Orion, the Pleaides, the Great Pyramid and Precession, Pt. 2

Orion, the Pleaides, the Great Pyramid and Precession. Pt. 2

We concluded Part 1 of this study last month by noting key apex alignments, of the Great Pyramid first with Al Nitak-the [wounded one] and lead star on Orion’s Belt, on Rosh Hashanah of 2017. This was a prophecy of the sacrifice that the “wounded one” endured for all mankind, appearing on the anniversary of Christ’ birth on 9-11-3 BC. Also, the “Scored lines in the Great Pyramid’s Descending Passage were aligned to the star Alcyone of the Pleiades-the foundation star, as a 2nd apex alignment of the Great Pyramid, providing a stellar link between Al Nitak and the central star of the PleiadesAlcyone. There is also a 3rd type of Pyramid alignment on Al Nitak, that we highlight below in Figure 6, from the King’s Chamber star shaft. In this study, we focus on the Biblical Astronomy of the Great Pyramid, Al Nitak on Orion’s Belt, and the Pleiades star cluster.

Job 38:31-32  Can You bind the cluster of the Pleiades, or loose Orion’s Belt? Can you bring out the signs of the Zodiac [mazzoroth] in their season, or guide Aldebaran and its satellite stars? Did you proclaim the rules that govern the heavens, or determine the laws of Nature on the Earth? [REV]

To get the full picture of how the Belt Stars of Orion impact the narrative of this study we should notice their biblical usage. Job 38 is the first of two obvious references to Orion in Job, that we will considerJob 38:31, specifically refers to Orion’s Belt above, signifying the three stars as a unit in this verse. Since God’s Word refers to these three stars as a unit, and they are a celestial reflection of the three Pyramids of the Giza Plateau, then perhaps we should treat these three Pyramids as a unit also. This is key as we consider a master-plan for the structures of the Giza Plateau, but also good advice considering the rhetorical questions of these verses, since it was the Creator WhoBound the cluster of the Pleiades, and the belt of Orion.” The implication here is that any attempts by man to counteract the actions of the Almighty in binding the cluster of the Pleiades or loosing Orion’s Belt, would be to man’s own detriment, since men did notproclaim the rules that govern the heavens, or determine the laws of Nature on the Earth! It also implies the roots of a master-plan both with the celestial and terrestrial versions of this image. This point of the Creator’s emphasis of genesis, that He Made everything from nothing, is brought home in the opening words of the following scriptural references mentioning Orion and the Pleiades together. It also points out the folly of those who emphasize their idol astrological cults, as opposed to the Scriptural approaches of Biblical Astronomy.

Figure 1. The correlation of the 3 Orion’s Belt stars with the 3 Pyramid’s of the Giza Plateau. 1 

These are key references in the types or categories of biblical Orion references” that we can identify. A second aspect of Orion reference is the appearance of the Pleiades star cluster in each of the 3 verses with Orion; [Job 9:9, 38:31, Amos 5:8]. The link between the 3 stars of Orion’s belt and the three Pyramid’s at Giza is established by the King’s Chamber star shaft alignment of the Great Pyramid, with the star-Al Nitak, the “buckle or 1st star of Orion’s Belt, referencing again Christ’s Sacrifice as the “wounded one” on the cross.

The idea that the three stars of Orion’s Belt are a celestial reflection of the 3 Pyramid’s of Giza, is also key since
it is not by chance that Orion’s belt is situated on the celestial equator-directly reflecting the Giza Plateau in the Earth’s equatorial belt zone, where these 3 Pyramid’s were founded. This is in fact, a central aspect of the “Orion Correlation Theory,” with celestial and terrestrial beltsreflecting each other. But much more, it suggests an aspect of the Creator’s master-plan, based on the Great Pyramid’s support of Scripture including both Orion and the Pleiades together in these Bible references. Could this be directing our attention to the passages and star shafts of the Great Pyramid, and their interrelated alignments? In this light, we should recall the previous relation pointed out, linking the Descending Passage alignment on the Pole Star (Alpha Draconis), with the “Scored Lines,in Fig.2- showing their alignment on the Pleiades above the Pyramid’s apex at Alcyone, as another way of illustrating the transitory demise of the fallen Morning Star, giving way to the new Ascendant Morning Star-and capstone Jesus Christ.

Figure 2. The Great Pyramid’s apex alignment with the star Alcyone of the Pleiades star cluster. 2

Within the Descending passage of the Great Pyramid this set of ‘scored lines’ in the wall, point to the star Alcyone, of the Pleiades seen in Figure 2.  The Descending Passage was aligned to the north pole, during the pyramid’s construction age, but the alignment of the scored lines with the star Alcyone occurred only on two specific dates: 2123 BC and 3440 BC. Close to the later date, Piazzi Smyth calculated that Thuban was 3 degrees 43 m. from the pole at a lower culmination in 2170 BC, indicating the fallen nature of the 1st Morning Star when Thuban was on the meridian below the pole, as the Pleiades were on the meridian above the pole at the autumnal equinox, above the Great Pyramid’s apex. 3

Another scripture in Job where Orion and the Pleiades are mentioned together is in Job 9. This depicts yet another north polar Decan that bears” a deeper look. In Job 9:9 it seems theBear” was added to the guest list of this celestial party as seen below. In Ursa Major below, the handle of the Big Dipper asterism is formed by the stars of the bear’s tail, as  the dipper is part of the bear’s thigh, which is how it was pictured in ancient Egypt’s Dendera Zodiac, before 3000 BC.

Job 9:9 He made the BearOrion, and the Pleiades, And the chambers of the south;

Ursa Major constellation illustration

Ursa Major seen above, called the Great Bear is the largest constellation in the northern hemisphere. The Latin name means greater she-bear. Ursa Major is the larger bear in contrast with nearby Ursa Minor, also called the lesser bearUrsa Major is one of the original 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy in the noted 2nd century BC, work known as the Almagest, containing the asterism known as the Big Dipper. This asterism has two bright stars Dubhe and Merak, that have been used as a navigational pointer. These two stars Dubhe and Merak, point out the current north pole star, Polaris, as seen in the graphic below. The brightest star Dubhe means a herd or flock of animals. The Hebrew word linked to the star nameDubhe,” is Dohvermeaning a fold. A related Hebrew wordDohveh means rest or security,  giving us what Bullinger calls the security or resting place for the greater and lesser sheepfolds of the Saints, the redeemed of the Jews and Gentiles

Figure. 3 Polaris is the northern Pole star located in the decan of Ursa Minor. 5

The line formed by the two stars Dubhe and Merak points directly to Polaris, the northern pole Star of the lesser fold in Usra Minor, located between the feet of Cepheus the Crowned King at the North Pole. This embodies Jesus Christ ascended, and seated in the heavenlies at God’s right hand, ruling over the entire panoply of stars centered on the Pole, while guarding the 7 stars of his Churches. The star Polaris -the current northern pole star, that inherited its position via the precession of the poles, from Thuban, or Alpha Draco-the archaic pole, that the Descending Passage was aligned on during the construction of the Great Pyramid, is seen in Fig. 4 below.

Figure 4. The Great Pyramid’s Descending Passage aligned on Alpha Draconis [Thuban] the ancient Pole star. 6

As we have seen, the Scriptures record Lucifer’s failed coup’ against the Almighty, and his resulting ejection from Heaven to Earth, with a third of the Angels, [Rev. 12:7-13]. The ancients believed that mankind’s spiritual enemy, symbolized by the Serpent-tempter in the Garden of Eden, [Gen. 3:1ff] or the astronomical dragon constellations, had caused humanity to sin, destroying the idyllic age, in Earth’s Original Paradise. As seen above in Figure 4, the former pole star Thuban of Draco, was aligned down the Pyramid’s Descending Passage in 2144 BC, into the “Bottomless Pit” below the base of the Pyramid. This tellsnarrative in the megaliths of the Great Pyramid, with the Dragon Decan, shining over the Descending Passage, not only of the serpent’s former position as lead Arch-Angel in the 1st Heavens and Earth, but also his desire to take as much of humanity down in destruction with him, just as he did with his third of the heavenly angels.

In contrast, the “Scored Lines” of the Descending Passage were aligned on the Pleiades 7-star cluster, that embody the sweet influences of God’s Blessings on His people. The Pleiades cluster is found on the back of the Great charging BullTaurus– who depicts the swiftly returning Lord. The cluster of 7 churches are under the watchful eye of the Lord, as seen in the eye star of the Bull-named Aldebaran, the Head or mighty Captain. This gives us a hint of part of the mystery of the seven stars [I Thess. 4:13-17], because when the Lord returns first, he will raise those saints asleep in Jesus, as God brings them with the Lord, [v.14, 17]. They will be immediately followed by the remaining Saints who are alive at his return. This remains a mystery since only the Heavenly Father knows when this long-awaited gathering will occur. Thus in the oldest book in the Biblical canon- the book of Job, we find the Pleiades and Orion mentioned together, foreshadowing the union of the returning Christ, in the Charging Bull-Taurus coming for the redeemed in his 7 churches.

Orion is thus a symbol of the perfect Man and hero, embodied in Christ represented in Joshua the Hebrew warrior. The name “Joshua,” in Hebrew is the equivalent of “Jesus,” showing an aspect of the dual symbolism of Orion as both the fallen and risen Morning Star. We find in this Biblical reference to Orion, the 2nd of three in Job [9:9, 38:31] also [Amos 5:8], evidence showing Orion’s initial prominence as the figurative light of heaven. If Orion’s belt-line to Sirius (the Dog-star) is realized, then we find the stars of Orion’s belt symbolizing Lucifer’s choral units of angels under his domain, girt about his loins; [Ezek. 28:12-19] This description of Orion’s Belt figuratively resembles the portrait of the king’s glory found in Ezek. 1:25-28, over the heads of the Cherubim.

Ezek. 1:25-28.
25 And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads, when they stood, and had let down their wings. 26 And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it. 27 And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about28 As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round-about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake.

The Great Orion Nebula. 7

To the naked eye, the Orion Nebula appears as a blurred central star in Orion’s Sword, south of Orion’s Belt.

This appearance of fiery glory, of the enthroned man in Heaven, above and below his loins is a manifestation of light, since v. 28 describes it as a rainbow or light spectrum. This resembles the midsection of Orion, closer than any other celestial image that comes to mind, as the name Orion means ‘light of heaven.’ This description also fits the scene mentioned in Rev. 4, of the throne-room, after the resurrections. From v. 27 abovefrom the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about. As we view this sector below Orion’s Belt, a most prominent area of the sky centers on The Great Orion Nebula; M42 in Orion’s Sword. As Rev. 1:16 reminds us; he that had in his right hand seven stars, and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and his countenance was as the sun shining in its strength. [Rev. 19:15, 21] This tells of the Lord’s destruction of the serpent enemy by the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God.

The Sword of Orion below his belt stars is identified with the Messier Object M42.

Lucifer as the angel of light in his first estate, had dominion over the angels in the dawn of time. Once Lucifer fell, his role as the “light of heaven” was stripped from him and set aside, to be transferred and superseded in the rising daystar, who washed out the brilliance of the fallen Morning star with his own Sunrise, symbolized in the Heliacal Rising of Sirius. We are reminded of this imagery, again in Job 38:12-13 [Revised English Bible] as the ancient Egyptians recorded in their daily observations of the skies, when the brilliant light of dawn ‘shakes the Dog-star from the Sky, and in v. 15 ‘when the light of the Dog-star is dimmed, and the stars of the Navigator’s line go out one by one.’ This sky depiction of the fall of the first Morning Star, while dimming and extinguishing his light, drowned out in the Sonrise of the ages, shows the astronomical reality of the truth of Christ’s preeminent light in Scripture, and in the heavens.


The center of these seven stars of the Pleiades, was Alcyone which was the target of the “Scored Lines,” showing the escape from the destruction of the Descending Passage, aligned through the Pyramid’s apex, in Fig. 2. This alignment of the Scored Lines was defined by actual observations at midnight of two consecutive Autumn Equinoxes, in 2145 BC, and on Sept. 22, 2144 B.C., when this conjunction took place. This allows us to see how the Great Pyramid encompasses the juxtaposition of Good and Evil, in the path down the Descending Passage into the pit, set against the apex aligning of the seven stars of the 7 churches, [Rev. 1:16-20], held in the hand of the Lord. Just as the Ascending Passage leads away from the downward spiral of the Descending Passage, so we are afforded an escape from a bleak demise in the pit. Here we find this message of Hope in the Pyramid’s passages, in agreement with the truth of Scripture, for all mankind in Christ our Savior, as a witness to the world in its last remaining architectural wonder. The last and only Hope for mankind thus resides exclusively in Jesus Christ, (Isaiah 14: 12-15, 19: 19-20) as he represents the Alpha/Omega singularly embodied in the Lord, as mankind’s Hope of salvation.

Can you bind the SWEET INFLUENCES of Pleiades? (Job 38:31) Make no mistake, no part of the mystery was ever revealed in the Celestial Gospel, prior to these truths being revealed in the Church Epistles of the New Testament by the  Apostle Paul. However, once the scriptural truths were revealed, it became possible with spiritual hindsight to see glimpses of these truths from a New Testament perspective. Peter speaks of this in [1 Pet. 1:8-13] where the faithful persist to see the end of their journey- the completion of their redemption and the salvation of our souls. Which Salvation the prophets inquired and searched diligently, but they could find no evidence of the graceful gap of time called the age of grace between the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow…which the angels desire to look into.

Figure 5. Orion’s belt alignment on the Pleiades above Taurus vs. Sirius below in Canis Major. 8

This mystery of the seven stars can also refer to the Angel’s first estate prior to their revolt, when Lucifer as the Bright and Morning Starled the angels as Morning stars and sons of God, in their collective shouts of joy, praising the Almighty, [Job 38:7, Isa. 14:12-20, Ezek. 28:12-19]. But once iniquity was found in Lucifer, he was cast out of heaven, taking 1/3 of the angels down with him; [Rev. 12:7-9]. This graphic in Fig. 5 reveals an alignment between Orion’s Belt and the 7 stars of the Pleiades, providing a unique perspective of a third Biblical mention of these asterisms in unison.

Amos 5:8 He made the Pleiades and Orion; He turns the shadow of death into morning And makes the day dark as night; He calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out on the face of the earth; The Lord is His name.

The fall of Lucifer transformed him into the angel that casts the shadow of death in the precession of the pole stars from Thuban of Draco, to Polaris or Al Rucabba, of Ursa Minor. And as we just witnessed above in the Revised English Bible version of Job 38:12-15, the light of the Fallen Morning Star was extinguished in the brilliant dawn of the Ascendant Morning Star Jesus Christ, who embodies the turning of the shadow of death into morning, as told by Amos.

Seek Him that made the seven stars and Orion, and turned the shadow of death into the morning, and made the day dark with night: that called for the waters of the sea, and poured them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord is his name …”  [Amos 5:8] KJV

In the ancient Chinese Lunar Zodiac under Emporer Yao, the Pleiades star cluster was among the earliest of Lunar houses on record, dating to 2357 BC, when the central star Alcyone of the Pleiades was near the vernal equinox. 9 Throughout ancient Astronomy, and in the cosmology of ancient Egypt, one of the four-corners or pillars of heaven has always been the vernal equinox. This prominent recognition of the vernal equinox in ancient Astronomy is a major indicator of the consensus of the recognition of the precession of the equinoxes in early antiquity. This key linkage in ancient Egypt, between Orion’s 3 belt-stars and Sirius, not only ties the Sothic Calendar to the vernal point as a precessional marker, but also the lunar zodiac and the sidereal year, as seen in with the ancient Chinese astronomers also. Biblically, the 7 stars of this famed cluster; [Job 9:9, 38:31] are referred to collectively as a “heap or accumulation, and the congregation of the judge or ruler,” the ascendant Morning Star Jesus Christ, said also to be referenced in Rev. 1 as a mystery.”

Rev. 1:20
20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

Here we find the unity of the angelic realms with the 7 churches of Christ’s spiritual body, in the one accord of harmony in Christ’s return. 

We see hints of this imagery embodied in the Pleiades also in Milton’s description of Creation at the dawn of the world, in Paradise Lost; where he says of the Sunthe Dawn and the Pleiades before him danc’d, shedding sweet influence. 10 

 There is also a fable linked to one of these seven stars, that was lost in infamy. The Poet Aratos wrote;

As seven their fame is on the tongues of men, though six alone are beaming on the eye… 11 

Pleiades Star Map

Image result for Pleiades images

This fable can be traced historically, to the disappearance of the 7th Pleiad star in the time of the Trojan War [1194-1184 BC], where according to Rolleston, “the star shot like a comet towards the North pole,” leaving only six main Pleiad stars. One of these was named “Maia” in Greek, tracing to the Chinese “Mao,” preserving the ancient Chinese historical roots of this Pleiad, in their Lunar Zodiac of the 23rd Century BC. 12 This reveals the historical influence of the Lunar Mansions, and their role in understanding luni-solar cycles with star cycles and the sidereal year. A “sidereal year” is the period of the Sun’s transit over the Meridian of the same fixed star on the ecliptic, consisting of 365.256 days. The Dogon of West Sudan, and the ancient Egyptians, made use of the Sothic Calendar based on the Dog-Star Sirius of Canis Major, the brightest star in the heavens, as the basis of their star religions. As the Creator timed the stars and planets into orbit, He set the sacred 50-year Hebrew Jubilee period, first seen in astronomical history in the path of the star Sirius B,” and its 50-year orbit around SiriusA.” We have shown evidence that Bible Patriarchs, like Noah also recognized the Sirius cycle, which is covered in our website study on Noah’s Calendar. The Sumerians and Babylonians also shared  the use of sidereal calendars based on Sirius’ binary system, with the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, as a mainstay in their idol pantheons, applying a symbolic link to the Morning Star in both Venus and Sirius, the Dog-star. Ancient Egypt however, had the strongest ties to Sirius, as they called it the Nile Star, since its annual rising would coincide with the Nile floods, upon which their agriculture depended. The star Sirius was notable in Great Pyramid astronomy, whose Southern Star shaft of the Queen’s Chamber, was aligned on Sirius-seen below, in Fig. 6.

Figure 6. The Star Shaft alignments of the Great Pyramid.

Just above the Queen’s Chamber is the southern star shaft of the King’s Chamber, aligned on the lead star of Orion’s beltAl Nitak, the wounded one. This also depicts an astronomical relation between Orion’s Belt and the star Sirius, found in Figure 5 above, as the three Orion Belt Stars point towards Sirius the dog-Star. What follows is an important part of our thesis that establishes Sirius’ dual symbolism, linked with the Morning Star. A well-established standard of astronomical navigation is finding the rising point of Sirius once Orion has risen at least 20 degrees, by extending the so-called Navigator’s Line [Fig. 5] of the 3 stars of Orion’s Belt to the horizon.

The Dogon celestial mythology says that the cycle of Sirius B,” a White Dwarf companion star in joint orbit with Sirius A“, is a 50-year cycle, a fact verified by modern astronomers. Thus, it is instructive to see how half the fifty-year cycle of Sirius B exhibits the luni-solar kinship inherent in the 50-year cycle of Hebrew Jubilees, according to the golden section, or phi ratio. This is central to the celestial coordination of the luni-solar cycle, along with the Sirius star cycle as the three major calendars referred to in Gen. 1:14-16. Since the Sirius year, or Sothic Calendar as the Greeks called it, requires highly advanced knowledge of the heavens, capable of selecting the lone star in the sky that dictates a year365¼ days long, we find more support for these advanced astronomical practices centuries prior to Abraham.

The Stars of the “Navigator’s Line” in Orion’s Belt and sword with Sirius to the left.

navigator's line

Stars of the Navigator’s Line go out one by one“- These stars of the Navigator’s line-the three belt stars of Orion, that “go out, or are extinguished, one by one” as the sunrise of dawn washes out their nocturnal brilliance. This imagery fits a symbolic portrait of 1/3 of the stars of the heavenly host, under Lucifer’s domain, taken down with him when he fell from grace, resulting from his mutiny in the First Heavens and Earth. Their light was snuffed out due to their revolt as they were broken in the light of the rising daystar, the ascendant Jesus Christ. When we read this rendering of Job 38, in light of the Heliacal Rising of Sirius, the truth of this text lying hidden here for millennia finally comes to the surface.  This is most fitting since Job and Genesis, are the only books addressed to the Age of Biblical Patriarchs, whose gospel was the stars! This also shows the high degree of sophistication in the Astronomy of the Biblical Patriarchs at a very early time in the antediluvian age. This is a witness to the ancient knowledge of the Sothic cycle in Job, based on the cycles of the dog-star Sirius, related to Orion’s belt, illustrating how the Patriarch Job provided a transition in Biblical Astronomy, from the principles of the Patriarchal Age with the Gospel in the Stars, to those of the Old Testament Law, to Christ and Grace.

This indirect reference to Orion in light of the imagery of the Dog-star Sirius, is worthy of our focused attention. Following the theme of Sirius’ dual symbolism, first as the angel of light, the first light of the world fallen from grace, this motif is also seen in the fact that Sirius remains the brightest star in the heavens even today, yet with negative symbolism, telling us how Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light in [I Cor. 11:14]. The gist of this is told in the Iliad, in words by Homer: “âs the star which rises in late summer, called among men Orion’s Dog [Sirius]; bright it shines forth, yet it is a baleful sign, for it brings to suffering mortals much fiery heat.” Homer continues: “Whose burning breath taints the red air with fevers, plagues and death.”13 As we are reminded of the Revised English Bible for Job 38:15, we find a special insight that reads as follows:

Job 38:15 When the light of the Dog-star is dimmed and the stars of the Navigator’s Line go out one by one?

The Hebrew word: “rosh” [H7218] rendered “Dog-star” in Job 38: 13 & 15 of the REB, is the root word for [H7222-roshah], also in Zech. 4:7 reads “headstone,” or “Chief cornerstone” [Ps. 118:22, Eph. 2:20, 5:23]. This version of “Sirius” as the “prince of the Heavenly host” was also referenced in Persia’s sacred books as “Tistar,” the “Chieftain of the East,” as it caught the first rays of the dawn before sunrise of a new day. This “new day” was key not only for the light of that 24- hour period, but also because for “3000 years, the Heliacal Rising of Sirius opened the New Year in old Egypt.”14

The Belt Stars of Orion and the Dog Star-Sirius of Canis Major. 15

Figure 19: The three belt stars of Orion point directly to Sirius or Dog Star. Sirius is part of the Canis Major or Greater Dog constellation.

From the reference above to the Heliacal Rising of Sirius in Job 38:15, we find the New Year’s celebrations in ancient Egypt foreshadowing a transition of spiritual power from the archaic Morning Star to the risen Daystar, Jesus Christ. [Pet. 1:19-21]

The fifty-year shared standard between the Sothic Calendar and the Hebrew Jubilee is an intriguing bit of astronomical history with powerful spiritual overtones of the ancient influences of the Biblical Patriarchs, with God’s foreknowledge. In the 50- year half-cycle of the Sothic calendar we find revealing mathematics related to the lunar cycle. According to Schwaller de Lubicz: The 25-year cycle corresponded to 309 lunations. The calculations are:

25 x 365 = 9125 days, and 9125 = 29.5307 days per lunation [309]

This in itself reveals extremely accurate observations. Modern Astronomy reckons the lunation as 29.53059 days, a difference of about a second. But Schwaller de Lubicz notes the intriguing equivalence of 25 years to 309 lunar months. 309=(Ø -1 x 1000 and it’s choice as the number determining the cycle cannot have been accidental.                                                                           2

(A double cycle, which expresses the Golden Section, comprises 50 years; 618 = ( Ø – 1 x 1000.) 16                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2

As we have seen, the Jubilee cycle is central to the timing of Christ’s birth, and is conspicuous in the celestial events making up the great wonder of Revelation 12. Rosh ha-Shanah on Tishri 1, was the “head” of the Judean calendar as New Year’s day and Jesus’ birthday, the first day of the 50-year Hebrew cycle of Jubilees. This not only set the foundational temporal pattern of the seasons, holidays and feasts of Israel’s ancient Sabbath-Jubilee calendar, but it also mirrors the phi spiral of our solar system, that synchs the orbits of the planets around the Sun. Certainly, it is not a stretch to realize that the same phi ratio ordering the great spiral galaxies of the universe, and patterns the growth of myriad plant species, also patterns our solar system by the same harmony of geometric laws at a varied scale.

Nautilus Shells, Galaxies and Tornadoes, Oh Phi!

In the coordination of the Solar, Lunar and Sothic Calendar, via the phi ratio, not only do we find a symbol of God, the Creator-Father of Lights, underwriting His Creation via His geometric “source of life-principle,” but it also shows a linkage between the precessional and Sothic cycles. As the Creator, He enlivened all life forms, as the Prime Mover, and Giver of the vital life-growth element seen in all four kingdoms of life: plant, animal (and insect), human & spirit kingdoms. As the phi ratio applies to these four kingdoms of life, it operates according the Fibonacci Series, approximating higher degrees of accuracy, unto the Phi standard, witnessed in the successive growth stages of life. This is the reason for the ubiquity of the Fibonacci Series in a myriad of terrestrial life forms. Two of these kingdom’s of life are embodied in the union of the body of the lion king-Leo with the human head of the woman-Virgo, in the Great Sphinx. This section of the ecliptic,  forms the Alpha/Omega point on the band of constellations termed the Mazzaroth, that I’ve called the Celestial Sphinx. Below Figure 7, displays the view over the horizon from Jerusalem, showing Virgo’s Head under the fully risen Leo the Lion, very near the birth of Christ.

Figure 7. The Celestial Sphinx of Virgo and Leo on 9-14-3 BC, three days after Christ’s birth. 17

head of a woman and body of a lion

This is the section of the sky that Jon Nessle recently taught us about, which is the target that our Solar System as it spirals forward, led each day with the Sunrise of the daystar, the light of the world-Jesus Christ! Figure 8, below includes both the decans above and below the ecliptic in this part of the sky, showing the serpent Hydra being crushed by the Lion’s claws, with the brightest star on the ecliptic-Regulus between the Lion’s paws, meaning the feet that crush, as he tramples the dragon underfoot; [Ps. 91:13]. 18 Hydra-the abhorred, is the long fleeing serpent stretched from the signs Cancer to Libra, including Virgo and Leo, engulfing the length of 1/3 the ecliptic signs. Other decans pictured are Crater, holding the wine of God’s Wrath, [Rev. 14:10], inseparable from Hydra, and Corvus-the Raven one of the birds of prey who feast on the eternally defeated dead carcasses of the ungodly.

Figure 8. The Alpha/Omega section of the Mazzaroth. 19

As we have seen, the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau embodies the Star Al Nitak on Orion’s belt. In Figure 9 below, the Great Pyramid is linked to the Great Sphinx by the Causeway between them. As the 3 Giza Pyramid’s are a reflection of Orion’s Belt stars, so the Great Sphinx at Giza represents the Alpha and Omega union of signs on the ecliptic, with the head of the woman-Virgo united with the body of the Leo the Lion, depicting the start and finish of the celestial ecliptic. As the oldest and largest freestanding rock sculpture on the face of the earth, the Sphinx draws our attention to this critical heavenly juncture, joining the great circle of the firmament, the celestial Gospel.

Figure 9. The Great Pyramid linked to the Great Sphinx by the Giza Causeway. 

As this Giza Causeway extends from the ancient Plateau to the horizon on the winter solstice of 2012, it aligns with the rising point of Sirius, the Dog Star. When this Causeway line transitions to the firmament, it intersects the Great Orion Nebula between the stars Rigel and Al Nitak of Orion. As we mentioned earlier in this text the “established standard of astronomical navigation of finding the rising point of Sirius once Orion has risen at least 20 degrees, by extending the so-called Navigator’s Line of the 3 stars of Orion’s Belt to the horizon. In the graphic below, the Navigator’s line becomes the line of the Giza Causeway, linking the Great Pyramid to the Great Sphinx to the rising point of Sirius on the Horizon!

In a book by Edward Nightingale called “The Giza Template: The Leo-Orion Relationship,” he shows a phi relation of the Sphinx to the Pyramids at Giza, in effect a master plan for the Giza Plateau. The following is an excerpt from his book. 20

As the Sphinx views the sky oriented eastward through the year,  The year is divided into months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Using these six divisions of time, a calendar date was assigned using a binary date to the alignment of the Galactic Center with the Sun and Earth. It is from this alignment that the Gregorian, Mayan and Hebrew calendar reconcile. This date is encoded at Giza by drawing a 12° degree angle between an 11° degree division of the square and an 11° degree division of the circle creating the multi-angled Causeway of the Great Pyramid. So, what do we see on the horizon at that moment from the viewpoint of the Sphinx?

Figure 10. The Great Sphinx aligned with the Sirius-Pleiades “Navigator’s line” through Orion’s Belt. 21

Using Stellarium software to view the sky on this binary date and time from the coordinates of the Sphinx, shows  without doubt, the reality and precision of this design. The star Sirius is on the horizon, The Great Orion Nebula, M42 in Orion’s Sword is 21° degrees above the horizon and directly above Sirius. A line drawn between Sirius and the Pleiades is 11° off vertical, and is pointing to this 11° angleIt is this view of Sirius on the horizon, the position of the Pleiades, and the relative position of the Great Orion Nebula that is being tracked and documented. The movements of the star Sirius and the Pleiades star cluster are at odds with the current theory of precession in that they do not exhibit the so-called wobble motion of the Earth’s axis. This implies that Sirius and the Pleiades are on a similar trajectory as our solar system. In fact, that is exactly what I have discovered encoded in The Giza Template. I propose that our solar system, the star Sirius and the Pleiades star cluster system were birthed from the same stellar nebula, that being the Great Orion Nebula, M42. These three systems are each on their own spiral trajectory, each being separated by time and distance directly related to the 25,920 year cycle of the Precession of the equinoxes. These star systems are moving away from the M42 Nebula in a spiral motion with our ecliptic rolling along like a wheel on a spiral path. This movement defines what we view as the precession of the equinoxes, eliminating the outdated wobbling earth theory. Spiral motion and growth are seen throughout the natural world and need not be dismissed in light of celestial mechanics that account for precession. [https://grahamhancock.com/nightingalee3/] Here the Phi ratio mechanics are implied ruling over the Precession of the Equinoxes, supplanting the “wobbling earth theory,” which seems to be supported by the math of the supposed error in the Pyramid’s alignment from the cardinal points.

Another interesting element to this graphic is seen with the 11° line from Sirius to the Pleiades also intersecting Orion’s belt @ Al Nitak– the “wounded one” in reference not only to the Great Pyramid star shaft alignment, but also Gen. 3:15, and the dual head and heel wounds of the serpent and Christ. With the Sword of Orion [M42 Orion’s Nebula] over the head of Sirius at its lower culmination on the horizon, this seems to beautifully depict the destruction of the enemy, while giving added meaning to Job’s Pleiades references, that always include Orion’s Belt. This also fits with the “Scored lines” alignment of the Pleiades in the Pyramid’s Descending Passage intersecting Thuban’s trajectory into the pit, and the precessional shift, and the movement of the archaic pole star towards Polaris, of Ursa Minor. It seems the Almighty had great purposes in mind with Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy of the Giza Plateau, in conveying primary Biblical themes regarding the birth and return of His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ! We remain ever thankful for His Love and Grace, and the riveting evidence He has left for us, with eyes to see and ears to hear

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and God Bless!





1.Fig.1 picture credit, [humanoriginproject.com]
2. Fig. 2 picture credit, [http://dream-prophecy.blogspot.com/2013_09_01_archive.html]
3. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, ppg 86-87, Peter Thompkins.
4. Witness of the Stars, p. 151. E.W. Bullinger.
5. Fig. 3 picture credit, Stellarium Astronomical Software.
6. Fig. 4 picture credit, [http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/Ghizaarchitecture.htm]
7. The Great Orion Nebula. [www.constellation-guide.com]
8. Fig. 5 picture credit, from [Pinterest.com]
9. Star Lore Myths Legends and Facts, p. 409 William Tyler Olcott
10. IBID, ppg. 408-409
11. IBID, p. 420
12. The Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston
13. The Illiad-Homer quoted in Hamlet’s Mill, Santillanna & Von Dechend. p.286.
14. Hamlet’s Mill, Santillanna & Von Dechend. p.284.
15. https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/spiritual-psychic/orion-taurus-and-the-pleiades-a-star-map-of-the-legends-of-kartikeya-horus-and-nergal-and-apollo/
16. Serpent in the Sky J.A. West, p. 94.
17. Fig. 7 Picture credit “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed.” p.45, American Christian Press
18. The Gospel in the Stars, p.134 Joseph Seiss
19. Fig. 8 Picture credit, [www.atam.org]
20. https://www.thegizatemplate.com/
21. IBID


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End Times Prophecies of the Great Pyramid, the Celestial Sphinx and the Birth and Return of Christ. Pt. 1

End Times Prophecies of the Great Pyramid, the Celestial Sphinx, and the Birth and Return of Christ. Pt. 1

The Great Pyramid stands above the drifting sands of time, supremely dominating the Giza Plateau as the last remaining Wonder of the ancient world. As we can see in the banner above, the Great Pyramid with its adjoining pyramids on the Giza Plateau, along with the Great Sphinx and the Dendera Zodiac, are all key pieces of a Biblical Archaeo-astronomy historical narrative, that must be understood if we are to comprehend a more complete context of the appearances of Jesus Christ in his First and Second Coming.

Any discussion of the construction rationale for the Pyramids of the Giza Plateau, includes many considerations, but perhaps one of the most influential theses has been the so-called “Orion Correlation Theory,” which appears to have inspired the pyramid ground pattern for the format of the three major Giza Pyramids. This theory says the three stars of Orion’s belt provided the pattern for the layout of the 3 primary Giza Pyramids, which includes the smallest pyramid Menkaure, in its offset location from the axis of the two greater Pyramids.

A general review of this topic however, has not included information about the two sets of three minor pyramids, the 1st set in the foreground of the Fig. 1 graphic below, in front of the Menkaure Pyramid, with the 2nd set linked to the Great Pyramid at the top right of the aerial picture below. We will discuss scientific evidence for these 2 sets of minor pyramids in Part 2 of this study.

Figure 1. Aerial view of the Giza Plateau including minor Pyramids.

Image result for Great Pyramids with satellite pyramids images

Most plans for the Giza Pyramid blueprints pay little if any attention to these so-called “Queenspyramids, which get their name from the idea that the pyramids were Pharaoh’s tombs, and these minor pyramids were tombs for their queens. Any comprehensive concept explaining the Giza Pyramids must include an explanation for these “minorpyramids also.
Could there have been a preexistent master-plan for these Pyramids of the Giza Plateau, that precludes the massive Pharonic egos required to expend the effort, time and national resources needed to build these monumental edifices to glorify the personages and reigns of these kings, that is assumed in the “Tomb Theory” of the Giza Pyramids? Even Pyramid scholars and historians going back centuries who believed the Pyramids were sepulchures, agree that there is no proof of anyone ever entombed in the Great Pyramid. In fact, the only part of the Great Pyramid that resembles a coffin is found in the King’s Chamber, at the top end of the Grand Gallery, is lidless, missing any royal inscriptions or ornamental insignia, unlike any other coffer made for a king. But it is the dimensions of this “coffer” that set it apart from all others, which just happen to match the cubic capacity of the Ark of the Covenant housed in the Tabernacle and Temple of Isreal centuries prior to Israel’s captivity in Egypt, long before the Ark’s dimensions were revealed by God, to Moses on Mt. Sinai. This tends to expose the divine source of revelation for both the Great Pyramid and the Hebrew Temple and Tabernacle. Even beyond this, the amazing lidless granite coffer encodes other sacred measures which could only be known by the Almighty Creator. When for example we take double the perimeter of this Granite Coffer, multiplied by 10 to the 8th power, we get the mean radius of the Sun; [427, 316 miles]. Also, the Great Pyramid’s height multiplied by 10 to the 9th power=the average distance between the Earth and Sun, [91,848,500 miles], or the Earth’s mean solar orbital radius. 1

These sacred geometry measures for the perimeter and radius of the Granite Coffer remind us of how the Pi ratio is built into the Great Pyramid.

Figure 2. The Pi ratio in the Great Pyramid

Image result for Golden Ratio Great Pyramid of Giza

Since Pi [3.14159…] is central to the geometry of the circle, and the Great Pyramid, it is worth pointing out the link between pi and phi, because the phi ratio can also used to obtain the value of circular functions, with one example seen clearly in the pentagon. As the Phi spiral also derives from this geometry, we find how this could have provided the basis for a geometrical master-plan for the Giza Pyramids. The example below is one of several showing general conformity to how the Giza Pyramid’s could have been laid out on a Phi Spiral, with the Great Sphinx in the center square and its adjoining Temple complex. This is one proposal to consider for the blueprints of a master-plan for the Giza Plateau. A second option will be proposed in Part 2 of this study, which includes an explanation for the 6 minor Pyramids linked to the Great Pyramid and the Menkaure Pyramid.

  • The ratio of the original height of the Great Pyramid to its base was 7:11. This ratio has a number of important geometric properties. It contains the numbers Pi and Phi.

Plate 1. A Phi Spiral Master-plan for the Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx. [www.pinterest.com] 2

  • The length of the borders of the pyramid divided by its height gives Phi – 1,618.

As both the figurative and literal axis mundi on the face of the earth, the Great Pyramid is located at the center of the earth’s landmass at the head of the Nile River delta. As the nexus of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy, it embodies a sacred cosmology emerging out of God’s Word, as perhaps the world’s greatest architectural witness to the Coming Redeemer Jesus Christ.

The Great Pyramid is situated at the center point for all the landmass on the face of the Earth.


Piazzi-Smyth concluded that Giza was deliberately placed both on the 30th parallel and at the center of the world’s continents as a geodetic marker for the ancient world-meridian, making the Great Pyramid’s latitude the globe’s longest land parallel.

In the words of Isaiah:

Isa. 19:19-22
19 In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the heart of Egypt, and a monument to the Lord at its border. 20 It will be a sign and witness to the Lord Almighty in the land of Egypt. When they cry out to the Lord because of their oppressorshe will send them a Savior and defender, and he will rescue them.
21 So the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians, and in that day they will acknowledge the Lord.
They will worship with sacrifices and grain offerings; they will make vows to the Lord and keep them.

Plate 2. The Great Pyramid Bisects the Boundaries of the Nile Delta. 3 

In August 2015’s archive post;  The Great Pyramid-the Boundary Stone of the Promised Land  Part I, we covered in detail how these truths in Isa. 19 tell us of the Great Pyramid. This altar to the Lord [Jehovah], or God in Covenant relation with His Creation, provides details of revelation from ancient history of the Heavenly Father via the Biblical Patriarchs. The one mediator of this covenant between God and man is the man Christ Jesus, [1 Tim. 2:5], who embodies many of these Jehovah titles in his ministry to mankind, as the Shepherd in [Ps. 23]. The Great Pyramid on Giza’s plateau is a singular witness to both the Creator and His Christ.

Using the principles of Biblical Astronomy brought down to us from the Biblical Patriarchs like Seth and Enoch, we can begin to grasp a common theme told by the witness of the star shafts of the Great Pyramid. This theme revolves around the first Bright and Morning star, the Archangel Lucifer who originally led the godly angels as second in command, in Praise and worship of the true Almighty CreatorGod, [Job 38:4-7].

Image result for job 38 the message

This section of Job 38 has not fully been considered in its true biblical light because it has not been applied to the archaic fallen Morning Star, and the role of the angels of the first Heaven and Earth. The Bible teaches that the Earth was fully created and developed prior to the Sun, Moon or Stars, or any of the other “planets” in the Universe. This of course, is opposed to the evolutionary theory we all learned in school. Gen. 1:2 indicates that the earth became without form and void with darkness upon the faces of the deep, as the result of a great cataclysm that took place between Gen. 1:1 and 1:2. This section of Job 38:4-7 adds light to this period before this cataclysm took place. It actually sheds light on the role of the angels, who already existed in fellowship, praising the Heavenly Father and the Bright and Morning Star; [Isa. 14:12], as a foundation and cornerstone of the Earth. The angels or morning stars shouted for joy and sang in their choirs, wondrous celestial harmonies at the laying of the cornerstone who modeled the survey lines and dimensions of Earth. As Isaiah 19-22 above delineates the functions of the Great Pyramid as a Boundary Stone, not only for ancient Egypt, but also in the foundations of Planet Earth and its Cornerstone, modeled in the full Pyramid and Capstone. These aspects of the 38th chapter of Job cannot be fully understood unless we grasp the structure and function of the Great Pyramid. This
is a main reason why the Great Pyramid embodies so many added geometric dimensions of the Earth, like the Earth’s mean solar orbit radius, and the mean radius of the Sun, which are only two that we have mentioned above. The graphic below depicts the Great Pyramid at the center of the Earth, as a 3D model of the planet on a 1:43,200 scale, reflecting both the geographical lines of Latitude and Longitude, and when projected to the Heavens, marking the lines of Celestial Latitude and Longitude also.

The perimeter of the base is equal to the length of the circle whose radius is equal to the height of the pyramid (2 * 3.14159 * 146.6 = 921). 4



The idea that the Creation of angels is never mentioned in the Genesis Creation Week, fits with this record in Job, since their part in the creation of the 1st Heaven and Earth, took place before the Earth became without form and void as a result of Lucifer’s failed coup attempt against the Almighty Creator. This First Heaven is also spoken of in 2 Peter 3:5-7 as the “heavens of old” and “the world [kosmos] that was then.” This depicts the world, created, ordered and arranged according to the Creator’s perfect plan. But this prior Heavens and Earth fell into ruin, wherein God restored order in the Genesis Creation Week. This is the 2nd Heavens and Earth which are now, [2 Pet. 3:7]. There is a 3rd Heaven and Earth also mentioned in [2 Peter 3:13, 2 Cor. 12:1-11, Isa. 65:17, 66:22], with a future wherein dwells righteousness. Many traditions have shown these 3 Heavens and Earths as a triple layer cake in a vertical view, but they are better understood more as a timeline in a sequential, horizontal perspective, similar to my chart below.

Precessional Ages Aligned with Biblical Administrations
 Biblical Administrations  Heavens & Earth  Precessional Age  Dates Scripture
 Sirius  Angels First Estate  First  ?  Gen.1:1-2
 Gemini  Original Paradise  Second  6480-4320 BC  Gen. 3:8ff
 Taurus  Bible Patriarchs  Second  4320-2160 BC  Gen. 3:23ff
 Aries  O.T. Law  Second  2160-7 BC  Ex. 19:16ff
 Pisces  Christ/Grace/Revelation
 Second  7BC-now  Matt. 3:11ff
Acts 2:1ff
IThess. 4:13
 Aquarius  Final Paradise  Third  ?  Rev. 21

Ezek. 28 provides a view of the bright and Morning star in the first Heaven and Earth;

Ezekiel 28:12-17 12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

These qualities do not describe a human prince of Tyrus [Ezek. 28: 2-10] but a singular angelic prince who was in the Garden of Eden as the serpent who deceived Eve, by his wisdom and beauty. This angelic prince was not born of woman, but was created in one day by the Hand of the AlmightyThis angelic Prince was anointed by the Hand of the Almighty to overshadow and protect the holy Mountain of God in the First Heaven and Earth. As Job 38:4-7 relates, this anointed cherub covered the earth, who was covered with a series of precious stones not unlike the 12 jewels of the High Priest’s Breastplate, as he led the angelic choirs in the joyful songs of praise to the Almighty.

15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of Godand I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.  17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.

Lucifer committed the Original Sin in the iniquity of his revolt against the True God, whom he attempted to supplant from the “world mountain” in the sides of the North, [Isa. 14:13]. As a result, he was cast out of God’s holy mount in the 1st Heaven and Earth, vacating the position of the capstone of the Pyramid, as it awaited the fulfillment of Christ, not only to supercede the original function over the angelic realms, but also the human realms in his Spiritual Church of the body of Christ. This also explains the deep hatred and resentment that the fallen morning Star-Satan has for mankind, providing the context and backdrop for the spiritual war that has been waged as a result of Lucifer’s revolt and overthrow of the 1st Heavens and Earth. [Gen. 3:15, Rev. 12].

This destruction of the “anointed Cherub” was taken to the next level in the resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we consider the term; “The sides of the North” in an astronomical context, we are directed to the Dragon constellation of the North Pole,  holding the Northern Pole Star in its serpentine coils at the time of the building of the Great Pyramid. Scientists have since verified the superior alignment of the Great Pyramid, on the Cardinal points of the compass, as a result of it’s Descending passage alignment being sighting on the star Thuban, or Alpha-Draconis.

Figure 3. Precession of the Pole Star from Thuban to Polaris of Ursa Minor.


Job 26:13-14
13 By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; His Hand hath formed the crooked serpent. 14 Lo, these are parts of his ways: but how little a portion is heard of him? but the thunder of his power who can understand?

Here Job describes how God formed the crooked serpent, who sat atop the pinnacle and center of Thuban, the North Pole star around which the constellations revolved, 5000 years ago. A historical view of the scientific and mathematical aspects of the architecture inherent in the Great Pyramid, begins with Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer Royal for Scotland, who was the first of the more modern scholars to undertake a truly scientific survey of the Pyramid. His detailed measures included the passages and chambers, especially the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber, that he held as a perfect standard of linear and volumetric measures.

First, the logic of Thuban as the pole star in the constellation of the Northern celestial dragon makes sense, with its universal association with evil and death. In this light, it was linked with Lucifer the fallen angel of light, who was rejected from his former glory as second only to the Almighty in Heaven, for his failed revolt against the true God. This explains the Descending Passage symbolism, which “dead ends” in the “pit” of the Great Pyramid, the subterranean chamber in the Pyramid’s foundation bedrock, at the foot of the Descending Passage [Isa. 14:15-19, 38:17-18, Ps. 55:23, 69:15, Prov. 28:10, Ezek. 28:6-8].

With his expertise in astronomy, Smyth was highly qualified to calculate with precise accuracy, astronomical observations required to formulate the orientation and alignment of the Pyramid. He concluded that the fine accuracy of its alignment, resulted from observing a circumpolar star from the Descending Passage, reiterating the witness of Job 38:5 regarding “who stretched out the survey line that supports its foundations?” In Egypt, they accomplished this with their “stretching the cordceremony, as seen in Plate 3, below. It is only the Creator Himself Who is qualified to answer to His own rhetorical question.

Figure 4. Star shaft alignments of the Great Pyramid

Sir John Herschel had previously noted that Alpha Draconis was the Pole star 4000+ years ago. By subtracting the 26* 27′ angle of the Descending Passage from the 30* north latitude of the Pyramid, he arrived at an angle of 3* 43′ north. According to Smyth’s calculations Alpha Draconis made a lower culmination at that angle in 3440 BC, and again 2123 BC. He concluded that either date might have been when the Pyramid was laid out, but because the Pleiades was also seen crossing the meridian on the autumn equinox in 21st century BC, according to his calculations he preferred the later date. 5

Herschel’s position was advocated later by Sir Flinders Petrie, that the Descending Passage had been aligned by means of a circumpolar star. After Piazzi Smyth’s reckoning, Percival Lowell in 1912, calculated the “Descending Passage of the Pyramid was oriented to a point 3 degrees 34′ below the pole, the location which Thuban would have occupied, allowing for refraction some 645 years before or after its closest approach to the true pole.”6 Like Piazzi Smyth, Lowell also computed two potential dates for Thuban to occupy this position, with an updated slight revision yielding 3475 BC and 2185 BCLowell pointed out that “the more recent date is negated by what we know of Egyptian History, and we are thus left with the other”-[3475 BC] as a better candidate for the construction of the Great Pyramid. 7

When considered with the history of the ancient Egyptian ritual of ‘stretching of the cord,” a more complete picture of the descending passage aligned on Alpha Draconis as the pole star came into focus.

Plate. 3 Egyptian “Stretching the Cord” Ceremony at Dendera with God [left] and Pharaoh [right] with headdresses displaying Stellar and Solar motifs.

The text below is inscribed from the Temple of Horus at Edfu with the relief showing “Stretching the CordCeremony. 8

‘I have grasped the stake… I take the measuring cord in the company of Seshat. I consider the progressive movements of the stars. My eye is fixed upon the Bull’s Thigh [Ursa Major]. I count off time … and establish the corners of the Temple‘.

We must realize that the Descending passage and star shafts of the Great Pyramid hold two separate alignments
with the Dragon starThuban at the North Pole. The upper culmination from the northern star shaft of the King’s Chamber aligned with Alpha Draconis, but the star’s lower culmination was marked in the Descending Passage, leading to the pit at the Pyramid ‘s base, as seen below in Plate 4. These dual alignments of the Great Pyramid shafts tell the story of Lucifer’s fall from his glory as the angel of light, to the destruction of his demise in the Descending Passage. As the Plate 4 graphic shows, Alcyone of the Pleiades over the Great Pyramid’s apex aligned via the “Scored lines” inside the Descending Passage, exhibits the archaic capstone rejected from his former glory, indicated by the missing capstone currently vacated from the Great Pyramid’s apex. This is not the end of this story however, as we find with the north shaft of the Queen’s Chamber aligned with the star Kochab in Ursa Minor, in Fig. 4 above. The star nameKochabmeansawaiting him who comes” in reference to the returning Lord Jesus Christ, 9 as the Ascendant Morning Star. As E.W. Bullinger tells us;

When these constellations were formed the Dragon possessed this central point in the heavens, but by its gradual precession along the polar circle, this point upon which all the heavens turn-The Pole star has been removed from the Dragon and is now in the lesser fold [Ursa Minor].”10 The Great Pyramid also recognizes this alignment shift of the pole star in the Queen’s chamber star shaft alignment to Kochab with its associated pole starPolaris  in Ursa Minor.

The precession of the poles indicates Lucifer’s demise, because the pole star has moved in the polar circle from Draco in the dragon’s tail, now residing near Polaris, or Al Ruccaba in the “little flock” of Ursa Minor. The pole star between the feet of the crowned king Cepheus, depicts Jesus Christ in at least two ways. First, as the prominent king, and new Chief Cornerstone, since Cepheus is the crowned king, even as Regulus the king star, is between the feet of Leo, the Lion king of Judah; [Gen.49:8-10]. Cepheus also means ” the branch” and is depicted as a king holding a branch/11 sceptre at the north pole, [Jer. 23:5, 33:15]. Secondly, and with spiritual hindsight, he is the head of his spiritual body, the Church. God put all things under Christ’s feet, indicating his seven-fold lordship over all Creation; [Eph. 1:20-23]. The exception to this, naturally is God Himself, Who Christ ultimately subjects himself to [I Cor. 15:27-28], avoiding the pitfall of Lucifer’s egotistical demise. The Decan of Cepheus depicts the Royal king and redeemer coming quickly to rule, enthroned in the highest, at the northern polar reaches of the heavens. With his scepter in hand and the Northern Pole Star symbolizing all things in Creation under his feet, as seen in the capstone of the Great Pyramid, we have powerful imagery of the Authority and Dominion of the King of Kings. These truths are also majestically depicted in the Genesis 3:15 Planisphere Axis, with its final alignment of the heels,” in Orion. As the principles of Biblical Astronomy tell us, the star names relate the narrative of each constellation they appear in. There are 19 main stars in Cepheus, three of which we focus on here.

Zech. 6:12-13 “Thus speaks the Lord of Hosts, saying behold the man whose name is the Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the Temple of the Lord.” v. 13 “Even he shall build the Temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.”

Here we see the promised seed of the woman clothed in the celestial royalty of absolute dominion over all Creation. The name “Cepheus” has possible Egyptian linguistic roots in “Cheops” or Khufu the Pharoah who is linked to the 1st Pyramid in Orion’s Belt.  In the Dendera ZodiacCepheus is known as Pe-Ku-hor; meaning “one coming to rule,” which ties to the star names below. The 3 primary stars of Cepheus are as follows;

1. Al Deraminhe who comes quickly from the right Arm or Hand of the Father-The Hand of Blessing. [Ps. 16:7-11, 118:14-24]
2. Al Phirk-signifying the Redeemer with the stars of his flocks [Ursa Minor and Ursa Major].
3. Al Rai-The Shepherd who bruises
or breaks. [Ps. 23; and the 7 Redemptive Names of God embodied in the Shepherd.]

Figure 5. Cepheus the Crowned King with “Al Rucabba”- the current Polar Star underfoot. 12

Thus we have the Redeeming Shepherd coming quickly from the right hand of God who bruises or breaks, to redeem his flocks. Two interesting notes regarding these 3 primary stars in the North Celestial Pole area, as the Pole star recedes according to the Precession of the Poles, each of these three brightest stars in Cepheus will inherit the title and function of Pole star, currently occupied by Polaris of Usra Minor. Starting around 4000 AD in 1500 year intervals, these primary stars of Cepheus will occupy the coveted “Pole Position;”

1st  Al Deramin- circa 4000 AD
2nd Al Phirk- circa 5500 AD
3rd Al Rai- circa 7000 AD

The star Al Deramin indicates of the Boundary Stone of the Great Pyramid, as the Pyramid’s Bethlehem Line marks out a highway through the desert wilderness that Israel traveled under Moses to get to the promised land. This Bethlehem Line originates from the 26.3 degree angle of the Ascending and Decsending passages, laid out on the earth’s surface towards Jerusalem. This line remarkably extends through the River Jordan where Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist, which matches the location where the Israelites crossed this river with the Ark of the Covenant, that parted the waters of this river marking Israel’s entrance into the Promised Land. I have referred to the Great Pyramid as a primary monument and touchstone of the Astronomy of the Biblical Patriarchs, that embodies the Covenants of God, written in the Stars, in Scripture, in Stone and Incarnate in the Man Jesus Christ. Secondly, viewing the general pattern of these 3 brightest stars in Cepheus, we find Al Deramin in the upper left shoulder of the King, with the star Al Phirk in the King’s midsection, and Al Rai opposite at the knee, meaning “who bruises or breaks,” conforming to the pattern of Orion’s Belt Stars reflected on the ground, in the Earth’s Equatorial Zone in the Pyramid’s of the Giza Plateau. To strengthen this link between Orion and Cepheus, A star named Al Rai also occurs in Orion. 13

The “Orion Correlation Theory” bases its premise on the astrology of ancient Egypt, not only to support their quite early date of 10,500 BC for the build dates of the Pyramid and the Sphinx, when it aligned with Leo on the Horizon, while the Great Pyramid faced Orion to the South. The idea was Pharaoh’s soul was elevated to the heavens in a ritual apotheosis, as part of a counterfeit afterlife of astrology, based on the lie of an immortal soul. It is only through the redemption of Christ as witnessed in Scripture and the Great Pyramid, that we can meet and fellowship with the Almighty, to join with Him in eternity.

One way we find the Great Pyramid depicting the Astronomy of the Biblical Patriarchs resides in what is known as “Horizon-based astronomy.” The Great Pyramid also aligns with the summer sun as it sets between the Khufu & Khafre pyramids. When these three elements are seen together; the sun between the pyramids, they form the hieroglyph for horizon,” or akhet, in Fig. 6The Great Pyramid is also known as the Horizon of Khufu,” which is evidence that the alignment of the Great Pyramid with the solar path on the ecliptic is also an essential key.

Figure 6. The Egyptian Heiroglyph for the “Horizon” with Lions and woman. 14

Related image

A fascinating example of this is found in Figure 7. below, wherein the center of this graphic the Great Pyramid is aligned to the Horizon sunset of the Rev. 12 sign on 9-20 to 25-2017, when the Sun is clothing Virgo and the Moon is at her feet, also witnesses of Christ’s birth on Sept. 11th 3 BC, in Fig. vii.  As we have held for many years, this is a prophecy for the birth and return of Christ coming in his glory, linked with the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad, that opened 1260 days prior to the Rev. 12 sign of Rosh Hashanah 2017, starting in the Passover Blood Moon on 4-15-2014 of Fig. 7.

Figure 7. The 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad and the Great Pyramid Alignments. 15

Robert Breaker Exposed false prophet | What will happen on September 23 2017

As the Great Pyramid and the Great Sphinx are the two key-stone witnesses on the Giza Plateau, their coordinated testimony established not only the tenets of the Astronomy of the Biblical Patriarchs, but also for Saints today. With the ancient testimony of the Great Sphinx embodied in Virgo, the woman’s headwith Leo the Lion’s body, as the Alpha and Omega signs of the Mazzaroth facing the eastern autumnal equinox, the Sphinx’ gaze directs us to the setting Sun in Virgo, as pictured with the Pyramid’s horizon view also towards Virgo. This is a clear example of the tandem testimony of the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid established in the graphic in Fig. 8. below. If we can imagine in Fig. 8, the Pyramid facing the Sunset on the left, seen above in Fig. 7 & 9 with the Pyramid in the center of this graphic and the horizontal line pointing to the sunset in Virgo at the horizon, as the Decsending & Ascending Passages of the Pyramid are aligned on the two stellar elements of the Celestial Sphinx in Fig. 8 –Virgo below the Horizon and Leo above it. This links back to Peter’s Sermon on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:17-21, where Jon Nessle taught us that in v. 20 where; “The sun shall be turned into darkness and the Moon into blood before the great and notable day of the Lord come,” first refers to solar and lunar eclipses that don’t take place together as the Science confirms, thus as this does not refer to literal truth, it must be figurative. As solar and lunar eclipses depict the Moon on opposite sides of the earthit represents a “juxtaposition of 2 extremes,” which in Figures of Speech is calledMerism. This figure illustrates a combination of two contrasting words or subjects that refer to an entirety. Since this Merismos in Acts 2:20 is celestial in nature, the entirety referred to is different kinds Celestial signs, not only Solar and Lunar eclipses, that take place before the Lord’s Return. 16 As long as we keep this in mind as we view these celestial signs, we will be on safe ground of not trying to date set the Lord’s Return.

The Fig. 7 graphic above not only shows the Great Pyramid’s orientation towards the setting Sun on the horizon, but also its relation to the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad; 1260 days before the 9/23-25/2017 sign of Rev. 12:1-2, in Leo and Virgo. [Joel 2:30-32]. The first Blood Moon of this Tetrad-the Passover lunar eclipse of April 15, 2014 occurred at a key location in the heavens near the star Spica in Virgo. Jesus as the Seed of the Woman became the perfect sacrifice for all mankind on Passover. He was the ear of grain that died so that life could abound. Spica in Hebrew is Zerah meaning “seed”–the offspring of God, and its the same word found in the first prophecy of the Promised Seed in Gen. 3:15. Thus it is the perfect precursor to the Jupiter-Spica triple conjunction that occurred in Virgo’s womb, leading to Jupiter’s birthing in 2017.

Fig. 8 provides a close-up view of the Ascending Passage alignment of Venus the Bright and Morning Star with Regulus the King star in the heart of Leo the Lion of Judah. These bodies are aligned at 26.3 degrees of the Christ Angle of both the Ascending and Descending Passages of the Pyramid, in tandem witness with the two signs of the Great Sphinx-Virgo and Leo, on the evening of 9-20-2017Rosh Hashanah, leading into the Feast of Trumpets on 9/21/17.  This singular celestial alignment with a cluster of Heavenly signs on Hebrew Holidays has never happened before in history! In this way, the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx establish the astronomical and Scriptural witness of the Sept. 11th, 3 BC date for Christ’s birth marked by the Rev. 12 sign, with uniquely riveting evidence.

As we can see in Fig. 8 below the Ascending star shaft of the Great Pyramid is aligned to Regulus and Venus in Leo, while below the horizon the Descending Passage is aligned to the King planet Jupiter in Virgo. Here we not only have a separate corroboration of the Celestial Sphinx from the Great Pyramid, but we find too a rendition of the 3rd level of Virgo’s Crown, pointed out in these Rosh Hashanah alignments of the Great Pyramid! Virgo is figuratively Crowned with the Great Pyramid capped off with the Capstone, providing some foresight towards her future glory in the Marriage Supper of the LambAs this sign of Rev. 12 formed on Sept. 23, 2017, Jupiter was in Virgo’s womb for 400 days [40 x 10], leading to its birth.

Figure 8. Kings Chamber Star Shaft and Descending Passage Star alignments on Sept. 20-21, 2017. 17


As these Rosh Hashanah alignments took place in shafts and passages built into the Great Pyramid leading to the Rev. 12 sign on 9-23-17 prophesying of, and witnessing to Jesus Christ, there is another Pyramid alignment that occurred at this same time that we also need to recognize. In Fig. 9 below we find a vertical alignment due North through the Pyramid’s apex and missing Capstone on the Star Al Nitak, the “buckle” of Orion’s Belt. This alignment also took place at dawn on the morning prior to Rosh Hashanah in 2017. As we may recall this star Al Nitak meansthe wounded one” in the decan of Orion. Al Nitak’s position among the three belt stars of Orion is mirrored in the sky as the Great Pyramid is found on Earth, as the first of the other two Pyramids of Giza. Al Nitak as the “wounded one” agrees with Saiph the name of a star in one of Orion’s legs. In Orion’s other leg with foot raised, the vivid star named Rigel, meaning “the foot that crushes,” is pictured as it is crushing the enemy. The main star in Orion’s wounded leg is “Saiph” the same word for “bruised found in Ophiuchus’ heel star being stung by the Scorpion as it is found in the LXX of Gen. 3:15. 18 It is also noteworthy that at Christ’ birth, Al Nitak was seen at an angle of 51.51 degrees above the horizon of Bethlehem. This also reflects the geometry of the Great Pyramid, with the angle of each of its 4 sloped sides also being 51.51 degrees. Al Nitak thus embodies the Great Pyramid. 19

Figure 9. The Great Pyramid Apex alignments to Al Nitak of Orion’s Belt. 20

This narrative is uncovered as we notice the original meaning of ancient star names marked by the Great PyramidAl Nitak of Orion means the “wounded one,” referring to Christ’s sacrifice laying down his life in his first advent, as we saw in the Gen. 3:15 axis. This heliacal rising of Al Nitak, not only coincided with the meridian passage of Kochab of Ursa Minor, meaning-“waiting for him who comes,” in reference to the Second Coming of Christ, but it takes place  with the Sunrise in Virgo at dawn on Rosh Hashanah of 2017, the anniversary of Christ’s birth on Sept. 11th, 3BC. seen in Fig. 9 above. Even as these Rev. 12 heavenly signs appeared in 2017, with these alignment signs of the Great Pyramid, we will find similar Pyramid signs again in the years 2028, and 2047. 21 This prophecy of the Sonrise of the Ages inspires us to prepare for the victorious return of Christ when he defeats and crushes the dragon enemy with a fatal head blow, seen also in the star pictures of the Gen. 3:15 axis.

Thus far we have noted key apex Pyramid alignments with Al Nitak-the lead star on Orion’s Belt, on Rosh Hashanah of 2017, in Fig. 9 above on the anniversary of Christ’ birth on 9-11-3 BC. Secondly, the Scored lines in the Pyramid’s Descending Passage were aligned to the star Alcyone of the Pleiades- the foundation star. This is a second apex alignment of the Great Pyramid. While inside the Descending Passage, ProfSmyth found twoScored Lines,” pointing north over the Pyramid’s summit at right angles.

Smyth’s calculations showed, that as Thuban was on the meridian below the pole, the Pleiades star cluster was on the meridian above the pole, at the vernal equinox. 22 The Pleiades were aligned over the Pyramid’s apex unified with the “Scored Lines” in the Descending Passage that pointed up above, the Pyramid’s apex to the star Alcyone, the central star in the Pleiades. Smyth’s notable discovery; linking the Descending Passage alignment on the Pole Star (Alpha Draconis), with theScored Lines,” to the Pyramid’s apex at Alcyone, was another way of illustrating the transition between the fallen Morning Star to the new Ascendant Morning StarJesus Christ. This shows us how Lucifer’s former position as the central star [Alcyone], among the seven angelic ruling stars of heaven in the 1st Heaven and Earth, as seen in Plate 4 below, was lost due to his failed insurrection against the Almighty.

Even as the foundations of the First Heaven and Earth, were embodied in Lucifer the fallen archangel of light, the “cornerstone” of Job 38:6, so they are now in Christ [Isa. 28:16-17, Eph. 2:20-22]. The Hebrew word for “foundations” [H3245-yacad] means to lay, fix a foundation, established and ordained, with the idea of fixing something firmly.23 As we live now in the 2nd Heaven and Earth, so we look forward to the 3rd Heaven and Earth wherein dwells righteousness, [Job 26:7, Ps. 89:11, 102:26, 104:5-9, 48:13, 51:13-16]. Unlike the foundations of the 1st two Heavens and Earth, those of the 3rd will never change, because the dominant authority and power of the Chief Cornerstone is Christ, and his spiritual body of the Church is everlasting.

Plate 4. Alcyone of the Pleiades star cluster over the apex of the Great Pyramid. 24

Some added historical perspective on the Pleiades star cluster here would be helpful. There are some references to the Pleiades in ancient China related to their Lunar Zodiac. The Lunar Zodiac was first referenced in China under Emporer Yao in the 23rd Century BC. In China’s astronomical records, the Pleiades star cluster was among the earliest of Lunar houses on record, dating to 2357 BC, when the star Alcyone in the Pleiades was near the vernal equinox. 25 The 7 stars of this famed cluster as we have seen are named in Job [9:9, 38:31] and were referred to collectively as a “heap or accumulation, and the congregation of the judge or ruler.26 They are also referenced in Rev. 1 as a mystery.” 

Rev. 1:20
20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

The Pleiades Star Cluster
[AAO Photograph]

Here we can see how the Ascended Jesus Christ as the chief Cornerstone unifies the seven stars-ruling angels in his right hand. At the same time he also unifies the 7 churches of men which are part of his spiritual body. This confirms the idea that the returning Christ as the Chief Cornerstone, fulfilling the place of the missing capstone, completes the full and perfect structure of the Great Pyramid. In this way, Christ completes the building of his Church and his spiritual body, integrated with his spiritual rule over the angelic realms.

As we noted with the star shaft alignments of the Great Pyramid in Figure 4 above, the alignment of the Great Pyramid’s Southern shaft of the King’s Chamber on the initial star of Orion’s beltAl Nitak, not only supports the idea of an Orion Correlation Theory, but even from a strict logistical viewpoint, it would be logical to put the Great Pyramid first in line on the axis of the plateau, as the first part of the master plan, mirroring Al Nitak as the first star on Orion’s Belt. This belt consists of three aligned stars, named Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. With the astronomical aspects of a Giza masterplan based on Orion’s Belt, we are very interested to check the biblical references to see what our view of Biblical Astronomy can tell us on this subject. This will be the subject of Part 2 of this study next month.

He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.” [Rev. 1:16]

This reference in Rev. 1:16 is certainly reminiscent of the helical rising of the 7 stars of the Pleiades, as these 7 stars preceded the dawning of the sunrise, both astronomically and spiritually reflecting the fall of the Angelic Morning Star, and the Rise of the Ascendant Morning Star-Jesus Christ. As we recognize the spiritual details of these events, we can find our own part in the body of Christ, to fulfill to the Glory of God in Christ in us!

God Bless!




1. https://www.ancient-code.com/15-facts-that-prove-the-great-pyramid-of-giza-was-built-by-an-extremely-advanced-ancient-civilization/
2. Plate 1 Picture credit [www.pinterest.com]
3. Plate 2 Picture credit. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p.46 Peter Thompkins
4. http://ancients-bg.com/the-sacral-geometry-of-the-great-pyramid/
5. http://www.geoman.com/jim/pyramid.html
6. Burnham’s Celestial Handbook, p. 863. Robert Burnham
8. http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/
9. Witness of the Stars, p. 153, E.W. Bullinger
10. IBID
11. IBID, p, 103
12. IBID
13. Witness of the Stars, p. 127, E.W. Bullinger
14. Picture Credit. “Horizon hieroglyph.” Pinterest.com
15. Fig. 7 picture credit. [watchfortheday.org]
16.  Tune-in Tuesday teaching; 6-29-21 “Living Looking Up“-Jon Nessle
17. Fig. 8 picture credit, [watchfortheday.org].
18. Witness of the Stars, p. 127, E.W. Bullinger
19. http://www.7witnesses.com/uploads/3/8/9/3/38938293/7_heavenly_witnesses_great_pyramid_rosh_hashanah_2017.pdf
20. Fig. 9 picture credit, [endtimesforecaster.blogspot.com].
21. IBID
22. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 88. Peter Thompkins.
23. Strong’s Concordance,  [H3245-yacad], James Strong.
24. Plate 4 picture credit, [Dream-prohecy@blogspot.com]
25. Star Lore Myths Legends and Facts, p. 409 William Tyler Olcott
26. Witness of the Stars, p. 121, E.W. Bullinger

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The Megalithic Monuments of Ancient Egypt, Pt. 1.

The Megalithic Monuments of Ancient Egypt, Pt. 1

As we have just celebrated our 7th anniversary of this Biblical Astronomy blog, we have a number of blogs posted on the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, but this posting takes a different approach, in that it considers the temporal context of structures like the Great Pyramid, the Great Sphinx and it’s nearby temples, with other buildings featuring ancient megalithic architecture in Egypt.

John Anthony West and Robert Schoch have provided strong geological evidence that the Great Sphinx is much older than the Archaeological establishment has been telling us. Dr. Schoch via his water erosion statistics on the Great Sphinx, holds that the origins of the oldest known stone monument on the face of the earth are closer to the 5-7000 BC era, instead of the conventional chronology of circa 25-2700 BC era. This puts the potential origins of the Great Sphinx in the Antediluvian or the pre-Noah’s Flood Age. This also puts the incept date of the Great Sphinx before the Ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom Pharaohs.1 Dr. Schoch’s water erosion data is convincing and solid scientific evidence, but is there evidence beyond ancient weather patterns of Paleo-Climatology studies showing a greater age for the Great Sphinx? It is notable that this water erosion data would be consistent with dating of Noah’s Flood scenario of the Great Sphinx, along with increased rainfall prior to the Sahara Desert appearing with its elevated surface temperates and decreased rain patterns in the post-diluvian world, around the Giza Plateau. Other elements to consider for an older Sphinx include the Great Sphinx Temple and Valley Temple. 2

In building the Great Sphinx’ adjoining temple, quarried stone blocks of over 200 tons were used, with some of this Sphinx temple masonry matching stone-work in building the Pyramids. This includes the causeway connecting the Giza Pyramids to the Great Sphinx, showing linkage between these uniquely historic monuments on a number of levels. It is logical that some of the quarried blocks were used to construct the Sphinx Temple, as the Sphinx was carved out of existing rock at the same site. The matching Architectural style found in the Great Pyramid, Great Sphinx and Sphinx Temple, produced with the same technology, unmatched in the modern world, capable of precise placement of these massive Limestones, is a key identifying feature setting the required expertise apart from the mud bricks for example, of the nearby Saqqara Pyramid, that conventional Archaeology maintains to be older than the megalithic Giza Structures. Yet if the Saqqara mud-bricks were older than the Giza megalithic structures, and subject to the weather patterns as the structures of the Giza Plateau, the mud-bricks would have crumbled long ago, as Saqqara is only 10 miles away from the Giza Plateau. 3 This evidence presents a major hole in the hypotheses of Conventional Archaeology, revealing inconsistencies in their efforts to protect their special interests.

The Inventory Stela, the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid | Ancient ...

With the exception of a few die-hards, most egyptologists consent to the accumulating body of archaeological and geological evidence, indicating that the Sphinx dates much older than the 4th Dynasty, and that the Sphinx was only restored by Chephren, not built during his reign. The Inventory Stela provides strong circumstantial evidence, by Khufu himself, that he or Kephren did not build the Great Pyramid, and that the Pyramid and Sphinx, already existed during his reign. Egyptologists like James H. Breasted, included the Inventory Stela in his official list of Egyptian artifacts, stating that it “bore all the marks of authenticity.” Also, the French Egyptologist Gaston Maspero whose well-known work, “The Dawn of Civilization,” stated that the stela was indeed a factual record of the life and deeds of Khufu.

Conventional Scholars have rejected the Inventory stela due to seemingly more modern stylized writings on the Stela, but this evidence becomes more robust as the story deepens. The ‘Inventory Stele‘ found near the Sphinx in the 19th century relates that Pharaoh Cheops/Khufu; Chephren’s predecessor – ordered a temple built beside the Sphinx, meaning the Sphinx already existed at this earlier time, and thus was not built by Chephren. Additional evidence from West and Schoch has solidified this theory. They expanded their weathering data on the Great Sphinx, including weathering differentials between the front and back half of the Great Sphinx.4 This evidence shows the front half of the Great Sphinx appears to be about twice the age as the rear of the Sphinx. Dating the rump of the Sphinx, it shows dates more consistent with Pharoah Kephren [circa 2500 BC], while the front half of the Sphinx exhibits dates from 5-7000 BC, according to Schoch’s erosion /weathering data.

Dr. Schoch’s erosion rates translate to about a foot of erosion every 100 years on the Great Sphinx. Since Conventional Archaeology holds to the Sphinx aged to about 4500 years, a problem arises when we consider that the Great Sphinx is only about 40 feet wide. There does not appear to be enough of the Great Sphinx to support the dating of Conventional Archaeology, since at these documented erosion rates, the Sphinx would have vanished about 500 years ago! This also begs the question in light of the colossal age and durability of the Megalithic Giza Monuments; If Kephren was indeed responsible for building the Great Sphinx, why would it be in need of repairs only 2-300 years later? 5

This evidence would potentially support the idea that Chephren renovated a Great Sphinx whose front half already existed, as supported by the Inventory Stela, while potentially adding the rump of the Great Sphinx as the newer addition, explaining the lesser age of the Sphinx’ rear. The history of efforts to repair the Great Sphinx in ancient Egypt date back to the Old Kingdom, [circa 2700 BC] which ended 200 years after Kephren’s death. This is further evidenced by hieroglyphs found in a style typical of the Old Kingdom, on the Sphinx Temple Granite Wall, showing this wall was present during Old Kingdom times, but the limestone blocks used to build the Valley Temple are older than the Granite Wall inscription. This tells us that the Valley Temple was built much earlier than the Old Kingdom, supporting the fact that Kephren did not build the Great Sphinx.

To put it in Dr. Shoch’s words; “If the granite facing is covering deeply weathered limestone, the original limestone structures must predate by a considerable degree the Granite facing. Obviously, if the limestone cores [from the Sphinx ditch] of the temples predate the granite facings, and these granite ashlars are attributable to Kaphre of the IVth Dynasty, then the Sphinx Complex was built before the reign of Kaphre.”6

It also suggests a master-plan for the blueprints to build these elements of the Giza Plateau including the Sphinx, its Temples and the Pyramids. Since these ancient megalithic Giza structures are characterized by unique technology that remains beyond the capabilities and engineering of the modern world, Conventional Archaeology has challenged Archaeologists like Shoch and West, to show similar examples of Megalithic Architecture from the same or similar period of Egyptian History. With this in mind, we present the following examples of Megalithic evidence from ancient Egypt.

The Base floor of the Temple of Hathor, at Dendera on the west bank of the Nile a little over 600km from Cairo, consists of megalithic stone flooring very similar to that found at the base of the Giza Pyramids, not to mention other ancient megalithic structures forming the pavement of the temples in Puma Punku, Bolivia. “The worship of Hathor in ancient Egypt dates back to Pre-dynastic times, [5500-3100BC] as Egypt’s main female deity. This Temple of Hathor was one of many centers of worship for the “Cow Goddess” and daughter of Ra, who inspired long sustained adoration evidenced with a series of shrines and temples, built and rebuilt by Pharaoh’s and Roman emperor’s alike.” 7

Figure A. Megalithic Flooring outside the Temple of Hathor in Egpyt. 8


As we have seen in previous blogs the origin and purpose of the Great Sphinx has its roots in astronomy. The stellar function of the Great Sphinx is augmented by the role of the Sphinx as a sighting device, tying directly to one of its astronomical uses, to observe and record the horizon points of the sunrise, as documented by Moses Cotsworth. This aspect of the Sphinx brings new light as taken with its astronomical origins found in the Dendera Zodiac, in Esneh, Egypt. Since the Dendera Zodiac was found in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera, we find another link in the ancient sites based on Megalithic structures of Egypt. What is fascinating about the Dendera Zodiac is that it provides the blueprints for the structure of the Great Sphinx, as the Alpha and Omega signs of the Mazzaroth or zodiac, and the astronomical basis for the Sphinx!

Figure 1. The Dendera Zodiac with Sphinx Insert. 9

Image of Dendera Zodiac with Temple of Esneh graphic inset

Job 19:23-25 [Revised English Bible]
Would that my words be written down! Oh, that they were engraved in an inscription! [24] That they were graven with an iron pen and filled with lead, carved in the rock forever! [25] For I know that my redeemer lives, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: [KJV]

These verses show the ancient PatriarchJob’s knowledge prophesying of his coming redeemer, and of his faith that his redeemer would stand at a future day upon the earth. His knowledge directly corresponds both, to a witness engraved in rock forever, remaining unto our day, that testifies to the celestial and written gospels. The word “For,” beginning verse 25, grammatically depicts the purpose of Job’s reference to a monumental witness in stone, whose longevity remains into our day, as a witness to the redeemer that Job foresaw so long ago. Thus Job’s reference, in this majestic declaration of his redeemer, graven in rock forever, is readily linked with this enduring memorial on the Giza plateau, analogous with the prophecy written in the stars between Leo and Virgo, seen in the Alpha/Omega signs of the Mazzaroth-the Great SphinxJob’s words certainly stand out as a reference to the witness of the stars in stone, a witness God provided to the Biblical Patriarchs written by Job, enshrining the sacred stone landmarks of the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid [Job 38:4-7, Isa. 19:19-20] as unique Biblical testaments of the truths of the Celestial and Scriptural Gospels.

It is a known historical and archaeological fact that the Great Sphinx was carved out of a rock formation on the Giza plateau, which is consistent with the testimony of God’s Word in Job 19:23-5, where the word “rock” [*H6697] means “a cliff, sharp rock compressed, or boulder.”10 Unlike the other structures on the Giza Plateau which were built with large stone blocks, this specific description of the Great Sphinx as “graven” from existing rockonly fits the Great Sphinx. The word “graven” [chaqaq] *H2710  in Job 19:24 means: to cut, carve, hew, mason, quarry, or engrave. 11

Generally, the Astronomical evidence for the age of the Great Sphinx has been ignored at this writing, which has also had a detrimental effect on the witness of a Gospel in the Stars, supported by the divine order of the constellations starting with Virgo, ending with Leo the Lion, which embody the Celestial Gospel, [Ps. 19].
The 10 constellations between these Alpha and Omega signs along with their 36 decans, complete the 48 signs that convey the gospel message. The Figure 1 image of the inset graphic, comes from the Square Dendera Zodiac in the Esne Temple seen in Fig. 2 below, where images of Virgo and Leo with the Sphinx between them are found on the left side of this rectangular zodiac.

The Temple at Esne, Egypt. 12
Temple of Esneh in Egypt
These famous ruins at Esne, which consist of a sandstone temple, with a portico of four rows of six columns. This zodiac is thought to be of the most remote antiquity, The latest temple, at this site seems to have been restored or rebuilt by Ptolemy Euergetes (B.C. 246- 222), with the portico erected later.

Figure 2. Square Dendera Zodiac from the Temple of Esne. 13

Related image

The image of the Great Sphinx is derived from the left side of this square zodiac consisting of upper and lower rectangles showing Virgo and the Sphinx in the lower rectangle and Leo the Lion in the upper rectangle. We have focused on this enlarged image below, where the composite Sphinx image between Virgo and Leo is crowned with an Egyptian Solar Disc, above a circular crown on Virgo’s head, perhaps indicating the Sun in Virgo/ Leo.

Figure B. Enlarged inset graphic of Virgo and Leo originating the Great Sphinx. 14

relief from the Temple of Esneh

The inset graphic on the Fig. 1 circular Dendera Zodiac above, is from the Esneh Temple, where an image of a Sphinx was put between the signs for Leo (on the lower left) and Virgo (on the right, holding a branch). The word sphinx meansto bind closely together(from the Grk-Sphiggo), depicting the point where the 12 signs of the Mazzaroth/ constellations begin and end. And, like the female head of the Sphinx, the constellations begin with Virgo, and end in the Sphinx’s lion tail, with Leo. This reveals the astronomical purpose of the Mazzaroth’s divine order in the Great Sphinx that unlocks the age-old mystery of the Mazzaroth, consistent with the themes of the Gospel in the Stars, that were taught by Biblical OT Patriarchs like Seth and Enoch. This is supported by strong ancient traditions in Egyptian Myth, where Enoch holds a key place as the embodiment of Thoth-the god of wisdom, and as the divine scribe-recorded the King’s deeds in his reign.

Thoth/Hermes, and Enoch were revered in their links to the invention of writing and sacred books. With common celestial roots where-Hermes ostensibly recorded 36,525 books and lived 365.25 years, while Enoch also lived 365 years, [Gen. 5:23] matching the number of days in the solar, or Sothic year. This stands out as an anomaly among all of Enoch’s OT Patriarchal relatives with life spans in excess of 895 years with the exception of Lamech who lived 777 years. Enoch was also the 7th from Adam, who walked with God, in the antediluvian age before Noah’s Flood. In later Judeo-Christian lore, descendants of Seth, including Enoch were credited with planning and building two pillars, one of which coincides with the Great Pyramid of Giza, and the other maybe the Great Sphinxencoded with prophetic wisdomin the Siriadic land,” referring to Egypt, the land of Sirius. 15 

Amazingly, the dimensions of the Great Pyramid also support this idea because; “the ratio of the Pyramid’s base perimeter to its height is none other than twice the quantity of pi. In other words, the Great Pyramid’s height is to its base perimeter as a circle’s radius is to its circumference. Using the Sacred cubit measurement, every one of the Pyramid’s basic external and internal measures can thus be expressed as a function of the quantities pi and 365.242. The Great Pyramid’s extraordinary geometry not only combines all the above data into a single elegant identification of the planet upon which we live, but it also gives these quantities durable expression in terms of themselves.”16

Image result for Golden Ratio Great Pyramid of Giza

If the goal was to depict Enoch’s role in the design and building of the Great Pyramid, what better way is there than to link Enoch’s out of place, signature life span of 365 years to the design and calendrical aspects of the Great Pyramid, in the absence of a complete written record? Like Joseph the Patriarch Jacob’s Son, who followed in Enoch’s steps as a Biblical non-Egyptian, who made a name for himself and a huge difference in the history of Egypt as ambassadors for the True God.

The larger image in Figure 1 above is from the Dendera zodiac taken from the ceiling of a Portico dedicated to Osiris in the temple of Hathor in Dendera, Egypt. “We find added indicators of the antiquity of this temple site in the astronomical alignment of the main temple to Gamma Draconis before 5000BC. Early texts refer to a Pre-dynastic temple that was rebuilt during the Old Kingdom, and further developed by New Kingdom Pharaohs including Thutmose III, Amenhotep III, and Ramses II and III. The present structure dates to the Greek and Roman periods, with the sanctuary and its enclosed surrounding chapels built by the later Ptolemies in the 1st century BC.”17

The Dendera Zodiac labels the 12 main constellations with their Decans. The bas-relief is dated variously from 5000+ BC to 50 BC, and is currently displayed at the Louvre in Paris. Since orthodox archaeology only dates the Sphinx back to the 4th Dynasty reign of Pharaoh Khufu-whose face they hold is that of the Sphinx, their dating of the Great Sphinx goes back to his reign around 4600 years ago. This theory rests on scant real evidence, and Khufu’s face on the Great Sphinx rests on little beyond conjecture. Dr. Schoch’s solid scientific archaeological geological evidence based on water erosion, dates the Great Sphinx to 5-7,000 BC. Geologists agree that ancient Egypt faced rains & flooding that has impacted much wear to the exterior of the Great Sphinx. Other than the evidence presented here; [Job 19:23-25], there are no known ancient historical records that mention the Great Sphinx, or its carving, so the astronomical purpose for the Great Sphinx, supported in the Dendera zodiac is some of the most solid evidence that has yet surfaced. This being the case, it deserves much more attention than has been paid by orthodox archaeology, who have ignored these records with the silent treatment for decades if not centuries.

The Astronomical purposes of the Great Sphinx are found first as a prime aspect of the heavenly signs linked to the Celestial Sphinx where we find unique planetary conjunctions that took place marking the Birth of Jesus Christ, in the constellations of  Virgo and Leo. Since these are the zodiac signs that constitute the Alpha-Omega signs of the Mazzaroth, forming the Celestial Sphinx, it provides a living practical example of Biblical Astronomy which the Great Sphinx itself memorializes. As a central example of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy, the Great Sphinx is a true living artifact of the divine science of Biblical Astronomy that the Creator still utilizes today, marking the heavenly signs of the Second Coming of His only Begotten Son. In this vein, we highlight the relief from the ceiling of the Temple of Esneh; [Fig. C], where the basic stellar figures of Virgo and Leo are unified in the Great Sphinx, pictured with the solar disk crowning the head of the woman-“sun clothing Virgo,” [Rev. 12:1] who is joined with the body of the Lion, over the serpent Hydra. This clear stellar image found at the Esne temple site housing the Dendera zodiac, provides strong archaeological support, not for the union of Virgo and Leo only, affirmed in the two stellar aspects of the Sphinx monument, but also the exaltation of the woman-Virgo. She is pictured at the right below, prominently holding her grain stalk, or branch [Al Zimach] as she appears in Dendera’s zodiac, symbolizing her bearing the promised seed, the light of the world. This ancient Egyptian archaeological hieroglyph on the Dendera Zodiac is a key piece of history in Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy narrative, that sheds new light on the Great Sphinx, prophesying of the Birth of Christ the Promised Seed.

Figure C. Ceiling Relief from the Ancient Egyptian Temple of Esneh. 18

The union of the ends of the ecliptic in the Great Sphinx, with the Sun in Virgo, as seen in the Temple of Esneh.
great sphinx

This sets the basic context of the original function of the Great Sphinx, including:

  • The unity of the Biblical Mazzaroth starting at Virgo and ending in Leo, summarizing the truths of Biblical Astronomy and Archaeo-Astronomy. These are the Alpha and Omega points of the circle of the zodiac or Mazzaroth, since the circular path of the Sun upon the ecliptic turns ever round through the 12 signs. The birth of the Sun of God is seen in Virgo [Rev. 12:1-2] and his destruction of the dragon/serpent is evident under Leo’s paws.
  • The original role of the Sun in this context of “clothing Virgo,” along with embodying the solar aspects of the Sphinx gains added meaning as the Son of Righteousness, runs his allotted race. [Ps. 19:4-5]
  • The Great Sphinx blueprints from the Square Zodiac found in the Temple of Esne, shows Virgo the woman holding her branch/seed on the right, with Leo the Lion on the left. Between them, we find the Lion’s body with the head of the woman crowned with a circular crown, and the Sun on her head. This embodies Ps. 19. as the Sun moving through his tabernacle as a bridegroom [v.4-5] rejoicing as a strong man to run his race completing the circuit of heaven. This represents the circular Crown as the 12 signs on the ecliptic on Virgo’s Head.
    A Stone monument memorializing these truths parallel the witness to the Coming Redeemer found in the Stars and in Scripture. The sign Virgo emphasizes her fertility or motherhood, as she holds in her right hand a branch, or staff, also a title applied to the Messiah as the offspring of David, and in her left hand some sheaves of corn, or seeds of wheat (ear of grain, spike of wheat (Spica). The star Spica, in Virgo, which appears to be only one of two specific stars shown on Dendera’s zodiac, the other being Sirius, embodies the Promised Seed-Jesus Christ in a four-fold ministry as King, Son of Man, Servant and Son of God, as seen in the Four GospelsMatthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Rev. 22:12-13
12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the [f]Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

Jesus is the Alpha and Omega not only in Scripture from Genesis to the end of Revelation, but also from Virgo to Leo in the Celestial Gospel of the Mazzaroth, represented in the Great Stone Monument of the Sphinx on the Giza Plateau. This also shows multiple examples of the Biblical figure of speech-[merismos] as in Acts 2:19-20 referring to astronomical and spiritual renditions of this figure in the Scriptures. With this in mind, let’s look at some specific stellar aspects of the Great Sphinx.

Stellar Elements of the Great Sphinx

There are at least three categories of Celestial Sphinx signs. The first is in a class by itself, that we find in Fig. D. Here, the head of the woman Virgo, clothed with the sun is rising above the horizon as seen from Jerusalem, with the full body of Leo the Lion, already risen. As a marker for the birth of Christ highlighting these two major components of the Great Sphinx, this sign certainly is worthy of our special attention. A second category of signs along these lines is seen also when the Sun is clothing Virgo. During this time of year, a period of about 20 days length, if planetary unions occur in both Leo and Virgo, the two stellar aspects of the Celestial Sphinx are thus highlighted. An example of this was seen in the signs surrounding the birth of Christ, from September 9th to the 14th in 3 BC. Fig. D shows the first of three conjunctions of Jupiter and Regulus in Leo first visible, as the heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ took place  September 11th, in Virgo. The original teaching of the witness of the signs of the mazzaroth is encapsulated in the zodiac signs Virgo and Leo and preserved in this ancient monument of the Giza plateau, the Great Sphinx. An interesting astronomical truth in support of this lies in the fact that the crowned head of Virgo actually bridges about 10 degrees into the sign Leo on the ecliptic. This is evident in connection with the star Denebola, in the lion’s tail. The star named Sarcam in Leo, is a Hebrew word meaning “the joining,”19 marking the point where the two ends of the Zodiacal circle have their joining. This is borne out in the sign Corvus, the bird of prey devouring the sea-monster Hydra, a decan of Virgo. The bright star in the eye of Corvus the Raven, called Al Chibar in Arabic means “joining together,”20 referring also to the union of these two ends of the true zodiac! This is pictured in Figure E. below, depicting the Hydra a prominent seadragon constellation [Isa. 27:1], with Corvus the Raven and carrion eater, shown devouring the perishing remains of the Serpent destroyed, under Leo’s extended claws. This is the enemy’s destiny that we also find pictured in Fig. C. the Temple of Esne above, with the serpent under the Sphinx’ paws.

 In 1811 Richard Wm. Hamilton was quoted in the Edinburgh Review showing a scholarly history of this view over 200 years ago in agreement with our position; “We believe the Sphinx to be the symbol of the Sun at the Summer Solstice, precisely at the point where the last degree of Leo meets the first degree of Virgo. The head of the woman joined to the body of the Lion seems to justify the explanation of the symbolic Sphinx.”21

Figure D. The Celestial Sphinx. 22

The Head of the Woman and the Body of the Lion as seen on Sept. 14th, 3 BC, on the eastern horizon from Palestine, forming the aspects of the Celestial Sphinx, marking the first Jupiter-Regulus Conjunction in Leo.

head of a woman and body of a lion

We find these landmarks at the head and tail of the zodiac, which adds light to Dr. Martin’s observation that: “the woman Virgo is the Constellation of Headship for all twelve signs. The head position of Virgo is located within the last 10 degrees of Leo.”23 Virgo’s head is seen in Fig. D, just below and adjacent to the star Denebola in the tail of the Lion, unifying the circle of the zodiac. When viewed in context with the witness of the Great Sphinx, this sign on 9-14-3 BC takes on added meaning, indicated in the Great Sphinx‘ two basic elements. These two elements are detailed in the movement of the King planet Jupiter entering Leo, the lion-body of the celestial Sphinx, while the Sun was in Virgo, the female head of this Sphinx. As the stars are allowed to speak in harmony with this witness in stone, the solitary guardian of the Giza plateau anticipates the dawning of a new day for mankind, as it predicts the birth of Spica, Virgo’s promised seed. Thus, the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid stand, as oracles, monumental prophets of both the Alpha and Omega, the first and second advents of Jesus Christ, revealing both his sufferings and glory. These stellar aspects of the Sphinx, supported by the picture of the eastern horizon during the early morning hours of September 14th, at the time of the first Jupiter-Regulus union. This distinct star picture of the Head of the woman Virgo rising above the horizon, with the body of the lion above her head, initiating the first of 3 Jupiter-Regulus unions, aligning the prophecy of the stars with the Scriptural prophecy of Genesis 49:8-10, is definitive evidence for our thesis. This triple conjunction of Jupiter-Regulus in Leo was bracketed by the two Jupiter-Venus conjunctions also in Leo between August 31st, 3 BC and June 17th 2 BC. The June 17th, 2 BC conjunction of  Jupiter and Venus the bright and Morning Star, was a most notable and attention-grabbing heavenly sign marking the birth of Christ.

Figure E. Hydra the Sea-Serpent beneath Leo’s claws, with Corvus the Raven and Crater the Cup of God’s Wrath, attached to its back.

Image result for Hydra constellation images

Not only does the Great Sphinx provide the divine order of the Mazzaroth as the Gospel in the Stars, but it also prophesies of the Birth of Christ with multiple celestial signs that occurred in Leo, the body of the Sphinx, as the Sunset in Virgo, the Sphinx’s head, on 9-11-3 BC. The unique crowning of the female head of the Sphinx is found in Figure C with a solar disc on Virgo’s head, as Virgo was clothed with the Sun, and the moon at her feet; [Rev. 12:1-2]. This ancient solar association with the Great Sphinx was later corrupted in Egypt in the astrological veneration of the Sun god-Ra.

The first dawn appearance of Leo at summer solstice would have signified to ancient observers circa 3000-2500 BC the opening of Nile Flood season. Since the star Sirius would be making its first dawn rising –known as a Heliacal Rising–at the same time, then the signal would be interpreted metaphorically as the sun entering or joining Leo in the horizon and the start of the Nile Floods, when also Sirius first became visible.

Figure 3. The Great Sphinx facing Leo at Sunrise on the Summer Solstice. 24


The image in the eastern horizon at dawn c. 3000 BC at the start of the Nile flood i.e. summer solstice.

Graham Hancock explains in Heaven’s Mirror that, “computer simulations show that in 10,500 BC the constellation of Leo housed the sun on the spring equinox – i.e. an hour before dawn in that epoch Leo would have reclined due east along the horizon in the place where the sun would soon rise. This means that the lion-bodied Sphinx, with its due-east orientation, would have gazed directly on that morning at the one constellation in the sky that might reasonably be regarded as its own celestial counterpart. 25

Robert Bauval tells us the ancient Egyptians believed that their Pharaohs were earthly representations of a god they called Horakti. Another similar name used this way in Ancient Egyptian was Horemakhet, that Bauval says was used only for the Great Sphinx of Giza, whereas the name Horakti applied to a figure on the eastern horizon identified with the constellation of Leo the Lion. Bauval also sees problems with Kephren/Kaphre as the builder of the Great Sphinx, as seen in the following statement; “…there is a problem allocating the Great Sphinx to Kaphre, a king of the IVth Dynasty who reigned c. 2500 BC since the Great Sphinx is gazing directly DUE EAST, whereas the constellation Leo arose at that time some 28 degrees North of Due East.”26 This of course, is based on the assumption that if 2500 BC was the correct date for the construction of the Sphinx, then the Sphinx would align with Leo the Lion on the Horizon, marking the date of its building, which was not the case.

The Key Aspect of other Megalithic structures in ancient Egypt during the general period of the inception of the Giza structures is a primary consideration of this blog. Elements of the Great Sphinx Complex include the Sphinx, Valley Temple, and Sphinx Temple which were all built with the same materials. The Giant megaliths of this Temple match their limestone blocks sourced from the Great Sphinx enclosure. 27 Not only is the Great Sphinx linked to Giza’s Pyramids via the surface causeway between the Sphinx and the second Pyramid, but also potentially with some other megalithic technology of ancient Egypt, via its hidden underground passages. At last inventory, there are three Sphinx tunnels that have been identified so far. One is in the front of the Sphinx, between its paws. A 2nd is on the Sphinx‘ North-side, and a third at the rear-near the Sphinx’ tail. Egyptologist Z. Hawass was able to enter this 3rd tunnel, for the first time as the tunnel was dug out during recent restorations of the Sphinx. Normally, Hawass is against alternative theories relating to Ancient Egyptian Archaeology, but in this case he stated his belief that three underground tunnels connect the Sphinx Complex to the Osireion and the Great Pyramid. 28

Figure 4. The Osireion- Perhaps The oldest Egyptian Temple [in Abydos]. 29

Osireion at Abydos, Megalithic Egypt

The 3rd Pyramid of Menakure also fits the megalithic signature of Giza, in that it’s casing stones at the base of the Pyramid display the same precision found at the Osireion. Potential passages linking these ancient megalithic sites would prove strong added evidence for the ancient culture that produced these collossal buildings during the same period, with a technology that remains beyond the building capacity of modern man. The Osireion Complex was originally covered with roof lintels of up to 200-ton blocks, placed atop the columns from above. These monoliths are heavier and placed with more precision than any other Egyptian building, and without any inscriptions, unlike other Egyptian funerary monuments. Considered the Tomb of Osiris, the Osireion is thought to be a contemporary of the Gobekli Tepe site in Turkey, widely considered the oldest archaeological site in the world. 30

A main reason why orthodox archaeology has suppressed and ignored the ancient astronomical evidence for the Great Sphinx, is that it undermines their theory of the origins and builders of the Sphinx, not to mention the other elements of the Giza Plateau. Obviously, if the origins of the Great Sphinx are based upon the evidence seen in the Dendera Zodiac, and the Sphinx horizon alignment, it not only washes out the cherished theory that the Sphinx was built by the Pharaoh’s Khufu/Kapfre, but it also credits Bible Patriarchs while showing the Sphinx as an ancient prophetic marker for Christ. However, these links between Dendera Zodiac and the Sphinx also raises the question; which came first: The Great Sphinx or the plans & blueprints for the Great Sphinx? Considering the potential age of the Sphinx, and its link to the Dendera Zodiac, it certainly shines new light on both the Sphinx and Dendera’s Zodiac, with the potential ages of both these historic artifacts, demanding a reconsideration of these ancient monuments and their important role in human history, our spiritual legacy and future of our planet. The wonder of these ancient Megalithic architectural master-pieces in pointing the way to the central figure in human history cannot be swept under the sands of the Sahara any longer. As these monuments witness to the birth and return of the Lord Jesus Christ, it demands our attention!

God Bless!



1. The Mystery of the Sphinx, New Scientific Evidence [Director’s cut expanded for TV], Boris Said.
7. “Dating the Dendera Zodiac, Egypt’s famous Greco-Roman Zodiac.” Park and Eccles
8. https://www.theancientconnection.com/dendera-temple-hathor/
9. Posted on  by Asec
10. Strong’s Concordance, [H6697]. James Strong
11. IBID [H2710]. 
12. The Temple of Esneh as found on the “Egyptian Post Card Page” at http://itdsrv1.ul.ie/~bolgerb/pc_egy.html.
13. Figure 2. Picture credit -Dendera Square Zodiac. http://www.voyager.co.nz/~masonpj/zodiac.htm
14. From The Alpha and the Omega – Chapter 1, Jim A. Cornwell, 1995.
15. The Works of Josephus, p. 32. Flavius Josephus
16. Decoding the Great Pyramid, Lemesurier p. 12
17. [https://sacredsites.com/africa/egypt/dendera.html]
18. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger, p.21
19. IBID, p. 165
20. IBID, p. 169
21. The Edinburgh Review, Richard William Hamilton, 1811.
22. Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, p. 45 American Christian Press.
23. The Star that Astonished the World, p.187, Dr. Ernest Martin
24. http://myblog.robertbauval.co.uk/
25. Heaven’s Mirror, Graham Hancock & Santha Faiia
26. [http://myblog.robertbauval.co.uk/2014/12/22/the-age-of-leo]
27. https://www.theancientconnection.com/megaliths/egypt/megalithic-osireion-egypt/
28. IBID
29. IBID [picture credit of the Osireion].
30. [https://www.theancientconnection.com/megaliths/egypt/sphinx-complex/]


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The Celestial Prelude and the Celestial Encore

Birth of Jesus Christ
Biblical Astronomy of the Birth of Christ

This is the first Blog post since Rev. Jon Nessle taught us about the record of Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost in 28 AD. His teaching on the Figure of SpeechMerismos was a key revelation to us all, and a milestone to me especially with Peter’s reference to the Prophet Joel in Acts 2:17-21. Jon Nessle taught us that in v. 20 where; “The sun shall be turned into darkness and the Moon into blood before the great and notable day of the Lord come,” first refers to solar and lunar eclipses that don’t take place together as the Science confirms, therefore as this does not refer to literal truth, it must be figurative. As solar and lunar eclipses depict the Moon on opposite sides of the earth, it represents a “juxtaposition of 2 extremes,” which in Figures of Speech is called a Merism. This figure illustrates a combination of two contrasting words or subjects that refer to an entirety. Since this Merismos in Acts 2:20 is celestial in nature, the entirety referred to is different kinds Celestial signs, not only Solar and Lunar eclipses, that take place before the Lord’s Return. Since Peter’s Pentecost Sermon in Acts 2 took place on the opening day of the Age of Grace, the entirety of Celesial Signs could potentially include all these signs during the Age of Grace. Thus we are very thankful that the Heavenly Father gave us both a general and specific pattern of various celestial signs that not only marked the birth of Christ, but also mark his Return, based on similar celestial patterns in each case. This is the basic premise of the Celestial Prelude, which are the preliminary celestial signs that allowed the Magi to recognize the actual signs the marked the birth of Christ, of the 1st Celestial Prelude.

As He set the truth of the coming redeemer-Jesus Christ in His Written Word, He also backed these truths with many signs and wonders on earth, and in the heavens. These Heavenly Signs spoke to those with eyes to see, just as loudly as the witness of the Scriptures. As this was the case with the first coming of Christ, so it is with his imminent Return. In light of the merismos figure of speech in Acts 2, which specifically references solar and lunar eclipses referring to all types of celestial signs, our examination of the Blood Moon Tetrads takes on added meaning and depth for the end times, since God provided a blueprint of heavenly signs, starting over 2000 years ago, marking the birth of Christ, in the first Celestial Prelude, provides the keys to our recognition of The Celestial Encore of Christ’s 2nd Coming. We find this Scriptural record in Revelation 12.

Rev. 12:1-2 “Now a great sign [semion] appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the Sun with the Moon under her feet, and on her head a Crown of 12 stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.”

Virgo marking the birth of Christ
Virgo Clothed in the Sun with the Moon at her Feet on 9-11-3BC-Tishri 1.

The last and key element of Rev. 12:1 is “on her head a Crown of 12 stars.” As Virgo and Leo are the Alpha and Omega signs of the Mazzaroth, we find a primary version of the 1st Merismos in Acts 2:19a of “wonders in heaven above and signs in the Earth beneath.” Since the earthly wonder of the Great Sphinxas the oldest monumental sculpture on the face of the earth, is noteworthy as a composite symbol of the head of the woman Virgo who is crowned [G4735-stephanos] with the other 11 signs or constellations of the zodiac, even as the 11 stars bowed to Joseph [Gen. 37:9], ending in the Body of the Lion-Leo. This provides what I’ve referred to as the “Celestial Sphinx,” a term which now has found a home as the heavenly version of the juxtaposition of 2 extremes encapsulating the entirety of the celestial signs on the ecliptic. It is key to realize that the signs of Rev. 12:1 are summarized in context of signs in Virgo and Leo, which describes a sign of the Celestial Sphinx. One function of this dual Merismos in Acts 2:19-20, is that of all the potential celestial signs in the Age of Grace, how do we differentiate the celestial signs marked by God’s Hand for a sacred purpose from those that are not? At least part of the answer is found in celestial signs marked as they occur in Virgo and Leo. We will find examples of this as we proceed.

God also marked the coronation of His only begotten Son in the heavens with a triple conjunction of the King planet Jupiter with the King star Regulus in Leo during 3-2 BC, based on Jupiter’s retrograde motion. Thus, his birth on the key day of Tishri 1 in Hebrew timekeeping was foreordained by God, to fit the pattern of 7 primary Hebrew Feast and holy days of their sacred calendar, since before the foundations of the world. This key date on Israel’s calendar perfectly synchronizes to mark Jesus’ birthday on Hebrew New Years Day, Tishri 1.

To help us grasp the critical importance of the holy day of Tishri 1, the 7th month, we turn to the following reference from Alfred Edersheim:

“Just as age was reckoned from Tishri 1 to Tishri 1, so were the regnal years of Judean Kings. The blowing of trumpets of Rams Horns was also part of the coronation ceremony of these Judean Kings.” 2

Thus the start of Jesusreign as King of Kings is marked on his birthday of Tishri 1, the “Day of Trumpets.” The significance of the King’s Coronation tied to Rosh Hashannah, New Years Day and the head of Israel’s calendar, is that Jesus as the King of Kings presides over all temporal, civil and sacred matters as King-High Priest of Israel. Thus it is fitting that a majority of Blood Moons would occur near this area in Virgo, symbolizing Israel, near its brightest star Spica-Al Zemach, marking the only begotten Son and offspring of God the Father. We can see the wisdom in understanding the dual significance of this Revelation 12 prophecy, as it not only applies to Jesusfirst appearance with his birth and sufferings, but also his victorious return in Glory. Almighty God has mirrored the heavenly signs marking the birth of Jesus Christ, 2000 years later in the light various types of celestial signs and the lunar glow of the Blood Moon Tetrads with Israel’s re-birth and gathering as a nation, to set the stage for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This Scripture gives us the keys to decipher the celestial signs marking the first and second coming of Christ. A sign in the heavens in Rev. 12:1, refers to a celestial sign on the path of the Sun, called the ecliptic in the heavens. On this path which the Sun takes through the heavens in its annual course, there is only one sign or constellation on the mazzaroth depicted as a singular womanVirgo the virgin. Virgo is clothed with the Sun for 20 days every year- one of the 12 keys of the “Celestial Preludelisted below. However, the Moon only appears at the feet of Virgo 1 day each year while she is clothed with the Sun. This was September 11th in 3 BC marking the birth of Christ, [Rev. 12:1-2].

Figure 2. Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Pisces, May 29th, 7 BC.3


The Specific signs setting the pattern of the birth of Christ, starting in the first Jupiter-Saturn union of 7 BC, set forth key signposts that the Magi were on the lookout for in 3 BC. These preliminary signs from 7-5 BC provided the Magi the blueprints they would need to recognize the heavenly signs identifying the time frame of the birth of Christ. When this study was first posted almost 20 years ago on our Try-God.com website, I termed it the “Celestial Prelude.” The fact that the heavenly signs of this dress rehearsal unfolded over a two-year period was also a clue of what the Magi could expect, when the curtain actually arose on the celestial pageantry of the birth of Christ. Below is a reprint of the key points posted in a “Summary of the Celestial Prelude,” which serves as a good starting point for review, in light of the most recent context of Jon Nessle’s teaching on the Merismos in Acts 2, along with key points that allowed the Magi to recognize the signs marking Christ’s birth. This was provided within the framework of the truths of the celestial gospel that were first unveiled to Biblical Patriarchs, and later corrupted in astrology forming a basis of mythology the world over. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction cycle has a long and distinguished Biblical history marking the births of both Abraham and Moses, and it’s only fitting that it would play a key role in marking Christ’s birth.

The Prophet Daniel taught the original Magi and other astronomers of the king Nebuchadnezzar’s court [Dan. 5:11] about these planetary unions from the contemporary example of a Jupiter-Saturn triple union 523-522 BC in Virgo. Less than 400 years later, in 132 BC a new star or supernova exploded in a decan of Virgo called Coma, [Fig. 3].

Figure 3. The decan Of Coma from the Dendera Zodiac. 4

Image result for decan corona

Pictured as seen in the Dendera zodiac above, in the head of the child held in his mother’s arms, the new star, or supernova burst onto the scene drawing attention to the sign Coma, meaning “The Desired of all Nations” [Hagg. 2:7]. This supernova burned brightly for about 275 years as a beacon lighting the way to the general time wherein the birth of Christ would occur. This truth disclosed that as The Desire of all Nations, Jesus Christ was coming for the redemption of all mankind, not just Israel.

The Coma supernova also set the stage for the next triple union of Jupiter-Saturn in 7 BC that lead to the birth of Christ. This Conjunction took place in Pisces, marking a transition in the ages of the precession of the equinoxes, from the Age of Aries to the Age of Pisces. This new Precessional Age was marked because in the prior 2160 years, Aries was the sign wherein the Sunrise occurred on the Spring equinox. The Triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in 7BC marked the first time the Sun arose in the Sign of Pisces, on the Spring equinox, marking the new Precessional Age of Pisces. In Fig. 4 we find the king planet Jupiter in retrograde motion in Pisces in 7 BC, forming its triple union with Saturn, with a dual function of not only highlighting the new Age of Pisces, but also pointing to the signs  marking the long-awaited appearance of the only begotten Son of God, who would bring salvation to all mankind.

Over 2000 years has already passed since this opening of the Piscean Age, with the Birth of Christ taking place 4 years after its opening. This Sign of Pisces is marked by two fish, one swimming vertically towards the North Pole and the other horizontally along the ecliptic. The fish represent the houses of Israel and Judah, further imparting the Promised Seed would come from the Royal House of Judah. Christ had to be the Son of Adam, Abraham and David to fulfill all righteousness. The fullness of the gap between the sufferings of the Lord, seen during his first Advent, and his glorious return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, continues to take place in the spiritual Administration of Grace and the Precessional Piscean Age.

During the time of the rise of ancient Israel, in last millennium BC, there were 43 “normal” conjunctions between these two planets, with at least 7 Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunctions taking place, with varying intervals from 40 years (as from 861 to 821 BC and again between 563 to 523) to 377 years (as between 523 to 146 BC). The events following the 7 BC triple union of Jupiter-Saturn are shown in the chart below [Fig. 4], in 5-BC, as specific key celestial events that lead to the Magi’s recognition of the birth of Christ, in 3-2 BC.

Figure. 4 The Celestial Prelude-Specific Signs of 7 BC to 5 BC

Date Conjunction of Planets Constellation
May 27th, 7 BC Jupiter-Saturn Pisces
Sept. 15th, 7 BC Jupiter, Saturn; [ring cycle], Sun & Earth aligned Pisces
Oct. 5th, 7 BC Jupiter-Saturn Pisces
Dec. 1st , 7 BC Jupiter-Saturn Pisces
Feb. 25th 6 BC Triangular massing of Jupiter, Saturn & Mars Pisces
Mar. 5th , 6 BC Jupiter-Mars Conjunction Pisces
April 15-20, 6 BC Lunar Occultations  Series
Mar. 23rd, 5 BC Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse/Nova  Virgo
Sept. 15th, 5 BC Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse Pisces

As this chart reflects after the Jupiter-Saturn triple union of 7BC came a triangular massing of Jupiter-Saturn and Mars, also one of the traits listed below on the heels of this Feb. 25th, 6 BC Conjunction including Mars, in the next month came a remarkable series of lunar occultations, followed by two total lunar eclipses in 5 BC.

In the Summary of the Celestial Prelude, the 12 key elements below recognized by the Magi including the Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunction of 7 BC, are listed that had a direct application in helping them understand the heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ in 3-2 BC. The triple conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in 7-6 BC that the Magi were best acquainted with, is covered in my article on The Specific Signs @ [www.try-god.com]. Doctor Earnest Martin agrees as he states in his writings: “The year 3/2BC was certainly an extraordinary one for visible astronomical exhibitions, as there was no year similar to it for many years on either side (a foretaste had occurred back in 7 BC, as Jupiter and Saturn had come into union on 3 occasions: May 26, October 3, and December 1, and this was followed in early 6 BC with a close triangulation with Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. This occurred as the planets were in Pisces.”5 [emphasis mine]

As the Magi were able to identify the Star of Bethlehem based on these 12 traits of the Celestial Prelude following the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in 7 BC, and key Lunar activity so we can see links to the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad leading to the repeat of the Rev. 12 sign on Sept. 23rd 2017. These twelve stellar pointers provided by the Heavenly Father left no doubt as to the time of year, the specific day and even the time of day for the Magi to recognize the time frame of the birth of the only begotten Son of God. These details of the Celestial Prelude are unique to the Try-God.com and blog sites since we have detailed this account of the celestial markings of the birth of Christ, it is fitting that we should reconstruct the specifics of the Solar and Lunar eclipse Tetrads that accompanied the Jupiter-Saturn triple union of 7-6BC, leading to the birth of Christ, in light of the various types of signs including the modern Blood Moon Tetrads for end-times insight. This will follow in a separate blog study next month.

By methodically researching the following traits of the Celestial Prelude I was able to grasp, and work through the celestial observations of the Magi and how they decoded the heavenly signs the Heavenly Father had left for them. They left a trail that leads directly to the signs marking birth of Christ on Sept. 11th, 3 BC. The characteristics of the Celestial Prelude are listed below:


The Characteristics of the Celestial Prelude

  •  Jupiter was clearly marked as “his star.” [Matt. 2:2]
    Jupiter was involved in a triple planetary Conjunction in 7 BC.
    This Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunction occurred with two Tetrads of Solar & Lunar Eclipses in 7-6 BC.
    Jupiter was involved in a series of planetary conjunctions.
  • Jupiter’s retrograde motion would play a key role.
  • Jupiter’s triple union was followed by a massing of planets.
  • This massing of planets was followed by a Mars Conjunction.
  • The Jupiter-Mars Conjunction was followed by a series of lunar occultations, and a Total lunar eclipse.
  • This series of conjunctions would last about two years.
  • The annual twenty days when the Sun is in Virgo would be a key.
  • The September 15th alignment of Jupiter, Saturn the Earth and Sun in 7 BC that occurred in the evening at sunset, directed the Magi’s attention to the end of the 20-day period when Virgo was “clothed with the Sun.” [Rev. 12:1-2]
  • The second lunar eclipse on September 15th of 5 BC established that the Magi should be watchful of lunar activity during this time. This framed the 42-minute period between Sunset and Moonset on the only day of the year when Virgo “was clothed with the Sun and the moon at her feet.” [Rev. 12:1-2]
  • The September 15th Heliacal Rising of Jupiter and Saturn foreshadowed the Heliacal Setting of Spica, located between the setting Sun and Moon in Virgo, identifying a 30-minute period when the birth of Christ happened.

These stellar pointers provided by the Hand of the Heavenly Father left no doubt for the Magi of the birth of the only begotten Son of God.  These solar and lunar eclipses and signs of the Celestial Sphinx leading to the birth of Christ, shown conclusively with the planetary conjunctions, Meteor showers, and Solar-Lunar Tetrads of 7-6BC, in light of the Blood Moon Tetrads and other types of celestial signs leading into and beyond, the 9-23-17 Rev. 12 sign for key insight into Christ’s Return.

Starting on the 1st trait of the Characteristics of the Celestial Prelude list, the Star of Bethlehem [Jupiter] the King Planet that the Magi followed to Jerusalem and the birth of Christ, it is Jupiter again that is birthed from Virgo’s Womb on Sept. 9th 2017, after spending 42 weeks-the normal time of human gestation in her womb due to Jupiter’s retrograde motion. This speaks to the 2nd and 4th traits that Jupiter’s Retrograde motion would be a key as it was for the Magi in identifying the triple planetary union of Jupiter-Regulus beginning 3 days after the birth of Christ-the 2nd trait of the Celestial Prelude. We find a key to the 2nd Celestial Prelude in Rev. 12 with a repetition of other elements of these signs discussed below.

The third trait refers to Jupiter’s involvement in a series of Planetary Conjunctions. We find this manifested at the birth of Christ in a dazzling Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Leo on June 17th of 2 BC. It was two Jupiter-Venus conjunctions that actually bracketed the great majority of heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ in 3-1 BC. The 1st Jupiter-Venus Conjunction marking the birth of Christ took place on August 31st 3 BC, in Leo with the last one occurring on August 21st 1 BC, in Virgo. Here we find an interesting variation on a Celestial Sphinx sign highlighting planetary conjunctions of Jupiter-Venus, that took place during the first fulfillment the Rev. 12:1-2 prophecy relating to the sufferings of Christ in his ministry as the Passover Lamb. This alerts us that we should look for similar Celestial Sphinx signs in Virgo and Leo as a precursor to the Lord’s Second Coming. The fact that there were also two Venus-Mars conjunctions framing the central Jupiter-Venus union between March 31st, and Dec. 9th, 2 BC, marking the birth of Christ, sets a precedent that we find in like fashion leading to the Lord’s glorious Return. This refers to the sixth trait of the Celestial Prelude. In this light, the 1st Jupiter-Venus union occurred in August 2014 during the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, and it is with great interest that we noted two Venus-Mars unions in 2015, preceding 3 Jupiter-Venus unions in Leo, followed by Jupiter-Venus unions in Virgo in both 2015-16 & 2017. The initial Triple conjunction of Jupiter-Venus starting on July 1st, 2015 was all over the newscasts, and current events, being compared to the brilliant June 17th Jupiter-Venus planetary conjunction in 2 BC, 9 months after the birth of Christ. This indicates the key role of Solar and Lunar eclipses related not only to the birth signs of Christ, but also to his victorious Return.

Planetary Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus and the Celestial Sphinx.


The following dates witnessed Jupiter-Venus conjunctions in Leo in the Hebrew Jubilee year of 2015-2016:

June 30th, 2015
August 25th, 2015
October 26-27th, 2015 

The following dates saw Jupiter-Venus conjunctions in Virgo in 2016-and Nov. 2017: 

Aug. 27th 2016
Feb. 26th, 2017
Nov. 13th, 2017

As we discuss the 2nd heavenly sign in Rev. 12 below regarding the Eta Draconid Meteor Showers, we will find unique Pi and Phi ratio relationships in these Jupiter-Venus unions, that took place during and after the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad, also conforming to the Celestial Sphinx pattern of signs designed by the Hand of the Almighty to mark key signs with this special indicator related to the dual figure of Speech Merismos in Acts 2:19-20.

The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 as part of the signs of the 2nd Celestial Prelude concerning the Lord’s Return, was foreshadowed by lunar eclipses leading to the birth of Christ, which we find in the 7th trait of the 1st Celestial Prelude. The Jupiter-Saturn triple Conjunctions in 7 BC, highlighted by a planetary alignment on Sept. 15th BC, initiated a pattern of heavenly signs that reappeared in September of 5 BC with a pair of eclipses. This embodies the 10th trait of the Celestial PreludeOn 9-1-5 BC there was a partial Solar eclipse, with a Total Lunar eclipse following 14 days later on 9-15-5 BC. These heavenly signs exactly 2 years apart, enlightened the Magi that they should be on the lookout for heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ, in the next 2-year period in September of 3 BC– the 8th trait of the Celestial Prelude. Since September marked Hebrew New Year’s Holy day, of Rosh Hashanah starting the seventh month of Tishri, on September 11th, the Magi would have been on notice with their eyes riveted to the heavens for the signs denoting the coming of the prophesied King of the Jews. As stated in the 11th trait of the Celestial Prelude, the lunar activity in 5 BC tipped off the Magi to be watchful of lunar activity during this time, two years later inBC. This framed the 42-minute period between Sunset and Moon-set on the only day of the year when Virgo “was clothed with the Sun with the Moon under her feet,” [Rev. 12:1]. This period in mid-September towards the end of the annual 20-day time-frame when the “Sun was clothing Virgo,” was also marked by the first of 3 unions of Jupiter and Regulus in 3-2 BC, three days after the birth of Christ, showing a celestial coronation ceremony where the king star Regulus in Leo, the sign marking the Lion of the Tribe of Judah [Rev. 5:5], was crowned by the king planet Jupiter as a result of Jupiter’s retrograde motion in Leo. This was a key aspect of the Creator’s means to show the triple crowning of His Promised Seed in the heavens, but it was also a Celestial Sphinx sign, marking the birth of Christ in both Virgo and Leo. [Gen. 49:9-10]

Another principle guiding our study of the birth and return of Christ concerns the dual fulfillment of the signs seen in Rev. 12. We find this first in the dual significance of the “woman” of Rev. 12. In verses 1-2 the woman refers to Mary who bore Jesus Christ, as she is symbolized in the constellation Virgo, the only sign of a woman on the ecliptic. It is noteworthy that the woman is embodied both in her human and celestial versions as Mary and Virgo in this biblical record, qualifying as both earthly and heavenly signs that are delineated in the first rendition of the dual Merismos in Acts 2:19 that mark the coming Christ. As the Rev. 12 record proceeds, the representation of this woman changes. Rev. 12:6 tells us this woman fled into the wilderness for 1260 days, which does not match with the period Joseph and Mary fled Israel with Jesus into Egypt, so it no longer refers to Mary, but Israel. Since the generation of Israel at the time of Christ- rejected him, their rewards are held in abeyance, which opened the door for the Gentiles to be grafted into the olive tree of Romans 10-11. Now Christ is preparing to return to a reformed Israel of Prophecy, that we have seen coming to pass in the last 70 years. This has also been documented in the Celestial Gospel, in signs we have been recently researching and discussing, as they are apparent, for example in Figure 6 below.

From the first prophecy of the Promised Seed [Gen. 3:15] the woman’s seed was declared as the one to bruise the serpent with a terminal death blow to its head. Rev. 12:4 below reveals the central goal of the adversary, “to devour the woman’s child as soon as it was born.” All of Biblical history revolves around this conflict between the two seeds; the seed of the woman vs. the serpent’s seed. Just as the “woman” has a dual fulfillment, so the symbolism in reference to the serpentdragon in Rev. 12 changes also.

Revelation 12: 3-5
3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

“And there appeared another wonder in heaven”- “Another” is a Greek word indicating that this heavenly wonder was different from that described in Rev. 12:1. Even as the first heavenly wonder involved the woman of the Constellation Virgo, so this 2nd heavenly wonder, although different from Virgo, was still a Constellation.

and behold a great red dragon“- Although there are several celestial candidates for this sky dragon, including Hydra which also spans a third of the stars of the ecliptic with its massive size, it becomes apparent that Draco is the sign that is referred to in its initial significance in Revelation. This is the first of 13 occurrences of the Greek word “drakon in the book of Revelation, with the first eight uses of this word here in Rev. 12, [Rev. 12:3, 4, 7, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, Rev. 13:2, 4, 11, Rev.16:13, 20:2]. The number 13 is symbolic of rebellion and the dragon embodies the idea of spiritual warfare in the heavens. As we inspect the details of the Biblical record of Revelation 12, the traits of Draco the dragon come to the surface. The first incidence of the word “Dragon” in Rev. 12:3 are focused traits of Draco over the other names of the adversary in Rev. 12:9. As a result of the war in heaven, the dragon and his 1/3 of the heavenly angels were cast down to the earth. This was depicted celestially as a meteor shower in 3 BC, surrounding the birthday of Jesus Christ. So as the Great Sphinx and the WomanMary and Virgo have both heavenly and earthly renditions, so too does the Dragon who formerly ruled the angels in heaven, but is now cast down to the earth. The celestial figure that embodies the casting down of the dragon, is a type of celestial sign called a Meteor shower.

In the dragon’s tail there is a star called Eta- Draconis, which was the radiant or source point for the Draconid Meteor Showers that appear to emanate from this star in Draco’s tail, which took place from Sept. 9th-12th in 3BC. This of course includes the birth date of Christ on Sept. 11th, showing the dragon’s falldragging down the Angel’s he deceived in his tail, matching with the appearance of Jesus Christ the Son of God. This highlights one of 3 different Meteor showers emanating from Draco, two of which have their radiant in Eta-Draconis, with the third star being Grumian or Grumian, meaning “subtle or deceiver.” Of the two Draconid Meteor Showers radiating from Eta- Draconis, one is viewed as the greater and the other the lesser, and it was the lesser that fell during the birth of Christ from Sept. 9-12 BC.6 What is unique about this is that the lesser of the Eta-Draconids, are best viewed at sunset or the early evening, while most Meteor showers are best seen later at night. This matches the time between the setting Sun and Moon, Sept. 11th, 3BC, when the birth of Christ took place, just as the thin crescent of the New Moon was becoming visible that evening.

Figure 5.

In an excerpt below from the October 2nd, 98’ Weekly News Bulletin of Sky & Telescope;

On the evening of Oct. 8th, debris from the Periodic Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner may provide a stunning sky show. The Giacobinid Meteor shower produced two of the greatest  Meteor displays seen in the 20th century in 1933 and 1946. Lesser showers arrived in 1926, 1952, and 1985.”7

The graphic above from [Watchfortheday.org] shows a temporal Phi relationship between the Periodic Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner of 1900 and the 2020 Draconid meteor shower, with the 1946 Draconids between them. This depicts the impact of the Comet Giacobini-Zinner, with its resulting Meteor Showers over the 20th century and the first 20 years of the 21st.8 Biblically, 120 years [40 x 3] is a key time period in the lives of Men of God like Moses for example whose life span breaks down into 3, 40-year periods like this.

Thus, the birth of Christ is an excellent example of the multiple types of Celestial signs utilized to mark Christ’s Birth. We find the setting Sun and New Moon in Virgo with its brightest star Spica setting between the Sun and Moon, during an optimum viewing time for a specific Meteor Shower on Tishri 1, New Years Day a key day on the Hebrew CalendarGod provided multi-layers of evidence regarding these different types of celestial signs and their significance in relation to each other in Hebrew culture for us to realize the many ways God communicates with us using these media. It was Marshall MacCluhan that said “The media is the Message,” but I don’t think he had the Gospel in the Stars in mind when he turned that phrase. The message however remains the same centered around the sufferings and glory of the Lord, and how the Gospel in the Stars gets the message across in the different ages and spiritual administrations, that the Almighty has designed to organize his temporal order. Another category utilized by the Almighty to carry His truth is Mathematics and Sacred Geometry, which we find in the next graphic examples.

The following 5 Graphics, all from [watchfortheday.org],9 the first of which depicts a dual Pi relation between the 1st Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad on 4-15-14, and Adar 9-on 3-16-2019/the 70-year anniversary of Israeli Independence, marked by another Blood Moon Tetrad in 1949-50with the Great Pan American Total Solar Eclipse on 8-21-17, between them. This Pan American Total Solar Eclipse is one of 4 Solar Eclipses bracketing the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad. A 2nd Pi relation is drawn in this graphic also between the 10-7-2020 Draconid Meteor Shower and the 4-15-2014 opening Blood Moon of this Tetrad.

Figure 6.

The next Graphic from [watchfortheday.org]10, depicts a Pi relation between the 1st JupiterVenus conjunction during the most recent Blood Moon Tetrad on August 18th, 2014, and the Draconid Meteor shower on 10-7-2020, with Nisan 10 celebrating the 70-year anniversary of Israeli Independence in 2019, between them. This initial Jupiter-Venus union took place after the 1st Blood Moon in the 2014-2015 Tetrad had occurred on 4-15-2014.

Figure 7.

The next graphic from [watchfortheday.org] shows another Pi relation between the 2nd Jupiter-Venus union during the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad on 7-1-2015, which was extensively compared to the Bethlehem Star Jupiter-Venus union on June 17th, 2 BC, and the Draconid Meteor Showers of both 10-7-2016 and 10-7-2020. This union of the King planet-Jupiter, with the bright and Morning Star-Venus, shows a juxtaposition of the fallen Morning Star-Lucifer being cast down to the earth, as opposed to the ascendant Morning Star-Venus embodies the risen and ascended Christ.

Figure 8.

The next graphic shows a dual Phi relation between the 3rd Jupiter-Venus union bracketing the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, on Oct. 25-26, 2015 with a union of Jupiter-Saturn, the closest Great Conjunction since 1623, on the Winter Solstice, 12-21-20. The first Phi relation is found with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius on the Winter Solstice, while Jupiter is leaving Virgo’s Womb on October 13th, 2017, when an image of a fetus in the womb appears in the Sun, New Year’s day, 1-1-2019, between these two Jupiter Signs. This seems another form of juxtaposition as the first appearance of the Messiah seen in the solar womb marked by a Jupiter-Venus union like the one in 2 BC-the birth of the King, is set against the victorious conquering hero of the ages riding high as Sagittarius, in the birth pangs of his kingdom reign.

Figure 9.

The next graphic shows a Phi spiral relation between the Jupiter-Venus union after the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, on Aug27, 2016. This Jupiter-Venus union, shown in relation to the 10-7-2020, Draconid Meteor Shower, on 10-7-2020, with Jupiter leaving Virgo’s womb on 10-13-17, between them.

Figure 10.

With these heavenly signs from 7-1 BC marking the specifics of the Birth of Christ, we should not be surprised to see similar celestial events marking the much-awaited and prophesied return of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is in fact what we are seeing in light of the dual significance of Revelation 12:1-5. The biblical truths of this scripture tell not only of Christ’s birth, but also his second coming, established by similar heavenly signs marking both events. As we have seen prior to the time of writing this study, in the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, we are on a sharp watch for any heavenly signs that resemble those around his birth, and the signs from the Hand of the Almighty pointed out above, give us the basis of this research. This in truth, serves as a divine check and balance system in Biblical Astronomy, because as we see the blueprints of heavenly signs that told of the first coming of Christ, we will see a new, yet related version of heavenly signs grounded in the sacred pedigree of the Celestial Gospel, marking the triumphant return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as he crushes all the resistance of evil darkness.

We live in exciting times that require the vigil of a Watchman on the wall, and I’m proud to stand with my fellow believers in the body of Christ, shoulder to shoulder in our unbreakable unity in Christ, as our days of victory approach over the horizon.

God Bless!




1. Figure 1. Rev. 12:1-2 Picture credit from Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, p. 71, V.P. Weirwille
2. The Temple, Alfred Edersheim
3. Figure 2. Jupiter-Saturn conjunction graphic from Starry Nite Pro Software.
4. Figure 4. Picture credit from Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger, p. 34.
5. The Star that Astonished the World, Dr. Ernest Martin.
6. Happy Belated Birthday-Jesus Christ,” Jon Nessle
7. Sky & Telescope, Oct. 2nd, 1998.
8. Watchfortheday.org [The Draconids 120 year Phi]
9. IBID [Blood Moon 1 Dragon Pi]
10. IBID [Jupiter-Venus 1 Dragon Pi]
11. IBID [Jupiter-Venus 2 Dragon Pi]
12. IBID [Jupiter-Venus 3 Great One Phi]
13. IBID [Jupiter-Venus 4 Dragon Phi Spiral]



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