The Rev. 12 sign, Virgo’s Crown and the Birth and Return of Christ

The Rev. 12 sign, Virgo’s Crown and the Birth and Return of Christ

Welcome to the October 2024 Blog! A premise of this study centers on the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ, that occurred from April 28th to June 10th, including the first Pentecost and birth of the Church of the body of Christ, on June 20th of 28 ADChrist’s birth acentral point in all history is even recognized by the secular world, when time reckoning changed shortly after Christ’s birth, from BC to AD. Knowing the position of the Planet Jupiter in Biblical Astronomy is usually a good indicator of what’s going on as the King planet–Jupiter plays a key role. During this time in 28 AD, Jupiter was found in Capricornus, at the time when our Lord finished the work of his earthly ministry. On April 24th, 28 AD, Jupiter was in conjunction with a star in the fish-tail of CapricornusDeneb Al Gedi, seen below.

Figure 1Jupiter-Deneb Algedi union seen from Jerusalem on April 24, 28 AD. #1

A key related point is our April 24th on the calendar of the Hebrews was Aviv 10, also the day the Passover Lambs were selected, [Ex. 12:3]. The meaning of the star Deneb Al Gedi is “the sacrifice cometh,” which fits since that same day, on Aviv 10-Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a donkey as the perfect sacrifice to redeem all mankind, [Matt. 21:1-11, Zech. 9:9]. #2

This provides key context for the planetary motion of some of our planets like Mars, Venus & Mercury. The narrative of the Planisphere Axis of Gen. 3:15 is a theme of this blog, shown in very powerful ways in the Gospel in the Stars, as seen in the truths shedding light on this stellar axis as it intersects decan’s, constellations and Stars across the heavens in Fig. 2 below. The Planisphere Axis of Gen. 3:15 enlightens our understanding of the Celestial Gospel in new ways as we find below.

Gen. 3:15
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Figure 2. Genesis 3:15 Planisphere Axis. #3

This “Genesis 3:15 axisextends across the sky via North pole and intersects numerous stars relating aspects of the theme of Genesis 3:15from various views. For starters at the bottom of the planisphere, we find the Scorpion sign Scorpius, whose prominent tail stringer we find under the heel of Ophiuchus the Serpent-bearer signengaged in a struggle with the Serpent –Serpens. The Axis intersects the heel star of the Serpent-bearerOphiuchus, called Saiph, in the LXX Greek meaningbruised,” or wounded, in Gen. 3:15. #4

Fig. 2a. Scorpius stinging Ophiuchus’ heel, as he battles Serpens

the serpent scorpion

This same Greek word is found in Gen. 3:15 for “bruised,” as the other leg of Ophiuchus is poised over the Scorpion’s headstriking his fatal blow, crushing the enemy. We find added evidence in the Wednesday night lunar signs of April 28th, 28 AD, after Christ was crucified. During this evening the 1st Full Moon after the Spring Equinox, in 28 AD, as the traditional Moon for Easter, passed over Ophiuchus’ heel-embodying the Man who had just laid down his life, as he shed his sinless blood to redeem all mankind, fulfilling an aspect of the Gen3:15 Messianic Prophecy. This Paschal Moon seen from Jerusalemrose about 7:16 pm, and set about 6:15 am Jerusalem standard time, on the eve of April 28th and morning of April 29th, 28 AD. #5

In the next graphic of Plate 1, we will begin to document the planetary motion of Mars, and later Mercury and Venus, to illustrate some key dates in spiritual history from a Bible Astronomy viewpointWe will also note key relationships with these planets, and what we can learn from their symbolism, in various contexts, starting with their links to the Gen. 3:15 Planisphere Axis

Plate 1. Path of Mars from March 1 to June 10, 28 A.D. #6

One aspect of this Gen. 3:15 prophecy is established in the motion of the Red Planet-Mars during the time, from March 1st to June 10th, 28 AD. The motion of Mars was set initially at Ophiuchus’ wounded heelbut Mars halts to start a retrograde motion before arriving at his heel. Once in retrograde, Mar’s path shifted to the Scorpion’s head, reaching the center of it’s head when it ceased on June 10th, 28 AD, to resume its normal motion. The green dots on Mars’ path in Plate 1, above show 5-day steps, in the near 100 days from March 1st to June 10th, 28 AD. As Mars veered away from Ophiuchus’ wounded Heel to his other foot, that actively crushed the Scorpion’s head, this other leg is shown in the green stars; Phi, Chi, & Psi Ophiuchi, it appears MarsMichael, the Warrior-Archangel was motivated to partake in some of this action of pounding the enemy, into submission,crushing his head in violent grinding motions. This was key since June 10th was also the day of Christ’s Ascension, the Day of THE Decisive blow- the knockout punch to the Scorpion‘s head in the spiritual War of the Ages, as Jesus our Lord and Kingput his enemies to rest under his feet, seen below [Fig. 7 & 8], in Cepheus the Crowned King; [Ps. 110:1, Heb. 10:12-13]. #7

The Red Planet Mars also embodies the atoning blood of Christ, halted for 10 days waiting until the day of Pentecost, for the birth of the Church, the Body of Christ, when the Comforter, the gift of holy spirit was poured out, and the Apostles first spoke in tongues, and rivers of living waters flowed from their bellies, with millions more sharing in this New Birth over the last 2000+ years, [Acts 2:1ff.]. Can you imagine what the enemy’s head looks like after getting his due from MarsMichael, who ground in our Lord’s victory message for 10 days between Ascension and Pentecost? Talk about ugly, WOW!! Finally, ourAlmighty God, and Heavenly Father disclosed the Great Mystery ambush He pulled on the Adversary, as our Lord & Christ, revealed the role of the angels led by Michael, showing us his example of what we should do to the enemies of God who dare to stand against us– in Christ, as our victorious exploits will shine on our victory stand in a brilliant display of spiritual riches in Pentecost, and the Age of Grace.

There were key celestial signs with our solar system planets during the period of Christ’s birth. The 3 Jupiter-Venus unions in the birth of Christ from 3-2 BC, forecast 3 Jupiter-Venus Conjunctions that occurred in 2015, with added heavenly signs of JupiterVenus marking his birth. On Aug. 27th-28th of 3 BC, a massing of planets with Jupiter-Venus, was part of an alignment of Jupiter, Venus, and Marswith the king star Regulus in Leo, forming the 12 star Crown above Virgo’s head. This Rev. 12 sign and alignment of planets in Leo; during Christ’s birth[Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet] was repeated also on Sept. 23rd, 2017!

As we saw the 2015 triple union of Jupiter and Venus mirrored in the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in 3-2 BC during Christ’s birth, we also saw Venus united with Regulus and Mercury in 2016. As Mercury the Arch-angel, Gabriel heralded the position of Regulusthe King star-Brightest star in Leo, with Venus in the Lion of Judah, on the ecliptic, forming Virgo’s Crown. [Rev. 5:5].

There was a 1 degree Triangular massing of Jupiter-Venus, and Mars in Leo on Oct28th2015, preceded earlier in the month by a planetary alignment in Leo with Regulus, [see Figure 3 below]. This is significant first, because it refers to the planetary massing-th5th trait of the Celestial Prelude, but also due to its resemblance with the Rev. 12 signVirgo crowned with 12 stars, consisting of the 9 fixed stars in Leo, combined with the planets Jupiter, Venus and Mars, forming the Crown of 12 stars over Virgo’s head. This alignment set the stage for the Feast of Tabernacles week, marked by the Super Blood Moon of Sept. 28th. A like planetary alignment qued up in Sept. 2017, with these planets, except Mercury replaced Jupiter in Leo, as Jupiter was birthed in Virgo. This was key celestial foreshadowing 2 years before Jupiter’s birth in Virgo, a rewind of the Rev. 12:1-2 wonder in heaven.

Figure 3. Planetary Alignment in Leo, October 3rd, 2015. #8

As there were 3 Jupiter-Venus Conjunctions marking the Rev. 12 birth signs of Christ in 3-2 BCso this triple alignment of Jupiter-Mars, & Venus in Leo with Regulus, reflecting like spiritual light in the context of the Blood Moon Tetrad of 20142015.

Jupiter-Venus Conjunctions of the Celestial Sphinx.


The following dates witnessed Jupiter-Venus conjunctions in Leo in the Hebrew Jubilee year of 2015-2016:

June 30th, 2015
August 25th, 2015
October 26th, 2015 

The following dates saw Jupiter-Venus conjunctions in Virgo in 2016:

July 27th, 2016
Feb. 26th, 2017
Nov. 13th, 2017

Comparing these heavenly signs near the birth of Christ, with the modern signs of the Blood Moon Tetrad before 2017, as Jupiter’s annual retrograde motion enters Virgo in Aug. 26-27th 2016, for a total of 294 days, into 2017, it only spends 40 days in Virgo’s mid-section, foreshadowing the birthing of the Messiah’s KingdomJupiter marks its entrance into Virgo with a second Jupiter-Venus union of 2016. This is worthy of our attention indicating a key event with the King PlanetJupiter relating to his virgin BrideVirgo/Israel in   Virgo’s Crowning of the 9 stars of Leo plus 3 added planets of Mercury, Venus and Mars aligned with the king star Regulus in Leo, totaling 12 stars of Virgo’s Crown. This not only alerted us to be watchful of the Sun Clothing Virgo leading directly to these signs of 9-23-2017, but it also shows the Great Pyramid’s Christ angle alignment of Venus and Regulus in Leo, during this period on 9-20-2017! [Rev. 1:8, 11-17, 20- Jesus as the Alpha & Omega] [Rev. 21: 3-7, 22:12-13, 16]

Figure 4The Celestial Sphinx. The Head of the Woman and the Body of the Lion seen as a Birth Sign of Christ on Sept. 14th, 3 BC, on the eastern horizon from Jerusalem forming the elements of the Great Sphinx, and marking the first Jupiter-Regulus Conjunction in Leo. #9

head of a woman and body of a lion

We find these landmarks at the head and tail of the zodiac, that adds light to Dr. Martin’s observation that: “the woman Virgo is the Constellation of Headship for all 12 signsVirgo’s head position is found in the last 10 degrees of Leo.”10

Virgo’s head is seen in Fig. 4, just below and adjacent to the star Denebola in the tail of the Lion, unifies the circle of the zodiac. The Sphinx also unifies the Biblical canon, establishing the canonical order of God’s written revelation, in Genesis to Revelation, in the Bible’s earliest book of Job, [Job 19:23-25]. Even as Christ embodies the Alpha- Omega [Rev. 1:9-20] not only in the Celestial Gospel, but in the Signs of the ecliptic, and in the Scripture’s also. Thus, we have all the keys needed to prepare for his Return.

 We find both Mars-Michael the Warrior Archangel and Mercury-Gabriel the Messenger Archangel in close vicinity with Regulus, in Leo for Jupiter’s birth in Virgo. With Jupiter’s birthing on Sept. 9th, a MercuryRegulus union also occurs on 9/9/2017. This is a Celestial Sphinx Sign since the MercuryRegulus union is part of another triple conjunction based on the retrograde motion of Mercury in Leo, concurrent with Jupiter’s retrodance in Virgo. This added link unifies two aspects of the Celestial Sphinx, in the 2nd matched set-triple crowning that leads to a replay of the Rev. 12 sign on 9/23/17.

Figure 5. The 3 Planets in Leo near Regulus from 9-9-17 to 9-17-17. #11

Dance of the morning planets
Stellarium 2 from

Next on Sept. 16th 2017, a MercuryMars union follows. Here we see MercuryGabriel heralding the King star Regulus, followed by a union of Gabriel with Mars-Michael, showing their solidarity with the Lord Jesus Christ, in their stance against the red dragon of Rev. 12:3-4. After this on Sept. 20th was an alignment of VenusRegulus related to the Great Pyramid, in Figs. 7-8 below. [Rev. 22:16]

The Great Pyramid and Sphinx, the two monumental witnesses in stone on the Giza Plateau, tell a coordinated story forming the Astronomical tenets of the Bible Patriarchs. These ancient watchers of Giza, the Great Sphinx seen in Virgo the head of the woman with Leo the Lion’s body, facing the eastern Fall equinox, the Sphinx leads to the Pyramid’s Sunset horizon view of Virgo. The example of the Great Sphinx forms a dual testimony with the Pyramid set in the Dendera Temple’s Hieroglyph of Figure 6. below. With the Sun-crown on the horizon over the female head of the hybrid Virgo-Lion, so the Ascending passage Christ angle of Fig. 7 aligns VenusRegulus in Leo. Usually, the Sun’s annual visits to Virgo for 20 days, go with the Moon at Virgo’s feet, only one day each year, to fulfill the elements of the Rev. 12:1-2 sign. In these times we must pay close heed to Virgo’s celestial activity, as the Magi did, this we’ve documented in the 12 Traits of the Celestial Prelude. In this way, the Great Pyramid & Sphinx publish both astronomical and Scriptural witnesses of Sept. 11th3BC date for the birth of Christ with monumentally unique evidence.

Figure 6. The Great Sphinx pictured in the Sun over the Lion’s female-head, between Virgo holding her wheat stalk [Spica] and Leo the lion’s body. #12

great sphinx

The union of the ends of the ecliptic in the Great Sphinx, the Alpha-Omega sign with the Sun in Virgo, as seen in the ancient Egyptian Temple of Esneh.

The heiroglyph for the Sun in Virgo is pictured above in Fig. 6 the relief in the Temple of Esnehremoves any doubt in the nature or gender of the female-headed Lion, not male Pharaoh! As the Great Pyramid aligns to the horizon Sun in Virgo, crossing a first layer of truth based in the Great Sphinx and the Pyramid’s combined testimony of the Rev. 12 sign, as seen in Fig. 7 below, but doesn’t stop there. As the Pyramid’s horizon view extends beyond Virgo, we see  its focus on Coma, a main Decan of Virgo, as the Coma Supernova exploded in the child’s head, in Figs. 6a. & 7, later corrupted into the image of Berenice’s Wig in Greek Myth.

Fig. 6a. The Decan of Virgo-Coma [from the Dendera Zodiac]

Related image

Figure 7. Virgo “clothed with the Sun with the Moon at her feet” on 9-11-3 BC, with the decan Coma “Berenices” pictured according to Greek Myth as a woman’s wig.#13

The Almighty has provided many examples from History and Nature, not to mention numerous Biblical miracles that confirm His Prophetic Word, as the combined witness of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy in the Great Pyramid, gives us some excellent depictions of; [2 Peter 1:19-21], in the Morning Star [Venus] aligned with the King Star Regulus at dawn on Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 23rd, 2017, via the measures of the Great Pyramid’s Ascending/and Descending passages, in Fig. 7 above. If these heavenly signs are pointing to a future sun-rise and Dawning of The Day of the Lord’s Return FOR his Saints, prescient in these Sept. 2017 signswe will hold to our faith and Hope in Christ’s Return opening to our Everlasting Righteousness in the Lord Jesus Christ.

With an interval of 1260 days in Fig. 7, between the 9-28-15 Passover Blood Moon, and this Rev. 12 sign from Sept. 20th to the 23rd, 2017, we also find the  Feast of Trumpets on Sept. 21st, in 2017. This day is found between the sign that touches the Great Pyramid and the Great Wonder of Rev. 12. We have seen the Great Pyramid’s witness to Christ during this time, but there are other astronomical alignments linked to this last remaining Wonder of the
Ancient world
we should be aware of

Figure 8The Great Pyramid’s Ascending Passage alignment with the VenusRegulus union in Leo, 9-20-2017 on Rosh Hashanah, as the Coming Prince in Orion, is found at the Meridian alignment of Al-Nitak at dawn. #14 

Added to the Great Pyramid’s Sunset alignments opening to New Years Day on Rosh Hashanah in Sept. 2017 of the Hebrew Calendar, there were also Sunrise alignments related to the Great Pyramid’s Ascending Passage union of VenusRegulus in [Fig. 7.] in LeoThus on Sept. 20, 2017this key alignment built into the Ascending Passage Christ angle in the Great Khufu Pyramid, on Rosh Hashanah, when Venus aligned with Regulus, some added alignments occurred with the 1st Star Al-Nitak in Orion’s Belt, via the missing Apex of the Great Pyramid.

We must realize the multiple horizon alignments of the Great Pyramid with the rising and setting Sun on this pivotal day in history, and the narratives of truth they each carry. As the Apex alignment of the Great Pyramid goes thru the star Al-Nitak, the next two Giza Pyramid’s are also aligned in Kaphre/Al- Nilam, and Menkaure/ Mintaka, in Fig. 9, with the next two stars of Orion’s Belt. Not only is the planet Venus aligned with Regulus, but Mars & Mercury were also aligned with Venus and Regulus in Leo, and these three Pyramids on the Giza Plateau. The key aspect of the Rev. 12 sign of 3 planets in Virgo’s Crown was their Sept. 23rd, 2017 alignment with Orion’s three Belt Stars-as a prophecy of Orion-Christ’s return. As the Celestial Prelude prophesied of the birth of Christ-in his first Advent, so these key Celestial Signs prophesy of our Lord’s Return also.

We find in Figure 8, the Apex or Chief-cornerstone, of the Great Pyramid is aligned with the Coming Prince,” Orion, specifically with the main star of Orion’s Belt; Al-Nitakthe wounded one. This Great Pyramid alignment with the star Al Nitak in Orion, bears witness to the birth of Christ, as seen over Bethlehem at 51.51 degreeson Rosh Hashanahthe day of Christ’s birthon Sept. 11th, 3 BC. As we see the Apex, or the Great Pyramid’s Chief Cornerstone aligned with the star Al Nitak at meridian or zenith, on Rosh Hashanah again in 2017, tie these two key dates together for all time. For doubters of our thesis on 9/11 3 BCbirth of Christ, here is more evidence supporting our case. The archaeo-astronomical concepts support the pattern of the 3 main Pyramids on Giza’s Plateau mirroring Orion’s 3 belt starsconveyed to Earth, matches Al-Nitak’s first aligned position with the Great Pyramid. The links here take the reader to added studies on the site, covering more Great Pyramid links tied to Bethlehem and the birth of Christ.

Our references to Egyptian Pharaoh’s linked to the 3 Pyramids of Giza, above does NOT mean that we agree with the idea that these Pharaohs actually built these Pyramids. We will refer to evidence supporting this presently. Until then, here is added research regarding potential links with the Giza Pyramid’s and the 3 Belt Stars of Orion.

Figure 9. The 3 Belt stars of Orion reflecting the 3 Pyramids of Giza. #15

Related image

 As Scripture teaches in Isaiah 19, the Great Pyramid has much to say as one of the most ancient monumental witnesses of Jesus Christ on planet Earth. The Fig. 8 graphic above shows the Great Pyramid’s geographical position mirroring the 1st star Al-Nitak in Orion’s Belt. Somebody at Bethlehem at the time of Christ’s birth looking up at this first belt star of Orion (Al Nitakthe wounded one) the meridian angle of this star above the horizon matches the slope angle of the Great Pyramid itself51 degrees & 51 mins.#16 This gives confirming evidence of the Pyramid’s existing geographicBethlehem linemarking the birthplace of Christ, with the same measure of the Christ Angle [26 degrees .18′ 9.7″…] #17 marking the union of Venus and Regulus in Leo on Sept. 20, 2017.

As we find a reflection of the stars of Orion’s belt, mirrored in this 3-Pyramid Masterplan of the Giza complexthe highway marked by the Great Pyramid’s Bethlehem Line also marks the way traveled through the desert wilderness when Israel was led by Moses in their Exodus, to finally cross over into the Promised Land. This Bethlehem Line originated from the 26. degree angle of the Pyramid’s Ascending and Descending passageslaid out geographically on the earth’s surface, leading to Bethlehem, and then Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. The Bethlehem line extends through Israel via the Jordan Riverwhere Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist, matching the location of the Israelites crossing this river with the Ark of the Covenant, that parted the waters of this river, marking Israel’s entrance into the Promised Land. I have referred to the Great Pyramid as the primary boundary stone monument marking the Land God Promised to Israel, the touchstone of the Astronomy of Bible Patriarchs, that embodies God’s Covenants of the Scriptures, the Starswritten in Stone and Incarnate in the Man Jesus Christ.

Figure 10. The Bethlehem Line of the Great Pyramid. #18.

The view of the prophetic aspects of the Great Pyramid in light of its Ascending and Descending Passage angles supports what the Scriptures say about the witness of Christ in the Great Pyramid in Isaiah 19:19-20. Its evident from this graphic [Fig. 8] there is a central importance to the planets Jupiter and Venus in marking the Birth and Second Coming of the Lord. As we have reviewed 3 MercuryVenus unions of 2016, the planetary activity leading to the heavenly signs of 2017, are noteworthy in light of the Great Pyramid.

The masterplan idea for Giza’s Plateau appears to be based on certain keys apparent in the design elements of Giza, including the “Christ angle” of 26 degrees 18′ 9.7, that not only matches the slope angle of the Great Pyramid’s Ascending and Descending Passage’s, but also was an alignment key for the entire Giza Plateau itself. #19  Another design feature of this masterplan is the Causeways from each Pyramid, and their orientation. Hancock & Bauval tell us; “the causeway of the 3rd pyramid, like the gaze of the Sphinx, is targeted due East. The causeway of the 2nd Pyramid points 14 degrees south of due East. The Causeway of the Great Pyramid is 14 degrees North of due East. The arrangement is precise, geometrical, obviously deliberate, with each significant structure bearing a designed relationship to every other structure-and the whole contained within a large circular artificial ‘horizon‘ that is apparently centered on the Apex of the 2nd Pyramid with its rim lying just to the west of the rump of the Sphinx.“#20  

This is noteworthy since only the Great Pyramid, of all Egypt’s pyramids, was built with ascending and descending passages, which becomes more interesting as we note the related Venus planetary alignment with Regulus on New Year’s Day of Rosh Hashanah in 2017.

According to Daniel Matson, he noted the importance of viewing the Autumn equinox instead of the Spring equinox in this contexton his now defunct website, resulting from his untimely and unfortunate passing;

Robert Bauval first suggested the Orion Theory in his 1994 book, “The Orion Mystery.His theory holds that the Pyramids he designated as Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, were based on the idea that these pyramids were built during the reigns of these Egyptian Pharaoh’s, are aligned depicting the belt stars of Orionmeaning, if one looks south, the Great Pyramid (Khufu) is embodied in the lower left belt star known as Al Nitak, as the northeast pyramid. This is logical since viewing Orion at the Meridian means, one must look South. But with, a Pyramid building date circa 10,500 BC, in the “Orion Correlation Theory, holding to a Vernal equinox scenario, opposes to our findings in Fig. 8, with Orion at Meridian during dawn at the onset of spring.” 21

Figure 11. The Great Sphinx facing due east with Orion & Sirius rising at its lowest point closest to the Horizon, [in agreement with Fig. 8 above.] #22

From The Message of the Sphinx by Bauval and Hancock.

As Matson stated; “The prophetic view taken here, is that the Giza pyramids were built looking forward down the corridors of timeThis requires a view towards the other equinoxat the beginning of autumn when Orion will be at Meridian during dawn.”23 This is supported also by the orientation of the Great Sphinx looking due east to the junction of Virgo/Leo at sunrise of the autumnal equinox. About 2000 years ago Orion (Al Nitak) hit the dawn-meridian in its heliacal rising, also the target of the Southern star shaft of the King’s Chamber, on Aug. 26th, coinciding with the meridian passage of Kochab of Ursa Minor, aligned with the Northern star shaft of the Queen’s Chamber. Matson says; “Presently this alignment is on September 20th due to the precession of the equinoxes, makes it quite close to the Fall Equinox on Sept. of 2017 when the signs similar to Christ’s birth were seen again. #24

This coordination of star alignments were specifically marked by the Great Pyramid star shafts, carries a notable narrative that has gone unnoticed for millennia, that [Matson] revealed for the first time. A key to revealing this narrative was uncovered as we noticed the original meaning of ancient star names marked by the Great PyramidAl Nitak of Orion means the “wounded one,referring to Christ’s sacrifice laying down his life in his first advent, as we find in the Gen. 3:15 axis. The heliacal rising of Al Nitak, not only agrees with the star Kochab’s meridian passage in Ursa Minor, meaning-“waiting for him who comes,” referring to the Second Coming of Christ, that occurred also with the Sunrise in Leo, as seen in Fig. 7 above. Even as these Rev. 12 sky signs were replayed in 2017, we will find like signs replaying again the years 2028, and 2047.

This prophecy of the Sonrise of the Ages forecasts the victorious return of Christ when he defeats and crushes the dragon enemy with a fatal head blow seen also in the star pictures of the Gen. 3:15 axis.

Certainly, the theme of this Sonrise is not unfamiliar, having revolved in the sky  for eons, as seen in the Gen3:15 axis. However, the witness of the star shafts of the Great Pyramid added to this theme is decidedly news to modern ears. The names in this celestial showcase were changed to the idol gods of Egypt, due to an ancient corruption in the astrology of their star religion, but this darkness only shaded the truth for so long, before the Light of Almighty GOD ultimately prevails. This ancient Egyptian Sonrise marked by the Great Sphinx, embodied in the Great Pyramid, resounds from the Giza Plateau foreshadowing the Son-set marking Christ’s birth seen from Jerusalem in 3 BC, in Figure 12 below.

The signs marking Jesus’ birth took place near the intersection of the ecliptic & the Meridian in VirgoFigure 12 below shows the moments of Christ’s birth, marked by the setting of the star Spica, between the setting Sun with the Moon at Virgo’s feet, [Rev. 12:1-2] and the supernova in the Coma Decan, witnessed by the naked eye, shining in the child’s head at this time. This graphic provides a close up view of the Figure 7 celestial setting in the Rev. 12 Sign marking the Birth of Christ, with the Sun clothing Virgo and the Moon at her feet. It shows the Sun setting on the Horizon with the Bright star of Virgo’s wheat sheaves called Spica, whose setting time marked the actual moments of Christ’s birth between Sunset and Moonset on Sept. 11th in 3 BC.

Figure 12. Sunset Horizon view from Jerusalem at Christ’s birth on 9-11-3 BC.

Image result for Virgo-Coma images

Malachi 4:2 
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

The word arise” in Mal. 4:2, is used of the Sun and light in general, but it and two of its usages also occur in [Isa. 60:1-3, Jer. 23:5]. As we’ve stated before, Jer. 23:5, the planet Jupiterthe sedeq planet links with the Messiah, Jesus Christ the righteous Zemach-branch, as one of 5 primary OT titles and Branch prophecies pertaining to the coming promised seed.

According to Matson, the basic idea is that the Pyramid complex is a map of the heavens at a time near the return of Christ. The pyramids show what is to be at meridian (Al Nitak in Orion), while the causeways and the Great Sphinx are aligned east from the pyramids, showing the importance of the rising Sun and other stars rising in the east. #25 The Figure 11 graphic above shows the Sun in Leo, with Orion on the meridian at dawn while, Sirius is at its lowest point just above the horizon. As we’ll see, the role of Sirius; brightest star in the heavens, tells key aspects of the narrative regarding the fallen Prince and 1st Star of the Morning.

Matson’s Key, was finding candidate for a Rosh Hashanah alignment that linked with Orion’s meridian dawn alignment. As Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset and signs precede events, the harmony for Rosh Hashanah to start at sunset on September 20th of 2017then puts Rosh Hashanah on Sept. 21st, on the Hebrew Calendar. #26 This also fits the astronomical scene, a precedent of these events, on Rosh Hashanah at Christ’s birth on Sept. 11th, 3 BC.

With Sept. 21st as the Autumn Equinoxin accord with Rosh Hashanah and the meridian alignment of Al Nitak at dawn, could Rosh Hashanah be the key?  The answer to Matson’s question here is found not only in the heavenly signs of the birth of Christ, but also the historical meaning of the holy day- Rosh Hashanah. This Hebrew Holiday recognizes God’s Creation of the World, and initiates a 10-day period called the Days of Awe, a time of repentance ending in Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement. The Days of AweRosh Hashanah began as an OT royal enthronement ritual, while the “Day of Judgmentelements of the holiday surfaced later. In spite of Rosh Hashanah being the 7th month, it came to designate the New Year. A further significance of Tishri as the seventh month, is found in its function as the Sabbath of the year. Blasts on the shofar horn, are the most potent symbol of this holiday. The weight of shofar blasts alludes to recalling the Binding of Isaac in [Gen. 22]. The story and the shofar serve as reminders of God’s Covenant with His people-Israel, carrying the message of hope, looking forward to the sacrifice and return of Christ.

We have pointed out in previous blogs, how the dual significance of the Rev. 12:1-2 prophecy, applies not only to the birth of Christ, but to the victory of his Return also! Even as heavenly signs specifically marked the birth of Jesus Christ, supporting the witness of God’s Word, so we have seen similar sky signs marking the Lord’s Return. Even as these Rev. 12 heavenly signs were replayed in 2017, we will find similar signs in the next 4 years, in 2028, and 2047.

As we return now to the Gen. 3:15 axis theme extending to the next sign, we find it intersecting the decan of Scorpius called Hercules, whose foot is put over the Head of Draco the Serpentdragon at the North pole. The axis runs between the two heads of Hercules and Ophiuchus, who are inverted but in alignment to each other. The star in Hercules head is called Ras Al Gethi, that means the head of him who bruises, keeping with the Gen. 3:15 theme. #27 As this axis extends down to Hercules’ left foot, it shows the result of Ophiuchusbattle with the Serpent, as Hercules left foot crushes the Dragon’s head, seen in Fig. 13destroying the devil’s works. As Hercules kneels, his right heel is lifted up as if wounded, seen in some star maps with a spear through his heel. [Rev. 12:9-10, Ps. 74:12-14]

Figure 13Hercules’ foot over the Dragon crushing it’s Head. #28

The Fourth Star-family - Part 3

As a result of Draco the Dragon’s head being crushed with a fatal blow to the star Rastaban-meaning the head of the subtle, from the descending foot of Hercules, the Dragon’s former position as the Covering Archangel over all the angelic choirs of heaven [Ezek. 28:12-19] was stripped from him forever, and his position embodied in the ancient North Pole is superseded by Jesus Christ, the Risen Morning Star in place of the fallen Morning Star, [Isa. 14:12]. In Figure #13 above the star Thubanthe subtle as the former Northern Pole star, the central star in the heavens around which all other denizens of the universe revolve. A detailed graphic of Draco at the North Pole including the location of the pole star today in Ursa Minor is found in Figure 14 below.

Figure 14. Draco and Cepheus above Ursa Minor at the North Pole.


The 3rd Saggittarius decan above is Draco the dragon, with Hercules’ Foot over its headinside the top circle of the Northern Polar Venn Diagram. Astronomically we find the dynamic equatorial pole, gradually encircling the static pole of the ecliptic, at the center of the upper circle. The common area between these overlapping polar wheels is called a vesica of the Venn Diagram. This shows us the precession of the poles, as the equatorial pole shifted from Thubanthe star in Draco’s tail, to Polaris of Ursa Minor over the past 5000 years. This fulfills the promise of the Coming redeemer, as our Gen. 3:15 axis passes through the current pole star Polaris, seen under-foot of Cepheus, the Crowned King, [Eph. 1:20-22]. This celestial image of the King of kings is fulfilled in Christ Jesus, who presides over the central star of the heavens, formerly under Draco’s dominion. Inside the Polar circlevesica we see a triangle enclosing the Little Bear of Ursa Minor. This polar triangle forms the Ecliptic pole at the center of this upper circle, along with two pole stars, one Thuban the former pole star in the Dragon’s tail at the circle’s perimeter and Apex of this triangle above the head of the bear. The other is the current pole star-Polaris, at the lower-left corner, of the triangle’s base. As we can see in Figure 16 below, the Pole star marked Al Ruccabais underfoot of Cepheus, the King decan seated at God’s right Hand. The closest star to the tip of Ursa Minor’s tail, in Fig. 14 means the Branch,” who exerts his four-fold authority in the four Messianic Titles; of Servant, King, Son of Man, & Son of God, over all Creation. The serpent’s destruction, is thus not only seen in the crushing fatal blow to the serpent’s head, but also is witnessed in the outcome of Ophiuchus’ struggle, with the Serpent, denied the Crown [Corona in Fig. 2a] of Dominion.

Zech. 6:12-13 “Thus speaks the Lord of Hosts, saying behold the man whose name is the Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the Temple of the Lord.” v. 13 “Even he shall build the Temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.”

We see the woman’s promised seedclothed in the celestial royalty of absolute Dominion over all Creation, corresponding to the “Branch;” the holy scion of God in light of the branch prophecies in God’s Word. As the only Crowned star picture in the heavens, the name Cepheus” in the Dendera Zodiac, is known in ancient Egypt as Pe-Ku-hor; meaning one coming to rule” a consistent theme of the star names below. The three primary stars of Cepheus are as follows; [seen in Fig. 15 below]

1Al Deramin-he who comes quickly from the right Arm or Hand of the Father-The Hand of Blessing.
2Al Phirk-signifying the Redeemer of the stars of his flocks [Ursa Minor and Major].
Al RaiThe Shepherd who bruises or breaks. [Ps. 23; and the 7 Redemptive Names of God embodied in the Shepherd.]

Figure 15. Cepheus Decan. #29


Thus, we have the Redeeming Shepherd coming quickly from the right hand of God, who bruises or breaks, to redeem his flocks. A unique feature of the primary stars here at the North Celestial Pole, as the Pole star recedes via the Precession of the Poleseach of these 3 brightest stars in Cepheus will inherit the title and function of Pole star, currently occupied by Polaris[Al Ruccaba] of Usra Minor. Starting about 4000 AD in 1500-year intervals, these 3 primary stars of Cepheus will occupy the coveted Northern Pole Position;”

1st  Al Deramin
2nd Al Phirk
3rd Al Rai

Cepheus as the crowned and bearded King decked in his royal robesseated on his polar throne, the 3rd and final decan of the sign, “Pisces,” holding His scepter raised in his left hand stretched out to Cassiopeia, the decan of the sign, as part of the next primary constellation group of “Aries, the Ram.” Rev. Jon Nessle has taught this record in his 8/15/23 Chapt5, Session 1b, of the OT History Class, as King of Persia-Darius I, points his golden scepter to Queen Esther, [Esth. 5:1-3] who entered the royal court- uninvitedsaving the Jews in his kingdom, from Haman’s evil genocidal plot against Israel. In a futurist viewCassiopeia can also embody the bride of Christ, delivered by him. Even as King Darius Isaved all Israel with the action of his extended scepter, so King Jesus has saved all his church. With Cepheus’ foot over the North Pole Star; “Al Ruccaba” is depicted in a time-lapse photo below, showing how all the stars revolve around the King of Kings. [I Cor. 15: 24-28].

Stars orbit polaris

The signs and constellations at the North Pole, or circumpolar stars reflect the “Royal Family since they never set. They were known in ancient times as the imperishables. The celestial images of Ursa Major and Minor seen as Bears is a corruption of more contemporary Astronomy, as no bear ever had a tail as long as that of Ursa Minor, in Fig. 14. The image in Fig. 16 below is much more accurate, with the King’s right foot seated over penned and guarded sheep of Ursa Minor, we can see Jesus the Shepherd protecting his flock of the “little dipper,” from his enemies that will be trodden underfoot. This theme of Jesus as the Shepherd protecting his sheep, is extended in this Gen. 3:15 axis, seen below in Fig. 17, in the constellation Auriga the Shepherd.

Figure 16. The Cepheus Decan. #30


Even in this veiled mythology we can see the light of the story of the returning Good Shepherd-redeemer shining through to deliver his flocks, whom he laid down his life forBullinger refers to this precession of the North pole and Al Ruccaba specifically as follows:

Although the star does not revolve like the others, the central point in the heavens is very slowly but steadily moving. When these constellations were formed the Dragon possessed this important point, and the star alpha, in Draco, marked this central point. But by its gradual recession, that point is sufficiently near the star Al Ruccaba, in the Lesser Sheepfold, (Ursa Minor) for it to be what is called “the Polar Star.” But how was it known five or 6,000 years agoHow could it have been known when it received its name, which means the turned or ridden on? That it was known is clear: so likewise was it made known in the written Word that the original blessing included not only the multiplication of the seed of the faithful Abraham, but it was then added, “And thy seed shall possess the gate of thy enemies,” [Gen. 22:17]. #31

Again the Royal Red Thread of truth runs through the Gen. 3:15 Axis, because in the knee of Cepheus’ leg over Polaris/Al Ruccaba, holds the starAl Rai, meaning “he who bruises or breaks,” #32  Since the man-King Jesus/Cepheus, is crowned with the crown of Dominion who ultimately breaks and destroys the serpent, this name Al Rai mirrors the star Rigel in Orion, matching with Cepheus, just as the star Saiph pairs Orion with Ophiuchus at both ends of this axis! In the Creator’s design, Who named and aligned the stars, in their courses, tells the divine narrative of Christ’s CrucifixionResurrection and Ascension, that we witness in the Celestial Gospel! Our Father in Heaven has watermarked His narrative both in Scripture and Written in the Stars, with the same divine inspiration that proves the Star Gospel emerged from this One Source of undeniable truth. The Creator’s signature on His handiwork is all the proof required to depict the genuine validity of His Almighty Hand to underwrite the Celestial Gospel. As the divine words of Scripture perfectly agree in their witness of the stellar narrative of the Ages, so the Star Gospel agrees with God’s Written Word in all their key details.

Here we see the promised seed of the woman clothed in the celestial royalty of absolute dominion over all Creation. The name “Cepheus” has likely Egyptian linguistic roots in “Cheops” or Khufu, the Pharoah linked with the 1st Pyramid in Orion’s Belt, the Great Pyramid. [Isa. 19:19-20]

This is a good time bring up the previous point on the Egyptian Pharaoh’s link to the three Pyramids of Giza. The sticking point here is the orthodox Egyptian chronologies tie the 4th Dynasty under Khufu [2700-2600 BC], to the building period of the Great Pyramid, in Khufu’s reign. Fortunately, there exists strong  archaeological & historical evidence to the contrary, in agreement with highly accurate Great Pyramid astronomy.

Since this astronomical evidence involving the Great Pyramid from Herschel, Smyth and Lowell is incompatible with orthodox Egyptian chronologies, we can see an alternative chronology more in line with archaeological & historical evidenceSome of this evidence we find in the Great Sphinx, which was built as a key part of the Giza master-plan including the Pyramids, and causeways of the Giza Plateau, linked to the Great Sphinx. This is part of an evolving concept of the historical narrative of these famed monuments of ancient Egypt, framing a Giza Masterplan. The Inventory Stela provides some strong evidence, from Pharaoh Khufu himself, that he was not the Great Pyramid’s builder, and that the Great Pyramid and Great Sphinxalready existed during his reign. Other Egyptologists like James H. Breasted, includes the Inventory Stela in his official Fourth Dynasty list of artifacts, stating it “bore all the marks of authenticity.” #33

Also, the French Egyptologist Gaston Maspero; whose popular work, “The Dawn of Civilization,” stated that this Stela was indeed a factual record of the life and deeds of Khufu. #34

With the exception of a few die-hards, most Egyptologists consent to the accumulating body of archaeological and geological evidence, indicating that the Great Sphinx dates much older than the 4th Dynasty, and the Sphinx was only restored by Chephrennot built during his reign. Added evidence from the 19th century Inventory Steleuncovered near the Sphinx says Chephren’s predecessor-Khufu/Pharaoh Cheops; ordered a temple built beside the Great Sphinx, meaning the Sphinx already existed at this earlier time, and was not built by Chephren. As the astronomical elements of the Dendera Zodiac that inspired the Great Sphinx must predate it, we can see how the antiquity of the the Dendera Zodiac and the Great Sphinx are inseparably joined, giving us a truer idea for the ages of these monumentally intertwined ancient artifacts.

The Inventory Stela, the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid | Ancient ...

In building the Great Sphinx’s adjoining temple, quarried stone blocks of 200+ tons were used, with some Sphinx temple masonry matching building stones of the Pyramids, including causeways linking the Pyramids to the Great Sphinx. This reflects strong links between these uniquely historic monuments on a number of design and construction levels, even in support of a Giza master-plan.  It is logical that some of the quarried blocks were used to construct the temple, as the Sphinx was carved out of existing nearby rock. It may suggest a master-plan for construction blueprints in building and design elements of the Giza Plateau including the Great Sphinx, its temples & the Great Pyramid complex. [Job 19:23-25]

Let’s look at with the next decan highlighted in our Gen. 3:15 Planisphere Axis, which is Auriga, as seen below in Figure 17. Our axis touches the point where the large horn of Taurus, the charging Bull pierces the heel of our Shepherd-Auriga. Keeping with our Gen. 3:15 theme, we find the signs and decans of our Axis marking the Bull’s horn, that strikes the heel of Auriga’s right foot, at the star named Al Nath, meaning the wounded or slain. The unmistakable nature of this repeating theme as seen in this alignment of heels across the heavens, is breathtaking in scope as it integrates the witness of the stars on the ecliptic with those of the celestial equator, in the unified message of the polar and ecliptic stars, seen in The Celestial Gospels for all time.

Figure 17. Auriga The Shepherd. 35

See the source image

Bullinger says; “He is the Good Shepherd who gave his life for the Sheep, [Jn. 10:11], the Great Shepherd who was resurrected from the dead, [Heb. 13:20] and now the Chief Shepherd, [I Pet. 5:4] seen in the day of his coming glory.”36 Auriga depicts the exalted, mighty Saviorexercising his loving mercy and salvation in the midst of the scenes of judgment, as the Scriptures tell us, that in the midst of wrath he remembers mercy. (Hab. 3:2)

Auriga holds the 6th brightest star in the skyCapellathe goat star; chief star in this decan meaning “She-goat,“#37 marking the heart of the mother goatShe and her kids are safe in the arms of the Shepherd. Here we find the Shepherd ruling in his authorityrescuing his own from evil, to gather and and protect his sheep. As our Gen. 3:15 Axis closely by-passes Capella before reaching the star Al Nath at the tip of the bull’s horn piercing his heelAuriga sits astride the Milky Waysymbolic of Jesus Christ, not only as the lamb of God, but judging as a Lionreturning to execute judgment against evil-doers. Here the 3-fold witness of the Jupiter-Regulus triple unionstarting at Christ’s birth seen in the 3 stages of the maturation of Leo the Lion mirrors Christ this 3-fold Shepherd on the Planisphere Axis. My Gen. 49 video below, depicts truths of the Great Sphinx signs marking the birth of Christ

If we now look at the other end of the Gen. 3:15 Planisphere Axiswe find amazingly it intersects Orion, right at the star in Orion’s foot named Rigel,#38 meaning the foot that crushes,” which fits as it’s pictured crushing the enemy. The main star in Orion’s other leg incredibly is “Saiph” the same star name for “bruised we saw in Ophiuchus, found in Gen. 3:15! Not only do we find both ends of this amazing Planisphere axis agreeing with the same star name tied to Gen. 3:15, but before the axis reaches Orion’s foot, it intersects the bright star in Orion’s shoulder called Bellatrix, meaningswiftly destroying,” in reference to the swift demise of the enemy at the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. #39

The name Orion appears three times in the Bible (Job 9:938:31Amos 5:8). Rolleston rightly noted that Kesil is the Hebrew word translated as “Orion” in all three uses (Rolleston 1865, part 2, p. 30).#40 “Rolleston viewed Orion as a type of ChristPart of this came from the name Orion.

The meaning and source of this name is obscure, but, as R.A. Allen says (1963, p. 304), 41 it is rooted in the Akkadian, and means “Light of Heaven,” an apparent appeal to Matthew 4:16 on Rolleston’s part.” We are more drawn to Star lore from a biblical and Hebraic view, than astrology, though ancient Egyptian myth proves to hold many of the Celestial Gospel themes in their original star names and decans. Many of these themes survived the corruption of idol myths linked to the Egyptian Solar cult of RAand Pharaoh’s links to it, so that some ancient truths of the Celestial Gospel survived, in the Dendera Zodiac, for example with its Coma decan Greek corruption in Coma Berniece’s, wig as seen in Fig. 6a above, and the Hare underfoot of Orion, noted in Fig. 18 below.

Figure 18. The decan of Orion, with Rigel-his foot star opening the River of Judgement; Eridanus, as his other leg crushes the Hare-Lepuswhile the Bull gores the heel star of AurigaAl Nath. #42

Orion and Lepus [the hare] with Taurus [upper left] in a ...

The original meaning of Orion is “coming forth as light.”#43 The same word is used in Genesis. 1:17 and Isa. 60:1, referring to the light of the celestial sky & its luminaries.

Job 38:31-33
31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? 32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? 33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the Earth?

Francis Rolleston was an early adopter that the Celestial Gospel narrating the path of Christ on the ecliptic-or the Sun’s path, as the 12 signs of the Mazzaroth in Job 38 above, and Psalm 19. The pattern of Christ between, the alpha/omega signs of the Great SphinxVirgo & Leo the Lion, both Ophiuchus and Orion at each end of the Gen. 3:15 Planisphere Axis. We see obvious parallels in Gen. 3 :15’s stellar map, and Christ is identified with both Ophiuchus and Orion in the Celestial Gospel, as the ancient meanings of the stars are allowed their voice.

Their witness of truth shines through any confusion resulting from the darkness of corrupt astrology. God is the One Who named and numbered the stars and we have already seen how these ancient Star names match Greek and Hebrew Bible words, like those used in Gen. 3:15 to accomplish the task God sent them to do. An example of this kind of corruption of ancient constellations is found regarding the image being crushed below Orion’s foot.

Figure 19. Dendera Zodiac with Decans. #44

Ancient Kemet’s Dendera Zodiac: The World's First Zodiac


Rolleston observed that although in most charts Orion’s foot rests on a hare, in at least one ancient Indian star chart there is snake in place of the hare. Presumably, this snake has bittenor bruised, Orion’s heel, as he is crushing the serpent’s head to fulfill the first Messianic prophecy (Genesis 3:15).”#45 Of course, this depiction of a serpent instead of a Hare is not limited to Indian zodiacs, but was also the case in the Dendera zodiac; [see the Bull in the upper right of the zodiac, over the Man under Taurus with his foot atopsnake], along with Persian zodiacs also. #46

 As we have seen in the square Dendera Zodiac it’s not only one of the oldest planispheres around, as found with its depiction of the Great Sphinx, but it is also a uniquely great source to identify ancient decans, like one describing Lepus the “hare,” as a serpent. According to SeissPersian & Egyptian zodiacs also include the image of the serpent under Orion’s foot, caught in the claws of a hawk or eagle, as seen in Fig. 19 above. #47

The Pyramid’s southern Star shaft in the Queen’s Chamber points to Sirius the Dog Star and brightest star in the sky, as the Queen’s Chamber North shaft is aligned on the star Kochab of Ursa Minorholding the same polar sign found on our Gen. 3:15 Axis in Fig. 14. Ursa Minor is the pole star’s location today- underfoot of Cepheusthe Crowned KingThis image of the King of Kings is fulfilled in Christ Jesus, who rules over this central star of the sky, formerly Thuban under the dominion of the DragonLucifer in his first estate. This records a transition in spiritual power from Lucifer the fallen Morning Star, who previously was the leading archangel over all angels of heaven, until iniquity was found in him. The treachery of this failed coup vsthe Heavenly Father, removed him from his seat-assumed by Christ the ascendant Morning Star, who is now seated at the right hand of the Almighty, [Eph. 1: 1923]. This story of the fallen Morning Star is also related in the Star Siriusthe Prince.

The dual alignment of Thuban below the pole with the Pleiades above the pole in 2170 BC, calculated by Piazzi Smyth, not only supports the key application of the autumnal equinox related to Rosh Hashanah, as we will see below, but also reveals a key point about how the Pleiades saw the fall of the 1st Morning Star- Lucifer. [Isa. 14:12]

 In China’s astronomical records, the Pleiades star cluster was among the earliest of Lunar houses on record, dating to 2357 BC, when the star Alcyone in the Pleiades near the vernal equinox. #48 The 7 stars of the famed cluster were identified by Job [9:9, 38:31] and referred to collectively as a “heap or accumulation and the congregation of the judge or ruler,” said also to be referenced in a mystery.” Since the Great Mystery inot revealed before the Day of Pentecost in 28 AD, it does not disclose truths relating to the spiritual body of Christ or the congregation of his Church. But what about relationships between of the angelic realmsRev. 1:20 refers to the angelic order in relation to Christ and the 7 churches in his right hand.

Rev. 1:20
20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right handand the seven golden candlesticksThe seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candle-sticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

Figure 20. The Pleiades Star Cluster #49

Now that the ascended Christ has supplanted the fallen Morning Star, he inherited rulership over the remaining choirs and cohorts of the angelic hosts previously under Lucifer. This is part of the mystery of the seven stars, of angels held in Christ’s right handreminding us of the divine 7-fold pattern of the Cherubim according to a regular distribution around the structure of the four colored curtains of Tabernacle walls of both the Holy Placeand the Holiest of all. As this pattern is in the earthly Tabernacle, so we find it in the Heavenly Tabernacle, as Rev. 15:5-8 reveals,  seen in Part 1 . [cp. Rev. 89]

Since the Celestial Gospel is a pictorial skyscapeparalleling God’s Word, at times it tells a composite story of the truth of Christ. This axis is a good example of a composite pictorial depiction of Gospel truth, supported by the meanings of individual star names in these constellations and decans of the star signs, along with planetary motions and unions, as we have seen in this record with Mars, and Virgo’s Crown. The combined images of the Gen. 3:15 Axis shows not only 3 heavenly giants in combat with Serpentine foes, but also a fourth decan on this axis taking the central star in the heavens away from Draco the dragon’s control. Once the serpent-crushed by Orion, replaces the Hare from later zodiacs the Gen. 3:15 Axis becomes powerful unified image in multiple signs along the axis, all centered on the Genesis 3:15 theme.

Figure 21. Paths of Venus and Mercury from April 28 to June 10, 28 A.D.#50

The Fig. 21 image above shows the motion of planets Venus the bright and Morning Star, with MercuryGabriel, from April 28thto June 10th, 28 AD. Both planets first moved towards Gemini, when they each went into retro-grade motions, setting them on course for Orion’s club.#44 We have seen how Orionon this side of the Gen. 3:15 axis embodies Christas Ophiuchus does-180 degrees away, on the other side of this axis. As the two planets arrive in a coordinated attack to energize Orion’s raised club, on June 10th, 28 AD, they are joined by the Moonon the same day Mars reached the center of the head of the Scorpiongrinding the message home of its inevitable defeat in a Battle of the AgesOrion beholding the Bull’s horns of Taurus in his upward view, he finds the planet Saturn placed between the horns of dilemma to unleash its doom in Fig. 21

We must also recall from Fig. 18 above, a tip of one of the Bull horns pierces the heel of Auriga the Shepherd, at a star with the same name in both signs & ConstellationsAl Nath in [Aries & Auriga]; that means the wounded or Slain. With SaturnSatan placed between the horns of Taurus, as the main spiritual power behind the bruising of Auriga’s heel, drawing the fury of Orion’s Club empowered by the bright & Morning Star-Venusheralded by MercuryGabriel the Messenger Archangel, while Mars delivers a massive Passover punch to Scorpio’s head, being crushed underfoot of OphiuchusWhen you anger the Almighty, there’s hell-fire and judgment to pay…from all angles, & archangel’s.

The Rev. 12 heavenly sign: the [Sun clothing Virgo with the Crescent Moon at her feet] on September 17th, 2015 is announced by MercuryGabriel located beside Virgo’s wombunited with Spica/Al Zimach on this day, 2 years before the rewind of the Great Wonder in Heaven, on Sept. 23rd 2017, seen below.

Figure 22. Rev. 12 Sign [Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet].#51

With Regulus the King Star and heart of the lion-Leo, the brightest star on the ecliptic setting the stage for the alignment of 3 planets in LeoVenus, Mars and Mercury, forming this alignment reflecting the 3 Pyramids seen also in Orion’s belt stars, Crowning Virgoas seen Fig. 22’s 9 Leo stars plus these 3 planets, found between Regulus and the Sun at her shoulder, clothing Virgo. This combination of 3 planets in mirroring the 3 Pyramids, with Orion’s Belt, also agreed with an Aug. 27th, 2BC massing of Planets; Venus, Mercury, Mars & Jupiter, that followed the Jupiter-Regulus triple union of 3-2 BC, marking the birth of Christ. This unique testimony of Planets delivered the victory message of the Passover punch to the enemy, depicting a singularly powerful account displayed in the Celestial Gospel.

As we have seen with both sets of heavenly signs surrounding the Birth of Christ, while alluding to his victorious Return, the King Planet Jupiter was the Star of the Messiah, and Venus-the Bright and Morning Star are prominent in marking and bracketing these key signs in the dual-purpose of Revelation 12, for both the birth and Return of Christ.

Figure 23. Cetus the Sea-Monster tries to alter the course of Eridanus with its forelegs. #52

See the source image

With the conclusion of our Gen. 3:15 axis running down through Orion, we find issuing out of Orion’s foot-star Rigel, the River of the JudgeEridanus, [Hab. 3:5]. This last heel alignment across the sky shows Jesus‘ righteous judgment against all the evil of the enemy. Over the river banks of Eridanus, the futile attempts of the SerpentCetus, [Fig. 23 above] to alter or stop the inexorable flow of this river into its undying judgment fires with its forelegs. But, there is no escape for the evil, from their doom, residing in the Lake of fire, due to their callous revolt against the Almighty God. So, their doom awaits where hellfireof judgment pool, in the Second Death, [2 Thess. 1:7-8].

Added keys found in Figure. 23, include the shackles that bond the fish of Piscesbinding bands that tie them to Cetus the Sea-monster. These bonds were broken by Aries the Ram, with matching star name-Al Nath shared the sky over our Lord at his crucifixion, in Auriga’s heel, as darkness obscured the light of the Sun in Aries. The King Planet Jupiter we too find in retrograde motion in Aries, as seen in other planets during this period from March 1st-June 10th, 28 AD. With Jupiter’s retrograde motion focused on the binding bands of the fish of Piscesbroken as a result of the Lamb’s perfect sacrifice, Jesus Christ; [Jn. 1:29] in Figure 23, as the forelegs of the lamb stretch across these bands. The brightest star in Aries in some charts is Al Hamal, in others Al Nath, with the same name meaning- “wounded” already seen in Auriga’s heel, being gored by the Taurus the Bull’s hornfitting once again with the Gen. 3:15 Axis theme of the CrucifixionResurrection and Ascension.

The alignment of the Ascending Passage in the Great Pyramid to this union of RegulusVenus in Leo, on Rosh Hashanah 2017, the morning dawn light of the King Star Regulus unifies with Venus the Bright and Morning Star in Leo the Lion (Rev. 2:28, 22:161 Pet. 1:19). With Regulus & Venus rising together, “as a morning star” in the east at a 26.3-degree Christ angle, resolved by the direction of the Great Pyramid’s Ascending passage, reminds us of 2 Peter;

2 Peter 1:19
19 And so we have the prophetic word confirmed,[a] which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts;

We began this study with Rev. 5:5 & 22:16 with a focus on Venus the bright and Morning star and the king star Regulus, and here we see 2 Peter 1:19 bringing into focus to the recent signs on Rosh Hashanah 2017, as the dawn of a new day sheds its resplendent light in our hearts. It is the hope of the return of Jesus Christ that we are anticipating which anchors our soul in this dark and perverse world, keeping us moving forward on the path of the light of His Word with our God and Heavenly Father.

It is a genuine pleasure to bring these truths to a body of wonderful believers like yourselves, who appreciate and enjoy them as we share in our one body fellowship with each other. As we enjoy the Love and blessings of the Lord this month, let me know how God has abundantly blessed you!

God Bless!



1. Biblical Astronomy Newsletter, Picture credit, Bob Wadsworth.
. Witness of the Stars, Planisphere, picture credit, E.W. Bullinger.
Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger, p. 58
5Biblical Astronomy Newsletter, Bob Wadsworth
6Ibid, Plate 1-Picture Credit.
7Biblical Astronomy Newsletter, Bob Wadsworth
8. Figure 3. picture creditSky and Telescope Magazine, 2015.
9Figure 4. picture credit, Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, p. 45, VP Wierwille, The Celestial Sphinx.
10. The Star that Astonished the World, p. 186, Dr. Ernest L. Martin.
11. Figure 5. video credit, Stellarium 2 from
12. Figure 6. Picture creditWitness of the Stars, EW. Bullinger, p. 21.
13. Figure 7. Picture credit, Tetrad and the Signs of 2017,[]
14. Figure 8The Great Pyramid’s Ascending Passage alignment with the Venus-Regulus union in Leo, 9-20-2017.
15. Figure 9The 3 Belt stars of Orion reflect the 3 Pyramids of Giza,
The Orion Mystery, p. 134, Robert Bauval.
16. Decoding the Great Pyramid, p. 41, P. Lemesurier.
17. IBID, p. 45, P. Lemesurier.
18Fig. 10 Picture credit; Pillar of Enoch Ministries, Lehman.
19Decoding the Great Pyramid, P. Lemesurier.
20. Message of the Sphinx, p. 34, Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval.
21. Daniel Matson website [].
22Fig. 11, picture credit; Message of the Sphinx, G. Hancock & R. Bauval.
23Daniel Matson website [].
24. IBID
Witness of the Stars
, EW. Bullinger, p. 59.
28. Fig. 13 pix credit; []
. Figure 14, pix credit, for Cepheus decan. []
30. Fig. 16 pix credit, []
31Witness of the Stars, EW. Bullinger,
32. IBID, p. 103.
33. Official Fourth Dynasty list of artifactsJames H. Breasted,
34The Dawn of Civilization, Gaston Maspero
35Witness of the Stars, EW. Bullinger, p. 133.
36. Fig. 17.-Picture credit; IBID, Bullinger, p. 135.
37. IBID, p. 134.
38. IBID, p. 126.
39. IBID. p. 127.
40. The Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston 1865, part 2, p. 30)
41. “Star Names their Lore and Meaning,” R.A. Allen says (1963, p. 304)
42. Picture credit for Figure 18. []
43Witness of the Stars, EW. Bullinger, p. 125.
44Fig. 19,
45The Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston, 1865.
46IBID, #44.
47. The Gospel in the Stars, p. Joseph Seiss
48Star Lore Myths Legends and Facts, p. 409 William Tyler Olcott
49. Fig. 20 Picture credit; Pleiades/Orion []
50. Fig. 21 Picture CreditBiblical Astronomy Newsletter, Bob Wadsworth
51. Fig. 22 Picture credit; Stellarium 2
52Fig. 23 Picture creditWitness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger, p. 112.



Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy of Blood Moon Tetrads and Ancient Cultures


Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy of Blood Moon Tetrads and Ancient Cultures.

Welcome to the July 2024 Blog post! This is a special month as it marks the 10th Anniversary of this Blog that I initiated back in 2014! With over 150 blog posts on various topics related to Biblical Astronomy in the last 10 years, we have been blessed to develop a loyal following of readers and participants from around the globe. I love and am very passionate about this unique Christian Ministry work, and remain humbled and Thankful to my Heavenly Father for His Infinite Love, Grace and inspiration to Bless God’s People! The impetus for this blog grew out of the original website [] that we put together in 2002-3, based on the teachings and seminars related to the Birth of Christ, and The Celestial Prelude. I will always be grateful to my dear friend & brother in Christ, Paul Viarengo, for his love and generosity in helping me to establish and support this website, which remains a key asset and research archive. In the last few years I’m most thankful and grateful to and for Rev. Jon Nessle, his teachings, support and his example are invaluable contributions to this field of Bible research, along with his scientific background and prowess. I’m honored to accept his invitation to serve and teach with him, Ren Manetti and Roberto & Diane Martinez in The Next Reformation Church. Our outreach activities include a weekly Tune-in-Tuesday forum, and a recent roadshow as we served and taught together on the Celestial Gospel Seminar this past April for the Northeastern CFF Believers in New Jersey! Keep your eyes open for more efforts like this down the road…

To honor our 10th anniversary, and for the sake of context it is helpful to revisit some of the Celestial events that opened this blog in 2014. A primary topic of conversation in that period was the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015. This of course raised interest in the previous Blood Moon Tetrads during the inception of the State of Israel in 1949-50, and the 6-day war of 1967 when Israel reclaimed control of Jerusalem for the 1st time in near 2000 years. A respected commentator and Blood Moon teacher; Mark Biltz  noted that after the 1st Blood Moon of 2014 there was an initial invasion of Ukraine by Russia, ISIS Advances, a 2-month war between Israel and Gaza, an Ebola Plague, an overthrow of Yemen, economic meltdowns and middle East upheaval. Many of these types of events were not only repeated in 2021-2022, but remain in the news headlines today!

The Season of Repentance is the call to repent before the Day of the Lord. Jewish tradition says those who are written in the Book of Life (the saved) will be resurrected on the Feast of Trumpets. The undecided and evil ones will then have time to repent during the time of judgment that ends at the Day of Atone-ment. The period of time between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atone-ment is representative of the seven years of the Tribulation. It is fitting then that the Great American eclipse of such significance marks the the Season of Repentance. It was another sign pointing towards the significance of 2017 as it relates to the return of Christ, in comparison with the Alpha/Omega or Aleph-Tav; as the first and last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet embody the Great American Eclipses crossing America, from 2017-2024.

Joel 2:25-32 and Acts 2:16-27 prophecies of solar and lunar eclipses are note-worthy since solar eclipses are considered a sign for the Gentile nations of the world, while lunar eclipses are more significant for Israel. This aligns with God’s classification of people on earth into 3 groups; Jews, Gentiles & the Church of God.

There was another total solar eclipse that occurred on March 20, 2015. At the center point between the Blood Moon lunar eclipses of the 2014-15 Tetrad, it occurs before the religious new year begins on Nisan 1 (March 21). This eclipse was visible in the North Atlantic occurring in the constellation Pisces. Pisces speaks of the Redeemer’s People or us. Here there is a solar eclipse that took place 888 days before the Season of Repentance 2017. 888 is the number of our Redeemer’s name in Greek–Jesus.

The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-15 opened with a Passover Lunar Eclipse on 4/15/2014. Prior to the 4/4/2015 Passover Blood Moon, a unique Total Solar Eclipse occurred on March 20th, at the Spring Equinoxmarking the start of the Hebrew month of Nisan, to open the ecclesiastical year, at the midpoint of their Shemitah year in 2015. Any Total solar eclipse reaching the rarefied air of the North Pole is unequalled, with the path of this Solar Eclipse ending at the Pole, putting it within Eclipse totality for near 2 minutes. A total solar eclipse at the North Pole on the Spring Equinox takes place only about once every 100 centuries, but it never happened on Nisan 1 in Hebrew Timekeeping, especially when seen with a Super-moon, putting this Total Solar eclipse in a class by itself. A chart of Blood Moon Tetrads over the last 2000+ years is available in our blog post @ Biblical Blood Moon Calendar.

This March 20th  eclipse in 2015 was indeed a special one. While comparing historical eclipse data on the Spring Equinox; we found a solar eclipse (not at the North Pole) on March 20, 71 AD, also on Nisan 1 on the Hebrew Calendar.#1 Only months before the eclipses in 71 AD, Jerusalem’s Temple was attacked and destroyed. This Temple destruction occurred on the infamous 9th of Av in 70′ AD. In spite of prince Titus’ strict orders to his Roman Legions not to harm the Temple, it was “accidentally” set on fire and consumed. On August 5th, AD. 70, bloody scars on smoking ruins mark dire scenes of daily offerings ceased in Israel on 7/13/70′ AD, for lack of able-bodied priests to Sacrifice. This was recordedat a noted time in history when Jerusalem’s Temple was destroyed by fire.

The Total Solar Eclipse on March 20th, 2015, was not only unique because it took place at the North Pole, but also because it fell right in the middle of this Blood Moon Tetrad. Much has been written about the position and timing of this total solar eclipse, but taking place in the center of this Tetrad is a key, when we view how the 2016 solar and lunar eclipses link the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad to the Rev. 12 sign of Sept 23, 2017. The year of 2016 also saw a mirroring of solar and lunar eclipses in 70 AD. Not only are the solar and lunar eclipses mirrored exactly as seen in Table 1 below in 70/2016, but a Rev. 12 sign is also reflected in the center of the 70′ solar and lunar eclipses, on 8/27/70, three weeks after the destruction and burning of Jerusalem’s Temple by Titus on the 9th of Av.

The final Super Blood Moon of the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad occurred after the Hebrew 50-year Jubilee on the Day of Atonement, Sept. 23rd, 2015, just 2 years prior to the Rev. 12 sign on 9/23/2017. This is notable as the 9/28/15 Super Blood Moon was the 1st Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad that was visible in Jerusalem, as the city of God was liberated by Israel for the first time in near 2000 years in the preceding Jubilee year of 1967, marked too by the previous Blood Moon Tetrad of 1967-68. As we consider this feature of visibility over Jerusalem, we find it upheld with each of the lunar triples bracketing the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad, as a 2nd Blood Moon of both lunar triples was also visible over Jerusalem. This directly links the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad and the eclipses of 2016 to the 70′ AD razing of the Jerusalem Temple.

Figure 1. Lunar Triples in 2010-11 and 2018-19 bracketing the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad. #2

Jesus On My Mind - Blood Moon Tetrads and Triples and Solar Eclipses

As the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad of the end days was centered between the saddest days on Israel’s Calendar, the days of Av marked by Lunar Triples in 2010-11 and 2018-19, as seen above they recall the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple on two key occasions in their history, one we have highlighted below, with the 69-71 AD solar and lunar eclipses, marking the Roman Destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. It is notable that the triple union of Jupiter-Regulus in Leo, marking Christ’s birth in 3-2 BC, is set here, as the next Jupiter-Regulus union didn’t recur till 10-15-69 AD, #3 opening to the Partial Lunar Eclipse on Sukkot on 10/18/69, seen in Table 1 below.

The year 2015 has another date of interest. Yom Kippur 2015 proves to be 2,520 exact weeks from June 7, 1967 when Israel won the Temple Mount. This is also expressed as 49/360-day years. However, in counting these days, Yom Kippur 2015 is an exact 700 days before Elul 1, 2017 and the Season of RepentanceOn an added note, there is another total eclipse on March 9, 2016 …[This March 9th date aligns with the Roman’s Destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD, with very similar celestial signs in the sky.

2000 years of Blood Moon Tetrad history marked by Peter’s Sermon to open the Age of Grace, [Acts 2:20] have seen Jesus’ foretelling Israel’s Bible and Celestial Prophecy Plan of a Destruction of Jerusalem’s Temple, sealed in solar and lunar eclipses, fulfilled in 70 AD. We saw the Jews dispersed the world over, returning to Israel’s Reformed State, in 1948-50 marked by a Blood Moon Tetrad. In 1967-68 another Blood Moon Tetrad stamped the 6-day war with Egypt, and Jerusalem’s first reclaiming under Israeli control, since 70 AD, all leading to a next prophecy to rebuild a Third Jerusalem Temple. A chart of the Blood Moon Tetrads over the last 2000 years is found in our blog @ Biblical Blood Moon Calendar. The summary below from this link, shows Jesus’ Prophecy of Rome’s 70 AD Destruction of the Templemirroring the 2016 Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

Table 1.

Solar & Lunar Eclipses from 69-71 AD.         2016 Solar & Lunar Eclipses omitting Adar 2:

Jupiter-Regulus triple union    10/15/69       #1 in Leo the Lion

Partial Lunar      Sukkot             10/18/69

Jupiter-Regulus Conjunction    12/30/69     #2

Total Solar           Nisan 1              3/30/70     Total Solar Eclipse 3/9/2016 

Penum lunar       Passover          4/14/70      Penumbral Lunar Eclipse-3/23/2016/Nisan 14

Jupiter-Regulus Conjunction     6/7/70       #3

Temple destroyed by Titus        8/5/70        9th of Av, 70 AD in Age of Grace opened by Peter citing Joel 2 @ Pentecost 28′ AD.

Rev. 12 Sign of the Woman       8/27/70      in Virgo

Annular Solar     Rosh Hash    9/23/70      Annular Solar Eclipse 9/3/2016/Trumpets Feast 

Penum lunar        Sukkot         10/08/70    Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
Sukkot/9-16 to 9/23/16

Partial Lunar       Purim             3/4/71      Partial Lunar Eclipse

Total Solar            Nisan 1         3/20/71     Total Solar Eclipse

These dates may look familiar to those following this Biblical Astronomy Blog [], as the first Total Solar Eclipses of 2016 form the continuation of Solar and Lunar signs on Hebrew Feast and Holy days after the Blood Moons of 2014-15Due to a lack of consensus on the ripeness of Aviv Barley in Israel, the alignment of these solar eclipses with Hebrew Feast and Holy days went mostly unnoticed in 2016. But they are key as they represent a direct link to the Aug. 21st, 2017 Pan-Am Total Solar eclipse. A key detail about the 2nd Blood Moon of each lunar triple bracketing the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad was its visible over Jerusalem. This provides a direct link with Blood Moon Tetrad to the razing of the Jerusalem Temple in Hebrew Sabbath years of 586-587 BC and 69-70 ADKing Nebuchadnezzar burnt the Temple in 587-586 BC [2 Chron. 36:17-20], and it was burnt again 69-70 AD, by Titus and his Roman legions. In both cases Jerusalem lay desolate for the next 50 years on the Jubilee Calendar. #4

The solar and lunar eclipses marking the 69-70 AD destruction of Jerusalem’s Temple70 AD was the last year Jerusalem was under control of Israel until the Blood Moon Tetrad of 1967-68. The LuniSolar Eclipses of 2016 mirror the 69-70 AD solar and lunar eclipses exactly on holy days & Hebrew feasts. Its also noteworthy that the triple union of Jupiter-Regulus marking the birth of Christ in 3BC, is linked to the Temple destruction in Jerusalem foretold by Christ [Matt. 24:1-2], since the next Jupiter-Regulus conjunction did not recur until Oct. 15th, 69 AD. #5

By putting these birth signs of Christ together with the physical Temple being destroyed, it recalls Jesus’ words in [Jn. 2:19-20] where Jesus links the Temple’s destruction, wherein he was standing when he said “destroy this temple,” with the “temple of his body.” Christ embodied the Temple in two aspects; first as the Bride of Israel when he spoke this prophecy, then a New Covenant Gentile Church in Christ, communing with the Heavenly Father in spirit after the Day of Pentecost in the Age of Grace[Eph. 2:11-22]. Since Jesus superseded the physical Temple in his Spiritual bodythe Church, the Jerusalem Temple on the Mount will not be seen again until its daily sacrifices are restored prior to Jesus’ 2nd Coming. The 69-70 AD solar and lunar eclipses marked Rome’s destruction of the Templeby Titus mirrored in soli-lunar eclipses of 2016, that lead to the 2017 rewind of the Great Wonder of Rev. 12:1-2. Amazingly, another version of this Rev. 12 celestial wonder occurred on August 27th, in 70 AD, between the 4/14/70 Passover Lunar Eclipse, and the 9/23/70 Rosh Hashanah Solar Eclipse!

Figure 2. The Rev. 12 sign on August 27th, 70 AD: With a Jupiter-Venus union, in the hind paw of Leo the Lion. #6

The woman-Virgo has a crown of 12 stars, with Jupiter and Venus in so close a union, they appear to merge into one star as in 2 BC, but this time in the lower rear paw of Leo. The Sun clothes Virgo and the Moon at her feet. The planets Jupiter and Venus are also aligned with Mercury-Gabriel in Leo’s other hind paw, and the King Star-Regulus in Leo. What is unique with this version of the Rev. 12 Sign is that it occurs in the midst of solar and lunar eclipses falling on Hebrew Feast days as they also marked the 70 AD Temple’s destruction in Jerusalem.

These 2016 Lunar Eclipses followed the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 that totaled 6 Lunar Eclipses in 3 consecutive years on Hebrew Feast days, adding weight to the Four Blood Moons! As we consider the import of these Penumbral Lunar Eclipses in 2016we should point out the similarity to the Penumbral Lunar Eclipses in 70 AD marking the Romans’ destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. The following chart from our Biblical Blood Moon Calendar blog shows the 70 AD Roman Temple Destruction as Jesus Prophesied, [Matt. 24:1-2].

It is notable that if the ripe Barley determination was made before the Total Solar Eclipse on March 9th2016 it will also have aligned on NISAN 1, even as the linked sign on 3/30/70 AD! This comparison of Solar and Lunar signs of 70 AD and 2016 is truly remarkable! Also, as we mentioned in the Purim Blood Moon post, 71 AD was the last Lunar Eclipse on Purim found in the intervening period until 3/22/2016. The noted parallel here is that these Solar and Lunar signs marked the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD, while today we are looking for the return of a Third Temple in Jerusalem as the next step to fulfill Biblical Prophecy, to establish Israel’s reclamation of Jerusalem as seen in the 1967-68′ Blood Moon Tetrad, in the 6-day War with Egypt. Thus we see note the history of these Solar and Penumbral Lunar Eclipses in 2016 as they align in the only other Sun and Moon signs on Hebrew Feast Days that did not cluster as Blood Moon Tetrads over the last 2000 years!

As we consider the Archaeo-Astronomy of ancient world cultures in light of their various associated forms of astrology, we will view how these systems have survived into the modern world. With this in mind, what does a regular deck of playing cards have in common with the El Castillo Pyramid at Chichen Itza, Mexico?

Figure 3
El Castillo Pyramid at Chichen Itza. #7

mayan pyramid

The Maya were ruthless devotee’s of human sacrifice, whose culture was ruled by its Astrology, controlling every aspect of their timekeeping, which organized their lives. As the Mayan priests prepared the human sacrifice, they astrology them to subdue any resistance to their jupiter and saturn of precious stone, nearly hard as mayan pyramid, to cut out the victim’s human sacrifice. This secondary comparison to playing cards however belies a more prominent one upon closer inspection. As we find compelling evidence revealing a surprising link to the roots of astrology not only in the origin of Mayan timekeeping practices, but many ancient calendars in general.

The structure of a deck of playing cards is based on 4 suits, reflected above, of 13 cards each, that when the numbers 1-13 are added, equal 91. The same pattern is seen in the El Castillo Pyramid, with 4 flights of 91 stairs, leading up to the altar at the pinnacle of the Pyramid. These 4 suits of 13 cards when multiplied equal 52, corresponding to the number of weeks in a year of our Gregorian Calendar, whose reflection is seen in the Maya Tzolkin Calendar of 52 years. We find further calendar links in the total of 91 pyramid steps, equaling the number of days per season, times 4 flights totaling 364, corresponding to the number of days in the year365, when the Joker Card is added. As the altar caps off the Pyramid’s pinnacle, the four flights of stairs, make a total of 365. The 52-year Maya Tzolkin calendar consisted of four 13-year periods, each symbolized by  one of five spirit-heads, four of which correlated to the Cardinal Directions, while the 5th linked to the center or apex of the circle in the Calendar Round, representing the Earth. This picture of the El Castillo Pyramid agrees with the figure of the Great Pyramid on the Giza plateau, which was designed as a 1 to 43,200 geometric scale model, of planet Earth. Thus, we get the idea that the pyramid represented not only our planet, but also its seasons and timekeeping practices of these pyramid-building cultures that produced them. The calendars that emerged from these cultures also looked to unify the solar and lunar cycles into a comprehensive system of temporal and spatial order. The face cards of the deck represent the day-gods of the Maya Calendar, designed to rule over the temporal and spiritual order of Mayan culture, typified in the structure of their pyramids and calendars. The deck of playing cards was probably structured as a memory system for this classic luni-solar calendar.

Figure 4. Ouroboros Serpent #8

An ouroboros or uroboros serpent snake consuming its own tail circle in a vintage woodcut style

We can trace also the origin of the number 666 from Astrology. The Zodiac is a narrow band about 18 degrees in width making a complete circuit of the sky around the earthsymbolized in pagan art by a serpent whose body formed a circle. The serpent named Ouroboros swallowed his own tail in his mouth as a symbol of self destruction. Astrology taught that the fate of mankind was always decided by the position of the stars. Now the fatalistic astrology of the chief gods of the Zodiac were the 7 fate-controlling planets who wound their way through the 36 rooms of the Zodiac. As the 7 planets travel through the narrow band of the zodiac at varying speedssymbolized as a seven-headed serpent (Rev. 12:3), they dictated the fate of entire cultures and nations. The Zodiac band was divided into 12 houses, one for each month of the year, and each house was divided into three rooms, with 36 rooms/ decans in all, one for each 10 degrees of the Zodiac circle. This counterfeit heavenly order is the astrological basis of our present method of time-keeping. For example, the clockface derived from the 12 houses of the Zodiac, as the original Heavenly Clock, whereby today we measure time, even as our ruler has 12 inches to a foot, determining our spatial dimensions.

Figure 5. Roulette Wheel #9

Tuhaf düğüm İsa european roulette wheel Tablet Sulama İkna edici

The original Roulette wheels have a 360-degree circle with 36 divisions of 10 degrees each, with a blank or zero division to represent the 5 days beyond the 360 days in a year. There are 36 numbered cards in a 52 card deck. One card each represents the 52 weeks with 12 face cards, 4 Kings, 4 Queens, and 4 Jacks, and 4 suits that represent the four seasons. Why do fortune-tellers use a deck of cards to predict the future? Because the deck of cards derives from Astrology.  Our present townships are composed of 36 square miles because, as several writers point out, the ancients divided the earth according to the divisions in the sky. Just as our 12-inch ruler was once a symbol of the 12-house Zodiac, so our 36-inch yardstick based upon the 36 rooms into which the heavenly houses are divided. Also, the remainder of the sky outside the Zodiac band was also divided into 36 constellations, 15 on the south side and 21 on the north side. A god of each constellation was set up to rule over one of the 36 rooms of the Zodiac. Every star in the sky was viewed as a god in the abode of departed spirits included in a constellation, and over whom a god was set up who ruled over a Zodiac room. Each Zodiac house-god ruled over a month of the year, and the 7 planetary house gods regulated, the celestial order and the affairs of mankind via this Astrologyby their relative positions in the various rooms of the Zodiac. The Sun-god ruled over them all (the All-Seeing Eye) who was envisioned as the central fire, from which each had sprung. Pagans believed that all other gods were but emanations of the Sun-god. In their numerology 1, 6, 12, 36, 111, and 666 were the most sacred numbers in Astrology. Like the Roulette Wheel, the charts divided into 36 numbered sections, or [magic squares]. There were six columns in all directions with the numbers 1 to 36 placed inside the entire chart. Any direction you add the columns, they total 111. There are six squares in each column and 6 x 111 = 666. If you add all digits from 1 to 36 they will total 666. So, the number 36 was a sacred number that identified with the 36 room-gods of the Zodiac, and the number 666 was a summary number of the Sun-god, because it was his sacred number as the ruler of the Zodiac. Thus it was not a coincidence that the earth’s axis is tilted 23.4 degrees from vertical which is 66.6 degrees from hortizontal. [Obliquity cycle] #10

Thus the number 36 was a sacred number that was linked to the 36 room-gods of the Zodiac, and the number 666 was a summary number of the Sun-god, and his sacred number as the ruler of the Zodiac. This was an archetypal blueprint of how the enemy counterfeited the original Celestial Gospel, by substituting his astrology for the foundations of the Creator’s Biblical Astronomy, going back to the Tower of Babel., where the original one language of humanity was confused by God to prevent the enemy’s One world unity based on Astrology as the counterfeit of The Creator’s Celestial Gospel.

The primary temporal symbol in Mesoamerican myth, as in other ancient cultures was the snake who swallowed it own tail. We find in this circular snake, a symbol of cyclic time depicted below in the concentric Calendar Wheelwhere the outer wheel shows the 52-year cycle of the Maya Calendar, divided into 13 renditions of the four year cycles [13 x 4=52] known as [rabbit, house, cane & reed]. We noted these elements in our earlier comparison, of the  structures of the El Castillo Pyramid and the common deck of playing cards. The four circles in the Serpent’s body relate to the four Cardinal Directions of the calendar, embodied in four of the Mayan spirit heads.

Figure 6. Maya Concentric Calendar Wheel #11

cirular snake calendat wheel

The graphic above conforms to the Egyptian serpentine image of the Sothic Calendar arranged, according to the four Cardinal Directions, as the serpent head swallows its own tail, with scales symbolizing the stars of heaven. This Egyptian picture of the Sothic Calendar shows a reconciliation between the 360° circle with the 365-days of the calendar year. Encircled in the serpent’s coils at the cardinal points, are the 4 Egyptian gods Sothis/Sirius, Isis, Osiris Horus, each 
presiding over a cycle of 365 years which totaled the 1461year cycle when the rising of the star Sirius aligned with the Sunrise. This idea links to the 260-day tzolkin calendar of the Maya, because the Sothic Calendar also conforms to the 260-day pattern [260 x 1461] that equals 365.25 x 1040 days.

 This provides another depiction of the world monomyth cropping up in cultures with no direct physical contact,  appearing at different points in history, yet sharing universal archetypes of archaeo-astronomy based on truths of a common celestial myth.

Like the ancient Egyptians, the Maya pyramid-building culture of ancient Mexico had a very advanced Astronomy. They also regularly divided their year into 360 days, called a “tun” and added 5 extra days, called “haab,” considered an unlucky period. According to Peter Thompkins, Maya also “calculated the orbit of the Earth about the Sun as 365.2420 days, and marked the close of the year by the erection of a stone they called a tun. They did likewise for a twenty- year cycle or Katun, a period they considered to be governed by the Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn.#121

 The history of Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction cycles was also recognized in close association to the precession of the equinoxes in the Hebrew cosmology seen in Genesis 1:6-10, along the world-views of many ancient cultures including, Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece and the MesoAmericans. Peter Thompkins continues by saying that; “The Maya had a very special sacred year of 260 days called tzolkin, that the Aztecs called tonalamatl.” This 260-day sacred calendar was divided into 13 months of 20 days, and the multiples of 13 and 20 became the heart of a chronological computation stunning in its simplicity and exactness. A greater cycle of 260 years was 13 consecutive Jupiter-Saturn cycles of 20 years.”#132 

The greater 260-year cycle based on the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, cycle was also a tool utilized by the Mayans to break down the extra long cycle of the precession of the equinoxes. Thompkins states that the “Maya also had a cycle of 942,890 days, or 2,582 years, that turned out to be 130 Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions.”#143 Twice this cycle [5,163 years], not only gave the equivalent of the greater 260-year cycle of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions, but 100 of these greater 260-year cycles equaled 26,000 years, often reckoned the length of the precession. With Kepler’s Trigon, the Mayan tzolkin, and the Egyptian Sothic Calendar, we have three culturally distinct and seemingly independent views of how Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions subdivided the precession. The amazing visual similarity between the Mayan tzolkin wheel, that preceded Kepler’s geometric structure of the Trigon by centuries, is also worth noting, especially in how both calendars include a reference to the lunar cycles according to the base 60 number system. This provides an ancient basis and foundation on the Sexegesimal, earth-commensurate standard based on precession, from the Mayan culture. The Kepler Trigon unfolds the pattern of the clock face of the precession, opening a new precessional age on average every 2160 years, with the close approach of Jupiter and Saturn to the vernal point. In this division of the precession into manageable parts, we can see how the luni-solar cycle, governed by the phi ratio, depicts the universal cosmic order based on precessional number factors ruling their calendar, was reflected in their monumental architecture.

Figure 7. Kepler’s Trigon #15

ancient maya civilization

We gain true insight into the stellar revelation the Almighty Creator invested into His Celestial Gospel as we witness the mathematical precision of luni-solar and planetary astrocyles, patterned to the Pi and Phi ratios. Cultural traditions of the world have spawned their astrologies as counterfeit views of the original truths of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy. that diverged from the authentic principles of the Messianic Prophecies of the Celestial Gospel in favor of cultural idols of astrology and conventional views of Archaeology, and Archaeo-Astronomy, to support these false views. The Conventional wisdom of archaeology has been to view the results of the digs and sites, from their mainline historical view of the culture and society that produced it, with various regional influences considered. Although a portion of attention has been focused on societal religion, and the religious context and practices that produced these sites, conventional wisdom would benefit if more attention was focused on the principles of the world monomyth, by Joseph Campbell in this context. As stated, our position is in general agreement with Campbell’s idea of the world monomyth [The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 1949] that names Christ as a prime example among others, of the universal hero setting the pattern upon which all cultural hero’s have been formed.#16

We can also trace the Archaeo-Astronomy of ancient cultures going back to the Tower of Babel that were first based on the tenets of the Celestial Gospel but became corrupted in the Babel’s ancient astrology [Gen. 11:1-9]. We can also track the Babylonian name for their temporal cycle involving the Moon’s eclipse cycle, or period of lunation, which is called a saros rooted in the Hebrew word [zera]. This period of lunation lasts 18 years and 11, (10.96) days. Mathematics in modern times defineszero is the absence of quantity, the point where a constant function changes its sign from positive to negative, (or the spiritual to the physical). Practically, this transition between the physical and spiritual realms is embodied in Jesus Christ, who is the apex and crown of Creation. He is the point of access to God-the Heavenly Father and as the Word made flesh, he is seated on his throne at the right hand of God, at the utmost pinnacle of the cosmos. [Eph. 2:4-8]

Due in part to the importance of Astronomy in ancient culture, and the star religions that formed around ancient timekeeping and celestial science, our view is the astronomical myth and tradition linked to ancient Star religions, is a primary and universal key to understanding the inner workings of cultural archetypes. Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy is of special and unique value here, because of the message and blueprint it carries in the celestial prophecies of Christ, as seen in the planetary unions surrounding the Star of Bethlehem, marking Christ’s birth, unlocking the keys of Biblical Astronomy. The primary caveat here of course, is that based on the Creator’s Intelligent Design, the celestial and angelic signs of the birth of Christ are viewed as direct messages from the Creator’s Throne-room regarding the long awaited appearance of Christ-God’s Only Begotten Son.

One of the many tenets of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy is to focus on how numerous star religions have deviated from the original message concerning Christ, the ultimate Hero, written in the Heavens. Basic forms of Astrology that emerged during this process of corruption were documented in our website study on “Biblical Astronomy vs. Astrology,” providing important background on this specific study. As opposed to understanding star religions in a skewed light of the exclusivity of cultural contexts, that only blind their adherents to their idol practices. We prefer an inductive Scriptural approach seen in Rom. 1: 22-25, which enlightens us as to how Astrology has corrupted and hidden key Scriptural truths from coming to the surface, since they have changed God’s truth into lies, worshipping and serve the Creation more than the Creator. Our focus is to shed new light on these practices, preferably based on principles akin to the original, more ancient Astronomy, from which idol astrology first deviated. In the process we will notice common points that come to light, as these star religions venerated idol relics in place of the original Hero, [Acts 7:43].

The Authentic Protevangelium was the Witness of the Stars. The Celestial Gospel of the Coming Hero-Redeemer: Jesus Christ, was the 1st Gospel written from God to Man. The the signs of the zodiac were the first symbol–heralds of a Coming Redeemer, whom we would know based on the written Messianic prophecies. From the first prophecy of the Promised Seed [Gen. 3:15] the woman’s seed was spoken as the one to bruise the serpent with a terminal death blow to its headRev. 12:4 below reveals the central goal of the adversary, “to devour the woman’s child as soon as it was born.” We witness this intent in Herod’s slaughter of infants born nearest when the Magi’s star first appeared over Bethlehem. All of Biblical history revolves around this conflict between the two seeds; the seed of the woman and the serpent’s seed. Just as the “woman” has a dual fulfillment, so the symbolism in reference to the serpentdragon in Rev. 12 changes also.

Revelation 12: 3-5
3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

And there appeared another wonder in heaven”- “Another” is a Greek word indicating that this heavenly wonder was different from that described in Rev. 12:1. As a first heavenly wonder noted a woman of the Constellation Virgo, so this second heavenly wonder, though different from Virgo, was still a celestial sign.

and behold a great red dragon Although there are several potential celestial candidates for this sky dragon, including Hydra which also spans a third of the stars of the ecliptic with its massive size, it becomes apparent that Draco is the sign that is referred to in its initial significance in Revelation. This is the first of 13 occurrences of the Greek word “drakon in the book of Revelation, with the first eight uses of this word here in Rev. 12, [Rev. 12:3,4,7,7, 9,13,16,17, Rev. 13:2, 4,11, Rev16:13, 20:2]. The number thirteen is symbolic of rebellion and the dragon embodies the idea of spiritual warfare in the heavens. As we inspect the details of the Biblical record of Revelation 12, the characteristics of Draco the dragon come to the surface. The first incidence of the word “Dragon” in Rev. 12:3 are focused traits of Draco over the other names of the adversary in Rev. 12:9. As a result of the war in heaven, the dragon and his 3rd of the heavenly angels were cast down to the earth. This was depicted astronomically as a meteor shower in 3 BC, that curiously coincides with the events surrounding the birthday of Jesus Christ.

Figure 8The October 8th Giacobinid Meteor shower of 2000. #17

Related image

R.H. Allen was one of the first I’m aware of that linked the casting down of the dragon and his angels to a meteor shower. The meteor shower in question originated from the Dragon at the North pole, tied to its parent comet known as the Giacobini-Zinner Comet.

I was not aware of the idea of this specific Meteor shower being linked to the second celestial wonder of Rev. 12, until I listened a teaching by Jon Nessle regarding the Eta-Draconid Meteors correlated with the birth of Christ.

 According to Rev. Nessle, there are actually 3 sets of Draconid meteorstwo of which show a radiant or originfrom the star Eta-Draconis. One of these stars is viewed as the greater and the other the lesser of the Eta-Draconids. It is the lesser of these two that occurred during the period of Sept. 9th-12th in 3 BC#18

A defining factor of this Meteor shower is that the lesser Eta-Draconids are best viewed at sunset, or in the early evening, while most Meteor showers are best seen later at night, as stated in the excerpt below from the October 2nd, 98’ Weekly News Bulletin of Sky & Telescope;

On the evening of Oct. 8th, debris from the Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner21P may provide a stunning sky show. The Giacobinid Meteor shower turned out two of the best Meteor displays of the 20th century in 1933 and 1946. Lesser showers arrived in 1926, 1952, & 1985Unlike most Meteor showers the Giacobinids are at their best in the evening as opposed to after midnight. Their radiant is in the tail of the Constellation DracoThis point is highest right after dark at mid-northern latitudes; it moves lower throughout the night and is near the horizon by dawn.”#19

This fact alone showing the meteors falling from their radiant in the dragon’s tail as the dragon sign itself descends from the upper reaches of the sky to the earthly horizon in the dawning of a new day, when Christ was born, to enact the casting down and descent of the dragon’s power, on the Sept. 11th birth of Christ. Since this new day began at sunset in the Hebrew Calendar, the first moments of the birth time of the promised seed were revealed with the setting star Spica, about 20 minutes after Sunset in Virgo. The graphic of Draco at the celestial North Pole below [Plate III] depicts the head & body of the dragon inside the northern polar circle, with the dragon’s tail starting with the star Thubanoutside of the polar circle.

Figure 9. Draco the Dragon and the North Astronomical pole, from the Star Atlas of Hevelius. 20


Also shown is Cepheus the Crowned King with Polaris, the pole star, between his feet. Since the star Eta-Draconis is located below the serpent’s head near the ecliptic North pole, with Thuban in the dragon’s tail, as the equatorial pole star, it symbolizes the dragon’s dominion, both as the original morning star and the god of this world. We should note that though the north-pole of the Equator  was wrested from the dragon, via the precession of the poles, he retains sway over the pole of the ecliptic, the celestial axis around which the equatorial pole revolves. This is a still point in the heavens near the core of the Dragon, and the Cat’s Eye Nebula [NGC 6543] between the stars Grumium and Chi Draconis. Notes of interest regarding the star Grumium, also spelled Grumian, meaning “subtle or deceiver,” as Denning: “views the radiant of the Meteor flow seen about the 29th of Mayalso named the Draconids,”#21 as one of 3 distinct Meteor showers from Draco, this being the sole whose radiant was not Eta-Draconis. In Figure 10 below, 3 second magnitude stars in the dragon’s head  are readily visible, with a red star-Thuban in the dragon‘s tailThe testimony of this dragon sign embodies the enemy cast down, including other categories of the spirit realm seen in this meteor shower, framing the birth of Christ. Although the casting down of the dragon occurred in the 1st Heaven and Earth[2 Pet. 3:5-7] in the deep past before human history, the Dragon’s fall  with his minions was not a foregone conclusion, until Christ was resurrected and Ascended. This is one aspect of the Rev. 12 record, that shows it is not in chronological order. With the birth of Christ, the prophecy of the dragon’s doom in [Gen. 3:15] was tied to promised seed for the first time.

This Meteor shower from September 9th-11th 3 BC, marking the birth of the ascending Morning star, shows most clearly this transition of heavenly and earthly power, tolling the death knell of Draco’s dominion. The occurrence of this Meteor shower at sunset was another sign of confirmation that would have drawn the Magi’s focus to sunset, as the time of day to be watchful for the celestial signs marking the birth of Christ.

Figure 10. Draco the Dragon at the Celestial North Pole. #22

This Eta-Draconid Meteor shower during the birth of Christ also links to the planet Saturn, tying the Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunction of 7 BC to the Jupiter-Regulus triple union in Leo in 3BC. This first Jupiter link was based on the retrograde motion and triple unions of Jupiter, 4 years apart. Saturn is also tied to the star Eta-Draconis in its regular transit across the Meridian, at midnight of May 23rd, filed for centuries occurring only 3 days before the 1st Jupiter-Saturn triple union, May 27th of 7 BC. This binds the 1st Jupiter-Saturn Triple conjunction to a series of celestial signs marking Christ’s birth from 3-1 BC, opening with the May 19th, 3 BC Mercury-Saturn union. This not only adds a conclusive celestial bond with the Celestial Prelude signs in 7-5 BC with Christ’s birth signs in 3-1 BC, but also ties Draco vertical at the north pole with the Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunctions, on the ecliptic, showing the casting down of Draco from his high perch at the North Pole to a horizontal position on the ecliptic, where he has a prime view of the secrets of the pit, [Isa. 14:15]. This linkage with the planet Saturn and the star Eta-Draconis is focused on the initial dominion & first estate of the dragon at the pinnacle of the 1st heavens and earth. But the Meteor shower shows the dragon cast down at sunset, in the twilight of his dominion. The Eta-Draconid Meteors encircle the birth of Christ on 9/11, and led to the 1st triple union of Jupiter-Regulus in Leoon 9/14th. This September 14th date is key for at least three reasons. First, it fell within the annual twenty-day period when Virgo is clothed with the Sun. Secondly, it initiates Saturn’s 13-year ring cycle, and 3rd it seals a 1st Jupiter-

Regulus Conjunction in Leo in 3 BC. Since this Planetary union was visible to the Magi, as early as the 11th of September, the meteors were already falling from their perch high in the northern sky, signifying the dragon cast down & his third of the stars of heaven, at the same time of the events marking Christ’s birth, the heir apparent to fill this gap in heaven vacated by draco and his minions.

The Astronomy of the ancient Maya civilization also holds some fascinating keys regarding the star Eta Draconis, relating to the Maya Serpent Calendar. Dr. Marian Hatch, an expert on the Maya Serpent Calendar, made some tantalizing connections between the orientation of the serpents on this amazingly detailed calendar, and the positions of the Constellation Draco, in the northern skies. She discovered that:

the varied snake positions link true with the path of Draco’s Constellation as it would have appeared in the evening sky 2000 years ago. Dr. Hatch noted that the star Eta Draconis was unique that it alone among all other stars stayed virtually unchanged in right ascension for the 2300 years between 1800 BC to 500 AD, regularly transiting across the Meridian at midnight of May 23rd, and November 22nd, with a variation of less than a degree. Thus the star Eta Draconis provided the Maya with an accurate measure of the sidereal year, and a yardstick for comparison between the tropical and sidereal years, as well as indicating the precessional lag in  other stars…#23/4 {emphasis mine}

Figure 11. Draco’s position in the Maya Serpent Calendar. #24

precession of the poles

Dr. Hatch’s research shows an implied link between the precession of the poles and the precession of the equinoxes, as they are represented both vertical at the North Pole and horizontally on the ecliptic. From the graphic above we will also notice how the bodies of the serpents align with the circular rows of the Maya day-gods, which are depicted as scales on the serpent’s hide, [Job 41: 7-18]. This calendar’s accuracy is unsurpassed in the history of Astronomy, as it incorporates the Venus cycle in correlation with the luni-solar cycles. We will look deeper into the details of this dragon calendar, tying to the head and  tail of the dragon, its scales and so-called lunar Nodes as we progress in new studies along these lines, revealing spiritual implications of the Mazzaroth linked to its four serpentine Constellations.

As the Maya Serpent Calendar shows, Eta Draconis supplied the benchmark by which both the the tropical and sidereal years were tracked and contrasted, not to mention the effect of precession on heavenly stars, which seems the Mayans could have tracked going back to at least 1800 BC, coinciding with the star Eta-Draconis. The linked Eta-Draconid Meteor shower also marked Christ’s birth, providing a powerful witness to the dragon’s fall, depicting the casting down of the dragon with his minions for all time.

It is no “coincidence” that earth’s axis is tilted 23.4 degrees from vertical or 66.6 degrees from hortizontal. This keeps the terrestrial pole pointed to the North star, which 5000 years ago was a tail star in Draco-named Thuban, but now has shifted via the precession of the poles to Polaris in Ursa Minor, the little flock underfoot of King Cepheus, seated at God’s Right Hand, embodied in Christ with his spiritual body-the Church.

As individual believers, sons & daughters of God in Christ, we too can crush the serpent enemy immediately with his minions, under our feet, [Rom. 16:20] as we are seated in the heavenlies in Christ at the Heavenly Father’s Right Hand!

God Bless!



2. [] Graphic 3B “Like No Other”
4. Number in Scripture, E.W. Bullinger
5. [THE JUPITER-SATURN CONJUNCTION GEOCENTRIC TROPICAL ZODIAC) 600 BCE to 2400 CE copyright 1998-1999 by Richard Nolle all rights reserved].
6. Stellarium Astronomical Software; August 27th, 70 AD
7. Fig. 3 picture credit for El Castillo Pyramid.
8. Fig. 4 picture credit for Ouroboros serpent []
9. Fig. 5 picture credit for Roulette Wheel []
10. Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids, Peter Thompkins [general reference]
11. IBID, p41. from the De Siguenza Manuscripts.
12. IBID
13. IBID
14. IBID
15. Figure 7 picture credit, for Kepler’s Trigon.
16. Joseph Campbell, An Introduction, Revised version.
17. Figure 8 picture credit for the Draconid Meteor Showers.
18. Jon Nessle’s Teaching on Draconids
19. October 2nd, 98’ Weekly News Bulletin of Sky & Telescope
20. Star Atlas of Hevelius, Draco @ the North Pole
21. Star Names their Lore & Meaning, R.A. Allen, p. 212.
22. Figure 10 picture credit of Draco. []
23. Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids, Peter Thompkins [general reference]
24. Dr. Marian Hatch on Draco’s position in the Maya Serpent Calendar. IBID


Is there Bible Evidence for an Eclipse with Jonah?


In our recently completed 2023 OT History Class we presented Biblical prophets chronologically instead of canonically, which brought out the evolution in the revelation regarding Messianic prophecy and Jewish Eschatology. Here are some samples of Rev. Nessle’s comments in a recent email from him:

From Jon’s Email 1/16/24

“Then in the Old Testament History class we followed the development of Messianic Prophecy when we re-ordered the Prophets in chronological order instead of canonical order.  Then we clearly saw how Jonah foresaw the doom of Israel but shirked his responsibility to prophesy against Nineveh for fear that they might obey and not be destroyed. Well, God made sure the message was delivered on schedule even after Jonah had been dead for 3 days and 3 nights! God had to pull a rabbit out of a hat to get the job done, or better said, pull a prophet out of a fish! Why? Because He had an appointment to keep! God had to stay on schedule. They did repent because Rene Fretz pointed out the possibility that God also sent a coinciding sign of a Solar Eclipse. It went right over Nineveh that decade! I think it coincided! Wow!

Then after Jonah, came the prophet that didn’t deserve to be named because he shut up. He clammed up in fear of King Amaziah and stopped prophesying. He just spoke his mind afterward. This disqualified that prophet. The Bible does not name disqualified prophets! After that it was up to the next prophet, Amos, who was the lowest of the low, without pedigree, not of the school of the prophets, a former pig farmer who stood up and became enshrined as the prophet that wouldn’t shut up! He spoke the answer to the burning question of that day. If God promised the kingdom to David’s seed, how can that come to pass if the Assyrians are going to wipe us out? Then we saw the progression and growth of Jewish eschatology and Messianic prophecy that expanded from Amos’ seed through prophet after prophet, in chronological order, until it fully blossomed with Isaiah, who spoke so much Messianic prophecy that the book of Isaiah is said to be the 5th Gospel!

Jon Continued; “Well, that got me thinking and I realized something. I wondered if there was anything in the book of Jonah that could be linked with an eclipse. This was because it was very unusual that a foreign nation like Assyria with a different pagan religion would receive and repent to a message given by Jonah, an unknown prophet to them…  I was thinking the Eclipse had to coincideBut how could I prove that?  Then I realized that God did do just that!  In Jonah 4:5 Jonah made a booth outside the city to see what would become of it.  When he complained about the heat, God prepared a gourd that grew which gave him shade I was looking for evidence of an eclipse which shaded the sun.  Here in that very context is an allegory regarding
a gourd that does just that! Wow!  I think there is a connectionMaybe if some of those verbs in verses 6 and 7 have astronomical overtones that would really nail it!  I am thinking that this was an allegory to an eclipse, explained in terms an ancient man would understand. If God told Jonah the Astro-Physics details, he would not have understoodIf this is true, then we have a fixed date for Jonah!” Love ya!  Jon

This inspired email from Jon Nessle got me moving to delve into the text of Jonah, to see what the Scriptural details may tell us in support of an eclipse allegory. As we will see, there are verbs in this context having astronomical overtones, but it might help if they occurred on the same day, as the eclipse, since I’m not aware of eclipses lasting beyond a single day! With this in mind, lets take a look at the record of Jonah, with this evidence of an allegory like this in mind, too see if it stacks up.

Jonah’s story is unique since the record of most prophets entails their ministry and background, including the impact of their divine message and how their oracle and vision fits in the prophetic line of Israel, and Scriptural canon. Jonah’s record is different, since being a so-calledreluctant prophet,” it relates the details in this episode where a prophet tries to escape the Godly calling on his life, to cry against the wickedness of Nineveh, by detouring from Nineveh, hopping a slow boat in the opposite direction to the Spanish Riviera, [Tarshish]. As Jonah learns, its not smart to contradict the Almighty Creator, [Jon. 1:9] which put Jonah’s passage in jeopardy of shipwreck. Even the ship’s crew had the common sense to know this was a bad idea, [Jon. 1:10-16] and if any of this crew was not God-fearing before this voyage, none were left thereafter, [Jon. 1:15-16]. This fits with a theme of this book of the Bible, that God’s loving care extends not only to Israel, but the to the Gentile nations also! Jonah told the crew to cast him overboard, then he disclosed that he was the reason their ship was in danger, [Jon. 1:11-12]. God then sent a great fish to swallow Jonah, where he spent 3 days and nights in the belly of the fish. His prayer out of the fish’s belly-called the “belly of hell,” is the Hebrew word for the grave: [H7585-sheol]. #1 This was the same period Jesus spent in the heart of the earth after his death and crucifixion, [Matt. 12:40-41]. This tells us also that Jonah died during this period, until he recalled his prayer and commitment to God, who spoke to the fish to vomit Jonah out on dry land, [Jon. 2:10]. At this point, Jonah got what many of us in life need, his second chance to obey God’s calling on his life, to go to Nineveh and preach his message, [Jon. 3:1-4]

From my June blog in 2017; I referenced research on the impact of an eclipse over Nineveh that may have coincided with Jonah’s ministry, without going into much detail. “In 765 B.C, a plague broke out in Nineveh where even the king was not able to go out to war, as was custom. Next came a civil war and another plague!” The first plague referred to here occurred in 765 BC, followed by the civil war that started in 763, the same year as the eclipse.

Image result for Prophet Jonah in Nineveh images

“An archaeological find of cuneiform tablets was uncovered in the 19th century describing events in Nineveh. A famous eclipse mentioned in the tablets was known as the Bur-Sagale eclipse, which is verified by NASA as occurring on June 15, 763 BC. The path of totality passed very near Nineveh, which was located 4 mi. north of modern day Mosul and Erbil in Iraq. God declared the Sun and the Moon were for signs, and now the Ninevites saw evidence of God’s judgment coming even before Jonah’s arrival. When Jonah did show up, the Ninevites were ripe for repentance.” #2

Figure 1. The June 15th, 763 BC Bur-Sagale Eclipse over Nineveh. #3

Julian calendar does not include the year 0, so the year 1 BC[1] is followed by the year 1 AD. This is awkward for arithmetic calculations. All pages in this web site employ the astronomical numbering system for dates (they use the year 0). Years prior to the year 0 are represented by a negative sign []. Historians should note that there is a difference of one year between astronomical dates and BCE dates. Thus, the astronomical year 0 corresponds to 1 BCE, and year -100 corresponds to 101 BC, etc. This adds a year to the date above making it June 15th, 763 BC. #4

763 BC eclipse map

NASA graphic showing the path of the solar eclipse of June 15, 763 BC. The eclipse would have been seen as total in the area between the blue lines. The site of ancient Nineveh (the city) is about four miles northeast of the center of the modern city of Mosul, Iraq; the province of Nineveh occupied a considerably larger territory. If this NASA reconstruction is correct, the eclipse would have been observed as only partial in the city, but total just a few miles further north. The fact that modern astronomical programs show the eclipse as only partial in the city itself has led some investigators to surmise that the eclipse mentioned as occurring in the eponym of Bur-Sagale was some other eclipse at another date. This is usually done to support alternative biblical chronologies that do not agree with the conventional interpretation of the Assyrian Eponym Canon (AEC). However, it is precisely in the 8th century BC that the AEC is most assured of being correct, because various copies of the AEC have been found that overlap this time, and these in turn overlap the reigns of the kings of Assyria and Babylon given in Ptolemy’s Canon, which begins in 747 BC. Map from NASA, #5

We know that the Prophet Jonah ministered during the reign of King Ashur-Dan III since the Bible mentions him in [2 Kings 14:23-5], placing his ministry during the reign of King Jeroboam II of Israel. Since this solar eclipse was a  most noteworthy highlight occurring in the reign of Ashur-Dan III, certain theologians suggest that the Bur-Sagle eclipse was a primary reason that the people of Nineveh were so ready to repent upon hearing Jonah’s message of judgment. “According to E.R. Thiele’s chronology, Jeroboam II was sole ruler of Israel between the years 782-753 BC, while Ashur-Dan III was king of Assyria between 772-755 BC.” #6 An aim of this study is to look for evidence of Jonah’s entry into Nineveh that may coincide with this eclipse.

Ashur-dan III’s reign was particularly difficult. Much of his reign was spent putting down revolts. These revolts were perhaps the result of the plague epidemics sweeping Assyria and the Bur-Sagale solar eclipse on 15 June 763 BC; both the epidemics and the eclipse could have been interpreted by the Assyrian populace as the gods withdrawing their divine support for Ashur-dan’s rule. The Assyrian empire had entered a period of decline, experiencing a plague in 765 BC, a peasant revolt from 763 to 759 BC, and a second plague in 759 BC. The BurSagale eclipse, occurred in the midst of these troubled years, in 763 B.C. We don’t know the exact timing of Jonah’s visit to Nineveh, but we do know from the Biblical record that this was the time period during which he prophesied (2 Kings 14:25).

Jonah 3:3-4 tells us it took Jonah 3 days to navigate the streets of Nineveh to deliver his message of repentance, that Nineveh would be judged within 40 days, to change their ways, a biblical number symbolic for probation, as the 40 years Israel spent in the wilderness, and the 40 days of rain during Noah’s Flood. Not only the general population declared a fast [Jon. 3:5] but also the King published a decree enforcing a fast for both man and beast, to turn from their evil ways, God saw their change and repented the evil that He had previously pronounced, witholding His judgment.

If we fast forward to the celestial signs just before the birth of Christ, on August 12th, 3 BC, the first Jupiter-Venus union in Leo framing Christ’s birth occurred on Elul 1 on the Hebrew Calendar, openingSeason of RepentanceJesus’ birth on Sept. 11th the month after this Aug. 12th union, on Tishri 1-Hebrew New Years Day, was followed by Yom Kippur on Tishri 10, or Sept. 19th that year, marked 40 days to the Day of Atonement, from Elul 1.

In the Great Sign of Revelation 12, a 400-day [40×10] link was found to Yom Kippur 2017 via a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter on August 27, 2016. But, when we view the Pan-American Total Solar Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, the eclipse was 40 days before Yom Kippur 2017, on Sept. 30th. Before the modern Hebrew Calendar, from Elul 1 till the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) was 40 days, known as the “Season of Repentance.” The total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 begins this traditional 40-day Season of Repentance. The Season of Repentance is a call to repent before the Day of the LordJewish tradition says those written in the Book of Life will be resurrected on the Feast of TrumpetsElul is the month of repentance on the Jewish calendar, the time of turning in all the tithes to the storehouseA month later, during the Days of Awe from Rosh Hashanah on Tishri 1 and Yom Kippur on Tishri 10, shows the record of celestial events marking Christ’s birth from Rev. 12.:1-2. A key chronological note to recognize here if viewed in isolation that if there was an eclipse that “coincided” with Jonah’s visit to Nineveh, it likely occurred by this time, or even to open the 40-day season of repentance, as Jonah prophesied in Nineveh. But there is also historical context to be aware of. “The eclipse was not the only calamity during Ashur-Dan’s reign. The AEC recounts a plague in 765, the eclipse and a revolt in the city of Ashur in 763, a revolt in Ashur again in 762, a revolt in Arrapha in 761 and 760, and a plague plus a revolt in the city of Guzana in 759758 BC was marked by a campaign against Guzana and then “peace in the land,” after which the king remained “in the land” for the next two  years. Although there were military campaigns in 755, 754, 749, and 748, the AEC does not list any misfortune until the city of Calah revolted in 746 BC, the 9th year of Ashur-Dan’s brother and successor, Ashur-Nirari V. The Assyrians regarded plagues and eclipses as divine judgments for the whole land#7 (Wiseman 1979: 44). The plague of 765, followed by a revolt and eclipse in 763 and then revolts in the following four years would only confirm in the mind of the Assyrians that they were under divine verdict.  It is appealing to think that the “year of peace” in 758 and the lack of revolts and plagues in the following 11 years were a consequence of God’s mercy because of the repentance of the nation. If so, this could date Jonah’s visit at Nineveh to 759 or 758 BC.”#8

This view fits with God’s Grace and Mercy to acknowledge the repentance of the Ninevites, supported by the historical record. This is also why Jonah’s displeasure and great anger at God’s forgiveness of the Ninevites, shows how far out of line his thinking was in pronouncing judgment on God’s forgiveness, which was the goal of Jonah’s mission in the first place. This history probably is the best evidence that the eclipse may not have coincided with Jonah’s visit to Nineveh, but preceded it by 3-4 years, as we would expect the repentance of the city, to effect a change in their misfortune. The record in Jonah 4:4-11 is as follows;

Then said the Lord, Doest thou well to be angrySo Jonah went out of the city, and sat on the east side of the city, and there made him a booth, and sat under it in the shadow, till he might see what would become of the cityAnd the Lord God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his grief. So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourdBut God prepared a worm when the morning rose the next day, and it smote the gourd that it witheredAnd it came to pass, when the sun did arise, that God prepared a vehement east wind; and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and wished in himself to die, and said, It is better for me to die than to live. And God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? And he said, I do well to be angry, even unto death. 10 Then said the Lord, Thou hast had pity on the gourd, for the which thou hast not labored, neither made it grow; which came up in a night, and perished in a night11 And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than six-score thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?

The word for “booth” in Jonah 4:5 is [H5521-cukkah; a temporary abode, hut or tent, as the booths the Feast of TabernaclesLevi. 23:40-43, Deut. 16:30, Isa. 4:6]

It is important to point out here the three potential sources that Jonah had in this record to shade him from the sun’s intense heat. The word for “shadow” in vs. 5 and 6 are the same Hebrew word [H6738-tsel] lit. or fig. This is also the same Hebrew word used in [2 Kings 20:10-11, Isa. 38:8] for the astronomical shadow that went down 10 degrees in the miracle of Ahaz’ Sundial. E.W. Bullinger teaches this word for “shadow” in Jonah 4:5-6 [H6738-tsel] is the figure of speech called “paranomasia” or rhyming words, or the repetition of words similar in sound, but not necessarily in sense, [p.307, 317]. #9 In this potential allegory, the plant [gourd] ostensibly representing a solar eclipse, was stricken by the worm [Jon. 4:7] as it smote [H5221] the gourd to the end it withered, [H3001yabesh]. Strong’s says “yabesh means to be ashamed, confused or disappointed, also to dry up or wither as herbage.” #10 A Biblical sample of this kind of language refers to a solar eclipse. In Isa. 24:23 we find this once again expressed by Bullinger as the figureAntimereia” of the adjective the exchange of one part of speech for another. #11

Isa. 24:23 says;

23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before His ancients gloriously.

This seems to support the idea of the gourd as an allegory for a solar eclipse as it is found in this recordIt also is possible that a solar eclipse may have been accompanied by the growth of the gourd, at the same time outlasting an eclipse– that normally only last a few minutes, to 3-5 hours, in a single day providing Jonah added relief from the Sun. This notion is supported by Jonah 4:7 dictated by the diurnal solar cycle when “the morning rose the next day.” an eclipse of the Sun is not historically known to last beyond a day, and with the lunar blockage of the sun completed the previous day, the gourd was not withered by the worm until the next day. With both the shading of the gourd and the Moon no longer stopping the sun, the sunlight beat [H5221]-same word as “smote” in v.7 which can be either lethal [90x] as the worm struck a lethal blow to the gourd, or a non-lethal blow[Ex. 21:12, Josh. 10:26].

This is not only a personification, where in the Sun and Moon are given human qualities, but also the related figure of prosopopeia, when the absent are spoken of as present, the dead as alive, or anything is addressed as a person.#12 [p.861] This language is indicative of both solar and lunar eclipses when Sunlight is blocked by the Moon, or the Earth-shadow turns the lunar surface red-as with
a blood moon. This could have fulfilled an allegory in Jon. 4:6 where the Lord made a gourd to shadow over Jonah’s head to deliver [H5337natsal] Jonah from his grief. This rhyming word with shadow[H6738-tsel] in Jonah 4:5-6 s
hows the Lord’s potential act to deliver Jonah from the Sun’s intense heat by shading him with a solar eclipse, where the Moon blocks the sunlight either partially or totally.  The sun’s unblocked heat combined with the intense east wind beat down on the Jonah’s head, that he fainted, and begged his death by sunstroke. Here we find two possible sources of shade over Jonah, so where is the 3rd? If we recall from Jon. 4:5 he built himself a booth, the kind of which is the same as those built by the Jews for the Feast of Tabernacles. During this feast the Jews honored God not only as their provider, but their deliverer also, just as God had done for Jonah with the fish. As Isa. 4:6 tells us;

6 And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.

The word for “shadow” in Isa. 4:6 above is the same as Jonah 4:5-6 [H6738]. This shows us that Jonah was angry at the loss of his shade, but God points out that Jonah was more concerned with the shade from the gourd and the eclipse than he was with the potential impact of the eclipse on the repentance of a city of 120,000 inhabitants in Nineveh. Jonah’s booth-building during the Tabernacles Feast, tells us these events took place in the month Tishri, our Sept.-Oct. and that Jonah also had his personal repentance to make right with God, for disobeying His call to preach to Nineveh. It also establishes the link pointed out above to the 40-days of Repentance and the birth of Christ, our intercessor and mediator of our repentance.

Added astronomically related verses in this context are found in Isaiah 40; 45:12, 34:4, Jer. 33:22, Dan. 8:10, Mt. 24:29]

Isa. 40:22-26   

21 Have ye not known? Have ye not heard? Hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? 22 It is
He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretches out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in
23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity24 Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and He shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, [H3001] and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble. 25 To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that He is strong in power; not one faileth. [cp. Ps. 147:4]

This Scripture not only includes the astronomical context as the Almighty Creator stretches out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in: but also the botanical allegory related to princes and judges of the earth that are not planted or sown, whose stock takes no root and they wither, which is the same Hebrew word for “withered” as seen in Jonah 4:7, above.

The purpose of Jonah’s prophecy is to show the sovereignty of God at work in the life of an individual (the prophet Jonah), and his concern for His own people and that the way to avert national catastrophe is a concentrated outreach effort to all people. Jonah’s theme is God’s mercy to the individual (Jonah, a Jew), a group (the heathen sailors), the heathen world power (Assyria, a Gentile nation), and His people (Israel).

Jesus employed the repentance of the Ninevites to rebuke the Pharisees, thereby illustrating the hardness of the Pharisees’ hearts and their lack of repentance, (Matt. 12:38-41; Luke 11:29-32). The heathen city of Nineveh repented at the preaching of a reluctant prophet, but the Pharisees would not repent at the preaching of the greatest of all the prophets, in spite of over-whelming evidence that He was actually their Lord and Messiah. Jonah is a picture of Israel, who was chosen and commissioned by God to be His witness (Isa. 43:10-12; 44:8), who rebelled against His will (Exodus 32:1-4; Judges 2:11-19; Ezek. 6:1-5; Mark 7:6-9), but like Israel, was miraculously preserved by God through centuries of exile and dispersion to finally preach His truth; (Jer. 30:11; 31:35-37; Hosea 3:3-5; Rev. 7:1-8; 14:1-3).

As Tom Hobson, chair of Biblical Studies at Morthland College, observes:

The Assyrian nation was weak and in chaos in the decade around 760 BC…. They had one earthquake (one sign of divine wrath). There was a famine from 765-758 BC. Assyria was losing battles and losing territory to its enemies. There were domestic riots… Now was a perfect time for a prophet from far away to arrive on the scene and command a response. Is it possible that in His mercy, God not only planned the miracles to engineer Jonah’s visit to correspond with an impressive eclipse, but He also spun the heavenly bodies in perfect synchronization with these events to help convince Nineveh to repent. #13

According to the Assyrian writings cited by Wiseman, here’s what a solar eclipse would have meant to them: “the king will be deposed and killed, and a worthless fellow will seize the throne…rain from heaven will flood the land…the city walls will be destroyed.” The Assyrians tell us that these times called for, a solemn fast, and the king would hand over his throne to a substitute until the danger passed. At least once when there was a total solar eclipse, the Assyrians cried, “Nineveh shall be overthrown!” This has dual meaning of, “Nineveh shall be made to repent!”).#14

We can’t prove the hypothesis that Jonah showed up in Nineveh for the 763 BC eclipse, but this does not mean that this solar eclipse did not help produce the desired results of Nineveh’s repentance recorded in the Biblical account.
God miraculously brought Jonah to preach his message at exactly the right time for the people of Nineveh to listen to him. The Assyrian nation was weak and in chaos in the decade around 760 BC. They already had one earthquake (a sign of divine wrath). There is a possibility that Amos also refers to this earth-quake [Amos 1:1] since Amos was a contemporary of Jonah. There was a 7-year famine from 765-758 BC. While the Assyrians were losing battles and land  to their enemies, there was internal strife and domestic riots. With all the unrest they were experiencing, they seemed primed to believe Jonah and his warning.

With the events from 765 BC- a revolt and eclipse in 763 and then revolts in the following four years would only confirm in the mind of the Assyrians that they were under divine displeasure. It would fit the spiritual timeline that the “year of peace” in 758 and a lack of rebellions and plagues in the next 11 years were a consequence of God’s mercy because of the repentance of the Nineveh. If so, this could date Jonah’s appearance at Nineveh to 759 or 758 BC.

The repentance of an entire pagan city the size of Nineveh would be a greater miracle than for Jonah to survive getting swallowed by a fish. Yes, such an experience was fatal for Jonah, but this was part of the miracle, which was completed over 700 years later when Jesus cited Jonah as a sign comparable to his own resurrection. If we believe the Bible’s account of Jonah’s survival inside the fish, then a greater miracle of the repentance of the entire pagan city of Nineveh is possible also, since they are part of the same miraculous narrative.

I’m thankful for Jon Nessle’s email as the impetus for this month’s blog, and pertinent questions it sparked regarding Jonah and this eclipse. As the Lord Jesus Christ is the mediator of our own repentance, I invite those who would like to take part in commenting on this study for group discussion.

God Bless!



1. Strong’s Concordance, [H7585-sheol], James Strong
3. Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses [Espenak & Meeus]
4. []
5. []
6. The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings. Edwin R. Thiele
JONAH 1 S NINEVEH By Donald J. Wiseman 1979: 44
9. Figures of Speech used in the Bible, ppg. 307, 317. E.W. Bullinger
10. Strong’s Concordance, [H3001-yabesh], James Strong
11. Figures of Speech used in the Bible, pg. 495, E.W. Bullinger
12. IBID, [p.861]
13. (
JONAH 1 S NINEVEH By Donald J. Wiseman 1979: 44