End Times Prophecy of the Great Pyramid and the Pi and Phi Ratios [Part 2]


End Times Prophecy of the Great Pyramid and the Pi and Phi Ratios

The Great Pyramid stands above the drifting sands of time, supremely dominating the Giza Plateau as the last remaining wonder of the ancient world. As both the literal and figurative axis mundi on the face of the earth, it is located at the center of the earth’s land mass at the head of the Nile River delta. As the nexus of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy, it embodies a sacred cosmology that emerges from Scripture, as perhaps the world’s greatest architectural witness to the Coming Redeemer Jesus Christ. The words of the Prophet Isaiah capture this truth:

Isa. 19:19-22
19 In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the heart of Egypt, and a monument to the Lord at its border. 20 It will be a sign and witness to the Lord Almighty in the land of Egypt. When they cry out to the Lord because of their oppressors, he will send them a savior and defender, and he will rescue them. 21 So the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians, and in that day they will acknowledge the Lord. They will worship with sacrifices and grain offerings; they will make vows to the Lord and keep them.

In August 2015’s archive post;  The Great Pyramid-the Boundary Stone of the Promised Land  Part I, we covered in detail how the truths of these verses in Isa. 19 describe the Great Pyramid. As we mentioned above the;  The Great Pyramid is located at the center of the land mass of the earth. The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect in two places on the earth, one in the ocean and the other at the Great Pyramid, which could be considered the navel of the earth.

Figure 1. Astronomical Alignments of the Great Pyramid’s Star Shafts

When we consider the Pyramid as an allegorical monument at the center of the earth’s geographical landmass, precisely oriented on the four points of the compass, we can see that God’s principles of Creation are opened to us on many levels because its axis alignment on the four compass points are joining geometric angles not only in space, but also in time. The exacting precision of the Pyramid’s orientation reveals first how it determines the boundaries of Egypt; {Isa. 19:19}, secondly, it shows an ancient knowledge of the earth’s dimensions which matches modern science’s knowledge 5000 years earlier, and thirdly it depicts the division of the heavens according to, not only the four cardinal points of the compass, but also the bi-polar model of the heavens including the great circles of the ecliptic and the equator. As a result the Great Pyramid unveils a foundation of spiritual truths in antiquity, revealed according to the code of a mathematical and geometric allegory, with both spiritual and scientific applications unveiling truth on multiple levels of study including; astronomical, geometric, architectural, geodesic, and geographical, among others. This combined testimony of the Great Pyramid provides a singular witness to the Omniscient power of the Creator, and Almighty God not only is the Sole Power capable of Creating our world and Universe we inhabit, but He left us unmistakable evidence glorifying Him as Creator. [Rom. 1:19-20]

Embedded in the mathematical and geometric principles governing the construction of the Great Pyramid are the key numerical constants Pi and Phi, as we mentioned in Part 1 of this post. Also if the height of the pyramid is taken as the radius of a circle, then the circumference of this circle is the same as the perimeter of the base. This provided the complimentary squaring of a circle and circling of a square. The key to this relationship is knowledge of the value of Pi, and designing the angle of the Pyramid to be exactly 51 degrees, 51 minutes, and 14.3 seconds.

Figure 2. Great Pyramid Sun-Moon-Earth Sacred Geometry

Along with other astronomical alignments with the passages and star shafts of the Great Pyramid, it is also the most accurately aligned structure in existence facing true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error. The position of the North Pole has moved according to the Precession of the Poles over time, but the Pyramid was exactly aligned at one time. These and other astronomical alignments unveil a system of revelatory Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy, as seen in Scripture [Gen. 1:14-17], encompassing the various calendars and celestial cycles linked with the Sun, Moon and Stars. This graphic includes the relation of the luni-solar cycles via the phi ratio [1.618] in each 50-year Jubilee cycle, of the Hebrew Calendar, because there are 618 full moons every 50 solar years. In Figure 3 below we find the dimensions of the Sun-Moon-Earth plan embodied in the Great Pyramid, all unified in the Base 60 number standard. On top of the diagram we see the diameter of the Moon equal to 2160 miles [6 x 6 x 60]. The Moon is flanked by two 3-4-5 triangles [in green] containing the capstone of the Pyramid. Below that, we see the diameter of the Earth equal to 7920 miles [12 x 660]. Here we find a standard of other related measures like 7920 inches in a furlong, of [660 feet] reflecting 7920 feet in a league. This earth commensurate standard is also found in the sides of New Jerusalem [Rev. 21:16] making it a cube of 12,000 furlongs, per side or 12000 x 660 feet equaling 7,920,000 feet.

Figure 3. The Great Pyramid and the Squared Circle [p. 70] 4

The combined Earth radius of 3960 miles with the Moon’s radius of 1080 miles are also shown in the graphic above, totaling 5040 miles. As Michell concluded, “using the actual proportions and dimensions of the solar system [based on pi and phi] the canonical figure of the 12 sided New Jerusalem is produced.”5  Here God has employed the dimensions of our planet and Moon contained as part of the geometric phi symphony of our solar system preserved in the the Great Pyramid and embodied in the measures of the New Jerusalem, relating to the divine canon of Scripture. These symmetric principles designed by God, into various living and non-living systems from the very beginning, do not appear as a result of any exclusive evolutionary process in Nature. Very simply, if this Symmetry is present at the outset, not in an isolated sense, but across all the kingdoms of life regardless of scale, then Intelligent Design is not only implied but, it becomes a given. Since we find varied manifestations of the phi ratio operating at the basis of the mathematical reality that underlies all Creation even at the quantum levels, we don’t discover or formulate it, we only observe it in its beauty and awesome detail. These principles of Symmetry in Creation don’t occur randomly, but they are seen systematically and on multiple inter-related levels and dimensions throughout all Creation. This is undeniable evidence of the Intelligent Design of the Creator.

These inherent mathematical and geometric principles governing the design of the Great Pyramid, are the basis of a universal system of measurements. For example, the curvature designed into the faces of the Pyramid exactly matches the radius of the earth. As Figure 2 above depict the geometric plans of the Sun-Earth-Moon system, we can see the key number 273 relating to the cycles of the Mean solar/sidereal days, the lunar cycle of 27.3 days, the same as the Sun spot rotational period, to name a few. We also find human biological gestation and menstrual cycles of the same length aligned to this model. With these and other dimensions of our planet built into the Great Pyramid, the greatest of the world’s ancient wonders, thousands of years before modern science was ever aware of this Omniscient knowledge, exploding the tenets of their evolutionary cosmologies, and any materialistic accounts of the origin of the Universe.


The banner above focuses on a phi/Fibonacci relationship in our solar system between Jupiter and Saturn in relation to the Earth, reflected in the line below the planets divided according to the phi ratio. This exhibits a phi relationship to the mean heliocentric distances of these planets. Even with Saturn itself we find several examples phi relationships. The diameter of Saturn is very close to a phi relationship with the diameter of its rings, as seen in the green lines. The inner ring division is in a relationship that is very close to phi with the diameter of the rings outside the sphere of the planet, as illustrated by the blue lines below. 6

Saturn’s Phi Dimensions

The Cassini division in the rings of Saturn falls at the Golden Section of the width of the lighter outside section of the rings. As the planets are dispersed in their orbital paths through our solar system, they reflect this phi relationship. But this is only one of these relationships among many in our solar system. If it was only a few incidents of phi, it could be written off to coincidence, but as we can see this is clearly not the case, as Johannes Kepler depicts for us in his Harmony of the Spheres, also seen in the structure of the musical scale.

Figure 3. Harmony of the Spheres

Geometry in space / Sacred Geometry <3:

We also find relationships of the Fibonacci Series and the phi ratio in the mean sidereal and mean synodic planetary cycles, not to mention their periods of revolution and mean orbital speeds, to include inverse velocity relationships, all based on the ubiquitous phi ratio. Again these multiple phi relationships on their own, might perhaps not be enough evidence to convince us of the Creator’s Intelligent Design, however once we see that all these individual planetary relationships fit together themselves in a phi spiral, or logarithmic spiral that operates as an exponential constant, organizing the entire order of our solar system, God’s Symmetry becomes much more difficult to deny. This is especially the case when we find that the beauty of this celestial phi symphony of our solar system is only a smaller reflection of the same phi spiral that highlights the rotational Symmetry of our spiral Galaxy in the Milky Way, also seen in other spiral galaxies in the Universe. Please go to the following link, that goes into greater detail regarding these truths than I have space for here. (www.spirasolaris.ca), 7

Figure 4. The Golden Ratio Rectangle

Here is a simple way to draw and understand a rectangle using the Golden Ratio:

Draw a square (of size “1”)
Place a dot half way along one side
Draw a line from that point to an opposite corner (it will be √5/2 in length)
Turn that line so that it runs along the square’s side

Then you can extend the square to be a rectangle with the Golden Ratio. This rectangle above shows us a simple formula for the Golden Ratio.

When one side is 1, the other side is:

The square root of 5 is approximately 2.236068, so the Golden Ratio is approximately (1+2.236068)/2 = 3.236068/2 = 1.618034. This is an easy way to calculate phi and related geometry we find in our next example.

This is a key topic in our study of Biblical Astronomy principles which are evident in other studies on our website, like The Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs. This study points out among many other things that the cycles of the Sun and Moon are correlated via the phi ratio [1.618] in the 50-year Jubilee cycle, because there are 618 full moons every 50 solar years. This not only exhibits another phi relation in our solar system, but also ties this divine knowledge to the Hebrew calendar as commanded in Levitcus 25. Thus, God has designed the phi ratio in our solar system, even as He has all the other phi/Fibonacci/Lucas relations, throughout the Natural World, instituting them at the foundation of His Creation, giving glory to His Omnipotence in His loving outreach to man. We find Scriptural evidence of this is in Jeremiah 31.

Jeremiah 31:35
Thus saith the Lord, Which giveth the Sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the Moon and of the stars for a light by night, Which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; the Lord of Hosts is His name:

The Hebrew word for “ordinance” here, is also used in Job 38:33, in reference to the “ordinances of Heaven” in an astronomical context [Job 38:31-32]. This Hebrew word for “ordinance” is also used referring to Natural Law as seen in Job 28:26, in the context of the Laws of Nature, as prescribed by God concerning the “rain, lightning and thunder.” The laws of the golden section, govern many aspects of the Natural World, and exhibit the Creator’s symmetrical Intelligent Design across multi-levels of His Creation. The preponderance of the phi ratio through the Four Kingdoms of Life, in both living and non-living systems is an awesome testimony to the Creator’s Temporal Order, as seen in our Solar System. This phi ratio, aka. the “Divine Proportion,” is arrived at by a comparison. The relationship that becomes evident in this comparison is divine, because it is found throughout all levels of the Natural World. In the comparison of the divine proportion, the whole is to the larger as the larger is to the smaller. As we observe the Natural World, if we follow this exemplar pattern of the divine proportion, we will compare the larger with the smaller, in the context of the whole. The Figure 5 graphic below also exhibits the phi ratio in a linear context as we have already seen.

Figure 5. The Golden Rectangle

divine proportion

We start with a simple square ABCD. Using a (dotted) line from the midpoint of one side of the square to an opposite corner RC, as the radius, we can construct an arc CE, that defines the limits of a new rectangle AEFD. When we use the endpoints of this arc, we can complete this rectangle; a golden rectangle, exhibiting the golden section. The idea of proportion is also used to compare individual parts, first to each other, then the whole. Numerically, this comparison is expressed as we have shown in the Birth of Abraham banner, above with a line divided under the planets into two parts, where the ratio of the whole line to the larger part is the same as the larger part to the smaller. This is mirrored in Figure 5 above, in the line FD, divided at the golden sectionC.” Thus the divine proportion relates the smallest aspects of Creation to the largest, showing God’s Hand underwriting it all. Some dynamic examples of this are found in the golden rectangles of the Hebrew Tabernacle and Temple. The Tabernacle is a one by two double square rectangle, which is not only the foundation of the blueprints of the Temple of David and Solomon, but also the Ark of the Covenant and the King’s Chamber based on a 3-4-5 triangle of the Great Pyramid, which has the same dimensions as the Ark [Ex. 25:10]. More details on this can be found in our study of the Celestial Symbolism of the Hebrew Temple and Tabernacle. 8 Since God revealed the dimensions of these sacred enclosures to Moses and King David by divine revelation, we have undeniable proof that the principles of the golden section and phi ratio are utilized as an aspect of the Creator’s Omniscient wisdom and Intelligent Design throughout all levels of Creation [Prov. 3:19]. The Divine power and energy of the Omnipotent Creator resonates in, and through every level of the Works of His Hand, and as we give Him His due credit for His awesome Works, we can join the harmonious chorus of Nature that sings His praises. This linear expression of the phi ratio is also seen in the curved line arc of a logarithmic spiral, reflected in the arc-CE in Figure 5 above. This illustrates the dynamic growth pattern found in the largest spiral Galaxy, to the smallest of human embryos. Below we find added examples of the geometry of the Golden Ratio Rectangle applied to Sun-Earth-Venus orbits.

Ö Period of Venus * Phi = Distance of the Earth

Ö 2.5490 * 1.6180339 = 1.5966 * 1.6180339 = 2.5833

In addition, Venus orbits the Sun in 224.695 days while Earth orbits the Sun in 365.242 days, conforming to an 8/13 ratio that are successive Fibonacci numbers. Thus 5 conjunctions of Earth and Venus occur every 8 orbits of the Earth around the Sun and every 13 orbits of Venus.

Mercury, on the other hand, orbits the Sun in 87.968 Earth days, with an Earth conjunction every 115.88 days.  Thus there are 365.24/115.88 conjunctions in a year, or 22 conjunctions in 7 years, which is very close to Pi! 9 This value for Pi is also arrived at using the Fibonacci number series. As we relate the Phi ratio to the Fibonacci number series, it is possible to use consecutive [21-34-55] Fibonacci numbers to obtain an accurate relation for the diameter of the circle without dependence on Pi. If the Fibonacci number 21 is taken as the diameter of a circle, its circumference will be 66 [55 x 6/5] accurate to the thousandth part, yielding the Great Pyramid value for Pi of 22/7, [3.14285]. 10 The higher Fibonacci numbers utilized produce numbers closer in accuracy to Pi values, relating to the design of the Pyramid’s dimensions incorporating the length of the shortest degree of Latitude at the equator.

In our most recent blog post in July, 2016  we showed how Daniel Matson has not only depicted the astronomical and geometric Pyramid relationships with planetary unions depicted on Rosh Hashanah in Sept. 20/21 2017, but as we can see in his graphic below, he points out the Phi pattern of the Venus-Jupiter, Venus-Mercury conjunctions leading to the Fall of 2017.11 Curiously, this pattern seems to align with the a version of the golden rectangle geometry illustrated above conforming to the phi order of our solar system. As noted in June’s blog, the three Mercury-Venus Conjunctions taking place this year with the most recent one on July 16th, Matson depicts in [Fig. 6] below this month’s VenusMercury union in a phi relationship with the 1st JupiterVenus unioon Aug. 18th, 2014. The end date of this phi relation is Sept. 23rd, 2017, the date of the replay of the Rev. 12 sign in Virgo. When we consider the VenusJupiter Conjunction of Oct. 25th, 2015, in this mix we have three key planetary conjunctions all involving Venus the bright and Morning Star in a phi relation leading to the Rev. 12 sign on Sept. 23rd, 2017.

Figure 6. Phi pattern of Venus conjunctions 2014-2017.

Certainly the Almighty has plainly shown those who do not willfully ignore the abundant evidence, how He is moving Heaven and Earth according to the perfect symmetric design in the works of His mighty Hand, warning mankind of the impending return of His only begotten Son. He has made Salvation available in Christ alone, so that even a fool need not err therein, [Rom. 10:9-10, John 3:16]! Let us not fall into the trap of the wisdom of this world, which is foolishness unto the Almighty.


1. The Great Pyramid-the Boundary Stone of the Promised Land
2. http://blog.try-god.org/end-times-prophecy-of-the-great-pyramid-and-the-pi-phi-ratios/
3. City of Revelation, John Michell [ppg. 31-32]
4. IBID p. 70. Picture credit
5. IBID ppg. 62-63
6. http://www.goldennumber.net/solar-system/
7. (www.spirasolaris.ca)
8. Celestial Symbolism of the Hebrew Temple and Tabernacle.
9. http://www.goldennumber.net/solar-system/
10. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins, Livio Stechini
11. Daniel Matson

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Published by

Rene Fretz

My first interest in Biblical Astronomy was sparked during the study of the celestial signs surrounding the Birth of Christ in the late 70's and early 80's. This grew into a greater interest in Astronomy, resulting in numerous studies, clubs and activities as an amateur astronomer. Starting around 2003 I began working on the Try-God website, as a venue to publish my various articles and studies in Biblical Astronomy, which in the last 10 years, has garnered interest from an audience around the globe. With renewed effort and energy, we are expanding on our initial efforts with the website, for a more effective outreach to our growing audience.