Welcomeeveryone to the December Blog! This month I’m posting my Teaching notes for the sessionRev. Nessle invited me to teach on the 7 Hebrew Feasts, with our 2025 classes on TNT in 2025 in view. I’m very blessed and thankfulto Rev. Nessle for the opportunity to teach tonight on the significanceof the 7 OTFeasts and their relations to the Ministry of Christ. In the former ministry, the book Jesus Christ our Passover gave us a solidintroduction to this topic, upon which we have added much to this evidence, even as we have seen recently with our updated understandingofPeter’s 6 denials. Still, many questionsremain as to How does Jesus fulfill the OT Hebrew Feast Days?I’m excited to share some new information on this topic, that I believe will bless you!
The better we understand how Jesus fulfills the OT Feastand Holy daysof Israel’s Calendar, so we will comprehend better the detailsof his earthly ministry. The Seven OT Feasts were appointed times set by God for His People to meet and fellowship with Him in His OT Tabernacle and Temple.
Fig. 1. Calendar of Hebrew Feasts. #1
These Seven Feast times are:
1. Passover; the Foundation [Leviticus 23:4-8] 2. The 7-day feast of Unleavened Bread 3. Feast of First Fruits 4. Pentecost, the Feast of Weeks 5. Feast of Trumpets 6. Day of Atonement 7. Feast of Tabernacles
Fig. 2 Spring and Fall Feasts. #2
These Seven Feastsbreak down into two seasonal equinox periods; of the Spring Planting and the Fall Harvest times, marked by the spring Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles in the Fall. These periodsare also embodiedinJesus’ two Advents on the Earth, seen in hisbirth andinitial ministry to Israel entailing his perfect sacrificeas thePassover, Bread of Life, and his Resurrection as first fruits from the dead. These 3 feasts occur consecutively with Passovertied to the Crucifixionon Wednesday, Unleavened bread on Saturday,lasting for a week, tied to the Resurrection with First-fruits on Sunday linked to the Ascension. We will expand on these below…
The Passover Feastrecalls the final plague before Israel was released from Egyptian Bondage, asthe death angel “passed over” the nationof Israel who applied theblood of the Lamb to their doors. The Israelites dipped bundlesof Hyssop into the bloodin the basin at the threshold of their doors’ entrance, and going up theyapplied it to their lintels, touchingthe framestwosides, [Ex. 12]. Upon inspecting this imagery the form applied in this process made the shape of a Cross. Passover began on Wednesdaythe 14th of Nisan, established by God on the Hebrew Calendar, when Israel left Egypt. Jesus Christ fulfilled this when John the Baptist seeing him, said Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, [Jn. 1:29]. Jesus’ perfect sacrifice paid it all for us!
These 7 Feastscorrelate with 7 periods in Christ’s Ministry marked by Audible Words from Heaven.
1. 40 days of his Temptation where Jesus proved his Righteousness
2. As the Lamb of God, and Evangelist–Jesus Chose his Apostles
3. Jesus officially opened his ministry reading Isa. 61/Lk. 4 as an Apostle. 4. He was the High Priest on the Mount of Transfiguration/Tishri-30. 5. Jesus embodied the Passover Lamb in a voice from Heaven1 week before his Crucifixion. 6. Jesus’s showed himself as First Fruits in his resurrected New Body for 40 days. 7. 10 days laterJesus Ascended his throne @ God’s Right Hand, on Pentecost.
In the NT, Jesus’ birthin Bethlehem, was visited by Shepherds[Lk. 2:8-11], as foretoldin the star observed by the Magi. Jacob prophesied over his 12 sons in Gen. 49, especially ofJudah’s lion-Leo in vs. 8-10. Verse 9 tells of the 3 stages of the lion’s growthfromwhelp, or lion cub, to the couchingadult lion, to the old lion-who shallrouse him up? Verse 10 tells us of the scepter[king-planetJupiter –1 of 7 Gen. titles] in the first a triple union of Jupiter-Regulus in Leoon Sept. 14th 3BC, 3 days after the birth of Christon Sept. 11th, 3BC. [add Gen. 49 notes/w Num. 24]. Rev. 12:1-3, tells usthis in “a great wonder in heaven.”
The obvious astronomicallinks to this textmade in “a woman clothed with the Sunand the Moon at her feet,” mustrefer to Virgoas the only female sign on the eclipticof 12 zodiac signs. Also, this configuration of the Sun clothing Virgo only occurs during 20 days of the year in late Summer, and the CrescentNew Moon in Sept. only took place only 1 day of the year, just after sunset on Sept. 11th, in 3BC. [p. 71]#3 The clincheriswhich New Moonwas this? The rivetinganswer is Tishri 1, 3BCon the Hebrew Calendar! Tishri 1 was Rosh Hashanah– Jewish New Year’s Day,a.k.a. the Day of Trumpets in the Feast of Trumpets, [Levi. 23:23-26]!
In the interim transitionbetween these Spring and Fall seasons we have– 7 weeksleading intoPentecost- the Feast of weeks, after First Fruits. These Spring Feasts contain a powerful foreshadowingfor theFall Harvest feasts. As Jesus fulfilled the Spring festivals with the strongest and most powerful testamentof laying down his life in perfect sacrifice as the Passover Lamb, not only for our redemption but alsothe decisive defeat of our spiritual adversarywith his dark forces. So, with the same binding and endless impactthat he enactedourenemy’simmutabledemise, he has establishedour ever-lasting stand in the righteous authority of the power in his light. In a nutshell, withthe same power that he fulfilled the first fourfeasts from Passover to Pentecost, so we can stand on this foundation in full assuranceof the victory of his return, in the Autumn Feasts of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles. The central theme of the Feast of Trumpets holy day is the enthronementof God and His great Kings. Judaismholds New Years Day- Rosh Hashanah not only as the Anniversary of Creation, but a renewal of it, and many other notable days coinciding in the partial list below;
The 1st month, and the 1st day of the Month not only was; New Years Day but also commemorated;
* 1st Day of Creation
* Opened the Jewish Civil Year
* Noah’s Birthday[Gen. 8:13] * The day the waters dried from Noah’s Flood [Gen. 8:13] * The Day Moses set up the Tabernacle [Ex. 40:2] *Sanctification of Cleansed Temple by Hezekiah, [2 Chron. 29:17] * Going up of Ezra, [Ezra 7:9] * Giving up strange wives, [Ezra 10:17] * Offering a Bullock in Ezekiel’s future Temple, [Ezek. 45:18] * New Birth for the Earth after Noah’s flood. [Rom. 8:19-23] * Inauguration Day of many ancient Kings & rulers of Judah. [Thiele, ppg. 28, 31, 161, 163] * Coronation of Kings Solomon, [I Kgs. 1:34], Jehu [2 Kgs. 9:13], Jehoash[2Kgs. 11:11] * The “Last Trump” in 7-month series always sounded on New Moon Day. [Levi. 23:24, Num. 29:1]
* Last Trump of Jesus Coronation in [Rev. 11:15].
* Christ’s Return @ the Last Trump, [I Cor. 15:52, I Thess. 4:16] * Even the Patriarch Joseph’s rise to kingship of the Grand Vizier in Egyptappears to coincide with New Years’ Day. [New Year’s PsalmPs. 81, Gen. 41:40,as with Jesus in Rev. 11:15] #4
The references to the Last Trump above have a direct bearing on theNT Church in reference to our Gathering Togetherwhen Jesus returns to gather and unify his Church in the air, to take us to ever be with the Lord…
As God willexalt us! Now as we expandon these OT Hebrew Feast Days…
Firstthe feast of Unleavened Bread is part of the first three Spring Feasts of the Lord (Passover, Unleavened Bread, & 1st-fruits) occurring close together. Passoveron Wednesday, Unleavened Bread takes place the next (Saturday, and lasts for a week), and First-fruits takes place on Sunday.
Passover began on a Wednesday of the 1st month (14th of Nisan) on the Jewish calendar, which was established by God because this was when the Israelitesleft Egypt. This was a major feast that all male Jews were required to attend in Jerusalem at the temple. With Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, the judgment we deserveis allowed to pass over us. When we accept Christ, we accept theloving gift of a second chance — because of his death on the cross, we have a clean slate!
Also, 1 Cor. 5:7 clearly states that Jesusis the Passover Lamb: Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, asyou really are unleavened. ForChrist, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. In summary, the Passover points to the Messiahas our Passover Lamb whose bloodwas shed for our sins. Jesuswas crucified on the day of preparation for the Passover, at the same time that the lambs were being slaughtered for the Passover meal that evening.
2. Unleavened Bread Feast— [Levi. 23:6] This seven-day feast begins on the day after Passover (15th of Nisan) and lasts for a week (15th-21st of Nisan). In the haste of the Israelites to leave Egypt, there was no time to add leaven (yeast) to their bread. During this time, remembering the hardshipsin Egypt and how God freed them from captivity, the Jews eat nothing leavened.
Leaven often represents sin and decayin the Bible. Once incorporated, yeast becomes an inseparable part of the bread; the same is true for sin’s effect on our lives. Always the Jews sacrificed unblemished animals for a temporary atone-ment for sin.
Christ fulfills this since onlythe Messiah‘s the perfect, sinless sacrifice, could offer a permanent solution. The unleavened breadrepresents Jesus’ sinless life; he is the only perfect sacrifice for our sins. In John 6:35, Jesus boldly states that he is thebread of life. Not only does he remove our sins, He nourishes our souls!To summarize, the Unleavened Breadpointedto the Messiah’s sinless life, making Him the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Jesus’ body in the grave for the first days of this feast, like a kernel of wheat planted was waiting to burst forth as the bread of life.
3. Feast of 1st Fruits [Leviticus 23:10] The Feast of First Fruits took place on the day after Unleavened Breadstarted (16th of Nisan), and is a harvest feastto thank & honor God for all He provided. Here the children of Israel celebrated what became a very important day. The priests sacrificed Passover lambs on the 14thday of Nisan, and thefirst day of Passover was the 15th. The Feast of First Fruits was celebrated the third day, the 16th of Nisan. Thus the first three feasts take place consecutively (with the Feast of Unleavened Bread lasting seven days). Passoveris on Wednesday, and after 3 days and nights in the grave, the feastof Unleavened Bread started Saturday, & First-fruitson Sunday. Christ fulfills this “third-day” celebration the same day ofJesus’resurrection from amongthe dead. In 1 Cor. 15:20, Paul refers to Jesusas the first fruits of the dead. He represents the first of the great harvest of souls, including us, who resurrect to eternal life because of the New Covenantin the Blood of Christ. (Lk 22:20).
In summary, the First Fruits pointed to the Messiah’s resurrection as the first fruits of the righteous. Jesus was resurrected on this very day, which is one of the reasons that Paul refers to him in I Corinthians 15:20 as the “first fruits from the dead.”
4. Feast of Weeks or Pentecost— [Leviticus 23:16]
This feast takes place on the 7th day of the 3rd month, Sivan. This feastis the second of the three harvest feasts. It occurs exactly seven weeks after the Feast of First Fruits, called Pentecost, meaning “50 days.” Traditionally, people were expected to bring the first harvest of grain as an offering to the Lord, including two leavened loaves of bread. This was a major feast that all male Jews were required to attend in Jerusalem at the temple.
Christ’s fulfillment of God’s plan to save soulsincluded more than the Jews. Through Jesus, this plan was revealed. In Matthew 9:37, Jesus tells his disciples that “the harvest is great, but the workers are few.” Then he put the plan into place: In Acts 1:4, he tells themto wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit.
That arrival was the day the Church was born — Pentecost — and the harvest began with 3,000 souls. The message spread to both Jews and Gentiles (the two leavened loaves of bread), extending the harvest to us!
In summary, the Feast of Pentecost— (Called Shavuottoday), pointed to the great harvest of souls, both Jew and Gentile, that would come into the kingdom of God during the Church Age. The Church was actually established on this day when the Messiah poured out the Holy Spirit, and 3,000 souls responded to Peter’s first proclamation of the Gospel.
Interval Between Spring and Fall Festivals
The long interval of three months between Harvest and Trumpets pointed to the current Church Age, a period of time that was kept as a mysteryto theHebrew prophets of the Old Testament. That leaves us with the three fall feasts, which areyet to be fulfilled in the life and work of the Messiah. Just as theLord Jesus Christ completed and literally fulfilled the first four feasts, and did so on the actual feast days,there is no doubt the last three feasts will alsobe fulfilled on their actual feast/holy days. We cannot be certain how they will be fulfilled, but they most assuredly will be, according to God’s perfect timing of His plan and His foreknowledge.
Fall Festivals
Similar to the first three Spring feasts, the Fall feasts take place one right after another. The Feast of Trumpetsstartson the 1st day of the 7th month, Tishri, the Day of Atonement, the 10th day of Tishri, and the Feast of Tabernacles (or Booths) on the 15th – 22nd of Tishri.
5. Festival of Shouting (Trumpets) — [Leviticus 23:24]
This feast began on the 1st day of the 7th month, Tishri. In a beautiful notice, God commands his peopleto rest. In this time, all regular work is outlawed, and men and women present a food offering to God. This feastlasts 10 days & begins with trumpet blasts to signal the time to prepare for the Day of AtonementFeast. Traditionally, it’s also referred to as the “Ten Days of Awe.” Its a time to afflict your soul and engage in serious soul searching, along with a time ofrepentance, to get right with God.
In Leviticus 23:24, God commanded His people to gather and commemorate the decree with trumpet blasts. This is fulfilled in Christ when Jesus returns to gather together his saints, marked with the trumpet blast, for the time Jesus returns for his body & bride (1 Corinthians 15:52). Once he returns, there will be a wedding feast of celebration. Rev. 19:9 says, “Blessed are those who are invitedto thewedding feast of the Lamb.” He’s preparing us to celebrate!
To summarize, the Feast of Trumpets (Called Rosh Hashana today), points to the Gathering Together when the Messiah will appear in the heavens to collect the Church of hisSpiritual body of both Jews and Gentiles. Thisjoyous union is always associated in Scripture with the blowing of trumpets, (I Thess. 4:13-18 and I Corinthians 15:52).
6.Day of Atonement — [Leviticus 16, 23:26-32; Num. 29] This day was actually not a feast but a day of fasting. Starting the 10th day of the 7th month, Tishri- To make “atonement” is to make restitution for wrongs committed. As a day of humility and repentance to God, it was a time for the Jews to get their hearts, consciences, and lives right before Him. This observanceinvolved the sacrifice of animals as the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies. The High Priest of the OT couldn’t offer more than an annual payment for their sins. However, hiding in plain sight was the promise of one who could atonefor their sins permanently, (Hebrews 9:12).
This feast dealt with the sins of the entire nation of Israel, as a whole. Here the high priest would go inside the Holy of Holies (only once a year and on this day) to offer atonementfor the sins of the entire nation. Christ embodies the animal sacrifice of the “scapegoat” who took on their sins (Leviticus 16:10). The scape-goat was burdened with all the sins of Israel and released into the wilderness.
As a result of his illegal trials, the Jewish leaders condemned Jesus, and he burdened with the sins of all mankind — was led out of the city to be crucified: “He himself is the sacrifice that atones not only for our sins, but thesins of the world,” (1 John 2:2).
The necessity of the Day of Atonement was rendered void by Jesus’ death on the cross— our debt has been paid once and for all!!
In summary, the Day Atonement (Called Yom Kippur today), points to the day of the Second Coming of Jesus when He will return to earth. That will be the day of atonement for the Jewish remnant when they “look upon Him whom they have pierced,” repent of their sins and receive Him as their Messiah, (Zech. 12:10 and Rom. 11:1-6, 25-36).
7. Feast of Tabernacles or Booths — [Leviticus 23:34] This feast occurson the15th – 22nd days of the 7th month, Tishri. Celebration always follows the Dayof Atonement. The Feast of Tabernacles celebrates God’s provision and protection for the people of Israel during their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. During the seven days of this feast, people live in temporary structures as they did in the wilderness. The Lord himself was with the Israelites in the desert, in a tented Temple called the Tabernacle, so the feast also celebrates his presence as he tabernacles (dwells) with us.
This was a major feast that all male Jews were required to attend in Jerusalem at the Temple. Because the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement were linked to this Feast of Booths, most Jews would arrive in Jerusalem to attend these three consecutive feasts. Just as Jesusis called Emmanuel, meaning “God is with us” (Matthew 1:23), so the only begotten Son of God came to tabernacle with us, to dwell on this earth and offer himself as the perfect sacrifice. He was tempted like us, yet without sin, who utterly defeated our spiritual adversary, and in his return he has promised that there will be no more death or suffering, that he himself will wipe away every tear from our eyes (Revelation 21:4). His return is the final answer to the hopewe’ve carried our entire lives. What a Day that will be!
In summary, the Feast of Tabernacles (Called Sukkottoday.) Points to the Lord’s promise that He will once again tabernacle with His peoplewhen he returns to reign over all the world from Jerusalem, (Micah 4:1-7).
A final note to summarize the astronomical signs marking Tishri 1 in 3 BC, that initiated thetriple crowning of the King Star Regulus in Leo, by Jupiter – the king Planet, 3 days after Christ’s Birth on Sept. 11th 3, BC. This stellar pointer signifies the future Coronation ofthe King of Judah, the Promised Seed-Jesus Christ. With Sept. 11th as New Moon Day, Tishri 1 on the calendar of Israel, as we have already seen the importance of this “day of Trumpets,” Tishri 1-New Years Day!
Not only the first day of Creation and the renewal of it, as seen in the first day the waters dried from the earth in Noah’s flood, signifying a new start not only for our planet, but the entire human race- seen also in the 1st day Moses set up thewildernessTabernacle for Israel, foretelling the day when Jesuswould be tabernacled with the Church of his spiritual body of Jews & Gentiles at our Gathering unto him, as he returns to fulfill the fall feasts of this calendar. His Coronation foreshadowed in the Heavens, even as in the coronations and inaugurations of the Kings of Israel like Solomon, Jehu & Jehoash, so it will be in Last Trump of Jesus’ Coronation in [Rev. 11:15]. In the Coronation Psalm 81:2-5 below; We are instructed to rejoice–
Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob. 2 Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the psaltery. 3 Blow up the trumpet in the New Moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day. 4 For this was a statute for Israel, and a law of the God of Jacob. 5 This Heordained in Joseph for a testimony…
So too will we rejoice in the Lord as the trumpet of the Lord Shall sound and time shall be no more… on the Lord’s solemn feast day of trumpets in the New Moon, on the anniversary of the Birth of Christ, so Christ himself is seated at the Right Hand of the Almighty Father, as the Grand Vizier foreshadowed by Joseph in Egypt.
God’s Abundant Blessings to all this Holiday Season!
1. Fig. 1 picture credit [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/614811786611757734/]
2. Fig. 2 picture credit [https://dailydeclaration.org.au/2023/09/15/prepare-ye-the-way-the-jewish-high-holidays-feast-of-trumpets/]
3. Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, p, 71 American Christian Press.
4. The Star that Astonished the World, ppg. 196-199, Dr. Ernest Martin,
5. A Study from Diane Martinez on “Understanding the Old Testament Jewish Holy Days and How Jesus Fulfills Them,” was graciously provided as a key resource.
Happy Thanksgiving and Welcome to the November 2024 blog!In this month’s study as we approach the traditional holiday Season, I have usually reserved this period for material pertaining to the Birth of Christ. Since this has always been a primary reason for the existence of this research blog and a major source of inspirationfor its subject matter and contents. In the interests of accuracy, as new key info presentsitself, my desire is to add it to what we have. Upon finding an article by Dwight Hutchison, which I’ve included a good portion as a framework of Babylonianchronology, for Christ’s birth, to compare and cross reference with a timelineof Bible truths, in agreementwith what we find in “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed.“#1 As a primarysource advocating Christ’s birth in 3-2 BC, from a Biblical perspective, added value of material fromBabyloniansources by Dwight Hutchisonadds a unique and independent view to existing sources, that allows us to dig deeper into the history of this key period.
In the riseof ancient Babylon, kingNebuchadnezzar’s army prevailedover Judah; Israel’s southern kingdomin 604 BC, deporting many key people in the Babylonian Captivity. Among theexileswere a groupof gifted, intelligent youngmenwith their leader-Daniel. After his elevationarising from unveiling king Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and accuratelydecodingit for him, Daniel was rewardedwith a high position in Babylon’s royal court, including key political authority, wherehe was made chief over all wise men and Babylonian sooth-sayers & magicians. This wascentral to the narrative,placing Daniel and his friends in key positions to influencemany of the royal decreesto come down, not only from Nebuchadnezzar, but mostsubsequent rulers including king Cyrus, during their lifetimes.
As we have recently seen, the Babylonianswere already renownin history for their study of thestars, bothfrom a symbolic perspective and scientific view. Babylonian astronomywas most influential in the orientat the timeof the Messiah’s birth. But with his teamof gifted friends-Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Daniel’s risebroughta positive spiritual perspective to their work in light of the Messianic prophecies of Christ. Also, having thetreasury of the cuneiform tablets-the Babylonian Star Diaries, at their disposal, these clay tabletssupplied invaluablesupportinhis work toidentify and teach the Magi, the celestial signs to bewareof in their search for the coming birth of Christ.
Daniel’s knowledgeof the Gospel in the Starsnot onlyenlightenedhis viewof the OT Prophecies of Christ, but also providedkey insightneeded to teach the critical clues to the ZoroastrianMagi, whose monotheisticreligion influenced King Cyrus, as one of the most enlightened leaders in history. As seen in the principlesof the Cyrus Cylinder– his example of leadership was the first true model of diversity, that included successful rule over nations with differentlanguages, belief systems and religions. Since a number of PersianKings were of Zoroastrian Faithincluding Cyrus, this likely provided a source of religious toleranceexhibitedin his rulership.Cyrus’influence in ruling conquerednationsimpacted other kingdomsin history including the Roman Empire, who applied similar principles in their rule of conquered nations.
Daniel’s knowledge of the Gospel in the Stars was closer to the original, since the initial revelationoriginallygiven, in OT Scripture was pervertedin the practices of astrologyand divination, much of which was rootedand further defrauded in Babylon. As in modern times, astrologerscast their horoscopes, while many held that the stars fatalistically controlled one’s destiny. Daniel, however, preservedtheTanakh, and developedhis own order of scholar-disciples committed to his teaching, based on the truthof Scripture, not to include astrology or other kinds of divination, that were strictly forbidden in the Hebrew Scriptures. Danielspent all hisadultlifein Babylon and laterin Persia as a highofficial of the kingshe served, while never wavering from his true service to the One true God. When Danielwas carried off in captivityto Babylon, it was a result of oneof 27 sieges of Jerusalemand its Temple, the first destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, who burnttheTemplein 587-586 BC, [2 Chron. 36:17-20], the 2ndin69-70 AD, byTitusand his Roman Legionswho also burnt theTemple. In both casesJerusalem lay desolatefor the next 50 years on theJubilee Calendar. Daniel had the occasion to interpretthe dreamofNebuchadnezzar–of the large statue offour beastsinDaniel 7, where kingNebuchadnezzar wasthe first king of the first golden kingdomofBabylon, the golden head of this statue. It was Daniel’sprivilege to also serve the King of the 2nd kingdom of Persiain this statue, of four kings who embodied thefour beasts oftheking’s dream.
Daniel 7:17
These great beasts, which are four,{are} four kings, {which} shall arise out of the earth.
This was where the co-regent king Belshazzarhosted a big banquet, during which a hand appeared andwrote on thewall the words, “Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin.” Danielwas called to provide the interpretation that was, “Godhas numbered your days; you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting; and your kingdom has been given over to the Medesand thePersians.”
That night theMedo-Persian army conquered thecity, butDanielwas kept as a government minister. He also had severaldreams, described in chapt. 8 – 12 of thebook of Daniel, one of these dealt with thecoming of Christ: “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people andyour holy city, tofinish the transgression, to make an end of sin, tomake atonement for iniquity, to bring in ever-lasting righteousness, to seal up visionandprophecy and to anoint the most holy place. Soyou are to know and discernthatfrom the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza andmoat, even in times of distress.Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the peopleof theprince who is to come will destroythecity and thesanctuary. And itsend will comewith a flood; evento theend there will bewar; desolationsaredetermined.” [Dan. 9:24-26,Zech. 9:9] We have adetailed studyon thisimportant prophecy in Daniel 9in thepreceding linkthatyou can refer to forfurther analysis.
The above prophesy indicated that the Messiahwould be “cut off” and “the peopleof the prince who is to come will destroythe city and the sanctuary.” This was fulfilledin the crucifixion of Jesus and the destruction of Jerusalem and the templeby armiesof RomanGeneralTitusin 70 AD, In additionto writing his accountin the book named after him, Daniel had occasion to teach this information to his inner circleof adherents. Their descendants centuries later-the Magi, based on Daniel’s teachings, armed with the knowledge of Babylonian Astronomy and the recordsof their Star Diaries were not only enlightenedof the General time when Jesuswas to be born, but certainly equipped as scholarsand genuine astronomers to discern the skies for the keys to track the timing and location of Christ’sbirth. A setof celestialsigns involving the King Planet Jupiter were given to them described in the Bibleas a “star,” rooted in the OT Biblical prophecy: “I see him, but not now, I behold him, but not near. Astar shall come forth from Jacob…” Numbers 24:17
As Hutchison points out; “The only usage of the word “Magi” in the Greek Septuagint text of the Hebrew Scripturesis in the book of Daniel.#2/7 The Magiin Daniel’s context were almost certainlyMesopotamians,”#3alongwith Daniel’s Jewish friends-captive with him in the Babylonian captivity.
Hutchison lists 7 pointsin his “Star Proposal“ to which we are in general agreement. However, when we extendthe signs of Jupiterduring this keyhistorical period to include its seriesof Planetary conjunctions, massingsand other related celestial signs, that the King Planet took part in, we find a broader frame of events & specific signs with detailed Messianic narratives emerging from this astronomical context. Hutchisongoes on;
“In the early centuries of theChristian era, almost all of the Church Fathers believed that Jesus was born sometime during 3 or 2 BC, in the 41st or 42nd year of the reign of Augustus Caesar. A small minority of modern scholars believe that Jesus was born during 3-2 BC and that Herod the Great died in early 1 BC. [Count me among this minority…] This article adopts more or less the dates of the Church Fathers, [as No Christian Church Father dates the birth of Christ before 4 BC. p. 28 JCPS]#4In addition, the oldest church traditions indicate that Jesus was conceivedat or near Passoverand was born in December or January. The ancient “Feast of the Annunciation” (Gabriel’s announcement to Mary) is still celebrated at Easter (Passover).”#5 [Gabriel’sannouncement to to Marywas preceded by his announcementto Zachariasthe fatherof John the Baptist, and HebrewPriestwho served in the Temple’s Course of Abia, in May–Juneof 4 BC, [Lk. 1:5, 19-25]. John was conceived in Elizabeth’s womb, Zacharias’ wife who were both descendants of Aaronthe brother of Moses. ppg. 133-146, JCPS].#6 Since Elisabethconceived in June of 4 BC, Gabriel’sannouncement to Mary came in the 6th month of Elisabeth’s term [Lk. 1:26–38], in Dec. 4, BC, which puts the birth of Christ in Sept. 3 BC.
However, it may be that the skies hold keys for establishing more reliable general dates both for Jesus’s birth and Herod’s death.
The Star in the East-Identifiable Celestial Kingship Events in 3/2 BC. A key element in the star story involves the starin the “east.” It has become popular in recent decades to equate the phrase “saw the star in the east,” with an early morning first visibility of a planet, star, or comet as it emerges from the solar glare(a heliacal rising). The “heliacal rising” interpretation of the passage was first suggested by various northern European scholars about one hundred years ago.#7/22 Franz Boll (1867–1924), a philologist, was once regarded as the world’s foremost experton ancient astrology. He rejected the “heliacal rising” translation. In reality, Matthew gives us a non-technical message; he was not an astronomer. However, we know that the Heliacal risingof planets was critical to Babylonian Astronomers as is evident from this citation from Ossendrijver; “In the last three centuries before Christ, Babylonian astronomersdeveloped an advanced mathematical astronomy. In early 2016, Mathieu Ossendrijver, a researcher at the Humboldt University in Berlin, published a paper in the journal Sciencewhich describes one recently translated calculation tablet concerning Jupiter’s daily displacement. … Babylonianastronomers construed Jupiter’s displacement along the ecliptic during the first 60 days after its first appearance as the area of a trapezoid in time-velocity space. … These computations predate the use of similar techniques by medieval European scholars by at least 14 centuries.The “Oxford calculators” of the 14th century CE, who were centered at Merton College, Oxford, are credited with formulating the “Mertonian mean speed theorem” for the distance traveled by a uniformly acceleratingbody, corresponding to the modern formula s = t • (v 0 + v 1 )/2, where v 0 & v 1 are initial and final velocities.”#8/14
Ossendrijver goes on to say; “Various algorithms are attested in still-surviving Babylonian cuneiform documents for calculating the synodic phenomena of the moon, and all the visible planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.” 9/16
TheProphet Danielwas strategically placedby God as a top official under the ruleand administrations of multiple kings, along with his friendsand fellow Magi, as agents to ensure God’s plan would be enacted. The subject of this blog adopts a great portion from research done by Dwight Hutchison, in comparisonwith the research found in “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed,”
to uncover certain specificsand key missingdetails, not only on the historyofthe Magi, but also pertaining to the Prophet Daniel’s relations with King Cyrus, once Danielwas placed as head over the Magi in Babylon. I’ve included Mr. Hutchison’s research because, first I respect his work, and find it provides key details filling gaps from the Babylonian Astronomyand their celestial signs surrounding the Birth of our Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ. My comparisonto the narrative found in “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed,” should provide a more detailed outline, on the celestial signs leading to and marking the birth of Christ that has been in dispute up to the present time. In Babylonian terms, there were two main royal “stars.”The first royal star of importance was the king planet, the so-called“white star” (Jupiter) MUL. BABBAR. MUL.BABBAR, the planet/star of Marduk, who was head of the Babylonian pantheon, linked with messages concerning the king of Akkad in the omen texts used throughout Babylonian history.#10/24
Thesecond royal starwas LUGAL, also called Sharru (both words mean “king”), which isRegulus in the constellation Leo. The constellation of the lion was also seen as beingroyal. Several constellations and planetsarementioned repeatedly in Assyrian royal correspondence with Mesopotamian astronomers in the seventh century BC. However,LUGAL(Regulus) was theonly individual fixed star that seems to have had central importance to the astronomers who corresponded with the king.#11/25 Parthian rulers, who dominated Mesopotamia in the first century BC, issued coinscontaining a star with the crescent Moon (fig. 1).#12/26 The image on all the coins almost certainly stands forRegulus. It is probable that all of Matthew’s Magi carried with them coins with the images of Phraates IV and/or his son Phrataaces.
Figure 1. Coins containing a Star with the Crescent Moon issued by the Parthian rulers, who dominated Mesopotamia in the first century BC. #13
The symbol next emerges in the Parthian Empire, beginning with the coinsof Phraates V(r. 2 BC – 4 AD). Here the star represented either the Zoroastriandivinity Mithra or the divinity Tishtrya. The case for Mithra is supported by the pseudo-Zoroastrian Pontus use of the star. The crescentlikely corresponds with the goddess Anahita. The star and crescentbecame an emblem of the Parthian kings, adopted by the rulersof the Sassanian Empireas a sign of legitimacy. In the Sassanian period the star and crescent is shown with explicitly Zoroastrianelements.#14/27
Matthew’s Magi Never Visually Followed a Star Anywhere, But …In generalJupiter is a harbinger of plenty and peace, except in close connection with the Moon (except when eclipsed) when it portends the death of a king and strife in the land, unless it is identified with Mul.LUGAL (Regulus) in which case it brings long days to the king(SAA 8 283).#15/28
MUL.BABBAR and LUGAL in 3 and 2 BC
What happened at the key momentsof MUL.BABBAR’s399-day synodic cycle?
Synodic Cycle Sign 1– MUL.BABBAR (Heliacal Rising of Jupiter)—Late July 3 BC. Inthe summer of 3 BC, whenMUL.BABBAR first visibly rose out of the solar eastern glare with theSun in its annual conjunction with LUGAL–[Regulus]. Babylonian Astronomers had ephemerides tables & proceduretexts which could have indicated the position of the Sun in relation to LUGAL(fig. 3).#16/29 This union of Jupiterand Regulus with the Sun, would have occurred between the June 12th, 3 BCVenus-Saturn conjunction in Taurus, and the Aug. 12th, 3 BCJupiter–Venusunion in Leo, a subsequent royal Bright and Morning Star solar conjunction in the Lion. Thiswas the first of 3 Jupiter–Venus unions during this period.
The coincidence of the two events was unique. MUL.BABBAR was more or less in this exact position only every 83 years. Because of MUL.BABBAR’s orbit, the mornings of July 28 or 29 in 3 BC were the optimum timesin all of Babylonian astronomical history for the coincidence of MUL.BABBAR/ Jupiter’srising and thesolar conjunctionwith LUGAL/Regulus (see statistics in the notes).#17/30
Every 12 years the planet Jupitertravels through the constellation Leo. Some incidents in Leo during the years 3 and 2 BC seem to be unique, notably the probable heliacal rising and settingof MUL.BABBAR (Jupiter) during that year. The tabular measurements are for Hillah, Iraq (near ancient Babylon / Borsippa). The Babylonians understood that every 83 years Jupiter is basically positioned in the same location among the background stars. The solar conjunctions with Regulusare often spread over two days. A Babylonian measuring unit, the UŠ, was used to measure time/distances. It corresponds to about one degree/four minutes of time in modern terms. The optimum times for the heliacal rising of MUL.BABBAR (Jupiter) while the Sunwas in conjunction with LUGAL (Regulus). In ancient Babylonia, it would have taken about six minutes for the planet Jupiterto arrive at one degree above the horizon (Columns J + K ) because of the angle its rising. Over the centuries, MUL.BABBAR (Jupiter) rose higher and higher in the morning sky during its 83 year cycle until the planet became visible when thesun was in conjunction with the “king star” LUGAL (Regulus) in 3 BC. A similar pattern played out with the heliacal settings. This seems to be a celestial marker for Jupiter–the King Star & Star of Bethlehem, that only became visible in union withRegulusat the birth of Christ, in 3 BC!! #17a
The Danish expert in ancient Mesopotamian astrology, Ulla Koch-Westenholz, gives some indication of the meaning of the presence of JupiterandRegulusin relation to the Moon. This may explain why Parthian rulers had placedRegulus with the Crescent Moon on their coins. The presence of Jupiter was also a positive link to the Moon with Regulus. We have noted this in our brief history of Lunar occultations of Regulus.
Figure 2. Portrays the constellation Leo with the Crescent Moon just besideRegulus.
In the summer of 3 BC, when MUL.BABBAR (Jupiter) first visibly rose out of the solar glare in the east, the sun was in its annual conjunction with LUGAL(Regulus). A monument, called the Lion Horoscope, found in funeral statuary at Mount Nemrutin southeast Turkey, is very similar to the coins(fig. 1).#18The Monument portrays the constellation Leo with the Crescent Moon just besideRegulus. Theroyal house of Commagene, commanded the Monument, had historical links to all major royal dynasties in the region. Culturally, the Magi would have directly associated LUGAL and the Moon with kingship.
169 Volume 71, Number 3, September 2019 Dwight Hutchison
InBabylonian documents, the ideal rising time for MUL.BABBAR (Jupiter) has been described. For example, on Nov. 8, 142 BC, the astronomical diaryentry reads: “The 22nd of the month, MUL.BABBAR’sfirst appearance in Scorpius; it was small, the rising of MUL.BABBAR to sunrise: 11°30’” (11.5 uš =46 minutes).#19/31“Ideal first appearance on the 21st.” (at 10.5 uš = 42 min).
On August 21, 109 BC, we read: “MUL.BABBAR’s first appearance in Month V, Day 18, in Leo, rising of Jupiter to sunrise: 11 uš. Ideal first appearance on the 17th.” (The previous day, it would appear that the ideal timing was about 10 uš.)#20/32 The Almanac for theSeleucid Era year 150 in Month XII(see above) has MUL.BABBAR rising on March 24, 161 BC. From the sightingof the planetJupiter to sunrise there were about 10 uš. The ideal rising in Leo seems to have been either 10 or 11 uš from the actualvisual sighting of the planet to sunrise. #21/33
The planet would not normally have been visible for the first minutes after its rising above the horizon. However, a very bright planet like Jupiter should surely have been visible within two lunar diameters or lessfrom the horizon (within 1° of the horizon). See Babylonian historical statistics in the notes.#22/34
Below are relevant facts for Jupiter’s3 BC rising: July 28-29th, 3 BC, at Babylon.
Rising of MUL.BABBAR: 04:22:49 LMT (Local Mean Time) Sunrise: 05:07:23 LMT
Sun center from Regulusat sunrise: 0°31′ Rounding to the nearest minute,there were 44 minutes from Jupiter–MUL.BABBAR’s rising above the horizonto sunrise. If one removes one degree to take into account MUL.BABBAR’s invisibility toward thehorizon, this leaves 40 minutes=10 uš. On this day the Sun was closer to Regulus than on July 29th. #23/35
July 29, 3 BC, at Babylon-Rising ofJupiter–MUL.BABBAR: 04:19:55 LMT.Sunrise: 05:08:06 LMT Sun center from Regulus at sunrise: 0°40′Rounding to the nearest minute, there were 48 minutes from MUL.BABBAR’s rising above the horizon to sunrise. If one removes one degree to account for MUL.BABBAR’s invisibility toward the horizon, this leaves 44 minutes = 11 uš. The two dates fall within the optimum dates for Jupiter’s appearing according to Babylonian standards(statistics in the notes).#24/36
[Jupiter Station Chart in Fig. 4 below]
Jupiter Station Chart with Planetary Conjunctions from 3 to 1 BC
May 19, 3 BC
June 12, 3 BC
July 28-30, 3 BC
Jupiter & Regulus
Heliacal Rising
Matt. 2:2
Aug. 12, 3 BC
Aug. 31, 3 BC
Jupiter-Venus #1
Sept. 9-12, 3BC Sept. 11, 3 BC
Sept. 14, 3 BC
Draconid Meteors
The Birth of Christ Jupiter-Regulus #1
Rev. 12:3-4
Rev. 12:1-5a
Gen. 49:8-10
Oct. 3 BC
Nov. 27-28, 3 BC
Jupiter’s 1st Station
Lunar Occultation of Regulus
Ps. 89:34-37
Dec. 3 BC
Jan. 20, 2 BC
Jupiter’s Achronycal rise @ Sunset, with Lunar Occultation of Regulus
Gen. 49:8-10
Jan. 25th 2 BC
Jupiter’s Opposition + 58 days from 1st Station
Feb. 17, 2 BC
Jupiter-Regulus #2 & Lunar Occultation of Regulus
Gen. 49:8-10
Mar. 29, 2 BC
Mar. 31, 2 BC
Jupiter Station#2
Regulus set with the Moonrise.
May 8, 2 BC
Jupiter-Regulus #3
Lunar Occultation
Gen. 49:8-10
June 17, 2 BC
Jupiter-Venus #2
July 28, 2 BC
Jupiter’s Heliacal setting/ Solar union
Aug. 27, 2 BC
Aug. 28, 2 BC
Jupiter-Venus #3
Mars & Mercury
Planetary Massing
Planetary Alignment
Sept. 2 BC
Jupiter invisible
Oct. 2 BC
Crossing over
Nov. 2BC
Dec. 4th, 2 BC
Dec. 9, 2 BC
Dec. 25, 2 BC
Dec. 28, 2 BC
Dec. 24-31, 2 BC
Jupiter Visible on Meridian in Bethlehem
Bethlehem Star
Jupiter’s Stationary Pt. Feast of Dedication
Matt. 2:4-9
Jan. 9, 1 BC
April 8, 1 BC
Total Lunar Eclipse
Before Passover
Herod’s death
Matt. 2:15
Hos. 11:1
Aug. 21, 1 BC
Jupiter-Venus #3
TheBabylonian astronomical dataabove denotesan emphasis on the King planet-Jupiter’s risingwith the Sunin Leo, the lion [of Judah’s Hebrew tribe in [Gen. 49;8-10, Rev. 5:5] near the heart of the Lion-Regulusthe King Star. This wascelestial foreshadowing to the upcoming triple union ofJupiterandRegulus, starting on Sept. 14th, 3 BC, three days after the Birth of Christ on Sept. 11th 3, BC, or Tishri 1 on the Hebrew Calendar, New Years Day when all Hebrew kings counted the start of their kingly reigns, regardless of when they actually began.
Fig. 3. The FirstJupiter-Regulus Conjunction marking Christ’s Birth. #25
The union of Jupiter and Regulus, starting on Sept. 14th, 3 BC,@ 4AM, three days after the Birth of Christ on Sept. 11th 3, BC, or Tishri 1 on the Hebrew Calendar. This is also a sign that I’ve referred to as the Celestial Sphinx; with the head of Virgo just above the horizon, linked to the lion body of Leo, as the Alpha-Omega signs of the Hebrew Mazzaroth/Zodiac, [Job 19: 23-25]. Ancient pagan astronomers in Babylonwould have understood that some-thingsymbolic had happened involving the king star and the king planet without any other data. The sun, known as Shamash in Babylon, was linked to justice and truth. The sun appears to have been a positive celestial object except when eclipsed. With the Bible’s first recorded appearance of “hisstar” in Matt. 2:2, it was “in the rising,” inlate July-early Aug. of 3 BC. This is what the Magireferred to in Matt. 2:2“we have seen his star in theeast.” Ancient astronomers in the course of their regular observations always dated the staror planet’sfirst rising abovethe eastern horizon at dawn, called heliacal rising.”#26/37
Fig. 3a Virgo at Sunset on September 11th 3 BC.#26a
The scene on late in the day on Sept. 11, 3 BC or Tishri 1 on the Hebrew Calendar with the Sun half-set in Virgo with the Moon at her feet. This only occurs on a single day of the Year. The SunClothes Virgo for 20 days of the year in late Summer, but the Moon was at Virgo’s feet only on Sept. 11th/or Tishri 1-the Feast of Trumpets in 3 BC, and Virgo’s brightest star Spica on the celestial equatorbetween the settingSunandMoonon the horizon.
A consistent note of interest regarding these signs bearing the celestial seal and signet of the Great Sphinx, is that most of these signs occur during the three-week annual period when the Sunis clothing Virgo, [Rev. 12:1].6 This is relevant due to its symbolism of the genuine exaltation of Mary, the woman most highly blessed among women, because she believed the words of the angel Gabrielwhen he told her she would bear the promised seed.Thiswas their signalthat the Messiah was born, at the1st Jupiter–Regulusunion, when they activated their planfor a Caravan to Jerusalem. So between July 29 and November 3rd, 3 BC there were astoundingcelestial signs and portents starting on Sept. 9-12, 3 BC Eta-Draconid Meteor Showers in Draco the Dragon, [Rev. 12:3-4] Sept. 11th actually markedthe Birth of Christitself that was then followed by theSept. 14th, 3 BC, 1stJupiter–Regulus conjunction in Leo. Thiswas the first of threeJupiter–Regulus unions in Leo, which tripleunionof theKing Star symbolized the crowning of Regulus with the King Planet Jupiter, in Fig. 4 below.The Feb. 17th, 2 BCJupiter–Regulusunion in Leo,was the 2nd union of thistriple conjunction,while the May 8th,2BC conjunction of this royal Jupiter–Regulus pair in Leo was the third. This signifiedtheking planet Jupiter’striple crowningoftheKingstarRegulus, in the near 9 months following the Birth of the Christ, on Sept. 11th, 3 BC.
Fig. 4. Jupiter’s Triple Crowning of Regulus from Aug. 3 BC to Nov. 2 BC.#27
Synodic Cycle Sign 2 MUL.BABBAR’s First Stationary Point— The end of November 3 BC, on the day MUL.BABBAR (Jupiter) had reached itsfirst stationary point in Leo, theMoon passed directly in front of LUGAL–(Regulus) in an Occultation(fig. 4). The royal symbolism is evident in that the Moon directly linked with the “king star” LUGAL, at the same moment of the king planet’s stationary point,#28/38 or first turning pointseen on Nov. 29thin Figure 4above, as Jupiter paused to change course in retrograde motion. Babylonian astronomers counted forward about four monthsfrom heliacal risingto resolve thesecond stationary point date of March 29th. They did not “eyeball” the station, Hutchisonsays, #29/39 but as we synchronizethe datesof Jupiter’s motionfrom data in “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed,” we have a cross–referenceverification of the data from the records of ancient Babylon!Counting about four months from July 28 or 29, we arrive in late November. TheBabylonian dates were usually written with the first stationary point “around” a certain date in both their records and almanacs. The actual station was on the night of November 27/28. In one rough estimation, thecoincidence ofMUL.BABBAR/ Jupiter’s first station being in Leo at the same moment as a lunar occultation of LUGAL/ Regulus could only happen about once in about 2,750 years.#30/40 Other estimations are longer.On Nov. 26/27 in 3 BC, the Moon occulted Regulus. The coordination of Jupiter standing stillinretrograde with this Regulus’ lunar occultation together isvery rare, occurring only once about every 5,000+ years. This blocking of the light from theking starRegulus by the Moon, while Jupiter–thescepter of therighteous branch stood stillin theheavens, embodiesa link seen in Psalm 89:34-37, and Genesis 49.
Genesis 49:8-10. 8 “Judah, you are he whomyour brothers shall praise; Your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; Your father’s children shall bow down before you. 9 Judah is a lion’s whelp;From the prey, my son, you have gone up. He bows down, he lies down as a lion; And as a lion, who shallrousehim?10 The sceptershall not depart from Judah, Nor alawgiverfrom between his feet,Until Shilohcomes; And to Him shall be the obedience of the people.
On January 20in2 BC, Jupiter rose just after sunset(Acronycal rising). During this key phase of Jupiter’s cycle, the full MoonoccultedRegulus. This was a facsimile of the event previously in Nov. 3 BC. This lunar Occultation of the king starReguluswhile Jupiteris standing still at sunseton the horizon, took place in theHebrew month of Shevat, [our Jan./Feb.] a name which is takenfromthe Hebrew wordfor theruler’s staff/scepter, [shebet], found in [Gen. 49:10, Num. 24:17, Ps. 45:6, H7626–scepter]. The “lawgiver from between his feet,” directly references to the king starRegulus in Leo.#32/41
The second conjunction of Jupiter andRegulus occurred on February 17, 2 BC. Amazingly, the Moon was positioned during this exact timebetween theJupiter–Regulus union. “At about 5 a.m., lookingat the western horizon, an observer wouldhave seen the Moon directly betweenJupiter & Regulus. The Moon would have been occulting the starReguluswith the lower fifthof the Moon’s diameter. Then, onMay 8/9, 2 B.C. (82 days later) the same conjunction occurred again.This timehowever, the Moon occulted Regulus by the top 1/5th of its diameter.Thelast conjunctionwouldnot have been seeninPalestine as theMoon was already below the horizonin the west, yet astronomerssuch as the Magiwould have known what was happening.” #33
After the planet’s three separate conjunctions withRegulus, the last two of which included Lunar occultationsof Regulus, Jupiterthen resumed its west-ward journey, as viewed by the Magi. On June 17, 2 BC. Jupiterhad the rarest of a spectacle ofreunions withVenus. The two planetswerea mere.04 degree from each other and they would have appeared to people on earth as a unified“double-star” which only the sharpest eyes would have been able to separate. As the final crowning point in the Crowning ofRegulusby Jupiter,it was unique. #34
As Dr. Martinpoints out; “These celestial signs including Jupiter’s path, lead the Magitoward Jerusalemin their expectations of the arrival of the Messianic king. This dazzling June 17th, 2, BC Jupiter–Venusunion, heralded an entrance of thisforetoldkingwhen they were both morning starsaboutten months prior, completed this introduction with an impressively rare evening starre-union.”#35This eye–opening reunionalso providedthe celestial brackets surrounding this triple coronationofthenew born Kingby JupiterandReguluswas emphasized by another triple Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, first on Aug. 12th, 3BC, the2nd and most spectacular was June 17th, 2, BC, followed by the 3rd just over a year later on Aug. 21st, 1 BC. But these were not the only Jupiter–Venus unions during this period, as there was a notable Massing of Planets in Leo ofJupiter, Venus, Mars, and Mercury, with Jupiterand Marsin conjunction. This union of the King Planet Jupiter with Mars–Michael the warrior Archangel showed the unity and protectionof the angels of light with the Lordand Messiah-king, [Ps. 91:11-13]. This occurredon Aug. 27th, 2BC, followedthe next day with the alignment of planetsJupiter, Venus and Marswith the Sunand Moon, on Aug. 28th, 2 BC.
Figure 4. MUL.BABBAR’s first station in Leo at the same moment as a lunar occultation of LUGAL.
MUL.BABBAR’sAcronychal Rising—January 2 BC 170 Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith–Synodic Cycle Sign 3.
An acronychal rising of a planet or star is its last visible rising in the east just after sunset. Afterwards theobject is already visible above the horizon in the eastern sky after sunset. The last visible acronychal rising was always several days before the true planetary opposition. It is impossible to actually see the planet rise above the horizon precisely at sunset. In another segment of the zodiac away from Leo, the Babylonians added 58 days to the date of the first stationary point to get the acronychal rising date for MUL.BABBAR (fig. 5).#36/40
The planet’s actual opposition was on January 26 in 2 BC. But January 24/25, 2 BC, was 58 days after Nov. 27/28, 3 BC (First Station). The acronychal risingwas often listed at about the time of true opposition(see Late Babylonian Text—LBAT 1409).#37/41
However, accordingto Swerdlow, Babylonian procedural methods indicate acronychal risings at either 5°, 6° or 2° from true opposition, depending on the method which was employed. The Babyloniansusually listed the date of the acronychal rising as “around” a certain date. The Alcyonearchaeo-astronomy application, using an “arcus visionis” approach, gives the acronychal rising date as January 20, 2 BC.#39/42
January 20, 2 BC, could have been a possible candidate for MUL.BABBAR’s visible acronychal rising. Again, there was a clear connection to royaltythroughasimultaneous occultation and a possible Acronychal rising.
Late March [29th] 2 BC MUL.BABBAR’s second stationary phase was about four months after the first station. During its first and second stationary phase, the planetJupiter is visually stationary for about two weeks. The Babylonians called the midpoint of that period the stationary point (fig. 6). Technically, Jupiter’s 2nd station was on March 29 in the Spring of 2 BC, [Fig. 4] The station was calculated from the acronychal rising or the first station. In this case, theplanet stopped its motion about 2.4° west of Regulus.#40/43
Matthew’s Magi Never Visually Followed a Star Anywhere, But … In the early evening on January 20, 2 BC, when seen from Babylon, the full Moon passed in front of LUGAL/Regulus again, making a second occultation in two months. [Figure 5. MUL.BABBAR’s/Jupiter’s visible acronychal rising.]
On March 31st, MUL.BABBAR/Jupiter set in the west just moments before the
Moon rose in the east. Minutes later, Regulus set as the Moon rose. Could this have been symbolically royal for Babylonian astronomers? Similar incidents involvingsimultaneous risings and settings of objects were occasionally mentioned in Babylonian astronomical records. They often spoke of “one god seeing another” when referring to similar incidents with the Sun and Moon. On March 31, 2 BC, the Moon could feasibly have been linked withJupiter’s stationary phase.#41/44
Figure 6. The stationary point of MUL.BABBAR.
Synodic Cycle Sign 5-171 Volume 71, Number 3, September 2019 MUL.BABBAR–Heliacal Setting—Late July, 2 BCWhen MUL.BABBAR (Jupiter) finally made its heliacal setting in the west at the end of the planetarycycle,
the sun was again in conjunction with LUGAL (Regulus) in the constellationLeo(fig. 7). This would have been about four months from the second stationevent. The optimum last visibility of MUL.BABBARseems to have been about 10 or 11 uš after sunset, (40 to 44 minutes after sunset).#42/45 If MUL.BABBAR was last visible at 1° above the horizon, it set six minutes later (47 – 6 = 41 minutes or 10.25 uš).
Messianic Implications
The events surrounding MUL.BABBAR’s setting in 2 BC give a near mirror image oftheplanet’srising one year earlier. TheAlcyone archaeo-astronomyapplication givesMUL.BABBAR’slast visibility on July 28, if arcus visionis altitudes are the following:
(MUL.BABBAR: +1° / Sun: -7°16′). July 28, 2 BC, at Babylon. Sunset: 07:03:09 LMT #43/46 Setting of MUL.BABBAR: 07:52:50 LMT Sun center from Regulus at sunset: 0°21′ Sunset to MUL.BABBAR’s setting = 50 minutes
If MUL.BABBAR was last visible at 1° above the horizon, it set six minutes later (50 – 6 = 44 minutes or 11 uš). July 29, 2 BC, at Babylon #44/47
Sunset: 07:02:33 LMT #45/48
Setting of MUL.BABBAR: 07:49:34 LMT Sun center from Regulus at sunset: 0°57′ Sunset to MUL.BABBAR’s setting = 47 minutes
Figure 7. MUL.BABBAR made its heliacal setting in the west at the end of the planetary cycle, while the Sun was in conjunction with LUGAL/Regulus in the constellation Leo.
All the above incidents involved the Sun or Moonas well as MUL.BABBAR and LUGAL. From a Babylonian perspective, there wereroyal implications to the extended series of unique celestial signs. These events could have been easily associated with the arrival of a truly great king. But such a series of events, all centered on MUL.BABBAR’s synodic cycle, was unknown in their omen catalog. The Magimay have been surprised and questioning. But, from a Jewish view, these incidents could have alsocalled to mind the Messiah. It would not have been impossible for pagan Babylonians to become familiar with Jewish concepts. The Jewish community was a large one in Mesopotamia in the first century BC. Aramaic was the common language in the region. Also, scholars and many others would have spoken Greek. The Greek Septuagint textof theHebrew Scriptureswas available for any who had questions about Jewish beliefs. At some point in Jewish history, the planet Jupiter came to be called “Sedeq” (Tzedek) meaning “righteousness.” The planetJupiterprobably was commonly referred to by this name by about AD 200.#46/49
It may have evencarried this name in much earlier generations. The Jewish Messiah was spoken of as the “Righteous One” by early Christians (Acts 3:14; 7:52; and 22:14, Ps. 89:35-37). This referred to the prophesied son of David, the righteous kingofJeremiah 23:5–6 and 33:14–17. Associating “Sedeq” with the king of the Jews would not have been difficult. TheJewish equivalent of LUGAL was the word “Melech” meaning “king.” One can see Messianic implications by linking two names Melech and Sedeq (the king of righteousness–Melchizedek). #47/50
But in addition, LUGAL/Regulus in the lion constellation, evoked memories of Genesis 49:8–10 concerning the young lion of Judah[Rev. 5:5] and the ruleof the Shiloh, [Jesus’ 7 Gen. titles] The Messianic textof Psalm 89 also mentions the heavens several times. In the later part of this Psalm we read;
… I will not lie to David. His descendants shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before Me.
It shall be established forever like the Moon, and the witness in the sky is faithful. (Ps. 89:35–37) 50 Here the enduring nature of the throne of David is associated directly with both the Sun and the Moon.
Dwight Hutchison
p. 172 Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Each of the five synodic events in 3 and 2 BCwere linked with the sun and moon. In addition, remarkably, during two of the three conjunctions of MUL.BABBAR and LUGAL during this same cycle, the Moon was positioned just beside the two “stars” [Jupiter& Regulus] on February 17, 2 BC, and May 8, 2 BC (fig. 8).
Matthew’s Magi Never Visually Followed a Star Anywhere, But …p. 172
In addition, during the relativelyspectacular conjunction which visually united MUL.BABBAR(Sedeq/Jupiter) and Dilbat (Venus) on June 17, 2 BC, the full Moon appeared in the east. The Jewish name of Dilbatis “Nogah,” meaning “brightness.” SedeqandNogahtogether evoke the “bright Righteous One” in the lion constellation beside theking star LUGAL/Regulus(fig. 9).
By themselves the five signs connected to MUL.BABBAR’s synodic cycle would have been enough to alert any Babylonian astronomer to the probability that something was happening concerning royalty. However, this series of eventscould have been supplemented by other celestial phenomena and symbolic associations. [Figure 8. Moon positioned beside the two “stars.” Top: February 17, 2 BC; Bottom: May 8/9, 2 BC.] It may have been many months
before the astronomers came to the conclusion that the unfolding series of celestial events had something to do with the Jewish Messiah. Before the Prophet Daniel’s arrival, the Babylonian Magi may have been complete pagans. However, the repeated and unique celestial signs, with Jewish prophecies and royal symbolism, apparently convinced them. A series of royal celestial signs all connected directly with the synodic cycle of MUL.BABBARwould have been completely unknown. Such a series is not found in the omen texts, but the royal nature of at least three or four of the synodic events is beyond dispute. Based on this series of unique events, one can affirmMUL.BABBAR (Sedeq/ Jupiter), during this unique planetary cycle in 3 and 2 BC became the Messiah’s Star.
The Star in the West— Rethinking the Key Text
Explanations of the Star of Bethlehem rise and fallbased on Matthew 2:9 “When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.” (NKJV)
As the Magi’s observations of Jupiter, from its initial heliacal rising back in their homeland, through its various formations and conjunctions that sent them on their trek to Jerusalem,now confirming their destination toBethlehem on its approach of the Meridian above it, as seen in the graphic belowpictured with the “L“ shaped Coma decan of Virgo, and the general sign of its Supernova shining brightly, visible to the naked eye.
Figure 9. During the relatively spectacular conjunctionwhich visually unitedMUL.BABBAR (Sedeq/Jupiter) and Dilbat(Venus)on June 17, 2 BC in the west, the full moon appeared in the east.
173 Volume 71, Number 3, September 2019, p.173
In recent times, this passage has been interpreted to mean that the star went visually in front of the wise men from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. The eastern church fathers thought that the wise menhad visually followed the star all the way from where they had been in the East to Judea and then on to Bethlehem. However, these ideas may not be what Matthew had in mind. In fact, the traditional interpretation of the text of the star as a visual guide may be profoundly in error. There may be an alternate literal reading of the text which can avoid the intellectual, scientific, and mystical puzzles of the traditional reading. One way of understanding Matthew’s text would be to look at other passages in Matthew, which use the same keywords. Matthewuses the Greek verb, προάγω (proago), with the specific meaning of “to precede” or “to go ahead of,” in other passages in his gospel.#48/51 In Matthew 14:22, we read: “[Jesus] made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead (προάγειν) of him to the other side, while he sent the crowds away.” Jesus then goes up on a mountain to pray and later meets the disciples on the sea. Jesus was not visually following the disciples at any moment, but he had simply sent them on ahead of him.
During the last supper, Jesus made the following statement: “But after I have been raised, I will go ahead of you (προάξω) to Galilee” (Matt. 26:32, see also Mark 14:28). After Jesus was raised from the dead, an angel appeared to some of his followers and said to them: “Go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead; and behold, He is going ahead of you (προάγει) into Galilee, there you will see Him …” (Matt. 28:7, see also Mark 16:7).
It is clear that the disciples did not follow Jesus visually to Galilee after the resurrection in the same sense that one usually thinks about the wise men following the star. The disciples arrived chronologically in Galilee after Jesus already had arrivedthere. Jesus had “preceded” them there. In like manner, the star was waiting for the wise men upon their arrival in Bethlehem, just as Jesus later was waiting for the disciples. The star preceded the Magi to Bethlehem, but not as a visual guide. Matthew 2:9 simply sends the reader back to the East before describing the event in the West.
Bethlehem: A Possible Scenario
While the wise men were in their homeland, the star MUL.BABBAR (Jupiter), in association with other celestial objects, gave several symbolic indications that a great king was certainly arising. The Magitook this as an announcement about the king’s birth. After having received the star’s message, the wise men went to Judea. At every moment during their expedition, the men journeyed during the daytime like normal travelers. The way to Judeawas well known. They were not looking to the star for visual guidance because the star’s purpose had been to give amessage. The star was a sign concerning the Messiah. It was not a guide. Over a period of months, MUL.BABBARcame to be positioned well above the men’s heads during a good portion of each night. In the days before the Magi arrived in Bethlehem, the star was near to thezenith in the night-time skies. The Magi thought that the star had delivered its royal message while the men had been in the East. They were not expecting any other sign in the West. But after their arrival in Bethlehem itself, the men suddenly realized that the star was again in a symbolically significant position “above the place where the child was” (fig. 10). Dwight Hutchison
On the timeline presented here, the Magi would have unexpectedly arrived in Bethlehem in late December 2 BC. There would have been no reason that the men should have expected any other celestial signs. They never expected to arrive in Bethlehem. But considering their previous experience in the East, it’s not hard to imagine that Jupiter’s stationary point on December 28, 2 BC, could have been symbolically meaningful to them. Volume 71, Number 3, September 2019, p. 173#
“The Magi’s journeyfrom JerusalemtoBethlehem [after their meeting with Herod], had to occur between Sept. 11th 3, BC, and Herod’s death some time prior to Passover in April of 1 BC. Furthermore, Herod chose to execute the children two years and under, based on the time of the star’s first rising, the time of which he had learned from the Magi when he privately conferred with them. Since the Star’s initial conjunction was Aug. 12th 3 BC, what is recorded in Matt. 2:9 occurred betweenSept. of 2 BC, and April of 1 BC, a
7-month period.” According to astronomicalcalculationsJupiterwas not visible crossing theMeridian, the “high point,” over Bethlehemfrom Sept. through November of 2 BC. During this timeJupiter was too close to the Sun to be visible when it reached Meridian. However, by Dec. 4th of 2 BC, Jupiter became visible at theMeridian shortly before dawn. From Dec. 4th till Herod’s death before Pass-over on April 8th, Jupitercontinued to visibly cross the meridian each night at a progressively earlier time. However, the eclipse that shortly preceded Herod’s death occurred Jan. 9, 1 BC. It wassometime during this five-week period, from Dec. 4th, 2 BC, to Jan. 9, 1 BC that the Magi completed their trek from Jerusalem to Bethlehem and saw the star of Matt. 2:9. #49/52
The sky picture that the Magi beheld in their approach to Bethlehem is found in the blog banner for last month as the header for that teaching. Since the star picture of Rev. 12 provides a stellar image that marked the birth of Christ on the eve of Sept. 11th, 3 BC, was visible in the pre-dawn sky of Sept. 12th, 3 BC. The Magiwould have departed for Bethlehem from Jerusalemsome time after Dec. 4th, 2 BC, as Jupiter was not visible crossing the MeridianoverBethlehembefore thenfor at least the previous three months, so what is recorded in Matt. 2:9 occurred between Sept. of 2 BC and April of 1 BC.
Figure 10. The star was in a symbolically significant position
“above the place where the child was.”
According to the text of “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed” the phrase “came and stood over” in Matt. 2:9 is notable. “Astronomically stars and planets are similar to the Sun in that they rise in the east and set in the west. They are also similar in that they will reach a high point in the sky relative to the observer. At this point it is on the Meridian [longitude] of the observer. During the day, the Sun reaches this point at noon. So the stars and planets in their courses rise in the east, at some point during the night they reach their highest point at Meridian. Since the Magi were travelling South from Jerusalem on their short 5 mile triptowards Bethlehem, Jupiterwould appear to stand overBethlehem. This is nota reference to Jupiter’s station or standstill, it merely reaches its apex at the Meridianof the observer, where it then appears to descend in the western sky. In Matt. 2:9, the word “stood” is “histemi” in the Greek meaning to standas opposed to riseor fall. Since Jupiterwas not visible crossing the Meridian over the high point in Bethlehem from Sept.-Nov. 2 BC, it did not become visible until Dec. 4th of 2 BC, shortly before dawn. From Dec. 4th till Herod’s death before Passoveron April 8th, Jupiter continued to visibly crossthis Meridian nightly, 4minutes earlier each day. By Dec. 24thJupitercrossed & stood at the highest point on Meridian, directly over Bethlehem @ 4:44AM, counted from [Paul Neugebauer-Sterntafeln, Leipsic, 1912] #50/53
p.174 Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Matthew’s terminology about the star “standing over the place where the child was” is simply affirming that the star was present in the sky while the men were in the town, it having “preceded” them there. Matthew’s terminology about MUL.BABBAR’s“standing over” the town (and indeed all Judea in the latter part of the night) was not specifically an astronomical reference to the planet’sfirst station. 52
However, in the context, MUL.BABBAR’s first stationmay have been symbolically significant celestial event for the Magiwhile the planet was located over Bethlehem. While a relatively unspectacular planetary station is not at all impressive for modern skepticsor believers, symbolically it would have recalled the Magi’s experience in the East. If MUL.BABBAR’s first station took placeat the moment of their unexpected arrival in Bethlehem, the Magi certainly would have rejoiced, in that the planet’s station was a heavenlysign.
The Star of Bethlehemseems to have been connected tosymbolic royal celestial events at the heart of Babylonian planetary science. The star was not discovered through the Babylonian omen catalog or their normal astrology. The star over Bethlehem was not spectacular. It was not necessary for the star to be overly luminous or visually remarkable. However, the star was symbolically significant. The wise men never followed the star any-where visually, but the star was waiting for them upon their arrival in Bethlehem. David’s throne will indeed be established for ages to come, even as the sun and the moon have endured for ages past. The witness in the sky is faithful (Ps. 89:34–37, Ps. 19). ☼ [The Celestial Gospel]
The Jupiter Station Chart presented above is a primary purpose of this study, to add the Jupiter Stationsfrom a Babylonian view from Hutchison, to the Fig. 4 info from “Jesus Christ our Passover.” This data together with a more complete picture of the Planetary conjunction, alignment and massing activity, with key eclipses allow us a more accurate picture and celestial context of the signssurrounding the Star of Bethlehem. As always, I welcome any and all questions and comments.
God Bless!
The footnotes for this month’s blog are a combination of Notes from Dwight Hutchison’s Article on “Matthew’s Magi Never Visually Followed a Star Anywhere, But …, and notes from “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed,” [JCPS]
as a side-by-side comparisonto enhance and fill in details from both works, to enlighten the field of this topic. I respect and commend Mr. Hutchison’s Article, especially the work on the dates of the Jupiter Stations from a Babylonian view, and how they fit with the Fig. 4 Chart onJupiter’s Triple Crowning of Regulus from Aug. 3 BC to Nov. 2 BC. This represents the heartof this study, that chartsthe primary Celestial Signs surrounding the Birth of Christthat I have worked for 35+ years.
1 “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed.” American Christian Press, 1982, VP Wierwille. 2/7 Daniel 1:20; 2:2, 10, 27; 4:7; 5:7, 11, 15. 3. IBID 4. “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed.” American Christian Press, p. 28 5. “Matthew’s Magi Never Visually Followed a Star Anywhere, But …Dwight Hutchison 6. “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed.” American Christian Press, ppg. 133-146. 7. Daniel 1:20; 2:2, 10, 27; 4:7; 5:7, 11, 15. 8. Mathieu Ossendrijver et al., “Ancient Babylonian Astronomers Calculated Jupiter’s Position from the Area under a Time-Velocity Graph,” Science 351, no. 6272 (January 29, 2016): 482–84. 9. IBID 10./24. See the example from Reiner and Pingree, Babylonian Planetary Omens. 11./25. Simo Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, Part II: Commentary and Appendices (University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns, 2007), 420–22. 12./26 Mithradates III and Orodes II ruled about 50 years before the birth of Christ. But Phraates IV (38–2 BC) and his son Phrataaces (2 BC–AD 4) ruled at the time of Jesus’s birth. 13./ Used by permission from www.cngcoins.com
14./27 See also the Coins section of the website www.parthia .com. 15./28 Ulla Koch-Westenholz, Mesopotamian Astrology: An Intro- duction to Babylonian and Assyrian Celestial Divination (København, Denmark: Museum Tusculanum Press, 1995), 121. 16./29 Otto Neugebauer, The Exact Sciences in Antiquity (Mineola, NY: Dover, 1969), 121; Ossendrijver, Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy, 145; and Michael R. Molnar, The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi (Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2013). It should be noted as well that Molnar’s entire star theory is built on invisible incidents which took place in the solar glare. 17./30 Webpage https://buff.ly/2HNdDys provides an annotated bibliography of many star interpretations. 17a. One can download a table with several recorded and estimated ideal risings of Jupiter at the following address: https://buff.ly/2XjTxTk. 18./ [https:// https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-Lion-horoscope-A-complete-copy-of-the-original-stele-as-found-donated-by-the_fig6_342235096] 19./31 Abraham Sachs and Hermann Hunger, Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia, Vol. III: Diaries from 164 BC to 61 BC: Texts and Plates (Wien, Germany: Ver- lag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1996), 127. The eighth time is as follows: Jupiter rises (JR): 5:37:21; Sun rises (SR): 6:26:48. Difference = 50 minutes. Sighting took place at 1 US (50 minutes – 46 minutes = 4 minutes = 1 US). 46 minutes = 11.5 US. The seventh JR: 5:40:13/SR: 6:25:51. Difference 46 minutes = 11.5 US. Ideal at 10.5 US or 42 minutes. 20./32Ibid., 359. There is an error in the text. The dates should be the seventeenth and eighteenth of the fifth month, not the seventh and eighth. Earlier Jupiter was invisible, being only about 3 degrees from the sun. 21./33 This seems to vary according to the planet’s position in the zodiac, the angle of the rising, etc. 22./34 The sun and moon are typically about 30 minutes of arc in diameter. The planet could be seen at about 1 US above the horizon. One can download a table with several recorded and estimated ideal risings of Jupiter at the following address: https://buff.ly/2XjTxTk. 23./35 The numbers in Babylonian “time/degrees” (uš) are for Al-Hillah, Iraq (near ancient Babylon). 24./36 Sunrise is here defined as the lip of the sun crossing the horizon. 25. “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed.” American Christian Press, p. 45. 26./37 “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed.” American Christian Press, 1982. 26a. Virgo at Sunset on September 11th 3 BC.#26a
Picture credit for Fig. 3a from “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed.” American Christian Press, p. 71. 27. IBID, p.61 28./38 Ossendrijver, Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy, 251, 257. In one part of the zodiac, not including Leo, Jupiter’s station was calculated as 123 days from the heliacal rising. We no longer have the exact formula for the station in Leo. 29./39 This rough statistical result is the least common multiple of the synodic period of Jupiter (11.86 years) and the lunar nodal period (18.6 years) = 11,029.8. But, also, the moon passes the ecliptic twice near Regulus in 18.6 years. Two stationary phases of Jupiter should fall in Leo every 11.86 years. 30./40 Ossendrijver, Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy, 257. In their procedure texts, the Babylonians calculated syn- odic events differently according to Jupiter’s place in the zodiac. 31./ Figure 5 picture credit from Stellarium Astronomical Software. 32./41 Swerdlow, The Babylonian Theory of the Planets, 200–201. 33./ [Askelm.com] Dr. Earnest Martin] 34. “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed.” American Christian Press, p. 48. 35. [Askelm.com] Dr. Earnest Martin] 36./40 Ossendrijver, Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy, 257. In their procedure texts, the Babylonians calculated syn- odic events differently according to Jupiter’s place in the zodiac 37./41 Swerdlow, The Babylonian Theory of the Planets, 200–201. 38./42 N. M. Swerdlow, “Acronychal Risings in Babylonian Planetary Theory,” Archive for History of Exact Sciences 54, no. 1 (1999): 61. 39./43 Result of using the “default variable” settings assuming the planet was visible at 1° above the horizon. The planet was 4°18′ below the horizon when the sun was completely set. It was one degree above the horizon 30 minutes after sunset. 40./44 For example, MUL.BABBAR’s settings in the cuneiform document LBAT 1409 in 147, 146, 144, and 143 BC indicate settings from about 9 uš or less to 11 uš (sunset to the set- ting of MUL.BABBAR). The setting dates are often much less precise than the rising dates. The word “about” a cer- tain date is often used in Babylonian documents. 41./45 The numbers in Babylonian “time/degrees” (uš) are for Al-Hillah, Iraq (near ancient Babylon). 42./46 Sunset is here defined as the top lip of the sun crossing below the horizon (sun completely hidden). 43./47 The numbers in Babylonian “time/degrees” (uš) are for Al-Hillah, Iraq (near ancient Babylon). 44./48 IBID #46 45./49 Sedeq was the name used by Abba Arikka (AD 175–247), also called Rav or Rab. See “Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shabbat,” www.come-and-hear.com/ shabbath/ shabbath _156.html#PARTa. (The reader should see Folio 156a and Shabbath 156b.) 46./50 All Bible references unless otherwise indicated are from the New American Standard Bible (La Habra, CA: Lockman Foundation, 1995). 47./51 In judicial contexts, the verb προάγω (proago) can also mean “to lead” individuals before authorities. It is used repeatedly in this sense in the book of Acts (12:6; 16:30; and 25:26). 48./52 Babylonian documents often mention planets “standing” in particular locations during lunar and solar eclipses, meaning that the planet was present, it was located, or positioned in the sky during the event. 49./53 “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed.” American Christian Press, p. 235, JCPS 50./54 IBID, [Paul Neugebauer-Sterntafeln, Leipsic, 1912] [ppg. 235-7 JCPS]
The Rev. 12 sign, Virgo’s Crown and the Birth and Return of Christ
Welcometo the October 2024 Blog! A premise of this study centers on the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ, that occurred from April 28th to June 10th, including the first Pentecostand birth of theChurch of the body of Christ, on June 20th of 28 AD. Christ’sbirth as a central point in all history is even recognized by the secular world, when time reckoning changed shortly after Christ’s birth, from BC to AD. Knowing the position of the Planet Jupiterin Biblical Astronomy is usually a good indicator of what’s going on as the King planet–Jupiter plays a key role. During this time in 28 AD, Jupiterwas found in Capricornus, at the time when our Lord finished the work of his earthly ministry. On April 24th, 28 AD, Jupiter was in conjunctionwith a star in the fish-tail of Capricornus, Deneb Al Gedi, seen below.
Figure 1. Jupiter-Deneb Algedi union seen from Jerusalem on April 24, 28 AD. #1
A key related point is ourApril 24th on the calendar of the Hebrews was Aviv 10, also the day the Passover Lambs were selected, [Ex. 12:3]. The meaning of the starDeneb Al Gedi is “thesacrificecometh,” which fits since that same day, on Aviv 10-Jesusentered Jerusalemriding a donkey as the perfectsacrifice to redeem all mankind, [Matt. 21:1-11, Zech. 9:9]. #2
This provides key context for the planetary motion of some of our planetslike Mars, Venus & Mercury. The narrative of the Planisphere Axis of Gen. 3:15 is a theme of this blog, shown in very powerfulways in the Gospel in the Stars, as seenin the truths shedding lighton this stellaraxisas itintersects decan’s, constellationsand Stars across theheavensin Fig. 2below.The Planisphere Axis of Gen. 3:15 enlightens our understanding of the Celestial Gospel in new ways as we find below.
Gen. 3:15 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Figure 2. Genesis 3:15 Planisphere Axis. #3
This “Genesis 3:15 axis” extendsacrossthe sky viaNorth pole and intersects numerous starsrelating aspects of the theme of Genesis 3:15, fromvarious views. For starters at the bottomof the planisphere, we find theScorpion sign –Scorpius, whose prominent tail stringer we find under the heel of Ophiuchus the Serpent-bearersign, engagedin astruggle with the Serpent –Serpens. The Axis intersectstheheel star of the Serpent-bearer; Ophiuchus, called Saiph, in the LXXGreek meaning “bruised,” or wounded, in Gen. 3:15. #4
Fig. 2a. Scorpius stinging Ophiuchus’ heel, as he battlesSerpens.
This same Greek word is found in Gen. 3:15 for “bruised,” as the other legof Ophiuchusis poised over the Scorpion’s head, striking hisfatal blow,crushingtheenemy. Wefind added evidencein the Wednesday nightlunarsignsofApril 28th, 28 AD,after Christ was crucified. During this eveningthe 1st Full Moonafterthe Spring Equinox, in28 AD, as the traditional Moon for Easter, passed over Ophiuchus’heel-embodying the Man who had just laid down his life, as he shed his sinless blood to redeemall mankind, fulfilling anaspectof the Gen. 3:15 Messianic Prophecy. This Paschal Moonseen from Jerusalem, rose about 7:16 pm, and setabout 6:15 am Jerusalemstandardtime, on the eveof April 28th and morning of April 29th, 28 AD. #5
In the next graphic of Plate 1, we will begin todocumenttheplanetary motion of Mars, and later MercuryandVenus,to illustrate some key dates in spiritual history from a Bible Astronomy viewpoint. We will also note keyrelationshipswiththese planets, and what we can learn from their symbolism, in various contexts, starting withtheir links to the Gen. 3:15 Planisphere Axis.
Plate 1. Path ofMarsfrom March 1 to June 10, 28 A.D. #6
One aspectof this Gen. 3:15 prophecy is established in the motionof the Red Planet-Mars during the time, fromMarch 1sttoJune 10th, 28 AD. The motion of Marswasset initially atOphiuchus’ wounded heel, butMarshaltsto starta retrogrademotionbefore arriving at his heel. Once in retrograde,Mar’spathshifted to the Scorpion’s head, reachingthecenter of it’s head when it ceased on June 10th, 28 AD, to resumeits normal motion. Thegreen dots on Mars’ pathin Plate 1,aboveshow 5-day steps, in the near 100days from March 1st to June 10th, 28 AD. As Marsveered away from Ophiuchus’ wounded Heel to his other foot, that actively crushed the Scorpion’s head, this other legis shown in the green stars;Phi, Chi, & Psi Ophiuchi,it appearsMars–Michael, the Warrior-Archangel was motivated to partakein some of this action of pounding the enemy, into submission,–crushinghis head in violent grinding motions. This was keysince June 10thwas alsothe day of Christ’s Ascension, the Day of THE Decisive blow-the knockout punch to theScorpion‘s headin the spiritual War of the Ages, as Jesusour Lordand King, put his enemies to restunder hisfeet, seen below[Fig. 7 & 8], in Cepheusthe Crowned King; [Ps. 110:1, Heb. 10:12-13]. #7
TheRed Planet Marsalso embodiestheatoning blood of Christ, halted for 10days waiting until the day of Pentecost, for the birthof theChurch, the Body of Christ, when the Comforter, the gift of holy spirit was poured out, and the Apostles first spoke in tongues, and rivers of living waters flowed from their bellies, with millions more sharing in this New Birth over the last 2000+ years, [Acts 2:1ff.].Can you imagine what theenemy’s headlooks like after getting his due from Mars–Michael, who ground in our Lord’s victory message for 10 days between Ascension and Pentecost? Talk about ugly, WOW!! Finally, our–Almighty God, and Heavenly Father disclosed the Great Mystery ambush He pulled on the Adversary, as our Lord &Christ, revealed the role of the angels led by Michael, showing us his example of what we should do to the enemies of God who dare to stand against us– in Christ, as our victorious exploits will shine on our victory stand in abrilliant display of spiritual riches in Pentecost, and the Age of Grace.
There were keycelestial signswithour solar system planets during the period of Christ’s birth. The 3 Jupiter-Venusunions inthebirth of Christ from 3-2 BC, forecast 3Jupiter-VenusConjunctions that occurredin 2015, withadded heavenly signsofJupiter–Venus marking his birth. On Aug. 27th-28th of 3 BC, a massing ofplanetswith Jupiter-Venus, was part of analignment of Jupiter, Venus, andMars, with theking starRegulus in Leo, forming the12 star Crown above Virgo’s head. This Rev. 12 sign and alignment of planets in Leo; during Christ’s birth, [Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet] wasrepeatedalso on Sept. 23rd, 2017!
As we saw the 2015 triple union of Jupiter andVenus mirrored in the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in 3-2 BC during Christ’s birth, we also saw Venus united with Regulus and Mercury in 2016. As Mercury theArch-angel, Gabriel heralded the position of Regulus, the King star-Brightest star in Leo, with Venusin theLion of Judah, on the ecliptic, formingVirgo’s Crown. [Rev. 5:5].
There was a 1 degree Triangular massing of Jupiter-Venus, andMars in Leo on Oct. 28th, 2015, preceded earlier in the month by a planetary alignmentin Leo with Regulus, [see Figure 3 below]. This is significant first, because it refersto the planetarymassing-the 5th trait of the Celestial Prelude, but also due to its resemblance with the Rev. 12sign; Virgo crowned with 12 stars, consistingof the9 fixed stars in Leo, combined with the planets Jupiter, VenusandMars, forming theCrown of 12 stars over Virgo’shead. This alignmentset the stage for the Feast of Tabernaclesweek, marked by theSuper Blood MoonofSept. 28th. A like planetary alignment qued up inSept. 2017, with these planets, except Mercuryreplaced Jupiterin Leo, as Jupiterwas birthedin Virgo. This was key celestial foreshadowing2 yearsbeforeJupiter’s birth in Virgo, a rewindof the Rev. 12:1-2wonder in heaven.
Figure 3. Planetary Alignment in Leo, October 3rd, 2015. #8
As there were 3 Jupiter-Venus Conjunctionsmarking theRev. 12 birth signs of Christin 3-2 BC, so thistriple alignment of Jupiter-Mars, & Venusin Leo with Regulus, reflecting likespiritual lightin the context of the Blood Moon Tetradof 2014–2015.
Jupiter-VenusConjunctions of the Celestial Sphinx.
June 30th, 2015 August 25th, 2015 October 26th, 2015
The following dates sawJupiter-Venusconjunctions in Virgo in 2016:
July 27th, 2016 Feb. 26th, 2017 Nov. 13th, 2017
Comparing theseheavenly signsnear the birth ofChrist,with themodern signs of the Blood Moon Tetrad before 2017, as Jupiter’sannual retrograde motionenters Virgoin Aug. 26-27th 2016, for a totalof 294days, into 2017, it only spends40 daysinVirgo’s mid-section, foreshadowingthe birthing of theMessiah’s Kingdom. Jupitermarks itsentrance intoVirgo with asecond Jupiter-Venus union of2016. This is worthy of our attentionindicating a key event with the King Planet–Jupiterrelating to his virgin Bride–Virgo/Israel in Virgo’sCrowning of the 9 stars of Leo plus 3 added planetsof Mercury, Venus andMarsaligned with the king starRegulusin Leo, totaling 12 stars of Virgo’s Crown. This not only alerted us to be watchful of the Sun Clothing Virgo leading directly to these signsof 9-23-2017, but it also shows the Great Pyramid’s Christ angle alignmentof Venusand Regulusin Leo,during this periodon 9-20-2017! [Rev. 1:8, 11-17, 20- Jesus as theAlpha & Omega] [Rev. 21:3-7, 22:12-13, 16]
Figure 4. The Celestial Sphinx.The Headof theWoman and theBody of theLion seen as a Birth Sign of Christ onSept. 14th, 3 BC, on theeastern horizonfromJerusalem forming the elementsof theGreat Sphinx, and marking thefirst Jupiter-RegulusConjunction in Leo. #9
We find these landmarks at the headand tailof the zodiac, that adds light to Dr. Martin’s observation that: “the woman Virgo is the Constellation of Headshipfor all 12 signs. Virgo’s head positionis found in the last 10 degreesofLeo.”10
Virgo’s headis seen in Fig. 4, just belowand adjacentto the star Denebolain the tailof the Lion, unifies the circleof the zodiac. The Sphinxalso unifies the Biblical canon, establishing the canonical order of God’s writtenrevelation, in Genesisto Revelation, in the Bible’s earliest book of Job, [Job 19:23-25]. Even as Christ embodies the Alpha- Omega[Rev. 1:9-20] not onlyin the Celestial Gospel, but in the Signs of the ecliptic,and in the Scripture’s also. Thus, we have all the keys needed to prepare for his Return.
We find both Mars-Michael the Warrior Archangeland Mercury-Gabriel the Messenger Archangelin close vicinity withRegulus, in LeoforJupiter’s birth in Virgo. WithJupiter’s birthingon Sept. 9th, a Mercury–Regulus union also occurs on 9/9/2017. This is a Celestial SphinxSignsincethe Mercury–Regulusunion is partof anothertriple conjunctionbased on the retrogrademotionof Mercuryin Leo, concurrent with Jupiter’s retro–dancein Virgo. This added link unifiestwoaspects of the Celestial Sphinx, in the 2nd matched set-triple crowning that leads to a replayof the Rev. 12 signon 9/23/17.
Figure 5. The 3 Planets in Leo near Regulus from 9-9-17 to 9-17-17. #11
Stellarium 2 from Bobmoler.wordpress.com
Next onSept. 16th2017, a Mercury–Marsunion follows. Here we see Mercury–Gabriel heralding the King starRegulus, followed by a unionof Gabrielwith Mars-Michael, showing their solidarity with the Lord Jesus Christ, in their stance against the red dragonof Rev. 12:3-4. After this on Sept. 20th was an alignment ofVenus–Regulusrelated to the Great Pyramid, in Figs. 7-8below. [Rev. 22:16]
The Great Pyramidand Sphinx, the two monumental witnesses in stone on the Giza Plateau, tell a coordinatedstory forming theAstronomical tenetsof theBiblePatriarchs. These ancient watchers of Giza, the Great Sphinx seen in Virgothe headof the womanwith Leothe Lion’sbody, facing the eastern Fall equinox,the Sphinx leads to the Pyramid’s Sunset horizon view ofVirgo. The exampleof the Great Sphinx forms a dualtestimony with the Pyramid set in theDenderaTemple’s Hieroglyph ofFigure 6. below.With theSun-crown on the horizon over thefemale head of the hybrid Virgo-Lion, so the Ascending passage Christ angle of Fig. 7aligns Venus–Regulus in Leo. Usually, the Sun’s annualvisits to Virgo for 20 days, go with the Moonat Virgo’s feet,only one dayeach year, to fulfill the elements of the Rev. 12:1-2sign. In these times we must pay close heed to Virgo’scelestialactivity, as theMagidid, this we’ve documented in the 12 Traits of theCelestial Prelude. In this way, the Great Pyramid&Sphinx publish bothastronomical and Scriptural witnesses of a Sept. 11th, 3BC datefor thebirth ofChrist withmonumentally unique evidence.
Figure 6. TheGreat Sphinx pictured in the Sun over the Lion’s female-head, between Virgo holding her wheat stalk [Spica] and Leo the lion’s body. #12
The union of the ends of the ecliptic in the Great Sphinx, the Alpha-Omega sign with the Sun in Virgo, as seen in the ancient EgyptianTemple of Esneh.
The heiroglyphfor theSun in Virgo is picturedabovein Fig. 6 the relief in the Temple ofEsneh, removesany doubt in the natureor gender of the female-headed Lion, notmale Pharaoh! As the Great Pyramid aligns to the horizon Sun in Virgo, crossing afirstlayerof truth based in theGreat Sphinx and the Pyramid’scombined testimonyof the Rev. 12 sign, as seen in Fig. 7 below, but doesn’t stop there. As the Pyramid’s horizon viewextends beyond Virgo, we see its focuson Coma, a main Decan of Virgo, as theComaSupernovaexploded in the child’s head, in Figs. 6a. & 7, later corruptedintothe imageof Berenice’s Wig in Greek Myth.
Fig. 6a. The Decan of Virgo-Coma[from the Dendera Zodiac]
Figure 7. Virgo “clothed with the Sun with the Moon at her feet”on9-11-3 BC,with thedecan Coma “Berenices”pictured according toGreek Mythas awoman’s wig.#13
The Almightyhas provided many examples from Historyand Nature, not tomentionnumerous Biblical miraclesthat confirm His Prophetic Word, as the combinedwitnessof Biblical Archaeo-Astronomyin the Great Pyramid, gives us some excellent depictions of; [2 Peter 1:19-21],in the Morning Star[Venus] aligned with theKing Star Regulusat dawnon Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 23rd, 2017, via the measuresof theGreat Pyramid’s Ascending/and Descending passages, in Fig. 7 above. If theseheavenly signsare pointingto a future sun-rise and Dawning ofThe Dayof theLord’s Return FOR his Saints,prescient in theseSept. 2017signs, we will hold to ourfaithand Hope in Christ’s Returnopeningto our Everlasting Righteousnessin theLord Jesus Christ.
With aninterval of1260 days in Fig. 7, betweenthe 9-28-15Passover Blood Moon, and this Rev. 12 sign fromSept. 20thto the 23rd, 2017, we also find the Feast of Trumpets on Sept. 21st, in2017. This day is found betweenthe sign that touchesthe Great Pyramid and theGreat Wonder of Rev. 12. We have seen the Great Pyramid’s witness toChristduringthis time, but there are other astronomicalalignmentslinked to thislast remaining Wonder of the
Ancient worldwe should beawareof.
Figure 8. The Great Pyramid’s Ascending Passage alignmentwith theVenus–Regulus union inLeo, 9-20-2017 on Rosh Hashanah, as the Coming Prince in Orion, is found at the Meridian alignment of Al-Nitak at dawn. #14
Added to the Great Pyramid’sSunsetalignmentsopening to New Years Dayon Rosh Hashanah in Sept.2017 of the Hebrew Calendar, there were also Sunrise alignmentsrelated to the Great Pyramid’s Ascending Passageunionof Venus–Regulusin [Fig. 7.] in Leo. Thus on Sept. 20, 2017, thiskey alignment built into the Ascending Passage Christ angle in the Great Khufu Pyramid,on Rosh Hashanah, whenVenus aligned withRegulus, some added alignments occurredwith the 1st Star Al-Nitak inOrion’s Belt, via themissing Apexof the Great Pyramid.
We must realize the multiplehorizon alignmentsof theGreat Pyramidwith the rising andsetting Sun on this pivotal day in history, and the narratives of truththey each carry. As the Apex alignment of the Great Pyramid goes thru the star Al-Nitak, the next two Giza Pyramid’sare also aligned in Kaphre/Al- Nilam, andMenkaure/ Mintaka, in Fig. 9, with the next two stars of Orion’s Belt. Not only is theplanetVenusaligned withRegulus, but Mars& Mercury were also aligned withVenusand Regulusin Leo, and these three Pyramidson the Giza Plateau. The key aspect of the Rev. 12 sign of 3planets in Virgo’sCrown was their Sept. 23rd, 2017 alignment with Orion’s three Belt Stars-as a prophecy of Orion-Christ’s return.As the Celestial Preludeprophesied of the birthof Christ-in his first Advent, so these key Celestial Signs prophesy of our Lord’s Return also.
We find inFigure 8, theApexor Chief-cornerstone, of the Great Pyramid is aligned with“the Coming Prince,” Orion, specifically with themain star of Orion’s Belt; Al-Nitak, thewounded one. This Great Pyramidalignmentwith the star Al Nitak in Orion, bears witnessto the birth of Christ,as seen over Bethlehem at51.51 degrees, on Rosh Hashanah, thedayof Christ’s birth–on Sept. 11th,3 BC. Aswe see theApex, or the Great Pyramid’sChief Cornerstone alignedwith the star Al Nitakatmeridian or zenith, onRosh Hashanah again in 2017, tiethese two key dates together for all time. For doubtersof ourthesis on a 9/11 3 BC, birth of Christ, here ismore evidence supportingour case. The archaeo-astronomical concepts support thepatternof the 3 main Pyramids on Giza’s Plateau mirroring Orion’s 3 belt stars, conveyedto Earth, matches Al-Nitak’s first aligned positionwith the Great Pyramid. The links here take the reader to added studies on the site, covering more Great Pyramid links tied to Bethlehemand thebirth of Christ.
Our references to Egyptian Pharaoh’s linked to the 3 Pyramids of Giza, above does NOTmean that we agree with the idea that these Pharaohs actually builtthese Pyramids. We will refer to evidence supporting this presently. Until then, here is added research regarding potential links with the Giza Pyramid’s and the 3 Belt Stars of Orion.
Figure 9. The 3 Belt stars of Orion reflecting the 3 Pyramids of Giza. #15
As Scriptureteachesin Isaiah 19, the Great Pyramid has much to say as one of the most ancientmonumental witnesses of JesusChriston planet Earth. The Fig. 8graphicabove shows the Great Pyramid’sgeographicalpositionmirroringthe 1ststar Al-Nitak in Orion’sBelt. SomebodyatBethlehem at thetime ofChrist’s birth looking up at this first belt starofOrion(Al Nitak–the wounded one) the meridianangleof this star above thehorizon matches theslope angle oftheGreat Pyramid itself—51 degrees & 51 mins.#16This gives confirming evidence of the Pyramid’sexisting geographic “Bethlehem line” markingthe birthplaceof Christ, with the same measure of the Christ Angle [26 degrees .18′9.7″…] #17markingthe union ofVenus and Regulus in Leo onSept. 20, 2017.
As we find a reflectionof the stars of Orion’s belt, mirroredinthis 3-Pyramid Masterplanof theGiza complex, thehighway marked by the Great Pyramid’s Bethlehem Line alsomarks the way traveled throughthe desert wilderness when Israel was led byMosesin their Exodus,to finally cross over into thePromised Land. ThisBethlehemLineoriginatedfrom the 26. degree angle of the Pyramid’s Ascending and Descendingpassages, laid out geographically on the earth’s surface,leading to Bethlehem, and then Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. The Bethlehem lineextendsthroughIsrael viathe JordanRiver, where Jesus Christ was baptizedby John the Baptist, matching the location of theIsraelites crossingthis riverwith the Ark of the Covenant, that parted the waters of this river, marking Israel’s entrance into the Promised Land. I have referred to the GreatPyramid as the primaryboundary stonemonumentmarking the Land God Promised to Israel, thetouchstoneof the Astronomy of Bible Patriarchs, that embodies God’sCovenants of theScriptures, the Stars, writtenin Stone and Incarnate in the Man Jesus Christ.
Figure 10. The Bethlehem Line of the Great Pyramid. #18.
The view of the prophetic aspects of the Great Pyramid in light of its Ascending and DescendingPassageangles supports what the Scripturessay about the witnessof Christin the Great Pyramid in Isaiah 19:19-20. Its evident from this graphic [Fig. 8] there is a central importance to the planets Jupiterand Venusin markingthe Birth and Second Coming of theLord. As we havereviewed3 Mercury–Venus unionsof 2016, the planetaryactivity leading to the heavenly signs of 2017, are noteworthyin lightof the Great Pyramid.
The masterplanidea for Giza’sPlateauappears to bebased on certain keys apparentin the design elements of Giza, including the “Christ angle” of 26 degrees 18′ 9.7“, that not only matches the slope angleof the Great Pyramid’s Ascendingand DescendingPassage’s, but also was an alignment key for the entire Giza Plateau itself. #19 Another design feature of this masterplan is the Causeways from each Pyramid, and their orientation. Hancock & Bauval tell us; “the causeway of the 3rd pyramid, like the gaze of the Sphinx, is targeted due East. The causeway of the 2nd Pyramid points 14 degrees south of due East. The Causeway of the Great Pyramid is 14 degrees North of due East. The arrangement is precise, geometrical, obviously deliberate, with each significant structure bearing a designed relationship to every other structure-and the whole contained within a large circularartificial ‘horizon‘ that is apparently centered on the Apex of the 2nd Pyramid with its rim lying just to the westof the rumpof the Sphinx.“#20
This is noteworthy since onlythe Great Pyramid, of allEgypt’s pyramids, was built with ascendingand descendingpassages, which becomes more interesting as we note the related Venus planetary alignment withRegulusonNew Year’sDayof Rosh Hashanah in 2017.
According toDaniel Matson, he notedthe importanceofviewing the Autumn equinox insteadof theSpring equinoxinthis context, on his now defunctwebsite, resulting from his untimely and unfortunate passing;
“Robert Bauvalfirst suggested theOrion Theory in his 1994 book, “The Orion Mystery.” His theory holds that the Pyramidshe designated as Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure,werebased on theidea that these pyramidswere builtduring the reigns of these Egyptian Pharaoh’s, arealigned depicting thebelt stars of Orion—meaning, ifone looks south, the Great Pyramid (Khufu) is embodied inthe lower left belt star known as Al Nitak, as the northeast pyramid. This islogical sinceviewing Orionat theMeridianmeans,one must look South. But with, a Pyramid building datecirca10,500 BC, in the “OrionCorrelation Theory,“holding to aVernal equinox scenario, opposes toourfindings in Fig. 8, with Orion at Meridian during dawn at the onset of spring.” 21
Figure 11. The Great Sphinx facing due east with Orion & Sirius rising at its lowest point closest to the Horizon, [in agreement with Fig. 8 above.] #22
From The Message of the Sphinxby Bauval and Hancock.
As Matsonstated; “The propheticview taken here, is that theGiza pyramidswere builtlooking forwarddown the corridorsof time. This requires a view towards the other equinox, at thebeginning of autumn when Orion willbe atMeridian during dawn.”23 This is supported also by the orientationof the Great Sphinx looking due eastto the junction ofVirgo/Leo at sunriseof the autumnal equinox. About 2000 yearsagoOrion (Al Nitak)hit thedawn-meridianin its heliacal rising, alsothetargetof theSouthern star shaftof the King’s Chamber, on Aug. 26th, coincidingwiththemeridian passage of Kochabof Ursa Minor, aligned with the Northernstar shaftof the Queen’s Chamber. Matsonsays; “Presentlythis alignment is on September 20thdue totheprecession of theequinoxes, makes it quiteclose to theFall Equinox on Sept. of 2017 when thesignssimilar toChrist’s birthwereseen again. #24
This coordination of star alignmentswere specifically marked by the Great Pyramid star shafts, carries a notable narrative that has gone unnoticed for millennia, that [Matson] revealed for the first time. A key to revealing this narrative wasuncoveredas we noticed the original meaningofancient star names marked by the Great Pyramid. Al Nitak of Orion means the “wounded one,” referringto Christ’s sacrifice laying down his life in his firstadvent, as we findin the Gen. 3:15 axis. The heliacal rising of Al Nitak,not only agrees with the star Kochab’s meridian passage in Ursa Minor, meaning-“waiting for him who comes,” referring to the Second Coming ofChrist, that occurredalso with the Sunrise inLeo,as seen in Fig. 7above. Even as these Rev. 12 sky signs were replayed in2017, we will findlike signsreplaying again the years 2028, and 2047.
This prophecyof the Sonriseof the Agesforecasts the victorious returnof Christ when he defeats and crushes the dragon enemy with a fatal head blowseen also in the star picturesof the Gen. 3:15 axis. Certainly, thetheme of this Sonriseis not unfamiliar, having revolved in the sky for eons, as seen in the Gen. 3:15 axis. However, the witness of the star shaftsof the Great Pyramidadded to this themeis decidedly news to modern ears. The namesin this celestial showcase were changedto the idol godsof Egypt, due to an ancient corruptionin the astrologyof their star religion, but this darkness only shadedthe truthfor so long, before the Light of Almighty GOD ultimatelyprevails. This ancient Egyptian Sonrisemarked by the Great Sphinx, embodied in the Great Pyramid, resounds from the Giza Plateauforeshadowing theSon-set marking Christ’s birth seen from Jerusalem in3 BC, in Figure 12below.
The signsmarking Jesus’ birth took place nearthe intersection of theecliptic & the MeridianinVirgo. Figure 12below shows the moments of Christ’sbirth, marked by the setting of thestar Spica, between the setting Sunwith the Moon at Virgo’s feet, [Rev. 12:1-2] and the supernovain the Coma Decan, witnessed by thenaked eye, shining in the child’s headat this time. This graphic provides aclose up view of the Figure 7 celestial setting in the Rev. 12 Signmarkingthe Birth of Christ, with the Sun clothing Virgo and the Moon at her feet. It shows theSun settingon theHorizon with the Bright star of Virgo’s wheat sheaves called Spica, whose setting time marked the actual moments of Christ’s birth between Sunset and Moonset on Sept. 11th in 3 BC.
Figure 12. Sunset Horizon view from Jerusalem at Christ’s birth on 9-11-3 BC.
Malachi 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
The word“arise” in Mal. 4:2, is used of theSun and lightin general, but it and two of its usages also occur in[Isa. 60:1-3, Jer. 23:5]. As we’ve statedbefore, Jer. 23:5, the planet Jupiter, the sedeq planetlinkswith the Messiah, Jesus Christ the righteous Zemach-branch, as one of 5 primary OT titlesand Branch prophecies pertaining to the coming promised seed.
According to Matson, the basic idea is that the Pyramid complex is a map of the heavens at a time near the return of Christ. The pyramidsshowwhat is to be at meridian(Al Nitakin Orion), while the causewaysand the Great Sphinxare aligned east from the pyramids, showing the importance of the rising Sun and otherstars rising in the east. #25 The Figure 11graphic above shows theSun in Leo, with Orionon the meridianatdawnwhile, Sirius is at its lowest pointjust above the horizon. As we’ll see, the role of Sirius; brightest star in the heavens, tells key aspects of the narrativeregarding the fallen Prince and 1stStar of the Morning.
Matson’s Key, was finding a candidate for aRosh Hashanahalignment that linked with Orion’s meridiandawn alignment. As Rosh Hashanahbeginsatsunset andsigns precede events, the harmonyforRosh Hashanah to start at sunsetonSeptember 20th of 2017, thenputs Rosh Hashanah on Sept. 21st, on the Hebrew Calendar. #26This also fits the astronomical scene, aprecedent of these events, on Rosh HashanahatChrist’s birth on Sept. 11th, 3 BC.
With Sept. 21stas theAutumn Equinox, in accord with Rosh Hashanah and themeridian alignment ofAl Nitakatdawn, could Rosh Hashanahbe the key? The answer to Matson’s question here is found not only in the heavenly signsof the birth ofChrist, but also the historicalmeaningof the holyday-Rosh Hashanah. This Hebrew Holidayrecognizes God’s Creationof the World, and initiates a 10-day period called the Days of Awe, a time of repentance ending in Yom Kippur– the Day of Atonement. TheDays of Awe–Rosh Hashanah began as an OT royalenthronementritual, while the “Day of Judgment” elements of theholiday surfaced later. In spite of Rosh Hashanahbeing the 7th month, it came to designate the New Year. A further significance of Tishrias the seventh month, is found in its function as the Sabbath of theyear. Blasts on the shofar horn, are the most potent symbol of this holiday. The weightof shofar blasts alludes to recalling the Binding of Isaac in [Gen. 22]. The story and the shofar serve as reminders of God’s Covenantwith His people-Israel, carrying themessageof hope, looking forward to the sacrifice and return of Christ.
We have pointed out in previous blogs, how the dualsignificanceof the Rev. 12:1-2prophecy, applies not only to the birthof Christ, but to thevictoryof his Return also! Even as heavenly signsspecifically marked the birthof Jesus Christ, supporting the witness of God’s Word, so we have seen similarskysignsmarking the Lord’s Return. Even as these Rev. 12 heavenly signswere replayed in2017, we will find similar signs in the next 4years, in2028, and 2047.
As we returnnow to the Gen. 3:15axistheme extendingto the next sign, we find it intersectingthedecanofScorpius called Hercules, whose footis put over the Head of Dracothe Serpent–dragon at the North pole. The axis runs between the two headsofHerculesand Ophiuchus,who areinverted but in alignment to each other. The star in Hercules headis called Ras Al Gethi, that means the headof himwho bruises,keeping with theGen. 3:15 theme. #27As this axisextendsdownto Hercules’ left foot, it shows the resultof Ophiuchus‘ battlewith the Serpent, as Hercules left footcrushestheDragon’s head, seen in Fig. 13, destroying the devil’s works. As Herculeskneels, hisright heel is lifted up as if wounded, seen in some star maps with a spear throughhis heel. [Rev. 12:9-10, Ps. 74:12-14]
Figure 13. Hercules’ foot over the Dragon crushing it’s Head. #28
As a result of Draco theDragon’s head being crushedwith a fatalblow to the star Rastaban-meaning the head of the subtle, from the descending foot of Hercules, the Dragon’sformer positionas the Covering Archangelover all the angelic choirs of heaven [Ezek. 28:12-19] was stripped from him forever, and his positionembodied in the ancient North Pole is supersededby Jesus Christ, the Risen Morning Starin place of the fallen Morning Star, [Isa. 14:12]. In Figure #13abovethe star Thuban–thesubtleas the former Northern Pole star, the central star in the heavensaround which all other denizensof the universe revolve. A detailed graphic of Dracoat the North Poleincluding the location of the pole startoday in Ursa Minoris found in Figure14 below.
Figure 14. Draco and Cepheus above Ursa Minor at the North Pole.
The3rd Saggittarius decan above is Draco thedragon, with Hercules’ Foot over its head, insidethe top circleof the Northern Polar Venn Diagram. Astronomicallywe findthe dynamicequatorialpole, gradually encirclingthe static pole of the ecliptic, at the center of the upper circle. The common areabetweenthese overlapping polar wheels is called a vesicaof the Venn Diagram. This shows us the precession of the poles, as the equatorial poleshiftedfrom Thuban–the star inDraco’s tail, to Polaris of Ursa Minorover the past5000years. This fulfills the promiseof the Coming redeemer, as ourGen. 3:15 axis passesthrough the current pole star Polaris, seen under-foot of Cepheus, theCrowned King, [Eph. 1:20-22]. This celestial image of the King of kings is fulfilledin Christ Jesus, who presidesoverthe central starof theheavens, formerly underDraco’s dominion. InsidethePolar circle, vesicawe see a triangleenclosingthe Little BearofUrsa Minor. This polar triangle forms the Ecliptic pole at the centerof this upper circle, along with two pole stars, one Thubantheformerpolestarin the Dragon’s tail at the circle’s perimeterand Apex of this triangle above the head of the bear. The other is thecurrent pole star-Polaris, at thelower-left corner, of the triangle’s base. As we can see in Figure 16below, the Pole star marked Al Ruccaba, is underfootof Cepheus, the King decan seated at God’s right Hand. The closeststar to the tip of UrsaMinor’s tail, in Fig. 14means“the Branch,” who exerts hisfour-foldauthorityin thefour Messianic Titles; of Servant, King,Son of Man, & Son of God, over all Creation. The serpent’s destruction, is thus not only seen in the crushing fatalblowto the serpent’s head, but also is witnessedin the outcomeof Ophiuchus’ struggle, with the Serpent,denied the Crown[Coronain Fig. 2a] of Dominion.
Zech. 6:12-13 “Thusspeaks the Lord of Hosts,sayingbehold the man whosename is the Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the Templeof the Lord.”v. 13 “Even he shall build theTemple of the Lord; and he shall bearthe glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.”
We see the woman’s promised seed, clothed in the celestial royaltyof absolute Dominionover all Creation, corresponding to the “Branch;” the holy scion of God in light of the branch propheciesinGod’s Word. As the only Crowned star picturein the heavens, the name“Cepheus” in the Dendera Zodiac, is known inancient Egypt as Pe-Ku-hor; meaning“one coming to rule–” aconsistent themeof the star names below. The three primary stars ofCepheusare as follows; [seen in Fig. 15below]
1. Al Deramin-he who comes quickly from the right ArmorHand of the Father-The Hand of Blessing. 2. Al Phirk-signifying the Redeemerof the starsof his flocks[Ursa Minor andMajor]. 3. Al Rai–The Shepherd who bruises or breaks. [Ps. 23; and the 7 Redemptive Names of Godembodied in theShepherd.]
Figure 15. Cepheus Decan. #29
Thus, we have theRedeeming Shepherd coming quicklyfrom theright hand of God, who bruisesorbreaks,to redeem his flocks.A unique feature of the 3 primary stars hereat theNorth Celestial Pole,as thePole star recedes via the Precession of the Poles, each of these3 brightest stars inCepheuswillinherit the titleand functionofPole star, currently occupiedby Polaris–[Al Ruccaba] of Usra Minor.Starting about 4000 AD in 1500-year intervals, these 3primary stars of Cepheus will occupythe coveted Northern “Pole Position;”
1st Al Deramin 2nd Al Phirk 3rd Al Rai
Cepheus as the crowned and bearded King deckedin his royal robes, seated on hispolar throne, the3rd andfinal decan of thesign, “Pisces,”holding His scepter raisedin his lefthand stretched outto Cassiopeia, the decanof the sign, as part of the next primaryconstellation groupof “Aries, theRam.” Rev. Jon Nesslehas taught thisrecord in his8/15/23 Chapt. 5,Session1b, of the OT History Class, as King of Persia-Darius I,points his golden scepter to Queen Esther, [Esth. 5:1-3] who entered theroyal court-uninvited; saving the Jews in his kingdom, from Haman’s evil genocidal plotagainst Israel. In a futurist view, Cassiopeia canalso embodythe bride of Christ, deliveredby him. Even as King Darius I, saved all Israelwith the action ofhis extended scepter, so King Jesus has saved all his church. With Cepheus’ foot over theNorth Pole Star; “Al Ruccaba” is depicted in atime-lapsephoto below, showing how all the stars revolve around the King of Kings. [I Cor. 15: 24-28].
Thesigns andconstellationsat the North Pole, or circumpolar starsreflect the “Royal Family”since theynever set. They were known in ancient times as the imperishables. The celestial imagesof Ursa Major and Minor seen as Bearsis acorruptionof more contemporary Astronomy, asno bear ever had a tail as long as that of Ursa Minor, inFig. 14. The imagein Fig. 16belowis muchmore accurate, with theKing’s right foot seated overpenned and guarded sheepofUrsa Minor, we can see Jesus theShepherd protecting his flockof the “little dipper,” from his enemiesthat will be trodden underfoot. This theme of Jesusas the Shepherd protecting his sheep, is extendedin this Gen. 3:15 axis, seenbelow in Fig. 17, in the constellation Auriga the Shepherd.
Figure 16.The Cepheus Decan. #30
Even in this veiled mythology we can see the light of thestoryof thereturningGood Shepherd-redeemer shiningthrough todeliver his flocks, whom he laid down his life for. Bullinger refers to this precession of theNorth pole and Al Ruccaba specifically as follows:
“Although the star does not revolvelike the others, the central point in the heavens is very slowly but steadily moving. When these constellations were formed theDragon possessed this important point, and the star alpha, inDraco, marked thiscentral point. But by its gradual recession, that point is sufficiently near thestar Al Ruccaba, in the Lesser Sheepfold, (Ursa Minor) for it to be what is called “the Polar Star.” But howwas it knownfive or 6,000 years ago? How could it have been known when it received its name, which means the turnedorridden on? Thatit was known is clear: so likewise was it made known in the written Wordthat theoriginal blessing included not only the multiplication of the seed of the faithful Abraham, butit wasthen added, “And thy seed shall possess the gate of thy enemies,” [Gen. 22:17]. #31
Again the RoyalRed Thread of truthruns through the Gen. 3:15 Axis, because in thekneeof Cepheus’legover Polaris/Al Ruccaba, holds thestar–Al Rai, meaning “he whobruisesor breaks,” #32Since theman-King Jesus/Cepheus, is crownedwith the crown of Dominion who ultimately breaks and destroys the serpent, this name Al Raimirrorsthe star Rigelin Orion,matching with Cepheus, just as thestarSaiphpairsOrion with Ophiuchusatboth ends of this axis! In the Creator’sdesign, Who named and alignedthe stars, in their courses, tellsthe divinenarrativeof Christ’s Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension,that we witnessin the Celestial Gospel! Our Father in Heaven has watermarked His narrativeboth in Scriptureand Written in theStars, with the same divine inspirationthat proves the Star Gospelemergedfromthis One Sourceof undeniable truth. The Creator’s signature onHis handiwork is all the proofrequired to depict the genuinevalidity of His Almighty Hand to underwrite the Celestial Gospel. As the divine words of Scriptureperfectly agree in their witnessof the stellar narrative of the Ages, so theStar Gospel agrees with God’s Written Word in all their key details.
Here we see thepromised seed of the womanclothed in the celestial royaltyof absolute dominionover all Creation. The name “Cepheus” has likely Egyptianlinguistic rootsin “Cheops” or Khufu,the Pharoahlinked with the 1st Pyramid in Orion’s Belt, the Great Pyramid. [Isa. 19:19-20]
This is a good time bring up the previous point on the Egyptian Pharaoh’s link to the three Pyramids of Giza. The sticking point here is the orthodox Egyptian chronologiestie the4th Dynasty under Khufu [2700-2600 BC], to the buildingperiod of the Great Pyramid, in Khufu’s reign. Fortunately, there exists strong archaeological &historicalevidenceto the contrary, in agreement with highlyaccurate Great Pyramid astronomy.
Since this astronomicalevidence involving the Great Pyramid from Herschel, Smyth and Lowell is incompatiblewith orthodox Egyptian chronologies, we can see an alternative chronology more in line with archaeological &historicalevidence. Some of this evidence we find in the Great Sphinx, which was built as a key part of the Gizamaster-plan including the Pyramids, andcausewaysof the Giza Plateau, linked to theGreat Sphinx. This is part of an evolving concept of the historical narrative of these famed monuments of ancient Egypt, framing a Giza Masterplan. The Inventory Stelaprovidessome strong evidence, fromPharaoh Khufu himself, that he was notthe Great Pyramid’s builder, and that theGreat Pyramid and Great Sphinx, already existedduring his reign. Other Egyptologists like James H. Breasted, includes the Inventory Stelain his official Fourth Dynastylist of artifacts, stating it “boreall the marksofauthenticity.” #33
Also, the French Egyptologist Gaston Maspero; whose popular work, “The Dawn of Civilization,” stated that this Stelawas indeed a factual record of the life and deeds of Khufu. #34
With the exception of a few die-hards, most Egyptologistsconsentto the accumulating body of archaeologicaland geologicalevidence, indicating that the Great Sphinxdates much olderthan the 4thDynasty, and the Sphinxwas only restoredby Chephren, notbuilt during his reign. Added evidencefrom the 19th century‘Inventory Stele‘ uncovered near theSphinx says Chephren’s predecessor-Khufu/Pharaoh Cheops; ordered a temple built besidethe Great Sphinx, meaningthe Sphinx already existedat this earlier time, and was not built by Chephren. As the astronomicalelementsof the Dendera Zodiac that inspired the Great Sphinxmust predateit, we can see how the antiquityof the the DenderaZodiacand the Great Sphinxare inseparably joined, giving us a truer idea for the agesof these monumentally intertwinedancientartifacts.
In building the Great Sphinx’s adjoining temple, quarried stone blocks of 200+ tons were used, with some Sphinx temple masonry matching building stones of the Pyramids, including causeways linking the Pyramidsto the Great Sphinx. This reflects strong linksbetween these uniquely historic monumentson a number of design and construction levels, even in support of a Giza master-plan. It is logical that some of the quarried blocks were used to constructthe temple, as the Sphinx wascarvedout of existingnearby rock. It may suggest amaster-planfor constructionblueprints in buildingand design elements of the Giza Plateauincluding the Great Sphinx, its temples & theGreat Pyramid complex. [Job 19:23-25]
Let’s look at with the next decanhighlighted in our Gen. 3:15 Planisphere Axis, which is Auriga, as seen below in Figure 17. Our axistouches the point where the large hornof Taurus, the charging Bull pierces theheelof our Shepherd-Auriga. Keeping with ourGen. 3:15 theme, we find the signs anddecans of our Axis marking the Bull’shorn,that strikes the heelof Auriga’sright foot, at the starnamed Al Nath, meaning the woundedor slain. The unmistakablenature of this repeating theme as seen in this alignment of heelsacrossthe heavens, is breathtaking in scopeas it integratesthe witnessof the starson the eclipticwith those of the celestial equator, in the unified messageof the polarand ecliptic stars, seen in The Celestial Gospels for all time.
Figure 17. Auriga The Shepherd.35
Bullinger says; “He is theGood Shepherdwho gave his lifefor the Sheep, [Jn. 10:11], the Great Shepherdwho was resurrected from the dead, [Heb. 13:20] and now the Chief Shepherd, [I Pet. 5:4] seen in the day of his coming glory.”36 Auriga depicts the exalted,mighty Savior, exercisinghis loving mercy and salvationin the midst of the scenes of judgment, as the Scriptures tell us, that in the midst of wrath he remembers mercy. (Hab. 3:2)
Aurigaholdsthe6th brightest starin thesky: Capella, thegoat star;chief star in this decanmeaning “She-goat,“#37marking the heartof the mothergoat. Sheand herkids are safein the arms of theShepherd. Here we find the Shepherdruling in his authority, rescuinghis own fromevil, to gatherand and protect hissheep. As our Gen. 3:15 Axis closely by-passes Capellabefore reachingthe star Al Nath at the tip of thebull’s hornpiercing his heel, Aurigasits astride the Milky Way, symbolic ofJesus Christ, not only as thelamb ofGod, but judging as aLion, returning to execute judgment against evil-doers. Here the 3-fold witnessof theJupiter-Regulus triple union, starting at Christ’s birth seen in the 3 stages of the maturation of Leothe Lionmirrors Christthis 3-fold Shepherdon the Planisphere Axis. My Gen. 49 videobelow, depicts truths of the Great Sphinx signs marking the birth of Christ
If we now lookat the other endof theGen. 3:15 Planisphere Axis, we find amazinglyitintersects Orion, right at thestar in Orion’s footnamed Rigel,#38 meaning “the foot that crushes,” which fits as it’s pictured crushing the enemy. The main star in Orion’sother legincredibly is “Saiph” the same starname for “bruised“we saw in Ophiuchus, found in Gen. 3:15! Not only do we find both endsof this amazing Planisphere axis agreeing with the samestar name tied to Gen. 3:15, but before the axisreaches Orion’s foot, it intersects the brightstarin Orion’sshoulder called Bellatrix, meaning “swiftly destroying,” in referenceto theswift demiseof theenemyat the handsof the Lord Jesus Christ. #39
The name Orion appears three times in the Bible (Job 9:9, 38:31; Amos 5:8). Rolleston rightly noted that Kesilis the Hebrew word translated as “Orion” in all threeuses (Rolleston 1865, part 2, p. 30).#40 “Rollestonviewed Orionas a type of Christ. Part of thiscame fromthename “Orion.”
The meaning and sourceof this nameis obscure, but, as R.A. Allen says (1963, p. 304), 41 it is rootedin the Akkadian, and means “Light of Heaven,” an apparent appealto Matthew 4:16on Rolleston’spart.” We are more drawn to Star lore from a biblicaland Hebraic view, than astrology,though ancient Egyptian mythprovesto holdmanyof the Celestial Gospelthemesin their original star namesanddecans. Many of these themes survived the corruption of idolmythslinkedto the Egyptian Solar cultofRA, and Pharaoh’slinks to it, so that some ancient truthsof theCelestial Gospel survived, in the Dendera Zodiac, for example with its Coma decanGreekcorruption in Coma Berniece’s, wig as seen in Fig. 6a above, and the Hare underfoot of Orion, noted in Fig. 18below.
Figure 18. The decan of Orion, with Rigel-his foot star opening the River of Judgement;Eridanus, as his other leg crushestheHare-Lepus, while the Bull gores the heel starof Auriga– Al Nath. #42
The original meaning of Orionis “coming forth as light.”#43The same word is used in Genesis. 1:17 and Isa. 60:1, referring to the light of the celestial sky & its luminaries.
Job 38:31-33 31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? 32 Canst thou bring forthMazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturuswith his sons? 33 Knowest thou theordinances of heaven?Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the Earth?
Francis Rolleston was an early adopter that the Celestial Gospel narratingthe pathof Christ on the ecliptic-or the Sun’s path, as the 12 signs of the Mazzaroth in Job38above, and Psalm19. Thepattern of Christbetween, the alpha/omega signsof the Great Sphinx–Virgo & Leo the Lion, both Ophiuchus and Orion at each endof the Gen. 3:15 Planisphere Axis. We see obvious parallels in Gen. 3 :15’sstellar map, andChrist is identified with both Ophiuchusand Orion in the Celestial Gospel, as the ancient meanings of thestars are allowed their voice.
Their witness of truth shines through any confusion resulting from the darkness of corrupt astrology. Godis the One Who namedandnumbered thestarsand we have already seen how these ancient Star names match Greek and Hebrew Bible words, like those used in Gen. 3:15 to accomplishthe task Godsent them to do. An example of this kindof corruptionof ancient constellations is found regarding the imagebeing crushed below Orion’s foot.
Figure 19. Dendera Zodiac with Decans. #44
Rolleston“observed that although in most charts Orion’s foot rests on a hare, in at least one ancient Indian star chart there is snakein place of thehare. Presumably, this snakehas bitten, orbruised, Orion’s heel, as heis crushing the serpent’s head to fulfillthefirst Messianic prophecy (Genesis 3:15).”#45Of course, this depiction of a serpent instead of a Hareis not limited to Indianzodiacs, but was also the case in the Dendera zodiac; [see the Bullin the upper right of the zodiac, over the Man underTauruswith his foot atop a snake], along with Persian zodiacs also. #46
As we have seen in the square Dendera Zodiac it’s not only one of the oldest planispheresaround, as found with its depiction of the Great Sphinx, but it is also a uniquely great sourceto identify ancient decans, like onedescribingLepusthe “hare,” as a serpent. According to Seiss, Persian & Egyptian zodiacs also includethe imageof theserpent under Orion’s foot, caught in the claws of a hawk or eagle, as seen in Fig. 19 above. #47
The Pyramid’s southern Star shaft in the Queen’s Chamber points to Sirius the Dog Star and brightest star in the sky, as the Queen’s Chamber Northshaft is alignedon the star Kochabof Ursa Minor, holding thesame polar sign found on our Gen. 3:15 Axisin Fig. 14. Ursa Minoris the pole star’s location today- underfoot of Cepheus, the CrownedKing. This image of the King of Kingsis fulfilled in Christ Jesus, who rules over thiscentral star of thesky, formerly Thubanunderthe dominion of theDragon–Luciferin hisfirst estate. This records a transition in spiritualpowerfrom Lucifer the fallen MorningStar, who previously was the leadingarchangel over all angels of heaven, until iniquity wasfound in him. Thetreacheryof thisfailed coup vs. the Heavenly Father, removed him from his seat-assumed by Christ the ascendant Morning Star, who is now seatedat the right hand of the Almighty, [Eph. 1: 19–23]. This story of the fallen Morning Star is also related in the Star Sirius–the Prince.
The dual alignmentofThubanbelow the pole with the Pleiadesabove the pole in2170 BC, calculated by Piazzi Smyth, not only supports the key application ofthe autumnal equinoxrelated to Rosh Hashanah, as we will see below, but also reveals a key pointabout howthe Pleiades saw the fallof the 1stMorning Star- Lucifer. [Isa. 14:12]
In China’s astronomical records, the Pleiades star clusterwas among the earliest of Lunar houses on record, dating to 2357 BC, when the star Alcyone in the Pleiadesnearthe vernal equinox. #48The 7 starsof thefamed cluster were identified by Job[9:9, 38:31] and referred to collectively as a “heapor accumulation“and the congregation of the judgeorruler,” said also to be referenced in Rev. 1 as a“mystery.” Since the GreatMysteryis not revealed beforethe Day of Pentecost in 28AD, it does not disclose truths relating to the spiritual body of Christ or the congregation of his Church. But what about relationships between of the angelic realms? Rev. 1:20 refers to the angelic orderin relation to Christandthe 7 churchesin his righthand.
Rev. 1:20 20 The mystery of theseven starswhich thou sawest inmy right hand, and theseven golden candlesticks. The seven starsare theangels of the seven churches: and the seven candle-sticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.
Figure 20. The Pleiades Star Cluster #49
Now that the ascended Christ has supplanted the fallen Morning Star, he inherited rulershipover the remaining choirs and cohorts of the angelic hostspreviously under Lucifer. This is partof the mysteryof the seven stars, ofangels heldin Christ’s right hand, reminding us of thedivine 7-fold pattern of theCherubim according to a regulardistributionaround the structure of the four colored curtainsof Tabernacle walls of both the Holy Place, and the Holiestofall. As this pattern is in the earthly Tabernacle, so we find it inthe Heavenly Tabernacle, as Rev. 15:5-8 reveals, seen in Part 1. [cp.Rev. 8–9]
Since the Celestial Gospel is a pictorialskyscape, paralleling God’s Word, at times it tells a compositestory of the truth ofChrist. This axisis a good example of a compositepictorialdepictionof Gospel truth, supported by the meanings of individual star names in these constellationsand decansof thestar signs, along with planetarymotionsand unions,as we have seen in this record with Mars, and Virgo’sCrown. The combined imagesof the Gen. 3:15 Axis shows not only 3 heavenly giantsincombat with Serpentine foes, but also a fourth decan on this axistakingthe central star in the heavens away fromDraco the dragon’s control. Once the serpent-crushed byOrion, replaces the Hare from later zodiacs the Gen. 3:15 Axisbecomes a powerfulunified image in multiple signs along the axis, all centeredon the Genesis 3:15theme.
Figure 21. Paths of Venus and Mercury from April 28 to June 10, 28 A.D.#50
The Fig. 21 imageabove shows the motionof planets Venusthe bright andMorning Star, with Mercury–Gabriel, from April 28th, toJune 10th, 28 AD. Bothplanetsfirstmoved towards Gemini, when they each went into retro-grade motions, setting them on course forOrion’s club.#44 We have seen how Orion, on this sideof the Gen. 3:15 axis embodies Christ, as Ophiuchus does-180 degreesaway, on the other sideof this axis. As the twoplanetsarrive in a coordinatedattack to energize Orion’sraised club, on June 10th, 28 AD, they are joined bythe Moon, on the same dayMarsreachedthe center of the head of the Scorpion, grinding the message homeof itsinevitable defeatin a Battle of the Ages. Orion beholding the Bull’s horns of Taurus in his upward view, he finds the planetSaturn placed betweenthe hornsof dilemma to unleash its doomin Fig. 21
We must alsorecallfrom Fig. 18above, a tipof one of theBullhorns pierces the heel of Auriga the Shepherd, at a starwiththe same namein both signs & Constellations–Al Nath in [Aries & Auriga]; that means the woundedor Slain. With Saturn–Satan placedbetweenthehorns ofTaurus,as themain spiritual power behind the bruising of Auriga’s heel, drawingthe furyof Orion’s Club empowered by thebright &MorningStar-Venus, heralded by Mercury–Gabriel the Messenger Archangel, while Marsdelivers a massivePassoverpunchto Scorpio’s head, being crushed underfoot ofOphiuchus. Whenyou angerthe Almighty, there’s hell-fire and judgmentto pay…from all angles, & archangel’s.
The Rev. 12heavenly sign: the [Sun clothingVirgowith theCrescent Moonat herfeet] onSeptember 17th, 2015is announced byMercury–Gabriel located beside Virgo’s womb, united with Spica/Al Zimachon thisday, 2 years before the rewindof theGreat WonderinHeaven, on Sept. 23rd 2017, seen below.
Figure 22. Rev. 12 Sign [Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet].#51
With Regulusthe King Star and heartof thelion-Leo, the brightest star on the ecliptic setting the stage for the alignment of 3 planets in Leo–Venus, Mars andMercury, formingthis alignment reflecting the 3 Pyramids seen also in Orion’s belt stars, Crowning Virgo, as seen Fig. 22’s 9 Leo stars plus these 3planets, found between Regulusand theSunat her shoulder, clothing Virgo. This combinationof 3planets in mirroringthe 3 Pyramids, with Orion’s Belt, also agreed with an Aug. 27th, 2BC massing ofPlanets; Venus, Mercury, Mars & Jupiter, that followed the Jupiter-Regulus triple union of 3-2 BC, marking the birth of Christ. This unique testimony of Planetsdelivered thevictory message of the Passover punch to the enemy,depicting a singularly powerful account displayed in the Celestial Gospel. As wehave seen withboth sets of heavenly signssurroundingtheBirth of Christ,while alluding to his victorious Return,the King PlanetJupiterwas the Starof the Messiah, and Venus-the Brightand Morning Star are prominentin marking and bracketingthese keysigns in the dual-purposeof Revelation 12, for boththe birth andReturn of Christ.
Figure 23. Cetus the Sea-Monster tries to alter the course of Eridanus with itsforelegs. #52
With the conclusionof ourGen. 3:15 axis running down through Orion, we find issuing out of Orion’s foot-star Rigel, the Riverof the Judge–Eridanus, [Hab. 3:5]. This last heelalignment across the sky showsJesus‘ righteous judgment against all the evilof the enemy. Over the river banks of Eridanus, the futile attemptsof the Serpent–Cetus‘, [Fig. 23 above] to alteror stopthe inexorableflowof this river intoits undying judgmentfireswith its forelegs. But, thereis no escape for the evil,from their doom, residingin the Lake of fire, due to their callous revolt against the Almighty God. So, theirdoom awaits where hell–fires ofjudgment pool, in the Second Death, [2 Thess. 1:7-8].
Addedkeys found in Figure. 23,include the shacklesthat bond thefish of Pisces–binding bandsthat tie themto Cetus the Sea-monster. These bonds werebrokenby Aries the Ram,with matching starname-Al Nathshared thesky over ourLordat hiscrucifixion, in Auriga’s heel, as darkness obscured the light of the Sunin Aries. The King Planet Jupiter we too find in retrogrademotion inAries, as seenin other planets during this periodfrom March 1st-June 10th, 28 AD. With Jupiter’s retrogrademotionfocused on the binding bands ofthe fish ofPisces, brokenas a result of the Lamb’sperfectsacrifice, Jesus Christ; [Jn. 1:29] inFigure 23, as the forelegs of the lamb stretchacross these bands. The brightest starin Ariesin some charts is Al Hamal, in others Al Nath, with the samenamemeaning- “wounded” already seen in Auriga’s heel, being gored by the Taurus the Bull’shorn, fitting once again with the Gen. 3:15 Axis theme of the Crucifixion, Resurrection andAscension.
The alignmentof the AscendingPassage in the Great Pyramid to this unionof Regulus–Venusin Leo, on Rosh Hashanah 2017, the morning dawn light of the King Star Regulusunifies with Venusthe Brightand Morning Star in Leo the Lion(Rev. 2:28, 22:16 & 1 Pet. 1:19). With Regulus&Venus rising together, “as a morning star” in the east at a26.3-degreeChrist angle, resolved by the direction of the Great Pyramid’sAscendingpassage, reminds us of 2 Peter;
2 Peter 1:19 19 And so we have the prophetic word confirmed,[a] which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawnsand themorning star rises in your hearts;
We began this study with Rev. 5:5 & 22:16 with a focus on Venusthe brightand Morning star and the king starRegulus, and here we see 2 Peter 1:19 bringing into focusto the recent signs onRosh Hashanah2017, as the dawn of anew day sheds its resplendent light in our hearts. It is the hopeof the return of Jesus Christ that we are anticipating which anchors our soul in this dark and perverse world, keeping us moving forward on the path of the light of His Word with our God and Heavenly Father.
It is a genuine pleasure to bring these truths to a body of wonderful believers like yourselves, who appreciate and enjoy them as we share in our one body fellowship with each other. As we enjoy the Love and blessings of the Lord this month, let me know how God has abundantly blessed you!
God Bless!
1. Biblical Astronomy Newsletter, Picture credit, Bob Wadsworth.
3. Witness of the Stars, Planisphere, picture credit, E.W. Bullinger.
4. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger, p. 58 5. Biblical Astronomy Newsletter, Bob Wadsworth 6. Ibid, Plate 1-Picture Credit. 7. Biblical Astronomy Newsletter, Bob Wadsworth 8. Figure 3. picture credit, Sky and Telescope Magazine, 2015. 9. Figure 4. picture credit, Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, p. 45, VP Wierwille, The Celestial Sphinx. 10. The Star that Astonished the World, p. 186, Dr. Ernest L. Martin. 11. Figure 5. video credit, Stellarium 2 from Bobmoler.wordpress.com 12. Figure 6. Picture credit; Witness of the Stars, EW. Bullinger, p. 21. 13. Figure 7. Picture credit, Tetrad and the Signs of 2017,[https://earthsky.org/human-world/biblical-signs-in-the-sky-september-23-2017/] 14. Figure 8. The Great Pyramid’s Ascending Passage alignmentwith the Venus-Regulus union in Leo, 9-20-2017. 15. Figure 9. The 3 Belt stars of Orion reflect the 3 Pyramids of Giza, The Orion Mystery, p. 134, Robert Bauval. 16. Decoding the Great Pyramid, p. 41, P. Lemesurier. 17. IBID, p. 45, P. Lemesurier. 18. Fig. 10 Picture credit; Pillar of Enoch Ministries, Lehman. 19. Decoding the Great Pyramid, P. Lemesurier. 20. Message of the Sphinx, p. 34, Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval. 21. Daniel Matson website [watchfortheday.com]. 22. Fig. 11, picture credit; Message of the Sphinx, G. Hancock & R. Bauval. 23. Daniel Matson website [watchfortheday.com]. 24. IBID
25. IBID
26. IBID
27. Witness of the Stars, EW. Bullinger, p. 59. 28. Fig. 13 pix credit; [http://godsamazingstarsecret.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-fourth-star-family-part-3.html]
29. Figure 14, pix credit, for Cepheus decan. [https://emmausroadministries.international/2020/06/05/the-real-story-in-the-stars-part-22-cepheus-the-king/] 30. Fig. 16 pix credit, [https://emmausroadministries.international/2020/06/05/the-real-story-in-the-stars-part-22-cepheus-the-king/] 31. Witness of the Stars, EW. Bullinger, 32. IBID, p. 103. 33. OfficialFourth Dynastylist of artifacts; James H. Breasted, 34. The Dawn of Civilization, Gaston Maspero 35. Witness of the Stars, EW. Bullinger, p. 133. 36. Fig. 17.-Picture credit;IBID, Bullinger, p. 135. 37. IBID, p. 134. 38. IBID, p. 126. 39. IBID. p. 127. 40. The Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston 1865, part 2, p. 30) 41. “Star Names their Lore and Meaning,” R.A. Allen says (1963, p. 304) 42. Picture credit for Figure 18. [www.Alamy.com] 43. Witness of the Stars, EW. Bullinger, p. 125. 44. Fig. 19, https://www.afrikaiswoke.com/ancient-kemets-dendera-zodiac-the-worlds-first-zodiac/ 45. The Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston, 1865. 46. IBID, #44. 47. The Gospel in the Stars, p. Joseph Seiss 48. Star Lore Myths Legends and Facts, p. 409 William Tyler Olcott 49. Fig. 20 Picture credit; Pleiades/Orion [Pinterest.com] 50. Fig. 21 Picture Credit; Biblical Astronomy Newsletter, Bob Wadsworth 51. Fig. 22 Picture credit;Stellarium 2 52. Fig. 23Picture credit; Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger, p. 112.
A Deeper Perspective on the Precession of the Equinoxes
Welcome to the Sept. 2024 blog! With the change of Seasons from Summer to Fall it reminds us of how the Heavenly Father has placed us in a temporal world, where changeis the ever-presentstandard of the Agesof our World. Those who seek to honor God in our lives and follow the example of His only begotten Son; Jesus Christ, will take this opportunity to put off the old man, and put on the New, so we can participate in transforming ourselves into more Christlike people. In this process, it’s certainly great to have the spiritual body of Christ’s Church to grow into, as we daily approach the Return of the Lord. This month’s study provides the temporal context of this lifetime journey… God tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:9-15 [Amp. Bible]
9 What profit remains for the worker from his toil?10 I have seen the painful labor and exertion and miserable business which God has given to the sons of menwithwhich toexercise and busy themselves. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds[a divinely implantedsense of a purpose working through the ages[the world related to time], whichnothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for them than to be glad and to get and do good as long as they live; 13 And also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor-it is the gift of God. 14I know that whatever God does, it endures forever; nothing can be added to it nor anything taken from it. And God does it so that men will [reverently] fear Him [revere & worship Him, knowing that He is]. 15 That which is now already has been, and that which is to be already has been; and God seeks that which has passed by, [so that history repeats itself]. [Prov. 3:11-23]
If only we humblyreach out to Almighty God on His terms, can we gain a deeply valued perspective inunderstanding the works of His hands in His Creation. In this Biblical senseand context we resume our searchfor a deeper meaning behind the AstronomicalPhenomena that rules over the ages of the world, known as the Precession of the Equinoxes.
The historyof Biblical Astronomy gains new insights as we view the Biblicalcontextof thePatriarchal astronomers, startingwith Adamregarding their view of the heavens. God’srevelationof His Intelligent design of the cosmos, was taught to Adam-the 1st Maninitially, and passed onto Biblical Patriarchs and others, during Adam’s 930-year life span. During the transmission of this revelation, it retainedits accuracysince it was transferred from GodtoAdam in the same generations it was received, before Adamtaught it toothers. The Revelatory AstronomyofGod depictingthe poles, ecliptic and Equator,all arising from the direction of theEarth’s axis,exhibit criticalaspectsofthe Precession of the Equinoxesas akeypart of God’s planof a figurative geocentricposition of Earth’s centrallocationin theheavens. SinceEarth was the only celestial body inside thefirmament in the 1st Heaven and Earth, with Mankindnot yet created, only Angelslived to servethe Almighty. This speaks not only to the Precession of the Equinoxes, but also the Precession of the Pole star related to theshiftingAges, as seen on topof Figure 1 below. As we view the Creator’soriginalplan of Creation, in 3 Heavens and Earth’s, a benefitof this study affordsreaders an updatedviewof the Precession of the Equinoxes;that laysout a precessionaltimingof the Agesand eventsopening the Second Heavens and Earth. As a result, new lightis shed on these events and temporal periods, in the contextof the 1st Heavens and Earth, not only from a Biblical view, but also a historical vantage point.
In the Figure 1graphicofPrecessionprovided below, we find eight of the 12 signs of the Mazzaroth, orConstellations of the eclipticlabelled. Followingthe sign Cancer in the blue rectangle of the ecliptic band,is ablank yellow rectanglewherethe sign for Gemini-the so-called “Twins” belong. The nextbrown boxkeeps spacefor–Taurus the Bull. After Tauruswe find an orangerectanglefor AriestheRam. In the long march of 12–2,160 year-Precessional Ages, this Age of the Ramdirectly preceded theAge of Pisces the Fishes. This isourcurrent Ageof Precession, as we have already seen 2000+ years of the 2,160 yearsofthe Piscean Age, that openedwith a 7 BCtriple conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn, as part of the Celestial Preludethat set the stage 3 years later for the Jupiter-Regulus triple union in Leo marking the 3BC birth of Christ.
Figure 1. Precession of the Equinoxes. #1
As we proceed in this study, we will see how the 12 signs of the Mazzaroth or Zodiac are represented in the ancient Egyptian Dendera Zodiac, that itself prophesied of the birth of Christ. This also depicts one waythatthe Great Sphinxprophecy of the birth of Christ, not only relates to Dendera’switness of Christ, but also of how Precessionis the ultimateZeitgeist, or Spirit of the Times-aseachof the12 constellations or signs carry their own symbolic weight, in relating themessageof theCelestial Gospel, aswe find in greater detail below.
Lookingat the Creation record in Genesis 1-2, we do notfind reference to the Creation of Angels, duringthe Creation Week, because God already created the angels, who pre-existed this Agewith Luciferas his“morningstars,” seen in [Job 38:4-7, Jude 6, 9, Rev. 12:3-4], in the first Heaven and Earth. We knowof 3 Heavens & Earths since the Apostle Paul was “caught up” [2 Cor. 12:2-4] to a 3rd Heaven,[G3772–ouranos; used in both singular& pluralinterchangeably, referringto tiersof space above earth’s surface, where fowlsof theair fly; (Mt. 6: 26), and cloudsform rain(Mt. 24:30, Js. 5:18), under the celestial motion of the Sun, Moon and Stars; [Mk. 13:25].#2Above temporal limitsis a restricted dwellingof Holy Angels & God, outsideof andseparatenot only from our ownAge-time,in a Second Heavens and Earth, but detached from a previous Age, before man was created. These3 Heavens & Earthsoccur in a timesequence, starting “in the Beginning“in Gen. 1:1, and 2 Pet. 3:6, as “theworld“[G2889-kosmos: sum total of a material universewith all inhabitants, peopleor space, #3, versus [G165–aion: Mt.12:32, 13:39-40, endof distinct world-ages].#4The world that wasthen,” that“became formless & void” in Gen. 1:1-2, whenan unknownlength of time between the destruction of the 1st Heavens and Earth, and the events ofthe Creation Week in the 2nd Heavens and Earth occurred. 2 Pet. 3:7 says “the Heavens and Earthwhich are now,” takesusinto the present Age in the 2nd Heavens and Earth, while 2 Pet. 3:13; linksus to a 3rd Heavens and Earth-still future, [Isa. 65:17, 66:22-24]that God exposed to the Apostle Paul-[2 Cor. 12:2-4], wherein dwells righteousness.
Fig. 2. The Layers of Earth’s Atmosphere inside a 2nd Heavens and Earth.#5
In Gen. 1:6,we find the initial usage of “tavek” in God’s Word. The first occurrence of this wordrefers to God’s order in the firmament, as He Divided the watersof the greatdeep, above the expanseof heavensor the waters outside the firmament, from waters insidethis expanse, belowthe firmament. This paints a picture of a heavenlyfirmamentakin to acosmic bubble, borderedby an immensereservoirborderingthe Universe’s edges. Today’s firmamentcontains all the celestial bodies in Creation, but in the FirstHeaven and Earth, beforetheCreation of Man, only God’s Angelsserved the Almighty Creator. The Chief ArchangelLucifer was the first in commandnext to God, wholedall theAngelic choirs,offeringand Praising the AlmightyforHis Goodnessand Grace, [Job 38:7].God Created Angelswith freedom of will, so they all had a choice to obey God’s Will or not. Gen. 1:1-2 tells us more about God’s Creation:
Gen. 1:1-2
1 In the beginning God (prepared, formed, fashioned, and) created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth waswithout form and an empty waste, and darknesswasuponthe face of the very great deep. The Spirit of the Almighty Godwasmoving(hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters. God being the Perfect, Omniscient,Omnipotent, andOmnipresentCreator, He did not create theHeavens and Earth as it was foundin verse 2, “without form and an empty waste,” and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep.
Gen. 1:1 is the beginning of the First Heaven and Earth. Gen. 1:2 says; “Earthwaswithout form” means it Becamea formlessVoid, in the destructionresulting from the rebellionand unsuccessful coup‘ of Lucifer. This is why Darkness[H2822-choshek: misery, death, destruction, wickedness, sorrow, ignorance], #6 was introduced with these calling cards of the evil one, moving upon the faces of the Deep. In 2 Pet. 3:6, referred to above; the world that wasthen, being over-flowed with water, perished. This flooddoes notrefer to Noah’s flood in the 2nd Heavens and Earth, but to thedestruction of the1st Heaven and Earth in Gen. 1:2, floodedbyLucifer. Then the AlmightySpiritof God moved upon and inspectedthe facesof the waters, His Presence beingtheprecursorto calling Lightbackinto unified existenceover thefaces of the waters.
Gen. 1:3-6 And God said, Let there be light; and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good (suitable, pleasant) andHe approved it; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darknessHecalled Night. And there was evening andthere was morning, One day.
Since the Sun, Moonand Starswere not created till the 4th day, thepresenceof God Himself, His presence was the Source of light [Rev. 22:5] that was Good[H2896; towb–morallygood, beautiful, excellent, joyful, fruitful, lovely, cheerful, virtuous, kind]#7all Godly traits, inthefirst 3 days of Creation Week. Since Lucifer,theheadof the fallen angelsseparated himselffromGod’s lightindeclaring war and rebellion against God Almighty, God divided [H914-badal; disjoined, distinguish diverse things, shut out, banned, severed],#8 the darkness from the light.
God is lightand in Him is no darkness at all, so the absence of light depicts the presence of someone besides the Almighty who caused the Creation to become a formless and empty wasteland. This was causedby the rebelangelLuciferwho deceived 1/3of these angelsinto following him in a revoltagainstthe Almighty[Rev. 12:3-4], declaring war against Him; [Rev. 12:7-9]. The fallen angels now constitute the devil spirit realm under the dragon, [Isa. 14:12-29]. This act of rebellion by Lucifer was the actof “Original Sin” which activated“spiritual Entropy,” since corruptionwas introduced in the angelic realm of spirits, when Lucifer temptedthe Morning Stars to follow him in a revolt against the Almighty, resulting in Satan taking 1/3 of the angels down with him, when he was kicked out of heaven, and cast down to Earth. Wethen find Luciferon Earthafterhis failed coup’-asthe Serpentin theGarden of Eden, [Ezek. 28:12-19, Gen. 3:1-7] after theCreation recordof the 2nd Heavens and Earth, tempting Eve to steal Adam’s dominion over theEarth. This record of temptation shows Adam’s dominion was delivered into Satan’s hands, to do withordispose of as he liked. One of theseoptions was choosing to temptthe Lord Jesus Christwith this dominion, that of course, he rejected. [Luke 4:6]. This also introduced thecorruption of physical Entropy into the idyllicstateofthe world of the Second Heavens and Earth in the Garden of Eden, [Gen. 3:6ff, Rom. 1:18-32, 8:21-22]. Below is a summary of Thermodynamic Lawsof naturecurrently in force, a result of the Fall of Adam & Eve from the perfect stateGod made for them in Eden.
Figure 3. Laws of Thermodynamics [Pinterest.com]#9
The record of this terrestrial paradigm of the Genesis 1 Creation record on the Second day tells us in verses 6-8;
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament[the expanse of the sky] in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters [below] from the waters [above]. 7And God made the firmament [the expanse] and separated the waterswhich were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse. And it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heavens. And there was eveningand there was morning, a Second day.
Since God did not create the Sun, Moon, and Stars tillthe 4th day of Creation Week, in the Second Heavens and Earth, all the waters below the expanse of the firmament were concentrated on Earth. In contextof the Creationof the First Heavens and Earth, theuse of “tavek” in light ofGod’s orderingofallCreation, extends to include the entirety of our planet Earth. But the Earth of the First Heaven and Earth was not the same as the Earth we inhabit today, since man had not yet been created, nor had the Earth been appointed as the Garden home for Man or the Plant and Animal kingdoms. Also the Sun, Moon and Stars were not createduntilthe fourth Day of Creation week in the 2nd Heavens and Earth. Thus, contraryto humanAstronomical Science, the Earth preexisted the Sun, Moonand Stars in the firmament, and held all the water under the firmamentof the heavens. Earth also remained the focus of God’s Presence with these watersunder the Firmament, concentratedon Earth.
As we keep the Temple of Jerusalem, as the terrestrial paradigm of the North Pole in mind, the word “midst” above in [II Chron. 6:13], is “tavek” [H8432- the center, or bisection, so called from its being divided].10 As a terrestrial reflection of the celestial structure of the firmament, an important aspect of the Templeground-plan is thus revealed, as we will see below.
The Sun’s Cycle of Precession
Starting with clear Biblical evidenceof precession in Psalm 19, showing the Sun’s“dual year;” its precessionaland annual cycles–the two prime standards for astronomical time. This differentiatesthe Sun’s dual year, first seen in it’s annual cycle, spending one month in eachsign of the 12 Mazzaroth signs, as opposed to the retrograde precessional cycle, where itspendsa “great month” or2,160solaryearsineachof the ecliptic12 signs. As the Sunmoves through all 12 signs of the tropical zodiac, the Suncompletes its cycleof a “great year,” in about25,920 solar years. Psalm 19:6 briefly refers to the Sun’s retrograde motion.
Psalm 19:4-6
4 Yet their voice[in evidence] goes out through allthe earth, their sayings to the end [H7097-qatseh]#11of the world [H8398-tebel]. #12Of theheavens has God made atent for the sun, 5 Which as abridegroom coming out of his chamber; and itrejoicesas a strong man to run his course. 6 His is from the end [H7097] #13ofthe heaven, and his circuit [H8622–tequphah]#14unto the ends[H7098-Isa. 40:28, 41:5, 45:21-22; Jer. 49:36 Creator of the ends of the earth]#15of it: and there isnothing hidfrom theheat thereof.
“His going forth is from the end of the heaven… a reference to the Sun’s path through the ecliptic, so called because all thesolar and lunar eclipses occur on it’s course. The words “going forth” in Hebrew are mowtsa [*H4161], meaning the dawn, the east, a gate, the rising of the sun. #16
Thus it refers to the placeor gate of the rising of the Sun, also known as thevernalpointof the Spring Equinox, the signof the zodiac where the sun rises, indicating the sun’s retrograde precessional movement, because the sun rises in a different“gate,” or successive zodiacal house on avg. every 2,160 years.
The sun’s annualcycle, or solar yearis seen in “his circuit” above, which in the Hebrewis[H8622–tequphah]: or, “at theend of the year” [2 Chron. 24:23], #17 an obvious reference to this annual solar cycle. Thus we have a basic Biblicalcontrastbetween the two solar cycles. We find Joseph’sdreams in Genesis 37, revealing agreater depth on aBiblical testimony of precession.
Joseph’s 2nd dream in Gen. 37: 9-11reveals a precessionalcontext, with its useof stellarterms, like “eleven stars making obeisance” to his star or signof the Bull,Taurus. These 12“stars” ofJoseph’s dreamcorrelate with Jacob’s 12 sons in [Gen. 49, Deut. 33]forming the Sidereal zodiac. We also find that the Sun’s retrogrademotionas theprecession of theVernal equinox, against a fixed background of thesidereal zodiacof the12signs on on theecliptic. Thus Joseph’s 2nddream reveals astronomicaltruththat his 1st dream with an agriculturaltheme, does not.
Genesis 37:5-11 And Joseph dreameda dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. [6] And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dreamwhich I have dreamed: [7] For, behold, we were binding sheavesin the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance [H7812]#18 to my sheaf. [8] And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign[H4427]#19over us? Or shalt thou have dominion [H4910] #20 over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words. [9] And he dreamedyet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dreammore; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the elevenstars made obeisance[H7812]#21 to me. [10] And he told it to his fatherand to his brethren: and his father rebuked him and said unto him, What is this dreamthat thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy motherand thy brethren indeed come to bowdown [H7812]#22ourselves to thee to the earth? [11] And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying. [dream-5x,dreams-1x,dreamed-5x=11x]
Taurus the Bull Constellation of Joseph.
On the Hebrew zodiac,Taurus the Bull, was Joseph’s sign, splitinto 2 horns, for Ephraim and Mannasseh; [Num. 2:18-20, Deut. 33:17], his two sons. This allowed a substitutionthe rebellioustribeof Dan, in a circleof 12tribes of Israel. This allowed for the Levitical 13th tribe to be placed in the centerof the zodiac’s circle, with the patternof the stars mirroredin Israel’sseed, as theycamped around their Tabernaclein the wildernessof Sinaiduring their forty years of wandering. The Sun’s relation to the 13th tribe of Levites, may be an Intercalationallusionto a 13th month,aligning solar &lunar cycles in the HebrewCalendar. The Levites, being the priestlytribe, had the charge ofaffairsfor the Tabernacle, housingthe Arkof the Covenant. An aspect of the Tabernacle’s celestial plan can be found in the edifice of the wooden framework that provided a foundationupon which the Tabernacle’s curtains [H3407]#23 (Ps. 104:2-3, Isa. 40:22, Ex. 26:26-36), hung. Their assembly was 48 units,each ten cubits high, and 1.5 cubits wide…#24This impliesa structureto these 12 zodiacal signs including their 36 decans, (12+36=48) dividedinto ten degree decans, showingnot only God’s celestial order in the Tabernacleof the Sun [Ps. 19:4], but also marking the earthly Tabernacleas the focalpoint reflecting the spiritual light of God’s presence among His people during the Old Testament. This was established in the priestly order of service instituted in the Templeby KingDavid, with 24 courses of priests, each serving twiceduringIsrael’s calendar year, totaling 48 weeks. When the 3 weeks of Passover, Pentecostand the Feast of Tabernaclesare included, wherein all the priestsserved, we have the 51 weeks of Israel’s luni-solar year, dividedaccordingto sacred and civil standards. The sacredyear began in Nisan, the monthof the spring Passover, while the civilyear in the fall started in the seventh month–Tishri 1, the Dayof Trumpets signaling the onset of Israel’s holiestmonth. This depicts the Creator’s lightreflected in the celestial structure of Creation, ruling over the Hebrew’s timekeeping,manifestin the sacred priestly service and architecture of the Old TestamentTabernacleand Temple, fulfilled inJesus Christas King and High Priest, after Melchizedek’sorder.
As stated above, the Hebrew words for “going forth” are mowtsa [*H4161], meaning the dawn, the east, a gate, the rising of the sun. Upon closer view, the rootof“mowtsa” [H4161], is [H3318–yatsah–to go, go forth, bring outin a great variety of applications]. #25To Germinate or expand as a plant; [Gen. 8:19,Job 29:4-25, God knows the goings out and comings in of Leviathan;
Num. 33:2, Job 41:20-21,Isa. 13:10-13, 37:28-9, in reference to the serpentineconstellations, or Dragon Decanslike Draco, Hydra, Cetus, & Serpens]. The various serpent constellations mentioned here represent different areas of power in manifestation in the adversary’s Kingdom, and their part in theCelestial Gospel. God knows all that the enemy is up to, and by His perfect Omniscient Wisdom and foreknowledge, He knew He wouldneeda special warrior class of Archangel, like Michael & his Angels, even before Lucifer’s failed heavenly revoltin the First Heaven and Earth. A Messianic ProphecyinMicah 5 sheds added light here.
Micah 5:1-2
5:1Nowgather yourself in troops, O daughter of troops; a state of siegehas been placed against us. They shall smite the ruler of Israel with a rod(a scepter) on the cheek. 2 But you, BethlehemEphratah, you are little to be among theclans ofJudah; [yet] out of you shall Onecome forth for Mewho is to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from of old; [H6924-Qedem: positionedto theeast,Gen. 2:8-eastward in Eden- is a positiveconnotation for East, as Gen. 11:2 is negative in reference to Babylon’s Astrology & the towerof Babel. #26 It alsomeans “Antiquity;” [Ps. 74:12-15, 77:5-6, 11-12, 23:7-9]. ThisHebrewnounis unusualin that it hasbothageographicaland temporalmeaning, as doesPrecession, that refers to thefour pointsof the compass, and the agesof the Precessionof the Equinoxes. It occurs 61x in the Heb. OT, having a definite flavor of an idyllic state. #27 One Heb. synonymis [H5769–owlam, a wordfor ancient Days, or everlasting] that also means (eternity). Owlam- is what is hiddenor concealed, to thevanishing point, timeimmemorial, from the most ancient times. [Gen. 6:4, 1 Sam. 27:8, Isa. 63:16, 64:4-5, Ps. 25:6, distant future-past, without end, perpetuity, everlasting time, in pluralit means multiple ages], #28as in the contextof Precessional agescompared toBiblical dispensations, or Ages. This also carrieswith it the toneor spirit of an Age [zeitgeist] as seen in thesigns andConstellationsymbolstied to specific Ages of Precession. [see Plate 3Chart below]
Micah 5:3-6
3 Therefore shallHe give them up until the timethat she who travailshas brought forth; then what is left of His brethren shall return to the children of Israel. 4 And He shall stand and feed His flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His God; and they shall dwell [secure], for then shall He be great [even] to the ends of the earth. 5 And this [One] shall be our peace. When the Assyriancomes into our land and treads upon our soil and in our palaces, then will we raise against him seven shepherdsand eightprincesamong men. 6 And they shall rule andwaste the land of Assyriawith the sword and the land of Nimrodwithin her[Assyria’s own] gates. Thus shall He [the Messiah] deliver us from the Assyrian [representing the opposing powers] when he comes into our land and when he treads on our borders.
The Plate 2graphicof the Dendera Zodiacbelow showsthe Pegasus Square, as a square scrolllaid between the two Fishesof Pisces,with “Axis E” of this famed Egyptian Zodiac, running through the cornerof it. As we stated in our website study on the Starsof the Dendera Zodiac: the main Taurus-ScorpiusAxisof this zodiac, with theLeo-Aquarius axis, matchthe main axes that identifythe Age of Taurusin the Bible, in Numbers 24:7-9. The contextof Numbers 2shows us the orderof 12 tribes of Israelin their wildernessencampment, matching the zodiacal orderof the 12signs/constellations on the ecliptic. In this way, the Dendera Zodiac not only provides key evidence of Archaeologyhow the ancient Hebrewsand Egyptiansboth utilized a practical knowledgeof the precession of theequinoxes, but in the Hebrew’s case, they appliedit directlyto their beliefin a prophecyof their coming redeemer, with Nature’s verification of the Celestial Gospel, in support of theHoly Writof the Old Testament Scriptures, as the Creator spun the Sun, Moonand Starsin synchwith His prefect Precessionaltiming in the Celestial Gospel.
Thus, the Zodiacof Denderaalso provides strong supporting evidencefrom the historyof Biblical Astronomy as to the belief in a coming redeemer, since this ancient Egyptian zodiacprophesiesin very specific ways not only concerning thetime he would appear, but also concerning his unique sacrificevia the very same celestial imagery utilized in the Bible. This important themeis set forth in John Lash’s realization of the presence of a5th Axis on thisZodiac, fromSpica, the brightest star in Virgo. #29 The Hebrew name for Spica[Al Zemach]-the Branch/offspring of God, [Jer. 23:5-6] is embodiedin God’s only begottenSon– Jesus Christ. Spicais only oneof just two starsspecifically marked on the Dendera Zodiac, the other being Sirius, the central starlinked to the flood stages of the Nile, and the Sothic Calendar, logging one of it’s oldesthistoricalCalendar dates, 4241 BC. The 1461-yearSothic calendaralso conformsto the 260-day pattern of the Mayan TzolkinCalendar [260 x 1461] that equals 365.25 x 1040days, adheringto the pattern ofJupiter-Saturnconjunctions, as they breakdownthe windowsof the precession of the equinoxes through the ages.
Plate II. Axis “E” on the Dendera Zodiac #
John Lash’s comments concerning this 5th Dendera Axisare enlighteningwhen viewed in contextof the history of the Hebrew’s in ancient Egypt with Abraham, Isaac, Jacoband Moses, as a forerunnerof Christ, and Lawgiverof Israel, who led them through the wildernessunto the Promised Land. As Lashstates in his unpublished book, The Skies in Memory:
“The DenderaZodiac’s inventorwas looking ahead to our time in the Piscean Age, when the spring equinox occurs under the tail of the western fish,since this is the time that the entire cycle culminated.With the spring equinoxat this positionin Pisces, the axial cross locks in unique alignment with theGalaxy.” Lash goes on to say that he considers the star“Spica… to bethe master key to the Dendera Zodiac…”#29
The Dendera Zodiac marks our Piscean Age with the first appearance oftheBranchand offspring of God, seen in how “Axis E“referenced above, coincideswith thestar Spicaand the opening of theAge of the Fishes, that later marked the moments of his birth in 3 BC. Inthe Plate 2, chartabovemarking Axis E as the 5th axis of the Dendera Zodiac, extending from Spica, in the Virgin’s hand, via the North Pole in the Jackal’spaw, across the 2 fishes of Pisces to the Ram-headed altar on the peripheryof the Dendera Zodiac, that neatly bisects this altar. The altarshows4 Ram heads of the Egyptian idol Banebdjedet, of Mendes–sailingon his solar barque acrossthe heavens, as pictured on the astronomical ceiling in the outerHypostyle hall of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera. In the designof the famed circularZodiac at Dendera, the internal[precessional time] & external[lunar-decans design] depictedacoordinated solar-lunar circuit. When Axis E [lineunifying Virgo/ Leo, of the Great Sphinx]intersects Pisces the Fishes, it depictsthealignmentwith the Spring/Vernal Equinox– a precessional prophecyof Christ’sbirth. As Axis Eextendsto theZodiac’s peripherycrossing the lunar decanof a4-headed Ramgod of Egypt, whose 4faces orient to thefour directionsof theCompass.
Figure 4. The Four headed Ram god of Egypt; Banebdjedet.#30
Like the positive aspects of the Cherubimwere depicted, as a special class of Angels who are always prominent in God’s throne-room, so the four-headed Ramgod of Egypt, whosefour faces are a shadowof these “four royal signs” onthe zodiac, as the Cherubim ruling the four-cornersor celestial pillarsofheaven, previouslyseen inNumbers 24. This collective pairing of 8 idol gods– the Ogdoad spirits [four Diamonpairs], held the Cardinal directionpositions in the 1st Heavens and Earth. Were they the keyactors in its flooding, underLucifer? [2 Pet. 2:4 “hell“=[G5020-tartarus; confinedin a special place for judgment due to their unique sin; Jude 6. #31In Greek Myth, Tartaruswas the deepest area in the underworld, a prison and place of torment and suffering for the wicked, akin to the lake of fire, and the second death in Scripture or a place of destruction. The Satanic angel condemned to the bottomless pit called Apollyonin Greek, [G630], [Abaddon-H11] in Hebrew, [Rev. 9:11]. It was also the name of the god who symbolized the pit; with Sheol in Job 26:6-7, Ps. 88:10-12.]
As the mythology of the Great Sphinx preserved some truths of Gen. 49:8-10, and the Jupiter-Regulus triple union starting Sept 14th 3 BC, with the birth of Christ, so also we find correlations to thefloodof 2 Pet. 3:6, that destroyedthe 1st Heavens and Earth, in Dendera’s extension of Axis E. The Almighty-Creator God used the 10 Plaguesover Egyptto prove His supreme, Omnipotentpower over the false idols of Egypt. Each plague was directedat the impotentgodsof the Egyptian pantheon, so that Egypt would witness first-hand, the identity and powerof Jehovah. As the LordJehovahis the only Self-existentandEternalGod, MosesrelayedthemessageGod told himontheholy Mount, (Exo7:5). Jehovahshowed He was the Almighty Sovereign–Creator in these 10plagues, and that He controls allthat existson theEarth. The Lordused Mosesas an apostleby whom the plagueswould be brought to bear over the Pharaohand Egypt, with a primary goal that the plagueswould cause Pharaoh to free the nation of Israel from slavery.
The List of 10 Plagues over Egypt
Aaron’s staff turned the Nile waters to Blood: Exodus7:14-25. The idols judged: Hapi: the God of annual flooding; Osiris: The Nile River was his bloodstream.
Aaron’s staff again brought the plague of Frogs: Exodus 8:1-15. The gods judged: Hapiand Hegtthe goddess seen with a frog’shead related to fertility.
Lice: These were tiny, stinging, blood sucking gnats from the dust. Exodus 8:16 -18. The god judged: Seb: the earth god.
Flies that came in swarms: Exodus 8:20-32. The gods judged: Hathor: the goddess of protection; Vatchi: fly God.
Livestock die: Exodus 9:1-7. The god judged: Apis: the bull god.
Boils on the body: Exodus 9:8-12. The god judged: Sekhmet: goddess of epidemics.
Hail and Fire: Exodus 9:13-15. The gods judged: Nut; thesky goddess; Seth: God of storms; Shu: God of the atmosphere/wind.
Locusts: Exodus 10:1-20. The gods judged: Sirius: crop god; Serapia: protector of crops.
Darkness: Exodus 10:21-29. The gods judged: Ra: thesun god who was most worshipped God in Egypt. 10. Death of the First Born: Exodus 11:1-12:36. The gods judged: Heget: goddess of birth; Min; the God of reproduction. Deliverance from death was only thru the offering of the Passover lamb. As a result of the plagues; both Pharaoh and the Egyptians beg Moses and Israel to leave Egypt. God fulfilled His promise to free Israel. #32
The ancienticonography of theEgyptian 4 headed Ram god was part ofapantheon of 8 idol gods–the Ogdoad, or 9 Ennead idols with Atum/Khnum, theNile waters Supreme male guardian, in four pairs of idol consorts in ancient varied Myths,inOn-Heliopolis, & Thebes. Their firstreference is a primeval-first Earth mound,arisingout of theChaotic waters of Egyptian Creation Myth, allsharing acommon sourcein the demiurge-Nun & Naunet’s wateryChaos. Kek&Kauket–wasdarkness innate in thewaters. The denizensof the Deep; oppositetheMaterial worldof theliving,mirrored a Concealed and invisible-Amun &Amaunet-air goddess. While Heh &Hauhet–were the undirected watery chaos extending to infinity. These8 gods of the Ogdoad, ruling the 1st cosmos, conceivedas a collectiveinFour pair, of Ram-Headed man-wife couples, forming theidol-god Banebdjedet. Can EgyptianCreationMyth, shed light on the destructionof the 1st Heavens and Earth in Genesis 1:1-2?
Atumgave rise tothe male Wind god Shuandhiswife-sister, Tefnut; whose union madean empty void between the Earth god Geb-tied to the Liceplague, andthe Sky goddess Nut, linked to theHail plague. In comparingthe Hebrew and Egyptian texts, where the union of these spirits of the god and goddess of EarthandSky, caused an empty void to form, similar to the Bible’s formless void– “tohu va bohu,” What intriguesme; in Gen. 1:2 is the seemingsymbiotic relation in theChaosandDarknessof theformless void, where the confusionpowers the darkness,in the heart of this Chaos. This darkness isopposedto thelight, but its symbioticnature brings to mindthe structureof the 4 pairs of man-wife couples seen above. Since the enemyis parasitic, having no good original thoughts of his own, he knows he can’t top the Creator’s perfection, so as the Adversary can’t top a symbioticsymmetry that the Almighty-Creatormust have first installed in the Angeliccohortsof the 1st Heaven & Earth,the serpent corrupted God’s first plan for Angels, to maximize his control over the counterfeit order of his spirit realm.
As we follow Axis E–theunity line between Virgoand Leoof the Great Sphinx, at the one end of Dendera’s Zodiac, thisunity lineembodies othermarriages between thefour pair of Ogdoad couples, with one uniting the Divine twins Shu (at left)andTefnut (at right, lioness-headed); or Adam and Eve,that the Tempting Serpent used to divide them, causing the fall of mankind in Eden. The Egyptian rendition of Adam and Eve is seen onthe astronomical ceilingof the Temple of Hathor below, at Niteyóre (Dendera)
Figure 5. Gemini the Divine twins Shu(left) and Tefnut(right) on Dendera Zodiac.#33
The root of the original Hebrew-Syriac word for “Gemini” according to Seiss; “does notrun so much on the ideaoftwo brought forth at the same birth as “twins,” but more on the idea of something completed, as a yearcome to the full, or a long betrothal period brought to consummation in perfected marriage.” #34 This lends to our grasp, not of a shortperiod in Original Paradise, but a longer period closer to a 2,160 yr. Precessional Age.
The following Chartshows how Precessional Agescorrelatewith the Biblical Administrations, revealing a consistent progression of spiritual themes as God’s Plan of the Agesto deliver mankind via the Messiahunfolds. This provides the overarching contextforGod’s redemptionand restoration plan for Mankind and Creation, in the redeeming work ofChrist-a Centerpiece of the Ages. TheancientEgyptian, version of Gemini’s Zodiac Sign seen in the Divine twins Shu and Tefnut,would thus matchthe Precessional Age of Geminiwith dates from 6480-4320 BC, seen below corresponding to Adam and Eve in Original Paradise.
Plate III. Precessional Ages Aligned with Biblical Administrations
Precessional Ages Aligned with Biblical Administrations
Zodiacal Sign/Age
Biblical Admins
Heavens & Earth
Start DatesBC
Angels 1st Estate
1st H & E
Gen. 1:1-2
Original Paradise
O.T. Law
Millennial Age
Final Paradise
2nd H&E
2nd H&E
2nd H&E
2nd H&E
2nd H&E
3rd H&E
2160-7 BC
7BC-2153 AD
2153 AD-ever
Gen. 3:8ff
Gen. 3:23ff
Ex. 19:16ff
Matt. 3:11ff
Acts 2:1ff
1Thes. 4:13
Rev. 21
This march of thePrecessional Ages is recordedin ancient star mapslike theDendera zodiac, in a recognitionof the axesbuiltintoitsstructure. Asnoted, theconceptof thisprogressionofBible Historybased ontheAges of Precession,is a general introduction, where the apparent links to the Age of Gemini, to theBible Age or Administration of Original Paradise, when God made, formed and Created Adam and Eve, as thefirst man and wife, are detailed.Thedatesof thePrecessional AgeofGemini fall in line with general parameters of dating a “Young Earth Creation,” butwithadded supporting legitimacy seen in theBiblical evidence of Precession of the Equinoxes, going back to Josephthrough Abrahamand Adam. The solid Biblical evidence of Precessionproven in Scripture, was first presented on my [Try-God.com] website in early 2003.
In his classic book “TheGospel in the Stars,” Dr. Joseph Seiss says: “Regarding the sign Gemini, “the Twins were said to be initiated into all the Mysteries, and were invited guestsat agreat Marriage, where a severe conflict occurred.”#35 In Greek Myth they were consideredinvincible warriors and specifically seen as friendsand protectorsof navigation, as on the ship fromAlexandria that Paulsailed on from Malta, on his journeyto Rome; namedCastor and Pollux, [Acts 28:11]. In myth, as patronsof great powers over the four winds & good fortune over-seas, [Jer. 49:36] they were in companytoo with Jason and hiscrew of Argonautscontending for the Golden Fleece; the sacrificial hide of the Lamb.Seissnotes that in ancient stellar pictures of the Denderah Zodiac, the twin figures werenot of one sex, as seen below where a manis seen hand-in-handwalkingwith a woman, and have been referred to as Adam &Eve. #36
In the Propheciesof the Celestial Gospel inthe 12constellation-signs, the Manisthe 1st Adam, while 2nd Adam-Jesus Christ, is with his foreshadowed Bride-the Messiah-Prince, in the 1st Adam with Eve; the 2nd Adam; destinedfor a glorious union with his Bride ineverlasting dominion, with the Church of his spiritual body.
Figure 6. The Quadrangular Zodiac at Dendera. #37
In the upper left corner of this Quadrangular Zodiac of Denderawe find thesign Gemini, as a man-wife couple sailing together in their barque,similar to the image below from the circular Dendera zodiac.
For our purposes here, it appears plausible that Gemini’s zodiacal position prior totheAge of Taurus, depicted asthe first couple; Adam & Eve certainly fits the chronology of Precessional Ages, according to our understanding of the Biblical Administrations. TheAge of Geminiwould have been theAge of Innocence in the Garden of EdenforAdam and Eve,made in God’s imageand likeness, in Eden, with dominion over all the earth,[Gen. 1:26].
Figure 7. Gemini on the classic Circular Dendera Zodiac.
In these aboverenditions of the circular Dendera Zodiac we can see Gemini as the man-wife couple circled in redabove, and below, between Taurus the Bull, and Cancer the Crab, or in ancient Egypt-the Scarabaeus.
Figure 8. Enlarged Man-Wife color image of Geminiin Figure 7.#38
The Figure 9 graphic below provides a summaryof the complete cycle of the Ages of Precession as a Sine Wave, with significant Biblical Patriarchs from Adam leading to Christ-the 2nd Adam. Here the Age of Gemini matches with Adam, omitting the attempt to justify 13 Billion years of “evolution” in an effort to excludethe Almighty Creatorfrom His Creation.
Figure 9. Sine Wave/Menorah graph of Long Term History [pinterest.com] #39.
I trust you enjoyed this expanded view of Precession and I look forward to your comments and questions.
God’s Abundant Blessings to you All!!
1. Figure 1 picture credit[https://humanoriginproject.com/precession-equinoxes/] 2. Strong’s Concordance, [G3772–ouranos] James Strong.
3. IBID, [G2889-kosmos].
4. IBID, [G165–aion].
5. Figure 2. picture credit [VectorStock/30349471]
6. Strong’s Concordance, [H2822-choshek:], James Strong
7. IBID, [H2896; towb].
8. IBID, [H914-badal].
9. Figure 3 picture credit, Laws of Thermodynamics [Pinterest.com]
10. Strong’s Concordance, [H8432-“tavek“], James Strong 11. IBID, [H7097-qatseh]. 12. IBID, [H8398-tebel]. 13. IBID, [H7097-qatseh]. 14. IBID, [H8622-tequphah]. 15. IBID, [H8398-tebel]. 16. IBID,[*H4161-mowtsa]. 17. IBID, [H8622–tequphah]. 18. IBID, [H7812-shachah]. 19. IBID, [H4427-malak]. 20. IBID, [H4910-mashal]. 21. IBID, [H7812-shachah]. 22. IBID, [H7812-shachah]. 23. IBID, [H3407-yeriyah]. 24. KJV Bible, Exodus 26:26-36 25. Strong’s Concordance, [H3318–yatsah], James Strong 26. IBID,[H4161-mowtsa]. 27. IBID, [H6924-Qedem]. 28. The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, in Lexical Aides to the OT. [H5769–owlam] 29. IBID, [H5769–owlam]. 30. The Atlantis Blueprint, Colin Wilson & Rand Flem-Ath, ppg. 171-172. 31. Figure 4 picture credit;[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banebdjedet#/media/File:Mendeswidder.jpg] 32. Strong’s Concordance, [G5020-tartarus], James Strong 33. Dr. Gary Baker-independent columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; email him at pastor@gracebaptistpaso.org. 34. Figure 5 picture credit; [Amentet Neferet – Religion and Traditions of Ancient Egypt] 35. The Gospel in the Stars; Joseph Seiss, p.113. 36. IBID, p. 112 37. [https://ayinyhvh.wordpress.com/2016/07/01/on-the-possible-meaning-and-origins-of-the-zodiacal-sign-gemini-shu-and-tefnut-and-the-zodiac-of-dendera/] 38. IBID, The Quadrangular Zodiac at Dendera. 39. IBID, Figure 8 picture credit; [https://ayinyhvh.wordpress.com/2016/07/01/on-the-possible-meaning-and-origins-of-the-zodiacal-sign-gemini-shu-and-tefnut-and-the-zodiac-of-dendera/]