Biblical Astronomy of the January-February 2016 Planetary Alignment
Could the rare alignment of the five brightest planets in our Solar System; Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars seen on the horizon over the next month, be related to the Biblical heavenly signs surrounding, the Star of Bethlehem? These five planets will be visible to stargazers in the pre-dawn skies from Jan. 20th through Feb. 20th, 2016. There has not been a similar alignment of these five planets since 2004, but for the proper context of this year’s planetary quintuplet, there are many intriguing points to consider in light of previous recent planetary alignments leading up to this planetary alignment. As the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 was wrapping up late last Summer into the Fall, there is a 1 degree Triangular massing of Jupiter-Venus, Mars in Leo on October 28th,2015, which is preceded earlier in the month with a planetary alignmentwith Regulus in Leo, [see Figure 1 below]. This is significant due to its resemblance to the Rev. 12heavenly sign marking the birth of Christ, we have discussed in previous posts on this blog.
Rev. 12:1-2 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
In Fig. 1 below we can see how the alignment of three planets in Leo forms the crown of the Woman–Virgo with 12 stars, consisting of the 9 fixed stars in Leo, combined with the planets Jupiter, Venus and Mars, forming the Crown of 12 stars over Virgo’s head. A very similar planetary alignment will be seen again in Sept. of 2017, [Figure 2.] involving the same players, with the exception that Mercury will replace Jupiter in Leo, since Jupiter will be birthing in Virgo’s midsection. The planetary alignment in 2015, serves as key celestial foreshadowing2 years prior to thisbirthing of Jupiter in Virgo, when these heavenly signs that marked the birth of Christwill be repeated in the Fall of 2017. As we will see, this month’s planetary alignment of five shows another sign along the path leading us to the heavenly signs of 2017.
Figure 1. Planetary Alignment in Leo, October 3rd, 2015
As there were 3 Jupiter-Venus Conjunctionsmarking the Rev. 12 birth signsof Christ in 3-2 BC, so this triple alignment of Jupiter-Mars, and Venus in Leo with Regulus, reflects a similar spiritual light in the context of the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014–2015. In fact the Rev. 12heavenly sign: the [Sun clothing Virgo with the Crescent Moon at her feet] on Sept. 17th, 2015 is announced by Mercury-Gabriel located just outside the womb area of Virgo, unitedwith Spica/Al Zimach, on this day 2 years ahead of the rewind of the Great Wonder in Heaven, on Sept. 23rd 2017! Thus we can not only view this first planetary parade of five in 2016, but also the second alignment of these five planets in August of 2016, as added heavenly signs involving Jupiter-Venus opening the next 2 years, leading up to the birthing of Jupiter in retrograde motion in Virgo’s wombin 2017.
Best seen before dawn, the brightness of Venus and Jupiter make the event easier to find whether by the naked eye or binoculars. With Jupiter rising first, and the red-hued Marsnext, golden-tainted Saturn, followed by Venusthe brightest planet and lastly Mercury. Jupiterrises first as night falls early in these winter evenings, followed by Mars after midnight, before Saturn, Venus and Mercury join the conga line. Their timing will vary each day depending on observers location. Mercury will be closest to the eastern horizon, which is why it is the last to appear low in the sky, Mercury however should be more visible starting the first week of February. The waning Moon will also shed its lunar light among these five aligned planets partially occulting Jupiter on Jan. 27th, continuing it trek through the planets on the ecliptic till Feb. 6, 2016.
Does this planetary alignment tell a story? If so what does it mean? Biblical Astronomy does relate a narrative in the stars and constellations which hold them, as the planets pass through the 12 houses on the ecliptic, [Ps. 19]. Each of the 12 main signs of the zodiac relates to one of the 12 tribes of Israel, and the star pictures of the constellations each tell a different aspect of the story of the Coming Redeemer-Jesus Christ, [Gen. 49]. Also, each of the planets or “wandering stars” have their own Biblical symbolism, for example Mercury is Gabriel the fleet Messenger Archangel, appearing in Sagittarius depicting Christas the victorious returning Conqueror, winning the war in heaven as his arrow pierces the heart of the scorpion–Scorpius. This theme is established not only with Mercury’s presence in the head of Sagittarius, but Venus the Bright and Morning Star is also seen on top the Archer’s Bow, doubly emphasizing the Lord’s speedy Return. Since this rare planetary alignment is taking place after the completion of the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad, the Victorious Return of Christ FOR his Saints can surely occur at any time-Are You Ready? Saturn is Satan’s planet in Ophiuchus/Scorpius, the scorpion, symbolizing the Redeemer’s conflict with the enemy. Satan knows he is defeated and that his time is very short, but he will never stop fighting against God, His only begotten Son, the Church and Israel because of his hatred for the Light that defines is very existence.
Figure 2. Sagittarius [Ps. 45:3-5]
We can’t ignore the Sun in Capricorn, as the atoning sacrifice of the Light of the World, that truly is the only Hope of our dark and perverse world, increasingly run by the enemy and his minions. We owe our very lives not only in this world, but also in the coming new age, all to the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ who gave himself for us when we were dead in sin. Mars the red planet-signifies on one hand, Michael the Warrior Archangel doing battle with the enemy, but it can also symbolize the Savior’s shed blood, which seems a better fit with the atoning work of the redeemer seen in Libra’s balances, which portray the Savior paying the price to purchase us back from sin, and the enemy slave-master holding us in bondage. Thus we can see a consistent theme with Mars in Libra and the Sun in Capricorn with this planetary alignment. Jupiter also appears in Leo in this rare alignment of planets, as the King planet presides in the ruling house of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, [Rev. 5:5]. This shows the ultimate power of the regal Lion-King as he puts down the rebellion of the serpent-scorpion once and for all, utterly destroying the enemy under his feet, seen in Leo’s claws rending Hydra-the serpent destroyed! [Isa. 27:1]
Thus the message of this planetary alignment fits with our quickly returning and conquering Lord, and our preparation for that great day! These same five planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will appear together again this summer between the 13th & 19th of August, 2016 but “Mercury and Venus will be positioned low in the western sky at dusk, not easily seen from the northern hemisphere.
When this heavenly sign of the five brightest sentinels of our solar system in their planetary alignment is taken in the context of the concluded Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, we certainly have more than enough evidence in a mandate from heaven, telling us of the speedy and inevitable Return of the Lord Jesus Christ! As we overcome the increasing evil of this world, with the Lord’s Good, as he showed in his fathomless Love, we will surely show ourselves as Children of Light.
1. The Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger
2. Earth and Sky
3. [picture credit]
4. 2015 Sky & Telescope [picture credit]
Biblical Astronomy of the Venus-Saturn Conjunctions of 2016
Back in November 0f 2015, I posted an article summarizing the heavenly signs framing the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2015 between two conjunctions of Venus and Mars. The first of these planetary conjunctions was February 21-22, followed by the second on Nov. 3rd, 2015. These two Venus -Mars conjunctions of 2015 effectively frame the crescendo of the Blood Moon Tetrad in 2015, while introducing the opening of the 50-Year Hebrew Jubilee /Shemitah. The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 is the first and only Tetrad to mark both the feasts and holy days of Israel along with the Shemitah/Jubilee cycle. The Year of Jubilee began on September 23, 2015, the Day of Atonement, and it ends on October 2, 2016. God told Israel to set aside yet another year of rest after seven Shemitah cycles; as a special Sabbath after every 49 years. This is the 50th cycle called the Jubilee. Just as there are 50 days between Passover and Pentecost, so there are 50 years between Hebrew Jubilees. Not only is this a time for Israel to allow the land rest, but debts are also forgiven and slaves are freed. (Leviticus 25: 33-49)
Since Joel’s Blood Moon Prophecy from [Joel 2] focuses our attention on these Hebrew Feasts and holy days with this series of Blood Moon Tetrads, we should do our best to understand the fuller message contained in His warning, as a mandate from heaven.
Joel 2:3030 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
God tells us here, He is The Oneshowing the wonders in heaven and earth! Its not by chanceor natural coincidence that these Blood Moons took place on Hebrew feast and holy days, it is by the design of the Hand of the Almighty, Who spun the stars and planets in their courses with precision at Creation. The series of Blood Moon Lunar and Solar Eclipses during the Age of Grace is an example of these kind of heavenly wonders God is displaying for our benefit and warning. The prophecy in verse 31 below is one that got the most media attention, but we cannot understand it fully without the context of God’s Word in Joel 2. This verse provides more information for us narrowing the time frame of these solar and lunar signs to before the Great and terrible Day of the Lord comes! The “Last days” technically include the entire Age of Grace, but we are now in the end times since Israel has been reformed as a nation, for the first time in over 2000 years, marked also by the Blood Moon Tetrad of 1948-1949! Nineteen years later, the next Blood Moon Tetrad in this modern series took place in 1967-68, not only marking the return of control of Jerusalem to Israel for the first time in nearly 2000 years, but also the previous Hebrew 50-Year Jubilee. However with the completion of this Blood Moon Tetrad, we have crossed a prophetic marker in the Creator’s Timeline, where the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ FOR his Saints can occur at any time. With this in mind, we turn our attention to the heavenly signs of 2016 and beyond.
Joel 2:31-32
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.
But whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be delivered, and those that heed these dire warnings from the Hand of God will share in the glory of the Lord… This reminded us some similar heavenly signs with Venus and Mars bracketing the birth of Christ. Between the March 31st, 2 BC Venus-Mars–Saturn triangular massing in Taurusand the Venus-Mars union in Scorpius on 12-9–2, are keyheavenly signsmarking Christ’s birth enlightened the heavens. As the Venus-Mars conjunctions of 2015 bracket the crescendo of the Blood Moon Tetrad in the Sabbatical year of 2015, we see Venus-the bright and Morning Star unified with Mars-Michael, the Warrior Archangel, in their battle against the forces of darkness. Even as the Dragon attempted to take out thepromised seed of Israel, Jesus Christ at his birth, so the persecution of Israel has continued, as this end time series of Blood Moon Tetrads has witnessed over the last 200 centuries, especially since the rebirth of the state of Israel marked by the modern Blood Moon Tetrad of 1948-1949. Ever since the prophecy of the Promised Seed first took place in [Gen. 3:14-15] spiritual warfare has been waged [Rev. 12:7] between the Serpent’s forces of darkness and the Promised Seed of the Woman, coming to points of crisis as we can see in the dual fulfillment of [Rev. 12:1-4].
It is noteworthy that this first Venus-Mars conjunction, March 31st bracketed the heavenly signs surrounding the birth of Christ included Saturn. As we noted, the signs of the 2015 Blood Moon Tetrad were bracketed by two Venus-Mars conjunctions, and now we see the heavenly signs of 2016 being bracketed by two more Venus-Saturn conjunctions! The first of these Venus-Saturn conjunctions, also in Scorpius takes place Jan. 9th, 2016 followed by the 2nd on Oct. 30th, 2016. We need also to keep in mind the Venus-Saturn Conjunction on June 12th of 3 BC in Taurus leading up to the heavenly signs surrounding the Birth of Christ on Sept. 11th of 3 BC. As we continue to correlate the current signs in the heavens in light of the signs marking Christ’s birth, we can uncover the needed understanding that God has made available for us. In effect we have a continuation in greater detail of the signs marking the birth of Christ appearing again in the end times Blood Moon Tetrad leading to Christ’s victorious Return. [Rev. 12].
The Planet Saturn
Saturn’s Rings tilted-reflecting a brighter Surface
Saturn’s Ring Cycle
Another point of comparison between the end time series of Blood Moon Tetrads, and the heavenly signs surrounding the birth of Christ we want to highlight here involves Saturn’s 13-year ring cycle. As we know, Saturn is best known for its remarkable set of rings. Due to Saturn’s tilt and Earth’s changing orbital position, the aspect of Saturn’s Rings tilt in relation to the Earth, changing over time. Saturn’s Rings tilt out of view when they are edge-on seen from Earth. This is known as Saturn’s “ring plane crossing.” Saturn’s Rings greatly impact its brightness, from Earth’s view. About every 13-15 years, Saturn is dimmest when its Rings are edgewise-from Earth’s line-of-sight, seen only as a thin line in telescopes – sometimes invisible. The Earth last passed through Saturn’s Ring Plane in Sept. 2009, but Saturn’s Rings will not be open again to full view for maximum light reflection on Saturn’s surface till 2017. This tells us a little about the symbolism of Saturn’s Rings, since they reflect light on Satan’s planet, they represent the 1/3 of angels [Rev. 12:4] that he deceived and took down with him, in his failed coup attempt in heaven. Thus Saturn’s Ring cycle fluctuates between reflecting maximum brightness on their master planet, to invisibility from Earth’s view, depending upon the deceiver’s need in the situation. [II Cor. 11:13-15]
During the time surrounding Christ’s Birth, it is interesting that Saturn’s 13-year ring cycle (in 7BC) began on September 14th, 7 BC, as part of the Celestial Prelude, when the Sun was also aligned with the Earth. Since this was the last day before the start of the two-year period, encompassing the Sept. 15th, 7-5 BC signs of the Celestial Prelude. This gives us a stellar corroboration of the notion that the initial signs of the Celestial Prelude refer to Lucifer in the 1st heaven and earth, in his first estate as the bright and morning star. Before the fall of Lucifer, [Isa. 14:12] he led the choral groups of angels in praise of the Heavenly Father. He was second only to the Almighty at this point, which we find symbolized in this first in the union of Venus-the Bright and Morning Star with Saturn-the planet of Satan. Secondly, we see this with the first Jupiter-SaturnConjunction of May 27th, 7 BC as set alone, outside of the two-year period, from September 15th, 7 BC to September 15th, 5 BC. This was one aspect of the heavenly signs noticed by the Magi that alerted them to look for another two-year period which would reveal the signs surrounding the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, marked by the first of three Jupiter-Regulus Conjunctions starting Sept. 14th in 3-2 BC. In our end time signs of the Blood Moon Tetrad, we also have seen a specific two year period marked in the Sept. 17th, 2015 [Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet] looking towards the Sept. 17th, 2017 As the last day prior to the two-year period bracketing the Celestial Prelude, the significance of this day tells us of Lucifer’s successor, the rising Morning Star-Jesus, was already prophesied, prior to Satan’s overthrow of the world-order, [Eph.1:4]. It’s as if the former days of Lucifer’s brightness and splendor never existed in the eyes of God.
Job 3:4-5
4 Let that day be darkness; let not God regard it from above, neither let the light shine upon it. 5 Let darkness and the shadow of death stain it; let a cloud dwell upon it; let the blackness of the day terrify it.
Since Saturn began to reach its peak brightness on September 14th, 7 BC, culminating on December 6th 1 BC, we find the peak of Saturn’s cycle of brightness running concurrent with, not only the signs of the Celestial Prelude, but most of the heavenly signs surrounding Christ’s birth as well. This verse in Job makes some other notable connections with the shadow of death.
Intriguingly, these connections both carry reference to the darkening of daylight, first seen in cloud covering, and second with the blackness of the day which ominously resembles a total Solar eclipse. One aspect of the spiritual significance of these celestial realities is seen in the apparent period of midday darkness on April 28th, 28 AD, the day of Jesus’ crucifixion. There is no indication of an eclipse on this day, but the shadow of deathprobably stained this day more than any other in history, and the blackness of this day was certainly evident spiritually in the death of Jesus. This was turned completely around three days later, however when Christ arose as the “first fruits from the dead.” Thus, the brightness of Lucifer’s day was certainly turned into darkness the moment he turned away from God, The original and eternal Source of Light.
In this light it is noteworthy that the next major heavenly sign taking place following this Venus-Saturn conjunction on Jan. 9th, 2016, is a Partial Solar eclipse occurring 2 months later, on March 9th, 2016. This is followed in short order with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse only 2 weeks later, three days after the Spring Equinox on March 20th, 2015. This is followed up in late Summer with an Annular Solar Eclipse on Sept. 1st, with another Penumbral Lunar Eclipse only 15 days later, on Sept. 16th, 2016!
With these heavenly signs kicking off the New Year in 2016, we can expect an interesting ride as everyday brings us closer in our approach the Christ’s Victorious Return.
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The Celestial Prelude and the Biblical Astronomy of the Birth of Christ
Our previous blog post on the Coma Supernova marking the Birth of Christ as the General Sign of The Celestial Prelude was visible for a period of about 275 years, as it has been documented in history. The Second part of these heavenly signs that allowed the Magi to recognize the celestial markers of the birth of Jesus Christ are the Specific Signs of the Celestial Prelude. These signs revolve around the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 7-6 BC, that gave the Magi the stellar keys to breaking the code that sent them on their 800 mile journey to Jerusalem and Bethlehem to pay homage to the young king of kings. A major departure from the confusion around the “Star of Bethlehem,” bringing a new perspective to the celestial signs surrounding the birth of Christ involves a fresh look at the triple planetary Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, in 7-6 BC. Historically, this series of unions has been taken for Jesus’ actual time of birth by some, and also accepted as just too early to mark his birth by others. The debate between these two major camps continues today. This study will show, among other things, that while this celestial pageantry does not literally mark the actual time of the birth of the infant Jesus, we cannot discount the impact of these signs on the Magi in their search for the revelation of the promised seed. How did the Magi know what to look for in this search? What if God left a series of clues for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, making provision so they wouldn’t miss this momentous occasion? This is precisely the proposal of this study that herein lies the true significance of these rare unions of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces in 7-6BC. Based on the details of this specific set of preliminary signs, the Magi were alerted to the series of planetary Conjunctions and heavenly signs announcing the actual birth of Christ.
Caravan of the Magi
The time frame we will be looking at for this Celestial Preludeis from 7-5 BC and the first thing that we will notice is that the signs marking the birth of Christ are astronomical in nature. They were not some miraculous manifestation only visible to the Magi, as some have said. The details of this study make this obvious. Secondly, the type of sign we’ve found is a series of planetary Conjunctions. This is a departure from the General Sign of the Celestial Prelude, which was a supernovain the head of the infant in the decanComa. This is the initial clue as to what the Magiwere prompted to look for, not a comet, like Halley’s Comet which some have attempted to make a case for. The dates for Halley’s Comet are too early, to coincide with the birth of Christ, although it does fall within the time-frame of the General Sign of the Celestial Prelude, about 5 years before this triple union of Jupiter-Saturn. The foregoing and concurrent supernovain Comawas meant to draw the peoples attention to this general time-frame of the birth of the promised seed, and the specific signs revealed its inherent details to the Magi. The Charts below compare the signs of 7-5BC, with those of 3-1BC, in greater detail. For our purposes here, we will focus mainly on the triple planetary Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturnfrom 7-5 BC in comparison with the triple planetary Conjunction of Jupiterand Regulusin 3-2 BC. We will add a few other signs to more fully sketch out and establish this comparison. The Summary of the Celestial Prelude below wraps up the indicators provided by the heavenly signs involved with these Jupiter-Saturn unions, pointing to the signs of 3-2BC marking the birth of Jesus Christ.
This series of planetary Conjunctions involving Jupitercertainly drew the focus of the Magi to the king planet, which they recognized as “his star.” They would have noted Jupiter’s triple planetary union with Saturn, and we know today that this union was caused by Jupiter’s retrograde motion. The Magi would have noted these triple unions involving Jupiterin both 7-5 and 3-2 BC. Therefore, the Magi would have been watchful not only of Jupiter’s motion, but vigilant also for a triple union associated with its motion. Perhaps we can begin to see the wisdom of the Heavenly Father’s choice of stellar signs, which make up this celestial epistle of introduction, for the Magi to mark the signs surrounding Jesus’ birth. These clues alone would have provided the Magi much on their way to finding the Messiah, but God had a lot more in store. After these Jupiter-Saturn tripleConjunctions, there was a massing of planets including Mars, after which followed a key Conjunction involving Mars. Finally, on the heels of this Conjunction including Mars, in the next month came a remarkable series of lunar occultations, followed by two total lunar eclipses in 5 BC. These preliminary signs not only provided the Magi with the blueprints they would need to recognize the celestial signs identifying the time frame of the birth of Christ in 3-2 BC, but they also set the pattern of Total Blood Moon Lunar eclipses, marking the victorious return of Christ. The fact that the signs of this dress rehearsal unfolded over a period in excess of two years was also a clue of what to expect, when the curtain actually arose on the celestial pageantry of the birth of Christ. With a period of exactly 2 years from Sept, 15th of 7 BC to Sept. 15th of 5 BC as seen in the chart above, setting the stage for two Jupiter-Venus Conjunctions bracketing the heavenly signs marking the actual birth of Christ between August 31st, 3BC and Aug. 21st of 1 BC, we can see how the Magi would recognize these specific markers leading them to the promised seed-Jesus Christ. Also, the fact that these signs almost all occur in Pisces, is interesting due in part to an ancient eastern tradition, that the influence of the sign of Pisces, the fishes presided over the land surrounding and including Israel. Others believed that Pisces symbolized the House of Jacob, and with the obvious presence of the King planet Jupiter, would spell out why the Magicame to Jerusalem looking for the King of Israel. This relationship of Jupiter-Saturn heavenly signs related to Israel stretched back in history even to include the births of Abraham and Moses. In the following reference to Jupiter-Saturn unions related to the birth of Moses, R.H. Allen has probably isolated a quote from Abrabanel referenced by Kepler;
“The Rabbis held a tradition, recorded by Abrabanelin the 15th Century, that a similar Conjunction took place three years previous to the birth of Moses, and they anticipated another at their Messiah’s advent.”7 [emphasis mine]
The Triple Planetary Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in 7 -6 BC
A major contemporary proponent of the 7-6 BC triple Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn marking the actual time of Jesus’ birth is David Hughes. He is convinced that Jesus was born September 15th of 7BC, based on this series of unions of Jupiter and Saturn. He has taken note of how these conjunctions point to the birth of Christ, following a modified version of Kepler’s view. However, he admits a feeling of uncertainty about the final summaries of his hypothesis, because Jupiter could never have been seen as one star, as their closest approach was only 0.98 degrees. Hughes confusion is typical of that surrounding the view of the “Star of Bethlehem,” which at least in part is based on the lack of recognition and separation of the general and specific signs marking Jesus’ birth. As we can see, the specific signs of the Celestial Prelude, and their corroboration of the signs from 3-2 BC, meet all the provisions of the genuine signs marking the birth of the Messiah. With the 7-6 BC triple union of Jupiter and Saturn setting the pattern of the Specific signs of Celestial Prelude, let’s take a more detailed look these preliminary signs in the triple Conjunctionof Jupiter and Saturn.
i. May 27th, 7BCJupiter and Saturn in Conjunction in Pisces, with the Sun and Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Cancer, Mars in Virgoand Moon in Pisces. [Fig. i.]
In this first preliminary sign we find Jupiter the scepter and King planet in Conjunction with Saturn, symbolic of Satan, in Piscesnear dawn in the eastern sky, as a result of Jupiter’s proper motion.
The first thing to notice about the specific signs of the Celestial Prelude from 7-5 BC, is that this first Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn shows the authority of the scepter of God’s kingdom resident with Lucifer in his first estate as the Angel of light. He was set apart and alone in his authority from the celestial signs that follow, outside of the clearly marked two-year period from September 15th 7BC to September 15th 5BC, containing the rest of these specific preliminary signs.
Its purpose is to mark the first estate of Lucifer as the original bright and Morning Star, second only to God the Creator, in the 1st heaven and earth-head over all the angels as the angel of light, prior to the Creation of Man in the Garden of Eden.. Let’s take some time to digress here and set the background of Lucifer’s history according to the accuracy of God’s Word written in the stars, and in Scripture. This first sign refers to Lucifer in his original estate as the “star of the morning” as Isaiah 14 tells us:
Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
The demise of Lucifer is indicated in the astronomical mechanism known as the precession of the poles, with the star Thuban: alpha draconis, the brightest star in Draco the dragon, as the original pole star. The precession of the poles indicates Lucifer’s demise, because the pole star has moved from Draco and now resides near Polaris, or Al Ruccaba of the “little flock” of Ursa Minor. The pole star between the feet of the crowned king Cepheus, depicts Jesus Christ in at least two ways. First, as the prominent king, and new Chief Cornerstone, since Cepheus is the crowned king, even as Regulus the king star, is between the feet of Leo, the Lion king of Judah; [Gen.49:8-10]. Cepheus also means ” the branch” and is depicted as a king holding a branch/sceptre at the north pole, [Jer. 23:5, 33:15]. Secondly, and with spiritual hindsight, he is the head of his spiritual body, the Church. God put all things under Christ’s feet, indicating his seven-fold lordship over all Creation; [Eph. 1:20-23]. The exception to this, of course is God Himself, Who Christ ultimately subjects himself to [I Cor. 15:27-28], avoiding the pitfall of Lucifer’s egomaniac demise. The Decan of Cepheus depicts the Royal king and redeemer coming quickly to rule, enthroned in the highest, at the northern polar reaches of the heavens. With his scepter in hand and the Northern Pole Star symbolizing all things in Creation under his feet, as seen in the capstone of the Great Pyramid, we have powerful imagery of the Authority and Dominion of the King of Kings. As the principles of Biblical Astronomy tell us, the star names relate the narrative of each constellation they appear in. There are 19 main stars in Cepheus, 3 of which we focus on here.
Zech. 6:12-13 “Thus speaks the Lord of Hosts, saying behold the man whose name is the Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the Temple of the Lord.” v. 13 “Even he shall build the Temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.”
Here we see the promised seed of the woman clothed in the celestial royalty of absolute dominion over all Creation. The name “Cepheus” has possible Egyptian linguistic roots in “Cheops” or Khufu the Pharoah whose Dynasty saw the construction of the Great Pyramid. In the Dendera Zodiac, Cepheus is known as Pe-Ku-hor; meaning “one coming to rule” which is a consistent theme of the star names below. The 3 primary stars of Cepheus are as follows;
1. Al Deramin-he who comes quickly from the right Arm or Hand of the Father-The Hand of Blessing. 2.Al Phirk-signifying the Redeemer and the stars of his flocks [Ursa Minor and Major].
3. Al Rai-The Shepherd who bruises or breaks. [Ps. 23; and the 7 Redemptive Names of God embodied in the Shepherd.]
Thus we have the Redeeming Shepherd coming quickly from the right hand of God who bruises or breaks, to redeem his flocks. An interesting note regarding these 3 primary stars at the North Celestial Pole, as the Pole star recedes according to the Precession of the Poles, each of these 3 brightest stars in Cepheus will inherit the title and function of Pole star, currently occupied by Polaris of Usra Minor. Starting around 4000 AD in 1500 year intervals, these primary stars of Cepheus will occupy the coveted “Pole Position;”
1st Al Deramin
2nd Al Phirk
3rd Al Rai
These signs and constellations at the North Pole or circumpolar stars were reflective of the “Royal Family” since they never set, and their narratives are some of the most popular in the mythology of the Ages. Perseus’ deliverance of Andromeda from the dread Sea Monster Typhon/Cracken, is a good example. Even in this veiled mythology we can see the light of the narrative of the returning redeemer shining through to deliver his flocks. Bullinger refers to this precession of the North pole and Al Ruccaba specifically as follows:
“Although the star does not revolve like the others, the central point in the heavens is very slowly but steadily moving. When these constellations were formed the Dragon possessed this important point, and the star alpha, in Draco, marked this central point. But by its gradual recession, that point is sufficiently near this star Ruccaba, in the Lesser Sheepfold, (Ursa Minor) for it to be what is called “the Polar Star.” But how could it have been known five or six thousand years ago? How could it have been known when it received its name, which means the turned or ridden on? That it was known is clear: so likewise was it made known in the written Word that the original blessing included not merely the multiplication of the seed of the faithful Abraham, but it was then added, “And thy seed shall possess the gate of thy enemies,”1 [Gen. 22:17].
This is an obvious indicator of the accuracy of these God-inspired star names [Ps. 147:4], dating back to antiquity, showing divine insight inherent in the heavens from earliest times. This establishes a previous point that the purpose of God’s Revelatory Astronomystands in juxtaposition to the evolutionary theories governing modern scientific Astronomy. Bullinger’s reference also shows the witness of the stars in concert with that of the Scriptures that is a consistent testimony throughout this study, and a primary theme of our blog and web-site.
This stellar transition of the pole star reflects an aspect of the transition of power from the fallen Morning star, who presided over ten categories of precious stones, representing angels [Ezek. 28:14], to the Risen Morning Star [Rev. 22:16], presiding over 12 categories of precious stones, representing the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 signs of the zodiac, and later the 12 apostles at the foundations of the Age of Grace and the New Jerusalem.
Following the triple Conjunction of Jupiterand Saturnin the specific signs of the Celestial Prelude was a unique triangular massing of planets. Kepler referred to the Feb. 25th, 6BC triangular massing of planets; Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, as the “decisive Conjunction of 6 BC that opened our precessional age of Pisces.” As we have noted, Kepler also advanced the idea that the Magi were guided to Judea by the appearance of this series of Conjunctions. This could make him a larger presence in the history of Astronomy, even more than what he is already accredited with, because of the spiritual nature of this insight. And there are other historical figures who should be recognized for their input on this subject. The famous Roman poet Virgil is worthy of consideration here from some of his early work in his Eclogues-10 volumes of his pastoral verses. Virgil’s, good reputation in the ancient astronomical community, was seen in the honorary title of a “prophet of Christianity” given by his peers, for declaring that a great new order of centuries was now being born during the period of this Jupiter-Saturn triple union. In his Fourth Eclogue, he declared the return of the Golden Age, showing the influence of the traditional prophecy of the coming redeemer in Greece at the time: “Now the Virgin returns, now a new generation descends from heaven on high. Only thou pure Lucina, smile on the birth of the child, under whom the iron brood shall first cease, and a golden race spring up throughout the world.”6 (emphasis mine)
The summary below shows the specifics of the signs that led the Magi to the birth of Christ.
12 Characteristics of the Celestial Prelude
Jupiter was clearly marked as “his star.”
Jupiter was involved in a triple planetary Conjunction.
Jupiter was involved in a series of planetary conjunctions.
Jupiter’s retrograde motion would play a key role.
Jupiter’s triple union was followed by a massing of planets.
This massing of planets was followed by a MarsConjunction.
The Jupiter-MarsConjunction was followed by a series of lunar occultations, and total lunar eclipses.
This series of conjunctions would last about two years.
The annual twenty days when the Sun is in Virgo would be a key.
The September 15th alignment of Jupiter, Saturn the Earth and Sun in 7 BC that occurred in the evening at sunset, directed the Magi’s attention to the end of the 20-day period when Virgo was “clothed with the Sun.”
The second lunar eclipse on September 15th of 5 BC established that the Magishould be watchful of lunar activity during this time. This framed the 42 minute period between Sunset and Moonset on the only day of the year when Virgo “was clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet.” [Rev. 12:1-5]
The September 15th Heliacal Rising of Jupiter and Saturn foreshadowed the Heliacal Setting of Spica, located between the setting Sun and Moon in Virgo, identifying a 30- minute period when the birth of Christ happened.
As the first born of the Church-the Spiritual Body of Christ, Jesus is certainly the Head of a new and everlasting “golden race” of Saints who will cast the serpent’s seed under foot. [Gen. 3:15] It is however the Magi that belong at the top of this list as the only Gentile Astronomer-kings to accurately recognize and act on what they believed concerning the birth of the king of kings. Their role in this historic and epic saga of the long awaited promised seed cannot be overlooked as they brought powerful recognition of the birth of Christ to the world and the local powers in Jerusalem. As we confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus Christ, and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, our sins will be forgiven and we will be saved, joining that golden race of Saints and inheriting all the everlasting benefits that go along with this honor.
1. Witness of the Stars E.W. Bullinger, p. 152
2. Virgil’s Fourth Eclogue
3. R.H.Allen, Star Names their Lore and Meaning, p. 341
Summary of the 2015 Heavenly Signs bracketed by Venus-Mars Conjunctions
The Biblical Astronomy of the Venus-Mars Conjunction in February 2015 was a unique heavenly sign, the first of two Venus-Mars conjunctions in 2015. The first Venus-Mars union from Feb. 21-22 in Pisces, called attention to the Spring Equinox on March 20th/Nisan 1, while the second Venus-Mars conjunction takes place November 3rd, 2015 in Virgo. This blog post serves as a brief summary of the 2015 celestial activity bracketed between these Venus-Mars conjunctions.
We noted the first conjunction of Venus-Mars on Feb. 21-22, was located on the ecliptic near where the Sun marked the Spring Equinox on March 20th., 2015. This pointed out the opening of Ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew Calendar, on March 20th/Nisan 1 with a singular Total Solar Eclipse at the North Pole. Having the Sabbatical year marked not only by planetary conjunctions, but also with the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, certainly distinguishes the Biblical Astronomy this Sabbatical year above the norm in the Celestial Intelligent Design of the Creator’s temporal order. In multiple Blood Moon Blogsthis year we have compared the heavenly signs of 3 to 1 BC surrounding the birth of Christ, with those of the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, focusing on the Jupiter-Venus conjunctions in both periods.
The fact that there were also 2 Venus-Mars unions framing the central Jupiter-Venus union between March 31st, and Dec. 9th, 2 BC, marking the birth of Christ, sets a precedent that we found also in 2015, prior to the glory of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this light, it was with great interest that we discovered between the 2Venus-Mars conjunctions of 2015, 3 Jupiter-Venus unions occurred in Leo, followed by Jupiter-Venus unions in Virgo, in both 2016 and 2017. As we view the heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ from 3 to 1 BC, we pointed out a series of parallels between these signs, and the current period concluded in the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015. By focusing on the specific planetary conjunctions that set the pattern in marking the birth of Christ and looking for these signs repeating in the modern context of the Blood Moons, we follow the Magi’s example, that should lead us to the victoriousReturn of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Figure A. Arch-Angel’s Sword against the Blood Moon
These two Venus -Mars conjunctions of 2015 effectively frame the crescendo of the Blood Moon Tetrad in 2015, between Feb. 21-22 and Nov. 3rd. This brought to mind some similar heavenly signs involving Venus and Mars surrounding the birth of Christ. Between the March 31st, 2 BC Venus-Mars-Saturn conjunction and the Venus-Mars union of 12-9–2 BC, some key heavenly signs marking the birth of Christenlightened the heavens. Since the Venus-Mars conjunctions of 2015 bracket the crescendo of the Blood Moon Tetrad in the Sabbatical year of 2015, we see Venus-the bright and Morning Star unified with Mars, the Warrior Archangel Michael, in their battle against the forces of darkness. Even as the Dragon attempted to take out thepromised seed of Israel, Jesus Christ at his birth, so the persecution of Israel has continued, as this series of Blood Moon Tetrads has witnessed over the last 200 centuries, especially since the rebirth of the state of Israel marked by the modern Blood Moon Tetrad of 1948-1949. Ever since the prophecy of the Promised Seed first took place in [Gen. 3:14-15] spiritual warfare has been waged [Rev. 12:7] between the Serpent’s forces of darkness and the Seed of the Woman, coming to points of crisis as seen in the dual fulfillment of [Revelation 12:1-4].
During our 2015 posts, we have referred to this dual significancein end times prophecy of [Rev. 12] as it relates both to the sufferings and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, in his ministry as prophet, priest and King to present his kingdom to Israel, that was rejected 2000 years ago, and now is being revisited as we complete the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014–2015 with heavenly signs presaging his gloriousSecondComing, to install his kingdom of everlasting righteousness and peace. Figure B below, depicts Mary crowned with the 12 Stars/Tribes of the Hebrew Zodiac [Gen. 37: 9-11] holding the infant Jesus, with the Crescent Moon at her feet. Here Jesus embodies the Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet as seen on Sept. 11th, 3 BC in the heavenly signs marking the Birth of Jesus Christ. [Figure C.]
Modern stargazers have at times struggled to fit the crown of 12 stars around Virgo’s head, with the heavenly signs marking his birth and Second Coming, but as Gen. 37 tells us in Joseph’s dream, the Sun, Moon and 11 Stars bowed down to Joseph as his 11 brothers bowed at his feet in Egypt, fulfilling his dream. Both the Great Sphinx and Joseph’s Dream show the 3-foldSolar, Lunar and Stellar aspects of the Hebrew Calendar, and as we view Virgo Crowned with the 12 Stars/Signs/Tribes of the Hebrew Zodiac in the context of the heavenly signs taking place in Virgo and Leo-the elements of the Great Sphinx, the truths of the Celestial Sphinxcome into focus.
Figure B. Mary Crowned with 12 Stars holding Jesus with the Moon at her feet.
There have been 3 Jupiter-VenusConjunctions in 2015, all in Leo, with additional Jupiter-Venus unions coming in Virgoin 2016-17. These sign typify Jupiter-the King Planet uniting with Venus-the Bright and Morning Star, in Leo the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, [Rev. 5:5]. As there were 3 Jupiter-Venus unions marking the birth of Christ in 3-2 BC, so this triple union of Jupiter-Venus aligned with Regulus in Leo, reflects a similar spiritual light in 2015. In fact the Rev. 12heavenly sign: the [Sun clothing Virgo with the Crescent Moon at her feet] on September 17th, 2015 is announced by Mercury-Gabriel just outside the womb area of Virgo above Spica/Al Zimach, 2 years in advance of the repeat of the Great Wonder in Heaven, on Sept. 23rd 2017!
As we compare this to the heavenly signs of The Celestial Prelude, marking the birth of Christ, there was a key planetary alignmentand aBlood Moonboth inPisces,exactly two years apart on Sept. 15th, 7 BCand the same date in5 BC. These heavenly signs not only directed the Magi’s attention to the signVirgo, clothed with the Sun, but also the lunar eclipseon September 15th of 5 BC, establishing that the Magishould bewatchful of lunar activity marking Christ’s birth. Thisframedthe 42 minute period between Sunset and Moon-seton theonly dayof the year whenVirgo “was clothed with the Sun and the Moon at her feet, as prescribed in Rev. 12:1. It is thus quite significant leading up to the Return of Christ, that another two year period from the Day of Atonement: 9-23-2015 to the Rev. 12:1 signon 9-23-2017, is being marked in the heavens, as the Birth ofChrist. Just as Jupiter was recognized by the Magi as “His Star” [Matt. 2:2] at the birth of Christ, so Jupiter the King Planet is actually being “birthed” during the two weeks leading up to this signof “the Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet,” on 9-23-2017. As we can see, the parallels between the Celestial Preludeofthe Birth of Christand his glorious Return are eye-opening!
Figure C. Revelation 12:1-2 Heavenly Signs
However, there will be more heavenly signs involving Jupiter-Venus after this, leading up to the birthing of Jupiter in retrograde motion in Virgo. The following dates review the Jupiter-Venus conjunctions in Leo during the Hebrew Sabbatical year, leading into the Jubilee year of 2015-2016:
June 30th- July 1, 2015 [Jupiter-Venus in Leo] July 31st, 2015 [Jupiter-Venus in Leo] October 25-26th, 2015 [Jupiter-Venus in Leo] October 28th, 2015 [Jupiter-Venus, Mars unite in a 1 degree triangular massing]
The following dates, show similar Jupiter-Venus conjunctions in Virgo in 2016-2017:
July 27th, 2016 Aug. 26-27th, 2016 [Jupiter enters Virgo] Feb. 26th, 2017
Sept. 23rd, 2017 [Virgo clothed with the Sun/Moon @ feet]-Rev. 12:1-2 Nov. 13th, 2017
The 3 Jupiter-VenusConjunctions marking the birth of Christ compare to the three Jupiter-VenusConjunctions of 2015, however there were additional heavenly signs involving Jupiter–Venus marking his birth. On August 27th and 28th reflected in the chart above and the graphic below, there was a massing of planets including Jupiter-Venus, followed by a planetary alignment of Jupiter, Venus, Mars, with the king star Regulus in Leo, signify the Crown of 12 stars above the head of the Woman. This planetaryalignment in Leo, along with the Rev. 12 signs marking the birth of Christ [Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet] will be repeated again on September 23rd, 2017!
As we compare these heavenly signs around the birth of Christ with the current signs of the Blood Moon Tetrad leading to 2017, we note that even as Jupiter moves in its annual retrograde motion entering Virgo in August26-27th 2016, for a total of 294 days, taking us into 2017, it only spends 40 days in Virgo’s mid-section, symbolizing the birthing of theMessianic Kingdom. Jupiter marks its entrance into Virgo with the second Jupiter-Venus union of 2016. This is worthy of our attention indicating a key event with the King Planet–Jupiter related to his virgin Bride–Virgo/Israel leading to his glorious Second Coming. This alerts us to be watchful of the Sun Clothing Virgo leading us directly to the signs of 9-23-2017!
As we have noted, the Modern Blood Moon Tetrads in 1948-49 and 1967-68, have documented the restoration of Israel, first as a nation-state, and secondly with their capital city of Jerusalem being restored to them in 1967, both marked by Blood Moon Tetrads. The 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad points to the third stage of Israel and Jerusalem’srestoration, which is the Temple itself. As God departed from the Temple and Jerusalem in stages, seen in Ezekiel 10, so He returns in the stages we are witnessing in the modern Blood Moon Tetrads on these dates in 1949-50 and 1967-68. As a side note this also establishes that the Apostles received the gift Holy Spirit in the form of Speaking in Tongues, on the Day of Pentecost when they were required to be in the Temple, not in their sleeping quarters-the “upper room.” The Temple was the center of spiritual activity for Israel as a nation, and is the only logical place for this prophecy of Christ to be fulfilled. Thus we are watching with great interest what transpires concerning rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem, and the prophesied reinstatement of its Daily Sacrifices for Israel.
The events playing out in today’s Middle East region, show a number of nations resembling the Gog-Magog alliance of Bible [Ezek. 38-39. 38:8-16] Prophecy [Russia, Iran, Turkey, etc.] conducting military operations around Israel, that have vowed to remove Israel from the maps of the middle east. This is setting the stage for the end of days-the final events of human history, leading up to the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ. All this is taking place before our eyes as we see Russian airstrikes in Syria and Iraq increase while the US influence continues its flagging decline under the Obama Administration. God however will protect and fight for Israel even as He has all throughout Biblical history and all the efforts of mankind to destroy Israel will come to nothing, except their own destruction. After all Who can fight against the Almighty and win? Figure D below shows the nations prophesied by Ezekiel and other Biblical prophets, to come against Israel in the end times.
Figure D.
As the 2015 Blood Moon Tetrad has concluded, a key aspect of Joel’s Prophecy[Acts 2:20] are being fulfilled before our eyes.
Acts 2:20 “The Sun shall be turned into darkness and the Moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord Come.”
It was not a coincidence the Apostle Peter quoted the words of Joel in the preamble of his Pentecost sermon; [Acts 2:17-20] opening the Age of Grace. This period of God’s awesome blessing which brought us the availability of the spiritual new birth, was kept secret by God since the World began, [Rom. 16:25-27, Eph. 3:2-7]. Now we stand at the precipice of the fulfillment of this wonderful Age, the end of which Peter prophesied at its inception, whose conclusion will witness the ultimate victory over the forces of darkness told in the heavens by these specific celestial signs. The series of partial/total solar eclipses on the Lord’s Feasts and holy days, along with the series of Blood Moon Tetrads leading to theconcluding Blood Moons we have just witnessed, initiates the completion of the set of preliminary heavenly signs that Joel prophesied would take place. Since there are no more Blood Moon Lunar or Solar eclipses scheduled to fall on Hebrew Feast days for the next 500+ years, there has never been a time in human history where all the prophetic requirements leading to the End of Days has been in place like they are now. Joel told us these signs would occur “before the great and notable day of the Lord,” referring to the long-awaited return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Recognition of the specifics of how the second fulfilling of [Rev. 12:1-4] comes to pass, along with the key planetary conjunctionsand other heavenly signs, involved in the completion of this scenario, will tell the tale of the Biblical Astronomy of the End of Days, as we countdown to 2017.
1. Figure B. Picture Credit [http//]
2. Figure C. Picture Credit. Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, American Christian Press
3. Figure D. []