Welcome to our 2024′ May Blog!
We are highly blessed, getting back in the groove after our East Coast trip with Rev. Jon Nessle from The Day in the Word in the Northeast with the New Jersey CFF Believers, & our wonderful Hostess PK Krywos!! We shared on the Celestial Gospel, covering many topics that edified all the attendees. We experienced the much anticipated Total Solar Eclipse across America, which was breathtaking in so many ways in the week leading up to our Day in the Word, setting the stage for the weekend. Another event many are expecting this summer is the ‘Nova’ transition of a Star in the sign of the Northern Crown, with history going back over 800 years!
In October 1217 the Abbot of the Ursberg Abbey in present-day southern Germany looked to the firmament and, in the arc-shaped constellation Corona Borealis, saw something wondrous. “It was originally a faint star that for a time shone with great light and then returned to its original faintness,” he wrote in Latin at the time. He wasn’t the first to see it, nor was he the last. This stellar apparition emerges, then vanishes, every 80 years or so—because it isn’t really a star at all. That Augsburg Abbot witnessed a thermonuclear explosion 3,000 light-years away! It came from a white dwarf, a stellar zombie that’s devouring matter from a nearby red giant star. Once a century, it gets full, and when it does, it erupts, unleashing a week-long hellfire.”#1
This is T Coronae Borealis—often shortened to T CrB—what astronomers call a nova, a word that is derived from the Latin description of these events as “new stars,” which many premodern observers assumed them to be. T CrB, is a recurrent nova that should flare from invisibility to naked-eye brightness this year. These types of novae are extremely rare, with less than a dozen known in the Milky Way. However, there could be more with longer base-lines, perhaps taking thousands to hundreds of thousands of years to reach an outburst. Scientists are still trying to figure out what about T CrB allows it to create these big explosions every 80 years or so. But some suspect it might have to do with the white dwarf’s large mass, which is close to the upper limit for such an object. #2
“This is like a gigantic hydrogen bomb that blasts off the entire atmosphere of this Earth-size white dwarf,” says Ole König, an astronomer at Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg in Germany. These explosions aren’t supernovae, their more cataclysmic cousins that result in a star’s annihilation. But that doesn’t make them less impressive or important. #3
Novae repeatedly and catastrophically erupt, somehow without destroying their stellar progenitors, all while enriching their celestial surroundings with a potent mix of fresh-forged material. “Novae are producers of elements needed for life, such as carbon, nitrogen and oxygen,” and could be one of the main producers of lithium, says Michael Healy-Kalesh, an astrophysicist at Liverpool John Moores University in England. #4
How do scientists know when Nova explosions will occur?
In most cases, NASA experts have no idea when nova explosions are going to happen, says Cooke. But there are about 10 Novae that are known as “recurrent novas“, he explains. “A Recurrent nova is a nova that periodically blows its top,” continues Cooke. “And T Coronae Borealis is a prime example.” But how does NASA know with such certainty that T CrB is going to erupt over the next few months specifically? It’s a matter of mathematical calculations and visible evidence. For instance, the last time T CrB experienced a nova was in 1946– 78 years ago. There’s another sign that T CrB is getting ready to blow also, Cooke says. “We know that before it goes nova it dims for about a year, and T Coronae Borealis started dimming back in March 2023, so that’s why we think it’s going to go nova between now and the end of September.”#5
That suggests you can’t fully understand how astrophysics gives rise to biology without decoding novae. And when astronomers are lucky, they find recurrent novae—those that erupt at least once per century—as predictable beacons for their studies. Despite T CrB’s apparent clockworklike dependability, astronomers of yore have proved more fickle; the system’s eruptions have only documented for the years 1217, 1787, 1866 and 1946. Based on subtle details observed during its prior two recorded outbursts, “the official prediction is that it’ll go off by September this year. Below we find a summary of Dr. Bradley Schaefer’s research on the 1787 outburst of the T CrB’ Recurrent Nova.#8 This 570-year gap between 1217 and 1787 shows the element of unpredictability that can still baffle astronomers, as opposed to T CrB’ more recent 80-year cycle of recurrence.
The graphic below depicts the arc shaped crown of Corona Borealis, with its bright star Alphecca and the recurrent novae imaged as a yellow circle above the “T“ Corona. #9
Plate 1. T Coronae Borealis or the Northern Crown.
Recurrent nova T CrB had just started its Pre‑eruption Dip in March/April 2023, so the eruption should occur around 2024.4±0.3
Authors: B. E. Schaefer (Louisiana State Univ.), B. Kloppenborg (AAVSO), E. O. Waagen (AAVSO), and the AAVSO observers.
Bradley Schaefer-professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Louisiana State University, also discusses a possible sighting of T CrB in 1787. This potential sighting comes from a catalog of stars published in 1789 by English astronomer Francis Wollaston. In it, Wollaston lists a star near the coordinates for T CrB. While he doesn’t specify a magnitude, the catalog has a limiting magnitude of 7.8—meaning that, if the star was indeed T CrB, it must have been observed during an eruption. Could Wollaston have made an error? Possibly, but unlikely, Schaefer concludes. Wollaston incorrectly identified the star from a catalog by William Herschel: V 75. However, Herschel described this star as being part of an arc of three stars and 1º from T CrB.#10
T CrB dimmed out of its plateau state and returned to its usual brightness for about two weeks, *then* it erupted. (So hopefully, we’ll get a 2-week notice for the upcoming eruption.) The T CrB eruption is still in the top few in terms of peak brightness. Its eruption was also one of the fastest. Startlingly, after returning to its pre-eruption quiescent level for two months, it underwent an echo eruption getting up to V=8 for four months. #11
Amateur astronomers have provided a significant portion of the observations on T CrB since its 1866 eruption, which was the first well observed real nova event, and it largely started and defined the field. Schaefer has published various papers on T CrB and even assembled a light curve (which measures brightness over time) from the observations of amateur astronomers. When T CrB goes off, it will only be at maximum brightness for half a day before you must wait another 80 years to see it with your naked eyes. So get out your telescope or binoculars and keep an eye on it!
Below is the article from Time Magazine following the 1946 eruption of T CrB; that references the Star of Bethlehem as the most famous Nova star in History – that parallels my work on The Celestial Prelude, proposing a Coma-Nova as precursor to the actual Bethlehem Star, forewarning the Magi when to expect the birth of Christ.
TIME -MARCH 4, 1946 12:00 AM GMT-5
Astronomers last week rejoiced in a blessed event: the birth of a nova (“new” star). In
the constellation Corona Borealis, the humble star called “T” had jumped its luminosity
a thousand times. First to take notice was Astronomer Armin Deutsch of Wisconsin’s Yerkes
Observatory. Promptly, his beaming boss, Director Otto Struve, sent a telegram to Harvard,
world clearinghouse of astronomical news. Back came a pat on the back. That same star,
said Harvard, had misbehaved before. A crude old photograph, taken in 1866, proved that
T Corona Borealis was a “repeating nova,” very rare. Alerted from Harvard, astronomers
all over the world excitedly swung their telescopes toward the exploding star. For novae,
especially repeating novae, attract astronomers as porch lights attract June bugs.
Exploding stars are the unfinished business of science. Astronomers can measure the speed
of the white-hot gases billowed out by the blast (up to 3,000 miles per second), but they do
not know what causes the outburst. One theory: when the interior of a star reaches a certain
critical temperature, an atomic reaction takes place which releases vast amounts of energy.
Astronomers hope that these “atomic bombs” of the sky will teach them more about earthly
atomic energy.
Most famous nova in history was the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Wise Men from
the East. If it was as brilliant as Christmas cards show it, it may even have been a “super-nova”
an extra-fancy explosion which takes place in the Milky Way about once in 300 years, and for
a short time gives off more light than all the rest of its stars put together.”#12
About 80 years previous to this, the Grand Dame of Modern Biblical Astronomy- “Frances
Rolleston identified a Nova/supernova in a decan of Virgo called Coma, where she (1865,
part 2, pp.104–106) included a section on the Star of Bethlehem. She stated that in about
125 BC a bright star appeared, so bright it was visible to the naked eye during the day.
Rolleston also said that this event induced Hipparchus to make his star catalog about
the same time. In his work called the Almagest, Ptolemy said it was Hipparchus’ “discovery“
of the the precession of the equinoxes that provided the impetus for Hipparchus to produce
his Star Catalogue.”#13 We should to take a moment here to recognize the powerful
influence that Hipparchus and Ptolemy had on ancient Astronomy, and the involvement
of both of these historical stalwarts speaks volumes to support the legitimacy of the
Coma Supernova, thesis. Both of these giants where eyewitnesses to the Coma Supernova,
and if there were two ancient astronomers one could choose to have as witnesses of this
event, these two all-stars would surely be on the guest list. Probably one of the greatest
(and underrated) astronomers that ever lived, was Hipparchus of Rhodes. He is known
to have been active at least from 147 –127BC, making him a contemporary of the explosion
of the Coma Supernova, as he was a recorded eyewitness to its appearance c. 134-128 BC.
We’re set to witness a once-in-a-lifetime Nova star explosion!
A star system, located 3,000 light-years away from Earth, is predicted to become visible to the unaided eye soon. This could be a once-in-a-lifetime viewing opportunity as the nova outburst only occurs about every 80 years. T Coronae Borealis, or T CrB, last exploded in 1946 and astronomers believe it will do so again between February and September 2024.

Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center #14
The star system, normally magnitude +10, which is far too dim to see with the naked eye, will jump to magnitude +2 during the event. This will be of similar brightness to the North Star, Polaris. Once its brightness peaks, it should be visible to the unaided eye for several days, and just over a week with binoculars before it dims again, possibly for another 80 years.
From a Biblical Astronomy perspective, to understand the Biblical significance of this sign of the Northern Crown, we need to know the spiritual history that is recorded in the Celestial Gospel. This witness of the stars is key because it records a pictorial history, seen in the constellations and decans of the ecliptic and celestial equator, of what happened before the Word of God was written in Scripture. Almighty God is Omnipresent, preexisting Creation, or the works of His Hands. His first servants were the angels-Chief among them was Lucifer, the 1st bright and Morning Star with his fellow angels, whom God created prior to the Creation of man between Gen. 1:1-2. We know this from God’s Word because there is no record of the creation of angels during the Genesis Creation week, so we know it must have occurred prior to that time. Rev. 12:3-4 tells us in brief about the great red dragon with 7 crowns on his heads. Rev. 12:1 relates a great wonder in heaven- a woman clothed with the sun and the Moon at her feet and her head crowned with 12 stars, or constellations. This ties to the theme of the Great Sphinx with the head of a woman and the body of a lion, that embodies the Alpha and Omega signs of the ecliptic, or the sun’s path through the 12 signs of the Mazzaroth, decked with the sun, moon and stars depicting the astronomical birth signs of Jesus Christ. Verse 3 says there appeared another [G243-allos] wonder in Heaven, meaning another sign of the same kind or type referring to decans and constellations or astronomical signs of the dragon, #15 even as we saw the astronomical sign for the woman-Virgo in verse 1. The word for Virgo’s crown is [G1238–Diadema–not a crown but a filament of silk or linen. This dragon has 7 heads and 10 horns, with 7 crowns [G4735-stephanos] upon his heads. Strong’s says this is “not a kingly crown but a crown of victory in the games, civic worth, a conqueror’s valor, or nuptial joy. It is woven of oak, ivy, myrtle or olive leaves and or flowers.”#16
Rev. 12 lists 7 certain entities that are crowned starting with the woman/ constellation Virgo in verse 1, feasibly also Mary or Israel. The dragon is also crowned in v. 3, The man-child [Christ] of the woman caught up to the throne at the right Hand of God in Heaven, in v. 4.
Michael the Archangel defeats the Dragon in Heaven’s war, who lost his place in Heaven with the angels he deceived, with the dragon and his angels being cast out of heaven to the earth, [vss. 7-9]. Rev. 12:4 describes the tail of the dragon drawing 1/3 of the stars or angels, casting them down to earth, that the dragon took with him when his failed coup against the Almighty resulted in his being cast out of heaven. Under the feet of Leo the Lion and Virgo on the ecliptic lies Hydra the serpent destroyed. This aspect of the dragon seen in the skies depicts how Hydra encompasses 1/3 of the circle of the ecliptic, or the stars of heaven, named by God [Ps. 147:4], symbolizing the angels he cast to earth with him. Verses 4-5 continue with the dragon standing ready to devour Virgo’s man-child who will rule all nations with a rod of iron, the name to whom every knee shall bow, who is caught up to God and his throne in heaven. [Heb. 2:9]
Plate 2. The Serpent Hydra under Virgo, Leo & Cancer on 1/3 of the Ecliptic. #17
There are four renditions of the dragon in the constellations as seen in verse 9; the old serpent called the Devil and Satan who deceives the whole world, shows us Draco-the dragon, the old serpent, the Devil and Satan. The sign of Serpens is seen in Figure 2 below, in conflict with the Man–Ophiuchus. The image is seen below in a triple sign of constellations including Ophiuchus the serpent-holder wrestling with the head and tail of the serpent named Serpens, as he crushes the scorpion-Scorpius underfoot, while the scorpion stings the Man in his heel, at the bottom of the graphic, [Gen. 3:15]. At the top of the graphic we can see the serpent reaching for the crown-Corona Borealis that holds our recurrent nova star-T CrB, the subject of this blog. A key aspect of the recurring Nova tied to the Crown of Dominion-Corona Borealis may indeed be the present reality of this spiritual conflict that continues to rage between the serpent-dragon and Jesus Son of God, that will not end for us until Christ gathers his Spiritual body together and takes us to heaven to ever be with Christ and the Heavenly Father. [1 Thess. 4:13-18, I Cor. 15:51-57]
Since there are only about 10 officially known recurrent nova stars, we will mention another of these stars in Ophiuchus itself, called RS Ophiuchi. Recurrent novae – are defined systems with more than one recorded nova out-burst. There are only a few members of the subclass of Recurrent novae: at this point in research, just ten,” one of which [RS Oph] has a documented history of at least eight multiple outbursts, from 1898 to 2021, a 123 year period. #18
Recurrent novae repeat the nova process about every 10 to 100 years, while nova outbursts are thought to repeat on longer timescales of potentially over 1000+ years. This leaves ample room for the visibility of a Nova in Coma over a period of about 275 years.
Figure 1. The Recurrent Nova RS Oph. #19
RS Oph is about 5,000 light-years away in the constellation Ophiuchus. In its quiet phase it has an apparent magnitude of about 12.5. It has been observed
to erupt in 1898, 1933, 58′, 67′, 1985, 2006 and 2021, reaching a magnitude of about 5 on average. #20
If the Coma nova was recurrent/symbiotic novae for a period of about 250+ years, from c. 128 BC to about 147 AD, it could explain this sequence of events described in history according to modern astronomical evidence, with the scientific references we are citing. Ancient records only record naked eye-visibility of the Coma nova, not potential fluctuations from multiple eruptions of a Recurrent novae, since this is a modern concept of astronomy that did not exist before the 19th cent. As we find in Figure 1 above, the effect of the nova–eruption described in an extra-biblical source attributed to James, as “a great star shone among these stars and dimmed them so that they no longer shone…” is indeed noted in the photographic evidence [Fig. 1] resulting from the RS Oph Recurrent nova eruption, adding weight to this hypothesis.
The truth of Biblical Astronomy I’m aiming for here is that this triple sign star picture below depicts the idea of the spiritual war in heaven between the serpent in his various guises vs. the Son of God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The serpent as Lucifer first held the crown of dominion over the angels as 2nd in command to God Almighty in the first heavens and earth, [Isa. 14:11-15] until his failed revolt against the true God got him kicked out of heaven. He then laid hold on the updated version of the crown that now included the dominion that God gave Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, [Lk. 4:5-6]. In the present day since Jesus Christ our Lord has taken this dominion back from the enemy-serpent, in his sacrifice at the cross, as we find in Ophiuchus holding back the serpent from his deceitful claim on this crown. This is the titanic struggle that has engulfed both spiritual and secular history, providing the backdrop and spiritual context for world events from the dim recesses of the racial memory of humanity.
Figure 2. Ophiuchus the Serpent-Holder contending with the Serpent for the Crown of Dominion.# 21
As we expectantly await the coming nova in Corona Borealis, our familiarity with this constellation Corona Borealis, is evident as the Northern Crown — a small, semicircular arc seen below between the signs Bootes and Hercules.
Figure 3. The Northern Crown

This recurring nova is only one of five in our galaxy. This happens because
T CrB is a binary system with a white dwarf and red giant. The stars are close enough that as the red giant becomes unstable from its increasing temperature and pressure, it begins ejecting its outer layers, that the white dwarf collects onto its surface. The shallow dense atmosphere of the white dwarf eventually heats enough to cause a runaway thermonuclear reaction – which produces the nova we see from Earth. “The aspect I find the most exciting is the potential of novae as progenitors of type 1a supernovae,” Healy-Kalesh says. Like standard novae, this flavor of supernovae involves mass exchange between a pair of stars, at least one of which is a gas-guzzling white dwarf. Yet their resulting thermo-nuclear detonation is so immense that the matter-accreting white dwarf is blown to smithereens.#23
One of the prevailing models for a type 1a supernova involves a white dwarf that has gorged itself on so much stellar matter that its mass increases to 1.4 times that of the sun—something known as the Chandrasekhar limit. Beyond this threshold, the white dwarf becomes too bulky to support its own weight, triggering a thermonuclear cascade that causes it to explosively self-destruct. The key question, then, is: “How do these white dwarfs accrete enough material to surpass the Chandrasekhar limit?” König says. And because type 1a super-novae in principle all blow up the same way regardless of their cosmic address their detonations serve as important ticks on astronomers’ rulers for gauging vast intergalactic distances; teasing out any quirks in the similar-but-smaller explosions of regular, not-so-super novae, then, could lead to subtle tweaks to type 1a-based (mis)measurements of the universe.#24
Astronomers are also aiming to use T CrB’s imminent eruption to understand this specific nova’s three baffling idiosyncrasies. “No other novae that we know exhibit such behaviors,” says Vladislav Marchev, an astronomer at the Institute of Astronomy in Bulgaria.#25
Most novae stay dim, dramatically brightening only during an eruption—but not T CrB. Its first oddity is that for about a decade both before and after an explosion, it exists in a “high state” of modest brightness, emitting “a hot, blue, violent light,” Schaefer says. “Why does the high state turn off? For that matter, why does the high state turn on? We don’t have the faintest idea as to what’s going on.”#26
The second strange feature is its pre-eruption brightness dip, which happens about a year prior to the eruption. “It’s a weird, unprecedented mystery—and it’s also a harbinger of an upcoming eruption,” Schaefer says. Third, a couple of months after T CrB’s explosion, it seems to produce a secondary eruption —bright but not rising to the brightness of the initial outburst—that can last for several weeks or months. “The secondary maximum has been a long-lasting mystery,” Munari says. But he offers a possible solution in a recent preprint: it’s an illusion, not another eruption.#27
What triggers a nova event?
In addition to knowing when some of the more predictable nova events like
T CrB’s will occur, NASA experts also know why they happen. The white dwarf T CrB, for instance, exists in a binary system, meaning it’s one of two stars orbiting around each other. The other is the red giant.
White dwarfs have masses similar to the Sun, but have a diameter around a hundred times smaller, making them comparable in size to Earth, he says. And that high mass but relatively small size makes a white dwarf’s gravity especially strong. As the red giant in T CrB’s system ejects matter, T CrB’s gravity attracts or collects it on its own surface, doing so for years and years, until it reaches its limit. #28
“What’s happening in the system is that the red giant star is dumping all of this material on the surface of the white dwarf,” says Cooke. “And when too much gets on the surface of the white dwarf (T CrB) you get a thermonuclear reaction, like in a bomb, and the white dwarf blows off that material.” “It keeps going through this cycle of accumulating material from the bigger star over and over again,” says MacGregor. “It usually takes thousands of years to build to the point where you see a nova. But T Coronae Borealis seems to do it much faster, which makes it a rare one.”#29
Townsend offers a similar description, explaining that once a sufficient amount of material has accumulated on T CrB and its temperature reaches a few million degrees Celsius, a nuclear fusion reaction begins burning, creating the highly visible nova event many are now eagerly anticipating. “These are the same reactions that are ongoing in the core of the Sun, and they release a vast amount of energy in the surface layers of the white dwarf,” says Townsend. “The energy release causes the white dwarf to temporarily out-shine its red giant companion, and the overall light output from both stars – when seen here on Earth – increases by a factor of between a thousand and 100,000.” This type of outburst event helps NASA experts understand the mass transfer that takes place between stars in binary systems and the thermo-nuclear explosions that result when the white dwarf goes nova. It’s a process that in the case of T CrB happens repeatedly. #30
This process is not to be confused with the formation of a “new star,” but rather T CrB is simply becoming visible to us thanks to these far-off nuclear reactions. “It’s a star that already exists. The star has always been there, but to us it looks like there’s suddenly a new star because we can’t always see it,” MacGregor explains. “White dwarfs are so small we cannot see them with the naked eye.
But because of the fusion reaction that’s occurring, we’re temporarily able to
see it. You could go out in your driveway at night and see this.”[1] #31
This set of circumstances surrounding a Recurrent Novae could very well fit the context of the Nova in Coma over the 275 year period that it was visible to the naked eye. Ancient history doesn’t necessarily give us a continuous history of the visibility of the nova in Coma, but based on some of the other scientific evidence that we are aware of in the Coma decan and its surrounding neighborhood, it seems like this is a plausible scenario to explain the evidence.
In Summary, we find this witness in the epistle of Phillipians;
Phil. 2:5-11 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7 But made him-self of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things
in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
When Jesus willingly suffered the death of the Cross, there is no lower point on heaven’s map than the constellation of the Southern Cross. Christ’s sacrificial death on the Cross–his required depths set in juxtaposition to the heights of the Northern Crown in Corona Borealis; the Cross made of Stars set against the starry Crown. The Tau-the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet embodied his last act of sacrificial obedience– the Omega purpose of his ministry to and for the deliverance of mankind. It’s first Scriptural reference in Gen. 3:15 points to the Seed of the woman, by the Divine Son’s sufferings on the Cross, crushed sin and death, to give the gift of eternal life by the cross.
So the Southern Cross constellation stands as a prophecy in the stars of the Celestial Gospel, written by the Hand of the Almighty, Who spun the stars and planets in their courses at Creation, foretelling the Serpent’s end at the hands of Christ, from the beginning, who on Calvary’s Cross was prefigured in the skies.
Even as Christ rose from the dead to the eternal beauty and glory of our loving Heavenly Father, Who awarded Jesus everlasting crowns at His own right Hand, so we also can earn crowns from the hand of the heavenly Father and our Lord, like a Crown of righteousness, [2Tim. 4:8], a Crown of life [James 1:12, Rev. 2:10] and a Crown of glory [1 Pet. 5:4] to mention only a few, which crowns are incorruptible, [I Cor. 9:25-27]. Just as we are born again from above, by the incorruptible spirit of Christ in us at the New Birth, so our rewards from God through Christ are incorruptible also, so I heartily encourage my brothers and sisters, and myself to continue to run our races with self control, to the end that we lose not our rewards!
God Bless!
1. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/this-nova-will-soon-erupt-as-a-once-in-a-lifetime-new-star-in-the-night-sky/
4. astro.ljmu.ac.uk/arimheal
5. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240322-visible-nova-explosion-is-coming
6. astro.wisc.edu/staff/townsend-richard
7. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/variable star
8. https://www.aavso.org/news/t-crb-pre-eruption-dip
9. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/apr/08/starwatch-star-nova-t-coronae-borealis-visible
10. https://phys.org/news/2023-09-medieval-manuscript-impending-recurrent-nova.html
11. https://www.aavso.org/recurrent-nova-science-tasks-observers-worldwide
12. Time Magazine-TIME -MARCH 4, 1946 12:00 AM GMT-5
13. “The Mazzaroth” (1865, part 2, pp.104–106) F. Rolleston.
14. NASA Conceptual image Lab-Goddard Space Flight Center
15. Strong’s Concordance [G243-allos], James Strong.
16. IBID [G4735–stephanos], James Strong.
17. Plate 2. Picture credit, [www.atam.org]
18. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/physics-and-astronomy/recurrent-novae]
19. Figure 1 picture credit [https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/recurrent-nova-rs-ophiuchi-just-blew-its-top/]
20. IBID
21. Fig. 2 picture credit, Book Cover Graphic from E. W. Bullinger’s Witness of the Stars.
22. Fig. 3 picture credit, NASA.
23. Follow @NASAUniverse for updates about the outburst. By Lauren Perkins, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
24. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/this-nova-will-soon-erupt-as-a-once-in-a-lifetime-new-star-in-the-night-sky/
25. astro.bas.bg/staff.php
26. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/this-nova-will-soon-erupt-as-a-once-in-a-lifetime-new-star-in-the-night-sky/
27. IBID
28. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240322-visible-nova-explosion-is-coming
29. IBID
30. IBID
31. IBID
32. IBID