New Year Lunar Eclipses of January 2019 and Jupiter-Venus Conjunctions

New Year Lunar Eclipses of January 2019 and Jupiter-Venus Unions

As the heavens open with a celestial fireworks show for the New Year of 2019, there is a notable lunar theme in the air! In this first blog of 2019, we are highlighting two lunar eclipses in the first 3 weeks of 2019, including a Partial Lunar eclipse Jan. 5-6, and a Super Blood Moon on Jan 21st. This is part of a Super Moon series in 2018-19. A Super-Moon takes place when the Moon reaches peak fullness during its closest approach to Earth. Super-Moons appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than normal. Super-Moons can occur multiple times yearly, as we are seeing with the current Super-Moon Triad.

Image result for 2019 new years fireworks images

With two Lunar Eclipses in January, on the 6th and 21st, the final lunar sign in this Super-Moon series pulls a trifecta, also being a Total Lunar Eclipse, as a rare Super-Blood Moon.

A most notable recent Super-Blood Moon happened back in Sept. 2015 concluding the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad, with the 1st known Super Blood Moon on a Hebrew feast. This Blood Moon Tetrad wrapped up with a Super Blood Moon on Tabernacles Feast, Sept. 28, 2015.

The Jan. 31st, 2018 Blood Moon was also be visible in Israel as the moon in rising. It is the first of 3 consecutive Blood Moons visible in Israel. The 2nd occured on July 27/28, 2018 and the 3rd Jan. 20-21, 2019. This Blood Moon lunar triple of 2018-2019 follows 7 years after the lunar triple of  2010-2011 Blood Moons also visible in Israel. As we find in Fig. 1 below, these two sets of Blood Moon Lunar triples framed the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad, marking Hebrew Feast and holy days in 2014-15.

Figure 1. Lunar Triads and Solar Eclipses framing the Blood Moon Tetrad  2

Blood moon triad midpoints symmetry

The 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad was centered between the saddest days on the Hebrew Calendar, the days of Av marked by two lunar triples framing this Tetrad between 2010-11 and 2018-19. These Lunar triples or triads are Blood Moon lunar eclipses that do not fall on Hebrew Feast or holy days, bracketing the Blood Moon Tetrad that did. These lunar triples recall the Jerusalem Temple being destroyed on two key occasions in history, during Hebrew Sabbath years of 586-587 BC and 69-70 AD. The Jubilee calendar also marks 27-28 AD as a Jubilee year, denoting the year Jesus opened his ministry to Israel, as seen in [Isa. 61:1ff & Lk. 4:18-19].

The 2010-2011 Lunar triple
 dates prior to the Blood Moon Tetrad and Eclipses of 2016 are seen below:


The 2018-2019 Lunar triple dates after the Blood Moon Tetrad and eclipses of 2016 are seen below:


All the solar eclipses on either side of the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad are spaced equi-distant from the center of the Lunar Tetrad. For example, we find this with two solar eclipses closest to the center of the Blood Moon Tetrad, Oct. 23, 2014, and Mar. 20, 2015, are the same distance on either side of the center date [Jan. 5, 2015] of the Lunar Tetrad. The dates for the Partial Solar Eclipses before the Blood Moon Tetrad are listed below:

The Partial Solar Eclipse dates before the Blood Moon tetrad:


Partial Solar Eclipse Dates with the Second Lunar Triple:


It is interesting that the mid-point date Jan. 5, 2015, of this Blood Moon Tetrad is almost exactly 4 years to the day of the 4th Partial Solar Eclipse on Jan. 5-6 2019, during New Years week 2019. This Jan. 5-6 Partial Solar Eclipse Eclipse is the 58th eclipse in the Solar Saros Series 122. During the first week in January, we will see the Moon by passing Jupiter and Venus in Ophiuchus leading up to its Jan. 5-6 Partial Solar Eclipse. As it reaches the Super-Blood Moon on Jan. 21stEclipse totality will last 63 minutes.

Figure 2. The Moon passing by Jupiter and Venus New Years week Jan. 2019.

Generally, a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter happens once a year. But this year, in 2019, Venus and Jupiter will not only rendezvous the day after the Super-Blood Moon, on Jan. 22nd as seen in Fig. 3 below, but also for a 2nd notable conjunction in 2019 on the evening of November 24th, 2019.

Figure 3. Jupiter-Venus union aligned with Antares the Scorpion’s Heart Jan. 22nd, 2019.

There has been notable activity with the unions of Jupiter-Venus both at the birth of Christ and again linked to the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad, two years ahead of the Sept. 23rd, 2017 Rev. 12 sign.

The following dates, also show elements of the Celestial Sphinx in the Regulus unions in Leo, while the Jupiter-Venus conjunctions took place in Virgo in 2016-2017:

July 30th, 2016 Mercury-Regulus Conjunction
Aug. 5th, 2016 Venus-Regulus Conjunction
Aug. 26-27th, 2016 Jupiter-Venus conjunction [Jupiter enters Virgo]
Feb. 26th, 2017 Jupiter-Venus conjunction
Sept. 23rd, 2017 [Virgo clothed 
with the Sun/Moon @ feet]-Rev. 12:1-2 
Nov. 13th, 2017 Jupiter-Venus conjunction

The two brightest planets –Venus and Jupiter –teamed up to provide the closest planetary conjunction of 2014, which had been the closest Venus- Jupiter conjunction during the six Lunar Eclipses of 2014-2016, until August 27, 2016, when Jupiter entered Virgo to be eventually“birthed” in 2017. This Venus-Jupiter union on August 27, saw these two planets three times closer than during their 2015 union when they were separated by only 1/3 of a degree.

With this celestial context in mind it lends a deeper meaning for the Venus-Jupiter conjunctions of 2019. The upcoming morning conjunction on January 22, 2019, has very favorable sighting conditions, because Venus is near its maximum distance from the sun. The stellar backdrop for the two Jupiter-Venus unions in 2019 is Ophiuchus/Scorpius. We find Jupiter in retrograde in 2019 near the foot of Ophiuchus that was bruised by the Scorpion’s sting, [Gen. 3:14-15] depicting the spiritual conflict between Satan and Christ.

Figure 4. Jupiter in Ophiuchus’ foot near the star Saiph.

Jupiter appears in front of the stars of Ophiuchus’ foot, during its 2018-2019 appearance. (Starry Night Pro)

Ophiuchus is identified with Christ in the triple conjunction of Saturn with the star in the serpent-holder’s left foot, called Saiph, meaning “bruised.” This of course is linked to the first prophecy of the promised seed in Gen. 3:14-15.

Saturn began its retrograde in Ophiuchus March 26th, then Saturn entered Sagittarius for 84 days prior to returning to Ophiuchus May 18th, 2017. Around August 21st, 2017 Saturn reached its Western stationary point North of the star Theta Ophiuchi, the day of the Total Solar Eclipse across America. Saturn’s retrograde ended a week later on August 28th, 2017. After returning to its regular motion, Saturn completed its 3rd union with Saiph on Sept. 6th, 2017, as Mercury was in retrograde, circling Mars and Regulus in conjunction in Leo, on Sept. 4th. Saturn remained in Ophiuchus till November 18th, 2017, before heading back into Sagittarius.

Figure 5. Jupiter in retrograde in 2018-201 with Venus conjunctions

This sequence of the triple union of Saturn with the star Saiph in 2017 was a precursor of Jupiter’s retrograde motion also leading to the same bruised foot of Ophiuchus in 2018-19. But there is another element of these Jupiter-Venus unions of 2019 that directly links these celestial events, that being the heart of the Scorpion the Red Star Antares. Antares means “the wounding” as a description of the temporary wound the adversary inflicted on Christ at the Cross, as the very death that Christ conquered in defeating the enemy eternally, [Heb. 2:14].

Prior and during the Jupiter-Venus conjunctions of 2019, we find three unions of these planets with Antares in 2018-19.

1. December 23rd, 2018; Jupiter-Antares conjunction.
2. January 15th 2019; Venus-Antares conjunction.
3. November 9th, 2019; Venus-Antares conjunction.

Here we see the King Planet Jupiter and Venus the bright and Morning Star which embody different aspects of the Lord Jesus Christ effectively crushing the Head/Heart of the Serpent/ Scorpion leading up to the final death blow our Lord will execute in this titanic struggle of the Ages.

Figure 6.  Mercury, Jupiter, and Antares Dec. 21st 2018

The preceding separate triple unions of Jupiter and Saturn are a prelude to the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunction in 2020.We find secondary elements of this theme just prior to the December 23rd, 2018 Jupiter-Antares conjunction, because on December 21st Jupiter and Mercury-Gabriel are less than a degree apart. Mercury, Jupiter, and Antares are nearly aligned in a 6° range, as seen in Fig. 6 above. Mercury-Gabriel heralds the coming Jupiter-Saturn conjunction as Dec. 21st marks two years until their Great Conjunction, when they appear only 0.1° apart! 7 Of course it was their triple union in 7 BC as part of the Celestial Prelude that helped the Magi recognize the traits of Jupiter as the Bethlehem Star bringing them to the birth of Christ.

What a great way to wrap up the 2018 Holiday Season and kick off the New Year!!

God Bless!!


1. Figure 1 graphic by Alexander Lawrence
2. Figure 2. Picture credit from Bruce McClure-Tonight Jan. 2019.
3. Figure 3. picture credit from []
4. IBID Figure 4 picture credit.
5. IBID Figure 5 picture credit.
6. IBID Figure 6 picture credit.
7. Ibid

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The Celestial Prelude and the Blood Moons of 5 BC [Part 2]

Birth of Jesus Christ
Biblical Astronomy of the Luni-solar eclipse Tetrad marking the Birth of Christ

The subject of this blog picks up from observations in our previous blog post in Part 1 of this study, concerning a triad of lunar eclipses on Hebrew Holy days in 5 BC, reflected in the chart below. This study will focus on the Total Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse of March 13th, 4 BC, which has long been erroneously held as the Eclipse marking Herod’s death. It was Dr. Ernest Martin who removed all doubt that this eclipse was the one Josephus said coincided with the death of Herod, and one of the main reasons was that in the year of this eclipse, it fell on Adar 15 on the Hebrew Calendar. From the time of Queen Esther [Esther 9:1-32] the 14th and 15th of Adar were set aside as festival days of Purim, [Esther 9:17-18], that celebrated the death of Haman with his family, and the overthrowing of his evil plot to destroy Israel. Although Purim was not one of the 3 main feasts that required the men of Israel to be in Jerusalem, Purim is a key feast for other reasons. More on this later.

Image result for Purim historical images

In March, 5 BC, concurrent with the Blood Moon and according to some records again in April4 BC, a Comet with no tail, or a Nova, appeared first in Capricorn, the sign of Christ the coming Sacrifice, and later in Aquila the Eagle, one of Capricorn’s 3 decans and enemy of the Serpent. The Pisces conjunctions of 7/6 BC would have directed the Magi’s attention to Jerusalem, but this Nova in Capricorn 2 years later, during the Passover and Unleavened Bread  feasts marked by Blood Moons, may also have confirmed for the Magi the General Sign of the Celestial Prelude. E.W. Bullinger references the popular belief regarding this general sign that was visible in and before the first century: “a traditional prophecy well known in the East, carefully preserved and handed down, that a new star would appear in this sign [Coma] when he whom it foretold, would be born.” 1

The activity in Figure 1 below sets the signs of 7-4 BC, ahead of the signs that began the following year marking the birth of Christ. Previously our focus mainly concerned the triple planetary union of Jupiter-Saturn in 7 BC, compared with the triple planetary Conjunction of Jupiter and Regulus 4 years later. In this study our focus is dialed into the intervening period of celestial signs in 5-4 BC, providing more detail leading to the birth of Christ. Part 1 of this study revealed these Blood Moons took place on the Spring and Fall feasts of the Hebrew Calendar, and the March 23rd Blood Moon Total Lunar eclipse fell on the evening of Passover on March 22nd-23rd starting the week of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Also in the Fall of that year, a 2nd Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, opened the week of Tabernacle Feast, Sept. 15th. This was preceded by a Partial Solar Eclipse the evening of Sept. 1st that started the Feast of Trumpets on the 2nd of September, giving us a triad of Luni-Solar Eclipses on Hebrew Feast and holy days in 5 BC, also marked by Nova Capricornus, a notable set of Celestial Pageantry leading to Christ’s birth to be sure.

Figure 1. The Celestial Prelude of 7 to 4 BC

BC Dates Conjunction of Planets Constellation
May 27th, 7 Jupiter-Saturn Pisces
Sept. 15th, 7 Jupiter, Saturn; [ring cycle], Sun & Earth aligned. Pisces
Oct. 5th, 7 Jupiter-Saturn Pisces
Dec. 1st , 7 Jupiter-Saturn Pisces
Feb. 25th 6 Triangular massing of Jupiter, Saturn & Mars Pisces
Mar. 5th , 6 Jupiter-Mars Pisces
Mar. 23rd, 5
Total Lunar Eclipse: [Unleavened Bread Feast]
Virgo   Total eclipse
April 15-20, 6 Lunar occultation Series
Mar. 23rd  5 Nova Capricorn
Sept. 1st, 5
Partial Solar Eclipse: [Feast of  Trumpets]
  Total eclipse
Sept. 15th, 5
Total Lunar Eclipse: [Tabernacles Feast Week]
Pisces   Total eclipse
Mar. 13th 4   eclipse Partial Lunar Eclipse: Purim Nova Aquila

When we include the March 13th Blood Moon Total Lunar eclipse on Purim, to the eclipses of the previous year, we find a Tetrad of luni-solar eclipses on Hebrew Feast days leading to the birth of Christ. To my knowledge there has not been an Eclipse Tetrad linked with the birth of Christ previously, although there was a Blood Moon Tetrad linked with Christ’s Crucifixion in 32-33 AD. This crucifixion date would make Jesus 36+ years old instead of entering his 30th year to start his ministry, as scripture tells us. Once we adhere to the Jan. 9-10, 1 BC date for the eclipse marking Herod’s death, our crucifixion date in April, 28 AD is a precise fit with Christ opening his ministry over a year earlier in 27 AD. This reflects the “acceptable year of the Lord” as Jesus prophesied, [Lk. 4:19-22] as opposed to the 3 year ministry held by religious tradition. The lunar eclipse on Purim was also a potential factor in the Eclipse Tetrad of 2016.

Image result for https://blood moon over crucifixion images

What was unique about the Jubilee Year of 2016 is that either Purim or Passover fell on March 23rd, depending on if Adar 2 was included or not. This is the most recent time that a Lunar Eclipse could have occurred on Purim, although as a Penumbral lunar eclipse, the entire lunar surface was not eclipsed. It fell 120 days after the Super Blood Moon of Sept. 28, 2015. Specifically, Purim began Wednesday evening on the Hebrew Calendar, March 23, 2016 continuing through Thursday night, March 24th. It was also  the first full Moon after the Spring Equinox. We have pointed out in previous blogs how this Eclipse Tetrad with a Purim Eclipse in 2016 matched exactly with the tetrad of luni-solar eclipses marking the Roman’s destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD, seen below.

As in the eclipse tetrad leading to the birth of Christ in 3 BC, there was not only a Partial Lunar Eclipse on Purim, March 4th, 71 AD, but also a Rev. 12 sign in both cases. In Fig.2 we can see the Rev. 12 sign in Virgo, marking the birth of Christ.

Figure 2. Revelation 12 sign of Christ’s birth on Sept. 11th, 3 BC. 2

virgo at sunset on september 11th 3 bc

 The following summary from our Biblical Blood Moon Calendar post, shows the signs marking the 70 AD Roman’s Temple Destruction as Jesus Prophesied. It is fitting that Jesus prophesied about the 70′ Temple Destruction in [Matt. 24:2], marked by this Luni-solar eclipse tetrad, while another eclipse tetrad is found leading to his hirth. This provides another example of the Celestial Gospel supporting and confirming God’s written and incarnate Word.

Figure 3. Comparison of Luni-Solar Eclipses in
 69-71 AD with 2016.

Solar & Lunar Eclipses from 69-71 AD.         2016 Solar & Lunar Eclipses omitting Adar 2:

Partial Lunar       Sukkot              10/18/69

Total Solar           Nisan 1              3/30/70        Total Solar Eclipse 3/9/2016 on Nisan 1

Penum lunar       Passover          4/14/70         Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Passover 3/23/2016/ Nisan 14

Annular Solar     Rosh Hash      9/23/70        Annular Solar Eclipse 9/3/2016/Trumpets Feast 

Penum lunar       Sukkot              10/08/70     Penum Lunar Eclipse 9/16/Sukkot/9-16 to 9/23/16

Partial Lunar       Purim               3/4/71


 A comparison of Solar and Lunar signs between 70 AD and 2016 is truly remarkable! Also, the Purim lunar eclipse in 71′  was the last Lunar Eclipse on Purim we can find in the intervening period, after 4 BC, leading to the birth of Christ. The intriguing parallel here is that these Solar and Lunar signs marked the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70′, but in the 2016 tetrad we are looking for the return of a Third Jerusalem Temple as the next logical step to fulfill Biblical Prophecy following up to Israel’s reclamation of Jerusalem marked by the 1967-68′ Blood Moon Tetrad, in the 6-day War with Egypt. Thus we see the importance of these Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 5-4 BC and 2016 as they align with the only other Soli-lunar eclipses on Hebrew Feasts that include a Purim Eclipse over the last 2000 years! We must also be mindful that the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-15 and the 2016 eclipse tetrad lead the way to the replay of the Rev. 12 sign on Sept. 23rd of 2017. this leads to three pairings of eclipse tetrads including Purim eclipses, leading to 3 separate Rev. 12 signs in history!

Figure 4. Rev.12 Sign; 9/23/17 [Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet]. 3

A Penumbral Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on the Feast of Purim, taking place during a Hebrew Jubilee Year, should also  get our attention for a number of reasons.

One can not help, but be struck by the unique and rare occurrence of the 2014-15 Eclipse Tetrad of four Blood Moons during the Shemitah of Shemitah’sand now the Jubilee comes with yet another Lunar eclipse on Purim, forming a Quintet of lunar eclipses on Hebrew Holidays from 2014-2016. The 70 AD destruction of the Jerusalem Temple marked the removal of God from His Temple in stages, and the dispersion of the Jews among the Gentile Nations. This 2016 Lunar Eclipse on Purim, may testify as another indicator towards the appearance a New Temple on the Mount, as part of the coming treaty allowing modern Israel the Restoration of Temple sacrifices in Jerusalem, previously marked by an Eclipse Tetrad in 69-71 AD, when those sacrifices were last enacted, [Dan. 9:24-27].

The 69-70 AD solar and lunar eclipses marking the Roman’s destruction of the Temple are reflected in the solar and lunar eclipses of 2016, leading to the 2017 rewind of the Great Wonder of Rev. 12:1-2. Amazingly, another version of this Rev. 12 celestial wonder occurred on August 27th, in 70 AD, in between the 4/14/70 Passover Lunar Eclipse, and the 9/23/70 Rosh Hashanah Solar Eclipse!

Figure 5. The Rev. 12 sign on August 27th, 70 AD: With a Jupiter-Venus union. 4

In this version of the Rev. 12 sign, the woman-Virgo has a crown of 12 stars, with Jupiter and Venus in such close union they appear to merge into one star just as they did in 2 BC, except this time in the lower rear paw of Leo. The Sun is clothing Virgo and the Moon near her feet. The planets Jupiter and Venus are also aligned with Mercury-Gabriel and the King Star Regulus in Leo.  What is extraordinary with this version of the Rev. 12 Sign is that it occurs in the center of the luni-solar eclipse tetrad on Hebrew Feast and holy days marking the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD.

Purim is a story of both deliverance and a sudden destructionPurim is a Hebrew holiday and has been incorporated much like Hanukkah into the list of Feasts that have been added to the 7 major Feasts of Jehovah. 

The meaning of the Feast of Purim is disclosed only in the Bible’s book of Esther. The beginning of the Book of Esther starts off with a 6-month feast of the King. As Purim amazingly aligns with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, when we consider the context of Hebrew Calendar and the Eclipse series of 2014-2016  what is the message we can glean from these Purim lunar eclipses, linking the Rev. 12 signs at the birth and potential return of Christ? The record of the history and origin of the Purim Feast in the Book of Esther, is significant today for a number of reasons. Even as the evil Haman was bent on his genocidal plan against Israel in the ancient Persian Empire, so today there is a group of Islamic and world powers conspiring to “wipe Israel off the map.” Purim is prophetic in relation to the deliverance of God’s People from those enemies that seek to destroy the heritage of the Almighty, and Redeemer’s bl0od-line. The Purim feast also celebrates the death of Haman, an Amalekite from the tribe of Edom and his 10 sons [Esth. 3:10, 9:24].

Biblical record of Esther not only shows the history of the Feast of Purim, but also reveals elements of how the Heavenly Father saved His people, exhibiting His undying Love and protection of IsraelGod Saved His people not only so they could enjoy His blessing on their lives, but also so He could return them to the Promised Land of Israel and their Holy city-Jerusalem. We can see this long-standing purpose of God because after nearly 2000 years of being dispersed among the Gentile Nations, in 1948-50 Israel was reformed as a nation-state, also marked by a Blood Moon Tetrad, and the Jews have been returning to their homeland ever since. There is also another overriding purpose found in Esther, and that is the preservation of the Christ-line. Numerous times in history the enemy attempted to wipe the Hebrews from the face of the Earth as he knew they would bear man’s Redeemer. The serpent usually executes these purges through his evil earthly spiritual seed, of which Haman the Edomite was a prime candidate. During the birth of Moses, the Egyptians killed the male Hebrew infants for this purpose. During the time of Christ’s birth, Herod who also descended from Edomite ancestry, had the male infants murdered around Bethlehem, for the same reason.

This is one of the reasons why we have noted the link between lunar eclipses and the activity of the serpent’s seed in history and mythology. The link here seems to relate to the idea that the adversary is parasitic in nature, and the Moon as the lesser light ruling the night, does not generate its own light, but only reflects the sunlight or else periodically eclipses it. It seems while the Moon occults the Sun-light the enemy is encouraged to carry out its purposes contrary to the true God, as witnessed above.

The graphic below shows an astronomical disc from Apian’s Astronomicum Ceasareum (1540 AD). It illustrates the ascending and descending lunar Nodes (dragon’s head & tail), in calendrical calculation of solar and lunar eclipses.

Figure 6. Apian’s Astronomicum Ceasareum (1540 AD) 5

calculation of the solar and lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipses are a result of the activities of the Moon in monthly ascending and descending nodes,  that always lie opposite one another on the eclipticEclipses coincide with the Moon’s orbit intersecting the ecliptic. Solar and Lunar eclipses only occur when the Full or New Moon is within a six degree range of the lunar Node. The line connecting these nodes, the two “dragon points” where the Moon crosses the ecliptic, is called the “Line of Nodes.” The motion of this mythic line generates the 18.618-year eclipse cycle, but the Moon does not return to the same spot in the sky until it has gone through three of these cycles, totaling just under 56 years. This is called “precession of the nodes.”6 The golden section influence or phi ratio math seems apparent here, as in the saros, because during the 18.618-year eclipse cycle, the Line of Nodes recedes in the “precession of the nodes“19.618 days each year. The ancients conceived of the lunar nodes as a large celestial dragon. An apt example of this is found in old Arabian astronomy, where the two aspects of the Draconic Month were known as the Head and Tail of the Dragon.

As we see the efforts of Haman to exterminate the nation of Israel along these lines. The setting for Esther was ancient Persia-modern-day Iran. Even as Daniel who also served under this 2nd world Empire following Babylon from their capital city of Susa, Queen Esther decided to stand up for the nation of Israel against Haman’s evil plot, she received favor from her King and Husband Xerxes I. Esther enjoyed the favor of the King’s Sceptre when she risked her life by entering the conference of the King. It is interesting that; Biblically “a Sceptre can also be symbolic of a person!” In Numbers, we read;

(Numbers 24:17)”I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near: a star shall come out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel; it shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Seth.”

That Sceptre embodied the prophesied return of the Promised Seed, who came first over 1,900 years ago, and by his sacrifice provided redemption for all mankind. All who believe in Him, and follow Him, have a pathway back to God, who alone is able to deliver them from blood-thirsty hatred of those today, like Haman seeking the genocide of Israel. Our website study on the General Sign of the Celestial Prelude covers the significance of this Numbers 24 record regarding the Sceptre, in the context of the heavenly signs surrounding the birth of ChristThe heavenly birth signs for Christ as seen in Rev. 12, appeared again in 2017, with a prominent role for Jupiter, the King Planet and Royal Sceptre of the King of Kings.

For Messianic Jews and modern day Christians, we anticipate with great hope our embodiment in the spiritual Church of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as we partake in the sceptre of his righteous authority and everlasting victory over the evil darkness of this world.

A Most Joyous Holiday Season for 2018 to all my readers…

God Bless!


1. Witness of the Stars, E. W. Bullinger
2. Picture Credit, Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, American Christian Press
3. Picture credit, Stellarium Software graphic of 9-23-17 Sign in Virgo.
4. Picture Credit, Stellarium Astronomical Software on Aug. 27th, 70 AD
5. Apian’s Astronomicum Ceasareum (1540 AD)
6. Star Names, their Lore and Meaning, R.H. Allen, p. 208.

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The Celestial Prelude and the Blood Moons of 5 BC

Birth of Jesus Christ
Biblical Astronomy of the Birth of Christ

As we enter the late fall and winter months of November 2018, it will be fruitful to reconsider in greater detail the signs of the Celestial Prelude that led the Magi to Jerusalem, Bethlehem and the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have proposed that the triple union of Jupiter-Saturn in 7 BC was not the actual signs marking the birth of Christ, as many have contended, but a Prelude to help the Magi recognize the triple union of Jupiter-Regulus in 3-2 BC, as the genuine heavenly signs surrounding the birth of Christ. Others as we will see, hold that Christ was born in 5 or 4 BC.

Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction

Related image

It is easy to see why this Jupiter-Saturn union could be mistaken for the celestial markings of the actual birth of Christ. Its understandable when we recall that much of this tradition was based on the teachings of the Prophet Daniel, who was made the master of the Magi, and the stargazers by King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon, [Dan. 5:11]. He continued to preside over this august group in the reign of Darius I, [Dan. 6:1-3] when the Persians took control of the Babylonian empire. Daniel’s influence on the genuine sect of the Magi, not the Magicians who followed the perverted occult path into Astrology, was notable representing a key aspect of the astronomical doctrines of these Gentile scientists, especially regarding the widely held belief in the general sign marking the coming of the Messiah during this period in history. Obviously the Magi were aware of the truths of the Celestial Gospel concerning the coming redeemer, since it was their unrivaled expertise in Astronomy that led them to Jerusalem in the first place. As Matt. 2:3 tells us, their reputation clearly preceded them as Herodand all Jerusalem was troubled at their appearance. Herod seems to hold the Magi’s opinion regarding the star that lead them to Jerusalem, above the belief of his own scribes and chief priests, which is evident in the secret meeting he arranged with the Magi in Matt. 2:7.

The activity in the first Chart below compares the signs of 7-4 BC, ahead of the signs that began the following year in the 2nd Chart. Previously our focus mainly concerned the triple planetary union of Jupiter-Saturn in 7 BC, in comparison with the triple planetary Conjunction of Jupiter and Regulus 4 years later. In this study we will focus more on the intervening period of celestial signs in 6-4 BC, providing more detail leading to the birth of Christ. We will add details on some other signs like the two Blood Moons in 5 BC, to more fully sketch out and establish this comparison. What gets our attention with these Blood Moons is not only do they take place in the Spring and Fall Seasons of the Hebrew Calendar, but the March 23rd Blood Moon Total Lunar eclipse falls on the evening of Passover on March 22nd opening the date of the 23rd on this calendar starting the week of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Also in the Fall of that year, a 2nd Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, occurred opening the week of Hebrew Feast of Tabernacles, Sept. 15th. This was preceded by a Partial Solar Eclipse the evening of Sept. 1st that started the Feast of Trumpets on the 2nd of September, giving us a triad of Luni-Solar Eclipses on Hebrew Feast and holy days in 5 BC, also marked by Nova Capricornus, a notable set of Celestial Pageantry leading to Christ’s birth to be sure.

The Celestial Prelude of 7 to 4 BC

BC Dates Conjunction of Planets Constellation
May 27th, 7 Jupiter-Saturn Pisces
Sept. 15th, 7 Jupiter, Saturn; [ring cycle], Sun & Earth aligned. Pisces
Oct. 5th, 7 Jupiter-Saturn Pisces
Dec. 1st , 7 Jupiter-Saturn Pisces
Feb. 25th 6 Triangular massing of Jupiter, Saturn & Mars Pisces
Mar. 5th , 6 Jupiter-Mars Pisces
Mar. 23rd, 5
Total Lunar Eclipse [Unleavened Bread Feast]
Virgo   Total eclipse
April 15-20, 6 Lunar occultation Series
March 23rd  5 Nova Capricorn
Sept. 1st, 5
Partial Solar Eclipse [Feast of  Trumpets]
  Total eclipse
Sept. 15th, 5
Total Lunar Eclipse [Tabernacles Feast Week]
Pisces   Total eclipse
April 4 BC Nova Aquila

In March, 5 BC, and according to some records again in April, 4 BC, a Comet with no tail, or a Nova, appeared first in Capricorn, the sign of Christ the coming Sacrifice, and later in Aquila the Eagle, a decan of Capricorn and enemy of the Serpent. The Pisces conjunctions of 7/6 BC would have directed the Magi’s attention toward Jerusalem, but this unique Nova in Capricorn two years later, during the feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread marked by Blood Moons may also have confirmed for the Magi the General Sign of the Celestial Prelude, seen in what E.W. Bullinger uncovered below. He references the popular belief regarding this general sign that was visible in and before the first century: “a traditional prophecy well known in the East, carefully preserved and handed down, that a new star would appear in this sign [Coma] when he whom it foretold, would be born.” 1  This tradition was at least partially based on Balaam’s declaration in Numbers 24, telling us that Balaam’s prophecy holds for us, at least a twofold import.

Numbers 24:17

17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.4

   First, Balaam’s revelation refers to the advent of Christ the King, the ascendant bright and Morning Star, who came forth out of Jacob’s genealogical line. This genealogical line was marked astronomically by the similarity in the Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunctions surrounding both the births of Abram and Christ. Secondly, there is a celestial double meaning in the phrase: Star out of Jacob, with connotations for both the general and specific aspects of our Celestial Prelude. The new star, or supernova in the head of the infant in Coma, visible over 200 years, before 7 BC, was the general sign, the Star out of Jacob, that prepared the Magi to watch for specific aspects of the second part of the Celestial Prelude, including the JupiterSaturn triple unions of 7 BC in Pisces. We find this 2nd aspect of Balaam’s prophecy relating to the scepter, symbolic of the reign of the king planet-Jupiter.

As we progress in our study it becomes plain that Jupiter was the planet the Magi referred to as “his Star” in Matthew 2:2. The Magi noted the triple union of Jupiter and Saturn, that gave them a blueprint for the actual signs marking Christ’s birth, 4 years later. A Jupiter-Venus sign in August of 3 BC motivated them to begin their caravan to Jerusalem. Both of these aspects of the General and Specific celestial signs marking the birth of Christ are covered in more detail in the study on “The Stars Over Bethlehem, showing what the Magi observed in the skies overhead at the Messiah’s birth, both in Virgo and Coma.

They reached Judea years before the death of Herod, Jan. 9th, 1 BC marked by a Blood Moon, not to be confused with the Blood Moons of the 5 BC on Spring Passover, or during the fall feast of Tabernacles coinciding with Nova Capricornus. Over the last 18 years, when I first proposed the idea of a “Celestial Prelude,” and published it on [], I have not been aware of any similar proposed theories that have come to the surface. There are however, some folks that have arrived at different conclusions from the same data. I recently came across some research by Jonathan Gray that falls into this category. Gray documents the history of what I have referred to as the General Sign of the Celestial Prelude in his book; “The Sting of the Scorpion,” where he states;

“FACT 9: Both Gentile and Jewish peoples preserved an ancient prophecy that in the period in which the Promised One should be born, there would appear a very bright star in the sky (22/161). This new star was to appear in the sign of the Virgin (5/36-37). A new and peculiar star did make its appearance in the period immediately preceding Jesus’ birth; it was so bright as to be visible even in the day time; and it continued in the sky during the whole period of Jesus’ lifetime, and for a period thereafter (22/161-163). It was in the first decan of Virgo, namely Coma, the sign of the Infant accompanying the Virgin, and it marked the very head of that Infant. The calculations on these remarkable incidents in the sky are recorded in ancient Mesopotamian and Chinese documents (10/239-247). They have been repeatedly re-examined by noted astronomers and pronounced to be correct. The facts thus stand attested by the best science. There can be no doubt that the conjunctions all in the sign of Pisces, along with the new star in the Virgin and Child (Coma) indicated that the One now born could be none other than the divine-human Seed of the woman. Is it any wonder that the Magi, as they approached Jerusalem, grew excited? That they were soon to see the illustrious Virgin-born Deliverer of the world, whom the zodiac and all sacred writings had been proclaiming from remotest antiquity, they had no longer the least shadow of a doubt. For long ages the world had awaited him. The time was now.” 2

Gray attests to the same historical evidence I first documented in the late 90’s regarding the “Coma Supernova,” but arrives at different conclusions regarding the birth of Christ due to his belief that Herod died in 4 BC. We find evidence for his belief towards the end of the next quote from Gray.

Figure 1. Coma the first Decan of Virgo from the Dendera Zodiac

Image result for Decan Coma

Regarding the Magi, Gray says;

“We cannot doubt that they were following some written or traditional prediction, a prediction referring to some general warning that was to be followed by a definite sign. It is clear that this warning had occurred two years previously, and it was this warning that caused the Magi to look for his sign, “his star in the East” (Matt. 2:2). So it was that these wise men from the East came asking for a newborn king and saying that they had seen his star in the East. Herod, the Roman-appointed puppet king, was nervous about the possible usurper of his throne and “inquired… what time the star appeared” (v. 7). The visitors must have informed him concerning the conjunctions and the associated omens. The jealous despot sent his murderers to Bethlehem to butcher an estimated twenty unweaned male infants living there. He was playing it safe. An attestation of the slaughter of the Bethlehem babies comes from Augustus Caesar (Macrobius, Saturnalia, lib.2, ch. 4). It is mentioned by Pascal (Pensees, 753 in the Penquin edition). Perhaps by this action Herod felt secure. Fat chance: within months, he was dead – and so lost the throne anyway! As for the star, some may regard it as entirely mythical, some as miraculous*, but it is also possible to suppose and inquire after an actual celestial phenomenon back of the account.” 3

Some of the varied conclusions Gray holds are based on a common error in this field, that Herod died in 4 BC as opposed to the much more likely date of  Jan. 1 BC, where Dr. Ernest Martin, shows that this eclipse is the only one that meets all the evidence required by Josephus and others, []. 4  This error of linking the March 13, 4 BC Blood Moon to Herod’s death is a major determinant of his thesis of a 4 BC birth of Christ. The signs Gray notes in 5-4 BC are thus designed to support the birth of Christ during this time, but he is not alone in this false assumption. Yet this date is too early for the birth of Christ to fit with other aspects of the Biblical timeline of Christ’s ministry. The “general warning” Gray refers to above, that the Magi followed to a “definite sign” appears to be the Jupiter-Saturn triple union two years prior. So he considers this triple union of planets as a general warning pointing to the Nova Capricornus that followed also in Pisces. As Gray points out; “at the precise hour of midnight in the third week of September 5 BC, the sign of PISCES (everywhere regarded as a sign of the people of Israel), witnessed this constellation reaching its zenith on the meridian above Bethlehem, the prophesied birth-place of the coming Messiah.” 5 Gray also states earlier in the same year both Virgo and Coma were rising on the eastern horizon, seen from Jerusalem.

Figure 2. Jupiter-Saturn Triple union in Pisces. 6

Triple conjunction

Gray correctly points out the regular annual period when the Sun is clothing Virgo [Rev. 12:1-2] but makes no reference to the Moon being at the Virgin’s feet… 6 “It is a further ASTRONOMICAL Truth that on this date the SUN stood in Virgo (regarded the sign of the Virgin mother from whom the divine-human Redeemer was to be born. 16 David’s prophecy (2 Sam. 23:4) “And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the SUN riseth,” is explained in the Jewish Midrash on this passage (par. 29, ed, Lemberg, p 56b, lines 7-9 from the top) as applying to the appearance of the Messiah (9/30). He is also termed the SUN of Righteousness and the LIGHT of the world (Mal. 4:2; John 8:12). So now, at the appointed time, the SUN stands in the VIRGIN.” 7

Gray recognizes the Sun’s annual trek through Virgo but leaves out the Moon, so his evidence falls short of the events describing the birth of Christ at this earlier time, which IS however fulfilled 2 years later. Gray’s general timeline is correct, which is described in his next reference below, but like many others not all the details fit.

“The Herodians knew that the time for the appearance of Messiah was at hand. The general expectation of the Jews as the time for Messiah’s appearance had arrived. Hence the Jews sent priests and Levites to John the Baptist, to ask him, Who are you? “And he confessed… I am not Messiah.” Then when Jesus himself appeared, many said, “This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world” (Jn. 1:19, 20; 6:14; 7:40, 41). John the Baptist understood the chronology of Daniel’s prophecy and made it one of the bases of his appeal, “Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt. 3:2).” 8

Gray’s incomplete timeline of events marking the birth of Christ omits key details that allow us to separate truth from error. But the information he supplies is not without value if applied to the genuine timeline of Christ’s birth. Below Gray refers to a general time-frame of the Messiah’s return based on teachings from the Talmud– “The School of Prophets,” headed by Elijah.

“THE JEWISH EXPECTATION: “HE’S DUE” There cannot be the slightest doubt that the portents announcing the birth of Jesus were understood by the rabbis (see page 23). But, more than that, they had the amazing prophecy of Daniel. Early Jewish documents such as the Septuagint (LXX) translation (285-246 B.C.) and the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs (c. 100 B.C.) interpret Daniel’s time prophecy (ch. 9:24-27) as referring to the Messiah (12/824-825; 13/47). Indeed, whether Essene, Hellenistic, Pharisaic or Zealot, “the most usual interpretations [of Dan.9:24-27] of Judaism until after 70 AD… were of the Messianic kind” (3/521). Notice this statement in the Talmud: The Tanna debe Eliyyehu [School of Elijah] teaches:

The world is to exist six thousand years. In the first two thousand there was desolation; for two thousand years the Torah flourished; and the next two thousand years is the Messianic era” (Talmud Sanhedrin, 97a, Vol.2, p.657).” 9

c. 4000 BC                   Abraham                             Messiah                          The End

| c.2000 yrs | ______c. 2000 yrs ______ | ____ c. 2000 yrs _____ |
The Desolation Era      Hebrew Torah Era             Messianic (Christ) Era

We can see the relevance of this history in light of the consistency between the signs surrounding both the births of Abraham & Moses, leading to Christ. Aspects of the Hebrew Faith were based on ancient traditions going back to the birth of Moses and Abraham, because it was believed the birth of Moses was also marked by a triple union of Jupiter and Saturn. We have detailed the signs surrounding these triple unions marking the births of Abraham and Moses for this very reason. These triple unions of Jupiter and Saturn would be a prophecy from deep antiquity that the Piscean Age would bring forth God’s eternal purpose in the revelation and personal presence of Jesus Christ, the promised seed of the woman. In the following reference to Jupiter-Saturn triple unions related to the birth of Moses, R.H. Allen has probably isolated at least part of the quote by Abrabanel referenced by Kepler:

“The Rabbis held a tradition, recorded by Abrabanel in the 15th Century, that a similar Conjunction took place three years previous to the birth of Moses, and they anticipated another at their Messiah’s advent.”10 [emphasis mine]

With this in mind, plus the fact that Moses was a forerunner of Jesus [Acts 3:22ff], it is worth noting that in the three years following the triple union of Jupiter and Saturn, and the Triangular massing of planets in February of 6 BC, Jesus Christ was born.  Even so, the triple union of Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus starting in the summer of 1536 BC, was the prelude to the birth of Moses. Perhaps the highest compliment we can pay the Magi is that they were genuine Gentile believers who sought for, and accurately anticipated the first coming of Jesus Christ, according to the ancient science learned from Daniel and the Astronomy they applied from their own traditions of Zoroastrianism. As Matthew 2:10 states; they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. The exceeding greatness of their joy, however was not founded upon their sighting of “his star” only, but on both the General and Specific signs of this Celestial Prelude, and all that Jupiter represented regarding the first coming of Jesus Christ the promised seed written in the stars. The roots of their knowledge of the Promised Seed trace to the monotheistic teachings of Zoroaster. A second man of the same name was said to have coexisted with Daniel in the reign of “Darius the Mede” in the 5th – 6th Centuries. We find a reason for their joy, in Rolleston’s quoting of Abulfaragius below:

Zeradusht {Zoroaster} taught the Persians that in the latter times a virgin should bring forth a son, and that when he should be born a star should appear, and should shine and be conspicuous in the midst of the figure of the virgin. It is then said that he commanded his disciples, the Magi, when they should see the star, that they should go forth where it directed them, and offer gifts to him that should be born.”11 (emphasis mine)

This confirms what we have already seen in Zoroastrian writings concerning the coming of the promised seed. The Magi would certainly have been joyfully awestruck when they realized the dual witness of the supernova in Coma, along with “his star,” the king planet Jupiter at rest in the mid-section of Virgo, on their way to Bethlehem, fulfilling the prophecy written in the stars, and established by their teachers, Zoroaster and the prophet Daniel. A graphic rendition of this is found in our banner at the top of this blog post. It shows both the general sign of the Celestial Prelude next to the specific sign of Jupiter in Virgo, directly over Bethlehem, as the Magi testified to the Creator’s precision, with the Rhythms of His celestial cycles in perfect harmony, bringing the Magi to their appointed destiny as witnesses of His purpose of the ages, the foretold arrival of the redeemer of Mankind.

The Nova’s in Capricorn and Aquila would have drawn the Magi’s attention to the General Sign of the Celestial Prelude, the Supernova in the head of the infant in his mother’s lap in Figure 1. Capricorn emphasized the perfect Sacrifice of our Lord and Savior laying down his life for the salvation of all mankind.

The Celestial Signs of 3 BC to 1 BC

May 19th, 3 BC Mercury-Saturn Taurus
June 12th, 3 BC Venus-Saturn Taurus
Aug. 31st, 3 BC Jupiter-Venus Leo
Sept. 9-12, 3BC Eta-Draconid Meteor Showers Draco
Sept. 14th, 3 BC Jupiter-Regulus Leo
Feb. 17th, 2 BC Jupiter-Regulus Leo
March 31st, 2 BC Triangular massing of Venus, Mars & Saturn Taurus
May 8th, 2 BC Jupiter-Regulus Leo
June 17th, 2 BC Jupiter-Venus Leo
Aug. 27th, 2 BC massing of planets Jupiter, Venus, Mars & Mercury Leo
Aug. 28th, 2 BC Alignment of Jupiter, Venus & Mars, Sun & Moon. Leo
Dec. 9th, 2 BC Venus-Mars Scorpius
Dec. 25th, 2 BC “Star of Bethlehem” Virgo
Jan. 9th, 1 BC. Total Lunar Eclipse Gemini-Death of Herod
Aug. 21st, 1 BC Jupiter-Venus Virgo

The Coma supernova set the stage for the triple union of Jupiter-Saturn in 7 BC leading to the birth of Christ. This union in Pisces also marked a transition in the ages of the precession of the equinoxes, from the Age of Aries to the Age of Pisces. This was not only the case in ancient Israel but the world-views of many ancient cultures including, Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Persia and the Meso-Americas., all held similar views. According to this pattern, Jupiter-Saturn triple unions occur in Pisces only once every 800 years, exhibiting how this series subdivides the precession, that totals a period of about 25,000 years. Since every 30 cycles of Jupiter-Saturn triple unions in Pisces totals a period of 24,000 years, this period is near enough to the full cycle of precession, to warrant our attention. This new Precessional Age was highlighted because for the prior 2160 years, Aries was the sign wherein the Sunrise occurred on the Spring equinox. The Triple union of Jupiter-Saturn marked the first time that the Sun arose in the Sign of Pisces, on the Spring equinox, signifying a new Precessional Age, the Age of Pisces. Over 2000 years has already passed since this opening of the Piscean Age, and the Birth of Christ that occurred four years later. The Sign of Pisces contains two fish, one swimming vertically towards the North Pole and the other horizontally along the ecliptic. The fish represent the houses of Judah and Israel, further disclosing the Promised Seed would come out of the Royal House of Judah. Christ had to be the Son of Adam, Abraham and David to fulfill all righteousness. The fullness of the gap between the sufferings of the Lord, seen during his first coming, and his glorious return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords continues to take place in the Piscean Age. Finally, this triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Pisces gave the Magi all they needed to identify the signs marking the birth of Christ when the triple union of Jupiter-Regulus took place in Leo, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. This panoramic view of Biblical and Celestial History, beautifully encapsulates how God utilized the Natural Law witness in the heavens, coordinated with Divine Scripture, to reveal in increasing detail, the identity of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.

Heb 11:3 Through faith4102 we understand3539 that the3588 worlds165 were framed2675 by the word4487 of God,2316 so that things which are seen991 were not3361 made1096 of1537 things which do appear.5316

worlds” [G165 aion] ages of time were repaired, or set back in order by the individual spoken Words [G4487 rhema] of God.56 Thus we can trace the Audible Spoken Words of God in Scripture at the inception of each Spiritual Administration.

framed” [G2675-katartizo] means; to establish, set up, arrange, complete, perfect, finish, refit, repair, mend.57 [I Cor. 1:10, Gal. 6:1, I Thess. 3:10]

Each of the seven temporal administrations represents a step closer in the progression towards the total reparation of the ages of Time, thrown into chaos by Lucifer’s revolt in the 1st Heaven and Earth.  As the Entropy Law was instituted, resulting from the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the enemy became “Time Lord” in the kingdoms of this world. The Entropy Law, also known as the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, or “Time’s Arrow,” dictates the degradation of all matter in Creation, inexorably moving from higher degrees of order to lower states of order. This is the palpable effect of the release of sin nature on Creation, [Romans 8:19-23]. The Creator is the only One Who could reclaim the rule of the Temporal World, and from Eternity past, He set His plan in motion to be carried out in Jesus Christ. Each Spiritual Age /Administration brings Man closer to the Return of Paradise in Christ, where God’s order will be restored forever. In this way Christ is seen as the consummation of the ages, the center and embodiment of God’s plan to repair the damage done by the enemy, at the fall of man. As all history turns upon the Messiah- the axis of temporal order [BC/AD], so all men look to the Messianic prophecies of his appearing in faith of this restoration of the Ages 

In summary it is the Scriptures of Messianic prophecies that provide irrefutable proof of the identity of Jesus Christ. All the singularly unique signs, miracles and wonders that followed his life and ministry, pale in comparison to the collective witness in Biblical Prophecy of his appearing. As powerful as the single threads of Messianic truth are in foretelling of his earthly sufferings, it is the unified record in the tapestry of Messianic truth, and the Celestial Gospel, that together provide the complete fulfillment of his everlasting Glory as the Red Thread, forming an unbreakable chain of sacred evidence binding God’s Written Word and all Creation, into a unified whole. This mighty Chronicle of the Ages, consummated in the embodiment of God’s Word made flesh, brought to life in the only begotten Son of God, make the life, ministry and truth of Jesus Christ absolutely indisputable, because they are built upon the unshakable ground and foundation of the Eternal Rock-Who is our God and Loving Heavenly Father!

God Bless…


1. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger
2. The Sting of the Scorpion, Jonathan Gray
3. Ibid
4. The Star that Astonished the World, Ernest L. Martin ppg. 72-106
5. The Sting of the Scorpion, Jonathan Gray
6. Graphic video credit for Figure 2, from []
7. The Sting of the Scorpion, Jonathan Gray
8. Ibid
9. Ibid
10. “Star Names Their Lore and Meaning,” R.H. Allen
11. “The Mazzaroth,” Frances Rolleston, Footnote on “The Star of Bethlehem.
12. Strong’s Concordance,  [G165 aion], James Strong
13. Ibid, [G2675-katartizo]


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The Pegasus Square and God’s Blueprints for Creation

The Pegasus Square and God’s Blueprints for Creation

The Symbolism of the Winged Horse-Pegasus has always intrigued me, both in its mythical and astronomical aspects. This month we will consider some of the Biblical symbolism of Pegasus, not only how it relates to the Return of Christ, but also some of its historical aspects starting with ancient Egypt. Before we do though, lets enjoy some selected verses from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow on “Pegasus in Pound;” 1

Výsledek obrázku pro andrew gonzalez

Once into a quiet village,
Without haste and without heed,
In the golden prime of morning,
Strayed the poet’s wingéd steed.

And the curious country people,
Rich and poor, and young and old,
Came in haste to see this wondrous
Wingéd steed, with mane of gold.

Patiently, and still expectant,
Looked he through the wooden bars,
Saw the moon rise o’er the landscape,
Saw the tranquil, patient stars;

Then, with nostrils wide distended,
Breaking from his iron chain,
And unfolding far his pinions,
To those stars he soared again.

On the morrow, when the village
Woke to all its toil and care,
Lo! the strange steed had departed,
And they knew not when nor where.

But they found, upon the greensward
Where his struggling hoofs had trod,
Pure and bright, a fountain flowing
From the hoof-marks in the sod.

From that hour, the fount unfailing
Gladdens the whole region round,
Strengthening all who drink its waters,
While it soothes them with its sound.


These verses provide clues of the winged steed in the golden light of dawn, yearning for the stellar tranquility enlightened by the Moonlight. Longfellow hints of the mystery surrounding Pegasus and those influenced by the sounds of living waters as some were not only gifted as poets, but strengthened  as partakers of the fountain of life. This is interesting in that the origin of name “Pegasus” is from the Greek pegai, meaning “springs” or “waters.” A spring named “Hippocrene” on Mt. Helicon that was sacred to the Muses of Greek Myth-patrons of the arts, was formed by Pegasus striking the ground with his hoof. To get a fuller picture of this imagery, we will look at the astronomy of ancient Egypt from the Dendera Zodiac. As we view its axes linked with the Promised Seed, we will take a deeper look into the stars of the Pegasus Square, and their biblical significance. The four main stars of the Pegasus Square mark the body of the illustrious flying sky horse. As we can see in Figure 4 below, the Pegasus Celestial Horse depicts clearly how Alpharetz, the alpha-star of Andromeda, forms the upper left corner of the great Pegasus Square. Andromeda is pictured below in Figure 1, as a woman in chains, with the meaning of its star Al Pharetz as “the broken down.” [Job 16:14, Jer. 14:17] 2

As Jeremiah 14 states in reference to Andromeda:

Figure 1. Andromeda from Urania’s Mirror 3

Jeremiah 14:17b “Let mine eyes run down with tears night and day, and let them not cease: for the virgin daughter of my people is broken with a great breach, with a very grievous blow.” The brightest star in this sign in Arabic, called Al Phiratz, has the same meaning-the broken down, or captive daughter of Zion.

The daughter of Zion pictured in Andromeda has always been persecuted by the enemy, which has been a dominant theme of Scripture for millennia. The Adversary has always pursued Israel, the nation that would bear the Promised Seed, and the believer’s genetic line through Abraham, Isaac & Jacob has born the brunt of this persecution. Thus the alpha star, Al Pharetz carries this message of the persecution of Israel as a primary theme, along with the deliverance of the Savior, seen in the Pegasus Square, where Al Pharetz is the brightest star in the Andromeda sign leading also to the nearby Andromeda Galaxy-the closest galaxy to our Milky Way.

Figure 2. Pegasus the winged horse between the two fish of Pisces.

The stellar composition of the Pegasus Square, included in the flying horse decan of Pegasus and Andromeda, is comprised of the four stars of the Square: Alpharetz-the brightest star in the Square, is a spectroscopic binary, whose two stars revolve around their common center in nearly 97 days. Algenib (below it), has the meaning of one “who carries” [Luke 19:12-15] in reference to the judgment and gifts the Lord carries with him when he returns in glory. Al Genib-gamma Pegasi, is one of three “guidestars, on the SE corner including Al Pharetz, situated on the NE corner and the Prime Meridian, is used as the base-line in mapping the celestial latitude and longitude lines. 4 This is a key in understanding the function of the Pegasus Square as a “basic reference unit” in mapping both the celestial and terrestrial global grids.

Figure 3. The Stars of the Pegasus Square between the Piscean Fish. 5

Pisces Stars

The third star Scheat, is the 2nd brightest star in the NW corner of the Square with the meaning of “one who goes and returns.Scheat is a Red Giant and variable star with a period ranging from 30-40 days. This star testifies to the surety of the Lord’s return in victorious glory, following the sufferings of his 1st appearance. The word for this star occurs in Numbers 11:8 in reference to manna from heaven, that is personified in Christ [John 6:48-58]. During his first appearance on the earth, Jesus was sent from heaven as a sacrificefor his saints,” so that man could eat the bread of life and not die. In his 2nd coming, the Lord will return in victorywith his saints”-the believers, manifesting this eternal life, conquering death forever. Finally, Markab the bright star of Pegasus, refers to the Messiah: “returning from afar.” 6 The Arabic word here means a ship, saddle or anything ridden upon. 7 We find this imagery of the Lord’s victorious return in [Rev. 19:11-14] “with his saints,” who join him on white horses in his ultimate victory over evil. Markab is a first magnitude spectro-scopic binary star, on the SW corner of the Square, with Al- Genib, the wing-tip of Pegasus also on the south side pictured below.

Figure 4. The Pegasus Square Asterism joined to Andromeda. 8

The Hebrew word for Markab is found in Micah 4:2-3.

4:2 And many nations shall come and say, Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and go to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for the law shall go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem3. And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.

These references first to the Mountain of the Lord, refers to the Mountain of Jehovah, indicating God [Jehovah] in relation to His Creation. The “house of the God of Jacob”-God here is Elohim or God as the Creator. Jacob usually refers to his natural seed, and Israel to his spiritual seed. Isaiah 44 below, reveals a key occurrence of these terms. The House [H1004-bayith] 9 of God tells us of the Temple, of Israel, where God appeared to His people yearly on the Day of Atonement. This shows the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not only as the line of believer’s, but as the nation wherein all the nations of the earth are to be blessed. God’s will is that everyone is saved and comes unto the knowledge of the truth, and Christ’s commission is to the entire world.

Isa. 44:2-3,5 Thus saith the Lord that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee; Fear not O Jacob, my servant, and thou Jeshurun whom I have chosen. 3. For I will pour water upon him who is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: and My blessing upon thy offspring. 5. One shall say I am the Lord’s and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

These verses in Isaiah 44 relate some key celestial truths that we need to understand. Here we can witness the transformation of Jacob the deceiver and conniver, to Jacob the righteous, relating to the meaning of Jeshurun.

Figure 5. Aquarius from Jamieson’s Celestial Atlas [1822] 10

Star Constellation Facts: Aquarius

I will pour water upon him who is thirsty”- is a reference to Aquarius the water bearer, who pours out his water as a symbol of the holy spirit upon mankind. Since the flying horsePegasus, is a decan of Aquarius, these truths concerning Markab fit together quite well as an extension of the truths told in Aquarius, since the Temple or “house of the God of Jacob,” is the place where God first poured his gift of holy spirit upon mankind on the Day of Pentecost, in the New Testament Age of Grace, [Acts 2]. This is the embodiment of God’s promise to Abraham to bless all the nations of the earth, since this was the first time the gift of holy spirit was shared as seed upon the Gentiles collectively, initiating the spiritual body of Christ.

My blessing upon thy offspring”-God’s blessing upon Jacob’s offspring coincides with the promises God gave Abraham [Gen. 13:14-17, 15:4-7] which pertained not only unto the Seed of Abraham and the nations of the world, but also to the Promised Land. We find the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham in Jacob in Genesis 28.

(Gen 28:11-15)  And he lighted6293 upon a certain place,4725 and tarried there all night,3885, 8033 because3588 the sun8121 was set;935 and he took3947 of the stones4480, 68 of that place,4725 and put7760 them for his pillows,4763 and lay down7901 in that1931 place4725 to sleep. (12And he dreamed,2492 and behold2009 a ladder5551 set up5324 on the earth,776 and the top7218 of it reached5060 to heaven:8064 and behold2009 the angels4397 of God430 ascending5927 and descending3381 on it. (13And, behold,2009 the LORD3068 stood5324 above5921 it, and said,559 I589 am the LORD3068 God430 of Abraham85 thy father,1 and the God430 of Isaac:3327 the land776 whereon834, 5921 thou859 liest,7901 to thee will I give5414 it, and to thy seed;2233 (14And thy seed2233 shall be1961 as the dust6083 of the earth,776 and thou shalt spread abroad6555 to the west,3220 and to the east,6924 and to the north,6828 and to the south:5045 and in thee and in thy seed2233 shall all3605 the families4940 of the earth127 be blessed.1288 (15)  And, behold,2009 I595 am with5973 thee, and will keep8104 thee in all3605 places whither834 thou goest,1980 and will bring thee again7725 into413 this2063 land;127 for3588 I will not3808 leave5800 thee, until5704, 834, 518 I have done6213 (853) that which834 I have spoken1696 to thee of.

What was this place that Jacob came upon where his father Isaac, and his grandfather Abraham had built an altar. Yes it was the exact location where Isaac was bound to the altarMount Moriah, the site that eventually became the holy city of Jerusalem, where Jacob was unwittingly lead in his trek through the desert that night, to this holy place. This confirms the witness of Micah 4:2 above regarding the star Markab, where the law shall go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem… I have also included selected excerpts from Keil & Delitsch’ Commentary to enlighten our view and understanding of this record of “Jacob’s Ladder,” marked [K&D] below.

(K&D)  Jacob’s Dream at Bethel.-“As he was traveling from Beersheba, where Isaac was then staying (Gen. 26:25), to Haran, Jacob came to a place where he was obliged to stop all night, because the sun had set. The words “he hit (lighted) upon the place,” indicate the apparently accidental, yet really divinely appointed choice of this place for his night-quarters; and the definite article points it out as having become well known through the revelation of God that ensued. After making a pillow with the stones (מְאֲשֹׁת, head-place, pillow), he fell asleep and had a dream, in which he saw a ladder resting upon the earth, with the top [rosh] reaching to heaven; [as a stone ziggurat] and upon it angels of God going up and down, and Jehovah Himself standing above it. The ladder was a visible symbol of the real and uninterrupted fellowship between God in heaven and His people upon earth. The angels upon it carry up the wants of men to God, and bring down the assistance and protection of God to men. The ladder stood upon the earth, just where Jacob was lying in solitude, forsaken by men. Above in heaven stood Jehovah, explaining in words the symbol that he saw. Proclaiming Himself to Jacob as the God of his fathers, He not only confirmed to him all the promises of the fathers in their fullest extent, but promised him protection on his journey and a safe return to his home (Gen. 28: 13-15). But the fulfillment of this promise to Jacob was still far off, so God added the firm assurance, “I will not leave thee till I have done (carried out) what I have told thee.” 11

(Gen 28:16-17)  And Jacob3290 awaked3364 out of his sleep,4480, 8142 and he said,559 Surely403 the LORD3068 is3426 in this2088 place;4725 and I595 knew3045 it not.3808 (17)  And he was afraid,3372 and said,559 How4100 dreadful3372 is this2088 place!4725 this2088 is none369 other but3588, 518 the house1004 of God,430 and this2088 is the gate8179 of heaven.8064

(K&D) Jacob spoke the impression made by this vision as soon as he awoke from sleep, in the words, “Surely Jehovah is in this place, and I knew it not.” The revelation was intended not only to stamp the blessing, with which Isaac had dismissed him from his home, with the seal of divine approval, but also to impress upon Jacob’s mind the fact, that although Jehovah would be near to protect and guide him in a foreign land, the land of promise was the holy ground on which the God of his fathers would set up the covenant of His grace. The place was none other than “the house of God and the gate of heaven,” i.e., a place where God dwelt, and a way that opened to Him in heaven. 12

The Tower of David in Jerusalem
Tower of David - Jerusalem. Definitely on my list of places to visit.

The house of God and the gate of heaven refer to the future site of the Jerusalem Temple Mount. He explains that the foot of the ladder in Jacob’s dream was in Beersheba, and the top was in Luz. Therefore the ladder’s midsection was over Mount Moriah as the pivotal point of their encounter. Upon his awakening Jacob realizes he has visited the dwelling place of God-the most intimate spot where Abraham’s prayers were answered in heaven. The Temple as God’s abode is fitting since it was in the holy of the holies that God revealed His Shekina glory (שכינה) of His Presence among His people. This makes the location the so-called “axis-mundi” or center of the earth not only for Israel, but all mankind as is fulfilled in the Christ millennium when all the world’s population will make a regular pilgrimage to Jerusalem to worship Christ as the King of Kings. We also find this truth in Gen. 28:14 above, where Jacob’s seed as the “dust of the earth” spreads out on the cardinal directions of the compass; to the west, east, north, and south to bless all the families of the earth.

(Gen 28:18-19) And Jacob3290 rose up early7925 in the morning,1242 and took3947 (853) the stone68 that834 he had put7760 for his pillows,4763 and set it up7760, (853) for a pillar,4676 and poured3332 oil8081 upon5921 the top7218 of it. (19) And he called7121 (853) the name8034 of that1931 place4725 Bethel:1008 but199 the name8034 of that city5892 was called Luz3870 at the first.7223

(K&D)  In the morning Jacob set up the stone at his head, as a monument (מַצֵּבָה) to commemorate the revelation he had received from God; and poured oil upon the top, to consecrate it as a memorial of the mercy was been shown him there, not an idol or an object of divine worship (Ex. 30:26). He then gave the place the name of Bethel, i.e., House of God, whereas (וְאוּלָם) the town had been called Luz before. He renewed it on his return from Mesopotamia (Gen. 35:15). This is confirmed by Gen. 48:3, where Jacob, like the historian in Gen. 35:6-7, speaks of Luz as the place of this revelation. (see K&D notes on Josh. 16:2). 13

(Gen 28:20-22)  And Jacob3290 vowed5087 a vow,5088 saying,559 If518 God430 will be1961 with5973 me, and will keep8104 me in this2088 way1870 that834 I595 go,1980 and will give5414 me bread3899 to eat,398 and raiment899 to put on,3847 (21) So that I come again7725 to413 my father’s1 house1004 in peace;7965 then shall the LORD3068 be1961 my God:430 (22)  And this2063 stone,68 which834 I have set7760 for a pillar,4676 shall be1961 God’s430 house:1004 and of all3605 that834 thou shalt give5414 me I will surely give the tenth6237, 6237 unto thee.

(K&D)  Lastly, Jacob made a vow: that if God would give him the promised protection on his journey, and bring him back in safety to his father’s house, Jehovah should be his God (וְהָיָה in Gen. 28:21 commences the apodosis), the stone which he had set up should be a house of God, and Jehovah should receive a tenth of all that He gave to him. It is noted here, that Elohim is used in the protasis instead of Jehovah, as constituting the essence of the vow: if Jehovah, who had appeared to him, proved Himself to be God by fulfilling His promise, then he would acknowledge and worship Him as his God, by making the stone thus set up into a house of God, i.e., a place of sacrifice, and by tithing all his possessions. With regard to the fulfillment of this vow, we learn from Gen. 35:7 that Jacob built an altar, and probably also dedicated the tenth to God, i.e., offered it to Jehovah; according to the analogy of Deut. 14:28-29 (cp. Gen. 31:54; 46:1). 14

The Dendera Zodiac

God’s promise to Abraham, Isaac & Jacob pertained not only unto the Seed of Abraham but also to the Promised Land. The holy place that Jacob was drawn to was the place that God chose to place his Name, that Jacob was to honor with the tithes of his increase, [Deut. 14:23]. The Square of Pegasus can be understood as a special depiction of this truth, that is established also from secular sources. In Hamlet’s Mill, Santillana and von Dechend have presented illustrations of the Pegasus Square in agreement with the Egyptian hieroglyph for the Square, seen on the Dendera Zodiac, as a rectangle, either empty or filled with fish/water, positioned between the fish of Pisces. According to Peter Thomkins;

The Square of Pegasus was considered the starting point in mapping of the sky. The ancients from the Sumerians to the Romans, in surveying land began by marking a square of a standard dimension, then proceeded to measure out of it in a checkerboard pattern. In cuneiform texts the name l-iku is given to the basic surveying square, to a unit of land surface, and to the Pegasus Square. In ancient Egyptian this hieroglyph referred to a district extending for 15 degrees from MemphisSokar, to the Apex of the Delta, showing that this district was viewed as the basic reference unit, from which they began the mapping of Northern and Southern Egypt.”15

This basic reference unit of land became a boundary between N. & S. Egypt, marked by 3 parallels [1st 30.06’, @ the apex of the Delta, 2nd perfect latitude of the Great Pyramid; 30.00’,3rd 29.51’] The area between these 3 latitudes was organized as a special district belonging neither to N. or S. Egypt. {as the idea of a gnomon} 16, even as the Great Pyramid is the basic reference unit of the earth on a 1 to 43,200 scale model @ the Apex of the delta, mapping the latitude and longitudinal lines of the globe from pole to pole both on earth and in the celestial sphere! This reveals God’s plan of Creation and explains a key scientific and spiritual purpose behind the Pyramid, not only as a map and master-plan of all Creation both above and below, but depicting it with the greatest and only surviving wonder of the ancient world, with implements that modern man can still not duplicate. This also shows the place of the Great Pyramid [Isa. 19] in the Creator’s Covenant, in context of God’s promises to Abraham relating to the Promised Seed and the Promised Land.

Figure 6. Axis “E” on the Dendera Zodiac crossing the Pegasus Square. 17

This E-axis begins in Coma, proceeding unto Virgo, crossing over the star Spica, between Virgo and Leo the Lion. It then intersects the crocodile/ Jackal pole in the center of the Zodiac, before it proceeds to the first of the two Fishes of Pisces. Before this axis hits the 2nd fish however, it crosses over the Pegasus Square, the so-called “tablet of destiny” is distinctly marked prior to completing its course through Pisces. Finally, this 5th axis bisects the Ram-headed altar at the edge of the Zodiac, finishing its course. In this way Dendera’s axis “E” is understood as an answer to the great Pegasus Square enclosed by Pisces representing both the Paradise field and also the ark of (Noah-Hebrew/Babylon or Utnapishtim/Sumerian).

Together with the Great Square, the two fish form an important motif in art from around the world. The square is often depicted as a game-board, with two fish, one on either side. What is also interesting is how the stars of the Pegasus Square in between the stars of the two fish of Pisces are interpreted in a similar theme by cultures separated in time and distance in history as we have seen before with the World-Monomyth. As we find these roots in the Biblical record of the Tower of Babel, [Gen. 10-11] when all humanity shared the same language and astronomy depicted at the apex of the tower, we can see with these common roots, the supposed condition of various indigenous world cultures navigating the seas to the shores of other countries to make physical contact, was not a requirement to share elements of a common World Mono-myth shared by all at their inception. The roots of Babylon lie in ancient Sumeria, and it is here that we find the earliest references to “Iku” as the square in land surveying linked to the Square of Pegasus.

An iku  was a square measure of 100 musar, or about 3,600 square meters, which is approximately one modern acreIku was also the name of the constellation now called Pegasus, or more particularly the Square of PegasusAmong the Babyloniansthe Square of Pegasus was represented by four stars which do indeed make nearly a square shape in the heavens. In ancient Sumeria-Iku was meant to be the home of their God Enki his other home was Eridu, identified with the star Canopus in ArgoThe Field Iku represents is a barley field divided by a series of irrigation ditchesThe constellation rises as the barley is regularly irrigated and starts to ripen. In ancient Sumerian astrology its omens foretell the nature of the coming harvest.”18

One could easily liken this grid of irrigation ditches to the lines of latitude and longitude used for mapping the celestial and terrestrial globes, not to mention how this system was utilized in ancient Sumeria for agricultural purposes as seen in Egypt with Sirius-the Nile star.

According to H.G. Wood: “the ziggurat of Jupiter Belus at Babylon had an ideal basis in the number 360. He describes a 7-staged pyramid in which each of the six upper stages is 360 inches shorter than the one next below it: the base side was 3,600 inches, and the total height of the structure was 3,600 inches. Wood therefore concludes that: the entire system of ancient Babylonian metrology appears to have been derived from 360 x 360 x 100 or, 12,960,000.”19

noahs calendar

This number total (12,960,000) happens to be half the length of solar years in the precession of the equinoxes showing the precessional basis of timekeeping as an ancient temporal standard related to Noah’s calendar. This perfect template of the cosmic order is based on the beauty of the precessional pattern, as seen in the sun’s trajectory through it’s annual course, where it “dwells” in each of the 12 houses of the zodiac for one month. The Sun moves in its circuit at a rate of 12 miles per second or 43,200 miles per hour (1/3 of 1,296,000) as it carries its train of planets in our solar system, and shedding its light upon the earth within the boundaries of the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. As the Sun illuminates the earth for twelve hours each day; (43,200 seconds), and since there are 86,400 seconds in each 24-hour day, we find the earth moving through 1,296,000 seconds of arc every 24 hours. It is also interesting to note that the diameter of the sun is 86,400 miles, thus the time it takes for the sun’s light to cover the space of the earth’s surface relates to it’s own diameter. 

Gen. 28:22b And this2063 stone,68 which834 I have set7760 for a pillar,4676 shall be1961 God’s430 house:1004

The Stone [Eben-H68] that Jacob set for a pillar [H4676] is the same word used in Isa. 19:19 for the Great Pyramid, the prototypical “stone ladder.” [Gen. 11:4, Ex. 14:2 Ezek. 29:10, 30:6, Jer. 44:1, 46:14] ziggurat-tower of Babel. In Gen. 28: 18, 22, 31:13, 35, 51, 52 etc.  This same word for “pillar” [H4676] is used for Jacob’s Ladder and the stone Jacob used as a “pillow” and later made into an altar respecting his Covenant with God. 20

pillar”- H4676 {matstsebah}from H5324, in Isaiah 19:19. Something stationed, a column, memorial stone, a monument usually with religious significance. The root means to stand erect, establish boundaries, be firm and healthy. {Ex. 7:15; 34:2, Ps. 82:1, Gen. 28:18, 22; Micah 5:12, II Kgs. 3:2, 10:26, 18:4}. 18 John 2:19 is also uniquely depicts Christ-the signal-beacon in Jerusalem stone-temple, and the Great Pyramid. In a related blog post we discussed the function of the Great Pyramid as a “boundary stone” not only in ancient Egypt, but also relating to the ancient boundaries of Israel. The boundaries marked by the Pyramid clearly mark the borders of Egypt, but also mark the promised land boundaries in God’s Word.

Figure 7a. The Great Pyramid Squaring the Circle. 22
Great Pyramid and Squaring the Circle

The Pyramid is so designed that for all practical purposes it accomplishes the squaring of the circle. The Pyramid’s base is a square whose perimeter is equal to the circumference of a circle whose radius is the Pyramid’s height. The square holds the Earth ‘s dimensions seen in the base of the Pyramid, while the circle is a reflection of the heavens seen not only in its unique location at the center of landmass for our planet, but also as a scale model of our planet’s dimensions on a 1 to 43.200 basis. 

Figure 7b. The Great Pyramid Squaring the Circle. 22

We also find in the 4 triangular sides of the Pyramid, two sides each measured by the pi/phi ratios, with Christ as the chief cornerstone. This shows us how the Great Pyramid mirrors heaven and earth, by squaring the 2D circle, and cubing the expanded 3D sphere in a cosmology that has been reflected with various imagery through the myths of many world cultures, all finding their ultimate meaning in the key touchstone of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy to help us discern the times wherein we reside. As Jesus said in Matthew;

Matthew 16:2-3 
He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is redAnd in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?

Luke 12:39-40
And this know, that if the good-man of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. 
40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not41 Then Peter said unto him, Lord, speakest thou this parable unto us, or even to all? 42 And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season? 43 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.

As the time of the Lord’s return draws near, we must not only discern the times, but also know what action to take to be ready and faithful. The faithful servant will know how to prevent his house from being robbed, to insure that his spiritual inheritance and reward is not stolen or lost, aiding others in ministry doing the same.

God Bless!


1. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poetry on “Pegasus in Pound;”
2. Witness of the Stars, p. 101,  E.W. Bullinger
3. Andromeda from Urania’s Mirror [picture credit]
4. Star Names-Their Lore and Meaning, p. 35. R. Hinckley Allen
5. [picture crfedit]
6. Witness of the Stars, p. 90,  E.W. Bullinger
7. Star Names-Their Lore and Meaning, p. 324. R. Hinckley Allen
8. [Picture credit]
9. Strong’s Concordance [H1004-bayith], James Strong
10. Aquarius from Jamieson’s Celestial Atlas [1822] picture credit
11. Keil & Delitsch’ Commentary on Gen. 28:11-15
12. IBID Gen. 28:16-17
13. IBID Gen. 28:18-19
14. IBID Gen. 28:20-22
15. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins p. 297
16. IBID
17. The Atlantis Blueprint- 
Axis “E” on the Dendera Zodiac picture credit
19. Ancient Metrology, H.G. Wood
20. Strong’s Concordance; [Eben-H68], [H4676]
21. [Bert Janssen] picture credit
22. IBID,  picture credit


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