August 21, 2017 – though close to midday, viewer’s were able to see 4 planets with the naked eye near the eclipsed sun! In order of brightness, these planets were Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury, in line with Regulus in Leo, with Mars slightly brighter than Mercury.
Here is a Summary Chart of Planetary Alignments going back to 2016; just click on the underlined Alignment Dates for added info from my pertinent blogs.
2016-2025 Planetary Parades and Alignments Chart | |||||
Year | Sign | Alignment Dates | Planets | Eclipse | |
Jan. 24, 2016 [Feb. Aug.] | 5 Planet; Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Mercury | |||
2017 | Aug. 21, 2017 | 4 Planet: Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus | Total Solar | ||
2017 | Leo | 2015-2017 | Jupiter-Venus unions in Leo and Virgo | ||
2022 | Cap. | April 8th-19th, 2022 | 4 Planet: Venus, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter | Passover | |
2022 | Taurus | June 16th-27th, 2022 | 5 Planet: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn | ||
2024 | April 4th-8th, 2024 | 4 Planet: Venus, Mars, Saturn, Neptune | Total Solar | ||
2024 | April 20th, 2024 | 5 Planet: Venus, Merc, Neptune, Mars, Saturn. | brackets | ||
2024 | June 3rd, 2024 | 6 Planet: Jupiter Merc, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, Saturn. | |||
2024 | Aug. 28th 2024 | 6 Planet: Jupiter, Merc, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, Saturn. | |||
2025 | Jan. 21st, 2025 | 6 Planet: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Nep, Venus, Saturn | |||
2025 | Feb. 28th, 2025 | 7 Planet: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, Mercury, Saturn |
Since a Solar Eclipse only happens at New Moon, the Moon must be located between the Sun and Earth. August 21, 2017 also corresponded with the 29th day of the month of Av on the Hebrew calendar. On this day in the 2448th Hebrew year, Moses carved the second set of Tablets where God wrote the Commandments, as recorded in [Ex. 34:1-9].
As at other times, these Solar eclipses could serve as a warning of impending judgments, since the crossing point of these eclipses is near to a geographic division of not only the Continental US, but also the New Madrid fault zone.
As seen in the Infographic below, the planetary order in Feb. 28’ths 7-planet Parade, varies from the order found on Jan. 21st, 2025 the previous month.
Figure 6. Planetary Alignment Infographic. #7
After that, the seven-planet parade will begin as Mercury briefly joins the others in the sky for a couple of days, turning this into a 7 planet parade of all our solar system planets except Earth. It will be difficult to see them all since Saturn, Mercury and Neptune will be near to the sun right at sunset, but they will all be present. By the time March opens, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune will have drifted too close to the sun for naked eye visibility with Venus close in tow, leaving only Jupiter, Mars and Uranus to populate the visible night sky. Uranus and Neptune are binocular targets, as Mars reaches opposition on Jan. 15th, before it’s occulted by the Moon in a rare event on Jan. 13th, 2025.
Figure 7. The Moon Occulting the Pleiades star cluster. #8
Job 38:31-33
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth the Mazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?
The early morning reveals Mercury-Gabriel the Messenger Planet, as the Moon crossed the Pleiades (M45), on January 9th at 7 pm. EST, as seen from New York City, the waxing gibbous Moon was very close to the Pleiades star cluster. Shortly thereafter, the Moon began crossing in front of the Pleiades, taking about 3 hours to complete its pass in front of the famed cluster. Note that the Pleiades appear about twice the size as the apparent diameter of the moon.
From NYC, observers saw the 10-day-old Moon track across the southern part of the cluster; occulting the stars Electra (magnitude 3.7), Merope (4.2), and Alcyone at about 7:06 p.m., 7:35 p.m., and 8:18 p.m. EST, respectively. Over an hour later, the Moon’s dark limb reached the other side of the cluster to cover Pleione (5.0) at 9:21 and Atlas (3.6) at 9:33. From this view, the moon missed two of the seven brightest Pleiades stars, Maia (3.9) and Taygeta (4.3). Soon after 10 p.m. the Moon moved beyond this beautiful ancient cluster. #9
The timing of these occultations highly depends on location; check the International Occultation Timing Association’s website for more info,(
Figure 8. Lunar Occultation of Mars, Jan. 13th, 2025. #10
Uranus and Neptune are binocular targets, as Mars reaches opposition on Jan. 15th, before it’s lunar occultation in a rare event on Jan. 13th, 2025.
Venus dazzles us in the southwestern sky after sunset all month, brightening quickly, it’s easily visible as twilight descends. On Jan. 1st, Venus’ near half-lit disk was joined by the waxing crescent Moon, on Jan. 2 and 3, standing 10° SW, 4° east of the bright and Morning Star. Notice on the 4th that the Moon is 4° northeast of Saturn, before occulting it, which is about 13° from Venus.
Venus closes the gap to Saturn over the next few days, standing just under 4° west of the gas giant on the 14th, coming closest on the 17th, when only 2.2° separates them. By the 19th, Venus is 2.5° due north of the ringed planet, shining at magnitude 1.1. The thin waxing crescent Moon will hang in the bright twilight low on western horizon shortly after sunset, Jan. 30, 2025. Brilliant Venus will shine higher in the sky in Saturn’s steady golden light nearby. Venus the bright and Morning Star shares this evening union with Saturn, while the King Planet Jupiter reigns high in Taurus, reaching its highest elevation in the later evenings of early January.
Venus the bright and Morning Star crosses into western Pisces on the 23rd ending the month 1.5° from Lambda (λ) Piscium. Uranus appears fixed against the background stars of Aries, ending its retrograde loop as January closes, at magnitude 5.7, an easy binocular target. Located about 8° southwest of the Pleiades, Uranus is south of a bright 5th-magnitude star, 63 Arietis, with the planet Uranus standing 2.5° due south of this star. Neptune sits near 12° east of Saturn, shining at magnitude 7.8. By the end of January it lies in the same binocular field as Venus, acting as a marker to find the distant planet, and remains at a similar distance through the 31st.
The planet is 5.5° from a waxing gibbous Moon Jan. 10, standing 5° north and slightly east of Aldebaran the Bull’s eye in Taurus, Jan. 31. Most days all 4 of Jupiter’s Galilean moons- Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto — are visible; at times one is transiting in front, or hidden behind Jupiter’s disk, along with its shadow.
Figure 10. Jupiter’s Four Visible Galilean Moons. #12
Composite images of Jupiter and its 4 Galilean moons. From left to right the moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. The Galileo spacecraft obtained the images to make this composite in 1996. Image via NASA Photo-journal.
Jan. 1 sees Io disappear and then re-emerge from Jupiter’s vast shadow. The moon vanishes behind the northwestern limb, just before 8 pm. EST. Watch the space 12″ east of the planet to see Io appear just before 10:45 pm. EST.
Around 8:25 p.m. EST on the 6th, Europa began to transit. Shortly before 10 pm. EST, its shadow appears. Europa exits the disk @ 11 pm. EST; the shadow exits about an hour and a half later.
Jupiter and its moons are seen in the myths of Aquarius–an ancient Sign or constellation, with long-standing astronomical history dating back prior to the era of Greek mythology around 3000BC. The constellation myth tells of Aquarius when Prince Ganymede was captured by Zeus and taken to Mount Olympus to be a cup-bearer for the Gods. As fickle Zeus grew weary of the boy, he gave him eternal life and deified him in the heavens. A century before this, in Sumer about 4000 BC, Sumerian astronomers linked the Aquarius constellation in their celestial myth to a youth who was bearer of a deluge that destroyed the Earth, that has been tied to the Biblical flood of Noah. Perhaps the ancients envisioned the activities of their idol gods with Zeus-Jupiter’s moons…but that is certainly not what we do in Biblical Astronomy! Hopefully, you can see the positive fruit that results as we let the Scriptures speak for themselves regarding the Celestial Gospels, since it was the Almighty Creator Who named and numbered the stars, that relate the truth of the Biblical narratives as they are told in the Heavens, [Ps. 147:4, Isa. 40:22-26].
On the 16th, Io transits from 8:36 pm. to 10:48 pm. EST, with a shadow visible from 9:32 pm. to 11:44 p.m. EST. As the shadow is exiting the western limb, Ganymede is occulted on the same side almost simultaneously, taking a few minutes to disappear.
Ganymede reappears at the northeastern limb around 1:51 am. EST (Jan. 17 in the Eastern and Central time zones). It then drops into Jupiter’s shadow 90 minutes later. You’ll see it starting to fade just before 3:30 a.m. EST. Ganymede crosses the disk Jan. 27. East Coast viewers may catch the beginning of the transit at sunset. The moon exits starting around 7:20 pm. EST. The shadow starts transiting around 9:40 pm. EST, and the shadow transit ends starting at 11:49 p.m. EST.
Figure 11. January 15th Southern skies ay Midnight. #13

Mars reaches opposition Jan. 15-16, standing high in the south at midnight. Just days before, the Moon occults the Red Planet. Credit: Astronomy: Roen Kelly
A highlight of the month is the opposition of Mars late on Jan. 15. It peaks at magnitude –1.4, as bright as Sirius. Astronomical opposition means that a planet is located on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. From our view, it means planets at opposition are precisely 180° from the Sun in the sky — so, when the Sun sets in the west, a planet appears in the east. Mars starts January in Cancer as it moves west, entering Gemini’ Twins by the 12th.
Oppositions of Mars occur every 780 days. The planet’s diameter reaches nearly 15″. Mars’ closest approach to Earth occurs Jan. 12, a few days before opposition. It then stands 59,703,891 miles away. Mars oppositions occur only once in 2–3 years.
Watch for moments when Mars reveals its glory. Mars appears to rotate back-wards when viewed at the same time each night. At 9 p.m. local time from the central U.S. (look an hour later in the east, and an hour or two earlier farther west), you’ll see Olympus Mons-the largest Volcano in the Solar System and the Tharsis Ridge region facing us in the first week of January.
Figure 12. Olympus Mons; on Mars Surface. #14
On the 13th, Mars is occulted by the Moon; see Fig. 8 above. Timing depends on location, but the East Coast sees Mars disappear around 9 pm. EST; this is soon after twilight fading to Mountain time zone. It takes about 20 seconds for Mars to be fully covered. Along the Pacific Coast, this occurs soon after Moonrise in evening twilight. Mars reappears about an hour later.
Mercury is visible in the early-morning sky. On Jan. 1 its an easy object to see in the twilight, 12° east of Antares, standing 6° high in the SE sky by 6:30 am. local time. Check the region with binoculars because soon after Mercury rises, you may spot the Trifid (M20) and Lagoon (M8) nebulae 2° east and SE of Mercury–Gabriel the messenger planet, less than 1° north of the Lagoon Nebula of Sagittarius on Jan. 9, and by the 14th is within 15′ of M22.
Figure 13. Skies of Jan. 7, 2025, 40 minutes before Sunrise to the Southeast. #15

The visibility of Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS), was near 5° southeast of Mercury on the same morning (Jan. 7th). The best viewing opportunities were shortly after sunset on Jan. 14, but the Comet was difficult to find and observe, being too close to the Sun.
The preceding has been a Summary view/log of examples of Planetary Parades and Alignments from recent/ modern cases, namely those linked to the 2017-2024 US Total Solar Eclipses, primarily. Added recent samples may be documented as they are uncovered. The balance of this study will take into account Planet Parade samples from ancient history in light of the Bible Patriarchs & the Precession of the Equinoxes, as they relate to the birth of Christ. We will pick this up with a view of the astronomy surrounding the birth of Abram.
The Celestial Signs Marking Abram’s Birth
In consideration of the celestial signs marking The Birth of Abraham, in 1953 BC, we will review some pertinent astronomical history. We have noted in other studies, that the Conjunction cycle of Jupiter-Saturn is known to provide a window on the precession of the equinoxes, according to the cadence of their base 60 planetary Rhythms. This concept is found in the astronomy of numerous ancient cultures including the Maya, Romans, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Chinese, and the astronomers of ancient Egypt. In fact, even the ancient Chinese Zhuanxu Calendar is thought to have started in 1953 BC, linked with a significant predawn all-planet alignment on March 5th. As Kevin Pang and John Bangert, astronomers of the Jet Propulsion Labs, in an ancient text written by Liu Xiang [77-9 BC], this alignment took place near the Pegasus Square. The idea of a Jupiter-Saturn triple Conjunction occurring with an alignment of the planets, was thought to indicate a termination point, where all the planetary cycles were in agreement, similar to the inception point of their cycles. This is thought to coincide with the intersection of the precessional cycle with the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, located in Sagittarius. This explains the popularity of the 2012 date, in the Astronomy of the Maya among others, as a date hailing the end of the world.
God designed certain triple Conjunctions of Jupiter-Saturn as individual markers and movements in a great celestial Symphony of the Ages, ultimately leading to Christ’s Birth. The triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn we will notice took place in the sign Aquarius in 1953 BC, marking the Birth of Abram. As the Father of Many Nations, and the progenitor of the line of believer’s, Abraham through his offspring Isaac and Jacob would bear the promised seed. This triple Conjunction confirmed that Christ would come out of the nation of Israel, which constituted the 12 tribes of Jacob, whose name God changed to Israel, to reflect his spiritual inheritance.
Another Triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn took place 417 years later in the sign of Taurus the Bull. This marked the Birth of Moses, the forerunner of Christ as the Deliverer of Israel. A 1,000 years later, Daniel taught the Magi on these planetary unions from the contemporary example of a Jupiter-Saturn triple union 523-522 BC in Virgo. Less than 400 years later, near 132 BC a “new star“ or perhaps a recurrent supernova exploded onto the scene, in a decan of the sign Virgo, called Coma. Pictured as seen in the Dendera zodiac below, in the head of the child held in his mother’s arms, this supernova or new star, drew attention to the decan Coma meaning “The Desired of all Nations” [Hag. 2:7]. This supernova burned brightly for over 250 years as a beacon lighting the way to the general time wherein the birth of Christ would occur. This disclosed that as The Desire of all Nations, Christ was coming for the redemption of the Gentiles, not just Israel.
Figure 14. The decan Of Coma in the Dendera Zodiac.#16
The Magi were surely some of the first of these Gentiles whose response to this light of salvation made history. The Coma supernova also set the stage for the third triple union of Jupiter-Saturn in 7 BC that lead to the birth of Christ. This Conjunction took place in Pisces and marked a transition in the ages of the precession of the equinoxes, from the Age of Aries to the Age of Pisces. This new Precessional Age was marked because for the prior 2160 years, Aries was the sign wherein the Sunrise occurred on the Spring equinox. The Triple union of Jupiter-Saturn in 7 BC marked the first time that the Sun arose in the Sign of Pisces, on the Spring equinox, signifying a new Precessional Age, the Age of Pisces.- the Fishes. Over 2000 years has already passed since this opening of the Piscean Age, and the Birth of Christ that occurred three years after its opening. This Sign of Pisces is marked by two fish, one swimming vertically towards the North Pole and the other horizontally along the ecliptic. These fish represent the houses of Israel and Judah, further disclosing that the Promised Seed would originate out of the Royal House of Leo the Lion of the tribe of Judah, [Rev. 5: 5]. Christ had to be the Son of Adam, Abraham and David in order to fulfill all righteousness. The fullness of the gap between the sufferings of the Lord, seen during his first coming, and his glorious return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords continues to take place in the Piscean Age. Finally, this 7 BC triple union of Jupiter-Saturn gave the Magi all they needed to identify the signs marking the birth of Christ in 3-2 BC when the triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Regulus took place in Leo, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. This panoramic view of Biblical and Celestial History, beautifully encapsulates how God utilized the Natural Law witness in the heavens, coordinated with Divine Scripture, building in greater detail, in Messianic Prophecies the identity of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.
Mosenkis puts forth some interesting concepts concerning how the the Bible might include much more information about celestial events than it is commonly known or traditionally considered. Abraham’s calculation of the stars (Gen. 15:5) included his observation of the cattle, goat, ram, & two doves at night (Gen. 15:9-10, 17), ie. Taurus, Capricorn, and Aries constellations, the Pleiades (‘doves’ in ancient Greek astronomy), and the Milky Way respectively.
We are presenting some of the more interesting ideas from his book below. A leading type of celestial sign as we have seen above, are Planetary Parades and Alignments. Below we will point out where Mosenkis highlights certain key ancient historical Planetary Parades that support themes of modern Alignments of planets.
Why astronomy might be concealed in the Bible.
A category Mosenkis points out are ancient Greek concepts (also well-known in the Babylonian & other ancient astronomical traditions) of constellations which rise simultaneously with some other constellation. As the Aquila sign-(the ‘eagle’) rises with Scorpio constellation (‘scorpion’), so Aquila replaced Scorpio among four constellations of the solstices and equinoxes in the books of Ezekiel and Revelation. Additionally he points to the key concept of Precession as an astronomical cycle which is very significant to understand in ancient symbolism. Every 2000, [2160] years the points of solstices and the equinoxes change their constellations. E. g., the vernal equinox point was located in Gemini (‘twins’) during c. 6000–4000 BC, in Taurus (‘ox’) during c. 4000–2000 BC, in Aries (‘ram’) during c. 2000–1 BC, in Pisces (‘two fish’) from c. 1 AD., to the present. These epochs are named the Zodiacal/Precesional Ages such as the Age of Gemini, the Age of Taurus, etc. 18/[2] See the comments: Dobin, J. Op. cit., p. 153–154.
He also suggests a correlation between the Biblical story of the Creation and the geological data, where specific correlations may be found: six days of the Creation were six millennia of the warm period since the end of the glacial period., and the Ice Age. A Skeptic’s question is: what do 6 days of the Creation imply?
Researcher’s answer as follows. First, what the ‘day’ means in the cosmogonical context of the Biblical story? We can find an answer in both the Old and the New Testaments. After the mention of the Creation (Ps. 89:3), the divine author states that the thousand years is like one day (Ps. 89:5). The same idea repeats in the NT in 2 Petr. 3:8. Second, during a long period of pre-written (oral) history only astronomical and genealogical calculations of the past were possible. If the thousand years is not genealogical concept, we must search the period among astronomical ones. The best equivalent is lunar one: the moon stays in one of 27 ‘lunar mansions’ during about one thousand years. The similar intervals might be symbolically described in the Hurrian epic: ever of four gods (Alalu, Anu, Kumarbi, and Tessub) rules over the heaven for ‘nine days’ and is expelled from the heaven in the ‘tenth day’ which may symbolize a one-thousand-year period.
Thus, if one wants to search some correlation between the Biblical story of the Creation and the geological data, a specific correlation might be found: six days of the Creation were six millennia of the warm period since the end of the glacial period. This time of very favorable climate (so-called Atlantic period) ended at the same time, and climatic conditions abruptly worsened. The event might be symbolically interpreted as the expulsion from Paradise.
Thus people can understand the Biblical text in the wider cultural context.
Celestial Conjunctions in a broad sense occur as two or more celestial bodies, mainly planets, are visibly close to each other. The planet parade (in a broad sense) is the collection of the sun, the moon, and the planets in the same sign or constellation, or in adjoining constellations. Solar & lunar eclipses repeat after these periods; the 18-year saros and the 54-year triple saros or exeligmos (already calculated in the ancient times) are significant among them.
The planet parade in the water constellation of Aquarius (the World Flood in ancient thought) of 2190 BC, coincided with the destruction of several Near Eastern civilizations and was interpreted as the Flood. The Gutian invasion in Mesopotamia in the same time was called a “flood” in Sumerian literature. The postdiluvian building of the Babel Tower correlated in its image and time with the building of the Ziggurat of Ur.
THE GLOBAL FLOOD AND THE BABEL TOWER: Where and when were they?
THE EARLY/MIDDLE BRONZE AGE TRANSITION in the stories of the Flood and the Babel Tower Iurii Mosenkis #19
The planet parade in the water constellation of Aquarius; the World Flood in 2190 BC coincided with the destruction of several Near Eastern cultures and civilizations, was interpreted as the Flood. The post-diluvian building of the Babel Tower correlated in its form, architecture and time with building of the Ziggurat of Ur. The Deluge occurred 1656 years after God’s Creation (Masoretic version) which is dated to 3760 BC, i. e. in the 22nd cent. BC. The ancient celestial sign of the Deluge (according to Plato, Berossus, & Josephus Flavius etc.) was the planet parade in a winter ‘water’ constellation while the sign of the Fire was the planet parade in a summer ‘fire’ constellation. Noah’s Ark like the Gilgamesh Ark symbolically relates to Pegasus‘ Square as eight inhabitants in Noah’s Ark were symbolized by the Sun, the Moon, and six planets (including Uranus visible to the naked eye). The planet parade in Aquarius near Pegasus occurred on February 14, 2190 BC coincided with a Solar Eclipse. 1 Post-Biblical sources also linked the Flood with the Pleiades, 2 The spring equinoctial Sun was located near the asterism at this time. Triple dating of the Flood in the Biblical tradition is reconstructed: by the ages of the Patriarchs (that can be summarized to calculate the Flood date), by the planet parade (interpreted as the Flood) in Scripture, and with the Spring Equinox related to the Pleiades via the Precession of the Equinoxes. The dry period during 22nd c. BC caused the end of the Old Kingdom of Egypt, the fall of the Akkadian empire in Mesopotamia, early bronze civilization of Canaan, Early Minoan period in Crete, the collapse of Neolithic cultures near Central China and extraordinary floods of the Yellow River 3, described in the Chinese sources, also had astronomical interpretations; as China floods are confirmed by natural, historical, and astronomical evidence. The Hekla H-4 eruption about 2310 BC can be related to climatic events. 1 The Mesopotamian floods had earlier archeological dates. The flood in the Sumerian epic is also earlier. However, the first written mentions of the Gilgamesh Epic and SA.GAZ/Hapiru (may include Abraham’s “Hebrew“ people) are dated from the same period, XXII–XXI cc. BC. The astronomers of the Third Dynasty of Ur may have seen the celestial event. 2 ‘In the Babylonian Talmud (Berakhot 58b), the Pleiades [Job 38:31-33] r e p r e s e n t cosmic frost, combatting Orion’s cosmic heat, [Sirius] and the “sluices of heaven” told in the Deluge story were opened by pulling two stars from the Pleiades’.
The centuries-old enigma of the Great Deluge
The Biblical concept of the Global Flood is very impressive for all readers of the text. Folklorists (such as J. J. Frazer) compare the motif with similar stories from all continents, archaeologists (like L. Woolley) unearths traces of local floods in several Mesopotamian cities, whereas critics of the Bible historicity (as L. Taxile) laugh. However, no interpreters link the story with the well-known events
of the 22nd century BC when the Flood occurred, according to the Biblical chronology. It will become clear that the key to the Flood enigma may be found in the history of that century.
Sir James Georg Frazer in his famous book Folklore in the Old Testament collected the flood stories from all over the world. After the well-known excavations of Sir Charles Leonard Woolley, the archaeologically identified Mesopotamian floods became regarded as main prototypes of the Biblical flood. On the other hand, the Global flood is described in Babylonian and Sumerian literature. Despite the literary influence of this Mesopotamian Epic on the Biblical text, archaeologically attested floods in Mesopotamia are not related with the Biblical narrative since dates of these ‘floods’ are different in localized cities, and all the dates precede the Biblical date.
The date of a Global Deluge in the Bible is clear: 1656 years after the Creation, or c. 2104 BC. No archaeological floods in the Near East were attested in this time, but we may take into consideration not only material culture and also 1) celestial signs and 2) chronological data from other traditions.
Starting with the latter, it is clear to the archaeologists that no global deluge, common for Greece, the Near East, and China, can be attested at any time in general and around 2200 BC in particular (only in China the river ‘deluges’ are attested in that time). Thus, we must search for possible traces of the deluge not on the earth but in the heaven. We must remember an ancient concept of the ‘Great Year’ (or Annus Magnus in Latin; precession), which likens a year to a far longer celestial or astronomical cycle (whose duration was disputable to many ancient authors). According to the idea, known in Babylonia (explained by Babylonian priest Berossus who lived in Greece) and in Greece (expounded by Plato), the earth periodically suffered from the great fire and the great flood. The fire occurs when all known planets gather in a summer constellation, but the flood occurs when the planets are collected in a winter constellation. Let’s note that the images of the winter constellations are closely related to the concept of water: where the boat-shaped Capricorn, 20/[2] wave-shaped Aquarius, 21/[3] and Pisces (‘two fish’) are. In addition, the ship where some humans save themselves from the flood in the Sumero-Babylonian epic has a square form like the Pegasus Square constellation near Pisces. 22/[4] [also in agreement with the square of Noah’s Ark].
The several planet parades in or near the aforementioned ‘Water signs’ may be calculated in the 22nd century BC. 23/[5] These celestial signs coincided with a significant climatic event 24/[6] such as the severe centennial-scale drought in northern Africa, southwestern Asia and mid-continental North America. The dry period during the 22nd century BC caused the end of the Old Kingdom of Egypt, the fall of the Akkadian empire in Mesopotamia, the end of the early bronze civilization of Canaan and the Early Minoan period in Crete, the collapse of the Neolithic cultures around Central China and large floods of the Yellow River.25/[7] The more exact climatic date is 2180–2170 BC, 26/[8] This date can be linked with a planet parade according to the ancients.
We must mention some possible historical and literary sources, that may have partially influenced the Biblical flood narrative. On the one hand, the afore-mentioned end of the Old Kingdom in Egypt in the time of the Biblical deluge occurred after the 100-year rule of Pharaoh Pepi/Piopi II, who may resemble the long-aged antediluvian Patriarchs (despite that their ages might mainly reflect the astronomical periods). On the other hand, the mountainous tribe of the Gutians invaded Sumer about 2150 BC, and this invasion was considered a deluge in the Sumerian poem. 27/[9]
Post-Biblical sources linked the Flood with the Pleiades, 28/[10] a sign of the sailing season in the ancient Greek astronomy, and the Spring equinoctial sun was located near the asterism at this time. Triple dating of the Flood in the Biblical tradition may be reconstructed: 1) by the ages of the Patriarchs (which can be summarized to calculate the Flood date), 2) by the planet parade (interpreted as the Flood), 3) by the spring equinox related to the Pleiades.
The dove, released as the symbol of the ending flood after the 40-day rains (Gen. 8:6–12), symbolizes the star group of the Pleiades (‘doves’ and the sign of sailing in ancient Greek astronomy), appearing in the Spring after a 40-day period of invisibility.
Primordial Heaven [Gen. 1:1]
‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was without shape (tōhū) and empty (bōhū), and darkness was over the surface of the watery deep (tehōm), but the Spirit (rūah.) 29/[1] of God was moving (the root rh.f ‘to soar’ related to rh.m ‘to hatch’) over the surface of the water’ (Gen. 1:1–2). Let us examine the key concepts of the passage.
Tōhū is akin to names of sea and sea monster [2]. Not only Tōhū but also cognate Akkadian Tiamat ‘primeval water monster’ and Leviathan-‘water monster’ (mentioned in other Biblical books, Job 41) might be compared to the Egyptian constellation of Crocodile (modern Draco).[3]
Bōhū as a cognate of Hebrew behēmōt [9x in OT; Deut. 32:24, Job 12:7, 40:15, Ps. 49:12, 20, 50:10, 73:22, Jer. 12:4, Hab. 2:17] ‘earth monster’ comparable to the Egyptian constellation of Hippopotamus (Ezek. 29:3 Ursa Minor).[4]
The Spirit of God (rūah, a cognate of the Arabic legendary bird Ruhh name) can be related to the image of Cygnus constellation (‘swan’ or simply ‘bird’ in ancient Greek astronomy).[5]
Thus, three primordial beings in the Creation story (Tōhū, Bōhū, and Ruah) might be linked to the circumpolar (unsetting, ‘immortal’) constellations of Draco, Ursa Minor, and Cygnus. Aforementioned Behemoth, Leviathan, and the monstrous bird Ziz of medieval legends might be other images of the same constellations.
On the other hand, the three primordial beings of Chaos may symbolize three Babylonian zones of the heaven: tōhū may be referred to the zone of Enki-Ea the water god (the southern constellations), bōhū may be linked to the zone of Anu the sky god (the constellations near the ecliptic), ruah refers to the zone of Enlil the air god (the northern constellations).
Behemoth’s sword (Job 40:19) and ‘the flame of a whirling sword’ which guarded the Paradise of Eden (Gen. 3:24) may be regarded as sword-shaped Cygnus or likely as Boötes which also resembles the sword. The fall of the primordial serpent in the book of Revelation may be related to such astronomical events as the exit of the North Celestial Pole from the constellation of Draco (post–2000 BC-precession of the pole star–Thuban)
with the motion of the constellation toward the horizon.
The throne of God (merkābāh) is a cognate of the name of chariot (Markab–star), whereas the unsetting circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major was regarded as a chariot in ancient astronomy[6].
Ursa Major might also appear in the image of menorah (1st description: Exodus 25:31-40) as ‘a lamp to burn continually’ (Ex. 27:20; Lev. 24:2-4). Hanuka (as the rite of altar renovation) and the burning of Hanukal menorah may symbolize the winter location of Ursa Major in direct opposition to the rising decan Ara (literally ‘altar’).[7] [Also seen in Rev. 1:20; 7 stars as angels of the 7 churches]
30/[1] Hebrew rūah. ‘breath, soul, wind’, Ugaritic rh, rh. ‘id’ (О Балу, с. 413), cf. Sumerian EN.LIL ‘lord of wind’.
31/[2] Hebrew tehōm ‘abyss’ or ‘ocean’ (Abb. 3:10; Gen. 1:2, Ps. 42:8, Ps. 71:20, see: О Балу: Угаритские поэтические сказания, с. 358), Akkadian tâmtu ‘sea’ and Tiamat ‘sea monster as an embodiment of primordial chaos’ (slain by Marduk who was symbolized by Jupiter). [see abyssos–9x in NT; Lk. 8:31, Rom. 10:7, Rev. 9:1-2, 11, 11:7, 17:8, 20:1-3]
32/[3] The name of Leviathan is a cognate of Ugaritic Lotan or Lawtan (who fights Baal Hadad) and Greek (borrowed from Semitic) Ladon (Draco, according to Hyginus’ Astronomy); cf. also Biblical monsters Tannin (Gen. 1:21; Ps. 74:13, comments: О Балу, с. 157; the same word in Ex. 7:9 means ‘snake’, in Ez. 29:3 ‘crocodile’, in Is. 27:1 ‘sea creature’; Hebrew tannin means ‘snake’, ‘sea snake’, ‘sea beast’: О Балу, с. 363) and Rahab (Is. 51:9; Ps. 89:10), Ugaritic snake Tunnunu fighting Balu (О Балу, с. 19-20, 181–182). The division of dragon in Babylonian cosmogonical myth means the creation of zodiac (this creation by Marduk after his victory over Tiamat is clearly described in the Babylonian epic). Draco is the primeval snake named Ophion in Orphism. However, some of these images might be influenced by the concept of the Hydra constellation.
33/[4] Bōhū is traditionally compared to βάαυ as a primordial creature of Phoenician cosmogony (Philo of Alexandria). Crocodile (Draco) is depicted on the back of the Egyptian hippopotamus-goddess Taurt (Ursa Minor). Cf. bhmtw as the designation of еру beast-shaped constellation in Qumranб Text I. 4Q 186.1: Тексты Кумрана, СПб., 1996, вып. 2, с. 264.
34/[5] Arabic Roc as Indian Garuda (which captures elephants and rhinoceroses) may also be Cygnus near Ursa Minor (behemoth in Egyptian mythology). The word rūah means ‘air’ and ‘wind’ in the Bible (Dobin, J., p. 215), and this word might be compared with Sum. En-lil, ‘god of wind’, as the lord of the northern sky; cf. also Eg. Shu, the god of air, and the first bird [Bennu bird] on the first hill (perhaps, the North Pole) in Egyptian cosmogony.
Preserved by the epic poet Hesiod and recently interpreted. Let us look at the sickle-shaped constellation of Scorpio which might symbolize the sickle of Cronus. About 3700 BC, the brightest star of Scorpio (Antares) became invisible in the autumnal equinox. From that time, two brightest stars were observable on the eastern horizon before the sunrise near October 6th: red Arcturus and white Spica.
Let’s recall that humans, especially men, were depicted in red dyes in Ancient Near East (such Egyptian pictures are the most famous). Adam’s name means ‘red’ in Hebrew: the name reflects a belief that the man was created from red clay (adama in Hebrew). It is very likely that nomads, attentive to the night sky, associated the brightest red star of Arcturus with Adam, created from red clay. The neighboring bright star of Spica in Virgo these nomads may have connected with Eve.[1]
There was also a planet parade near Spica in September 3760 BC. Compared, to the present epoch the Indian timeline (Kali Yuga) began in 3102 BC from with a Planet Parade. Moreover, the constellation of Serpens (whose Latin name means ‘snake’) arose over the eastern horizon near Arcturus and Spica at that time. Naturally, the snake of Eden might be linked with the image of Serpens constellation.
35/[1] The name of Eve (Ḥawwāh ‘living one’, possibly influenced by a Hurrian goddess Heba known as ‘the mother of all living’) may be associated with Aviv, another name of the first month Nisan (Ex. 12:2; 13:4; 23:15; 34:18; Deut. 16:1). The word abib means the stage in the growth of grain when the seeds have reached full size and are filling with starch, but have not dried yet. Perhaps, Aviv may be the Canaanite name of Spica. Spica rises in the evening while Aries rises in the morning during the first month of the Hebrew calendar.
The Biblical concept of Eden could be influenced from both of the mentioned sides, the Mesopotamian and Syrian traditions.
A careful reading of Genesis 2:9-14 on the rivers of Eden says; ‘And a river went out of Eden giving water to the garden; and from there it was parted and became four streams. The name of the first is Pishon, which goes round about all the land of Havilah where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: this river goes round all the land of Cush. And the name of a third river is Tigris, which goes to the east of Assyria. And the fourth river– Euphrates’ (Gen. 2:10-14). Usually, commentators look for four rivers, but it is clearly said in the text: these four rivers have one river as their source. What is the primordial river in Eden?
If Tigris and Euphrates are directly identified in the text, we must investigate other two rivers. Gihon in the land of Cush (northeastern Africa) was identified with Nile long ago by authoritative commentators of the Bible [1]. Moreover, the ancient Greek historian Diodorus of Sicily mentioned Okeane as the name of the Nile. It is clear that the names of Gihon and Okeane (variant: Ogen) are very similar.
And what is Pishon in the land of gold, and what kind of land it is? It is well-known that when the Bible was codified during the first millennium BC, Colchis in the western Caucasus, on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, was regarded as the gold-rich land where gold is mined very easily. Then, Biblical Pishon might be the Ancient Greek Phasis River (modern Rioni River) in Colchis, where the famous Argonauts sailed searching for the Golden Fleece. The Phasis River was the border of Europe and Asia, like the Nile bordered Asia and Africa, for the ancient Greek ‘father of history’ Herodotus.
Thus, what is that river whence not only the Euphrates and Tigris but also the Nile and the Phasis flow? It might be only the cosmological river of Oceanus, encircling the world in ancient Greek beliefs and depicted in the Babylonian world map. The stellar equivalent of the circular Oceanus River is the Milky Way which ancient Greeks named the ‘milky circle’. [In this Celestial version of Eden’s rivers, their mirror image is Eridanus, the river of judgment to the South pole that winds its course down to the infernal regions, under Orion’s Foot].
Searching for the astronomical images in the Biblical Eden narrative, we must recollect the Sumerian constellation of A.EDIN which was located in the place of the modern constellations of Virgo and Coma Berenices. It is the center of the Milky Way circle! Two trees of Eden (Genesis 2:17, 3:22) correspond with two ‘branches’ of the Milky Way.
Therefore, Eden may be a cosmological concept, tied to another cosmological concept of the World River, from which other rivers are flowing. In the Greek sacral geography, all rivers of the world flow from the Oceanus river, [2] the rivers are his children,[3] and the Oceanus is the river, associated with Elysium (a paradise in the ancient Greek beliefs).[4]
If Adam and Eve can be linked with the stars, [Gen. 3:15, 49:9-10] we have the same possibility for Cain and Abel. If one was very bad and another was very good, we must recollect the similar ethical characteristics of the stars. First, we can cast a glance at Antares and Aldebaran. Several millennia BC they were not only very perceptible stars in the sky but also the points of the equinoxes. Among them, Antares had a bad reputation. Its name connects it with Ares (Mars) because both are red, whereas Mars was considered a sinister planet in ancient astrology. If Cain was a plowman and Abel a shepherd (Genesis 4:2-3) then their symbols might be easily found in the sky: Antares is the brightest star of the sickle-shaped Scorpio constellation (sickle as an attribute of the plowman) whereas Aldebaran is the brightest star of the bull-shaped Taurus (bull as an attribute of a plowman). These stars are in opposition: when one rises, the other sets. In addition, both these stars are described among ‘four royal stars’ (linked with solstices and the equinoxes) in ancient Iranian sacral astronomy, whereas Iranian influence on the Bible is doubtless for many scholars. Similar astronomical ideas may also be found in the astronomy of the Babylonians.
The appearance of the proto-Semites: ethnological notes
Perhaps, the story of Eden might reflect not only Sumerian or Hurrian homeland (cf. the Kura-Araxes migration in Levant) but also the migration of the Proto-Semites from the African homeland to Mesopotamia (Eden from Sumerian edin) via Egypt (Seth might be a god of Proto-Semites in the pre-Dynastic Egypt, cf. Seth as the son of Adam and the god of the Hyksos) and Canaan (where the proto-Semites might have a conflict with the Ghassul-Beersheba culture of the possible Anatolian or Caucasian origin, 36/[1] reflected in the Cain-Abel story). 37/[2] The Egyptian influence on the post-Ghassulian early Bronze Age people was dated to the end of pre-Dynastic period and the time of the First Dynasty. 38/[3] Horus & Seth in pre-Dynastic Egypt may symbolize the Indo-European (proto-Indo-European *Her-, ‘bird, eagle’ > Egyptian [her] ‘Horus, the solar falcon’) and Semitic (Seth the son of Adam > Egyptian Seth the god of desert peoples.
[1] Wright, G. E. The archaeology of Palestine, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 91, No. 2 (Apr. – Jun., 1971), p. 280. Cf.: Tubb, J. N. Canaanites, University of Oklahoma Press (1998), p. 32.
[2] The desertification of Sahara c. 3500 BCE forced the Proto-Semites to migrate through the Nile Delta to western Asia. They were probably responsible for the collapsing of the Ghassulian culture (3800–3350 BCE), corresponded to Halafian culture, Amratian = Naqada I and early Minoan. Another indication to the arrival of the proto-Semitic culture is the appearance of tumuli in 4th and 3rd millennium Palestine, which were typical characteristic of Neolithic North Africa, Lipiński, Edward (2001). Semitic Languages: Outline of a Comparative Grammar. Peeters Publishers, p. 44; The beginning of the Early Bronze I period in Palestine coincided with the appearance of Egyptian artifacts, Мерперт Н. Я. Очерки археологии библейских стран, М., 2000, с. 123. It might be an evidence of migration via Egypt.
[3] Мерперт Н. Я. с. 123
Some of the more intriguing data we have offered in this study pertains to historical facts that goes back to what Joseph Campbell referred to as the ‘World Monomyth.‘ As mention of the Tower of Babel was discussed in light of the ancient Ziggurat of Ur, we find evidence of an Ancient Celestial Gospel that was corrupted in the astrological heathen idolatry of this ‘mud-brick tower, found in the midst of an ancient city-tower in the Plain of the land of Shinar, [Gen. 11: 2-4], not embodying the KJV mistranslation; “whose tower may reach unto Heaven,” but instead “whose tower is a representation of the heavens,” or their Celestial order. As we reflect on the Celestial aspects of the historical themes presented in this study, we find clear roles for Planet Parades and alignments, especially as they link to certain solar and lunar eclipses in history. The roots of this Celestial Science go back to the Bible Patriarchs like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, etc. and their key roles in carrying the tenets of the Celestial Gospel forward. So we continue in these efforts today as the return of the Lord Jesus Christ grows nearer and we keep our heads to the sky, and grounded together in God’s Word!
God Bless,
1. Figure 1 Picture credit- [ Joe Hindy Dec. 20, 2024 3:24 p.m.] Stellarium
2. Figure 2 Picture Credit [–when-to-see-6-planets-in-2025]
7. Figure 6 picture credit [].
8. Fig. 7 (Imagecredit:JoeRao/StarryNight) watch-the-moon-hide-the-seven-sisters-of-the-pleiades-star-cluster-tonight
10. Figure 8. Picture credit, Lunar Occultation of Mars, Jan. 13th, 2025.
11. Figure 9 Picture Credit; 30-31
12. Figure 10 Picture credit; [] The Galileo spacecraft obtained the images to make this composite in 1996. Image via NASA Photojournal.
13. Figure 11 Picture Credit: Astronomy Magazine: Roen Kelly.
14. Figure 12 Picture Credit: Olympus Mons- Reddit
15. Figure 13 Picture credit: Jan. 7, 2025, 40 minutes before Sunrise to the Southeast. Astronomy Magazine: Roen Kelly.
16. Figure 14. The decan Of Coma in the Dendera Zodiac. Witness of the Stars, p. 34. E.W. Bullinger
18/[1]. Dobin, J. Op. cit., p. 135. Wu, K. C. (1982). The Chinese Heritage. New York: Crown Publishers, pp. 35-44, 66-67, and 450-467.
19/[2]. Seder Olam: A Rabbinic view of Biblical timeline, comment. by H. W. Guggenheimer, A Jason Aronson Book (Lanham etc., 2005), p. 48. 3 Stanley, Jean-Daniel; et al. (2003). “Nile flow failure at the end of the Old Kingdom, Egypt: Strontium isotopic and petrologic evidence”. Geoarchaeology 18 (3): 395–402 abstract;jsessionid=44A608E8ADEF474CDFADEAECC7F515BF.d03t03 ; Weiss, H; et al. (1993). “The Genesis and Collapse of Third Millennium North Mesopotamian Civilization”. Science 261 (5124): 995–1004 ; Gibbons, Ann (1993). “How the Akkadian Empire Was Hung Out to Dry”. Science 261 (5124): 985; ; ; Chun Chang Huang; et al. (2011). ‘Extraordinary floods related to the climatic event at 4200 a BP on the Qishuihe River, middle reaches of the Yellow River, China’, Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (3–4): 460–468 ; ; the catastrophe of about 2200 BCE was related to India and Kenia, Нудельман Р. Библейская археология, Ростов-на- Дону: Феникс; Краснодар: Неоглори, 2008, с. 221–226
20/[2]. Its modern name of the Ancient Greek origin means ‘horned goat’, but initial Sumero-Babylonian constellation was ‘goat-fish’.
21/[3]. Its Greek name Hydrokhoos means ‘water-pourer’.
22/[4]. An Old Indian story of Manu, whose ship was led by the divine fish during the flood, may be related.
23/[5]. 2104 BCE, 2106 BCE, 2190 BCE, and the latter coincided with the solar eclipse.
24/[6]. So-called transition from the Subboreal period to the Subatlantic period, or the 4.2 kiloyear event / Bond event 3 about 2200 BCE.
25/[7]. Stanley, Jean-Daniel; et al. (2003). “Nile flow failure at the end of the Old Kingdom, Egypt: Strontium isotopic and petrologic evidence“. Geoarchaeology 18 (3): 395–402,;jsessionid=44A608E8ADEF474CDFADEAECC7F515BF.d03t03 ; Weiss, H; et al. (1993). “The Genesis and Collapse of Third Millennium North Mesopotamian Civilization”. Science 261 (5124): 995–1004, ; Gibbons, Ann (1993). “How the Akkadian Empire Was Hung Out to Dry”. Science 261 (5124): 985; ; ; Chun Chang Huang; et al. (2011). ‘Extraordinary floods related to the climatic event at 4200 a BP on the Qishuihe River, middle reaches of the Yellow River, China’, Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (3–4): 460–468 ; ; the catastrophe of about 2200 BCE was related to India and Kenia, Нудельман Р. Библейская археология, Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс; Краснодар: Неоглори, 2008, с. 221–226.
26/[8]. It was a brief (only ~ 20 yr) and extreme ‘dry-spike’ in the Dongge Cave in China, Weninger, B. Forecasting societal change due to climate variability, p. 4,
27/[9]. The Cry about the destroying of Sumer and Ur, lines 75–76, comments: Rohl, D., p. 247.
28/[10]. ‘In the Babylonian Talmud (Berakhot 58b), the Pleiades represent cosmic frost, combatting Orion’s cosmic heat, and the “sluices of heaven” in the story of the Deluge were opened by pulling two stars from the Pleiads’, Seder Olam: The Rabbinic view of Biblical chronology, comment. by H. W. Guggenheimer, A Jason Aronson Book (Lanham etc., 2005), p. 48.
29/[1]. Spirit (rūah.) of God was moving (the root rh.f ‘to soar’ related to rh.m ‘to hatch’) over the surface of the water’ (Gen. 1:1–2).
30/[1]. Hebrew rūah. ‘breath, soul, wind’, Ugaritic rh, rh. ‘id’ (О Балу, с. 413), cf. Sumerian EN.LIL ‘lord of wind’.
31/[2] Hebrew tehōm ‘abyss’ or ‘ocean’ (Abb. 3:10; Ps. 42:8, see: О Балу: Угаритские поэтические сказания, с. 358), Akkadian tâmtu ‘sea’ and Tiamat ‘sea monster as an embodiment of primordial chaos’.
32/[3] The name of Leviathan is a cognate of Ugaritic Lotan or Lawtan (who fights Baal Hadad) and Greek (borrowed from Semitic) Ladon (Draco, via Hyginus’ Astronomy); cf. also Biblical monsters Tannin (Gen. 1:21; Ps. 74:13, comments: О Балу, с. 157; the same word in Ex. 7:9 means ‘snake’, in Ez. 29:3 ‘crocodile’, in Is. 27:1 ‘sea creature’; Hebrew tannin means ‘snake’, ‘sea snake’, ‘sea beast’: О Балу, с. 363) and Rahab (Is. 51:9; Ps. 89:10), Ugaritic snake Tunnunu fighting Balu (О Балу, с. 19-20, 181–182).
33/[4] Bōhū is traditionally compared to βάαυ as a primordial creature of Phoenician cosmogony (Philo of Alexandria). Crocodile (Draco) is depicted on the back of the Egyptian hippopotamus-goddess Taurt (Ursa Minor). Cf. bhmtw as the designation of еру beast-shaped constellation in Qumranб Text I. 4Q 186.1: Тексты Кумрана, СПб., 1996, вып. 2, с. 264.
34/[5] Arabic Roc as Indian Garuda (which captures elephants and rhinoceroses) may also be Cygnus near Ursa Minor (behemoth in Egyptian mythology). The word rūah means ‘air’ and ‘wind’ in the Bible (Dobin, J., p. 215), and this word might be compared with Sum. En-lil, ‘god of wind’, as the lord of the northern sky; cf. also Eg. Shu, the god of air.
35/[1] The name of Eve (Ḥawwāh ‘living one’, possibly influenced by a Hurrian goddess Heba known as ‘the mother of all living’) may be associated with Aviv, another name of the first month Nisan (Ex. 12:2; 13:4; 23:15; 34:18; Deut. 16:1). The word abib means the stage in the growth of grain when the seeds have reached full size and are filling with starch, but have not dried yet. Perhaps, Aviv may be the Canaanite name of Spica. Spica rises in the evening while Aries rises in the morning during the first month of the Hebrew calendar.
36/[1] reflected in the Cain-Abel story).
37/[2] The Egyptian influence on the post-Ghassulian early Bronze Age people was dated to the end of pre-Dynastic period and the time of the First Dynasty. 38/[3] Horus & Seth in pre-Dynastic Egypt may symbolize the Indo-European (proto-Indo-European *Her-, ‘bird, eagle’ > Egyptian [her] ‘Horus, the solar falcon’) and Semitic (Seth the son of Adam > Egyptian Seth the god of desert peoples.