A Deeper Perspective on the Precession of the Equinoxes

A Deeper Perspective on the Precession of the Equinoxes

Welcome to the Sept. 2024 blog! With the change of Seasons from Summer to Fall it reminds us of how the Heavenly Father has placed us in a temporal world, where change is the ever-present standard of the Ages of our World. Those who seek to honor God in our lives and follow the example of His only begotten Son; Jesus Christ, will take this opportunity to put off the old man, and put on the New, so we can participate in transforming ourselves into more Christlike people. In this process, it’s certainly great to have the spiritual body of Christ’s Church to grow into, as we daily approach the Return of the Lord. This month’s study provides the temporal context of this lifetime journey… God tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:9-15 [Amp. Bible]

What profit remains for the worker from his toil? 10 I have seen the painful labor and exertion and miserable business which God has given to the sons of men with which to exercise and busy themselves11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages [the world related to time], which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end12 I know that there is nothing better for them than to be glad and to get and do good as long as they live13 And also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor-it is the gift of God14 I know that whatever God does, it endures forever; nothing can be added to it nor anything taken from it. And God does it so that men will [reverently] fear Him [revere & worship Him, knowing that He is]. 15 That which is now already has been, and that which is to be already has been; and God seeks that which has passed by, [so that history repeats itself]. [Prov. 3:11-23]

If only we humbly reach out to Almighty God on His terms, can we gain a deeply valued perspective in understanding the works of His hands in His Creation. In this Biblical sense and context we resume our search for a deeper meaning behind the Astronomical Phenomena that rules over the ages of the world, known as the Precession of the Equinoxes.

The history of Biblical Astronomy gains new insights as we view the Biblical context of the Patriarchal astronomers, starting with Adam regarding their view of the heavens. God’s revelation of His Intelligent design of the cosmos, was taught to Adam-the 1st Man initially, and passed on to Biblical Patriarchs and others, during Adam’s 930-year life span. During the transmission of this revelation, it retained its accuracy since it was transferred from God to Adam in the same generations it was received, before Adam taught it to others. The Revelatory Astronomy of God depicting the poles, ecliptic and Equator, all arising from the direction of the Earth’s axis, exhibit critical aspects of the Precession of the Equinoxes as a key part of God’s plan of a figurative geocentric position of Earth’s central location in the heavens. Since Earth was the only celestial body inside the firmament in the 1st Heaven and Earth, with Mankind not yet created, only Angels lived to serve the Almighty. This  speaks not only to the Precession of the Equinoxes, but also the Precession of the Pole star related to the shifting Ages, as seen on top of Figure 1 below. As we view the Creator’s original plan of Creation, in 3 Heavens and Earth’s, a benefit of this study affords readers an updated view of the Precession of the Equinoxes; that lays out a precessional timing of the Ages and events opening the Second Heavens and Earth. As a result, new light is shed on these events and temporal periods, in the context of the 1st Heavens and Earth, not only from a Biblical view, but also a historical vantage point.

In the Figure 1 graphic of Precession provided below, we find eight of the 12 signs of the Mazzarothor Constellations of the ecliptic labelled. Following the sign Cancer in the blue rectangle of the ecliptic band, is a blank yellow rectangle where the sign for Gemini-the so-called Twins” belong. The next brown box keeps space forTaurus the Bull. After Taurus we find an orange rectangle for Aries the Ram. In the long march of 12 2,160 year-Precessional Ages, this Age of the Ram directly preceded the Age of Pisces the Fishes. This is our current Age of Precession, as we have already seen 2000+ years of the 2,160 years of the Piscean Age, that opened with a 7 BC triple conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn, as part of the Celestial Prelude that set the stage 3 years later for the Jupiter-Regulus triple union in Leo marking the 3BC birth of Christ.

Figure 1. Precession of the Equinoxes. #1

As we proceed in this study, we will see how the 12 signs of the Mazzaroth or Zodiac are represented in the ancient Egyptian Dendera Zodiac, that itself prophesied of the birth of Christ. This also depicts one way that the Great Sphinx prophecy of the birth of Christ, not only relates to Dendera’s witness of Christ, but also of how Precession is the ultimate Zeitgeist, or Spirit of the Times-as each of the 12 constellations or signs carry their own symbolic weight, in relating the message of the Celestial Gospelas we find in greater detail below. 

Looking at the Creation record in Genesis 1-2, we do not find reference to the Creation of Angels, during the Creation Week, because God already created the angels, who pre-existed this Age with Lucifer as his morning stars,” seen in [Job 38:4-7, Jude 6, 9, Rev. 12:3-4], in the first Heaven and Earth. We know of 3 Heavens & Earths since the Apostle Paul was caught up” [2 Cor. 12:2-4to a  3rd Heaven, [G3772ouranos; used in both singular & plural interchangeably, referring to tiers of space above earth’s surface, where fowls of the air fly; (Mt. 6: 26), and clouds form rain (Mt. 24:30, Js. 5:18), under the celestial motion of the Sun, Moon and Stars; [Mk. 13:25].#2 Above temporal limits is a restricted dwelling of Holy Angels & God, outside of and separate not only from our own Age-time, in a Second Heavens and Earth, but detached from a previous Age, before man was createdThese 3 Heavens & Earths occur in a time sequence, starting “in the Beginning in Gen. 1:1, and 2 Pet. 3:6, as the world [G2889-kosmos: sum total of a material universe with all inhabitants, people or space, #3, versus [G165aion: Mt.12:32, 13:39-40, end of distinct world-ages].#4 The world that was then,that became formless & void” in Gen. 1:1-2, when an unknown length of time between the destruction of the 1st Heavens and Earth, and the events of the Creation Week in the 2nd Heavens and Earth occurred2 Pet. 3:7 says “the Heavens and Earth which are now,takes us into the present Age in the 2nd Heavens and Earth, while 2 Pet. 3:13; links us to a 3rd Heavens and Earth-still future, [Isa. 65:17, 66:22-24] that God exposed to the Apostle Paul-[2 Cor. 12:2-4], wherein dwells righteousness.

Fig. 2. The Layers of Earth’s Atmosphere inside a 2nd Heavens and Earth.#5

This contains an image of:

In Gen. 1:6, we find the initial usage of “tavek” in God’s Word. The first occurrence of this word refers to God’s order in the firmament, as He Divided the waters of the great deep, above the expanse of heavens or the waters outside the firmament, from waters inside this expanse, below the firmament. This paints a picture of a heavenly firmament akin to a cosmic bubble, bordered by an immense reservoir bordering the Universe’s edges.  Today’s firmament contains all the celestial bodies in Creation, but in the First Heaven and Earth, before the Creation of Man, only God’s Angels served the Almighty Creator. The Chief Archangel Lucifer was the first in command next to God, who led all the Angelic choirs, offering and Praising the Almighty for His Goodness and Grace, [Job 38:7]. God Created Angels with freedom of will, so they all had a choice to obey God’s Will or notGen. 1:1-2 tells us more about God’s Creation:

Gen. 1:1-2

In the beginning God (prepared, formed, fashioned, and) created the heavens and the earthThe earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of the Almighty God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the watersGod being the Perfect, Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Creator, He did not create the Heavens and Earth as it was found in verse 2, “without form and an empty waste,” and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep.

Gen. 1:1 is the beginning of the First Heaven and Earth.
Gen. 1:2 says; “Earth was without form” means it Became a formless Void, in the destruction resulting from the rebellion and unsuccessful coup‘ of Lucifer. This is why Darkness [H2822-choshek: misery, death, destruction, wickedness, sorrow, ignorance], #was introduced with these calling cards of the evil one, moving upon the faces of the Deep. In 2 Pet. 3:6, referred to above; the world that was then, being over-flowed with water, perished. This flood does not refer to Noah’s flood in the 2nd Heavens and Earth, but to the destruction of the 1st Heaven and Earth in Gen. 1:2, flooded by LuciferThen the Almighty Spirit of God moved upon and inspected the faces of the waters, His Presence being the precursor to calling Light back into unified existence over the faces of the waters

Gen. 1:3-6  And God said, Let there be light; and there was lightAnd God saw that the light was good (suitable, pleasant) and He approved it; and God separated the light from the darknessAnd God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, One day.

Since the Sun, Moon and Stars were not created till the 4th day, the presence of God Himself, His presence was the Source of light [Rev. 22:5] that was Good [H2896; towbmorally goodbeautiful, excellent, joyful, fruitful, lovely, cheerful, virtuous, kind]#7 all Godly traits, in the first 3 days of Creation Week. Since Lucifer, the head of the fallen angels separated himself from God’s light in declaring war and rebellion against God Almighty, God divided [H914-badal; disjoined, distinguish diverse things, shut out, banned, severed],#the darkness from the light.

God is light and in Him is no darkness at all, so the absence of light depicts the presence of someone besides the Almighty who caused the Creation to become a formless and empty wasteland. This was caused by the rebel angel Lucifer who deceived 1/3 of these angels into following him in a revolt against the Almighty [Rev. 12:3-4], declaring war against Him; [Rev. 12:7-9]. The fallen angels now constitute the devil spirit realm under the dragon, [Isa. 14:12-29]. This act of rebellion by Lucifer was the act of “Original Sin” which activated spiritual Entropy,” since corruption was introduced in the angelic realm of spirits, when Lucifer tempted the Morning Stars to follow him in a revolt against the Almighty, resulting in Satan taking 1/3 of the angels down with him, when he was kicked out of heaven, and cast down to Earth. We then find Lucifer on Earth after his failed coup’-as the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, [Ezek. 28:12-19, Gen. 3:1-7] after the Creation record of the 2nd Heavens and Earthtempting Eve to steal Adam’s dominion over the Earth. This record of temptation shows Adam’s dominion was delivered into Satan’s hands, to do with or dispose of as he likedOne of these options was choosing to tempt the Lord Jesus Christ with this dominion, that of course, he rejected. [Luke 4:6]. This also introduced the corruption of physical Entropy into the idyllic state of the world of the Second Heavens and Earth in the Garden of Eden, [Gen. 3:6ff, Rom. 1:18-32, 8:21-22]. Below is a summary of Thermodynamic Laws of nature currently in force, a result of the Fall of Adam & Eve from the perfect state God made for them in Eden

Figure 3. Laws of Thermodynamics [Pinterest.com]#9

This contains: Laws of Thermodynamics, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, First Law of Thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Third Law of Thermodynamics

The record of this terrestrial paradigm of the Genesis 1 Creation record on the Second day tells us in verses 6-8;

And God said, Let there be a firmament [the expanse of the sky] in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters [below] from the waters [above].  7 And God made the firmament [the expanse] and separated the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse. And it was so. And God called the firmament Heavens. And there was evening and there was morning, a Second day.

Since God did not create the Sun, Moon, and Stars till the 4th day of Creation Week, in the Second Heavens and Earth, all the waters below the expanse of the firmament were concentrated on Earth. In context of the Creation of the First Heavens and Earththe use oftavekin light of God’s ordering of all Creation, extends to include the entirety of our planet Earth. But the Earth of the First Heaven and Earth was not the same as the Earth we inhabit today, since man had not yet been created, nor had the Earth been appointed as the Garden home for Man or the Plant and Animal kingdomsAlso the Sun, Moon and Stars were not created until the fourth Day of Creation week in the 2nd Heavens and Earth. Thus, contrary to human Astronomical Science, the Earth preexisted the Sun, Moon and Stars in the firmament, and held all the water under the firmament of the heavens. Earth also remained the focus of God’s Presence with these waters under the Firmament, concentrated on Earth.

As we keep the Temple of Jerusalem, as the terrestrial paradigm of the North Pole in mind, the word “midst” above in [II Chron. 6:13], is “tavek” [H8432- the center, or bisection, so called from its being divided].10 As a terrestrial reflection of the celestial structure of the firmament, an important aspect of the Temple ground-plan is thus revealed, as we will see below.

The Sun’s Cycle of Precession

Starting with clear Biblical evidence of precession in Psalm 19, showing the Sun’s dual year;” its precessional and annual cyclesthe two prime standards for astronomical time. This differentiates the Sun’s dual year, first seen in it’s annual cycle, spending one month in each sign of the 12 Mazzaroth signs, as opposed to the retrograde precessional cycle, where it spends a “great monthor 2,160 solar years in each of the ecliptic 12 signs. As the Sun moves through all 12 signs of the tropical zodiac, the Sun completes its cycle of a “great year,” in about 25,920 solar yearsPsalm 19:6 briefly refers to the Sun’s retrograde motion.

Psalm 19:4-6

Yet their voice [in evidence] goes out through all the earth, their sayings to the end [H7097-qatseh]#11 of the world [H8398-tebel]. #12 Of the heavens has God made a tent for the sunWhich as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; and it rejoices as a strong man to run his courseHis is from the end [H7097] #13 of the heaven, and his circuit [H8622tequphah]#14 unto the ends [H7098-Isa. 40:28, 41:5, 45:21-22; Jer. 49:36 Creator of the ends of the earth]#15 of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

His going forth is from the end of the heaven… a reference to the Sun’s path through the ecliptic, so called because all the solar and lunar eclipses occur on it’s course. The words “going forth” in Hebrew are mowtsa [*H4161], meaning the dawn, the east, a gate, the rising of the sun. #16

Thus it refers to the place or gate of the rising of the Sun, also known as the vernal point of the Spring Equinox, the sign of the zodiac where the sun rises,  indicating the sun’s retrograde precessional movement, because the sun rises in a different gate,” or successive zodiacal house on avgevery 2,160 years.

The sun’s annual cycle, or solar year is seen in “his circuit” above, which in the Hebrew is [H8622tequphah]: or, “at the end of the year” [2 Chron24:23], #17 an obvious reference to this annual solar cycle. Thus we have a basic Biblical contrast between the two solar cycles. We find Joseph’s dreams in Genesis 37, revealing a greater depth on a Biblical testimony of precession.

Joseph’s 2nd dream in Gen. 37: 9-11 reveals a precessional context, with its use of stellar terms, like “eleven stars making obeisance” to his star or sign of the Bull, Taurus. These 12 stars” of Joseph’s dream correlate with Jacob’s 12 sons in [Gen. 49, Deut. 33] forming the Sidereal zodiac. We also find that the Sun’s retrograde motion as the precession of the Vernal equinoxagainst a fixed background of the sidereal zodiac of the 12 signs on on the ecliptic. Thus Joseph’s 2nd dream reveals astronomical truth that his 1st dream with an agricultural theme, does not.

Genesis 37:5-11 
And Joseph dreamed dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. [6] And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: [7] For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance [H7812]#18 to my sheaf. [8] And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign [H4427]#19 over us? Or shalt thou have dominion [H4910] #20  over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words. [9] And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance [H7812]#21 to me. [10] And he told it to his father and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down [H7812]#22 ourselves to thee to the earth? [11] And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying. [dream-5x, dreams-1x, dreamed-5x=11x]

Taurus the Bull Constellation of Joseph.

Astrological zodiac sign - Taurus. Vintage astrological drawing. Galaxy sky on the background. Can be used for horoscopes. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

On the Hebrew zodiac, Taurus the Bull, was Joseph’s sign, split into 2 horns, for Ephraim and Mannasseh[Num2:18-20, Deut. 33:17], his two sons. This allowed a substitution the rebellious tribe of Dan, in a circle of 12 tribes of Israel. This allowed for the Levitical 13th tribe to be placed in the center of the zodiac’s circle, with the pattern of the stars mirrored in Israel’s seed, as they camped around their Tabernacle in the wilderness of Sinai during their forty years of wandering. The Sun’s relation to the 13th tribe of Levites, may be an Intercalation allusion to a 13th month, aligning solar & lunar cycles in the Hebrew Calendar. The Levites, being the priestly tribe, had the charge of affairs for the Tabernacle, housing the Ark of the Covenant. An aspect of the Tabernacle’s celestial plan can be found in the edifice of the wooden framework that provided a foundation upon which the Tabernacle’s curtains [H3407]#23 (Ps. 104:2-3, Isa. 40:22, Ex26:26-36), hung. Their assembly was 48 units, each ten cubits high, and 1.5 cubits wide…#24 This implies a structure to these 12 zodiacal signs including their 36 decans, (12+36=48) divided into ten degree decans, showing not only God’s celestial order in the Tabernacle of the Sun [Ps. 19:4], but also marking the earthly Tabernacle as the focal point reflecting the spiritual light of God’s presence among His people during the Old Testament. This was established in the priestly order of service instituted in the Temple by King David, with 24 courses of priests, each serving twice during Israel’s calendar year, totaling 48 weeks. When the 3 weeks of Passover, Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles are included, wherein all the priests served, we have the 51 weeks of Israel’s luni-solar year, divided according to sacred and civil standards. The sacred year began in Nisan, the month of the spring Passover, while the civil year in the fall started in the seventh monthTishri 1the Day of Trumpets signaling the onset of Israel’s holiest month. This depicts the Creator’s light reflected in the celestial structure of Creation, ruling over the Hebrew’s timekeeping, manifest in the sacred priestly service and architecture of the Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple, fulfilled in Jesus Christ as King and High Priest, after Melchizedek’s order.

As stated above, the Hebrew words for “going forth” are mowtsa [*H4161], meaning the dawn, the east, a gate, the rising of the sunUpon closer viewthe root of mowtsa” [H4161], is [H3318yatsahto gogo forth, bring out in a great variety of applications]. #25 To Germinate or expand as a plant; [Gen. 8:19, Job 29:4-25, God knows the goings out and comings in of Leviathan;
. 33:2, Job 41:20-21, Isa. 13:10-13, 37:28-9, in reference to the serpentine constellations, or Dragon Decans like Draco, Hydra, Cetus, & Serpens
]. The various serpent constellations mentioned here represent different areas of power in manifestation in the adversary’s Kingdom, and their part in the Celestial GospelGod knows all that the enemy is up to, and by His perfect Omniscient Wisdom and foreknowledge, He knew He would need a special warrior class of Archangel, like Michael & his Angels, even before Lucifer’s failed heavenly revolt in the First Heaven and Earth. A Messianic Prophecy in Micah 5 sheds added light here.

Micah 5:1-2 

5:1 Now gather yourself in troops, O daughter of troops; a state of siege has been placed against us. They shall smite the ruler of Israel with a rod (a scepter) on the cheek. But you, Bethlehem Ephratah, you are little to be among the clans of Judah; [yet] out of you shall One come forth for Me who is to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from of old; [H6924-Qedem: positioned to the east, Gen. 2:8-eastward in Eden- is a positive connotation for East, as Gen. 11:2 is negative in reference to Babylon’s Astrology & the tower of Babel. #26 It also means Antiquity;” [Ps. 74:12-15, 77:5-6, 11-1223:7-9]This Hebrew noun is unusual in that it has both a geographical and temporal meaning, as does Precessionthat refers to the four points of the compass, and the ages of the Precession of the Equinoxes. It occurs 61x in the Heb. OT, having a definite flavor of an idyllic state. #27 One Heb. synonym is [H5769owlam, a word for ancient Days, or everlasting] that also means (eternity). Owlam- is what is hidden or concealed, to the vanishing point, time immemorial, from the most ancient times. [Gen. 6:4, 1 Sam. 27:8, Isa. 63:16, 64:4-5, Ps. 25:6, distant future-past, without endperpetuity, everlasting time, in plural it means multiple ages], #28 as in the context of Precessional ages compared to Biblical dispensations, or Ages. This also carries with it the tone or spirit of an Age [zeitgeist] as seen in the signs and Constellation symbols tied to specific Ages of Precession. [see Plate 3 Chart below]

Micah 5:3-6 

Therefore shall He give them up until the time that she who travails has brought forth; then what is left of His brethren shall return to the children of IsraelAnd He shall stand and feed His flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His God; and they shall dwell [secure], for then shall He be great [even] to the ends of the earthAnd this [One] shall be our peace. When the Assyrian comes into our land and treads upon our soil and in our palaces, then will we raise against him seven shepherds and eight princes among men. And they shall rule and waste the land of Assyria with the sword and the land of Nimrod within her [Assyria’s own] gates. Thus shall He [the Messiah] deliver us from the Assyrian [representing the opposing powers] when he comes into our land and when he treads on our borders.

The Plate 2 graphic of the Dendera Zodiac below shows the Pegasus Square, as a square scroll laid between the two Fishes of Pisces, with “Axis E” of this famed Egyptian Zodiac, running through the corner of it. As we stated in our website study on the Stars of the Dendera Zodiac: the main Taurus-Scorpius Axis of this zodiac, with the Leo-Aquarius axis, match the main axes that identify the Age of Taurus in the Bible, in Numbers 24:7-9. The context of Numbers 2 shows us the order of 12 tribes of Israel in their wilderness encampment, matching the zodiacal order of the 12 signs/constellations on the ecliptic. In this way, the Dendera Zodiac not only provides key evidence of Archaeology how the ancient Hebrews and Egyptians both utilized a practical knowledge of the precession of the equinoxes, but in the Hebrew’s case, they applied it directly to their belief in a prophecy of their coming redeemer, with Nature’s verification of the Celestial Gospel, in support of the Holy Writ of the Old Testament Scriptures, as the Creator spun the Sun, Moon and Stars in synch with His prefect Precessional timing in the Celestial Gospel.

Thus, the Zodiac of Dendera also provides strong supporting evidence from the history of Biblical Astronomy as to the belief in a coming redeemer, since this ancient Egyptian zodiac prophesies in very specific ways not only concerning the time he would appear, but also concerning his unique sacrifice via the very same celestial imagery utilized in the Bible. This important theme is set forth in John Lash’s realization of the presence of a 5th Axis on this Zodiac, from Spica, the brightest star in Virgo. #29 The Hebrew name for Spica [Al Zemach]-the Branch/offspring of God, [Jer. 23:5-6] is embodied in God’s only begotten Son– Jesus ChristSpica is only one of just two stars specifically marked on the Dendera Zodiac, the other being Sirius, the central star linked to the flood stages of the Nile, and the Sothic Calendar, logging one of it’s oldest historical Calendar dates4241 BC. The 1461-year Sothic calendar also conforms to the 260-day pattern of the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar [260 x 1461] that equals 365.25 x 1040 days, adhering to the pattern of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions, as they break down the windows of the precession of the equinoxes through the ages.

Plate II. Axis “E” on the Dendera Zodiac #

John Lash’s comments concerning this 5th Dendera Axis are enlightening when viewed in context of the history of the Hebrew’s in ancient Egypt with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, as a forerunner of Christ, and Lawgiver of Israel, who led them through the wilderness unto the Promised Land. As Lash states in his unpublished book, The Skies in Memory:

“The Dendera Zodiac’s inventor was looking ahead to our time in the Piscean Age, when the spring equinox occurs under the tail of the western fish, since this is the time that the entire cycle culminated. With the spring equinox at this position in Pisces, the axial cross locks in unique alignment with the Galaxy.” Lash goes on to say that he considers the star Spicato be the master key to the Dendera Zodiac#29

The Dendera Zodiac marks our Piscean Age with the first appearance of the Branch and offspring of God, seen in how “Axis E referenced above, coincides with the star Spica and the opening of the Age of the Fishes, that later marked the moments of his birth in 3 BC.  In the Plate 2, chart above marking Axis E as the 5th axis of the Dendera Zodiac, extending from Spica, in the Virgin’s hand, via the North Pole in the Jackal’s paw, across the 2 fishes of Pisces to the Ram-headed altar on the periphery of the Dendera Zodiac, that neatly bisects this altar. The altar shows 4 Ram heads of the Egyptian idol Banebdjedet, of Mendessailing on his solar barque across the heavens, as pictured on the astronomical ceiling in the outer Hypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera. In the design of the famed circular Zodiac at Dendera, the internal [precessional time] & external [lunar-decans design] depicted a coordinated solar-lunar circuit. When Axis E [line unifying Virgo/ Leo, of the Great Sphinx] intersects Pisces the Fishes, it depicts the alignment with the Spring/Vernal Equinox a precessional prophecy of Christ’s birth. As Axis E extends to the Zodiac’s periphery crossing the lunar decan of a 4-headed Ram god of Egypt, whose 4 faces orient to the four directions of the Compass.

Figure 4. The Four headed Ram god of EgyptBanebdjedet.#30

Banebdjedet as a four-headed ram, surmounted by Nekhbet

Like the positive aspects of the Cherubim were depicted, as a special class of Angels who are always prominent in God’s throne-room, so the four-headed Ram god of Egypt, whose four faces are a shadow of these “four royal signs” on the zodiac, as the Cherubim ruling the four-corners or celestial pillars of heaven, previously seen in Numbers 24. This collective pairing of 8 idol gods the Ogdoad spirits [four Diamon pairs], held the Cardinal direction positions in the 1st Heavens and Earth. Were they the key actors in its flooding, under Lucifer? [2 Pet. 2:4 “hell=[G5020-tartarus; confined in a special place for judgment due to their unique sin; Jude 6. #31  In Greek Myth, Tartarus was the deepest area in the underworld, a prison and place of torment and suffering for the wicked, akin to the lake of fire, and the second death in Scripture or a place of destruction. The Satanic angel condemned to the bottomless pit called Apollyon in Greek, [G630], [Abaddon-H11in Hebrew, [Rev. 9:11]. It was also the name of the god who symbolized the pit; with Sheol in Job 26:6-7, Ps. 88:10-12.]

As the mythology of the Great Sphinx preserved some truths of Gen. 49:8-10, and the Jupiter-Regulus triple union starting Sept 14th 3 BC, with the birth of Christ, so also we find correlations to the flood of 2 Pet. 3:6, that destroyed the 1st Heavens and Earth, in Dendera’s extension of Axis E. The Almighty-Creator God used the 10 Plagues over Egypt to prove His supreme, Omnipotent power over the false idols of Egypt. Each plague was directed at the impotent gods of the Egyptian pantheon, so that Egypt would witness first-hand, the identity and power of Jehovah. As the Lord Jehovah is the only Self-existent and Eternal GodMoses relayed the message God told him on the holy Mount, (Exo 7:5). Jehovah showed He was the Almighty SovereignCreator in these 10 plagues, and that He controls all that exists on the Earth. The Lord used Moses as an apostle by whom the plagues would be brought to bear over the Pharaoh and Egypt, with a primary goal that the plagues would cause Pharaoh to free the nation of Israel from slavery.

The List of 10 Plagues over Egypt

  1. Aaron’s staff turned the Nile waters to Blood: Exodus7:14-25. The idols judged: Hapi: the God of annual flooding; Osiris: The Nile River was his bloodstream.
  2. Aaron’s staff again brought the plague of Frogs: Exodus 8:1-15. The gods judged: Hapi and Hegt the goddess seen with a frog’s head related to fertility.
  3. Lice: These were tiny, stinging, blood sucking gnats from the dust. Exodus 8:16 -18. The god judged: Seb: the earth god.
  4. Flies that came in swarms: Exodus 8:20-32. The gods judged: Hathor: the goddess of protection; Vatchi: fly God.
  5. Livestock die: Exodus 9:1-7. The god judged: Apis: the bull god.
  6. Boils on the body: Exodus 9:8-12. The god judged: Sekhmet: goddess of epidemics.
  7. Hail and Fire: Exodus 9:13-15. The gods judged: Nut; the sky goddess; Seth: God of storms; Shu: God of the atmosphere/wind.
  8. Locusts: Exodus 10:1-20. The gods judged: Sirius: crop god; Serapia: protector of crops.
  9. Darkness: Exodus 10:21-29. The gods judged: Ra: the sun god who was most worshipped God in Egypt.
    10Death of the First Born: Exodus 11:1-12:36. The gods judged: Heget: goddess of birth; Min; the God of reproduction. Deliverance from death was only thru the offering of the Passover lamb. As a result of the plagues; both Pharaoh and the Egyptians beg Moses and Israel to leave Egypt. God fulfilled His promise to free Israel. #32

The ancient iconography of the Egyptian 4 headed Ram god was part of a pantheon of 8 idol godsthe Ogdoad, or 9 Ennead idols with Atum/Khnum, the Nile waters Supreme male guardian, in four pairs of idol consorts in ancient varied Myths, in On-Heliopolis, & Thebes. Their first reference is a primeval-first Earth mound, arising out of the Chaotic waters of Egyptian Creation Mythall sharing a common source in the demiurge-Nun & Naunet’s watery ChaosKek & Kauketwas darkness innate in the waters. The denizens of the Deep; opposite the Material world of the living, mirrored a Concealed and invisible-Amun & Amaunet-air goddess. While Heh & Hauhetwere the undirected watery chaos extending to infinityThese 8 gods of the Ogdoad, ruling the 1st cosmosconceived as a collective in Four pair, of Ram-Headed man-wife couples, forming the idol-god Banebdjedet. Can Egyptian Creation Myth, shed light on the destruction of the 1st Heavens and Earth in Genesis 1:1-2

 Atum gave rise to the male Wind god Shu and his wife-sister, Tefnut; whose union made an empty void between the Earth god Geb-tied to the Lice plague and the Sky goddess Nut, linked to the Hail plagueIn comparing the Hebrew and Egyptian texts, where the union of these spirits of the god and goddess of Earth and Sky, caused an empty void to form, similar to the Bible’s formless void– tohu va bohu,What intrigues me; in Gen. 1:2 is the seeming symbiotic relation in the Chaos and Darkness of the formless void, where the confusion powers the darkness, in the heart of this Chaos. This darkness is opposed to the light, but its symbiotic nature brings to mind the structure of the 4 pairs of man-wife couples seen above. Since the enemy is parasitic, having no good original thoughts of his own, he knows he can’t top the Creator’s perfection, so as the Adversary can’t top a symbiotic symmetry that the Almighty-Creator must have first installed in the Angelic cohorts of the 1st Heaven & Earth, the serpent corrupted God’s first plan for Angels, to maximize his control over the counterfeit order of his spirit realm.

As we follow Axis Ethe unity line between Virgo and Leo of the Great Sphinx, at the one end of Dendera’s Zodiac, this unity line embodies other marriages between the four pair of Ogdoad couples, with one uniting the Divine twins Shu (at left) and Tefnut (at right, lioness-headed); or Adam and Eve, that the Tempting Serpent used to divide them, causing the fall of mankind in Eden. The Egyptian rendition of Adam and Eve is seen on the astronomical ceiling of the Temple of Hathor below, at Niteyóre (Dendera) 

Figure 5. Gemini the Divine twins Shu (left) and Tefnut (right) on Dendera Zodiac.#33

the Gemini Zodiac sign... - Ancient EGYPT - مصر القديمة ...

The root of the original Hebrew-Syriac word for “Gemini” according to Seiss; “does not run so much on the idea of two brought forth at the same birth as “twins,” but more on the idea of something completed, as a year come to the full, or a long betrothal period brought to consummation in perfected marriage.” #34  This lends to our grasp, not of a short period in Original Paradise, but a longer period closer to a 2,160 yrPrecessional Age.

The following Chart shows how Precessional Ages correlate with the Biblical Administrations, revealing a consistent progression of spiritual themes as God’s Plan of the Ages to deliver mankind via the Messiah unfolds. This provides the overarching context for God’s redemption and restoration plan for Mankind and Creation, in the redeeming work of Christ-a Centerpiece of the Ages. The ancient Egyptian, version of Gemini’s Zodiac Sign seen in the Divine twins Shu and Tefnut, would thus match the Precessional Age of Gemini with dates from 6480-4320 BC, seen below corresponding to Adam and Eve in Original Paradise.

Plate III. Precessional Ages Aligned with Biblical Administrations

Precessional Ages Aligned with Biblical Administrations
Zodiacal Sign/Age Biblical Admins Heavens  & Earth              Precession Age
Start Dates BC 
 Cancer Angels 1st Estate 1st H & E 8640-6480   Gen1:1-2







Original Paradise


O.T. Law


Millennial Age  

Final Paradise

2nd H&E

2nd H&E

2nd H&E

2nd H&E

2nd H&E

3rd H&E




2160-7 BC

7BC-2153 AD


2153 AD-ever

Gen. 3:8ff


Ex. 19:16ff

Acts 2:1

. 21

This march of the Precessional Ages is recorded in ancient star maps like the Dendera zodiac, in a recognition of the axes built into its structure. As noted, the concept of this progression of Bible History based on the Ages of Precession, is a general introduction, where the apparent links to the Age of Geminito the Bible Age or Administration of Original Paradise, when God made, formed and Created Adam and Eve, as the first man and wife, are detailed. The dates of the Precessional Age of Gemini fall in line with general parameters of dating a Young Earth Creation,but with added supporting legitimacy seen in the Biblical evidence of Precession of the Equinoxes, going back to Joseph through Abraham and Adam. The solid Biblical evidence of Precession proven in Scripture, was first presented on my [Try-God.com] website in early 2003.

In his classic book “The Gospel in the Stars,” Dr. Joseph Seiss says: “Regarding the sign Gemini, “the Twins were said to be initiated into all the Mysteries, and were invited guests at a great Marriage, where a severe conflict occurred.”#35   In Greek Myth they were considered invincible warriors and specifically seen as friends and protectors of navigation, as on the ship from Alexandria that Paul sailed on from Malta, on his journey to Rome; named Castor and Pollux, [Acts 28:11]. In myth, as patrons of great powers over the four winds & good fortune over-seas, [Jer. 49:36] they were in company too with Jason and his crew of Argonauts contending for the Golden Fleece; the sacrificial hide of the Lamb. Seiss notes that in ancient stellar pictures of the Denderah Zodiac, the twin figures were not of one sex, as seen below where a man is seen hand-in-hand walking with a woman, and have been referred to as Adam & Eve. #36

 In the Prophecies of the Celestial Gospel in the 12 constellation-signs, the Man is the 1st Adam, while 2nd Adam-Jesus Christ, is with his foreshadowed Bride-the Messiah-Prince, in the 1st Adam with Eve; the 2nd Adamdestined for a glorious union with his Bride in everlasting dominion, with the Church of his spiritual body.

Figure 6. The Quadrangular Zodiac at Dendera. #37


In the upper left corner of this Quadrangular Zodiac of Dendera we find the sign Gemini, as a man-wife couple sailing together in their barque, similar to the image below from the circular Dendera zodiac.

Egyptian GEMINI Zodiac (Horoscope)

For our purposes here, it appears plausible that Gemini’s zodiacal position  prior to the Age of Taurus, depicted as the first couple; Adam & Eve certainly fits the chronology of Precessional Ages, according to our understanding of the Biblical Administrations. The Age of Gemini would have been the Age of Innocence in the Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve, made in God’s image and likeness, in Eden, with dominion over all the earth, [Gen. 1:26].

Figure 7. Gemini on the classic Circular Dendera Zodiac.

In these above renditions of the circular Dendera Zodiac we can see Gemini as the man-wife couple circled in red above, and below, between Taurus the Bull, and Cancer the Crab, or in ancient Egypt-the Scarabaeus.

Figure 8. Enlarged Man-Wife color image of Gemini in Figure 7.#38

On the possible meaning and origins of the Zodiacal sign Gemini: Shu and Tefnut and the Zodiac of Dendera – ayinyhvh

The Figure 9 graphic below provides a summary of the complete cycle of the Ages of Precession as a Sine Wave, with significant Biblical Patriarchs from Adam leading to Christ-the 2nd Adam. Here the Age of Gemini matches with Adam, omitting the attempt to justify 13 Billion years of “evolution” in an effort to exclude the Almighty Creator from His Creation

Figure 9. Sine Wave/Menorah graph of Long Term History [pinterest.com] #39.

This contains an image of: SINE-WAVE DIAGRAM: precession equinoxes

I trust you enjoyed this expanded view of Precession and I look forward to your comments and questions.

God’s Abundant Blessings to you All!!



1. Figure 1 picture credit [https://humanoriginproject.com/precession-equinoxes/]
2. Strong’s Concordance, [G3772ouranos] James Strong.
. IBID, [G2889-kosmos].
. IBID, [G165aion].
. Figure 2. picture credit [VectorStock/30349471]
Strong’s Concordance, [H2822-choshek:], James Strong
. IBID, [H2896; towb].
. IBID, [H914-badal].
. Figure 3 picture credit, Laws of Thermodynamics [Pinterest.com]
Strong’s Concordance, [H8432-tavek“], James Strong
11. IBID, [H7097-qatseh].
12. IBID, [H8398-tebel].
13. IBID, [H7097-qatseh].
14. IBID, [H8622-tequphah].
15. IBID, [H8398-tebel].
16. IBID, [*H4161-mowtsa].
17. IBID, [H8622tequphah].
18. IBID, [H7812-shachah].
19. IBID, [H4427-malak].
20. IBID, [H4910-mashal].
21. IBID, [H7812-shachah].
22. IBID, [H7812-shachah].
23. IBID, [H3407-yeriyah].
24. KJV Bible, Exodus 26:26-36
25Strong’s Concordance, [H3318yatsah], James Strong
26. IBID, [H4161-mowtsa].
27. IBID, [H6924-Qedem].
28. The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, in Lexical Aides to the OT. [H5769owlam]
29. IBID, [H5769owlam].
30. The Atlantis Blueprint, Colin Wilson & Rand Flem-Ath, ppg. 171-172.
31. Figure 4 picture credit;[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banebdjedet#/media/File:Mendeswidder.jpg]
32Strong’s Concordance, [G5020-tartarus], James Strong
33. Dr. Gary Baker-independent columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; email him at pastor@gracebaptistpaso.org.
34. Figure 5 picture credit; [Amentet Neferet – Religion and Traditions of Ancient Egypt]
35. The Gospel in the Stars; Joseph Seiss, p.113.
36. IBID, p. 112
37. [https://ayinyhvh.wordpress.com/2016/07/01/on-the-possible-meaning-and-origins-of-the-zodiacal-sign-gemini-shu-and-tefnut-and-the-zodiac-of-dendera/]
38. IBID, The Quadrangular Zodiac at Dendera.
39. IBID, Figure 8 picture credit; [

The Celestial Gospel.

Welcome to our April 2024 Blog! This month we are featuring the class Syllabus notes for the first two segments of the Celestial Gospel Seminar that was run by Rev. Jon Nessle and myself in Mahwah New Jersey. What a great Day in the Word we enjoyed with all the Northeast believers, this month graciously hosted by PK Krywos of the Christian Family Fellowship of New Jersey Believers. The class Syllabus notes for Segment 3-the concluding session are found in the June 21′ blog. The entire class will be available online shortly for your edification and enjoyment!

 Old Covenant Foundations of the Celestial Gospel

There is an existing debate over the validity of a Celestial Gospel over the years, the term referring to what E.W. Bullinger called the “Witness of the Stars” in his popular book on the subject, published in 1893. A Bullinger contemporary  was Dr. Joseph Seiss, who published “The Gospel in the Stars,” a decade earlier in 1882. These two resources provided a foundation for study in this important area of research, as they built on earlier work of Frances Rolleston who published her work in the book; The Mazzaroth, or the Constellations in 1865. E.W. Bullinger credits Rolleston for her research as the first to generate interest in this key but, misunderstood topic.

Although FRolleston was the first among more modern writers to advocate the Celestial Gospel, that does not mean that there are no ancient texts that support or attest to the Gospel in the Stars. For the most part, we need only consult the Biblical Text for all the needed proof, since God always protects
the integrity of His Word, whether Spoken, Written in the Stars, or written in
Scripture. A goal of this research is to provide a solid Biblical and spiritual foundation for The Gospel in the Stars, which as a specific topic of study has remained a bit cloudy and illdefined in certain categories up to now. Since the cornerstone of the Celestial Gospel foundations are found in holy Scripture, they provide the spiritual principles upon which the Star Gospel is based, but they are
by no means the only historical evidence supporting these foundations. There is a rich astro-archaeological history of ancient cultures like Egypt, India, Persia, not to mention ancient Israel naming a few, whose testimonies added their voices to support of the meanings and concepts of the star names of the Celestial Gospel.

Although the monumental works of Rolleston, Bullinger, Seiss and others did provide a basis to understand the idea of the Celestial Gospel, their works did not fully disclose the OT Covenant foundations of the Celestial Gospel in God’s Word. Thus, lacking the full Biblical basis for the Celestial Gospel, it is critics like Faulkner, who have attempted to exploit this blindspot to discredit the idea of The Celestial Gospel, that demands a response to shine a positive spotlight on this key topic. This is a focus of our current study. In context of Jon Nessle’s OT History Class, an overarching framework of God’s OT Covenants initiated by God to Man were establishedstarting with Adam and Seth, and  included NoahAbraham, MosesDavid and the prophets, completed in the Promised Seed-Jesus Christ. This was generally accomplished in previous teachings in our seminar on the Celestial Gospel of the OT History Class. Today we will expand on the basis of these teachingsproviding added key details to the truths we first presented two years ago.  

In a recent critique of the writings of Frances Rolleston and the idea of the “Gospel in the Stars,” that she popularized c. mid-1800’s, [Dr. Faulkner-2013] states;

Not only are there no texts preserving the original knowledge of the gospel in the stars, but we know of no sources before Rolleston that claimed that there ever were such texts, or that any ever lived who believed such things. The first source we know of to make this claim is Frances Rolleston’s book. Let me be clear—it is obvious from Rolleston’s book that she had no texts that clearly taught her thesis. Instead, she created the meanings to support her thesis without reliance upon any older texts. The evidence we have that is most consistent with the Gospel in the stars thesis not being an ancient idea at all, but entirely the invention of Frances Rolleston less than 200 years ago.”#1

To begin our response to Dr. Faulkner’s assertion that the idea of “the Gospel in the Stars thesis not being an ancient idea at all,” we will open with evidence to first counter Faulkner related to the Great Sphinx

Figure 1. The Great Sphinx

ancient egypt

In the ancient Egyptian language, one later derivation of the word “Sphinx” is found in the Egyptianshesep ankh,” meaning a living image. However, instead of the living idol images of idol gods or pharaohs, a proposal of this study is that the Great Sphinx was originally intended as an oracle of the Promised Seed and the Messiah. Both Lockyer and Rolleston state, that a function of the Great Sphinx symbolized the summer Solstice 4000 years before Christ, sealed by the union of the constellations Virgo and Leo. The name “Sphinx” in the ancient dialects means “the pouring out” as in [Deut. 33:19] relating to the creation of the world, the inundation and the summer solstice, where the Nile begins to rise. Deut. 33:19 translates the inundation of the Nile as ‘abundance’ in the blessing of Zebulon who bore Virgo upon his standard.”#2  There exists a tradition that the Creation took place at the summer solsticeThis view of the figure of the Great Sphinx was seen as the junction of the signs Virgo and Leo, marked by the star Denebolaa star name meaning “the Lord comes quickly.” 3#

The Riddle of the Sphinx attests to the Sun’s solar circuit on the ecliptic [Ps. 19:1] that marks the starting point of where to begin reading the first chapter of the wondrous heavenly scroll of the Celestial Gospel. Another meaning of the word “Sphinx” is to “bind closely together” and this design of the junction of the signs of the Virgo and Leo constellations, shows the two ends of the Mazzaroth to be joined in a renown mythical union of the greatest and oldest Sculpture on our Planet. The union of the head of the woman-Virgo with the body of Leo the Lion, the Great Sphinx is a constant reminder from ancient Egypt, to begin our deciphering of the circular witness of The Celestial Gospel in Virgo that concludes in Leo. This ancient and great monument thus not only preserves the canon of God’s Word engraved in the heavens but also this fusion of alpha/omega signs in Scripture are inseparably linked for all time, written in the stars. As Enoch Prophesied of the Promised Seed [Jude 1:14] before this witness was ever committed to holy Writ of Scripture, [Ps. 19:1-4], so his witness is a doctrinal pillar to support the Celestial Gospel. This heavenly witness has been continuously rehearsing the truths of the Creator’s handiwork to all ancient cultures of the created earth, as God established a tabernacle for the Sun in the 12 constellations and signs of the Mazzaroth, on the Zodiacal Band and the ecliptic, [Rev. 12:1-2].

notes that this junction of Virgo and Leo, marked by the star Denebola, a name meaning “the Lord or Judge who comes quickly,” thus embodies the living image, of the Lord Jesus Christ coming in judgment. As the star marking the link between Virgo and Leo, the prophetic message of the alpha and omega signs of the Biblical zodiac, the celestial image of the coming Messiah has endured in the largest, oldest and most renown sculpture on the planet-The Great Sphinx.

The Mystery of the Sphinx and the Celestial Gospel

Scriptural references and ancient sources demonstrate that God called the constellations by their names, opening with Virgo and ending with Leo, and their order is divinely orchestrated, forming the ancient basis of the Gospel in the Stars. The Almighty has ensured the preservation of His Gospel in the Stars not only in the 100+ individual ancient Hebrew star names, many preserved in Hebrew Scriptures, but also with 425+ star names from all ancient languages, including ancient Egypt that documents the themes taught by each of the 12 constellations, supported by their decans.

Ps. 147:4-5 He telleth [H] the number of the stars; He calleth [H] them all by their namesGreat is our Lord, and of great power: His understanding is infinite. [See also Isa. 40:22-26]

The Scriptures are God’s Revealed Word and absolute standard for truth, and the oldest book in Scriptural canon is the Book of Job, that contains more ancient direct astronomical references to star names than any other. Some of the same words that God uses as star names also occur in other Scriptural contexts, from which we can glean added depth to the truth evident in both Gospels written in the stars and Scripture. The truth that God Himself numbered and named the Stars, shows the weight and emphasis He puts on His Celestial Gospel, [Isa. 55: 8-13]. God did not leave the integrity of the truth of His Word in the hands of men, for any aspect of His Wordendorsing the integrity of both Scripture and the Gospel in the Stars under the exclusive authority of God Almighty alone. We find this depicted as the Almighty questions Jobregarding Who has control over the Heavens.

Job 38:31-33 31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

It is the witness of Scripture alone that supports the validity of the Celestial Gospel, to stand or fall on the merit of these Godly Covenants, as the word of the Almighty requires no assistance from secular sources, the ordinances of heaven. But this does not mean there is a lack of secular evidence in support of the Celestial Gospel, including archaeological history from ancient Egypt that appears on this link, to my blog in April, 2020. This study is part of a series of rebuttals against Dr. Faulkner’s critique of Frances Rolleston’s writings on The Mazzaroth, along with the works of Dr. Bullinger and DrSeiss.

To understand the roots of the Celestial Gospel, we must first comprehend God’s Creation of the Heavens and Earth, and His Covenant’s with Man, beginning in Genesis. The StarsSun and Moon were not created till the 4th day of Creation Week. These lights in the firmament were organized, to divide the day from the night, and for signs, seasonsdays and years, as the Sun, Moon and Stars move in their preordained courses on the eclipticset in synchronized motion by the Hand of The Almighty, in the beginning. [Gen. 1:14-19, Ps. 19, Isa. 40:22-26]

Faulkner admits that; “Gen. 1:14 records that one of the purposes of the heavenly bodies is for man to mark the passage of time (seasons, days, and years), which has always been a function of astronomy. As the first man, Adam was in place to establish astronomy, in its calendrical function, thus Faulkner has no quarrel with this aspect of the stellar witness of the heavens, that has been a given in the scientific community going back to many ancient cultures like Egypt and Greece, also agreed by Josephus.” #4

As we proceed in this study, we will see how Adam’s position as the first man in establishing astronomy and timekeeping based on astronomical calendars, is a key aspect of the narrative providing a foundation for the Celestial Gospel, established with Noah’s Covenant, that cannot be ignored. We will also see that the Celestial Gospel includes key topics in astronomy both vital and central to the History of Astronomyforming basis at the origins of Astronomy as an aspect of Scientific inquiry. An example of this is the conception of the 12 constellations on the ecliptic as a unit. Another related concept is that of The Zodiacal Band, found documented below. Both of these concepts are included in the Celestial monument of the Great Sphinx, as seen in the oldest book of Biblical Canon, the book of Job;

Job 19:23-25

23 Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book!
24 That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock forever! 25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:

These verses were not only indicative of Job’s knowledge of his coming redeemer, but also of his faith that this redeemer would stand at a future latter day upon the earth. This knowledge directly corresponds both, with a witness that was engraved in the rock forever, remaining unto our day, and in agreement with the witnesses of the celestial and written gospels. The word “For,” beginning verse 25, grammatically depicts the purpose of his words along with a monumental witness in stone, whose longevity still stands in our day, as a witness to the redeemer that Job foresaw so long ago. Thus, Job’s reference in this majestic declaration of his redeemer, graven in rock forever, is readily linked with this enduring memorial on the Giza plateau, analogous with the prophecy written in the stars, as a unit between Leo and Virgo, in the Celestial Gospel, memorialized in the Great Sphinx.

In the only book of the Bible, exclusively addressed to the Patriarchal AgeJob’s stone-cut words ring out from the earth’s most massive and ancient hand carved sculpture, as a witness of the stars, testifying to observe, what God provided not only to Biblical Patriarchs in the Bible’s first book written by Job, but in
unique concert with the Celestial Gospel that predated the written Scriptures, engraved in the heavens as a precursor of the first book of God’s sacred text, in Genesis 15. Here God records His Covenant with Abraham, telling him to look to the stars, to see if he could number them, adding “so shall thy seed be.” The very idea that God recorded His Covenant with Abraham in the stars of the Celestial Tapestries, linked the perpetual nature of His Covenant with the 12 tribes of Israel to the fixed stars, in steadfast permanence, that furnished evidence in the 12 constellations of the Heavens; as a multi-media affirmation of His truth, the enduring witness and everlasting Word of the Almighty Creator.

As we have seen in previous blogs the origin and purpose of the Great Sphinx is rooted in astronomy. The stellar function of the Great Sphinx is augmented by the role of the Sphinx as a sighting device, tying directly to its astronomical functions, in this case to observe and record the horizon points of the sunrise, as documented by Moses Cotsworth.#5 This aspect of the Sphinx shines new light on its astronomical origins related to the Dendera Zodiac, from it’s Temple in EsnehEgypt. From the hieroglyphs on this ancient Egyptian Zodiac we find a representation of the basic celestial elements of the Great Sphinx broken down in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. Inset graphic of Virgo and Leo originating the basis for the Great Sphinx in its original Celestial Context.#6

relief from the Temple of Esneh

The inset graphic on the Dendera Zodiac above is from Egypt’s Esneh Temple, where an image of a Sphinx was put between the signs for Leo (on the lower left) and Virgo (on the right, holding a branch). The word sphinx means “to bind closely together” (from Greek-Sphiggo), depicting the point where the Mazzaroth/ 12 constellations begin and end. And, like the female head of the Sphinx, the constellations begin with Virgo, and end in the Sphinx’s lion tail, with Leo. This reveals an astronomical purpose of the alpha-omega signs on the ecliptic, denoting the inception point of where to begin reading the witness of the stars as they relate the circular message of the coming King and redeemer-Jesus Christ, on the ecliptic. This divine order of the Mazzaroth, is preserved in the Sphinx, as an exhibit in a Megalithic Museum of archaeo-astronomy structures on the Giza Plateau-with the Pyramids, and the Great Sphinx unlocking age-old mysteries of the zodiac, consistent with the themes of the Gospel in the Stars, taught by men of God like Enoch, and Seth; as great examples of Patriarchs of the Bible, before the tenets of Scripture were fully committed to writing. This notion is supported by ancient traditions in Egyptian and Bible History, where Enoch held a key place as the embodiment of Thoth-the god of wisdom, and as the divine scriberecorded the King’s deeds in his reign. The semblance between Enoch and Thoth/Hermes, is evident as both were revered pertaining to the invention of writing and sacred booksWith shared celestial rootsHermes ostensibly recorded 36,525 books and lived 365.25 years, so Enoch also lived 365 years, [Gen. 5:23] to match the number of days in a solar, and Egyptian Sothic year. This stands out in the genealogy of Bible Patriarchs as an anomaly, as all of Enoch’s relatives- in a line of Bible Patriarchs had life spans exceeding 895 years-except Lamech who lived 777 years; in excess of twice Enoch’s lifespan. In later Judeo-Christian lore, from Josephus, offspring of Seth including Enoch, was credited with planning and building two pillars, one of stone linking to the Great Pyramid of Giza, and the other, likely the Great Sphinx, were both encoded with prophetic wisdom in the Siriadic land,” referring to Egypt, the land of Sirius, before the flood. [see the “pillar” of Isa. 19:19]#7

In reference to a key astronomical function of the Great Sphinx, in its Pre-dynastic stellar role as a sighting device, one astronomical aim was to watch and record the horizon points of the sunrise, seen not only in the Great Sphinxorientation facing due east, but also to mark the tropics of Capricorn & Cancer. 

The Great Sphinx

Image result for Great Pyramids with satellite pyramids images

The Sphinx’s solar alignments related to earth’s tropical borders, depicted ancient knowledge of the Zodiacal bandwithin which the heavenly bodies and stars named by God the Creator [Ps. 147:4, Gen. 37:9-11, Isa. 40:26, Job 9:7], shed their 3-fold light upon the Earth. God set the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, as celestial boundaries wherein the Sun, Moon and Planets all moveabove and below the celestial Equator. God created all the stars and numbered these celestial bodies, but He did not name them all without exception. Thus, the stars within the Zodiacal Band-God marked to carry His message in The Celestial Gospel, and His eternal plan to redeem mankind. There have been few to realize the key role of the Great Sphinx as the Alpha/Omega signs in the the circle of the Celestial Gospelbut I have not seen it referenced as an early symbol of the Zodiacal Band anywhere else. We find added biblical evidence of this in Joseph’s 2nd dream, [Gen. 37:9-11], in its astronomical context.

Gen. 37:9-11 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto himWhat is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? 11 And his brethren envied himbut his father observed the saying.

The Zodiacal Band of 12 primary Constellations and their stars.

In Joseph’s second dream, we find evidence not only of the knowledge of the Zodiacal band with the Biblical Patriarchssince Joseph’s 11 brothers appear as 11 stars, with Joseph as the 12th constellation, summarizing the primary signs found along the paths of the Sun and Moon, embodied in Joseph’s parents. We also see evidence of the ancient knowledge of the Precession of the Equinoxes, wrapped up in the idea that “the eleven stars made obeisance to me.” This idea that the other 11 Constellations of the eclipticbowed down, prostrated them-selves to Joseph’s sign/star, exhibits a figurative idea of precessionexpanded upon in the link above. This ancient knowledge of the zodiacal band with the Bible Patriarchs, is added astronomical proof, and key aspect of the Celestial Gospel in concert with Scripture, astronomy and the Great Sphinxthe head of the woman-Virgo unified with the body of the Lion-Leo, as a stellar prophecy of the promised seed in the birth of Christ.

We also find the perfection of divine order in the number 10 related to the genealogy of Biblical Patriarchs, and the legacy of God’s Covenants with man, where not only Noah was counted as the 10th generation from Adam, [Gen. 5:1-32], but also in Abraham as the 10th generation from Shem, son of Noah [Gen. 11:10-26]. Thus all Earth’s inhabitants, were saved in Noah’s seed, as the focus of God’s singular purpose to redeem and save sinful man from every tribe, tongue, nation, and race, through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, [Gen. 3: 15]. This reveals God’s purpose, as developed in a further series of Covenants building from Noah to Abraham and his seed, providing both a temporal and spiritual context of how God Almighty not only repaired these Ages or spiritual dispensations, but also progressively revealed His eternal purposes in Christ.

Contrary to Faulkner, Dispensationalism presents a framework to interpret Scripture as it lays out successive periods of redemptive history where God progressively revealed more and more about His plan of redemptionThis corresponds to [Heb. 11:3] “the worlds [aion-ages and time periods] or each of the ages [dispensations] were framed by the word of God… This also exposes Faulkner’s falsehood that God would reveal His entire redemption plan to the first Adam.

As we build the case for The Celestial Gospel in Scripture, an added key aspect of this narrative involves the astronomical subject matter of the ancient prophets in harmony with the application of their star prophecies. In the oracle of Balaam in [Num. 24:8] below as he beholds the glory of Israel’s wilderness encampment, and he identifies three of the four tribes at the cardinal points of the compass; Aquarius in verse 7, emptying his water buckets into the Southern fishPisces Australis, with Taurus the wild Ox in verse 8, and Leo the Lion in Num. 24:9. Num. 24:8 documents how God brings the 12 tribes coming from Joseph and his 11 brothers out of Egypt, in summary by referencing three of the “corner-stone tribes” of Israel that embodied the constellations of Aquarius, Leo and Taurus. These royal constellations of Israel provide us the anchor points of the 4 key tribes at the foundational sides of Israel’s wilderness camp, later carried over to the structure of the city plan of Jerusalem itself.

iii. Balaam’s Prophecy. This imagery from the prophecy of Balaam spoke of the destiny of Israel. He mentions that Israel shall pour water out of his buckets” (Reuben/Water Bearer), “he lay down as a lion” (Judah/ Lion) and he has “the strength of a unicorn” (Joseph/Bull), and shall “break their bones” as does either an eagle or constrictor serpent (Dan; Num. 24:7-9). This attests to the fact that the Northern tribe of Dan was omitted from this list of the 12 tribes because they introduced the forbidden practice of idolatry to Israel, and were replaced by the Eagle/Aquila. The idea that again all four figures correspond to the cornerstone symbolism indicates that this prophecy refers to constellations linked to these 12 tribes. For instanceancient stellar history shows the signs of Taurus (the bull) and Orion, in cave art of Lascaux, in France, dating back to 3000-2900 B.C.

cave art

For those who do not think there is any reference to the stars in the picture of the bull above, please note the series of dots above his back. These are the Pleiades. The dots under the eye of the bull are the Hyades, and the four dots to the left of the bull’s nose are the stars in Orion’s belt. There is really no avoiding this identification. #8

The book of Job is the earliest completed book of the Old Testament, written circa 2900 B.C. In Job 38:31-32, the Pleiades and Orion are both mentioned by name, and linked closely with Taurus.

Num. 24:2-9 [ESV]

 And Balaam lifted up his eyes and saw Israel camping tribe by tribe. And the Spirit of God came upon him, and he took up his discourse and said, “The oracle of Balaam the son of Beorthe oracle of the man whose eye is opened,[athe oracle of him who hears the words of God, who sees the vision of the Almighty, falling down with his eyes uncovered: How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your encampments, O IsraelLike palm groves[b] that stretch afarlike gardens beside a riverlike aloes that the Lord has plantedlike cedar trees beside the watersWater shall flow from his bucketsand his seed shall be in many watershis king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted.

 God brings him out of Egypt and is for him like the horns of the wild oxhe shall eat up the nations, his adversariesand shall break their bone  in pieces and pierce them through with his arrowsHe crouched, he lay down like a lion and like a lioness; who will rouse him up? Blessed are those who bless youand cursed are those who curse you.”

The cycles of the Sun and Moon bowing down to Taurus from Joseph’s dream [Gen. 37:9-11], tells us that the precessional Age of Taurus is indicated, which is consistent with the cardinal constellations pointed out in Numbers 23-24, that detail the precessional markers or cardinal points for this age. This precessional knowledge filtered through ancient Egypt and was applied along with the Sothic Calendar, during the Age of Taurus, documented by many archaeo-astronomers. #9 Even as Abraham is recorded in history among the first teachers of the ancient Egyptians, there were others like Enoch and Shem before him. As Jacob’s grand-father, Abraham also schooled Jacob in the tenets of the Patriarchal Academy of Astronomy.

This exerted a powerful influence on the Astronomy of the ancient Near East. We find this knowledge applied in the stellar alignments of numerous ancient Egyptian temples oriented to zodiacal signs signifying their related precessional age, as pointed out by Dr. Herbert Lockyer, providing added evidence that the Biblical Patriarchs not only knew of the precessional cycle, but also applied it in a spiritual context, as we find here in Numbers 24, with their wilderness encampment around Israel’s Tabernacle. In Exodus 25, God’s Word reveals a standard of the Pattern [H8403] of the Tabernacle [H4908; Ex. 26, 38:21, Ex39, 40:1-33, Ps. 46:5, 84:1-2, 132:5-7]#10 that God showed Moses, as a blueprint to build God’s tent, or Sanctuary [H4720-Exo25:8 below], according to how God dwelt among His people, as a point of contact for Israel, as He led them into and through the wilderness.

Ex. 25:8-10
And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it. 10 And they shall make an ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.

Dr. Ernest Martin’s conclusion, from scrutinizing this Biblical data, that “there was a common Divine pattern regarding the structure of the universe seen in the Garden of Eden, the Hebrew Camp in the wilderness, and the Temple built by King Solomon. One way to see this common pattern between the earthly and  heavenly structures is in a comparison between the three general compartments within the Temple, and the three heavens noted in Scripture, as the three main sections of the Temple were designed to show these three heavens. The first section was open to the sky and to all weather phenomena, where birds could also fly within it. This area of the Temple answered to the “first heaven” which was like our atmosphere surrounding the earth. The “second heaven” in the Temple symbolically began at the eastern curtain in front of the Holy Place. Josephus tells us this curtain had the principal stars of the heavens displayed in  tapestry form. It represented the entrance into the starry heavens beyond our  atmosphere. Josephus says that west of this curtain, the center of the Zodiacal Circle with its seven visible planets were displayed on the south side in the form of the Menorah, and its the seven lamps. The twelve signs of the Zodiac denoting the twelve months of the year were displayed on the north side in the twelve loaves of the Table of Shewbread. This second court of the priests represented all the starry heavens above the earth’s atmosphere. But beyond this “second heaven” there was yet a “third heaven.” This “third heaven” was the Heaven of Heavens, or in Temple terminology the Holy of Holies was equal to God’s celestial abode where His Palace and Divine precincts were located, that the Apostle Paul called “Paradise.” Each one of the twelve tribes of Israel had a zodiacal sign associated with it.Dr. Martin goes on to link an astronomical pattern in the design of the camp in the wilderness and where each of the 12 tribes of Israel were placed in relation to the Tabernacle. This pattern was later established around the environs of Jerusalem itself. Moses positioned each of the twelve tribes of Israel to represent a particular zodiacal sign in its regular stellar, or astronomical order.” #11

It is curious to me how Dr. Faulkner, liberally quotes Josephus in his writings to degrade the idea of the Gospel in the stars, yet he somehow omits this quote from Josephus that favors a recognition of the Gospel in the Stars, as found in not only certain curtains in the Tabernacle of Israel, but also in the 3 main areas of the pattern of the Tabernacle and Temple, as they resemble 3 Heavens and Earths, in their pattern. It seems that Dr. Faulkner’s choice of support research lacks an equity in presenting the views of Josephus related to the Gospel in the Stars.

ii. Four Principal Tribes of IsraelJacob (Israel) had 12 sons, and each of them is linked in God’s Word with one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac[q] Hebrew scholars have at times been uncertain of the correspondence of all twelve tribes but the four references to the royal signs are clear from Scripture. The relate to the four principal tribes: Reuben, Judah, Dan, and Joseph.

Figure 3. Aquarius and the Southern Fish. [Reuben] 

The Message in the Stars - Aquarius - Berean Insights

The Water Bearer pours out a river into the Southern Fish.

The Star Fomalhaut is located in the eye/head of the Southern Fish. This aligns with mental ability. The color that is associated with this Direction may vary: it can be bluerepresenting water. As we view the colors of the Hebrew Tabernacle, their scriptural basis provides a solid foundation of God’s Word to draw our conclusions from, avoiding speculation and private interpretation.

Each of those four tribes is linked with one of the royal constellations in the blessing given them by Jacob or Moses. Reuben was told he is unstable as water,” alluding to the Water Bearer. The name Reuben, means “Behold a son,” also ties him to the Water Bearer, among the zodiac signs, having the figure of a man. He is also mentioned as being over the “excellency of power” (Gen. 49:3-4), as Reuben aligned to the winter season in the original prophetic calendar, [Deut. 33:6]. 

The tribe of Judah was given the prime position in this Zodiacal design by being located directly east of the entrances to the Tabernacle and the later Temples.  The positions of these four prime tribes were arranged 90 degrees from each other within the 360 degree circle– to accord with the four seasons of the year, and the cardinal points of the compass. As a key aspect of the Gospel in the Stars a prophetic account centering on the Messiah and Promised Seed of Israel destined to come from the tribe of Judah, each of the 12 signs told a critical aspect of the Messiah’s deliverance of Israel, as the chief tribe Judah/Leo– was set to preside over the summer season in prophetic and the calendar matters, [Deut. 33: 7].

Figure 4. Leo The Lion of Judah. #12 

Leo Constellation" Postcard for Sale by GriffDesigns | Redbubble

Judah is a lion’s whelp” (Gen. 49:9) ties him to the Lion. Moreover, John refers to Christ as “the lion of the tribe of Judah” (Rev. 5:5), establishing the linkage of Judah to the lion. The Lion represents the King, and Judah began the royal lineage through which the Davidic line of kings came. The name Judah means “praised,” suggesting that this line of kings in the Christ-Line through him (especially Christ) would be praised.

The next pivotal tribe proceeding counterclockwise around this zodiacal design of the “Camp of Israel“… was Dan. It was positioned on the north side of the Temple and Jerusalem as a venomous animal, sometimes displayed as an eagle with a snake in its talonscalled Scorpio, a venomous scorpion today. Its station was at the autumn season in the prophetic calendar of Israel.

Dan shall be a serpent…that bites the horse heels” (Gen. 49:17), which parallels the symbolism of the Scorpius/Serpent, depicted stinging the Serpent Bearer-Ophiuchus in the heel, [Gen. 3:15] The name Dan means “judge” and the serpent symbolizes the wisdom of a judge. The serpent in Eden was acknowledged as one of the wisest of his creatures. For example, the Lord has admonished his servants to bewise as serpents and harmless as doves.” The kind of wisdom referred to especially invokes that of being a good judgeAntares, the bright star in the Scorpion’s heart, is realized as the seat of wisdom. For example, the Lord put wisdom into the heart of King Solomon so that he could judge his people wisely, (2 Chron. 1:11-12, 1 Kings 10:24; cp, Ex. 26:2, Ecc. 8:5, Job 38:36).

Figure 5. Taurus the Bull From Jamieson #13

The Constellation Taurus, the bull.

Finally, Joseph is compared to a wild ox, with Joseph’s son’s Ephraim and Manasseh compared to its two horns (Deut. 33:17). The Hebrew word refers to an extinct species of wild ox the size of an elephant having two long forward pointing horns, seen in the sign of Taurus the Bull. The bright star Aldebaran in Taurus represents its eye, the symbol of a seer (one who “sees”). Joseph wasgreat seer, so the Bull was appropriate for his sign. The name Joseph means “Jehovah has added,” probably referring to his multitude of descendants, in Ephraim and Manasseh, the horns of this sign. Ephraim was on the south side of the Temple and Jerusalem as the bullock of Taurus, positioned to align to  the spring season in the context of its prophetic and calendar implications. 
Thus, each of the four principal tribes of Israel are explicitly correlated in the blessings of Jacob, to one of the four cornerstone constellations at the cardinal points.

iv. Banners and Directions. Each of 12 tribes of Israel had a flag or banner with its sign. The Hebrew word for “sign” is translatedensign” in the KJV Bible (Num. 2:2), but Hebrew scholars make it clear that the signs also refer to zodiac constellations. According to tradition, the figure of a man was found on Reuben’s banner, a lion on Judah’s, a serpent on Dan’s, and a bull on Joseph’s (Son’ Ephraim, who took his place). These were the same images seen on the tribal flags in their wilderness camp, reflecting the four banners facing the four cardinal directions: Judah facing East, Reuben facing South, Ephraim facing West, and Dan facing North, with the Scorpion replaced by the Eagle.
(Num, 2:3,10,18,25). Below the High Priest [Christ] is seen in the center vesica, with these four cardinal constellations at the corners of this engraving.

The Four Cardinal Points

The ancient Greeks described Taurus as a snow-white bull. Aldebaran, a first magnitude star is located at the eye of the Bull, the eye-symbolic of a seer, as was Joseph of Egypt, associated with the Bull. Thus, the Bull is symbolic of spiritual strength, and especially the gift ministry of being a Prophet/Seer.

Blue is symbolic of peaceful tranquility, that goes with the wisdom of a good judge. When applied with a gift ministry it is the wisdom that is from above, which is first pure, peaceable and gentleeasy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits [Gal. 5:22] as part of the fruits of righteousnesssown in Peace of them that make peace. This is how we can emulate the Prince of Peace, to promote true and genuine peace and Justice.

Antares is located at the heart of the Scorpion. The heart is a figurative seat of wisdom, and the scorpion/serpent symbolizes wisdom. The heart/chest-the regulator/pump of the body’s life-blood can also symbolize emotional/ and physical/ strength.

Thus, the placement of all four of the royal stars in the cornerstone signs is consistent with the symbolism of emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects of all living souls. Note also that spiritual and physical aspects are opposite each other in the circle (white opposite purple), as are the mental and emotional (blue opposite red), also found in the Yin/Yang symbol.

This may contain: the twelve zodiac signs in different colors and sizes, with symbols for each zodiac sign

In Num. 10:14-28, God’s Word removes the mystery of the order of the 12 tribes as they camped in the wilderness. Num. 11:14 verifies that the Standard [H1714degel; flag, banner] of Judah/Leo in first place, followed by Issachar in v. 15, and Zebulon in v. 16, with the sons of Gershom and Merari, Levites bearing the Tabernacle. Next was the Standard of Reuben’s tribe in v. 18; followed by Simeon in v. 19, and Gad in v. 20, with the Kohathites bearing the Sanctuary in v. 21, to sum up the first 6 tribes. The Standard of the Camp of Ephraim is listed in v. 22, with Manasseh next in v. 23, as Taurus’ two horns, then Benjamin, in v. 24. Verse 25 shows the Standard of Dan as the rearward of all the camps and their hosts, followed by Asher in v. 26, and Naphtali in v. 27. Verse 28 concludes with;

28 Thus were the journeyings of the children of Israel according to their armies, when they set forward.

Figure 6. the 12 tribes in their wilderness Camp around the Tabernacle. #14

This contains an image of: marching order of the twelve tribes of israel - LinuxMint Image Search Results

From a Bible perspective outside the books of Genesis and Job, God revealed His Word and Will to the Patriarchs in the stellar witness and Celestial Gospel of the Promised redeemer of mankind. When we consider the Hebrew wordmazzaroth,” we find an early reference to the 12 Mazzaroth signs, occurring as a unit in Job. Later references to the 12 signs of the ecliptic in Scripture, are built upon what we find here in Job and the Genesis Creation record and the  Patriarchs. This provides added evidence of the antiquity of this knowledge of the entire zodiac, in the context of the Bible Patriarchs. In the graphic above we find the 12 Tribes of Israel linked to the order of the 12 Mazzaroth signs, with 3 tribes camped on each side, 4-square and the Tabernacle in the center, with Moses, Aaron and the Priests in the middle inside the square of 12 tribes.

This order of the 12 tribes as they camped around the Tabernacle is established in Numbers 2 in a graphic in the marginal notes of The Companion Bible by E.W. Bullinger, related to Num. 2:32.#15 Bullinger also has marginal notes on Num. 2:2 related to the word ‘standard‘ [H1714degel; translated ‘ensign‘ as follows; “each standard is said to have itssign” [H226owth; sign, token, symbol, standard, prodigy, miracle, indicating a signal of something, as God’s Abrahamic Covenant had circumcision, [Gen. 17:11].#16 A foundational aspect of God’s Word is seen in Gen. 1:14;

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

These ‘signs are specifically related to the stellar nature of the 12 signs of the ecliptic, as seen in Gen. 37:9 linked with the 12 tribes of Israel fulfilled in the  11 brothers of the Patriarch Joseph. As we search the details of The Celestial Gospel, we will find it specifically and clearly stated in God’s Word, as part of God’s Old Covenants with His chosen people, especially in Abraham’s Covenant.

As Gen. 2:19-20 states:

19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them; and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

 20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found a helper meet for him. [KJ21]

In v.19 what Adam would “call” the beasts of the field, and whatever he “called them is the same Hebrew word [H7121-Qara] as in v.20 where Adam names  every beast of the fieldStrong’s says Qara means “to cry out, to call aloud, to roar, proclaim, pronounce or preach, to summon, invite, call together, to appoint, praise, celebrate, or call by name.” Its basic meaning is to enunciate a specific message addressed to a specific recipient, to elicit a specific response. The verb form of this word is used in the act of naming, that sometimes is an assertion of sovereignty over the thing being named; [Gen. 1:5, Ps. 147:4, Isa. 40:26]#17
Even as God-the Father of lights asserts His authority and sovereignty over the division of Day and Night in Gen. 1:5, and over the naming of the stars in Ps. 147:4, so Adam asserted his sovereignty over the Animal Kingdoms of life, delegated to him by God.

We should note that Adam’s delegated sovereignty pertained to Earthly things, while God’s sovereignty ruled over all, with special emphasis on the things of the Heavenly Creation, as they shed their 3-fold light upon the Earth. When God calls the roll up yonder for the stars, they are present and accounted for in His summons, to fulfill the reason and purpose He called and created them. The named Stars fulfill their part to proclaim the Celestial Gospel in witnessing to the Coming Christ! This word [Qara] is also found in reference to the Seed of Abraham, namely Isaac, [Gen. 21:12b] “for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.”

Genesis 1:14-16
And God said, 
Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: [15] And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. [16] And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also.

Gen. 1:14: “signs“- indicate first, the significance of the work wrought, and secondlysomeone significant to come.[5] In context, the “work wrought” is God’s re-ordering of creation in the 2nd Heaven and Earthrepairing the damage inflicted on the 1st Heaven and Earth as a result of Lucifer’s revolt in heaven, causing it to be “without form & void.” [Gen1:1, Rev12:1ffGod’s repair job is divided into 7 spiritual administrations, or dispensations, each one bringing man’s relationship with his Creator back into increasing harmony, [Heb. 11:3]. This repair narrative is found in God’s progressive Covenants with Man, with each step bringing man closer to that perfect fellowship in Original Paradise with the Creator restored.

It also refers to the celestial narrative that “someone is coming,” the redeemer, the promised seed who is Jesus Christ. He is the central figure and subject of God’s Word. He is the one that the 12 Mazzaroth signs prophesy, the one embodying the light of the world, who fulfilled all Old Testament Law, and personifies the spiritual illumination of the world. The earth was thrown into Chaos between Gen1:1 & 1:2, but the effulgence of this light, the Sonrise of the ages, was framed between the two great lights of the Sun and the Moon on his birthday, precisely in the star Spica also called Al Zimach in Arabic (tsemach in Hebrew) in Virgo, on Tishri 1, 3 BCJesus’ birthday on New Year’s Day of the Hebrew calendar, celebrates the anniversary of Creation, revitalizing the social and spiritual structure of Israel according to the ruling Standard and scepter of the King of KingsGod had this date preserved in His omniscient foreknowledge before the Creation, instituted in the Hebrew Calendar, uniquely marked by the stars included in the story of Bethlehem on this date in 3 BC. We also find the pattern of the four points of the compass in star and planet signs marking the birth of Christ.

The pattern of eastern access to the Temple and Tabernacle is established in the order of the celestial signs surrounding the birth of Christ. We find this in the pattern of the 3 Jupiter-Venus Conjunctionsmarking Christ’s birth that occurred from to 1 BC. The first Conjunction was in the final degree of Cancer, near its zero line border with Leo. The second was fully in Leo, while the third was in Virgo. These three signs represent the eastern quarter of the zodiac of Israel, the heavenly image of the eastern side of the wilderness camp of the Israelites, the entrance or Way to the Door of the holy place (the truth) in the Hebrew Tabernacle. In Genesis 3:24, after God rejected Adam and Eve from Paradise, He protected the Way of the Tree of Life on the east of Eden, with the Cherubim’s fiery sword, until the redeemer could come to reactivate the way of salvation and eternal life with God, for humanity. This door ultimately led to the altar of the holy of holies, (the Life)-the inner heart of God’s temple-Sanctum, holding the Ark of the Covenant. The temporal progression of 3 Venus planetary unions perfectly matched the divine pattern of Israel’s tribal order on the east side of the TabernacleJudah/Leo was due east of the entrance to the holy of the holies, via the holy placecentrally located between the other two eastern tribes of Issachar/Cancer and Zebulon/Virgo. This eastern door to the Tabernacle represents the way, the truth, and the life, of John 14:6, embodied in Jesus Christ as light of the world, and the door of the sheep, as OT Shepherds slept across the door to their penned flocks, guarding the sheep with their lives, blocking the opening in the fold-walls. A Good Shepherdis seen in the decan Auriga [Jn.10:9-17]. A Great Shepherd [Heb. 13:201Pet. 2:25] & Chief Shepherd in [1Pet. 5:4true way that leads unto life. [See also Jer. 23, 25:32-38Ezek. 34]

Numbers 27:16-17

The Shepherd is the most popular metaphor for Bible leadership, but also we see that God chose actual shepherds for many of the primary roles of leadership over Israel. For example, Moses and King David, are two most prominent paradigms of leadership in all of Scripture, both started out as shepherds. And of course, Ps23:1-a most popular Bible verse, God Himself is compared to a shepherd.

The word for “lights” in the firmament [Gen. 1:14, 16 “maor“]18 is the same word used in reference to the lamps of the Menorah, (Exodus 20:27, 35:14). This word shares the same root of the word used for “light” in [Gen. 1:3-4], that God divided from the darkness, setting the universal standards of Day and Night. It should be noted that the Day was divided from the Night, and the light from darkness prior to the creation of the Sun and Moon. This points to spiritual light vs. dark
[Jn. 1:5], as the reason that the Earth became without form and voidbetween Gen. 1:1-2. The pure Light perfection of the Almighty in perfect righteousness removes any possibility that God created the universe in Chaos, thus the context of Lucifer’s failed insurrection against the Almighty, is the reason the earth was thrown into chaos. Also, the foundational order of Creation seen in God’s order or command to divide the light from the chaotic darkness, was a response to the enemy in his overthrow of God’s original order in the First Heavens and Earth, precedes God’s reorganization of this light in the Second Heavens and Earthduring the “Genesis Creation week.” The verses above also exhibit how the Sun, Moon and Stars regulate seasonsdays and years, in God’s created temporal order.

The Celestial Gospel was always to be based on the long-view of Biblical history of God’s Covenants with man, as they progressively bring man closer to the state of Adam’s original fellowship with God, which God never explained to Adam or any other Bible Patriarch. God’s monumental job of restoring Creation is being set and accomplished by bringing humanity back into a state of spiritual redemption so man can fellowship with God as Adam and Eve did in Original Paradise. God started His dialogue of dividing Day from Night and light from Darkness before He created the Sun and Moon and stars, as the lights in the sky, referenced in His Covenant of Day and Night that began in Gen. 1:3-5, was upheld in Gen. 8:22, and ends in Rev. 21:23-25. This excludes Faulkner’s assertion that God revealed to Adam the details of His foreknowledge regarding the entire Plan of Redemption,#19 that was not included in the Celestial Gospel to begin with! Here Faulkner not only discounts God’s eternal plan and the purposes in His Covenants, but also contradicts Scripture in too many ways to count! The basis for Faulkner’sstrawman” argument against the Celestial Gospel, also ignores the truth that God kept the Great Mystery a secret which excluded it from the Celestial Gospel, as part of His master-plan of Redemption, [I Cor. 2: 7-10, Rom. 16:25-26].

A precept of this study documents how in truth, the Celestial Gospel is clearly and specifically stated in God’s Word, as part of God’s Old Covenants with His chosen people. The Hebrew word for “Covenant” [H1285-Beriyth]#20 is defined as “an agreement between nations; [Josh. 9:6], individuals and friends; [I Sam. 18:323:18] or man and wife, [Mal.2:14]. A most important Covenant between God and Abraham [Gen. 15], was confirmed by Moses, [Ex. 24:7-8, 34:27, Deut. 5:2], was renewed and amendedafter the exilethrough the intervention of the prophets; [Isa. 42:6, 49:8] and the Messiah [Mal. 3:1, cp. Jer. 31:33-37]. It was a treaty, an alliance of friendship, a pledge, an obligation between a Monarch and his subjects, a Constitution. It was a contract accompanied by signs, a solemn oath and sacrifices, that sealed the relationship with promises of blessing for obedience and curses for disobedience.”

The Celestial Gospel also documents the effectual means of Oral transmission of the Covenant tenetsnot replacing their foundations in God’s perpetual Scriptural Covenants with man, but as an inseparable part of them, prior to their being recorded into the scrolls of the OT Scriptures by Moses. Man has always needed an external standard for Godly truth outside of himself, working in union with man’s inner compass and Godgiven conscience, that began with Adam & Eve in the Garden, before the giving of the OT Law. We will see more details of this in the record of the Abrahamic Covenant below.

Covenant Theology holds that God created humanity as one people, starting with Adam and Eve, who broke God’s only condition, not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. After their fall from perfection, and rejection from Original Paradise, and with their seed in Seth, were led back to God via certain key Biblical Patriarchs with whom God made perpetual Covenants. This redemptive history, starts after the fall of Adam and Eve, as God makes firm His Covenant with Noah [Gen. 6:18] to bring him and his family into the Ark, with every living thing of all fleshtwo of every sortmale and female. In Gen. 9God established His Covenant with Noah and his seed after him [Gen. 9:9-17], with His token of the Covenant on 2 levels: with every living creature on the Ark with Noah, for perpetual generations, and with Earth itself, seen in the rainbow, not to destroy it by flood again.

Figure 1. Genesis Patriarch’s Table. 21

By adding up the age of years in the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 we find the number of years from the Creation of Adam to the birth of Abraham as about 2000 years. Since there is almost universal agreement that Abraham lived around 2000 B.C., we can see the Bible teaching that the human race was created near 4000 B.C. and is thus, is about 6000 years old.

Noah is a key Biblical Patriarch because he embodies the transition between the pre-flood and the post-flood world. Thus all the systems of Biblical timekeeping going back to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Joseph, after the flood, includes the coordination of the luni-solar year, the year divided into 12 months of 30 days, giving360-day year, relating to the 360 degrees of the circle, all trace back to Noah’s pre-flood days. Thus, the calendrical practices of the Patriarchs of the Bible are summarized in Noah, combining the Lunar, Solar and Sidereal years in his standards of astronomical timekeeping. Since Noah was already 600 years old when the deluge fell upon Earth [Gen. 7:6], Noah’s use of this calendar continued, up to and including the 120-year period (120 x 3= 360), wherein he built and furnished the Ark. The Ark’s construction was according to the revealed plan of God, following a consistent divine pattern, the same tripartite pattern found in the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of David and Solomon, based on 3 Heavens and Earth’s and 3-fold creation of man in body, soul & spirit. Noah’s Covenant basis for his 360-day calendar, is also found in God’s Covenant of Day and Night, as we will see presently.

The Genesis record of Noah establishes the advanced astronomical practices of the Biblical Patriarchsprovidingbasis from which, the roots of ancient Astronomy and studies in Archaeo-Astronomy are traced to their true context. Noah’s Covenant with God took place after his family came out of the Ark, and included the first burnt offerings on the altar that Noah built, [Gen. 8:20-22]. This established an unconditional Covenant relating to the Earth, even as God’s Covenant with Abraham did, referring to Israel’s claim on the Promised Land. This is in opposition to those who would remove or ignore God’s perpetual claim on the Promised Land that He chose for His People, as the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

The accuracy of these ordinances of heaven set the standard for truth, in the key area of calendars and timekeeping also, still applied today, according to the perpetual Covenant of Day and Night [Jer. 33:20-22]. This is one trait of “heavenly mandates” that their truths can remain intact beyond the scope of their original Biblical Administration. In the record of Gen. 8 and Noah’s Flood, verse 22 certainly stands out as an ordinance of heaven that has remained a constantgoverning the seasons [Gen. 1:14after the flood. This is a key aspect of God’s Covenant with Noah, where God’s Promises are made with Noah and his seed, that day and night shall not cease.

Genesis 8:22
While the earth remainsseedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

This verse opens with the words; “While the earth remains,” speaking to this Covenant being Everlasting and perpetual in nature because the Earth will be around forever. The connective “and” is found 7 times in v. 22, and according to Bullinger “pairs four sets of opposites, to express the completion and perfection of this perpetual Covenant,” that shall not cease.#22  In Gen. 9, as God further established His Covenant with Noah, and his seed and every living beast on earth, with His token or sign of an everlasting Covenant, listed 7x in Gen. 9; [Gen. 9:9, 1112, 13, 15, 16, 17], that The Almighty established with all flesh upon the Earth. Gen. 8:22 is a key aspect of the “Rainbow Covenantwith Noah, as the productivity of the earth’s life cycles in four seasons, in the 4 Kingdoms of lifeperpetuate in the 2nd Heavens and Earth, in the Covenant of day and night, [Jer. 31:31-37]. Gen. 8:22 also reflects the biblical symbolism of the number four, as the first square number mathematically, witnessed pervasively in nature, as 4 elements of earth, wind, fire, and water, four points of the compassnorth, south, east and west. Also, the 4 lunar phases, mirror the 4 Cherubim angels that quarter the 12 Mazzaroth signs. There are also four heads of the animal kingdom, witnessed in the four constellations at the celestial cardinal pointsLeo the Lion-King of wild beastsTaurus the Bull and king of domesticated animalsAquila the Eagle, king of the bird kingdom, and the ManAquarius of the human kingdom. There are numerous other examples of biblical symbolism in the number four, like the four-fold ministry of Christ reflected in the Four Gospels, supporting this wisdom in God’s order of Creation. #23

Footnotes for Segments 1 & 2.

1. A Further Examination of the Gospel in the Stars, Faulkner [www.Answers in Genesis.com]
2. http://philologos.org/__eb-mazzaroth/207.htm
4. A Further Examination of the Gospel in the Stars, Faulkner [www.Answers in Genesis.com]
5. “The Rational Almanac“, Moses Cotsworth.
6. Figure 2 picture credit. “Witness of the Stars” p.21,  E.W. Bullinger
7. The Works of Josephus, 5.4 & 5.5, p. 707. translated by W. Whitson.
8. https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-europe/dating-lascaux-art-0017021
9. “Secrets of the Great Pyramid,” Peter Thompkins, refers to Archaeo-astronomy of; Sir Norman Herbert Lockyer, Schwaller de Lubicz, Livio Stechini ppg. 159-175. See Also Giorgio de Santillana & Hertha von Dechend, in “Hamlet’s Mill.”
10. Strong’s Concordance [H8403] and [H4908] & [H4720] James Strong.
11. “The Stars proclaim the Bible Message.” [Damien Mackey refers to Dr. Earnest Martin]. Also on; [http://www.rogerswebsite.com/articles/TheLostHistoryofJerusalem.pdf]
12. Figure 4. Picture credit, [http://www.redbubble.com/people/griffdesign]
13. Figure 5. picture credit from Jamieson.
14. Figure 6. picture credit, 12 tribes encamped
15. Companion Bible Image in marginal notes of Num. 2
16. Strong’s Concordance, [H1714degel] and [[H226owth] James Strong.
17. IBID, [H7121-Qara].
18. IBID, [H3974-maor].
19. “Universe by Design,” p. 134, Chapt. 1 FN. Dr. Danny Faulkner
20. Strong’s Concordance, [H1285-Beriyth] James Strong.
21. [www.pinterest.com]
22. E.W. Bullinger’s Companion Bible. Marginal note on Gen. 8:22.
23. “Number in Scripture.” ppg. 123-125, E.W. Bullinger


Synopsis of the Celestial Prelude

Birth of Jesus Christ
Biblical Astronomy of the Birth of Christ

Synopsis of the Celestial Prelude Pt. 1.

I’m very humbled and Thankful for the opportunity to teach in Rev. Jon Nessle’s current class on “The Witness of the  Four Gospels“, to provide a Synopsis of the Celestial Prelude, and some of its more recent developments. These are the teaching notes of the presentation earlier this month for 12-5-23.

I want to introduce a subsequent aspect of Biblical Astronomy teachings, built upon the foundation of the Celestial Prelude of the last 22+ years. As we have referenced in the recent Timeline, where we began documenting the history of Celestial signs that led to the General Sign of the Coma Supernova starting in history after 200 BC. Part of my thesis states that this pattern of Celestial signs marking Christ’s first appearance, forms a blueprint for his return, his long-awaited Second Coming. A central aspect of living in the end-times is to be prepared for the Return of Christmankind’s Great and only Hope! Since the inception of this ongoing research project, the pattern of these celestial signs has come into sharper focus, as multiple historical accounts say, the General Sign of the Coma Supernova was visible to the naked eye for about 275 years. The Supernova explosion in the head of the woman’s child, in the Coma Decan amounted to a celestial prophecy of Christ’s first coming that would remake all history forever, for mankind! The appearance of this Coma Supernova sign that started God’s sacred celestial timepiece, unto the Specific signs ticking down to the birth of Christ! It is only fitting and logical that the Heavenly Father’s sacred timepiece set in the sky should also include the keys to the general timing of the appearance of Christ’s Return. Just as there was a general expectation in various cultural populations for the appearance at the Messiah’s birth, so there is in modern times, for his Return.

Frances Rolleston was perhaps the first in more modern times to recognize the signs surrounding the birth of Christ in her work “The Mazzaroth.” She included a section “Rolleston (1865, pt. 2, pp.104–106)#1 on The Bethlehem Star, stating  that in about 125 BC a bright star appeared, so bright it was visible to the naked eye during the dayRolleston also said that this event induced Hipparchus to make his star catalog about the same time. In his work-The AlmagestPtolemy said it was Hipparchusdiscovery of the precession of the equinoxes that gave him the impetus to produce his Star Catalogue.” #2 We need to take a moment here to recognize the seismic influence Hipparchus and Ptolemy had on ancient Astronomy, and the involvement of both of these historical stalwarts speaks volumes to the legitimacy of the Coma Supernova.

Both of these giants where eyewitnesses to the Coma Supernova, and if there were two ancient astronomers one could choose to have as eyewitnesses of this Key event, these two all-stars would surely be on the guest list. Probably one of the greatest (and underratedastronomers that ever lived, was Hipparchus of Rhodes. He is known to have been active at least from 147 127BC, making him contemporary to the explosion of the Coma Supernova, as a recorded eye-witness to its appearance, c. 134 BC.

Hipparchus of Nicea

Hipparchus of Nicea by Raphael (by Dryoldscholar, Public Domain)

Hipparchus is considered the greatest astronomical observer, and by some the greatest astronomer of classical antiquity. The majority of textbooks laud the accomplishments of Aristotle and Ptolemy, yet Hipparchus probably did more for the subject than any other Greek. Most of Ptolemy’s works are based on his ideasyet Ptolemy is generally given credit because he perfected many of Hipparchus‘ concepts.

Over 200 years pass in Greek astronomy
between Hipparchus and Claudius Ptolemy of AlexandriaPtolemy basically took all of Greek astronomy and summarized it in his great book – The Almagest (meaning The Greatest), a total of 13 volumes, that became theastronomical Bible” for centuries. In it, he expanded on all the great works of earlier astronomers and added some “finishing touches” to the geocentric model.”3

Needless to say, these two stalwarts of ancient astronomy had incalculable influence on the science of astronomyand the fact that both these pillars of science were the leading influencers in opening the recognition of the Coma Supernova, in light of Christ’s birth speaks volumes in history.

A Church father named Ignatius, the apostolic father closest in time to the New Testament writers (died 107 A.D.) wrote of the star as follows: “(It was) a star which shone in heaven beyond all the stars, its newness caused  excitement.”#4

Rolleston’s reference to Ignatius, one of the Church Fathers and the Bishop of Antioch, in about 69 AD, records that, “At the appearance of the Lord a star shone forth brighter than all other stars.”5 If we are careful not to confuse this Coma supernova reference with the planet Jupiter, we find evidence of visibility of a supernova still visible over 200 years after it was first seen as a marker of the general timeframe of Jesus’ birthSeiss has more viable history on this point:

Hipparchus about a hundred twenty-five years before Christ[c128 BC] saw it [Coma supernova] as a new star, and was led by it to draw up his catalogue of stars. Ptolemyabout one hundred and fifty years after Christrefers to it as having been observed by Hipparchus, but as having become so faint [c. 147 AD] as hardly to be any more discernible.”#6 

Pliny the Elder wrote in 79 AD that Hipparchus suspected the fixed stars were not as fixed as other people thought. After all, Hipparchus had seen a new star in Coma appear from nowhere. He first recorded the equinox precession of the about 1 degree a century. #7

“She [Rolleston] was first modern not only to recognize the role these giants played in the history of astronomy with the Coma Supernova, but she also realized the role of the Zoroastrian Magi in the annals of the star, credited to Zoroaster.

Rolleston cited Arabian astronomer Albumazar describing the signs and “decans of Virgo with Virgo having two parts and 3 forms, saying in the 1st decan as the Persians and Egyptians teach-a young maiden arose, a pure and immaculate virgin in Arabic named Adrenedefa, holding in her hand two ears of corn, seated on a throne, nourishing an infant, whose Hebrew name was Ihesus, meaning to save, that the Greeks called Christos, or Christ, rising with the virgin. These figures, found in the Egyptian Planisphere [Dendera Zodiac-Plate 3] with the Virgin holding the ear of corn as Virgo, while Koma may be the original name seen in Coma, marking the Head of the infant, the Desired seed of the Woman. It was said Zoroaster predicted this star would appear in the figures of the Virgin.” #8

Since the Coma Supernova was preceded and followed by other notable star signs leading to Christ’s birth, it may behoove us to check for other celestial signs in the Celestial Encore that fit the blueprints we have uncovered in the Celestial Prelude. A key we might look for in this end-time pattern of celestial signs that fit the Celestial Prelude, logically would be signs according to an inverse order in which they took place the first time around. One example of this would involve the Coma Supernova being the first sign marking the start of a series of increasing celestial signs leading to Christ’s birth-as a Prelude. The complement of a Celestial Encore may include a supernova type sign taking  place, not as a prelude, but as more of a sign leading to a Celestial finale, to mirror a series of concluding celestial signs reflecting in juxtaposition the birth of Christ.

As the Creator and God of the Heavens and Earth, our Heavenly Father saw fit to mark mankind’s long awaited deliverance, written in the circle of the stars, by the celestial transition at Spring equinox/vernal point, to open the Age of Pisces in the precession of the equinoxes. He also marked the celestial signs surrounding the birth of the Christ, with a unique series of triple planetary unions, involving Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunctions of 7 BC. This would be the last Jupiter triple conjunction to mark the actual signs of Christ’s birth four years later in 3-2 BC.

As a genuinemandate from heaven,” these celestial signs ordained from the Hand of the Creator, mark the long awaited fulcrum of all history, and decisive epoch of the coming of the promised seed, near the inception point of the Age of Pisces, in 7 BC. As the heavenly signs of the birth of Christ unfold in a true extent of their scope and structure, we can only stand in humble awe and reverence as they testify to God’s omniscient Power and Love. The Power and Glory of His creation reveals His three-fold light as He shed it forth for all the faithful, in the heavens, in the Scriptures, and in ChristGod’s word made flesh, to enlighten the Earth. Some persistent questions in this field include: How did the Magi’s trip to Jerusalem come about? The impetus for this question seems to first arise with the Prophet Daniel, and the actions he took to convey these keys to the Zoroastrian Magi, especially with the arrival of the Coma Supernova, followed by the afore-mentioned Jupiter-Saturn triple union in 7 BC. This led to the recognition of the actual signs of Christ’s birth, with the Triple union of Jupiter-Regulus in 3-2BC. The science of our method is not based on corrupt divinations of astrology, but agrees with our study precepts that guide us in our Biblical Astronomy Research Principles.

Let’s take a brief overview of both General and Specific signs of the Celestial  Prelude. Its General sign, was visible to the naked eye for over 200 years, while the celestial signs from 7-5 BC, focus on the triple Conjunction of JupiterSaturn during this time.

The General Sign

The premise of a Celestial Prelude is based on the simple fact that God would not ordain the long-awaited birth of His only begotten son, the eternal purpose of the ages, without a little advanced notice. This prelude has two parts, the first general the 2nd specific. The confusion of these two separate aspects of the Celestial Prelude has perplexed many in their search for truth surrounding the “Star of Bethlehem.” A good question to approach this topic of the first part of the Celestial prelude is;

Where did the popular idea of a single bright star, obvious to everyone, marking the birth of Christ originate? The answer to this question is found in what I call the General Sign of the Celestial Prelude, which alerted the Magi to the broad period of time when the promised seed would appear. The first decan, or subordinate sign of Virgo was first calledComa,” meaning; he desired or longed for, as seen in the Book of Haggai.

Haggai 2:7

7 And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. 9

In his book Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger documents the perversion of the meaning of the sign Coma, by the Greeks, into the hair or wig of BereniceComa was originally pictured as a woman holding her child, in the Dendera zodiac, who embodied the desired one of the nations. It was in this decan of Virgo that around 132-125 BC, a new star, so bright that it was visible in daytime, suddenly appeared in the head of the holy child seated in the lap of the woman, in the sign Coma. 10

This idea of a supernova being part of the celestial pageantry marking the birth of Christ, is not without precedent. We should be aware of Johannes Kepler’s exploits regarding a link he made between conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn, and a supernova. In October of 1604 the great German astronomer Johannes Kepler observed the movements of Jupiter and Saturn as they neared union with Mars, near the head of Ophiuchus. He noted simultaneously a supernova
was visible over the next two years in the heel of Ophiuchus. This brilliant new star later became known as “Kepler’s Nova,” and he wondered if the Magi had seen a similar event, when he recalled elements of an old rabbinical commentary by Abrabanel on the Book of Daniel, that referenced a significance for Israel, of Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions in Pisces. We find evidence of this from Richard H. Allen concerning these planetary Conjunctions of 7 BC in this reference:

“Within their boundaries (of Pisces) took place three distinct unions of Jupiter and Saturn in the year 747 of Rome, – the year to which for a long time was assigned Christ’s birth; these phenomena strikingly agreeing in some of their details with Saint Matthew’s account of the Star of Bethlehem. The view that these planetary appearances guided the Magi in their visit to Judea was first advanced by the celebrated Kepler… It was the  Rabbis that held the tradition, recorded by Abrabanel in the 15th Century, that a similar Conjunction occurred in Pisces three years previous to the birth of Moses, and they anticipated another at their Messiah’s advent.”11  

Following the triple Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the specific signs of the Celestial Prelude was a unique triangular massing of planets. Kepler refers to the Feb. 25th, 6BC triangular massing of planets; Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, as the “decisive Conjunction of 6 BC that opened our precessional age of Pisces.” As we noted, Kepler also boosted the idea of the impetus for the Magi trip to Judea was initiated at the arrival of this series of Conjunctions. This could make him a larger presence in the history of Astronomy, even more than what he is already accredited with, because of the spiritual nature of this insight. As we will see regarding the birth of MosesJupiter-Saturn unions in general and especially a triple Conjunction, held a special signification for Israel, but they were not limited to Pisces. This misconception has led to confusion in marking the signs of Moses’ birth, but once this is realized we find great unity in the signs prior to the births of Abraham, Moses and Christ. Kepler was also intrigued by the idea that there might be an affinity between this series of planetary unionsmarked by the appearance of the 1603 supernova. At the same time, Kepler doubted these signs would have marked the actual birth of the Messiah, since another Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction akin to this occurred a few months later, as part of a triple union. Although Kepler recognized some of the potential critical nature of these signs in relation to the coming of the Messiah, he did not discern between what I am terming as the general and Specific signs leading up to the birth of Christ. This contributed to his confusion regarding how these general signs could mark the birth of Christ, as it will for anyone who fails to make this key distinction. It is important to notice that Kepler was not only the first I am aware of, to suggest a planetary Conjunction scenario to explain the “Star of Bethlehem,” but he was also the first to connect a supernova with these unions and relate it to what the Magi had seen.

E.W. Bullinger uncovers below, the popular belief regarding this general sign that was prevalent in and before the first century BC“a traditional prophecy well known in the East, carefully preserved and handed down, that a new star would appear in this sign [Coma] when he whom it foretold, would be born.” 12
This tradition was at least partially based on Balaam’s declaration in Numbers 24, meaning that Balaam’s prophecy holds, for our purposes, minimally a twofold import.

Numbers 24:17

17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.13

   First, Balaam’s revelation refers to the advent of Christ the King, the ascendant bright and Morning Star, who came forth out of Jacob’s genealogical line. This genealogical or “Christ-line was marked astronomically by common cases of Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunctions seen at both the births of Abraham and Christ, both marked by the king planet. Secondly, there is a celestial double meaning in the phrase: Star out of Jacob, with links for both the general and specific aspects of our Celestial Prelude. The new starsupernova in the head of the toddler in Coma’s lap; visible for over 200 years, was the general sign, the  Star out of Jacob, that prepared the Magi to watch for the specific aspects of the second part of the Celestial Prelude, which included the Jupiter-Saturn triple union of 7 BC in Pisces. We find this second aspect of Balaam’s prophecy relating to the scepter, symbolic of the reign of the king planet-Jupiter. As we progress in our study, it’s evident that Jupiter was the planet the Magi called “his Star” in Matthew 2:2. The Magi had noted the triple union of signs in 7 BC, involving Jupiter and Saturn, that gave them a blueprint for the actual signs marking Christ’s birth, that also involved a triple conjunction of Jupiter starting in 3 BC. An early sign in August of 3 BC motivated them to begin their caravan to Jerusalem. The study on “The Stars Over Bethlehem,” shows more detail on the Magi’s observations at the Messiah’s birth, both in Virgo and Coma. As the verse in Haggai 2:7, teaches specifically in the 2nd part of the verse that states: “And I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.” Haggai’s prophecy here refers directly to not only the future glorified Temple, as we find later in the context of Haggai 2, but also with NT hindsight to the spiritual body of Christ as the temple of the Lord. [I Cor. 3:9-17, Eph. 2:18-22]

Haggai 2:9
The glory of this latter house shall be greater than the former, saith the Lord of Hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of Hosts. 14

Eusebius, a scholarly church historian of the early fourth century, evidently made a considerable study of literature available from the centuries before him, and came to this conclusion about the star.”15 He references a quote on what eyewitnesses saw during the time of Christ’s birth as follows: “We saw how an indescribably great star shone among these stars and dimmed them so that they no longer shone, and so we knew that a King was born for Israel.

This is revealing in a historical light, when we consider that in the years after the Magi’s visit to Jerusalem, shekels from Judea struck during the period of the second revolt, [132 AD.] bore the design of a bright star over Jerusalem’s Temple, called Bar Kaukab, or Son of the Star. Historically, this was a reference to the Jewish leader of an uprising against Rome at the time, but the truth cut into these coins remains the bright star in the sky over the temple!#16 This supports and commemorates the arrival of the Coma supernova appearing in the head of the infant son in Coma’s lapthe desired of the nations, circa 134 BC aligning with Hipparchus’ sighting of the Coma Supernova. It is Christ as the chief corner-stone who glorifies the New Jerusalem as the light of the world, and these coins engraved images honors the traditional prophecy of a general sign pertaining to this new star, shining in the head of the glorified Christ-child. These proofs show a fresh start in the study the “Star of Bethlehem,” revealing great hidden truths. Once we distinguish between the general and specific signs marking the birth of Christ, most of the confusion that plagues this topic will be removed.

Modern Science has also progressed significantly of late, to fill in gaps in our ken of Supernova’s. Traditional supernova’s experience a very bright and powerful explosion, which has been thought of a a singular event, but this overlooks the likelihood of a Recurrent NovaeRecurrent novae – are “defined as systems with more than one recorded nova outburst. There are few members of the new the Recurrent novae subclass: at this point in research, just ten,” one of which [RS Oph] has a documented history of at least eight multiple outbursts, from 1898 to 2021, a 123-year period.#17  Recurrent novae repeat the nova process over a much shorter period-about every 10 to 150 years, while nova outbursts are thought to repeat on much longer timescales of potentially over 1000+ years.

Figure 1. The Recurrent Nova RS Oph. 18

Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi Just Blew its Top! - Sky & Telescope - Sky & Telescope

RS Oph about 5,000 light-years away in the constellation Ophiuchus. In its quiet phase it has an apparent magnitude of about 12.5. It has been observed to erupt in 1898, 1933, 58′, 67′, 1985, 2006 and 2021, reaching a magnitude of about 5 on average. 14/38 Thus, in the six eruptions of RS Oph over the last 125 years, this Recurrent Supernova in Ophiuchus has exploded on average nearly every 21 years.

If the Coma Supernova was recurrent for a period of about 250+ years, from c134 BC to about 147 AD, it would explain the sequence of events described in history according to modern scientific evidence, with the reputable references we have cited. Ancient records only tally naked eye-visibility of the Coma Supernova, not potential fluctuation due to multiple eruptions of a Recurrent Supernova, as this was not part of the “new stars” concept at the time. As we find in Figure 1 above, the effect of the supernova eruption described by Eusebius above from  extra-biblical sources refer to “a great star that shone among these stars and dimmed them so that they no longer shone…” is indeed evident resulting from recurrent eruptions of the Oph Recurrent Supernova, seen above-adding weight to this hypothesis.

In Isa. 9:6, one of the great prophecies of the birth of the promised seed-Jesus Christ, used of the Messiah was Sar-Shalom; the Prince of Peace, the one who brings true and genuine Peace to all Creation [Eph. 2:11-22]. It is also used of Prince Moses in Ex. 2:16. According to Hislop, The Chaldean version of this word; “Zer,” meaning “to encompass” gives us not only the English basis for: “Zero signified by a circle among the Chaldeans,” but also Zero; “the seed.” Thus, it relates to the Hebrew word zera [*H2233] #19 used in prophetic and Messianic references to Jesus Christ’s birth-promised seed in Gen. 3:15, to the end the Chaldean word for the “woman’s promised seed” was “Zero-ashta,” also forming the basis of the name Zoroaster.

We should note that in the prophecies of Zoroastrianism in the Zend-Avesta, the predicted return of Zoroaster was a savior who would renew all existence in preparation for the Last Judgment. These references to the woman’s promised seed point directly to the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. Hislop also notes:
In almost all nations, not only was a great god known under the name of Zero or Zer; the seed, and a great goddess under the name of Ashta or Ishta; the woman, but the great god Zero is frequently characterized by some epithet which implies that he is The only One.” #20 This evidence provides a strong basis for a direct correlation to the decan Coma, the seed who was the desired of the nations, especially in view of the Supernova in this child’s [Christos] head of Coma as seen in the Dendera Zodiac, marked as the promised seed, in the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. The implication that the promised seed of the woman would be the only one, speaks to the truth that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, or the first and last way God made available for the redemption of Mankind.

Coma, “the desired of all nations,” occupies the first one-third portion of Virgo’s ecliptic arc. Even though the modern name associated with this decan is Coma Berenices, depicted as a woman with a hank of hair, the true picture (according to star names and history) is a woman holding a child on her lap. Even Shakespeare referred to it that way. She is also depicted so on the Denderah zodiac of Egypt, dated approximately 2300 BC. Coma validates Virgo’s message about the promised child. From the very first position on the ecliptic, God displays His Son in a portrayal of His birth—and virgin conception. #21

Coma Berenices: NGC 4414

Coma Berenices: NGC 4414

NGC 4414, a spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices, photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope. #22a

The ancient star names in Coma identify the seated woman as “a pure and immaculate virgin,” “the virgin who carries,” and “who bears.” Another star name identifies the child as “the Branch.” Clearly, Coma represents the virgin; and her child, “the desired of all nations,” is the highly favored and exceedingly blessed coming One (the offspring of Virgo’s womb). There is evidence that Coma possibly housed the star of Bethlehem. Several astronomers from different countries recorded that a new star, or supernova, ignited about the time of Jesus of Nazareth’s birth—and this star was visible into His earthly life.[i] This is more compelling testimony that He is Messiah. Some believe that a supernova reportedly appeared in the constellation of Coma in the child’s head. #22b

Figure 1. The Decan of Virgo-Coma. #23

The decan of Coma appears as the three bright stars forming the inverted “L shape, that significantly contains the North Galactic Pole, located 5 degrees west of Beta Coma. This is interesting in light of the original star picture linked with this decan, as seen in the Dendera Zodiac, of a mother holding her Son in her lap, “the Desired of the Nations,” [Figure 1, above]. The close proximity of the North Galatic Pole, recalls the image of Cepheus “the crowned  king” who regally sits above the Celestial Pole starpolaris, embodies Christ the king seated heaven at God’s right hand of the Heavenly Father, [Eph. 1:20-23].

Coma Speaks - part 2 | Atam.Org
The Stars of the “L” shaped Decan Coma. #24

The roots of their knowledge of the Promised Seed trace to the monotheistic teachings of Zoroaster. A second man of the same name was said to have coexisted with Daniel in the reign of “Darius the Mede” in the 5th – 6th Centuries. We find a reason for their joy, in Rolleston’s quoting of Abulfaragius below:
Zeradusht {Zoroaster} taught the Persians that in the latter times a virgin should bring forth a son, and that when he should be born a star should appear, and should shine and be conspicuous in the midst of the figure of the virgin. It is then said that he commanded his disciples, the Magi, when they should see the star, that they should go forth where it directed them, and offer gifts to him that should be born.”#25 (emphasis mine)

This confirms what we have already seen in Zoroastrian writings concerning the coming of the promised seed. The Magi would certainly have been joyfully awestruck when they realized the dual witness of the supernova in Virgo’s 1st decan of Coma, along with “his star,” the king planet Jupiter at rest in the mid-section of Virgo, on their way to Bethlehem, fulfilling the prophecy written in the stars, and established by their teachers, Zoroaster and the prophet Daniel.

A graphic rendition of this is found in our banner at the top of this blog post. It shows both the general sign of the Celestial Prelude next to the specific sign of Jupiter in Virgo, standing still @ zenith over Bethlehem, on winter Solstice as the Sun was standing still, as the Magi testified to the Creator’s precision, with the Rhythm of His star cycles in perfect harmony, bringing the Magi to their appointed rendezvous and destiny as witnesses of His purpose of the ages, the foretold Messianic arrival of the redeemer of Mankind.

The Coma supernova set the stage for the triple union of Jupiter-Saturn in 7BC leading to the birth of Christ. This union in Pisces also marked a transition in the ages of the precession of the equinoxes, from the Age of Aries to the Age of Pisces. This was not only the case in ancient Israel but the world-views of many ancient cultures including, Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Persia & Meso-Americas, all held similar views. According to this patternJupiter-Saturn triple unions occur in Pisces only once every 800 years, showing how this series subdivides the precession, totaling a period of about 25,000+ years. Since every 30 cycles of Jupiter-Saturn triple unions in Pisces totals a period of 24,000 years, this period is near enough to the full cycle of precession, to warrant our focused attention. The new Precessional Age was highlighted because for the prior 2160 years, Aries was the sign wherein the Sunrise took place on the Spring equinox.

The Triple union of Jupiter-Saturn in 7BC marked the first time that the Sun arose in the Sign of Pisces, on the Spring equinox, signifying a new Precessional Age, the Age of Pisces. Over 2000 years has already passed since this opening of the Piscean Age, and the Birth of Christ that occurred 4 years later. The Sign of Pisces contains 2 fish, one swims to the North Pole, vertically and the other on the horizon along the ecliptic. The fish representing the houses of Judah and Israel, showing the Promised Seed will come out of the Royal House of Judah. Jesus Christ would be a Son of Adam, Abraham and David to fulfill all righteousness.

The fullness of the gap between the sufferings of the Lord, seen during his first coming, and his glorious return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords continues 8 to take place now in the Piscean Age. Finally, this triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Pisces gave the Magi all they needed to identify the signs marking the birth of Christ when the triple union of Jupiter-Regulus took place in Leo, starting on Sept. 14th, in the Lion of the tribe of Judah. This overview of Bible and Celestial History, beautifully encapsulates how God utilized the Natural Law witness in the heavens, coordinated with Divine Scripture, conclusively, to reveal in increasing detail, the identity of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.

As Hebrews 11:3 tells us;
Heb 11:3 Through faith [G4102] we understand [G3539] that the [G3588] worlds [G165] were framed [G2675] by the word [G4487] of God, [G2316] so that things which are seen [G991] were not [G3361] made [G1096] of [G1537] things which do appear. [G5316]

worlds[G165 aion] ages of time were repaired, or set back in order by the individual spoken Words [G4487 rhemaof God. #26

According to Jon Nessle’s teaching, we can trace the Audible Spoken Words of God in Scripture at the inception of each Spiritual Administrationframed” [G2675katartizo] means; to establish, set up, arrange, complete, perfect, finish, refit, repair, mend. #27 [I Cor. 1:10, Gal. 6:1I Thess. 3:10]

Each of the seven Biblical administrations represents a step closer in the progression towards the total reparation of temporal ages, thrown into chaos by Lucifer’s revolt in the 1st Heaven and Earth. As Entropy Law was instituted, resulting from the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the enemy became a “Time Lord” in the kingdoms of this world. Entropy Law, also known as the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, or “Time’s Arrow,” dictates a degradation of all matter in Creation, inexorably moving from higher degrees of order to lower states of order. Thus, the palpable effect of the release of sin nature on Creation, was realized [Rom. 8:19-23]. The Creator is the only One Who could reclaim the rule of the Temporal World, from Eternity pastHe set His plan in motion to be carried out in Jesus Christ. Each Spiritual Administration/ Age, brings Man closer to the Return of Paradise in Christ, where God’s order is restored forever. In this way Christ is seen as consummation of the ages, the center and embodiment of God’s plan to repair the damage done by the enemy’s revolt, with the fall of man. As all history turns upon the Messiah– the axis of temporal order [BC/AD], so the faithful look to the Messianic prophecies of his appearing in believing for the restoration of the Ages 

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this teaching on Tune-in-Tuesday which took place 12-12-23, with the teaching notes to be posted soon!

God Bless and Merry Christmas,



1. The Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston (1865, pt. 2, pp. 104–106)
2. IBID.
3. IBID.
4. IBID.
5. The Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston
6. Gospel in the Stars, Joseph Seiss
8. The Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston
9. KJV. Haggai 2:7
10. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger
11. Star Names, their Lore and MeaningRichard H. Allen
12. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger
13. KJV. Numbers 24:17
14. KJV. Haggai 2:9
15. Men of Science, Men of God, Dr. Henry Morris.
16. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/coins-from-the-second-revolt
17. https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/recurrent-nova-rs-ophiuchi-just-blew-its-top/
18. IBID
19. Strong’s Concordancezera [*H2233], James Strong.
20. The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop
21. [https://lmci.org/constellations.cfm?subdir=LMCI_Sky_Culture]
22a. IBID
22b. Picture credit; Coma Berenices: NGC 4414
23. IBID, Figure 1. Picture credit
24. https://atam.org/virgo-coma-speaks-part-2/
25. The Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston
26. Strong’s Concordance-[G165 aion], [G4487 rhema], James Strong.
27. IBID-[G2675katartizo]