Biblical Astronomy of the Blood Moon Tetrads and Judah Ben Samuel’s Jubilee Prophecies [Part 1.]

History of Biblical Astronomy

Biblical Astronomy of the Blood Moon Tetrads and Judah Ben Samuel’s Jubilee Prophecies [Part 1]

In our August 2015 post on the Partial Solar Eclipse; 9-13-2015, we referenced some truths regarding Israel seen as a Fig Tree in the Bible. The following section from that post provides a key foundation for this month’s post on Judah Ben Samuel’s Jubilee Prophecies.

Luke 21:24-33

24 They will fall by [f]the mouth and the edge of the sword and will be led away as captives to and among all nations; and Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled (completed).  25 And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near29 Then He spoke to them a parable“Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. 30 When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near. 31 So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. 32 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things take place. 33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”

Biblically, the Fig Tree is a symbol of Israel, as we will see later.  As we compare the Blood Moon Tetrads in 1949-50 and 1967-68, we have noted that they are 19 years apart, but each of these Blood Moon Tetrads represent a stage in the restoration of Israel, first as a nation, second with the recapture of its capital city of Jerusalem.

The following insightful details come to us from the good people @ [360 day]

Why wasn’t Israel fully restored in 1948, including the temple mount?

Ans. In Ezekiel’s account of the fall of JerusalemGod’s Spirit departs from the temple and leaves Jerusalem in specific stages (beginning 592 BC) and then comes back in stages 19 years later in 573 BC, (Ezek. 8, 40). In the same way, Israel is now being restored in stages — each stage on a time-frame predicted by the Bible. The next stage in God’s plan for Jerusalem also happened exactly 19 years after Israel became a nation in 1948The 1967, Six-Day War.

The next stage in Israel’s restoration was the six-day war waged exactly 19 years later, to the day on the 360 calendar, June 5-10, 1967. In this war, the Temple Mount was captured along with east Jerusalem. Thus, June 5th, 1967, was also Pentecost on the 360 calendar.

But why 19 years later?

Ans. Because, from Ezekiel’s vision about the temple (573 BC) until when Israel became a nation are 1260 + 1260 years, that is 2520 years(2520 days represents a seven-year period on the 360 calendar. {360 x 7 = 2520 days.}) Thus, 2520 plus 19 more years equals 2539. And so, from 573 BC to 1967 are 2539 years.

So, what’s important about 2539 years?

It happens that seven years on the regular Jewish calendar amounts to 2539 days in both 1948 and 1967. Thus, the seventh anniversary after Israel became a nation occurred exactly 2539 days later on the regular Jewish calendar, (i.e., 1948-1955). And the same is true of the seventh anniversary of the 1967 War, (i.e., 1967-1974). Hence, in God’s heavenly schematic, 2539 days correspond to the previous 2539 years back to the prophecy of Ezekiel in 573 BC!”1

This is an example of a Biblical Prophecy that has a dual significance that fits for both days and years. We will see another example of this when we discuss the “70 Weeks Prophecy” in Daniel 9, in Part 2 of this post next month, as it relates to the ministry of Jesus Christ among other things.

What has escaped the notice of most regarding Luke 21:24-33 is that Jesus’ prophecy relating to Jerusalem being over-run and controlled by the Gentiles, in verse 24 sets the immediate context of the astronomical signs of the Sun, Moon and Stars and the distress of the nations in verse 25. This should direct our focus on the heavenly signs surrounding the periods bracketing the Roman’s destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD, because this was the inception of a period when the Jerusalem Temple was down-trodden by the Gentiles. Conversely, with Israel’s recapture of Jerusalem in 1967, followed by the events surrounding their control of the Temple Mount, we can see the first stages of God’s restoration of Israel. Since the Luni-solar eclipse cycles are part of the heavenly signs of the Sun, Moon and Stars, including the modern Blood Moon Tetrads, there should be much we can learn from the this study. More on this later.

Figure A.

Blood Moon over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

What we also see in these 360 calendar links to the history of Israel is the annual pattern of sevens or the Sabbatical/Shemitah cycle built into the 360 day calendar. This pattern has been established in detail with the Biblical septenary temporal cycles starting with the Creation Week, setting the stage for Sabbaths not to mention Jonathan Kahn’s books like ‘The Harbinger,” that has seen the first realized correlation of a Sabbatical/Shemitah cycle with the 50-year Hebrew Jubilee in the current calendar cycle of 5776/2016. The key dates in 1949-50 and 1967-68 referenced above relative to Israel’s restoration marked by the modern Blood Moon Tetrads on Hebrew Feast and Holy days, are another level of divine marking from the Hand of God, establishing the authenticity of these heavenly signs for those who are paying attention. [Gen. 1:14-18]

A key with the final Super Blood Moon of the most recent 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad is that it takes place after the Hebrew Jubilee opened on the Sept. 23rd, 2015. This gets our attention since the Super Blood Moon was the first Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad visible in Jerusalem. As we correlate with the two previous Jubilees in 1917 and 1967, we find an intriguing history where i1917, Jerusalem was liberated from the Ottoman Turks under General Allenby, just a few weeks after the Balfour Declaration promised Israel a homeland. Since this date in Dec. 1917 represents a prophetic time span of Shemitah cycles [360 x 7] totaling 2,520 years going back to 604 BC when King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem, leading Israel away into the Babylonian Captivity. During this campaign, General Allenby’s planes buzzed Jerusalem with numerous fly-overs, dropping surrender leaflets on the Ottoman forces, causing the Turks to “wave the white flag” without casualty. As Isaiah tells us regarding the way Jerusalem would be delivered;

Isaiah 31:4b-5: “so shall the Lord of Hosts come down to fight for Mt. Zion and for the hill thereof, As birds flying, so will the Lord of Hosts defend Jerusalem; defending, also He will deliver it; and passing over, He will preserve it.”

In the details of this deliverance we can see the Hand of the Almighty working to fulfill this promise, even in the motto inscribed on the badge of the bomber squadron chosen to liberate Jerusalem which read: “I spread my wings and keep my promise.” This Squadron of the Royal Flying Corps took Jerusalem “as flying birds” and defended it, and passing over it, preserved it, fulfilling every detail of this prophecy. 

With this backgroundsetting the context for this post, lets now consider the Judah Ben Samuel’s Jubilee PropheciesRabbi Judah Ben Samuel lived during the time of the Roman/Christian Crusades in the Holy Land between 1096-1270 AD. It was during this time that Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel began publishing his “Jubilee Prophecies,” with added Gematria calculations, and astronomical observations, summarized on the internet today. As news traveled between the Holy Land and Europe found its way to the rabbis and the clergy in Worms and Regensburg Germany, the good Rabbi walked many of the same steps as Martin Luther 300 years later, as he lead the Reformation against the Roman Catholic Church in the “Diet at Worms. A synopsis of the Rabbi’s prophecies is found below-

“When the Ottomans (Turks) – who were already a power to be reckoned with on the Bosporus in the time of Judah Ben Samuel – conquer Jerusalem they will rule over Jerusalem for eight Jubilees. Afterwards, Jerusalem will become no-man’s land for one Jubilee, and then in the ninth Jubilee it will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which would signify the beginning of the Messianic end time.Leviticus 25, tells us every 50 year Jubilee period each person regains ownership of their lands. As Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel beheld the future, his predictions today seem to be amazingly accurate. It was over 3 centuriesfollowing his death however, before his first prediction came to pass. The current Jubilee of 5776/2016 is a special hybrid of Shemitah/Jubilee cyclesthat coincides with the conclusion of Judah Ben Samuel’s 10th Jubilee marking the Messianic End Times.

Picture credit from [3.]

Although Judah Ben Samuel’s Jubilee Prophecies are extra-Biblical in nature, they embody another key historical layer of verification in the divine patterns of these signs of the last days, as seen in the 50-year Hebrew Jubilee. The veracity of these prophecies has been questioned, but when viewed in the context of the existing pattern of sacred Hebrew calendars of the Shemitah/Sabbath and Jubilees, along with the Hebrew Feast and Holy days marked by the modern Blood Moon Tetrads about which Judah Ben Samuel referenced nothing in his writings, they gain added credibility.

Ludwig Schneider of Israel Today Magazine translated Judah Ben Samuel’s (1140-1217) writings into English. “…According to his article, Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel was a scholar of the Talmud in Germany. Just before he died in the year 1217 he predicted that the Ottoman Turks would rule over the holy city of Jerusalem for eight Jubilees, or 400 years (8 x 50). The Ottoman Turks did take control of Jerusalem 300 years after the Rabbi’s death in 1517 and according to the prophecy, the Ottoman Turks then lost Jerusalem 4 centuries later in 1917. It was during WWI that British General Edmund Allenby walked into Jerusalem on Hanukkah without firing a shot in 1917. This event falling on Hanukkah and the ease in which it took place, make this moment of history very notable. Judah Ben Samuel’s prophecy also said following the eighth Jubilee, the ninth Jubilee would find Jerusalem a no-man’s-land, which it was from 1917 to 1967, until the Six-Day-War. The Rabbi then predicted in the 10th Jubilee-Jerusalem would be controlled by Israel and then the Messianic end times would begin. The completion of this Tenth Jubilee brings us to the year 2017.” It is critical to realize that at the conclusion of this 10th Jubilee in 2017, we also will see the repeat of the Rev. 12 heavenly signs marking the Birth of Christ in 3 BC. Jubilee 11: Begins at Yom Kippur 9/30/17, marking a potential predicted period for the return of Christ.4

From the Balfour Declaration on November 2, 1917-during the 1917-1918 Jubilee, to the retaking of the Western Wall during the 1966-1967 Jubilee, to the current Jubilee from September 2015 to the fall of 2016, God is at work restoring His Blessings to Israel in stages.  The Temple Mount seems the next logical stage of this restoration process, perhaps even during the current Jubilee.

In Israel’s War of Independence against five Islamic nations, the Jerusalem remained a “divided city.” The Jordanian government controlled the eastern part of Jerusalem including the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem. A strip of land divided Israeli control of Western Jerusalem and Jordanian run East Jerusalem. This strip of land was called “No-Man’s Land” by both Israelis and Jordanians. After the 6-Day War, on June 17, 1967, the Israeli Army controlled the entire West Bank and all of Jerusalem was returned to their possession, 750 years after Judah Ben Samuel made this prediction, these events fulfilled all the conditions of the prophecy. Then came the Rabbi’s last piece of his prediction:

“In the ninth Jubilee, Jerusalem will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which will signify the beginning of the Messianic end time.”

As we have already seen with our opening verses in Luke 21:24-33, Jesus’ prophecy relating to Jerusalem being over-run by the Gentiles sets the context for the heavenly signs of the Sun, Moon and Stars of the end times. Scholars and Blood Moon enthusiasts have focused on the luni-solar signs, but have neglected their relation to Jerusalem. To understand this better, lets look at added evidence of this in Joel 2 setting the table for Joel 3.


Diagram of Herod Temple

Joel 2:30-32

30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come. 32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.

This is one of the main “Blood Moon Prophecies” that occurs prior to the victorious return of the Lord, both FOR and WITH his Saints. These verses at the end of Joel 2 provide the immediate context for the prophecy relating to Jerusalem and the Gog-Magog alliance of Gentile nations we can see gathering around Jerusalem setting the stage for coming final battle of Armageddon at the start of Joel 3.

Joel 3:1-2

“For behold, in those [climactic] days and at that time,
When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,
I will gather together all the [Gentile] nations [that were hostile to My people]
And bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat (the Lord has judged).
And there I will deal with them and enter into judgment with them there
For [their treatment of] My people, My inheritance, Israel,
Whom they have scattered among the nations,
And [because] they have encroached on My land and divided it up.

The sensational focus on the Blood Moon phenomena, not only in Christianity but also in the secular media, has detracted from the reason for the Blood Moon Tetrads in the first place, which is the disposition of Jerusalem and specifically the Temple Mount that determines the final stages of God’s deliverance of Israel and the Church-the Body of Christ. The fact that we have completed the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, and now find ourselves in the Shemitah/Jubilee of 5776/2016 with two more solar and lunar eclipses on Hebrew Feast-holidays, indicates that we are in a final period forewarningof the victorious Return of the Lord Jesus Christ, closing out world history.

The “Jubilee/Shemitah for Jerusalem that we find ourselves in today, depicts a level of God’s restoration of Israel in response to the Gentile domination of Jerusalem starting in 70 AD when Jerusalem was conquered by the Romans who destroyed the Temple. As Joel 3:2 relates the persecution of Israel where the Jews were either killed, starved, or sold into slavery. This ensued in centuries of the Gentiles over-running Jerusalem starting with the Romans, followed by Muslimforces, including the Ottoman Turks predicted by Judah Ben Samuel, who held it until 1917 when the Allied Forces under General Allenby delivered the Holy city. Calculating from 1917, the next Jubilee would be 1967 a half century later! If we start with the return of Jerusalem to Israeli controlin 1967 making 1966 the 49th Shemitah. The next Jubilee = (7 cycles of 7 Years = 49): 1966 + 7 x 7= 2015. Since 70 AD, Old Jerusalem was not under Israeli sovereignty until the one week war with Egypt in 1967. This makes the liberation of Jerusalem on June 7, 1967 a key pivotal point in modern Bible history and Prophecy marking a specific critical period of the End Times.

In the Declaration of Balfour Nov 2, 1917, British Foreign Minister Balfour pledged support for establishment of a “Jewish national home in Palestine.” During this 1917-18 Jubilee, there were other heavenly signs and planetary conjunctions taking place that tell related parts of the story of the restoration of Jerusalem and Israel. As we observe the movements of the planet Mars during this period, more truths come to light. The retrograde motion of Mars representing the Warrior Archangel Michael who fights for God’s people, moved in conjunction with Regulus the king star in Leo. This depicts the conflict surrounding God’s restoration of His people, versus our spiritual enemy and adversary who stands against God’s purposes at every turn. This Mars retrograde began in Leo then progressing into the head of Virgo, came back to Leo, depicting the Celestial Sphinx seen in the body of Leo the lion and the head of the woman Virgo, symbolizing Israel’s restoration. The Celestial Sphinx as seen below follows the structure of the Great Sphinx on the Giza Plateau. There is more regarding this subject of the Celestial Sphinx available with our “Dendera Zodiac Poster,available for order in our Bookstore link seen in the right margin adjacent to this post of our blog page.

In addition to marking the start and close of the celestial canon, the Great Sphinx mirrors the binding of Scripture together from Genesis to Revelation, as seen in the references to Jesus as the Lion of the tribe of Judah in both Gen. 49:8-10 and Rev. 5:5, the first and last books of the Bible. Another indicator of the central importance of these stellar aspects of the Great Sphinx, is that our recognition of the Celestial Sphinx, Virgo and Leo the lion provide the basis for the signs of the triple union of Jupiter-Regulus in Leo, in 3 BC related to Gen. 49:8-10. This is a foundation key linking the Sphinx bothto the celestial witness and God’s Word, in their unified testimony to the Coming Promised Seed.

To continue this sub-theme of Hebrew Jubilee planetary conjunctions of Mars during its retrograde motion, we find added evidence of this during the 1967 Jubilee, in between the Blood Moons on Passover [4-24-67] and Sukkot [10-18-67]. This Mars retrograde formed a loop in Virgo, around her womb area starting March 10th through June 24th. During this loop it approached conjunction with the Alpha Star of Virgo-Spica on June 6th, completing its loop around Virgo’s womb a couple of weeks later. This represents again the conflict surrounding God’s deliverance of Jerusalem from our spiritual adversary, as the city of Jerusalem was wrested from Gentile domination, seen in the rebirth of Jerusalem for Israel. This planetary activity during the previous two Jubilees depicting the restoration of Israel with Mars-Michael is a fascinating lead-up to the to 2017 Jubilee, when Jupiter the king planet and Holy Sceptre, will do a retrograde loop in Virgo’s womb area, symbolizing the birth of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, emphasized here with the Mars-Spica conjunction.

Figure B. The Celestial Sphinx
. 5

head of a woman and body of a lion

As we view the celestial context of this first union of Jupiter and Regulus, [Fig. B] marking the birth of Christ, we can see the head of Virgo rising above the eastern horizon just below the full body of Leo the Lion on the ecliptic. This is the view of what an observer standing near Palestine facing east would have seen on this date, providing a clear aspect of the astronomical symbolism of the Sphinx as an important marker and monumental prediction of Jesus‘ birthday on September 11th, a prophecy of the birth of Christ preserved in stone from antiquity! This serves as a monolithic marker to the prophecy provided in Rev. 12:1-5, in the constellation Virgo, further establishing this truth.

The Head of the Woman and the Body of the Lion as seen on Sept. 14th, 3 BC, on the eastern horizon from Palestine, the Celestial Sphinx, and marking the first Jupiter-Regulus Conjunction in Leo, 3 days after the birth of Christ on Sept. 11th 3 BC, [Tishri 1]; Rosh Hashanah. We find these landmarks at the head and tail of the zodiac, which adds light to “the woman Virgo is the crown for all twelve signs. The head position of Virgo is located within the last 10 degrees of Leo.” Virgo’s head is seen in Fig. B, just below and adjacent to the star Denebola in the tail of the Lion, unifying the circle of the zodiac. The Sphinx also unifies the Biblical canon, establishing the chronological order of God’s written revelation, in the Bible’s earliest book of Job 19:23-25.



1.     [www.360 calendar .com]

2.  See more at:

3.  [Phil Richardson] Picture credit

4. Israel Today Magazine, Ludwig Schneider [March 2008]

5. great sphinx



New Evidence of the Coma Supernova framing the Birth of Christ?

Birth of Jesus Christ
Biblical Astronomy of the Birth of Christ

New Evidence of the Coma Supernova Framing the Birth of Christ

This blog post provides an example of Modern Astronomy and Astrophysics informing and supporting certain aspects of Ancient Astronomy, specifically surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. With the utilization of modern analysis of images of the Coma Cluster from the Hubble Space Telescopeand the Dragonfly Telephoto Array in New Mexico, we have assembled scientific evidence in support of the 2000+ year old Coma Supernova constituting the General Sign of the Celestial Prelude historically documented by ancient luminaries like Ptolemy and Hipparchus, but unsupported beyond this until now. We will start with an excerpt from my previous articles at [] on the Celestial Prelude, setting the context of the Coma Supernova and the Hebrew Calendar.

“The practice of Intercalation of months kept the holidays of Passover, Pentecost and Rosh Hashanah, just prior to the Feast of Tabernacles in the month of Tishri, in their proper seasons of early Spring, the beginning of Summer and at Summer’s end. This “11-day gap between the solar and lunar years expands to a period of seven months over this 19-year lunar cycle. In the Calendar of Israel a total of seven years (3rd 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th) during this 19-year lunar cycle, would normally contain an extra month of Adar Sheni.”1

Why Do We Blow the Shofar?

With every 19 solar years plus two hours, the Sun and Moon return to meet each other at the same appointed time and place in the sky. The saros, however, consists of 19 eclipse years, which is only 18 solar years plus eleven days. An eclipse year thus consists of 346.62 solar days, which is equal to 11.738 lunations. When we divide the saros by 11.738, we get 1.618, (or phi),2 accurate to 4 digits! Since the Sun intersects a lunar Node two times every 346.62-day eclipse year, we find the cycle of the celestial rendezvous of the Sun and Moon also governed by the phi ratio. The Hebrew calendar also unifies these luni-solar cycles according to phi, in concert with Israel’s sacred fifty-year cycle of Jubilees. This is evident because there are 618 lunations in any given 50-year Jubilee cycle. Thus, as the Hebrew calendar shows the perfect correlation of the sacred and secular celestial cycles, governing the rhythms of a myriad terrestrial and cosmic cycles, we find more evidence of the signature of God the Creator and His dominion of light reflected in the heavens, the Source behind all kingdoms of earthly life. This exhibits the perfect relation between the civil [lunar], and sacred[solar] years of the Calendar of Israel, in the larger context of precession. These related sacred and secular standards are also unified in the promised seed, Jesus Christ as the Priest–King of Israel, and light of the world presiding over all circadian rhythms and other aspects of the kingdoms of terrestrial life.

As we briefly mentioned earlier, the roots of the word for saros are much older than Meton’s application of the term. In fact it goes back at least as far as ancient Sumeria, because the Sumerian name for the great lunar eclipse cycle was also called the saros. This word traces through to the basic Babylonian unit of measure, also called a “sar,” showing ancient elements of the sacred celestial rule of measure. This period of lunation consisting of 18 years & 11, (10.96) days, was utilized by the Chaldean priests to predict eclipses. Wallis Budge supported this notion when he stated; “the Babylonians were a nation of stargazers observing the appearances of the moon, eclipses, & planets etc.” This was the culture that produced the Magi, and speaks volumes on not only their astronomical expertise, but also their focus while watching the heavens for the celestial signs revealing the birth of Jesus Christ the promised seed. The Babylonians also had a period of 3600 (60 x 60) years that they called a saros. Here again we see the Sexegesimal pattern behind the organization of the heavens, including the cycle of the Moon joining Saturn and Jupiter every 60 years in their celestial dance. Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions exhibit the essence of this “base 60” numerical system as part of its function as a cornerstone of Biblical cosmology, providing the context of the Celestial Prelude marking the birth of Christ. Additionally, it gives us a window on the “celestial mechanism” that frames all Creation, the precession of the equinoxes. This will be fully explained in the Specific signs of the Celestial Prelude. Both of these planets frame the ancient solar system as its two outer-most naked-eye planets, while opening a window on precession. It also shows a unity of Saturn’s 29.5-year orbit with the 29.5-day lunar cycle on a year-day basis. This is half the Sexegesimal order of the solar system, formatted in the orbits of these two gas giants, the other half being Jupiter’s near 12-year cycle spending a year in each zodiacal sign, even as the Sun spends a month in each of the 12 signs. The solar half of the order is based on a division of 60, by twelve: (12 x 5), and the lunar half by 30 [30 x 2], both multiples of sixty. This is part of the numerical order of the solar system as it was patterned by the Creator according to the phi ratio.

Figure 1. Precession of the Equinoxes


The Babylonian “Sar” is doubtlessly related to the Hebrew word [*H8269] of the same spelling, meaning; “prince, captain, chief, ruler, leader, head.” The word has retained this meaning even in modern usage, as in the Tsar of all the Russias. As a testimony to what may have been based on the first human language, “Aesar” is a word for “God” in both, Icelandic and Irish, “Osar” in Egypt like “Osiris” was the prince. The English word “sir” and the Roman “Ceasars” are also traceable to this root. It is used in Daniel 10:13 & 20, referring the archangel Michael who dispatched the fallen angel (Daimon) who opposed the messenger angel that God sent to answer Daniel’s prayer. In Isa. 9:6, one of the great prophecies of the birth of Jesus Christ promised seed, used of the Messiah as Sar-Shalom; the Prince of Peace, the one who brings peace to all Creation [Eph. 2:11-18]. It is additionally used of Prince Moses in Exodus 2:16.

According to Hislop, The Chaldean version of this word; “Zer,” meaning “to encompass” gives us not only the English basis for: “Zero signified by a circle among the Chaldeans,” but also Zero; “the seed.” Thus, it relates to the Hebrew word zera [*H2233] used in reference to Jesus Christ’s birth- promised seed in Genesis 3:15. To this end the Chaldean word for the “woman’s promised seed” was “Zero-ashta,” that also formed the basis of the name Zoroaster. We should note that in the writings of Zoroastrianism in the Zend-Avesta, the predicted return of Zoroaster as a savior who would renew all existence in preparation for the Last Judgment, was prophesied. These references to the woman’s promised seed point directly to the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. Hislop also notes:

In almost all nations, not only was a great god known under the name of Zero or Zer; the seed, and a great goddess under the name of Ashta or Ishta; the woman, but the great god Zero is frequently characterized by some epithet which implies that he is The only One.” 3

This evidence provides a strong basis for a direct correlation to the decan Coma, the seed who was the desired of the nations, especially in view of the Supernova in this child’s [Christos] head [pictured below on the Dendera Zodiac] marked as the promised seed, during the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. The implication that the promised seed of the woman would be the only one, speaks to the truth that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, or the first and last way God made available for the redemption of Mankind. Hislop goes on to say: “As he who by the Chaldeans was regarded as the great Seed was looked upon as the Sun incarnate, and as the emblem of the Sun was a circle, the hieroglyphic relation between zero; “the circle,” and zero; “the seed” was easily established.”4

 Figure 2. Coma Decan in the Dendera Zodiac

sun of righteousness

The Biblical references to Christ associated with the Sun as the “light of the world,” the “Sun of Righteousness” [Mal. 4:2] and in Psalm 19:4-6, are only a few of many such references. Thus, in the case of the promised seed, Zero-ashta, the religion of the Magi served as a vessel for many principles and astronomical precepts, that led Mankind to the birth of Jesus Christ as the Promised Seed of the Woman, [Gen. 3:15-16].

Ignatius, one of the Church Fathers and the Bishop of Antioch, in about 69 AD, records that, “At the appearance of the Lord a star shone forth brighter than all other stars.” If we are careful not to confuse this reference with the planet Jupiter, we can deduce that this supernova was still visible almost 200 years after it was first seen as the celestial marker of the general time frame of Jesus’ birth. Thus, the Celestial Prelude proposes that this Coma Supernova that took place in the head of the infant “Christos,” nursed by his mother was the General Sign marking the time of the Messiah’s birth. Seiss has some viable historical references on this point:

Hipparchus about one hundred twenty-five years before Christ, observed it [Coma supernova] as a new star, and was led by it to draw up his record of stars. Ptolemy, about one hundred and fifty years after Christ, refers to it as having been observed by Hipparchus, but as having become so faint as hardly to be any longer discernible.”5 (parenthesis and emphasis mine)

Also during this same period referred to by Ptolemy above, shekels from Judea struck during the period of the second revolt, [132 AD.] bear the design of a bright star over the Jerusalem Temple, called Bar Kaukab, or Son of the Star. This would have also been a logical reference to the supernova that appeared in the head of the woman’s son in Coma‘s lap, the desired of the nations, perhaps even a providential reference to Jesus as the true temple. The decan of Coma is pictured below as the three bright stars forming the inverted “L” shape, that significantly contains the North Galactic Pole, located 5 degrees west of Beta Coma. This is interesting in light of the original star picture associated with this decan, as seen in the Dendera Zodiac, of a mother holding her Son in her lap, known as “the Desired of the Nations,” [Figure 1, above]. The close proximity of the Northern Galatic Pole, recalls the imagery of Cepheus “the crowned king” who regally sits astride the Celestial Pole star polaris, picturing Christ seated in heaven at the right hand of the Heavenly Father [Eph. 1:20-23].

Figure 3 The Decan Coma

The Magi would have witnessed both this new star shining brightly in Coma, a decan of Virgo, while Jupiter was in retrograde, standing still on the Meridian in Virgo, in December of 2 BC. The general sign of our Celestial Prelude thus harmonizes with the specific signs, as the Magi headed south from Jerusalem, their visit with Herod just concluded, towards Bethlehem in search of the promised seed. This also explains why the Magi were the only group to recognize these specific celestial signs of the Messiah’s birth, because the general sign was a fixture in Coma for about 200 years prior to this period. The typical person wouldn’t have noticed anything out of the ordinary in the heavens, because it would not stand out unless coupled with the knowledge of the specific signs, bringing the Magi to Israel in the first place. This is another reason why the Magi were so joyful when they saw “his star,” Jupiter over Bethlehem. This scenario of what the Magi beheld in the skies over Bethlehem in December of 2 BC, is depicted in the banner of this article above, and covered in detail in our website article on the Skies over Bethlehem. In Numbers 24:17, when Jacob is referred to in Balaam’s prophecy, it refers not only to the seed of Jacob, but also to the land promised to him as an inheritance, in his Covenant with God [Gen. 15:18]. Rolleston has interesting remarks regarding this:

The Magi forewarned that the star must appear over Jacob, over his inheritance, would see that star in Coma passed over the center of that inheritance: but as it would also appear to pass vertically over every part of it that was nearly in the Latitude of Jerusalem, they could not at once fix on the spot of the Messiah’s birth, therefore they went to inquire; the Latitude, as it were, being given by the star, the longitude by the prophecy.6

Here we see the witness of the stars, and the Scriptures, working together to bring the Magi to the toddler Jesus, because their alert observation of “his star” brought them to Jerusalem and the scribes declaration from Micah 5:2, when Herod questioned them, sent the Magi to Bethlehem. While en route they witnessed the heavens come alive with the proof that their historic journey was not in vain, because they saw both the Coma Supernova, and Jupiter in Virgo in the same skies over Bethlehem. This puts both elements of the General and Specific Signs of the Celestial Prelude in the same skies observed by the Magi leading them to the birth place of Jesus Christ.

Some Professional Astronomers following my Try-God Blog and website have doubted the veracity of the historical evidence of the ancient Coma Supernova framing the birth of Christ, and have challenged this point, citing the lack of physical and scientific proof of this event. With this in mind, we present the following research that has come out in the last year or so, providing key astronomical research supporting the thesis of this ancient Coma Supernova. The following  are excerpts from a Sky & Telescope article from November 2014 by Monica Young, a professional astronomer by training, and web editor/contributor for Sky & Telescope Magazine.

Figure 4. Some of the 800+ Dark Galaxies Pictured in the Coma Cluster.

“Pieter van Dokkum (Yale University) and colleagues took a unique look at Coma through the Dragonfly Telephoto Array, eight Canon cameras armed with telephoto lenses. The Dragonfly is designed to find faint, fuzzy blobs, but what its images revealed surprised the team. The research team included astronomers from San Jose State University, the University of Toronto, and the University of California-Santa Cruz. The team made its discovery by combining results from the Dragonfly Telephoto Array — which van Dokkum helped to invent — and the W.M. Keck Observatory’s 10-meter Keck I telescope. The team’s observations wrapped up in May, but it wasn’t until later in the summer that van Dokkum finally got around to looking at the images he’d gathered. In them, he noticed some faint, fuzzy blobs. Forty-seven blobs, to be precise. They looked rather large, and they really weren’t supposed to be there – at least, not according to the records keeping track of galaxies in the cluster.

Once these blobs were inspected they found them to be “dark Galaxies.” On Coma’s outskirts lurk 47 galaxies similar in size to the Milky Waybut with 1,000 times fewer stars. To survive in crowded Coma, these dark galaxies must contain 98%+ dark matter to hold themselves together, much higher than the fraction in the universe at large (73%).”

The galaxies’ size depends on their distance, so to make sure this result wasn’t just a trick of perspective, the team had to make sure these galaxies really belonged to the Coma cluster, more than 320 million light-years away. Determining cluster membership was a challenge because the objects are far too faint to study in the usual ways, such as taking a spectrum to determine their distance. Nonetheless, “van Dokkum and his co-authors make quite a convincing case,” says Mark den Brok (University of Utah).

To estimate the galaxies’ distance, the team traced the blobs’ distribution on the sky. It matched that of the Coma Cluster’s galaxies, suggesting the 47 objects were indeed a part of the cluster. Then, the team again turned to archival images — this time, those shot by Earth’s sharpest eye in the sky, the Hubble Space Telescope, which had observed the Coma Cluster many times before. Completely by chance, Hubble had captured three of the faint galaxies. One of the images was good enough to work with. In that image, there’s a faint, blurry galaxy hanging out with Coma’s classic inhabitants. But the galaxy’s individual stars aren’t resolved by Hubble, which suggests the blob is very far away indeed. The team simulated Hubble images taken at varying distances, and calculated that in order for the individual stars to be invisible, the galaxy needed to be at least 160 million light-years away.

Which means, the blob – and most of its friends – are probably in the Coma Cluster. “We conclude that most or all of the low surface brightness galaxies are, in fact, at the distance of the Coma cluster and are resolved in the Dragonfly data because they are intrinsically very large,” the authors write.

Figure 5. Coma Cluster From Chandra X-Ray Observatory

The authors initially expected the galaxies to be distributed randomly, as they would be if they lay in the foreground near the Milky Way. Instead, the galaxies cluster around the center of the image in the cluster’s periphery. Suspecting the objects might be clumps of galaxies too small for Dragonfly to resolve, in the team’s search through archival images of the region shot by a telescope that should be able to parse giant blobs into smaller, constituent objects. The discovery of a serendipitous Hubble image of one of the galaxies supported the team’s case, den Brok says, definitively showing that it doesn’t have the traits of a nearby dwarf galaxy. [Reference: Pieter van Dokkum et al. “Forty-Seven Milky Way-Sized, Extremely Diffuse Galaxies in the Coma Cluster.” Astrophysical Journal Letters, submitted.]

Starless Galaxies

Simulations that track the evolution of large-scale cosmic structure suggest that even normal galaxies start out with three times more star-building material than they develop into stars. So whatever process works to limit star formation in normal galaxies is working particularly well in these dark matter-rich galaxies.

Our simulations have shown that one way to limit star formation so drastically is to use the energy stars produce when they blow up as supernovae, says Greg Stinson (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Germany). “It turns out that this disruption leads directly to galaxies that look like the ones van Dokkum is seeing.”

“How did such bizarre and difficult-to-detect galaxies arise? Team member Pieter van Dokkum, astronomer at Yale University, suspects the galaxies may be failed Milky Ways—big galaxies that were headed for brilliance but lost their gas before forming many stars, perhaps because supernova explosions catapulted gas out of the galaxies and into the parent Coma cluster. They also must harbor lots of dark matter to hold together; otherwise the gravitational pull of other galaxies in the cluster would rip them apart.”

“I was actually very much relieved to see Prof. van Dokkum’s paper,” Stinson adds. Dark matter simulations have been producing galaxies with exactly the size and matter distribution that van Dokkum’s team observed, but such galaxies are naturally difficult to observe.”

It’s ironic that dark matter-rich galaxies were discovered in Coma, the birthplace of dark matter theory. Observations of the same cluster in 1933 helped Fritz Zwicky (Caltech) first conceive of the invisible matter that shapes the large-scale structure of the universe. Zwicky was also involved in Supernova discoveries in Coma during the 50’s and early 60’s. Now ever-deeper observations continue to help astronomers understand dark matter’s role in the galaxy.

Seeing this research on the Coma Cluster was intriguing to me. What if these diffuse galaxies could somehow support the history we had already seen on the Coma Supernova? Since these diffuse starless galaxies in the Coma Cluster were so limited in their star-making material, and a known cause of this is an exploding supernova in the region, would have depleted the energy galaxies used to form these stars, then we might be on to an explanation, not only of these diffuse galaxies in the Coma Cluster, but also provide modern scientific evidence of this ancient Coma Supernova. But, to more conclusively link a Nova/Supernova to these diffuse galaxies, we need to know more about how Nova explosions occur in general. Since this initial discovery of 47 Ultra Diffuse Galaxies [UDG’s] in the Coma Cluster, by this team, additional research has revealed over 800 added UDG’s in the same Coma Cluster. The following reference documents this.

STONY BROOK, NY, June 22, 2015 – A team of researchers from Stony Brook University and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) have discovered 854 “ultra-dark galaxiesin the Coma Cluster by analyzing data from the 8.2-meter SubaruTelescope. The new discovery, published in the June 2015 editionof the Astrophysical Journal Letters, surpasses the 2014 discovery of 47 dark galaxies by more than 800 and suggests that galaxy clusters are the key environment for the evolution of these mysterious dark galaxies.

“The findings suggests that these galaxies appear very diffuse and are very likely enveloped by something very massive, “said Jin Koda, PhD, principal investigator of the study and Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University.

[See more at:]

“We are beginning to form some ideas about how they [Dark galaxies] were born and it’s remarkable they have survived at all,” van Dokkum said. “They are found in a dense, violent region of space filled with dark matter and galaxies whizzing around, so we think they must be cloaked in their own invisible dark matter ‘shields’ that are protecting them from this intergalactic assault.”

This discovery can become very important for modern astronomy because it may lead to revision of fundamental theories.

“A central tenet of galaxy formation is that “as we count the number of stars, we can predict the amount of dark matter” holding the galaxy together,” said van Dokkum, as quoted by the Christian Science Monitor.

“If you have two galaxies, the Milky Way and one of these things, which have a very different number of stars but the same amount of dark matter, that simple idea doesn’t hold,” he added. “They [UDGs] prove to be “a Rosetta Stone for galaxy formation,” concluded Jin Koda.

Publication: Pieter G. van Dokkum, et al., “Spectroscopic Confirmation of the Existence of Large, Diffuse Galaxies in the Coma Cluster,” 2015, ApJ, 804, L26; doi:10.1088/2041-8205/804/1/L26

Figure 6. Virgo and Coma from Stellarium Astronomy Software

This new research provides added probable evidence for the Coma Supernova documented by the ancients Hipparchus and Ptolemy, which from their historical records states that the Coma Supernova was visible to the naked eye for at least a period of about 275 years.

In summary then, the key points regarding the general sign of the Celestial Prelude are first, this Supernova in Coma, set the general time frame in which the Magi were to expect the specific signs surrounding the birth of Christ. Secondly, when this general sign is separated from the set of specific signs of Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunctions, the confusion clouding the “Star of Bethlehem,” for the most part dissolves. Thirdly, When the Magi beheld the heavens above Bethlehem they witnessed both the bright Coma Supernova in the child’s head, while Jupiter shone down standing still in the heavens in retrograde motion in Virgo, during the Winter Solstice, when the Sun was standing still also, clearly marking the birth-place of Jesus Christ.


Symbols of Judaism M.A. Ouaknin p.12.

2 Sun, Moon and Earth.  Robin Heath, p.28

The Two Babylons  Hislop, p. 59

The Two Babylons  Hislop, p. 18

Gospel in the Stars, Joseph Seiss. P.161.

Mazzaroth; The Star of Bethlehem, Rolleston,
*Strong’s Concordance word definition for H8269, H2233, etc.


Cosmology, Galaxies, News

Monica Young, a professional astronomer by training, is web editor and contributor for Sky & Telescope, where she creates, manages, and maintains website content, and contributes to the magazine.

View all posts by Monica Young – See more at:

Reference: Pieter van Dokkum et al. “Forty-Seven Milky Way-Sized, Extremely Diffuse Galaxies in the Coma Cluster.” Astrophysical Journal Letters, submitted

Wide-field image of the Coma Cluster of galaxies. (Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona)

Hubble Space Telescope close-up of one of the Coma Cluster’s beautiful spiral galaxies, NGC 4911. (NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage Team)

The Dragonfly Telephoto Array is designed to image low surface brightness objects. Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics / University of Toronto.

See more at:

Publication: Pieter G. van Dokkum, et al., “Spectroscopic Confirmation of the Existence of Large, Diffuse Galaxies in the Coma Cluster,” 2015, ApJ, 804, L26; doi:10.1088/2041-8205/804/1/L26