Signs, Miracles and Wonders in the Book of Acts
Manifestation of Believing [MOB] Rene Fretz
A High Altitude Survey of Acts in Light of the [MOB], and the power manifestations.
Jon Nessle, Wayne Clapp, Ed Horney, Jan Magiera, John Crouch, Ren Manetti, Will Barlow.
This teaching is based on the recent MOB Conference call that I linked to the Book of Acts, as it lays out the growth and expansion of the 1st Century Church. In the session, our Aramaic Scholar Jan Mageira shared some notes and charts that really blessed me. One chart Jan shared from her notes, was an Aramaic word picture of Faith which translates; “Strong Water to the Seed.” Strength is pictured as an Ox, as a pillar of the Church, one standing strong on God’s Word. The basic idea is firmness or certainty. The seed once planted, in ideal ground needs the best water to grow, allowing water to saturate the seed for ideal growth. Renewed mind believing comes by hearing the Word of God, but it is this higher level of faith that catalyzes Church growth. There are growth examples in all 4 Kingdoms of Life; Plant, Animal, Human & Spiritual. Growth occurs via the Laws of Nature God designed in Creation, but the impartation of Believing, Miracles and Gifts of Healing all supersede these laws to bring the impossible to pass at the command of the one operating in the certainty of this supernatural level of believing. We are aware of two universal key ingredients in the Manifestation of Believing [MOB]; human freewill and God energizing, that are always present. Once we Know That God energizes, a key question becomes HOW does God energize? We find examples in the Word of God where He energized in believer’s personal lives for blessing and deliverance in certain situations. This summary is focused on the Book of Acts for the following reasons;
The pattern for growth in all four kingdoms of life increases according to the perfect geometric pattern of the Fibonacci Series. Plant-life is based on optimum utilization and exposure to light and water, enhanced by the spiral growth form of the Phi ratio and the distribution of leaves or seeds on the plants above ground, and the pattern root structure of the plant below ground. The Sunflower florets for example, are set in two rotating spirals, 21 clockwise and 34 anti-clockwise, programmed into the DNA of plant auxin, ordered via the Fibonacci numbers arranging the seeds in the most compact array to optimize their ability to gather light from the Sun for maximum growth and replication. There is also a general agreement between the geometric increase of growth via the Fibonacci Series and summarizing and concluding statements of the Book of Acts, that start with addition and geometrically increase in scale to multiplication, at higher levels. The “Grk. Word Auxano,” is the root for “auxins” found in 3 of the Acts summary statements; [Acts 6:7, 12:24, 19:20, Eph. 4:16]. We see this in how 1st Century Churches grew and were added in key areas, [Acts 9:31–multiplied, 16:5, established in the faith, and increased in number daily…]
Sunflower Florets Arranged in Fibonacci Spirals
Common themes of Music and geometric growth based on the Fibonacci series are exhibited in DNA, scalability, and replication. The principles of Plant DNA-auxins depicting the spiritual life and growth of the Acts 1st Century Church are witnessed in the gradual, progressive and systematic growth from the simple to the complex. We find a general compatibility of the numeric expansion of the Fibonacci Series [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21] in the initial Fibonacci numbers; 1,1,2,3 increasing by simple addition; reaching a point of transition to multiplication. This growth is seen in Acts first with individuals, then moving on to groups/church levels daily! No matter the level of growth and expansion attained, these precepts do not deviate from these basic growth principles. In the Beginning with the initial utterance in His Symphony of Sound and Light, The light of Almighty God has continued its inexorable spread across all levels of Creation and our world. As all the choirs of the Kingdoms of Life add their voices to this universal Scriptural Score, All Creation praises our Almighty Creator and Loving Heavenly Father of Lights, spreading strands of truth, ever echoing and reverberating in newly variable combinations, unifying the works of His Hands, with each sharing their unique part in His infinite Mystery of Godliness.
[Rom. 8:19-23] 19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. 20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, 21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
[Ps. 148-149, I Cor. 3:6-7, Col. 2:19]
The Musical Structure of the DNA Double Helix.
DNA [the following research is found on Wikipedia and is suggested for further study]
For more information on DNA see Appendix 1 below.
Each cycle of the DNA molecule measures 34 angstoms long by 21 angstroms wide. 21 and 34 are consecutive
Fibonacci numbers. As the series increases the ratio of 34/21 is a closer approximation of phi, [1.618…] since it is further into the series progression than the previous examples of 3 and 5. Jean-claude Perez suggested there is a strong link between DNA and golden ratio in 1991,[1] then later in 1997 in his book l’ADN décrypté[2]. His work shows the relative proportions of nucleotides within coding DNA sequences like genes or RNA strings are governed by specific Fibonacci and Lucas number sets. This discovery was validated particularly on all known HIV and SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus) retroviruses, whole genomes with Professor Luc Montagnier (the discoverer of HIV virus) who called the discovery a “DNA supracode” [1].
As we find the Fibonacci number sequence of 21, 34 in both plant auxins and human DNA in the above examples we can see a similar pattern in God’s Word. A Grk. word for growth is Auxano 2 [G837]=to enlarge, grow up, [give the] increase. Botanical examples of Auxano, from the Plant Kingdom include; [Matt. 6:28] consider how the lilies of the field grow… [Matt. 13:32, Lk. 13:19] the tiny mustard seed grows greatest among the herbs. [Mk. 4:8] In the Parable of the Sower, the plant sprang up and increased bearing fruit…
[Luke 1:80, 2:40] Jesus as a child grew and waxed strong in spirit. [filled (G4137) with wisdom (G4678) and grace (G5485), 3 shows Jesus as the ideal example of Auxano growth in Human and Spirit Kingdoms.
This word also describes the growth and increase of God’s Word in believers according to the pattern of 8 Great Statements in the Book of Acts. [Acts 2:43-7, 6:7, 9:31, 11:21, 12:24, 16:5, 19:20, 28:31] 4 the Word of God increased and the number of disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly. Key verses where these 3 words; signs, miracles and wonders occur together are;
Acts 2:22, 22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
As a fan of Biblical Astronomy it is notable that in Peter’s Sermon on the Day of Pentecost in 28AD, he references the OT Prophecy of [Joel 2:28-31] where the first use of the word “wonders” [teras] in Acts, occurs referring to celestial signs; [Rev. 12:1-2]. At the opening of the Age of Grace, it shows the vitality and importance of Biblical Astronomy in our current administration. Acts 2:20 refers to Blood Moons, or Lunar and solar eclipses where the sun is turned into darkness and the Moon to Blood before, or leading to the Great and notable Day of the Lord, and the return of Christ.
Blood Moon over Jerusalem.
Heb. 2:4 Signs, wonders and mighty works [Dunamis]. A sign signifies something by the work wrought, or the specific type and nature of the deliverance. Peter & Paul did similar miracles while ministering to the Judean and Gentile churches in Acts 3:2-8, vs. 14:8-10, both men healed a man lame from his mother’s womb, having never walked, who began leaping and walked immediately upon their healing.
Where the [MOB] is present in bringing signs and wonders to pass we find a pattern of God energizing His spirit supernaturally with the power manifestations in his believers in the Church. Where the word for “Wonder” [teras] is used in specific sections of Acts, referring to the effect produced on those witnessing the mighty works, tells us How, When and Where God energized His spirit for the Word of God to grow, resulting in the rise and expansion of the Acts Churches. The rise in personal believing exercised by those witnessing these signs and wonders, builds into the results of expansion, growth of the Church and healing deliverance of the Church, not to mention the awe and respect for God, as in the first great statement.
[Acts 2:43] fear or respect of God came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles, leading to Acts 2:47. As Jon Nessle has taught; this reverence and respect for God listed with the OT manifestations seen on the positive side, which is discerning the spirit of the Lord. 5
[Isa. 11:2-3] 2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; 3 And shall make him of quick under-standing in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:
The spirit of understanding is dicserning of spirits on the negative side. As the discerning of spirits is listed as the 7th NT Manifestation in I Cor. 12, it reflects the depth of spiritual perfection and discernment on both the positive and negative sides required to operate the power manifestations. 6 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge and wisdom, [Ps. 110:10, Prov. 1:7]. [Heb. 5:14] reminds us that by reason of use we should exercise our spiritual sense to discern both good and evil. The Acts Great Statements also record the opening and unveiling of the Great Mystery in practical application in the transition to the Book of Acts from OT Manifestations to NT Manifestations, seen in the progressive spiritual growth of the 1st Century Church. This reverence was at the heart of the Unity and 1 accord [Acts 1:14, 2:46] of the Church [Eph. 4:1-4], as this awe and respect came upon every soul, via witnessing Signs, miracles and wonders. This spiritual unity is a focus of the 1st summary and conclusion statement in Acts, the number one signifying unity and commencement.
Acts 2:46-47, was a direct result of Peter’s Sermon on the Day of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, and opening of the Age of Grace Admin, the Lord added [to the church] daily, such as should be saved.
The 1st section of Acts saw the miracle New Birth first become available, marked by a sign “cloven tongues like as of fire” with Speaking in Tongues as a new worship manifestation of power from on high [Acts 2:,4 38], and in many tongues understood in their own language evoking a multitude responding in Praise to God, a key summarized in the first Great Statement, [Acts 2:47].
[Acts 2:22, 3:16, Faith in his Name], “call on the name of the Lord”-
[Acts 7:59] At Stephen’s stoning. 9:14-all that call on thy Name.
[Acts 22:16]; Paul with Ananias calling on the Lord’s Name.
[Rom. 10:12-14]; No difference between Jew and Greek for the Same Lord is rich over all that call on Him. [1 Cor. 1:2]. 7
The Counterfeit in Acts 19-the sons of Sceva tried to derail calling on the Lord’s Name after failed attempts to shut down the Word via fear and intimidation. Both in Acts 5:18-19, below and Acts 19:17, fear and reverence came on them all, and the genuine Name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.
This links the 1st and 7th Great Statements of Acts not only in the apostolic ministries of Paul and Peter in the two denominations of the 1st Century Church, but also in the 7 Great Statements as a set, where the 8th is a new beginning. Ananias and Sapphira is another example where reverence of the Lord was violated with immediate terminal consequences [Acts 5:1-5], Great reverence ensued. Genuine believer’s true motivation in repentance is not fear/legalistic condemnation, but in the love, joy and delight for God to seek and walk in His light. As His will is revealed for us in our calling, we develop a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father in the practical application of our gifts, callings and purpose.
Acts 4:30-37 By stretching forth thy hand to heal that signs and wonders may be done, This shows when leaders and believers “get their hands dirty” in service to the body, God energizes [MOB] required to bring gifts of healings with these signs and wonders to pass in the impartation category, revealing the powerful Hand of the Lord, with them leading to the 4th Acts summary statement;
[Acts 11:21] 21 And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord.
Acts 5:12-16 By the hands of the Apostle’s were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; The Shadow of Peter healed the sick and those vexed with evil spirits. Peter and Paul both did special miracles [Acts 5:15-16, 9:42, 19:11-12], raising the Dead!
The Angel delivering Paul from Prison
Acts 5:18-19 When the High Priest and Sadducees laid hands on the Apostles to imprison them, the angel of the Lord opened the prison doors releasing them, told them to “Go Stand and speak in the Temple to the people all the words of this life–freeing the men of God with the ministry of reconciliation. This is the 1st record in Acts of angelic action in the movement of the Gospel. All leading to the 2nd section in Acts 6:7 where the Word of God increased and the number of disciples multiplied greatly. Here the Quality of believers increased to Disciples at a higher level, while the Quantity also transitions to multiplying of individual disciples vs. added believers. [Acts 6:1 disciples multiplied, at a lower rate before “greatly” multiplying in Acts 6:7, as in the Fibonacci number series, where the expansion multiplies faster the deeper into the numeric series we progress, until “Churches are multiplied” on a group level in Acts 9:31].
Acts 9:31 Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.
This is a key record in Acts where the intervention of an angel plays a key role to protect Paul and others. Since Acts was the birthday of the Church of Christ’s spiritual Body, it is also the first time Christ’s authority over both the angels and the Church is witnessed at the same time, [Rev. 1:20]. Thus it behooves us to pay attention to the actions of angels, and their influence on the growth of God’s Word in Acts.
In the 2nd section we see in Acts 6:8, where Stephen was full of faith and power, doing great wonders and signs among the people. Acts 6:15 says Stephen’s face was perhaps illuminated like the face of an angel. Stephen also recounts God who sent Moses as the deliverer of Israel, by the hand of the Angel of the burning bush. Since the growth of the Church began in Jerusalem, there was an emphasis on the signs done by Moses in Egypt and the wilderness in Acts 7:36.
Phillip the Evangelist and the Ethiopian Eunuch
In Acts 8 the people seeing and hearing the miracles done at the hands of Phillip gave heed with one accord in Samaria [Acts 8:5-8], was sent to Gaza by an angel [8:26] where he met an Ethiopian Eunuch, as Phillip evangelized beyond and outside Jerusalem, since the Eunuch was not a Jew. This was an initial sign after Acts 2:38-39, that the Word was moving to the Gentiles, followed by the record with Simon the Sorcerer, a key account where the positive impact of God’s Word shut down occult powers. In Acts 9 Saul, after he saw the events involving Stephen, led efforts to persecute and slaughter the Church.
Paul was persecuting the Church of Christ with authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on the Name of the Lord, but God called him to bear God’s Name before the Gentiles, kings & Isreal, [Acts 9:14–15]. Here the Church’ growth waited on the personal growth of Paul as a key minister to impact the spiritual conflict of that day. When Jesus recruited Paul, he took a top agent of the enemy, turned him from darkness unto light. This removed the impetus from the enemy, transferring it on the right side. We find the Church influenced on a group level by individual key leaders, as chief persecutor-Paul was recruited and converted by Christ to become the leading Apostle to the Gentiles. After his conversion these attacks ceased–one reason why the Churches had rest in the 3rd Great statement of Acts 9:31, a great example of the practical application of comfort of the holy spirit.
As the church walked in awe and respect of the Lord and comfort of the Holy Spirit they were multiplied. Here we find the 1st time the Churches multiplied on a group level vs. single believers, or disciples, resulting from the people reverencing and respecting the Lord, and being edified; [oikodomeo].
This opens the 4th section with Peter healing Aeneas of the palsy and raising Tabitha from the dead, that was known throughout Joppa so that many believed in the Lord, [Acts 9:42]. In Acts 10:3 Cornelius reached out to Peter, at the Angel’s direction where Peter has a vision so God can take him beyond the OT Law, to witness to Cornelius and the Gentiles. This promise was first revealed to Peter in Acts 2:38-39, as we saw was reiterated with Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. Finally, in Acts 10 God showed Peter in the vision the full ramifications of the initial prophecy at Pentecost, where the Gentiles manifested holy spirit, and shared the baptism of the Spirit. This lead to the 4th section of Acts, [Acts 11:21] where the “Hand of the Lord” was with them, and a great number believed and “turned to the Lord.” Four is the number of the World, where the Gentile nations believed and manifested just as the apostles did at Pentecost.
Next was the time for Barnabas to rise and be sent to Antioch in Acts 11:22 who was full of the holy spirit and Faith, leading to the 5th great summary statement “and much people were added to the church,” [Acts 12:24]. In Acts 12 Peter is delivered from Herod’s Prison by an Angel, another instance of angels with key roles in signs and wonders, in this case the believers in the house praying for Peter’s release, thought it was Peter’s angel at the door, not Peter himself. In Acts 12:23 in Herod’s speech, the people said his was the voice of god [idol] and when he did not give God the glory, reverence and respect due to ego, the angel smote him so he was eaten with worms and expired. This shows the consequences of not reverencing the Almighty at this point. On the heels of this, the 5th Acts Great statement takes place, an awesome witness and testimony to the temperature of believing, awe and respect of God by omission at this stage of growth, in the new area of Antioch, like Ananias & Sapphira previously.
Acts 13:42-43, Acts 14:1-4 Paul and Barnabus in Iconium, where a great multitude of Jews & Greeks believed. 14:3 shows Paul and Barnabas teaching and preaching the Gospel where signs and wonders were done by their hands. This witness by Paul & Barnabas continued in the Acts Council at Jerusalem, where they recounted the signs and wonders God wrought among the Gentiles, [Acts 15:12]. Paul and Barnabas split over John-Mark [Acts 15:36-39], Paul goes with Silas, and not much is heard of Barnabas afterwards.
This leads to the 6th Great Statement in Acts 16:5 where the Churches were established, [3:7, strengthened- stereoo. In this section of Acts [14:22-23] we find the leaders exhorting [parakaleo] and confirming the souls of the disciples, [confirming=episterizo, exhorting-parakaleo 15:32, 18:23], 8 ordaining elders and in this way confirmed every church [Acts 15:41]. This provided the basis for the church growth to increase in number daily. Paul gets the vision of the Man of Macedonia in Troas [Acts 16:9-10], calling for their help. Here they met Lydia and her believing household. Upon shutting down the divination spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ, [Acts 16:16-36] they saw a backlash from the local magistrates being persecuted, beaten and imprisoned by those who lost their soothsaying income from their spiritualist damsel, but as they were equipped in their faithful reply of singing praises to God in prayer, a great earthquake shook them loose, so the apostles were delivered from prison, saving the jailer with his house.
In Acts 19 Paul in Ephesus ministered the Holy Spirit unto the believers and they Spoke in Tongues and prophesied, [19:3-8, 11] God wrought special miracles [dunamis] by the hands of Paul. When counterfeit exorcist–spiritualist Sons of Sceva were sent packing, as they counterfeited the “Name of the Lord,” with a “false spirit of Jesus,” fear [respect] fell on them so the true “Name of the Lord Jesus” was magnified, calling attention to the real power of the “Lord’s Name.” Here we see the reverence of the Lord combined with calling on the Lord’s Name, to the end the genuine was magnified. This focus caused the people to burn their books of occult practice, so the Word mightily grew [Acts 19:20] and prevailed against diminished opposition in the 7th summary statement. Acts 19:21 says “After these things were ended…” shows link and level of completion in the first 7 Great Statements of Acts, with the unity of the 1st and 7th verses based on the “Name of the Lord.”
Here we see another level of spiritual counterfeit in the organized group opposition and industry behind Dianna of the Ephesians, whose Temple was a wonder of the old world, getting labor Unions and local politicians involved to riot and shout down the Apostle’s; [Acts 19:24-29, 32-34 like antifa]. This was an answer to the Churches multiplying in growth, demanding the enemy to respond in kind, with a chaotic assembly [Ekklesia] most of which “knew not the reason they were come together.” However, cooler heads led by Alexander prevailed against Demetrius-the Union boss who accused Paul of turning away many from the industry tied to the worldwide worship of the idol goddess Dianna, teaching “there be no gods that are made with hands,” [Acts 19:26].
In Acts 23:6-9 Paul’s background in the Judean religion being familiar with the belief’s of the Sadducee’s and Pharisee’s, he drew on his own history as a Pharisee, hitting upon a point of division between the 2 sects, since the Sadducee’s did not believe in Angel’s or spirits, but the Pharisee’s hold with both. So he used this schism based on the doctrine of angels to his advantage to escape with his skin.
During Paul’s journey to Rome he witnessed the Gospel of Christ before Governor Festus, and King Agrippa. Once Paul started the Ocean voyage from Crete with the ensuing storm, the crew had lost hope, Paul exhorted them that there would be no loss of life in the remainder of their trip, only the ship, [Acts 27:20-25].
Acts 28:31 is the 8th Great Statement, where “Paul dwelt in his own hired house for 2 years, preaching and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.
After all the strife and contention that the adversary put up to oppose the movement of God’s Word, all the stonings, stripes and hazards encountered by Peter, Paul and the Apostle’s and Believers, they finally got to the point where they could have free course to share God’s Word minus persecution, in all confidence “no man forbidding him,” showing he was unhindered in these efforts. I believe this speaks volumes for our day because the enemy knows his days are numbered and short, so he is pulling out all the stops leading up to the tribulation, that we are witnessing in the current pandemic and Signs-of today.
In summary, we have seen a strong link between the awe and respect of God, seen in the 1st, 3rd and 6th Great Statements, resulting in Hand of the Lord, being with the apostle’s, so that more signs, miracles & wonders are operated in the ministries of the apostles and prophets, in the Name of Jesus Christ. With this super-natural deliverance resulting from God energizing this deliverance among the believers, the Name of God is manifested in light of His true benevolent power, witnessed far and wide by his genuine ministers. The pattern of Church growth laid out in the Book of Acts, provides a standard and replicable blueprint modern Christians can emulate as we abide by the principles evident in this record. This seems to be our clarion call as seen in the 8th Great Statement as a New Beginning for the application of these keys in genuine Church outreach.
These statements also depict the unity of the 7 Ones [Eph. 4] in practical Application! [Body, Spirit, Hope, Lord, Faith, Baptism, God-father].
God has no hands and feet but our hands and feet to walk amongst the almost dead…
Appendix 1.
DNA spiral as a Golden Section
The DNA molecule, the program for all life, is based on the golden section. It measures 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of its double helix spiral.

B-DNA has spirals in phi proportions
DNA in the cell appears as a double-stranded helix referred to as B-DNA.This form of DNA has a two groove in its spirals, with a ratio of phi in the proportion of the major groove to the minor groove, or roughly 21 angstroms to 13 angstroms.
The DNA cross-section is based on Phi
It has been reported but not yet confirmed by this site that a cross-sectional view from the top of the DNA double helix forms a decagon:
A decagon is in essence two pentagons, with one rotated by 36 degrees from the other, so each spiral of the double helix must trace out the shape of a pentagon.
The ratio of the diagonal of a pentagon to its side is Phi to 1. So, no matter which way you look at it, even in its smallest element, DNA, and life, is constructed using phi and the golden section!
The following quote is from Gary Meisner who authors the [] site.
I think we can all agree that imaginary entities do not create anything. If God is our Creator though, then He is not imaginary. Just to have this exchange of thoughts, we type away at computers dependent upon sophisticated programming codes, communication networks and power sources that took highly intelligent human beings centuries of purposeful design to achieve. A single strand of our DNA though contains a more sophisticated code than any mankind has created. That code contains the complete instructions to create the human brain, which is far more sophisticated than any computer we’ve conceived, and the neural networks that allow your eyes to see, your brain to think and your fingers to type. I am in awe at the need of other story telling humans to believe that the amazing intricacy in the cosmos happened without intelligence, thought and design, completely by chance and with absolutely no purpose.- Gary Meisner. 9
1. Jean-claude Perez in 1997 from his book l’ADN décrypté.
2. Strong’s Concordance, Auxano [G837], James Strong.
3. IBID, (G4137) wisdom (G4678) grace (G5485)
4. The Rise and Expansion of the Christian Church in Acts, The Way Intn’l Seminar.
5. Jon Nessle The OT manifestations, Isa. 11:2-3.
7. Companion Bible marginal notes, E.W. Bullinger
8. IBID on [Acts 14:22-23, 15:32, 41, 18:23]
9. Gary Meisner author of the [] site.