Phi and Pi Ratios in the Jerusalem Temple and the Body of Christ
The Human body was clearly created by our Heavenly Father, as not only the apex of physical earthly life, but also as a powerful illustration of the Jerusalem Temple and the Spiritual body of Christ, the Church. An example of this is found in John 2, where:
John 2:19
“Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
When Jesus says “in three days I will raise it up” he was referring to being raised from the dead by God the Father [Gal. 1:1], along with many other references that God raised him from the dead; [Acts 3:15, 4:10, 5:30, 13:30, Rom. 10:9-10]. Here
Jesus used the word “Temple” figuratively by revelation to represent his physical body, which is readily seen in the immediate context of verse 21, where it plainly says that Jesus “spake of the temple of his body.” As the embodiment of the true temple, Jesus represented the body of the faithful in Israel, while speaking these words in the courts of the Stone Temple of Jerusalem. Since Jesus was speaking to the religious leaders of Israel, and with their subsequent rejection of Jesus as the Christ, this Stone temple was razed to the ground in 70 AD. Even though the Stone Temple of Jerusalem was only a transitory model of Christ, there is much we can learn from how the Temple modeled the man Jesus Christ. We should also be aware that in Jesus‘ statement here in the Temple, his remarks were not limited to reflecting the faithful bride of Israel, but in light of God’s foreknowledge this statement also has major applications for the Great Mystery and the Spiritual body of Christ, the consummate and perfect man, and Savior of all humanity, showing that this was beyond Jesus’ knowledge at the time he made this statement. This also carries specific implications for the unity of the Jews and Gentiles in the body of Christ [Eph. 2:11-22] that is summarized in Christ as the Cheif Corner-stone, and Capstone of the Great Pyramid. I Corinthians 12 is one of the most enlightening sections of Scripture, when it comes to understanding the Church and spiritual body of Christ. 1
I Cor. 12:12-27 Amplified Bible
12 For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts, though many, form [only] one body, so [b]it is with Christ. 13 For by one [Holy] Spirit we were all baptized into one body, [spiritually transformed—united together] whether Jews or Greeks (Gentiles), slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one [Holy] Spirit [since the same Holy Spirit fills each life].
14 For the [human] body does not consist of one part, but of many [limbs and organs]. 15 If the foot says, “Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body,” is it not on the contrary still a part of the body? 16 If the ear says, “Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body,” is it not on the contrary still a part of the body? 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole [body] were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But now [as things really are], God has placed and arranged the parts in the body, each one of them, just as He willed and saw fit [with the best balance of function]. 19 If they all were a single organ, where would [the rest of] the body be? 20 But now [as things really are] there are many parts [different limbs and organs], but a single body. 21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 22 But quite the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are [absolutely] necessary; 23 and as for those parts of the body which we consider less honorable, these we treat with greater honor; and our less presentable parts are treated with greater modesty, 24 while our more presentable parts do not require it. But God has combined the [whole] body, giving greater honor to that part which lacks it, 25 so that there would be no division or discord in the body [that is, lack of adaptation of the parts to each other], but that the parts may have the same concern for one another. 26 And if one member suffers, all the parts share the suffering; if one member is honored, all rejoice with it.
27 Now you [collectively] are Christ’s body, and individually [you are] members of it [each with his own special purpose and function].
If God has truly placed each of the members of the body as it has pleased Him, we should be paying attention not only to how the members of the physical body work as a unit, but also how the nine manifestations are each essential, and incomplete without the other manifestations. As we are each individual members of the Spiritual body, being born again as new creations in Christ, each with unique importance in the body, God has tempered the body together forming more than what each believer was on their own, since the church body in Christ is much more than just the sum of its parts. As each member ministers in the body of Christ, the spiritual body of the church needs all the gift ministries operating in the body, same as the manifestations. But what about the specific members of the physical body that are cited in pairs above? Could there be added meaning here that may have been overlooked? When we consider how the Creator structured the human body based on the Phi Ratio, perhaps there is more to be learned that may not have been previously considered.
The human body is based on Phi and 5.
The human body illustrates the Golden Section or Divine Proportion. The colored lines below depict the various golden ratio building blocks upon which the human body was built as seen in both diagrams, of the Vitruvian Man below, and human male below:
The Divine Proportion in the Body
- The white line is the body’s height.
- The blue line, a golden section of the white line, defines the distance from the head to the finger tips.
- The yellow line, a golden section of the blue line, defines the distance from the head to the navel and the elbows, also marked in the Vitruvian Man.
- The green line, a golden section of the yellow line, defines the distance from the head to the pectorals and inside top of the arms, the width of the shoulders, the length of the forearm and the shin bone.
- The magenta line, a golden section of the green line, defines the distance from the head to the base of the skull and the width of the abdomen. The sectioned portions of the magenta line determine the position of the nose and the hairline.
Although not shown, the golden section of the magenta line (also the short section of the green line) defines the width of the head and half the width of the chest and the hips. Below are some added phi relationships seen in the human body;
*The length of the human face is equal to the length of the human hand.
*The circumference of the calf muscle is equal to the circumference of the neck.
*The distance from the centre of the sternum to the elbow is exactly half the distance as from the center of the sternum to the FINGERTIPS, also marked in the Vitruvian Man.
*The length of the nose is exactly 1/3 the length of the face. The distance from the tip of the nose to the chin is equal to the length of the nose. The distance from the top of the nose to the hairline is equal to the length of the nose, following the golden ratio.
The Human Body is based on patterns of 5, which is also the basis for Phi.
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, Roman architect (c. 25 B.C.), who formulated the Vitruvian Man seen below, remarked on the similarity between the human body and a perfect building: “Nature has designed the human body so that its members are duly proportioned to the frame as a whole.” He inscribed the human body into a circle and a square, the two figures considered images of perfection. As this image is seen to embody the principles of the ideal man as expressed in sacred architecture for example in the Jerusalem Temple, we can observe how the circle, square and Pyramid within the axes of the square depict the Christ as the perfect human representation [Plate 2. Vitruvian Man] of key Attributes of Almighty God. As we can see from the evidence presented here, the proportions in the structure of the human body follow the Golden Ratio. Below we have two versions of Vitruvian Man, the first in Plate 1, depicting the 17 various examples of Phi ratios in the human body numbered in the graphic. The Temple of the spiritual body of Christ is truly the perfect building because it is God’s building, (Oikodome) [I Cor. 3:9-11] whose foundation is Christ.
Plate 1. Vitruvian Man
This display shows the Intelligent Design of the human body by the Hand of the Almighty Creator in His Omniscient Wisdom. All these aspects of the Phi Ratio in the design of the human body work together to make the sum greater than its parts, so that we can see why God made the human body the pinnacle of Creation. God made the human body to house human life, in body, soul and spirit, first in Adam and Eve, and ultimately the only begotten Son of God-Jesus Christ. This brings us to the design of the genetic code of human Life, DNA, which is the Creator’s signature as the Life-Giver [John 5:6, 17:3] as seen in the Four Kingdoms of Life on Earth.
DNA [the following research is found on Wikipedia and is suggested for further study]
Each cycle of the DNA molecule measures 34 angstoms long by 21 angstroms wide. 34 and 21 are Fibonacci numbers. The ratio of 34/21 is a more accurate approximation of phi, since it is further into the Fibonacci series than the previous examples of 3 and 5. Jean-claude Perez suggested there was a strong link between DNA and golden ratio in 1991,[1] then later in 1997 in his book l’ADN décrypté[2]. His work shows that relative proportions of nucleotides within coding DNA sequences like genes or RNA strings are governed by specific Fibonacci and Lucas number sets. This discovery was validated particularly on all known HIV and SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus) retroviruses whole genomes with Professor Luc Montagnier (the discoverer of HIV virus) which called the discovery a “DNA supracode” [3]. 2
Other interesting relationships of golden section in the design of the human body include:
- 5 appendages to the torso, in the arms, leg and head.
- 5 appendages on each of these, in the fingers and toes.
- 5 openings on the face.
- 5 sense organs for sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.
The golden section in turn, is also based on 5, as the number phi, or 1.6180339…, is computed based on 5, as follows:
5 ^ .5 * .5 + .5 = Phi
In this mathematical construction “5 ^ .5” means “5 raised to the 1/2 power,” which is the square root of 5, which is then multiplied by .5 and to which .5 is then added.
Each section of your index finger, from the tip to the base of the wrist, is larger than the preceding one by about the Fibonacci ratio of 1.618, also fitting the Fibonacci numbers 2, 3, 5 and 8.
By this scale, your fingernail is 1 unit in length.
Curiously enough, you also have 2 hands, each with 5 digits, and your 8 fingers are each comprised of 3 sections. All Fibonacci numbers!
Here are some other ways of expressing the same basic relationship in its connection to the golden ratio and the related squares and rectangles of the golden spiral: 3
The ratio of the forearm to hand is Phi
Your hand is formed on a golden section relation to your arm, as the ratio of your forearm to your hand is also 1.618, the Divine Proportion, and represents the tactile sense; of touch. Spiritually, our hands and feet embody the human actions in which we partake, reflected in the golden section relations of the body parts or members of which the human body consists.
Even your feet show phi
The foot has several proportions based on phi lines, including:
- The middle of the arch of the foot
- The widest part of the foot
- The base of the toe line and big toe
- The top of the toe line and base of the “index” toe
Additionally, it can be concluded that the width of the foot is in direct proportion to the width of the human torso.
In the male human body;
*The distance from the human coxyn to the top of the shoulders. is 3 times the length of the foot ( as from the heal
to the top of the ball of the foot )
*The width of the person’s shoulders. 4.7 times the with of the ball of the foot.
*The width of a persons hips is 4.7 times the width of the heal.
Not every individual has body dimensions in exact phi ratios, but averages across populations tend towards phi and phi proportions are perceived as being the most natural or beautiful. 4
Since the eye and the ear are mentioned in comparison in [I Cor. 12:16-17] let’s see what else God’s Word says about the eye.
Matt. 6:19-23
19 “Do not store up for yourselves [material] treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also. 22 “The eye is the lamp of the body; so if your eye is clear [spiritually perceptive], your whole body will be full of light [benefiting from God’s precepts]. 23 But if your eye is bad [spiritually blind], your whole body will be full of darkness [devoid of God’s precepts]. So if the [very] light inside you [your inner self, your heart, your conscience] is darkness, how great and dense is that darkness! [Darkness 3x]
In the graphic below we find not only the Golden Ratio pattern underlying the symmetry of the elements of the human face, a
noticeable feature here is how the human eye is the incept point of this pattern, and as we will see presently, how the spiral begins within in the eye and covers all the senses evident in the 7 cavities in the head.
Phi in the Eye is seen in the ratio between the Cornea and the white portion [sclera] of the eye.
The eye allows us to see the light of God which impacts our entire body both physically and spiritually. The Graphic below depicts also how the human eye embodies the geometry of the Vesica Piscis, seen previously in the structure of the Northern Astronomical Pole, which reflects the pattern of all Creation as spoken into existence by the Almighty God; [Gen. 1:3]. The Creator’s image of what He wanted to speak into existence, was certainly clear and detailed from the macro to the micro or even quantum level of reality, which is why Creation is so beautiful and stunning from the biggest, to the smallest detail… The human eye was designed to visually observe the light of God, and the ear to hear, listen and live by the associated Words of God. Since the unity of the Sonic Scale is a lower manifestation of the electro-magnetic scale, we can witness the scientific realities in Creation supporting this foundational truth.
Matt. 6:19-23, Lk. 11:34
Bishop K.C. Pillai provided an alternative version of these verses, which follows;
“Let not your thoughts be centered in material things where fears and worries breed defeat and frustration, and where doubts break through and steal your thoughts; But let your thoughts be centered in the Spirit, where neither fear nor worry breeds defeat and frustration, and where doubts do not break through and steal your thoughts. For where your thoughts are, there will be your heart also.” 5
The “Treasures” Christ was referring to in Matt. 6 were not physical money, instead he was talking about our spiritual thought life. The moth and rust refer to fear and worry which corrode and destroy our positive spiritual thoughts of edification. As Romans, tells us the carnal mind, whose thought life is centered on a materialistic reality, will always suffer the plagues of defeat and despair because the temporal and material world is illusory. But with a God-centered thought life, we are depending on the immutable realities of God, He is ever-present with His unchanging promises that carry us through any situation that arises on the path of life. In this way, we can truly live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. As we stay our minds on God, He rewards us with His perfect Peace and Joy!
17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole [body] were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?
[I Cor. 12:16-17, Matt. 6:19-23]
Rom. 10:17, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. [Gal. 3:2-5]
In the image of the man’s head below, notice how the Fibonacci spiral that rules the dimensions of the squares and rectangles that are spawned by this perfect spiral, encapsulate the exact human sensual organs in the same order they are mentioned in I Cor. 12. The center of the spiral and the first square and rectangle starts within the dimensions of the eye, enlightening the entire body. In the first turn of the phi spiral, the eye is enclosed in the second square and rectangle. This frames the ear as the spiral makes a 2nd turn, generating the third rectangle. By the time it makes its 3rd turn it encloses the ear, just under the eye–brow, and top of the Nose. As this spiral continues it forms the fourth rectangle which encloses the other half of the head with the nose and second ear and, as the next rectangle is formed, the lower portion of the face below the nose is enclosed, including the mouth-the organ of taste and speech. The symmetry of how the phi ratio forms the sensual components of the head and face is inescapably beautiful! Obviously, this structure works very well with all the members human physical body, but it does not stop there. As these human senses of the physical body are enclosed within the progressive Fibonacci spirals, we can see how the revelation manifestations are referenced as the eyes and ears of the church embodied in the word of knowledge and word of wisdom, and the nose also fits in this category with discerning of spirits, where we can detect and rebuke those foul spirits as Jesus did, [Mark 9:25-29]. With the mouth as the organ of taste and speech, we can see how this applies to each believer as a member of the spiritual body, having the ministry of reconciliation should do the work of an evangelist, speaking the truth in love, [Eph. 4:15]. We also find with the gift ministries [Eph. 4:11] which all function as teachers and messengers of God’s Word, all should endeavor to speak God’s Word with eloquence and bold believing.
The Nine Manifestations of the spirit from [I Cor. 12:7-11] have been categorized into 3 groups of three, the Worship Manifestations [Speaking in Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues and Prophecy], all emanating from the Mouth. Secondly, the Revelation Manifestations [Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom and Discerning of Spirits] called the spiritual eyes and ears of the Church. Thirdly, the Impartation Manifestations [The Manifestation of Believing, Miracles, and Gifts of Healing] as the members are truly God’s hands and feet, as the holy spirit motivates our actions in the human/spiritual body of Christ.
As each member of the body of Christ individually believes to manifest each category of these spiritual manifestations, the special purpose and function of the believer becomes apparent, as they involve themselves in the spiritual ministry of the Church. As a result, the collective body of Christ will function more perfectly as God designed and assembled it in Christ, locally, by region, and globally. Here the individual believer is fully equipped physically and spiritually and is completely outfitted for success, by the Heavenly Father in Christ, to accomplish what God has called us to do. As each member shares fully in the new birth, we are made a New Creation in Christ, to share in the full abundance of the Spiritual Church, of the Body of Christ.
One of the prayers in the Book of Ephesians elaborates on the revelation manifestations as the eyes and ears of the Church, and some of the benefits God provides to the enlightened.
Eph. 1:17-19
17 [I always pray] that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [that gives you a deep and personal and intimate insight] into the true knowledge of Him [for we know the Father through the Son]. 18 And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit], so that you will know and cherish the [f]hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the [g]saints (God’s people), 19 and [so that you will begin to know] what the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His [active, spiritual] power is in us who believe.
These verses emphasize what the true knowledge of God in the Apostle Paul’s prayer is, that our eyes should be enlightened with;
1. The Hope of our calling.
2. The riches of His Glorious inheritance in His Saints.
3. The surpassing greatness of His power in us who believe.
This power was evident and manifest when;
a. God Raised Christ from the dead.
b. And Seated him at His own Right Hand in heaven.
c. And put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the Church of his body, including the unlimited power hidden in the Great Mystery.
Plate 2. Vitruvian Man
Our brief tour through the human body represented in the Hebrew Temple reveals deeper truths as access to the holiest of all with the Ark of the Covenant, was available only once a year on the Day of Atonement, by the High Priest. Hebrews tells us Christ is this High Priest after the order of Melchisedek, with an everlasting Priesthood and final perfect sacrifice for all mankind. In some ancient sacred Geometry traditions, the relation of the Diameter to the Circumference, embodied in the pi ratio, symbolized the Names of God; Elohim and Jehovah. With Elohim, the Creator representing the Circumference, of the curved line forming a circle as the totality of His Creation, and in Jehovah, the straight line Diameter, as God relates to the works of His Hands. Thus the pi ratio embodies the geometrical expressions of the Names of the Almighty. We find the basic elements of the concept of “squaring the circle” in the Circle’s diameter inscribed in the circumference of a surrounding Sphere inside a Cube. In I Kings 7:30, the circular Brasen Sea is contained within a square base. This principle survived through the centuries in the domed sacred architecture of many temples and churches, where the circular dome is surrounded by a square building. We should also note that the Holy of the holies, with the Ark of the Covenant, was a perfect cube, within a double-square ground-plan of the Hebrew Tabernacle.
A Key in grasping the 40+ Attributes of God as Rev. Jon Nessle and I have cataloged them, as they relate to the special traits of God referred to as Essences, is summarized in the Chart below. When God’s Word refers to a certain Trait by saying God IS ___, these traits are His very essence. These four traits all mentioned in the Gospel of John; Light, Spirit and Love, are found in their 3 main categories of God’s Attributes, with the fourth, the Word of God explaining them all. 6
Elohim | El/Elah | Jehovah |
Infinitude | Holiness | Monarchy |
Light | Spirit | Love |
The Word of God |
As the Circle and Square represent Elohim and Jehovah in the Plate 2. graphic of Vitruvian Man, the Square with the axes represents the Great Pyramid and how Christ embodies this version of the of sacred architecture as seen in the many references to him as the Cheif Cornerstone, and the missing Pyramid Capstone, [Job 38:16, Ps.118:22, Isa. 28:16, Zech. 4:7, Matt. 21:42, Mk.12:10, Lk. 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph. 2:20, I Pet. 2:6-7]. The gift ministries of the spiritual body of the Church in Christ are the foundation of this body, as they manifest Christ in them.
Ephesians 2:20 (KJV)
20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone;
We should note how both sets of hands and feet of the Vitruvian Man are touching the boundaries, one of the circle and the other of the Square, representing how Christ embodies the Godly Attributes of both Elohim and Jehovah. One of the best examples of how Jesus embodies some of the Jehovah titles is found in reference to 7 redemptive Names of God, in unity with the 7 aspects of the Shepherd in the 23rd Psalm, in the Chart below as more evidence of this Godly septenary order.
Seven Redemptive Names of God in the Shepherd of Ps. 23
Jehovah Names |
OT Feasts | Moses | Christ | Church | Ps. 23 |
Jireh Gen. 22:13 |
Unleavened Bread Ex. 12; 19, Levi. 23:6-8. | Manna Jn. 6:31 |
Bread Jn. 6:35 |
Communion Body I Cor. 11: 23-34 |
Pastures v.2 |
Rapha Ex. 15:26 |
Passover Ex. 12, Levi 23:4-5, Num. 28:16 |
Passover | Lamb/Light Jn. 8:12 |
Communion Blood I Cor. 11: 23-34 |
Restores Soul v. 3 |
Nissi Ex. 17:15 |
Atonement Levi 16, 23:26-33, |
Rod Ex. 7:10 |
Door Jn. 10:7 |
Christ in You Rom. 8:35-9 |
Rod & Staff v. 4 |
Shalom Jdg. 6:21-24 |
Tabernacles Ex. 23:16, 33-44. |
Cloud Ex.14:14-19 |
Way, Truth, Life Jn. 14:6 |
Prince of Peace Eph. 2:14-18 |
Still Waters v. 1 |
Tsidkenu Jer. 23:6 |
Trumpets Ex. 19-20 Levi. 23:23-25, |
Law Gal. 3:24 |
Faith Rom. 10:9-10 |
JC Faith Jn. 11:25 |
Right paths v. 2 |
Shammah Ezek. 48:35 |
Pentecost Ex. 23:16 Levi. 23:9-22 |
Tabernacle-Ark | Vine Jn. 15:1 |
Holy Spirit Jn. 4:23-24 |
With me v. 4 |
Raah Shepherd-Ps. 23 |
Octave Levi. 23:36, 39, Ezek. 37:1-14 |
Shepherd of Israel Ex. 3 |
Good Shepherd Jn. 10:11-15 |
Love Rom.5:5 |
Loves Sheep v. 6 |
The importance of relating pi to septenary units is obvious in a Biblical light when we consider Elohim’s abundant use of the number 7 in His ordering of Creation, for example in the temporal order of the 7 days in the weekly Sabbath, a week of years, the Jubilee, and the 7 Biblical Administrations. Only from the Creator’s viewpoint in His Word, do these applications of the pi ratio seen in Job make sense. As we find in Job 38:5 with the Biblical usage of the Hebrew word “qav,” God’s exercise of the concept of Pi far exceeds any previous application of it by mankind. Only He could apply the pi ratio to the ecliptic.
This is also true with the spherical dimensions of our planet, a concept which is borne out in much greater detail, in the role of pi in the symbolic and architectural design of the Great Pyramid.
In Psalm 19, The heavens declare the glory of God… Verse 4 says,
“Their line [qav] is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them He hath set a tabernacle for the sun.”
In the 38th chapter of Job, God is discussing the foundations of the Earth. Verse 5 asks: “Who hath laid the measures thereof, if you know? Or who hath stretched the line upon it?” The obvious Biblical answer to these questions is the Creator. The Hebrew word for “line” here is qav, [*H6957]. 7 In light of the usage of “qav” in I Kings 7:23, God’s exercise of Pi as a standard ruler or measure in laying and measuring the spherical dimensions and foundations of our planet, recorded in Job, the oldest book in the Biblical Canon is enlightening. This is especially the case when we consider the context of Job 38, that deals with a series of questions about various elements of Creation, that only God Almighty could be the answer to. It also shows the Diameter of the Circumference, embodied in the pi ratio, symbolizing the Names of God; Elohim the Creator and Jehovah, in relation to His Creation, in light of the 12 tribes of Israel and the circle of the 12 signs of the Mazzaroth.
The Ecliptic Housing the 12 signs of the Mazzaroth
The Hebrew word for “line“- qav, [*H6957] carries the primary meaning of a measuring cord, a ruler, or a standard of measure. We are also familiar with this concept by another term known as a “canon.” Let me ask you, what is the heavenly or celestial line that is a tabernacle, or provides the houses of the sun? The only sensible answer is the ecliptic! This is quite logical when we consider that the Israelites, during their 40-year sojourn in the Sinai wilderness were led by God, seen as a pillar of cloud during the day, and one of fire by night. The pillars dwelt over the Holy of the Holies of their Tabernacle, signifying the Jehovah’s personal presence among His people. When they camped for the evenings, Numbers 2 tells us they camped in the order of the tribes as it matched the order of the course of the sun on the ecliptic, (east, south, west, north). Israel’s twelve tribes, as we are aware by now, also matched up with the twelve signs of the Mazzaroth in their God-ordained significance, before they were corrupted in heathen Astrology and mythology. This tribal order is also found in the 12 jewels of the High Preist’s breastplate, [Ex. 28:15-21]. Thus the celestial gospel originally related the story of the coming redeemer of mankind, which God wrote in the stars before He ever committed it to His Written Word. These are the words of Ps. 19:4 that have gone out through all the earth, unto the end of the world. This application of the Pi ratio (the mathematics of the diameter of a circle to its circumference) by God, in reference to the ecliptic is certainly intriguing not only in light of the Sun’s 360–degree path through its 12 houses of the zodiac, as viewed from Earth, but also in how the Sun as the light of the world embodies Christ, in relation to Israel, who rejected him.
Historically, Great Pyramid researchers going back to ancient times have made intriguing observations concerning the dimensions and symbolism of the only ancient wonder of the world still standing. Ancient Scholars from Herodotus to Agatharchides of Cnidus in the 2nd Century BC, usually stressed the mathematical and geometric principles governing the construction and conception of the Pyramid complex on the Giza Plateau, as opposed to their specific measures. Livio Stechini,
a modern scholar analyzing the work of these ancient and modern Pyramid researchers, focused on the meridian triangle of the Great Pyramid, that provided excellent values for both the Pi and Phi ratios, of the four triangular faces of the Great Pyramid. Agatharchides presented dimensions for two meridian sections of the Pyramid based on Pi, with the other two triangular sections based on Phi. 8 Vitruvian Man depicts Jehovah as reaching out to humanity through Jesus His only begotten Son, as the diameter line that connects the center–point [Man-creation] to the Creator as the eternal Circle, outside Creation. Thus Christ is witnessed as the mediator between God and Man [I Tim. 2:5].
Plate 3. Pi Ratio in the Great Pyramid of Giza – Bing images 9.
As Agatharchides presented dimensions for the two meridian sections of the Pyramid based on Pi, with the other two triangular sections based on Phi, we find a representation of the four-D ministry of Christ aligned with the 4 triangular faces of the Pyramid. The two triangular faces on the Pyramid’s east-west axis are calculated with pi values, representing the aspects of Christ as King in the Gospel of Matthew, and the Son of God in the Gospel of John. These embody perfected aspects of Christ’s ministry since he is now seated at the right hand of the Heavenly Father as the enthroned King and only begotten resurrected Son of God. The Pyramid’s faces on the north-south axis hold values of phi, representing growth aspects of the kingdoms of Life on Earth, as seen in Christ as Head of the Church and the Son of Man in the Gospel of Luke, and the Servant in the Gospel of Mark. As the ultimate example of a Servant–Christ humiliated himself [Phil. 2:1-8] so that God could exalt him forever at His own right hand. These archetypal lessons of spiritual growth embodied in Christ’s example to all humanity, as the spiritual growth that all members of the body of Christ in his Church, need to follow. As the Son of Man, Jesus is the Paragon of humanity, the exemplar that we all must emulate to make our calling and election sure. The link to Biblical Astronomy is found in Al Zemach–Spica the brightest star in Virgo that embodies the four-fold ministry
of Christ as the King, Son of Man, Servant, and Son of God. The Four Gospels reflect these four ministries of Christ, seen in the Hebrew word “tzemach”-or the “branch.” This Hebrew word is used 12 times in the OT, but these four usages [Isa. 4:2, Jer. 23:5, Zech. 3:8, 6:12] depict the four-fold Ministry of the Messiah, Jehovah’s Branch, and offspring.
The Ark of the Covenant
The septenary relation to pi uncovers the link between the pi and phi ratios, through the popular Fibonacci Series. This is interesting when we consider that the dimensions of Ark of the Covenant conform to the phi standard, in the holiest of all. Since the lid or “mercy seat” of the Ark represents the Creator’s Throne, we not only find the geometric application of the Names of God: Jehovah/Elohim in practice by the Nation of Israel, as they worship the Almighty according to the tenets of Scripture, but the measures of the Ark are based on a 1×2 rectangle [Ex. 25:10] that perfectly conforms the phi ratio as seen also in the Coffer of the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid. This phi and pi link makes it possible to obtain pi without the need for measuring! As Livio Stechini tells us: “It is possible to use the Fibonacci Series to obtain an accurate relation for the diameter of the circle to its circumference, without recourse to pi. In the Fibonacci series of 21, 34, 55, if 21 is taken as the diameter of a circle, its circumference will be 55 x 6/5 = 66, accurate to the a 1000th part, giving the Great Pyramid value of pi as 22/7 = 3.142857. Higher numbers in this Fibonacci series give increasingly accurate values in whole numbers, accurate to one ten-thousandth part. Prolonging the series to 80, 144, 233, 377, 610… a diameter of 144 (4 x 576) gives a circumference of 377 x 6/5 or a pi value of 3.1415. A diameter of 233= a circumference of 610 x 6/5 or a pi value of 3.1416…”10
Since Pi [3.14159…] is central to the geometry of the circle, and the Great Pyramid, it is worth pointing out the relationship between pi and phi, because phi is also used to obtain the value of circular functions, with one example seen clearly in the pentagon or pentagram inscribed in a circle. A beautiful example of this is found first in a comparison of Venus-Earth orbits. These two planets orbit the Sun in a phi ratio, harmony, depicted in a geometric pentagonal pattern, as their mean orbital distances conform to [1+1/phi2]:1.11
This depicts how the sacred geometry of “Squaring the Circle” as seen in the architecture of the Great Pyramid, which embodies the dimensions of our planet earth as a 1/43,200 scale model, as the work of the hands of our Almighty Creator.
As we have witnessed how God illustrates the Attributes of His Names via the Pi and Phi Ratios and their related geometry, we can understand some of His eternal purposes related to the redemption of mankind, and His Temporal order structured to bring humanity back to Him.
Plate 4. The orbit of Venus and Phi based 5-pointed Star inscribed in the Circle.
Flower of 5-petals of Venus’ orbit around the Earth every 8 years,
equal to 13 Venus years, revealing the Fibonacci triple [5:8:13]
Since the phi principle inherent in the Fibonacci Series is the basis of the precepts of geometric growth life throughout the plant and animal kingdoms of life evident in the Creator’s Four Kingdoms of Life, this principle of mathematics as applied to the Church is ever reaching toward the perfected pi aspects of Christ at God’s right Hand. This is evident also in the rise and expansion of the Christian Church in the Book of Acts, as seen in the 8 “symperasma” Great Statements that summarize the spiritual growth as it occurred. As the Creator and ultimate Source of Life, the Almighty has led us on this path of spiritual discovery paved with the principles of geometric and mathematical truth revealed in God’s Word. This is the geometric progression we have just witnessed in our phi journey through the Temple of Israel, and the body of Christ.
God Bless!!
General Reference
The Double Analogy of I Cor. 12:12-27 [GMIR, Walter J. Cummins] American Christian Press
1. Jesus Christ our Passover, VP Weirwille, [Appendix 8, ppg. 469-474] American Christian Press
2. Jean-claude Perez
3. Source:
4. []
5. Orientalisms of the Bible, ppg. 2-3. Bishop K.C. Pillai
6. One God of Original Christianity Session 15 Supp file, Jon Nessle
7. Strong’s Concordance, “qav” [*H6957], James Strong
8. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins, Livio Stechini ppg. 373-375
9. Pi Ratio in the Great Pyramid of Giza – Bing images [picture credit]
10. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins, Livio Stechini
11. The golden section, Scott Olsen, ppg. 46-47