Virgo’s Triple Crown, The Great Pyramid and the Celestial Sphinx
Rev. 5:5
5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
Only Jesus Christ is qualified to “open the Book” of Scripture because he is the protagonist of the Greatest Book in History, and the Master-key to God’s Word and its interpretation and unfolding!
Rev. 22:16
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
These two verses both have astronomical references linked to the royal genealogy of Jesus Christ, through the house or root of David. Rev. 5:5 emphasizes the Lion of the tribe of Judah seen in the constellation Leo, with its king star Regulus, while Rev. 22:16 brings attention to Venus the bright and Morning Star. These verses suggest that we should pay attention to the heavenly signs when Venus is in Leo either individually or in conjunction or alignment with other planets including Regulus.
The prominence of the roots of Jesus Christ in these verses are seen in the astronomy of his birth on Sept. 11th 3 BC. A prime aspect of the heavenly signs linked to the birth of Christ fall into the category we have termed the Celestial Sphinx. This includes any stellar sign linking Virgo and Leo. One type of heavenly sign in this category includes what Rev. 12 calls the “crowning of Virgo with 12 stars.” This crowning can occur on at least three levels as we will see in this study.
Stellar Elements of the Great Sphinx
The original teaching and celestial witness of the signs of the zodiac is encapsulated in the signs Virgo and Leo and preserved in the ancient monument of the Giza plateau, the Great Sphinx. A key element of this astronomical truth is seen in the multi-layered crowns on the head of Virgo, that actually bridges about 10 degrees into the sign Leo on the ecliptic. We find the first of this triple level crown linked with the star Denebola; the coming judge or Lord. The star Sarcam in Leo, is a Hebrew word meaning “the joining,“ saying that this is the point where the two ends of the Zodiac have their joining.1
Figure 1. Hydra the Serpent trampled underfoot by Leo and devoured by the Raven-Corvus

This is borne out in the decan Corvus, the Raven–bird of prey devouring Hydra the abhorred serpent, a decan of Virgo. This serpent actually mirrors these signs of the Stellar gospel-the Celestial Sphinx extending below Leo’s claws including the signs of Virgo the virgin, Leo and the Crab. As the Anti-Christ will present a counterfeit of the coming redeemer so this is witnessed in the stars also. The star in the eye of Corvus the Raven, called Al Chibar in Arabic means “joining together,” referring also to the union of the two ends of the true zodiac!2
Figure 2 below depicts the first level of Virgo’s Crown focusing on the 12 stars joining Virgo and Leo around the star Denebola in Leo’s tail.
Figure 2. The first level of Virgo’s stellar Triple Crown. 1a

These 12 immobile stars are constant, unlike the stars of the 2nd level Crowning of Virgo including the nine constant stars of Leo along with key planetary alignments at prophetic times in celestial history. Thus, the first level of 12 stars provide an unchanging witness to the celestial Crowning of the Woman-Virgo, all year around, not just at the start of the Hebrew calendar in Tishri, the inception of the Hebrew Civil Year when the Sun was clothing Virgo. This teaches that the truths of the celestial witness apply to all times during the year as we see in Ps. 19:2
19:2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
There is not a day or night that goes by that the heavens do not pout forth their sacred knowledge. This illustrates how full of God’s revelation knowledge the celestial gospel is, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Sometimes the constant witness of the immobile stars however is augmented by the “wandering stars” or planets or the Greater and lesser lights that rule the day and night-the Sun and Moon. The 69-70 AD Blood Moon Tetrad marking the Roman’s destruction of the Temple is reflected in the solar and lunar eclipses of 2016, leading to the 2017 rewind of the Great Wonder of Rev. 12:1-2. Amazingly, another version of this Rev. 12 celestial wonder takes place on August 27th, in 70 AD, [Plate 1.] in between the 4/14/70 Passover Lunar Eclipse, and the 9/23/70 Rosh Hashanah Solar Eclipse! Wow, that (9/23 date) sure keeps popping up!
Plate 1. The Rev. 12 sign on August 27th, 70 AD: with a Jupiter-Venus union! 3

The woman has her 1st level crown of 12 stars, and Jupiter and Venus are in such close conjunction they appear to merge into one star as they did in 2 BC, except this time they appear in Leo’s lower rear paw, emphasizing Virgo’s 1st level crown, [Fig. 2]. The Sun is clothing Virgo with the Moon near her feet. The King Planet Jupiter and Venus are also aligned with Mercury-Gabriel and the King Star Regulus in Leo, as the 2nd level crowning of Virgo. What is extraordinary with this version of the Rev. 12 Sign is that it occurs in the center of the Blood Moon Tetrad marking the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD. This was also the last time Jerusalem was in control of Israel until the 6-day war of 1967 marked by the 1967-68 Blood Moon Tetrad. The first level crowning of Virgo also foreshadowed the Celestial Sphinx prophecy of the birth of Christ 3 days prior to the 1st of 3 Jupiter-Regulus conjunctions marking the birth of Christ in 3-2 BC, pictured below [Fig. 5].
There were key planetary conjunctions that took place marking the Birth of Christ, in the constellations Virgo and Leo. Since these are the Mazzaroth signs that constitute the alpha–omega signs of the Hebrew Zodiac, forming the Celestial Sphinx, it embodies a living practical example of Biblical Astronomy embodied in the Great Sphinx. As an exemplar of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy, the Great Sphinx is a true living artifact of the divine science of Biblical Astronomy preserved by the Creator and utilized through history, marking not only Jesus’ birth, but also heavenly signs of the Second Coming of His only Begotten Son.
Figure 3. Virgo at Sunset on September 11th 3 BC. 4

A consistent interest regarding Jesus’ birth signs is that they bear the celestial seal and signet of the Great Sphinx, the Alpha and Omega signs of the Hebrew Mazzaroth. The signs occurring in a 3-week annual period when the Sun is clothing Virgo, in the Rev. 12:1 sign including Virgo’s Crowns are a focus of this study.5 Virgo’s symbolism first relates to a genuine exaltation of Mary, the woman most highly blessed among women, because she believed the words of the arch-angel Gabriel when he told her she would bear the promised seed. This woman of Rev. 12 also symbolizes Israel, specifically the tribe of Judah in this context as the root of David.
In addition, the Sun in Virgo marks the annual start of the Hebrew Civil Year, in the month of Tishri. With this in mind, we note in the relief from the ceiling of the Temple of Esneh [Fig. 4], the basic stellar figures of Virgo and Leo are unified in the Great Sphinx, pictured with the solar disk crowning the head of the woman-“sun clothing Virgo,” who is joined with the body of the Lion’s extended claws, above the serpent Hydra.6 This stellar image seen at the same temple site housing the Dendera zodiac, provides archaeological evidence, for the union of Virgo and Leo affirmed in the two stellar aspects of the Sphinx monument.
Virgo is seen at the far right below, prominently holding her grain stalk, or branch as shown in he Dendera zodiac, symbolizing her bearing the promised seed and the light of the world. Her branch represents the Alpha Star of Virgo-Spica-Al Zemach, the branch or offspring of God the Father, [Jer. 23:5].
Figure 4. Sun in Virgo, in the Temple of Esneh, on the Giza Plateau. 7

The union of the ends of the ecliptic in the Great Sphinx, with the Sun in Virgo, as seen in the Temple of Esneh.
This sets the basic context of the original function of the Great Sphinx, including:
- The unity of the Biblical zodiac which starts at Virgo and ends in Leo.
- The original role of the Sun in this context of “clothing Virgo,” along with embodying the solar aspects of the Sphinx as the Sun of Righteousness, as it moves through the 12 Mazzaroth signs during the year, [Ps. 19].
- A Stone monument bearing parallel witness to the coming redeemer found both in the Stars and in Scripture.
With this in mind, lets look at some specific stellar aspects of the Great Sphinx. A key indicator of the central importance of these stellar aspects of the Great Sphinx, is our recognition of the Celestial Sphinx, pictured below, Virgo and Leo the lion provide the basis of signs of the triple union of Jupiter-Regulus in Leo, in 3 BC linked to Gen. 49:8-10. This is a corner-stone linking the Sphinx both to the Celestial Gospel and God’s Word, in their unified testimony to the Coming Promised Seed, starting with the 1st Jupiter-Regulus conjunction 3 days after Christ’s birth on Sept. 14th, 3 BC.
As we view the celestial context of this first union of Jupiter and Regulus, [Fig. 5] we can see the head of Virgo rising above the eastern horizon just below the full body of Leo the Lion on the ecliptic. This is a view of what an observer in Jerusalem facing east would have seen on this date, providing a clear view of the astronomical symbolism of the Celestial Sphinx as a key marker and monumental prediction of Jesus’ birthday on Sept. 11th, a prophecy of the birth of Christ preserved in stone from antiquity! This monolithic marker serves as a prophecy provided in Rev. 12:1-5, in the sign of Virgo, further establishing this truth.
Figure 5. The Celestial Sphinx. The Head of the Woman and the Body of the Lion as seen on Sept. 14th, 3 BC, on the eastern horizon from Jerusalem forming the Great Sphinx, and marking the first Jupiter-Regulus Conjunction in Leo. 8

We find these landmarks at the head and tail of the zodiac, which adds light to Dr. Martin’s observation that: “the woman Virgo is the Constellation of Headship for all 12 signs. The head position of Virgo is located in the last 10 degrees of Leo.”9
Virgo’s head is seen in Fig. 5, just below and adjacent to the star Denebola in the tail of the Lion, unifying the circle of the zodiac. Figure 6 below depicts the Second level of Virgo’s crowning, including the nine stars of Leo with three planets; Venus, Mars and Mercury aligned on Sept. 23rd 2017, with Regulus, seen below.
Figure 6. Level Two of Virgo’s Crown in Leo. 10

In view of the showcase of heavenly signs surrounding to 9-23-17 replay of the Rev. 12 wonder, we take note of the matched sets of triple planetary conjunctions leading to this sign. As we view recent events, in past light of Jupiter’s role in the Celestial Prelude, the 2017 triple conjunction of Jupiter-Spica was heralded by two unions of Mercury and Spica in 2015, in a 6-week period. The first conjunction occurred Sept. 17th, 2015, with the 2nd on October 29th, 2015. Mercury-Gabriel, as messenger arch-angel gives two proclamations resulting from its retrograde motion, foreshadowing Jupiter’s 2017 retrograde motion in Virgo, forming the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Spica. Mercury-Gabriel established the triple union of Jupiter-Spica on Oct. 11th, 2016, in a pre-dawn union with Jupiter, as Mercury passed within a degree of Jupiter during a Sunrise union.
Recall that all this took place during the Jupiter-Venus conjunction series from 2015-2017, as part of the Celestial Sphinx signs in Virgo and Leo. This conjunction series includes two triple unions of Jupiter-Venus, one each in Leo then in Virgo, the head of the Woman united with the body of the Lion, as the two main components of the Great Sphinx, unifying the Mazzaroth circle in its alpha and omega signs. This is consistent with signs at the birth of Christ like the dazzling Jupiter-Venus union in Leo on June 17th of 2 BC. It was also two Jupiter-Venus conjunctions that bracketed the majority of heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ in 3-1 BC.
A guiding principle of the study of the Celestial Sphinx dictates that we should be watchful of activity in the heavens related to both components of the Celestial Sphinx. For instance, with Jupiter’s retrograde activity in Virgo last fall, we also witnessed key events in Leo around the king star Regulus-the heart of the Lion. These signs mirrored the planetary alignment in Leo surrounding the birth of Christ with Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Venus all amassed in Leo, in August of 2 BC including a second level crowning of Virgo.
The 1st Jupiter-Venus Conjunction marking the birth of Christ took place on August 12th, 3 BC, in Leo, the 2nd June 17th of 2 BC, also in Leo with the last one occurring on Aug. 21st 1 BC, in Virgo. Here we find a variation on a Celestial Sphinx sign directing us to the planetary unions of Jupiter-Venus, marking the initial fulfillment of the Rev. 12 prophecy relating to the sufferings of Christ in his ministry as the Passover Lamb. This alerts us that we should look for similar Celestial Sphinx signs as a precursor to the Lord’s Second Coming.
Jupiter-Venus Conjunction

With these triple conjunctions of Jupiter-Venus and the Celestial Sphinx signs in mind, other triple planetary conjunctions related to the Celestial Sphinx would also arrest our attention. We find this in the recent activity of Jupiter and Venus related to the Celestial Sphinx signs of 2017. The following dates for signs of the Celestial Sphinx witnessed Jupiter-Venus conjunctions in Leo in the Hebrew Jubilee year of 2015-2016:
June 30th, 2015
August 25th, 2015
October 26th, 2015
The following dates saw Jupiter-Venus conjunctions in Virgo in 2016-17, capped off in Nov. 2017:
Aug. 27th, 2016 [Jupiter enters Virgo]
Feb. 26th, 2017
Nov. 13th, 2017
However, before the final Jupiter-Venus union in Virgo in 2017, Jupiter starts its 42-week retrograde motion in Virgo’s womb, during which time Jupiter completes another triple conjunction with Spica in Virgo! As we can see Jupiter’s dance card was very full in 2017. The precedent for this at the birth of Christ is seen in the coronation of God’s only begotten Son in the heavens with the triple conjunction of the King planet Jupiter with the King star Regulus in Leo in 3-2 BC, starting 3 days after Christ’s birth. As we have seen regarding Jeremiah’s Messianic prophecy [Jer. 23:5], Jupiter the sedeq planet is linked with the Messiah, Jesus Christ the righteous zemach-branch, in one of 5 primary Old Testament prophecies regarding the Branch-Al Zemach, as Jesus Christ, the Coming Promised Seed.
As we view the Sept. 9th birthing of Jupiter from Virgo’s womb, completing Jupiter’s retrograde in Virgo, we also found important events in Leo around the king star Regulus the heart of the Lion. We can see both Mars-Michael the warrior arch-angel and Mercury-Gabriel the messenger arch-angel in close vicinity with Regulus, as Jupiter is being delivered. Jupiter’s birthing is a key pre-Tribulation sign alerting us that the woman of Rev. 12:2 is “with child and travailing in birth” pangs. With Jupiter’s birthing on Sept. 9th, a Mercury-Regulus conjunction also took place on 9/9/2017. This is key because this Mercury –Regulus union is part of another triple conjunction based on the retrograde motion of Mercury in Leo concurrent with Jupiter’s retro dance in Virgo. This added link unifies the two aspects of the Celestial Sphinx, and is the 2nd matched set of triple unions leading to the replay of the Rev. 12 sign on 9/23/17.
Figure 7. The Third level Crown of Virgo

In addition to marking the Alpha and Omega of celestial canon, these concurrent Great Sphinx signs not only mirror the binding of Scripture together from Genesis to Revelation, but also represent the 3rd level of Virgo’s Crown as the entire circle of the Mazzaroth is highlighted above the head of the woman. Her Promised Seed is the unifying subject in every book of the Bible and every constellation on the zodiacal circle, as seen in references to Jesus as the Lion of the tribe of Judah in both Gen. 49:8-10 and Rev. 5:5, and Rev. 12, the first and last books of the Bible.
Figure 8. Axis E on the Dendera Zodiac. 9

The heavens declared Jesus’ arrival with the setting of the star Spica, Virgo’s branch on our September 11th, of 3 BC, between the setting Sun and Moon in Virgo. This is established in the 5th axis evident in the Dendera zodiac, in the Egyptian Temple of Esneh, subdividing the zodiac in the same way depicted on the ceiling of the Portico of that temple site; between Leo the Lion, and Virgo the woman, seen above with Axis E. 10 Even as the birth of Christ is prophesied by the Great Sphinx, and the Dendera Zodiac, so also the Great Pyramid is an even greater witness to Christ, as Isaiah prophesied;
Isa. 19:19-21
19 In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord at its border. 20 And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the Lord because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Mighty One, and He will deliver them. 21 Then the Lord will be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day, and will make sacrifice and offering; yes, they will make a vow to the Lord and perform it.
Figure 9. Kings Chamber Star Shaft and Descending Passage Star alignments on Sept. 20-21, 2017. 11

On Rosh Hashanah leading to the Rev. 12 sign on 9-23-17 certain shafts and passages built into the Great Pyramid exhibit astronomical alignments on this date prophesying of, and witnessing to Jesus Christ. As we can see in Figure 9 above the King’s Chamber star shaft of the Great Pyramid is aligned to Regulus and Venus in Leo, while the Descending Passage is aligned to Jupiter in Virgo. Here we not only have a separate corroboration of the Celestial Sphinx from the Great Pyramid, but we too find a rendition of the 3rd level of Virgo’s Crown, pointed out in these Rosh Hasanah alignments of the Great Pyramid!
On September 23, 2017 there were four planets in the vicinity that complete the sign marking the Celestial Sphinx. Mercury, Venus, Mars, are in Leo with Jupiter in Virgo. In Leo at this time was Mars, Venus and Mercury. With Leo consisting of nine primary stars, the three wandering stars form the crown of twelve stars upon the head of the woman. Jupiter in Israel is known as the planet of the Messiah. Jupiter enters the sign of Virgo on August 27, 2016, which coincides with a close union of Venus. The August 27, 2016 conjunction comes 400 days before Yom Kippur, which always ends Teshuvah, the 40 day Season of Repentance. As the sign of Revelation 12 forms on Sept. 23, 2017, Jupiter is in the womb of Virgo 400 days [40 x 10], about to be born. As we recall, the meaning of Tribulation refers to the period of labor pains before birth. The world is going to endure a period of judgement resulting in the Messiah’s Kingdom. This sign foreshadows seven future years–the worst in human history. These celestial signs represent an announcement and warning of the Great Tribulation. There is still time to claim God’s deliverance for those who put their trust in Christ, [Rom. 10:9-10]. God will rescue the believers to heaven prior to the awful judgement. Yet many will miss this opportunity, but God’s grace still abounds for those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, but they will have to endure the Tribulation.
God included a special heavenly sign linked to the Great Wonder of Rev. 12. If we backtrack, 1260 days from the Rev. 12 sign, we conspicuously arrive at the day of the 1st Blood Moon lunar eclipse in the 2014-2015 Tetrad, [Joel 2:30-32]. This Passover lunar eclipse of April 15, 2014 occurred at a key location in the heavens near the star Spica in Virgo. Jesus as the Seed of the Woman became the perfect sacrifice for all mankind on Passover. He was the ear of grain that must die so that life can abound. Spica in Hebrew is Zerah meaning “seed”–the offspring of God, and its the same word found in the first prophecy of the Promised Seed in Gen. 3:15. Thus it is the perfect precursor to the Jupiter-Spica triple conjunction that occurred in Virgo’s womb, leading to the Jupiter’s birthing, as the sign warning of Jesus’ return to earth.
Figure 10. The Blood Moon Tetrad and the signs of 2017. 12

The sign of Revelation 12 is a logical celestial sign warning that the Tribulation is coming, not that it is here yet as is implied in Fig. 10. This is a key heavenly sign that links the Blood Moon Tetrad to the Rev. 12 sign on 9-23-17. The woman of Rev. 12 can embody multiple meanings in this prophecy. We have spent much time documenting this woman as Virgo, the only sign of a woman of the 12 primary constellations of the Hebrew Mazzaroth. We also showed earlier in the post, linked to the root of David, this woman could also symbolize the tribe of Judah. Also the virgin can embody (Israel) as the woman entering her labor pains, preparing to go through tribulation. When we combine this in context of recent blog posts foreshadowing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, we can see that for the Church in these days, our time is short. When we combine the setting of Rev. 12, with the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrads and 9-23-17 sign, we have very specific markers from different perspectives pointing towards the return of Christ, quickly.
Some doubt the dual significance of the Rev. 12 sign which already had been depicted with the multiple symbolism of the Woman of Rev. 12:1-2, 4-6, 13 that is readily seen in the difference between the woman of verses 1-2 [Virgo] as opposed to the woman of v.6 who fled to the wilderness for 1260 days, which does not match the time that Joseph, Mary and Jesus spent in Egypt, to get away from Herod and those who sought the child’s life. Thus within the space of the first 6 verses of Rev. 12 we already have three different meanings for the “woman.” Not only does the time frame not match, but the 1260 days matches the end-time periods of 42 months [13:4] and time, times and half a time [12:13-14], so we can see the the woman being persecuted by the serpent was not Mary, but Israel. Thus it is obvious that the Rev. 12 sign in the context of the 12th chapter alone refers not only to the birth of Christ but the end times also leading to the return of Christ.

With an interval of 1260 days between the Passover Blood Moon, and this Rev. 12 sign from Sept. 23 to Sept. 25, we find the Feast of Trumpets 2017, on Sept. 21st. This day is located between the sign involving the Great Pyramid and Great Wonder of Rev. 12. We saw earlier how the Great Pyramid witnesses of Christ during this time, but there are other examples of astronomical alignments linked to this last remaining Wonder of the Ancient world that we should be aware of. As we find in Figure 11 below the Apex of the Great Pyramid is aligned with “the Coming Prince” Orion, specifically with the main star of Orion’s Belt-Al Nitak-the wounded one. One of the Pyramid’s alignments that witnesses to the birth of Christ is that Al Nitak in Orion was seen over Bethlehem at 51.51 degrees, on the day of Christ’s birth-on Rosh Hashanah (our Sept. 11th) of 3 BC. So again we find the apex or Chief Cornerstone of the Great Pyramid aligned with the star Al Nitak at meridian or zenith on Rosh Hashanah of 2017, linking these two key dates together for all time. For those doubting our thesis for the birth of Christ on 9/11 3 BC, here is more strong evidence supporting our case. There are archaeo-astronomical theories supporting the pattern of the three large Pyramids on the Giza Plateau reflecting the three stars of Orion’s belt, when transposed to the ground, where Al Nitak’s position matches the Great Pyramid. These links take you to other studies on this blog covering added Great Pyramid alignments related to Bethlehem and the birth of Christ.
Figure 11. Great Pyramid astronomical alignments on Rosh Hashanah 2017.

The alignment of the King’s Chamber Passage in the Great Pyramid to this union of Regulus-Venus in Leo, in the dawn light on the morning before Rosh Hashanah, 2017, the King Star Regulus is unified with Venus the Bright and Morning Star – in Leo the lion (Rev. 2:28, 22:16 & 1 Pet. 1:19). With Regulus and Venus in the rising together “as a morning star” in the east at the 26.3-degree Christ angle, determining the orientation of various shafts and passages in the Great Pyramid, reminds us of 2 Peter;
2 Peter 1:19
19 And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts;
We began this study with Rev. 5:5 and 22:16 with a focus on Venus the bright and morning star and the king star Regulus, and here we see 2 Peter 1:19 brings this focus home in the recent signs on Rosh Hashanah 2017, as the dawn of a new day sheds its resplendent light in our hearts. It is the hope of the return of Jesus Christ that we are anticipating which anchors our soul in this dark and perverse world, keeping us moving forward with our God and Heavenly Father.
1. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger. p. 169
1a. The astronomer, Professor Thorley, has shown that there are exactly twelve stars surrounding the head of Virgo as we view them from the earth. If one will look at Norton’s Star Atlas, twelve visible stars will be seen around Virgo’s head. They are, according to astronomical terminology: (1) Pi, (2) Nu, (3) Beta, (4) Sigma, (5) Chi, (6) Iota – these six stars form the southern hemisphere around the head of Virgo. Then there are (7) Theta, (8) Star 60, (9) Delta, (10) Star 93, (11) Beta, (12) Omicron – these last six form the northern hemisphere around the head of Virgo.
2. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger. p. 169
3. Stellarium Astronomical Software on Aug. 27th, 70 AD
4. Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, American Christian Press, p. 71
5. The Star that Astonished the World, Earnest Martin, p.187.
6. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger. p. 21-22
7. Ibid
8. Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, V.P. Wierweille, p. 45.
9. The Star that Astonished the World, Earnest Martin, p.186.
10. Stellarium Astronomical Software image of Virgo and Leo on Sept. 23rd, 2017
11. The Skies of Memory, John Lash [picture credit]
12. The Atlantis Blueprint, Colin Wilson & Rand Flem-Ath. ppg 167-172.
13. Signs of the End – The Oracle in Stone
14. Figure 11 Picture credit [endtimesforecaster.blogspot.com]
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