End Times Prophecy of the Great Pyramid and the Pi & Phi ratios
The topic of our most recent June blog post was the three Mercury-Venus Conjunctions taking place this year, leading up to the heavenly signs in the late summer and fall of 2017 corresponding to the signs of Rev. 12. These Rev. 12 signs mark both the birth and potential return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The preliminary 2015 Rev. 12 heavenly signs were also summarized as they occurred at the conclusion of the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad in September of 2015.1
In our archived blog posts on August 1st and August 17th of 2015 we also included articles on the Biblical import of The Great Pyramid-the Boundary Stone of the Promised Land, Parts I & II, which among many other things notes the keys of the so-called Bethlehem Line or “Christ Angle,” and the Great Pyramid in Biblical Prophecy. The correlation of these topics with the heavenly signs and planetary unions surrounding the Birth of Christ has been posted in our studies at [www.try-god.com] since 2002, and were also included with my 2006 DVD study on the Biblical Astronomy of the Birth of Christ, available in our bookstore. An observation made in Part 1 of the blog post on the Great Pyramid was;
“This so-called Bethlehem line not only intersected Bethlehem at Christ’s birth, but also intersects the point where Moses crossed the Red Sea with the nation of Israel during the Exodus, the point where the River Jordan was parted when Israel was led into the Promised land by Joshua, and at Jerusalem/ Mt. Zion, only 5 miles north of Bethlehem. Thus the “Bethlehem line” seems to summarize in geographical terms, Israel’s story of deliverance and redemption from Moses’ Exodus of Egypt, to Joshua in the Promised Land including Christ’s birth in Bethlehem.”2
There are other notable researchers who have acknowledged the correlation of Rosh Hashanah not only at the Birth of Christ on Sept. 11th, 3 BC, but also as it could relate to his victorious return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, with the Rev. 12 heavenly birth signs replaying in 2017, in light of the Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy of the Great Pyramid. One of these researchers is Daniel Matson from the Signs of the End website; [http://watchfortheday.org/signsoftheend/giza2024.html].3
He broaches this topic by asking the question; “Could Rosh Hashanah be the real factor? The basic idea is that the pyramid complex is a map of the heavens of a point in time when Christ returns. The pyramids show what is to be at meridian (Al Nitak in Orion), and also the causeways heading east from the pyramids show the importance of the rising sun or other items rising in the east. That the Sphinx also looks to the east is a factor as well. The point though was to see when there was a candidate for an alignment of Rosh Hashanah and the meridian alignment of Orion at dawn.”4
As we have posted in numerous blog articles, the heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ as seen in Rev. 12 will also mark his victorious return, and we have documented how these heavenly signs surrounding the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad and the signs leading up to the fall equinox of 2017, establish this truth. It is good to see other researchers seeking Rosh Hashanah dates that match the picture of heavenly signs stated in Rev. 12, in this time frame. Matson has uniquely shown a critical relationship between the Christ Angle of the Great Pyramid and the Rosh Hashanah date starting-sundown on Sept. 20th-21st, 2017, two days before the Feast of Trumpets on 9-23-2017. “This is the first year from now that Rosh Hashanah immediately comes after Sept. 20th—the time Al Nitak hits the meridian precisely at dawn, and also when Regulus hits the Christ angle. Thus, the Christ angle not only bisected Bethlehem at Christ’s birth, but it also bisects Regulus at this possible time of his Return in 2017.”5
Figure 1. The Dance of Venus
2 Peter 1:19-
And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
The Almighty has provided many examples from History and Nature, not to mention numerous Biblical miracles that confirm His Prophetic Word, and the combined witness of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy with the Great Pyramid provide excellent depictions of this verse with the Morning Star [Venus] aligned with the King Star Regulus at dawn on Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 21st, 2017, according to the measures of the Great Pyramid’s Ascending/ Descending passages, [Fig. 2 below]. If indeed these heavenly signs are pointing to The Dawn of The Day of the Lord’s Return FOR his Saints in Sept. of 2017, then it will truly be the dawn of a New Day and Age of Everlasting Righteousness in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Figure 2. The Great Pyramid’s Ascending Passage alignment with the Venus-Regulus union in Leo, 9-20-2017 6
This view of the prophetic aspects of the Great Pyramid with its Ascending and Descending Passage angles supports what the Scriptures say about the witness of the Great Pyramid in Isaiah 19:19-20. What is evident from this graphic [Fig. 2] is the central importance of the planets Jupiter and Venus in marking the Birth and Second Coming of the Lord. As we are currently marking the 3 Mercury-Venus unions of 2016, with the next one due on July 16th this month, the activities of these planets leading up to the heavenly signs of 2017, are noteworthy in light of the Great Pyramid. Historically, Great Pyramid researchers going back to ancient times have made intriguing observations concerning the dimensions and symbolism of the only ancient wonder of the world still standing. Ancient Scholars from Herodotus to Agatharchides of Cnidus in the 2nd Century BC, usually emphasized the mathematical and geometric principles governing the construction and conception of the Pyramid complex on the Giza Plateau, as opposed to their specific measures. Livio Stechini, a modern scholar analyzing the work of these ancient and modern Pyramid researchers, focused on the meridian triangle of the Great Pyramid, which provided excellent values for both the Pi and Phi ratios, of the four triangular faces of the Great Pyramid. Agatharchides presented dimensions for two meridian sections of the Pyramid based on Pi, with the other two triangular sections based on Phi.7 As we should recall from our High School Geometry classes, Pi holds the relationship between the diameter of the Circle and its circumference. In Sacred Geometry, a spiritual view of geometric principles is held where the Circle symbolizes the Eternal Creator [Elohim], and the Diameter represents Jehovah in relationship with His Creation. Jehovah is seen reaching out to humanity through His only begotten Son, where Jesus is the diameter line that connects the center–point [Man-creation] to the Creator seen as the eternal Circle, outside of Creation. Thus Christ is the mediator between God and Man [I Tim. 2:5].
Figure 3. Golden Ratio Great Pyramid of Giza – Bing images 8.
There are a number of Scriptures where Christ is referred to as the Chief Corner Stone, who is also understood as the headstone [pyramidion] that completes the full measure of the Great Pyramid; [Eph. 2:20, Psalm 118:20-22]
Psalm 118:19-22 (KJV)
19 Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord: 20 This gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter. 21 I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. 22 The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.
Figure 4. Phi Ratio in Nature

Ephesians 2:20 (KJV)
20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
As Agatharchides presented dimensions for the two meridian sections of the Pyramid based on Pi, with the other two triangular sections based on Phi, we find a representation of the four-D ministry of Christ aligned with the 4 triangular faces of the Pyramid. The two triangular faces on the Pyramid’s east-west axis are calculated with pi values, representing the aspects of Christ as King in the Gospel of Matthew, and the Son of God in the Gospel of John. These embody the perfected aspects Christ’s ministry since he is now seated at the right hand of the Heavenly Father as the enthroned King and only begotten resurrected Son of God. The Pyramid’s faces on the north-south axis hold values of phi, representing growth aspects of the kingdoms of Life on Earth, as seen in Christ’s ministry as the Son of Man in the Gospel of Luke, and the Servant in the Gospel of Mark. As the ultimate example of a Servant–Christ humiliated himself [Phil. 2:1-8] so that God could exalt him forever at the right hand of the Father. These archetypal lessons of spiritual growth embodied in Christ’s example to all humanity, embody the growth that all members of the body of Christ in his Church, need to follow. As the Son of Man, Jesus is the Paragon of humanity, the exemplar that we all must emulate to make our calling and election sure. The link to Biblical Astronomy is found in Al Zemach–Spica the brightest star in Virgo that embodies the four-fold ministry of Jesus Christ as the King, Son of Man, Servant, and Son of God. The Four Gospels reflect these four ministries of Christ, seen in the Hebrew word “tzemach”-or the “branch.” This Hebrew word is used 12 times in the OT, but these four usages [Isa. 4:2, Jer. 23:5, Zech. 3:8, 6:12] depict the four-fold Ministry of the Messiah, Jehovah’s Branch, and offspring.
Figure 5. Pi Ratio in the Great Pyramid of Giza – Bing images 9.

Since Pi [3.14159…] is central to the geometry of the circle, and the Great Pyramid, it is worth pointing out the relationship between pi and phi, because phi can also used to obtain the value of circular functions, with one example seen clearly with the pentagon or pentagram inscribed in a circle. An astronomical example of this which we have seen archived in our Sept. 2014 blog post related to the Celestial Symbolism of the Prophetic Tabernacle Plan, concerns the geometric pattern of the Venus Transits. The graphic below shows an example of phi ratio geometry manifested in the Fibonacci number series as it relates to Venus Transits, and the celestial dynamics of our solar system.
Figure 6. Venus Transits
Venus Transit Pentagon
In the Almighty’s Intelligent Design of Creation, examples of golden section Symmetry embodied in phi ratio patterns, abound in our solar system, [Fig.4]. They are God’s geometric finger prints indicating the pattern of natural growth-life, which only God can originate as the True Source of all living things. The Earth-the garden home of Man, abounds with examples of phi Symmetry in all Four Kingdoms of life. A beautiful example of this is found first in a comparison of Venus-Earth orbits. These two planets orbit the Sun in a phi ratio, harmony, depicted above in a geometric pentagonal pattern [Fig. 6], since their mean orbital distances link to [1+1/phi2]:1.10
The phi ratio relationship is also found in Venus’ closest and furthest orbital distances from the Earth, defined as [phi4 :1] to 99.99% accuracy, which are depicted as two 5-pointed stars, one within the other!11 Also when the 5 triangles associated with these stars are nested together, we find Golden Spirals emerging, as seen in the nautilus spirals at the center of galactic swirls millions of light years in diameter, [Fig. 4] forming the pattern of numerous spiral galaxies. Additionally, Venus forms a beautiful 5-petalled flower around the Earth every 8 years, equivalent to 13 Venus years, revealing the Fibonacci series [5:8:13] based on the phi ratio, [Fig. 1] ordering Space-Time planetary orbits in our solar system.12 This five-pointed star whose segments relate to phi, are also found in Nature for example in the center of an apple. Only the Creator’s Hand working in His handiworks can account for this symmetric beauty underlying all Creation, since “random chance” most assuredly cannot.
Daniel Matson has not only shown the astronomical and geometric pyramid relationships with planetary conjunctions depicted on Rosh Hashanah in Sept. 20/21 2017, but as we can see in his graphic below, he points out the Phi pattern of the Venus-Jupiter, Venus-Mercury conjunctions leading to the Fall of 2017. As noted in June’s blog, the three Mercury-Venus Conjunctions taking place this year with the next one due on July 16th this month, Matson depicts in [Fig. 7] below this month’s Mercury-Venus union in a phi relationship with the 1st Jupiter–Venus union on Aug. 18th, 2014. The end date of this phi relation is Sept. 23rd, 2017 the date of the replay of the Rev. 12 sign in Virgo. When we consider the Jupiter–Venus Conjunction of Oct. 25th, 2015, in this mix we have three key planetary conjunctions all involving Venus the bright and Morning Star in a phi relation leading to the Rev. 12 sign on Sept. 23rd, 2017, reminding us again of 1 Pet. 1:19-20 above.
Figure 7. Signs of the End – Phi-nomenal Phi in the Signs. 13

The conjunctions of Jupiter and Venus were also very prominent marking the birth of Christ. In our June, 2015 blog post we noted three Jupiter-Venus Conjunctions marking the birth of Christ in 3-2 BC, and the triple union of Jupiter-Venus aligned with Regulus in Leo, reflects a similar spiritual light in 2015. The key element of these Jupiter-Venus unions is their alignment with Regulus on the ecliptic in Leo, carrying not only the original import of Regulus‘ triple coronation, by Jupiter the king planet, but Venus the Bright and Morning Star is added also [Rev. 2:27-28]. The planetary symbolism of these conjunctions depict Jupiter-the King planet uniting with Venus-the Bright and Morning Star, aligned with Regulus in Leo the Lion of Judah, [Rev. 5:5].
These planetary unions of 2015 are followed with added Jupiter-Venus unions occurring in Virgo in 2016-17. These Jupiter-Venus unions taking place first in Leo then in Virgo, form the elements of the Celestial Sphinx as was also evident in the heavenly signs surrounding the birth of Christ in 3-2 BC. If we relate this to Matson’s view that “the basic idea of the pyramid complex is a map of the heavens when Christ returns,” then we can see the Earthly Sphinx facing East at dawn on Rosh Hashanah, mirroring the Celestial Sphinx signs depicted with the Jupiter-Venus planetary conjunctions leading to this date on this Hebrew Feast with the Rev. 12 signs of the autumn equinox in 2017. Thus we find a culmination of the Jupiter-Venus unions in a Phi relation leading to the Ascending/Descending passage alignments of the Great Pyramid with both Jupiter below the Horizon and Venus aligned with Regulus above the Horizon. This Pyramid passage alignment of Venus and Regulus taking place on Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 20-21, 2017 emphasizes the Rev. 12 sign alignment of Venus, Regulus, Mercury in Leo, forming the Crown of Virgo in the repeat of the Rev. 12:1-2; “Great Wonder in Heaven” two days later on Sept. 23rd 2017. This crowning of Virgo, reflects the triple coronation of Regulus by Jupiter’s retrograde motion in 3-2 BC, with the modern emphasis on the crowning of Messianic Israel with the Church of the Age of Grace.
As we compare the phi dimensions of the prophecies of the Great Pyramid with the phi aspects of the Venus planetary conjunctions leading to both the Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah on 9-20/21-2017 and the Rev. 12 sign in Virgo-Leo, it seems that the pyramid prophecies are speaking to us on multiple levels regarding Christ’s victorious return, drawing our attention to these Hebrew feast dates surrounding the autumn equinox in 2017. With the combined witness of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy the Great Pyramid and the signs of the Magi all pointing to the Fall of 2017, we have plenty of reason to have our houses in order in readiness to see the Lord Jesus Christ face to face.
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1. 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad in September of 2015.
1a. www.try-god.com
2. The Great Pyramid-the Boundary Stone of the Promised Land, Parts I & II
3. http://watchfortheday.org/signsoftheend/giza2024.html
5. Signs of the End – The Oracle in Stone.
6. Fig. 2 Picture credit, [endtimes forecaster.blogspot.com]
7. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins, Livio Stechini
8. Golden Ratio Great Pyramid of Giza – Bing images [Picture credit]
9. Pi Ratio in the Great Pyramid, Bing images
10. The golden section, Scott Olsen, ppg. 46-47
11. IBID
12. IBID
13. Signs of the End – Phi-nomenal Phi in the Signs [Picture credit]