Ancient Megalithic Code of the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge and New Jerusalem.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend to everyone!
It has always been fascinating to me that two of the most renown megalithic structures in history, the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, share a unique relationship as Monuments to the wisdom of the ancients. These ancient wonders however, share much more in how they embody the message of their wisdom for mankind. I have referred previously in my archive of blogs and studies to how the Great Pyramid is a witness to Jesus Christ, as Isaiah tells us, [Isa. 19:18-20]. This study represents my first blog pertaining to Stonehenge specifically, and its unique relationship to the Great Pyramid. Isaiah’s description of the Great Pyramid includes its location, and that its primary purpose is to serve as a witness for Christ. As we will see, the location of Stonehenge also is unique not only in its witness, but also in its relationship with the Great Pyramid. I first had the occasion to visit Stonehenge in the mid-90’s on my way from London to Bristol, England, as a guest teacher to fellowship with the great Bristol believers lead by Brendy McCann, who showed me wonderful hospitality during my stay. The warm and radiant hearts of God’s people, with the beauty of the green pastures and countryside, left an indelible impression on me that I will never forget!
The media and the message of both of these megalithic structures is sacred geometry. Geometry is a Greek word that literally means the measure of the earth. In History, mankind has used geometry to measure land boundaries, in surveying techniques, & building technology, while also drawing conceptual borders between the sacred and profane. In this light, geometry becomes sacred in at least two way, first where it is found in Scripture, and second as it embodies certain sacred ratios like Pi, or Phi in its orientation in specific directions, many times with astronomical significance. Perhaps this is why Stonehenge’s trilithons resemble the character pi, long before the Greeks adopted it, denoting the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Archaeologists have more than not over-looked geographical coordinates in the study of ancient monuments, but the latitude of Stonehenge is a simple and elegant function of pi. Furthermore, similar functions specify with great accuracy the location of Craig Rhos-Y-Felin, the quarry from which the bluestones were taken to build Stonehenge. Historians remain unsure of how these Blue Stones were moved to their current location, since their origin from the Perseli mountains, is 240 miles away from the site of Stonehenge.
Plate 1. The Great Central Stonehenge Trilithon.
The Trilithons of Stonehenge allude to π and their own [1, 1, π] latitude.
The focus of Sacred Geometry across many cultures embodied in structures from stone circles to pyramids, permeates the archetypal patterns expressed via architectural, mathematical or natural proportion. In natural proportions, we find the main reasons why this geometry is considered sacred, since it reflects the mathematical patterns behind God’s Creation and handiwork. These patterns are readily found in the structure of water, and its flow in rivers, or in the crystalline order of snowflakes and ice. This mathematical order is found in the study of gematria in the number values of the words used in Scripture. This provides specific links to the truth of God’s Word relative to the subject matter and context of Scripture on certain relevant topics. As we’ll see in this study, the designers of the Egyptian Pyramids, and Stonehenge, applied sacred geometry in the layout and orientation of their structures, even to the point of aligning them!
The earliest stages of Stonehenge were raised near the same time of the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza, and Stonehenge is part of the same neolithic complex as Avebury on Salisbury Plain. Avebury is located at 51.4286◦N, 1.854◦W. Some 1450m to the south, we find Europe’s largest man-made mound: the 40m high, conical Silbury Hill. Given that Avebury is situated exactly (4/7) ×90◦ north of the equator, it is key to consider Silbury Hill’s latitude, 51.41574 ±0.00004◦ in the context of Stonehenge, which is 6 megalithic miles away or 86,400 feet from Silbury Hill, whose latitude is 90◦ × 3999/7000 = 90◦× [1,1,3,142,1,1,3]. Here we see that the 2π/7 latitude of Avebury is far more succinct; [1,1,3] × 90◦. Viewing the slightly modified continued fraction [1, 1, π], where the angle (3999/7000) × 90◦ falls in this range, suggests that Silbury Hill was precisely located just 1◦/7000 south of Avebury, confirming the idea that Avebury’s notable latitude is not by chance. 1#
In her discussion of the circles constituting Stonehenge, Bonnie Gaunt relates the orientation of the Sarsen and Aubrey Circles, not only in context of the Great Pyramid, but with New Jerusalem also. Gaunt states; “assuming that the 360◦ of Aubrey’s Circle could be a timeline of 7,000 years, it is a simple matter of math to determine that one year would equal .051428.” Using this idea, Stonehenge could become a chronometer with the Aubrey Circle as the dateline: one circuit of its circumference representing a period of 7000 years relative to man’s history. The azimuth’s, or points where each alignment intersects the Aubrey Circle become date points. Bible chronologers called this span of 7000 years a “day,” the Hebrew word for day; “yom” has a gematria value of 56, correlating to the 56 holes [8 x 7] of the Aubrey Circle.” 2#
This led to Gaunt developing a theory that the Aubrey Circle was a timeline, and that the summer solstice sunrise marked the zero point on the Sarsen Circle, wherein she compiled an in-depth description of each alignment related to human history, which she published in her book “Stonehenge…a closer look.”#3
Stonehenge is an ancient real time calendar laid out in a perfect circle, which maps out seasons, equinoxes and solstices, and has long been regarded as a place to celebrate and venerate the Summer Solstice. The Summer solstice or “mid-summer,” usually occurs between June 20-22, when the axis of the Earth tilts toward the sun. The sun not only reaches its highest point in the sky, seen from the north and the south pole, but those north of the earth’s equator experience the longest period of daylight for the year. People usually flock to Stonehenge at this time of the year because the solstice sun sits perfectly in between the U-shaped stones; [Fig. E below] known as trilithons – two vertical stones capped by a horizontal lintel, as in Plate 1 above.
Thus, the Heelstone Axis of the sunrise alignment bisecting Stonehenge, framed between the arch of stones 15-16 in the Sarsen Circle, extended between stones 55-56, in the lower slot of the Great Central Trilithon, next divides stones 31-49 of the Bluestone Circle, to finally divide stones 30-1, at the other end of the Sarsen Circle, splitting the gap between the Slaughter stones, where our brilliant sun appears to rest atop the Heelstone, fixing Stonehenge’s original alignment seen on the central axis of the solid red arrow in Figure A below. 4#
Figures A. Stonehenge’s Central Axis between two Slaughter stones, aligned to the Heelstone, and horizon#5/B. Stonehenge Circles .#6

This is why the line from the center of the Sarsen Circle to the center of the Heelstone is 51.85◦ from North, and it never changes. In the works of Bonnie Gaunt, she states that; “I became aware of the astounding fact that the angle to sunrise & North at Stonehenge was the same exact angle as that of the face of the Great Pyramid, namely, 51.85◦.”[7#] This is an initial common point shared between Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid that contributes to their alignment on the face of the earth. Stonehenge is built on the only place in the northern hemisphere where the azimuth of the summer solstice sunrise forms an angle of 51.85◦ from North, as seen in Fig. H. below.
The Sarsen Circle consisted of 30 upright stones, topped by 30 lintels, using “tongue and groove“ to join the lintels. If we divide the circumference of the Sarsen Circle by 30, we obtain the width of one upright, plus the interval between; [3.52 ft.] equaling 10.56 feet. This also relates to the Sarsen circle’s diameter of its outer face at 105.6 feet. Once we divide the height of the stones with their lintels, by 10.56, the resulting ratio is a very close approx. of Phi. The average width of these uprights is 7.04 ft, with intervals between of 3.52 ft. Multiplying this interval by 30 of the uprights in the Sarsen Circle [3.52 x 30=105.6], equals 1056, as seen in Image 8a below. In Ex. 33:22 the “cleft of the Rock” also has a gematria value of 1056, where Moses hid from God’s presence, is a picture of Christ. This numeric value of 10.56 ft. also matches the length of the Reed seen by Ezekiel in his vision of the measuring the temple, specifically in the height of the “most holy,” part of the Temple, [Ezek. 40:5]. This reed consisted of 6 great cubits, to which a hand breadth was added, equivalent to 18:14 British inches. With the extra handbreadth the total measure for this Reed of Ezekiel was 21.12 British inches, or 1.76 feet. Six of these great cubits totaled a reed of 10.56 ft.”#7a As Isaiah told us [Isa. 19:20]; “He shall send them a Savior and a great one,” with a value of 1056 referring to Christ embodied in the Great Pyramid.#8 These 30 Lintels, form a perfect circle atop the uprights, having a mean length of 10.56 feet, once multiplied, produce the 316.8 value; [10.56 x 3=31.68], as we will see below is a key number pointing to Jesus Christ.
Image 8a. Sarsen Circle lintel dimensions. #8a
“The Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge had an outer rim circumference to code 345.6 feet or 11.52 inches per degree of arc.”#9 There are
a series of circles at Stonehenge that are in a direct Phi relationship to each other. The Phi diminishing circles start out on the Avenue where marked positions indicate a diameter that is a Phi increase of the Aubrey Circle. The most noted Phi relation at Stonehenge is that of the Sarsen Circle to the Bluestone Circle, where the ratio between the squares of their radii is phi. Stonehenge Phi circles are 466 feet, reduced by Phi to 288 feet (Aubrey Circle), reduced by Phi to 178 feet (“Y” Holes), reducing by Phi to 110 feet (Sarsen Circle outer rim), etc. The “Z“ Holes Circle (132 foot diameter) is a non-Phi customized circle, which codes a navigational diameter of the “11“ series.#10 This number of 3456 is also found at Stonehenge in the measure of inches of the diagonal of the Station Stone Rectangle, along with the diameter of the Aubrey Circle. It is also prominent applied to our Sun, as it measures not only the square drawn tangent to its perimeter at 3,456,000 miles, but also the Sun’s radius at 3456,000 furlongs.
THE 51.84-DEGREES and 25920 YEAR CODES.
The side angle of the Great Pyramid was intended to code 51.84-degrees. The Great Pyramid covers a base area of 5184 square reeds. Herodotus, said that the Great Pyramid was 8-Egyptian acres per side. Inasmuch as each face equates to 230400 square feet (11520 x 2), we now know that an Egyptian acre was 28800 sq. feet. Therefore, there are 32 Egyptian acres in the Pyramid’s 4 faces and 19.845 in the base… or 51.845 overall. The 5184 coding was used in navigation, and a circle based upon a diameter of 1 league (16500 feet) covered 51840 feet in circumference …breaking down to 144 feet per degree of arc. The Menkaure Pyramid’s combined Egyptian acreage (4 faces and base) is 11.52 exactly under its Phi dimensional assignment. A Phi increase of the Aubrey Circle at Stonehenge (288 feet) produces a marked circle of 466 ft. The number 51.84 is 1/500th of 25920…the number of years in the Precession of the Equinoxes. 11#
“The steep sided, flat bottomed 56 Holes of Aubrey’s circle vary from 2.5 to almost 6 feet in width and between 2 to 5 feet in depth. Although irregular in shape, there is little irregularity in their spacing. They formed a very accurately measured circle 288 feet in diameter with a 16-foot interval between their center points. The greatest radial error was 19 inches and greatest circumferential or interval spacing error was 21 inches. It’s noted that such accurate spacing of 56 holes around the circumference of so large a circle was no mean engineering feat.”12# He discovered also, that lunar eclipses could be predicted through a system of moving stones around the circle of Aubrey Holes.
A number of these alignments involved the Equinox Moon, that is the full Moon nearest the Spring equinox; and the Passover Full Moon. One of these alignments involved one of the Station Stones [#94] as it aligns with the Heelstone. A related line drawn adjacent to the Station Stone alignment below, in Fig. C. intersects the Aubrey Circle dateline in the Fall of 2 BC, at Equinox Moonset, with the corresponding Equinox Moonrise marked in the Fall of 3507 BC. 13# Of interest here is after this Equinox Moonset in 2 BC, was when the Magi appeared in Jerusalem in Dec. of 2 BC, at the winter solstice and later found the young child Jesus-over a year-old in Bethlehem. The Passover Full Moon relates to the Station Stones of Stonehenge, seen in the circumference of the Aubrey Circle, where four unhewn boulders are found forming the corners of a rectangle within the Aubrey Circle, below in Figure C. Sir William Petrie first numbered these lunar alignment stones 91-94, but only 91 & 93 remain today. [See also Fig. F. below]
Figure C. The Stonehenge Complex with luni-solar alignments. #14
First, it is vital to understand how the geometric alignments of Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid intersect. We find this represented, as a symbol of atonement in Squared-Circle geometry with both megalithic edifices, reconciling [square–man, temporal] Earth to the [circle-God, spiritual] in heaven. The Great Pyramid thus embodies its location and purpose as a solar male monument, and only one of two aligned buildings on the earth’s surface that both feature squared-circle geometry symbolizing Christ’s atonement sacrifice on Rosh Hashannah– the day of his birth. Stonehenge is a lunar female edifice with two inner circles of stones, one in a U-shape of a womb/Omega sign, [Fig. B] thought to symbolize the conception date of Christ at the winter solstice sunset.”#15 This was witnessed at Stonehenge 9 months prior to the Great Pyramid’s autumn equinox marker. [Figure G.]
Gerald Hawkins was the first to apply the computer to his analysis of Stonehenge, proved that this stone circle was aligned to the rising and setting points of the Sun and Moon. It was common knowledge for millennia prior to Hawkins, that Heelstone was aligned to the summer solstice sunrise, which was a local draw for onlookers to witness annually on summer solstice mornings, leading some researchers to conclude this was the design of the monument’s axis. It’s interesting that Heelstone’s alignment, not only perfectly bisects the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge, but the full orb of the Sun is framed and enclosed in the lower slot of the Great Central Trilithon in the center of Figs. D & E below;
Figure D. Stonehenge Restored. 16#
The lunar female construction of Stonehenge with two inner circles of stones in a U-shaped, womb or Omega symbol is thought to mark the date of conception of the Lord at the winter solstice sunset. It is aligned to the Winter Solstice Sunset, 9 months prior to the fall equinox marker of the Great Pyramid; a male, solar construction tied to the Alpha symbol. The position of the Moon’s alignment in the Trilithon’s upper window, with the sun in the lower split windows of the central-tallest Trilithon, provides a singular astronomical marking from this ancient megalithic monument, of the conception and birth of Christ, viewed from the marker stones to the southeast on winter solstice sunset.
In this alignment it appeared to observers that the sun was resting upon the Heelstone, making Stonehenge a most precisely aligned solar observatory in the ancient world. In these two windows at Stonehenge just above the main altar stone of the inner–most U-shaped of the stone circles, [female womb] the Moon sets above the sun in the upper of two windows at winter solstice sunset, positioned to receive and inter-face with light [male symbol] from the rising Sun and Moon in the east. In John 1:7 Jesus is called “the light” with a gematria value of 2640, related to 264.#17 Since the zero has no numerical value in gematria, it can be dropped, equalizing the values of 264 and 2640. From the Winter Solstice sunset to the Fall Equinox is 9 months, [human gestation cycle] the Fall Equinox marking the Biblical holy day of Rosh Hashanah and the birth of Christ on 9/11/3 BC. Also, in Israel it is the Day of Trumpets, when Kings are anointed over their kingdoms, and the reigns of Israel’s Kings were always calculated from this day on Tishri 1.
Figure E. Lower and upper windows framed in the Central Trilithon at Stonehenge.#18
The Architect of Stonehenge chose the one spot on the surface in the northern hemisphere of the earth, where solar and lunar alignments form a rectangle. Station Stones 91-92 parallel the axis of Stonehenge aligned to the summer solstice sunrise, as do stones 93-94, forming the short side of the rectangle. The two remaining Station stones 91-93 form the diagonal of the rectangle with their lunar alignments. #19 It is key that the lunar alignments of the diagonal of the rectangle formed by Station stones 91-93, point straight to the Great Pyramid on the Giza‘ Plateau, that qualifies as a highly notable sign, in Fig. F below marked as Stonehenge Sunrise alignments are seen between stones 91-93. The fact that the measure of the longside of the Station Stone Rectangle is 264 feet, is a witness to the gematria accuracy of Scripture. Since the Hebrew/Greek Alphabets are alpha-numeric, where every letter in their alphabets is also a specific number, so “number values of the letters in the Biblical Hebrew/Greek alphabets, can be calculated and compared to decipher the numerical gematria Bible codes.” This provides added levels of numerical verification of Scripture, divinely designed into God’s Word, attesting to the accuracy of Holy Writ.
An example of this related to our current topic of Stonehenge, as an astro-archaeological monument, significant for its luni-solar alignments, that function as signs [G4592–semion]; pointing to someone or something significant to come.#20 Since [Isa. 19: 19-21] tells us the Great Pyramid is “an altar in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and a witness to the Lord of Hosts in the land of Egypt, and He shall send them a Savior, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.”
Plate 2. The Station Stone Rectangle with its Diagonal as a 5:12/13 Phi Rectangle.#21
Since the dimensions of the Station Stone Rectangle conform to a Phi Rectangle with 5:12/13 Fibonacci proportions, we can see how the principles of divine proportion–Phi are present in the Sacred Geometry of Stonehenge. With the solar-lunar alignments of the Station Stone diagonal of Stonehenge pointing directly to the Great Pyramid, it points also as a sign and witness to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! An interesting note here is related to some of the common measures shared in the Station Stone Rectangle of Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid; The perimeter of the Stonehenge Rectangle is .144 of a mile, while the length of one side of the Great Pyramid also measures .144 of a mile. Two sides would be .288 of a mile, with three @.432 of a mile, giving a perimeter of .576 of a mile. If we straighten out this rectangle it would equal the measure of one side of the Great Pyramid at rock level. #22 When converted to a measure for reeds, the sides of the Great Pyramid are 72 reeds. Two sides measure 144 reeds, which is a number value for Greek words describing our “everlasting” [144] and divine nature [144]. #23 The Kingdom of Heaven has a gematria value of 2880, aligns with Jesus as the king of this kingdom, as Zecharia refers to him-“He shall be a priest on his throne,” with a value of 288. The Aubrey Circle at Stonehenge, as seen before, forms a very accurately measured circle 288 feet in diameter, with a 1728 in. radius, also the number not only for the perimeter of the Khufu Pyramid in great cubits, and the circumference of the circle reaching the pyramid’s apex in reeds, but also for holy Jerusalem, [Rev. 21:10].#24 Added to this, the 1728 furlongs of it’s diameter, provides a well-rounded witness for Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid and New Jerusalem, with the two great lights of Gen. 1:16.
Figure F. Stonehenge and the Station Stone Rectangle. #25
In Acts 2:18-21;
18 And on My menservants and on My maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy.
19 I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath: Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
21 And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved.’
Back in July of 2021 Rev. Jon Nessle taught us about the record of Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost in 28 AD. His teaching on the Figure of Speech; Merismos was a key revelation to us all, and a milestone to me especially with Peter’s reference to the Prophet Joel in Acts 2:17-21. Jon taught us that in v. 20 where; “The sun shall be turned into darkness and the Moon into blood before the great and notable day of the Lord come,” first refers to solar and lunar eclipses that don’t take place together as the science confirms. Since this reference does not point to literal truth, it must be figurative. As solar and lunar eclipses depict the Moon on opposite sides of the earth, it represents a “juxtaposition of 2 extremes,” which in Biblical Figures of Speech is called a Merism. This figure illustrates a combination of two contrasting words or subjects in reference to an entirety, as from “A to Z.”#26 Since this Merismos in Acts 2:20 is celestial in nature, the entirety referred to here is different kinds Celestial signs, not only Solar and Lunar eclipses, taking place before the Lord’s Return. Since Peter’s Pentecost Sermon in Acts 2 took place on the opening day of the Age of Grace, the entirety of Celestial Signs can potentially include all these signs during the administration of the Age of Grace. Thus, we are very thankful that the Heavenly Father gave us both a general and specific pattern of various celestial signs that not only marked the birth of Christ, but also mark his Return, based on similar celestial patterns in each case. This is the basic premise of the Celestial Prelude, which are the preliminary celestial signs that allowed the Magi to recognize the actual signs marking the birth of Christ, in the first Celestial Prelude.
This prophecy spoken by the Apostle Peter in his teaching on the Day of Pentecost, and birthday of the Christian Church, points out the key role of luni-solar signs leading to the Lord’s return. This is supported in the phrase found in James 5:8-“the coming of the Lord” with a gematria value also of 2640. If the number 2640 of this measure is converted to inches-it will equal 3168, or the number of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. #27
Image #27a. Alternate Measuring Standards of the Station Stone Rectangle.
In fact, the long-side of the Station Stone Rectangle at 264 not only equals 3168 inches, but 88 yards, .4 of a furlong, .5 of a mile, and 25 Reeds, among others. #28 The Image 27a above provides a basic key to translate the measures of various world standards, to decipher the dimensions provided for the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge and New Jerusalem, as presented in this study. In Graphic 1 below in its explanatory notes, overlay the Station Stone Rectangle on the ecliptic circle and related Great Pyramid Latitude of 30 degrees N, the vertical [red–blue] line that bisects the planisphere below, mirrors the point where the ecliptic crosses the galactic equator. This also conforms to the primary Stonehenge axis of the Summer solstice sunrise.
Graphic 1. Station Stone Rectangle overlayed on the ecliptic. #29
As He set the truth of the coming redeemer-Jesus Christ in His Written Word, He also backed these truths with many signs and wonders on earth, and in the heavens. These Heavenly Signs spoke to those with eyes to see, according to the principles of the Celestial Gospel, first revealed to men of God like Abraham, in the Patriarchal administration, [Gen. 15:4-6, Gen. 17], just as surely as the witness of the Scriptures. As this was the case with the first coming of Christ, so it is with his imminent Return. In light of the merismos-figure of speech in Acts 2, that refers to solar and lunar eclipses specifically, but includes a general reference to all types of celestial signs in the Age of Grace, our examination of the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge and New Jerusalem “signs” for example, take on added meaning and depth for the end times, since God provided a blueprint of heavenly signs, starting over 2000 years ago, marking the birth of Christ, in the first Celestial Prelude, providing the keys to our recognition of The Celestial Encore of Christ’s 2nd Coming.
The Lord Jesus Christ = 3168 is the Word and “Alpha and Omega,” [Rev. 22:13]
Jesus the Word is also called Alpha and Omega. This refers to the Word as being the apex of what God can communicate of Himself in human form, without losing any of His own identity. Alpha and Omega is another example of the figure Merismos, being the first and last, in a series also representing an entirety. #30 The Lord Jesus Christ with a numeric value of 3168 as the First and Last means of salvation for mankind, is the pivotal character in bringing salvation to humanity, to establish God’s Kingdom on Earth. He is also the “Mediator between God and man” –3168 in [1Tim. 2:5]. #31 This number is seen not only in the 316.8 ft. circumference of the Sarsen Circle, but also the 316.8 ft. long-side of the Station Stone Rectangle.
Thus, when God ordained and spoke His WORD, He ordained the words of the Greek and Hebrew languages with His numeric signature; as the Alpha and Omega, He invented the Greek alphabet from the letters alpha to omega. When the Almighty spoke the universe into being in Gen. 1:1, the sonic boom of His Spoken Word left a deep impression on all Creation, which is still discernible in the imprint of the Cosmic Background Radiation. The sweet sounds of His Words were ordained by God even, as the Greek and Hebrew languages both were indispensable aspects of the Design and communication of all Creation, spoken into existence by the Word of God. At Stonehenge we find the relationship between the Sarsen circle [outer circle in Fig. G.] to the Bluestone Circle [inner circle in Fig. G.] as the same as that of New Jerusalem as seen in Fig. G below. #32
Figure G. Squared-Circle Sacred Geometry of Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid and New Jerusalem. #33
The diameter of the New Jerusalem wall is 7,920,000 feet [Bluestone inner circle].
The diameter of the Stonehenge’s circle is 79.2 feet [Bluestone inner circle].
The perimeter of the New Jerusalem Square is 31,680,000 ft.
The circumference of Stonehenge’s Sarsen Circle is 316.8 feet. #34
Here we can see how that if the Earth and Moon are drawn to the same scale, they also overlay the precise measures not only of New Jerusalem, but also the exact proportions of the Great Pyramid [triangle in Fig. G.] built on the dimensions of the Earth and Moon. The idea that these signs; Stonehenge, the New Jerusalem, the Great Pyramid, the Earth, Sun and Moon, are all are based on the same numbers of Sacred Geometry, shows the work of the master Architect behind Creation. For example, the triangle [Great Pyramid] is constructed on the diameters of the Earth and Moon. The Inner Circle of this diagram embodying the Earth, also corresponds by both number and proportion to the Bluestone Circle of Stonehenge, seen in Fig. B above, and the New Jerusalem. Also, the Square drawn tangent to the circle of the Earth is commensurate by both number and proportion to the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge, the outer circle in Fig. G above. #35
Figure H. The Stonehenge angle between the Summer Solstice Sunrise and North-equal to Pyramid angle of exactly 51 degrees, 51 minutes, and 14.3 seconds. #36
As Pi, is inherent in the Great Pyramid’s structure, so it is also in Stonehenge. The circumference of the Lintels equals 31.4159 “Reeds”, or 10 x 3.14159. With the infinite nature of Pi, it embodies the Almighty Creator. “Almighty” has a Gematria value of 314. In addition, the area inside the outer face of the lintels is .00314159, of a square mile. The angle, 51’51”, or 51.85 degrees, is present in Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, the angle provides the “Pi” answer of base/height ratio that is depicted in the Great Pyramid. Also, if the height of the pyramid is taken as the radius of a circle, then the circumference of this circle is the same as the perimeter of the base. This provides the complimentary squaring of a circle and cubing of the sphere, found in the Great Pyramid in Fig. G, above. However, as the Pi and Phi ratios are irrational numbers, they don’t embody finite concepts in a static way, as they calculate in ever-growing accuracy to infinity. This is one reason why the trinity dogma violates the Laws of Physics, since it’s impossible for something to be both finite and infinite at the same time and in the same relation, as the God-man theology promotes. This also adds a pantheistic element to the Trinity, as the Creator becomes part of His Creation, a dogma that provokes God’s wrath, which the Apostle Paul warns us of in Romans 1:18-25.
Gerald S. Hawkins notes that: “The inner diameter of the Sarsen Circle is 97.325 ft, and through the centers of the stones, 100.825 feet. So circumferences of 305.75622 and 316.75182 feet respectively, and areas of 29,757.724 and 31,936.502 square feet respectively. The diameter of the Aubrey circle is 288 feet. That’s a circumference of 904.78 feet and an area of 260,576.87 sq. feet. The website referenced below cites this about the Sarsen circle and the Aubrey circle.”#37
The key to this relationship is knowledge of the value of Pi, and designing the angle of the Pyramid to be exactly 51 degrees, 51 mins, and 14.3 seconds, as seen in Fig. H above.
Plate 3. Sacred Geometry of Earth’s Diameter and the New Jerusalem. [The Four Earthly Elements – (] #37a
The position of the North Pole has moved via the Precession of the Poles over time, but the Pyramid was exactly aligned to the pole star Thuban at the time of its building. These and other astronomical alignments unveil a system of revelatory Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy, as seen in Scripture [Gen. 1:14-17], encompassing the various calendars and celestial cycles of the Sun, Moon and Stars. In Plate 4 below we find the dimensions of the Sun-Moon-Earth plan embodied in the Great Pyramid, all unified in a Base 60 number standard. On top of this diagram, we see the diameter of the Moon equal to 2160 miles [6 x 6 x 60]. Since the light of the moon is the reflected light of the sun, both are seen in the Plate 4 graphic below in the 2160 mi. lunar diameter, with the square drawn tangent to the circle, has for a perimeter the solar number 8640: [2160 x 4]. #38 This top-stone is not only the “stone which the builder’s rejected” with a value of 2160, #39 but the cornerstone also, equal to 864, set in the midst of these two great lights. The Celestial Jerusalem too holds the number value of 864, foretelling the time when “He shall reign,” also with a value of 864, via “the word of the Lord from Jerusalem;” 864.#40 The Moon is flanked by two 3-4-5 [in green] triangles with the capstone of the Pyramid contained in the Moon. Below that, we see a diameter of the Earth equal to 7920 miles, [12 x 660], also seen in Fig. G; [79.2] above. So, we find a standard of other related measures like 7920 inches in a furlong, of [660 feet] reflecting 7920 feet in a league, that not only measure of the diameter of the Bluestone circle, but also the 12,ooo furlongs that measures the side of New Jerusalem. #41 This earth commensurate standard, seen in the sides of New Jerusalem [Rev. 21:16] makes a cube of 12,000 furlongs, per side or 12000 x 660 ft, equaling 7,920,000 ft., as seen in Fig. G. The diagram of Plate 4 below gives the diameter of the earth as 7920 miles, seen on the left of Fig. G, above as [79.2]. The 1st Adam was given dominion over the earth, by God-“Jehovah the maker of the heavens;” having a value of 792; [Ps. 121:2], His God-given authority seen in; “You made him to rule,” also has a value of 792.#42 Once man fell, God supplied a ruling redeemer offering salvation, also with a 792 value [Ps. 116:13], allowing humanity on Earth to once again take part in the “Kingdom of God,” equaling 792 in [Matt. 21:31]. #43
Plate 4. The Great Pyramid and the Squared Circle. #44
The combined Earth radius of 3960 miles with the Moon’s radius of 1080 miles are too shown in Plate 4 graphic above, totaling 5040 miles. The height of this earth commensurate Pyramid is also 5040 miles. The diameter of the Moon is 2160 miles, seen on the upper left side of the Plate 4 graphic. Again, in the topstone of the Great Pyramid, Jesus is called “the stone which the builders rejected,” in [Matt. 21:42] with a value of 2160. #45 The apex of the glorious capstone of the Great Pyramid fits exactly in the center of the sun-moon figure of this Plate 4 diagram. It represents Jesus in [John 1:9] in his position of divine rulership as the head of his spiritual body, the church; “the true light that lights every man that comes into the world.” The radius of the Moon is 1080 miles as the entire capstone rests wholly inside this radius. This truth is also found in Hab. 2:20; “But the Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him,” also with the gematria number 1080.#46 We uncover the intention of the Master Architect established in Ps. 8:3; “When I consider the work of thy fingers, with a value of 1008, the moon and stars which thou hast ordained… #47 in reference to all the handiworks of the Almighty.
As Michell concluded, “using the actual proportions and dimensions of the solar system [based on pi and phi] the canonical figure of the 12 sided New Jerusalem is produced.” #48 Here God employed the dimensions of our earth and Moon contained as part of the geometric phi symphony of our solar system preserved in the Great Pyramid, and embodied in the measures of the New Jerusalem and Stonehenge relating to the divine canon of Scripture. As Gaunt agrees; The Pyramid built on the diameters of the Earth and Moon, bears the precise proportions of the Great Pyramid. #49
The evidence above reveals the sacred geometry of the world’s two greatest megalithic monuments, both as witnesses for Christ. They are Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, the only two ancient megalithic structures on Earth featuring both; perfect squared-circle geometry – THE archetype of the atonement of Christ in their reconciliation of the square (representing earth, man, and the temporal), to the perfection of the circle (representing heaven, God, and the spiritual). Squaring the circle or cubing the sphere is constructing a square equal in area to a given circle. These sacred geometry concepts are found in ancient to modern buildings across the globe, embodying Christ-centered geometry concepts in Art and architecture, with standing stone circles, churches, Pyramids, Gothic Cathedrals, and temples. How both these structures interface with the harmonics of light (the sun, moon, and stars), and on specific calendar dates (winter solstice and the fall equinox), points to the conception of Christ at the winter solstice, and His birth 9 months later on Rosh Hashanah, the day of the coming of King on the Hebrew Calendar. #50
These symmetric principles designed by God, into various living and non-living systems from the very beginning, do not appear as a result of any exclusive evolutionary process in Nature. Very simply, if this Symmetry is present at the outset, not in an isolated sense, but in all kingdoms of life regardless of scale, then Intelligent Design is not only implied but, it becomes a given. Since we find many manifestations of the phi ratio
operating at the basis of the mathematical reality underlying all Creation even at the quantum levels, we don’t discover or formulate it, we only observe it in its beauty and awesome detail. These Symmetry principles in Creation don’t occur randomly, but are witnessed systematically and on multiple inter-related levels and dimensions throughout all Creation. This is undeniable evidence of the Intelligent Design of the Creator.
Graphic 2A. Great Pyramid Passage alignments on 9-20-21-2017. 51
A. Celestial Sphinx Christ angle Alignments. B. Great Pyramid Regulus-Venus and Apex-Al Nitak alignments.
The Great Pyramid embodies the Christ-centered squared-circle geometry as found in the Pyramid’s top-stone. In Scripture, the words; “sun,” “headstone,” and “cornerstone” all share the same Hebrew gematria value of 53. In Greek the word “Son” also shares this number value, of 530, tells us the Pyramid’s top-stone, embodied in the Lord Jesus Christ, is “the Saviour” [432] and “foundation” [432] of “all things”
[432] as a “great sign” [432] symbolizing the light of the Sun [Ps. 19:4], whose radius is [432,000 mi], which is half the Sun’s diameter; [864,000 mi.] matching “cornerstone” [864], “the word of the Lord from Jerusalem” [864] in [Mic. 4:2].#52 In Graphic 2a above we find the ascending and descending passages of the Great Pyramid‘s two primary interior passageways. They appear linked to the Doctrine of the Two Ways, one going up to the King’s Chamber, and one down to the pit. It also features the missing 5th, central capstone, symbolizing Christ as the Chief Cornerstone, he is the headstone at the apex unifying the cornerstones of the base, “the stone that the builder’s rejected,” (Ps. 118: 21-23). These Christ-centered features, revealed in its sacred geometry, many featuring the spatial measures of many of its various dimensions of the earth below, reflecting astronomical features of time in the heavens above. Jesus’ authority rules over all dimensions of space-time. One example is the perimeter of the base of the Great Pyramid (space) at 25,960 inches. This measure of space below on Earth is the same as the temporally-based number above in the precession of the equinoxes, also called the Great Year. It is 25,960 years -the time it takes all 12 signs of the zodiac to make one complete revolution around the earth. This number matches the perimeter of the structure at the 50th course of its masonry – the height of the King’s Chamber. A third witness of this number is found in the sum of the length of two diagonal lines at the Pyramid’s base. All these witnesses are revealed in the sacred number or geometry of the edifice. #53 [Researcher Daniel Matson uncovered many of these witnesses. See his great research at: [] See also Lost Wisdom: Archetypes of the Atonement, Ascension and At-one-ment, [].
As we mentioned above, concerning the diagonal of the rectangle formed by Station stones 91-93, and how the azimuth of the Aubrey Stone Circle at Stonehenge points straight to the Great Pyramid on the Giza‘ Plateau, qualifying as a highly notable sign that aligns these two unique ancient megalithic monuments. What follows expands on this aspect of the blog, relating to the Great Pyramid as Boundary Stone
of Israel.
Graphic 3. Global and astronomical alignment of Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and the Crucifixion Moonrise.#54
In Graphic. 3 from Stonehenge on the day of the Crucifixion, the Moonrise azimuth and the great circle route to Jerusalem, the site of the Crucifixion forms the Christ Angle, which is the Angle of the Great Pyramid’s sloping Ascending and Descending passages. The diagonal of Stonehenge’s Station Stone Rectangle is on the azimuth of a great circle passing through the Great Pyramid, so the 9123.84 in. perimeter Station Stone Rectangle is linked to the Great Pyramid’s 9123.84 in. x 9123.84 in. full design base by a 9123.84 megalithic mile circumference great circle of the earth. A rhumb line from the Pyramid to Bethlehem forms the Christ Angle with the latitude of the Great Pyramid (the world’s longest land parallel) and the distance on a great circle route equals one Pyramid furlong for every year counting from the Pyramid’s datum year to the birth of Jesus. This leaves a 31680 ft. bridge joining Bethlehem to Jerusalem to complete a circuit with Stonehenge, the bridge being the life of the Lord Jesus Christ from his birthplace to the Crucifixion (31680 ft.) on the feast day of Passover, as the rituals of Passover prophesied of his Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension. The extra line at the top of Graphic 3 of the circuit points to the Passover moonrise on the day of Crucifixion. Stonehenge’s Outer Bank has a 380.16 ft. diameter symbolizing the Moon’s 3801600 yard diameter and the 31680 feet from Bethlehem to Jerusalem= 380160 in. also symbolizes the Passover Moon diameter, and 380160 yards is the diameter of the 1/10th scale model great circle of the Moon around the Great Pyramid. #55
The equator is designated 0° and is a factor in calculating all latitudes, lines drawn from the earth’s center to Bethlehem and the equator create the angle 31.68° thus, latitude 31.68° north crosses Bethlehem, latitude 31.68° north’s relationship with the equator is more profound than other latitudes, from the equator to Bethlehem’s latitude 31.68° represents 35.2% of the arc of the northern quadrant of longitude 35.2° east. Bethlehem’s latitude 31.68° north would be written in atlases as 31° 40’ 48” meaning 31 degrees 40 min. and 48 seconds (of latitude), when we write latitude 31.68°, its just another way of expressing the latitude using only degrees and the decimal system. The three most profoundly design orientated spots on the earth’s surface are (1) Bethlehem, (2) the site of the Great Pyramid at the center of the 1/10 scale model great circle of the Moon, and (3) the 3168 Cross inside the 1/10 scale model great circle of the Earth.#56
“The circumferences of the earth and its moon equal the perimeter of a square placed tangent around the earth. This is a simple but profound design, a description made without using any units of measure. If we change the square’s perimeter into a circle its circumference will perfectly contain great circles of the earth and its moon placed side by side, as seen in the upper part of Graphic 4 below. This is another description without using units of measure. The sun and moon have the same apparent size which is especially obvious and emphasized when there is a total solar eclipse, another description of design harmony without the use of units of measure. When appropriate measuring units are introduced to the designs above, layers of design harmony are revealed. Unlike the metric system which is not attuned to the cosmos, other measuring systems harmonized with the cosmos and the four kingdoms of life therein, not only attuned to humanity and the cosmos but also in numeric and mathematical harmony with the numbers of music found on the musical scale.” #57
Graphic 4. Circumferences of the Earth and the Moon related to a Solar Eclipse.#58
“In Genesis 1:14, the sun and the moon, are for “signs,” and the most spectacular sign concerning these celestial bodies is a solar eclipse. Why are they the same apparent or angular size? The moon’s orbit is elliptical so the distance from the earth to the moon varies, at its closest approach to the earth its apparent angular diameter is 33.5167 arcminutes, and at its maximum distance from the earth its apparent angular diameter is 29.367 arcminutes, so about once a week its apparent size is 31.68 arcminutes, in the earth’s elliptical orbit of the sun four times a year the apparent size of the sun is also 31.68 arcminutes. Sometimes the sun and moon’s angular diameters are 31.68 arcminutes at the same time. During a solar eclipse the 31.68 arcminute Solar diameter is eclipsed by the 31.68 arcminute lunar diameter, and if a square was placed tangent around the moon its 3168 megalithic mile perimeter would also perfectly surround the 316800 megalithic mile Solar diameter with a radius of 316800 Roman leagues.” #59
Graphic 5. Earthly and lunar orbits around the Sun. #60
The KJV of 2 Pet. 1:16 “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. The Greek word for “majesty” is number 3168 in Strongs Greek dictionary and Concordance, and the Lord Jesus Christ above has a gematria of 3168, it is significant that this use of the number 3168 is found in the same verse especially because the Greek word listed number 3168 is used only three times in the Bible, Strong’s definition of word number 3168 is; “Superbness, glory or splendour: mighty power, magnificence, majesty.”#61
A 31680 mile perimeter square fits tangent around the 31680 furlong earth radius, and using a 22/7 version of pi to calculate the circumference of the earth and its moon produces a combined total of 31680 miles. A study of the Bible’s Greek text and the Greek alphabet has revealed that the number 3168 is used as a numeric signature of the Creator marking his work. Thus, when we see that a 31680 mile perimeter square fits tangent around the 31680 furlong earth radius, it is not only the design of the earth that is verified, but also the mile, the furlong and the Greek language that are also verified. The earth existed before man thus, the details above reveal that the mile, the furlong and the Greek language are factors of the Creator’s Godly Design in place before man’s creation. The units of measure used in this investigation have the same verifiable Source, they were ordained by the Creator. #62
To begin putting this all together, our focus must shift to the New Jerusalem which embodies all the promises of Old Jerusalem, as seen during the reigns of Kings David and Solomon going back to ancient Israel circa 1000 BC. The royal reigns of David and Solomon who each reigned 40 years in the Christ line, represent the closest mankind has come to the coming reign of the King of Kings Jesus Christ, in earth’s history, since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. As Adam and Eve embodied the sacred canon of the truths in God’s Word, preserved in the laws, symbols and customs before the Old Teastament, they anticipated the Architecture of the Temple of Jerusalem under David and Solomon, as the center of spiritual life in Israel. Only Jesus Christ inhabits and fulfills the apex of the Priest-King, not only of Israel, but the entire world as the universal savior and perfect sacrifice for all mankind. Thus, Christ not only embodies the fullness of what the Temple stood for, but after its destruction, he prophesied, and fulfilled its living reality, to unify the Jews and Gentiles under the headship of his rule, in the graceful salvation of his New Covenant. This is the reality of the King of Kings-as the singular yet universal spiritual Head of the body of Christ, he alone embodies the top-stone and chief cornerstone– the head of His Church.
Even as Zechariah saw the man with a measuring line in his hand to measure the length and breadth of Jerusalem; [Zech. 2:1-2], so we have seen some key correlations above, of the measures and patterns of New Jerusalem, Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, confirmed in the gematria values of Scripture, and the media of Sacred Geometry. We find this in the key to the City of God related by John the revelator, which is modeled on squared-circle sacred geometry, as the New Jerusalem is identified as a cube containing a sphere, with a model of the earth on the scale of 1 foot:1 mile, for the diameter of the sphere is 7920 ft, with the earth’s mean diameter being 7920 miles. As Michell states; “The macrocosmic city of 12,000 furlongs square and the microcosmic citadel wall of 144 cubits differ in scale, but belong to one geometric figure.”#63 John the Apostle writes in reference to the 12 apostles; [Rev. 21:14-17] “Now the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the [j]names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. 15 And he who talked with me had a gold reed to measure the city, its gates, and its wall. 16 The city is laid out as a square; its length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with the reed: twelve thousand [k]furlongs. Its length, breadth, and height are equal. 17 Then he measured its wall: one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel.”
With the twelve Apostles identified with the 12 foundations of the walls of the city, the wall has a diameter of 7920 ft. and 14,400 cubits in circumference, with the 12 foundations geometrically inscribed in the double hexagon of its 12 corners, as seen above in Plate 3 graphic of New Jerusalem, enclosed within the model of New Jerusalem in Graphic 6a below. #64
The 110th Psalm provides a picture of Christ’s dominion on the earth, after he successfully brought redemption to mankind resulting from his first advent. It describes his rule over his remaining enemies on Earth, which will be headquartered at Jerusalem. Verse 2 tells us he is seated at God’s right hand, indicating the complete success of his rule and authority over the world, as the Priest-king after the order of Melchizedek, not the Aaronic order. As Jon Nessle recently taught in his OT History Class; “The order of Melchizedek is referenced in three places in the NT book of Hebrews; 1x in Chapt. 5, [v. 5-10] and twice more in Chapt. 7. A major difference between these priesthoods is that Christ needs no sacrificial offering for his sin, Heb. 7:27-28] because as the perfect sacrifice for mankind, he is sinless.” Once Christ will have destroyed the last of his enemies with his army of saints, [I Cor. 15:25-26, Rev. 19] then he will hand over his kingdom to God the Father, [ICor. 15:24-26] Who is the exception of the authority of Christ’s rule, to Whom Christ himself is subject. [ICor. 15:27-29]. #65
The 12 sides of New Jerusalem with the Star of David. [picture credit]]
The Holy Mt. Zion of the Lord in Jerusalem also has the value of 1440, where the Lamb stands with the 144,000 redeemed of the earth; [12,000 x 12,000 tribes, 12 apostles and foundations of New Jerusalem, 12 signs of the Mazzaroth, 12 Pearly Gates, etc.] Within the cube of the New Jerusalem is a sphere with a circumference of 144 cubits, and a diameter of 79.20 ft, symbolizing the earth on a scale of 1 foot to 100 miles, since 7920 miles is the earth’s mean diameter. As we have seen in the myriad dimensions and measures of New Jerusalem above, as they are represented in Stonehenge and in the Great Pyramid, as a historical foretaste of the holy city John saw descending out of heaven in Rev. 21:1-2; the tabernacle of God is with men to dwell with them as His people. As God is in Christ, and Christ lives in his Church, [Col. 1:27] so God is with His people as their God. The diameter of the New Jerusalem measures 7,920,000 feet. This corresponds to the diameter of the Bluestone circle of 79.2 feet, the diameter of the earth, at 7,920 miles, and the perimeter of a square 12k gallon Bath drawn on the Molten Sea at 792 in. seen in lower left corner of Graphic 6a below. While a side of the square of New Jerusalem is 12,000 furlongs or 7920 feet, the side of this square contains 1440 acres. #66
Graphic 6a. New Jerusalem, Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid 6b.The Molten Sea of the OT Jerusalem Temple. #67
A. B.
The New Jerusalem represents the true Jerusalem, NOT the one in bondage, but the heavenly Jerusalem, [Gal. 4:25-26, 29-31, Heb. 12:22, James 1:17]. As the Square of New Jerusalem also embodies the Holy Mt. Zion, it includes the Lord Jesus Christ who said in Matt. 16:18; And I also say to you that you are Peter, [G4074-petros] and on this rock [G4073-petra]68, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. Peter-petros was a small chunk of rock, but Jesus is the massive mountain, the Rock-petra, in reference to himself, the foundation upon which he builds his Church. Jesus surpasses the OT Temple, as he fulfilled all the OT sacrifices linked to the former Covenant, which will be back in effect during the 6th spiritual administration of the Millennial Kingdom, when Christ rules over the earth, with a rod of iron. Here we can see the difference between the three groups of people signified in God’s Word; Jews, Gentiles and the Church of God, with the Jews related to the OT, and the Gentiles and Messianic Jews related to the NT Church of Grace, the spiritual body of Christ.
Revelation 22:13. I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
- In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1. Those words are the beginning or alpha of the Bible.
- In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:1 (the beginning of John’s Gospel).
- Rev. 22:21. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. (The Bible’s omega verse signed Lord Jesus Christ = 3168).
It is also very appropriate and significant that the Omega verse of the Bible is Revelation 22:21 shown above which signs off using the words; Lord Jesus Christ which has a gematria of 3168.
The subject of the 53rd chapter of Isaiah is the Lord Jesus Christ, the chapter prophesies centuries beforehand of some important details of Jesus’ life, the Crucifixion and his burial, seeing into the future concerning important supernatural details of the Bible. The following verse has a gematria of 3168 and it is prophesying about his Crucifixion. Isaiah 53:11. He shall see the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied; by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. It is significant that this Old Testament verse written in Hebrew has a gematria of 3168 which is a reference to the gematria of the Lord Jesus Christ written in Greek. This demonstrates that according to God’s Perfect foreknowledge, He knew many centuries before it happened that the New Testament was to be written in Greek, that the main subject would be the Lord Jesus Christ and the gematria of his name would be 3168. Elsewhere in Isa. 53 it explains why Jesus came with details of his life and death, the 3168 verse above tells us that the Crucifixion justified many, elsewhere in the chapter it refers to the Lamb of God brought before Pilate. Isaiah 53:7. He was oppressed and afflicted yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. See also Matt. 27:13- 14; now history. Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? 14 And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marveled greatly...
In Isaiah 42:5 there is another 3168 verse, we leave out the introduction (Thus saith) God the Lord, He that created the heavens and stretched them out; spreading out the earth and its offspring, giving breath to the people on it and spirit to those walking in it. Gematria 3168. The two 3168 verses of Isaiah describe the most important pre-historic event concerning man, when man’s home was created and we were given life. The other verse is the most important historic event concerning man, for without this event the first event would have been in vain. Both 3168 gematria verses equal a gematria of 6336, man’s earthly home has a 31680 furlong radius and a 63360 furlong diameter.69
‘The 3168 verses were revealed by Bonnie Gaunt in her book, NILE, The Promise Written in Sand, and I should mention that reading some of Bonnie Gaunt’s books led to my own project, her books supplied the tools for my investigation.” #70
I appreciate this author’s [James Heyworth] summary and can add my own, as Bonnie Gaunt’s books have obviously been a key influence, not only on this blog-study, but also in understanding principles of Sacred Geometry and its relation to Scripture. I have also not included numerous references from Mrs. Gaunt and Mr. Heyworth which they each have provided in great detail in their works on this subject. I refer the reader to Mrs. Gaunt’s many books and Mr. Heyworth’s website, for reference; []
God Bless,
1. Earth & Sun Association, September 2016, Robin James Spivey.
2. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 33 Bonnie Gaunt
3. Ibid, p. 33
4. Ibid, p. 32
5. Figure A. picture credit;
6. Figure B. picture credit;
7. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, ppg. 32-33, Bonnie Gaunt
7a. Ibid, p.25
8. Ibid, [ppg. 22-23, 114]
8a. Image The Mystery of Stonehenge… Revealed | Truth Seekers Ministries
9. Martin Doutré’s plan of Phi circles at Stonehenge. [Bush Barrow Lozenge Part 2 (]
10. Ibid
11. Ibid, []
12. Stonehenge Decoded, G. Hawkins (1965)
13. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 34, Bonnie Gaunt
14. Figure C. picture credit, The Stonehenge Complex with alignments. []
15. 7 heavenly witnesses at the Great Pyramid on Rosh Hashanah, p. 4 []
16. Figure D. Picture Credit. []
17. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 37, Bonnie Gaunt
18. Figure E. Picture Credit. The Mystery of Stonehenge › Buensalido+Architects
19. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 38, Bonnie Gaunt
20. Strong’s Concordance [G4592], James Strong
21. Plate 2 Picture credit; Stonehenge – 6. Royal Mile, foot and planets – 7. Stonehenge and the quarry – (
22. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 53, Bonnie Gaunt
23. Ibid, p. 53
24. Ibid. p. 52
25. Figure F. Picture credit. [The Mystery of Stonehenge… Revealed | Truth Seekers Ministries]
26. Figures of Speech used in the Bible; Merismos-p. E.W. Bullinger
27. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 37, Bonnie Gaunt
27a. Image 27a. The Mystery of Stonehenge… Revealed | Truth Seekers Ministries
28. Ibid, p. 36
29. Stonehenge []
30. Figures of Speech used in the Bible, E.W. Bullinger
31. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p.81, Bonnie Gaunt
32. Ibid.
33. Figure G. picture credit. [The Four Earthly Elements – (]
34. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 79, Bonnie Gaunt
35. Ibid, p. 81
36. Ibid, p. 43
37. Stonehenge Decoded, G. Hawkins (1965) []
37a. Plate 3 Picture credit [https://www.megal]
38. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 81, Bonnie Gaunt.
39. Ibid, ppg. 49, 82. Bonnie Gaunt.
40. Ibid, p. 52,
41. Ibid, p. 81
42. Ibid.
43. Ibid.
44. Picture credit Plate 4-City of Revelation, John Michell [ppg. 31-32]
45. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 82, Bonnie Gaunt.
46. Ibid, p. 82.
47. Ibid, p. 79.
48. City of Revelation, John Michell [pg. 31].
49. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 81, Bonnie Gaunt.
50. 7 heavenly witness at the Great Pyramid on Rosh Hashanah []
51. Ibid.
52. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 96-101, Bonnie Gaunt.
53. 7 heavenly witness at the Great Pyramid on Rosh Hashanah []
54. Graphic 3 picture credit; [] James Heyworth
55. Ibid.
56. Ibid.
57. Ibid.
58. Graphic 4 picture credit; Ibid.
59. []
60. Graphic 5 picture credit; Ibid.
61. [].
62. Ibid.
63. “City of Revelation,” p.25 John Michell
64. Ibid, p. 33.
65. OT History Class by Jon Nessle, 5/16/23
66. “City of Revelation,” p. 81 John Michell
67. Picture credit-Graphic 6a. The Mystery of Stonehenge… Revealed | Truth Seekers Ministries. 6b. []
68. Strong’s Concordance; [G4074-petros, vs G4073-petra], James Strong.
69. []
70. Ibid.