The Structure of the Hebrew Menorah and the Pi ratio.

In our annual recognition of Pi Day. March 14th of every year [3.14] we are reposting the following blog related to the Hebrew Menorah and the Pi ratio. The Menorah is one of the sacred pieces of “furniture” in the Hebrew Temple & Tabernacle, that themselves were designed by the Creator using universal constants like Pi/Phi in addition to the Ark of the Covenant.

The Structure of the Hebrew Menorah and the Pi ratio.

This blog post is an expansion on my original study called “The Biblical Cosmology of the Hebrew Menorah” on my website []. The first study focused more on the history of astronomy and cosmology, with an emphasis on the Precession of the Equinoxes, and the potential impact of a Biblical Cosmology. This current study shifts  focus to a greater emphasis on the Biblical aspects of the Menorah’s structure, and the implications of this structure. I am including the introduction to the original study along with some of the mathematical aspects of the first study, mainly pertaining to the structure of the Menorah and the Pi ratio.

The traditional concept of the history of cosmology reads as a timeline of the “discoveries” of the greatest scientists. Men like Ptolemy, Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Einstein and Hubble are the shining lights of scientific progress, and certainly human science owes these men much. According to conventional history, the idea of a heliocentric “universe” or solar system, originated in ancient Greece, specifically Aristarchus of Samos back in the second century BC. This idea however, did not catch on in a big way until Copernicus, who while reviewing some of Aristarchus’ ideas, seized upon this concept and ran with it. He did this at his own peril due to the prevailing worldview of the time, especially that of the Roman Catholic Church, based on a geocentric view of the solar system espoused by Ptolemy, that held sway in intellectual and religious circles for over 1500 years. The graphic below from Harmonica Macrocosmica [A. Cellarius, Amsterdam 1660] 1 depicts a Sun-centered, Copernican view of the cosmos.

harmonica macrocosmica

This article on Biblical cosmology depicts the idea of a heliocentric “universe” predated the Second Century BC and Aristarchus, by at least 1300 years, and its genuine roots are found in the OT Scriptures. From a historical perspective, this is a potentially radical statement, sure to have many critics however, once the following Biblical evidence is viewed in light of the principles of Biblical Astronomy, the foundations of this concept  are inescapable. This article supplies an example of potential revisionist power that Biblical Astronomy can have on the conventional view of the History of Astronomy 

This study examines the celestial symbolism of the sacred Hebrew candlestick instituted under Moses and the Levite priests of the Old Testament. The Menorah is a divine piece of furniture that was kept in the holy place of the Hebrew Tabernacle, which contained the Altar of Incense, the Table of Shewbread and the Veil through which the Holy of the Holies was accessible. As a powerful symbol from God’s Word, the Menorah embodies an extensive Biblical cosmology, including both the Hebrew zodiac of twelve major Constellations, with its thirty-six decans, and a heliocentric concept of the solar system, centuries before Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey! God revealed the divine plans of the Tabernacle to Moses in the mid-2nd millennium BC, in the 14th century.

The various elements of the structure of this Candlestick follows the order of the Torah in the first five books of the Pentateuch. The structure of this sacred seven-branched Candlestick was said to embody the light of the Torah in seven categories or individual aspects of this Lamp as follows: 2

Figure 1. The Menorah and Genesis 1:1. 3

1. The seven branches of the Candelabra are built on the first seven words of Gen. 1:1.

GENESIS 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” As we will see below, the sevenfold pattern of the Menorah embodies the Creator’s spiritual and temporal order as the Creator’s three-fold light is shed in Creation, evident on multi-levels in God’s Word, and culture of Israel, including their mathematical, astronomical and religious aspects. A primary area where the mathematical and astronomical aspects of the Menorah structure intersect as seen in Judean Time-keeping

See the source image

2. The Seven Lamps of the Menorah supported by its seven Branches, shed their light kindled by the High Priest by burning the pure Olive oil, symbolizing the anointing of the holy spirit. [Ex. 27:21, 1Sam. 3:3]

The ancient Biblical truths of the Almighty Creator God, Who rested on the 7th day, defined division of time, based on the Creation WeekGod’s Creation of the Sun, Moon and Stars to mark signs, seasons, days and years, divided and separated between the light and darkness of these heavenly bodiesproviding a universal temporal order for the earth. The Seasons and appointed times [moed] depict the holy feasts when man was to recognize special calendar times ordained by the Almighty, according to a mandate from heaven, to honor God’s Covenant relationship with man. These sacred Spring and Fall feasts relate to the sevenfold Menorah Branch structure seen in Fig. 2 below.

Figure 2. The Menorah and the Hebrew Feasts and Holy Days.

 See the source image

The standard order of Creation Week is inherent in Genesis 1-2. This Creation Week set the Sabbath pattern, found in the 7 x 4=28; Lunar MansionsThe transition from the end of one lunar phase to commencement of the next lunar phase is a most revered calendar unit across world cultures. In this way, God set aside the Sabbath Day as holy, consecrating the Sabbath in Israel for all time, which is a big reason why Israel has abided by a lunar calendar. We also find historical recognition of the influence of this seven-fold pattern in various septenary units of measurement. The Egyptian Royal cubit was composed of 7 hands or 28 fingers, as a standard cubit, with a 7th hand added. In truthGen. 1:1 has 7 Hebrew words with a total of 28 letters. By dividing 28 times the product of the letters by seven times, the product of the words, a calculation of the Pi ratio results. 4 This is a practical reckoning from the ancient world seen below, with astronomical and calendar applications. “According to a septenary system of reckoning, the circumference of a circle was considered 22/7 of the circle’s diameteras an approximation of the Pi ratio=3 1/7 or 3.142857, which is still applied as an adequate calculation for many engineering problems today.” 5

Figure 3. Luni-solar Calendar cycles and the Hebrew Feasts.

 Image result for Intercalation months reflected in dimensions of the Hebrew Tabernacle

The following information comes from Leo Tavares and his website on Mathematical Monotheism, []. Since the Hebrew Alphabet is alpha-numeric, where every letter in their alphabet is also a specific number, below are the “numerical values of the 22 letters in the Biblical Hebrew alphabet, as they relate to Genesis 1:1: 

  GENESIS 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth 

Thus the numeric values of these seven Hebrew words are as follows

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 37 × 73 

A note from Tavares on his site on #37 is; “For the sum of the Fibonacci numbers indexed to the first 37 decimal digits of Phi (after the decimal point) = 401.” This shows a relation between the Pi and Phi ratios, that we have previously illustrated in various blog posts. 

Not only does the center word value of Genesis 1:1 stand out as its only PRIME word value, it stands out as its SHORTEST word. In fact, it is made up of the first and the last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet (the Aleph and the Tav). As God is the FIRST and the LAST in (Isaiah 44:6): This verse in Isaiah of 7 Hebrew words read as follows: 

ISAIAH 44:6 “I am the FIRST, and I am the LAST; and beside me there is no God 

Since the Creator God, Almighty fittingly is set in the center of these 7 words like, the central candle of the Menorah between the other six candles, [Rev. 1:20] this highlights the Biblical teaching that God is the FIRST and LAST (Isaiah 44:6): 

ALEPH + TAV = 401 

This reveals an internal code of mirror symmetry in Genesis 1:1 that the sum of the Prime Factors of the three words to the LEFT of 401 yields the same value as the Prime Factors to the RIGHT of 401. Below are the Prime Factors of the Genesis 1:1 word values:

  Genesis 1:1 in the original Hebrew:

הארץ ואת השמים את אלהים ברא בראשית

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 2701

 This is summarized below:

913 = 11 × 83
203 = 7 × 29
86 = 2 × 43 

 401 = 401 

 395 = 5 × 79
407 = 11 × 37
296 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 37 


(11 + 83) + (7 + 29) + (2 + 43) = 175 


(5 + 79) + (11 + 37) + (2 + 2 + 2 + 37) = 175 


       175  (401)  175 

As God is the FIRST and the LAST in (Isaiah 44:6): The numerical value of the seven Hebrew words in this passage is as follows: 

  61 + 557 + 67 + 265 + 162 + 61 + 86 =    1259 

This number is directly tied to 401 through the mathematics of a Circle. How? Aside from the fact that the numerical value of “ISAIAH” = 401, a Circle with a circumference of 1259 units yields a diameter of 401 units, according to the Pi formula. 



“I am the FIRST, and I am the LAST; and beside me there is no God” (Isaiah 44:6) = 1259 

DIAMETER = 401 units 

  “ISAIAH” = 401 

FIRST + LAST Hebrew letters = 1 + 400 = 


CENTER word value of Genesis 1:1 = 1 + 400 = 


The Aleph and the Tav are the FIRST/LAST letters of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The PRIME FACTOR SUM of the 22 Hebrew letter values points right back to “The Circle of The First and The Last” that we just saw. Remarkably, it yields the PRIME ORDER of 1259. 6 

The Pi ratio of the first and last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet also correspond to the Alpha/Omega of the first and last signs of the Hebrew Mazzaroth, as seen in the Great Sphinx. 

This practical reckoning of the pi ratio also relates to the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, including 7 vowels, providing a linguistic and mathematical blueprint for Israel. As with all language systems, the Hebrew alphabet is a system of writing expressing a language’s sounds, both consonants and vowels, by
means of 
single letters. Alphabets can function to move beyond outer appearances, and access deeper meanings in reality. Alphabets embody the presence of the infinite within the finite. Since the Creator spoke all Creation into reality, the Almighty chose the Hebrew language and Semitic culture as the primary carrier and access point for in-depth concepts leading the presence of God within His Holy Word, and fellowship in His Temple. This includes a key function of the alphabet; to enable the seeker to experience spiritual growth processes in fellowship with his Maker, via a series of accessible, substantive and systematic images, whereby the Almighty chose to reveal Himself.

This correlates to the structure of the Menorah which contains a total of 22 cups; on each branch [6×3=18], plus four cups on the central servant branch [18+4=22]. This corresponds to the first 22 words of Deut. 1:1;

Deut. 1:1 These be the words which Moses spake unto all Israel on this side Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain over against the Red sea, between Paran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and Dizahab

We find this structure laid out also in the 11 fruits of the Menorah linked to the first 11 words of Exodus 1:1;

Ex.1:1 Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob 

There are also 9 flowers at the top of each branch before the Lamps, [Num. 8:4] built into the Menorah, which correlate to the first 9 words of Leviticus 1:1;

Levi. 1:1 And the Lord called unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation, saying,

As the Father of Lights the Almighty shed His spiritual light as it translated in the physical realm so that it would register to the human senses. The Electro-magnetic light spectrum that registers to human vision is depicted below. This electromagnetic spectrum is generally divided into seven sectorsin order of decreasing wavelength and increasing energy and frequency.

Gen, 1:4-5
Gen 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. We must remember what John 1:5 tells us about the relationship between light and darkness; 

And the light [God] shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

Figure 3. The Menorah and the Visible Light Spectrum

Image result for 7 Spirits of God Colors

In the book Jesus Christ is not God, regarding John 1:5, V.P.W stated; “The clause in verse 5 is a general rather than a specific statement regarding light and darkness, it does not refer to a specific lime in the past, in the present or in the future, but rather it is making a general statement about all time. Darkness is the absence of Light. Light, heat and all forms of energy are measured in terms of the positive never the negative. The negative is the absence of the positive. Even from a scientific viewpoint there is no way darkness can comprehend light since darkness is the absence of lightThat which does not exist cannot overcome that which exists. 7 

The Hebrew script, is a consonantal system with 22 characters, as part of a family of alphabets, formalized around the same time as early Greek, with letters taking a varied form. For example, Resh, phonetically, equal to the ‘R, is similar to a lower case Roman ‘reach letter with its own definition. One meaning of Resh is “poverty,” [Prov. 10:15]. Lucifer prospered at God’s Right Hand, but when this was not good enough for him, he became desolate in opposition to the Almighty, and was “plucked up” and cast away. Talk about a major “pluck up,” that has to be the biggest of all! This generally fits the narrative surrounding Job 38:12-15, as Lucifer was cast out of heaven, and rejected from his former angelic glory. [Isa. 14:12-20, Ezek. 28:12-19] 

Next in the Hebrew alphabet we encounter the letter Bet. History tells us that Bet is one of seven “double letters,” each of which has two pronunciations, two meanings, as well as two applications: a positive, and negativeSince the 7 vowels of the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, function as both a vowel and a consonant, we find two immediate applications for these double letters. “They also have 2 possible sounds, but only 3 of the seven are retained in modern Hebrew. Three of the rest are apparently used only by a few, and the double of the remaining one, Resh, is said to have been lost, supporting the narrative above related to Job 38:12-15. The 7 “double letters” have either a “hard” or “soft” pronunciation. The hard pronunciation is indicated by Dagesh; a (dot) in the center of the letter. The 2-fold usage of these seven “double letters” in Ecc. 3:1-8 comprise 7 polarized sets, each portrayed by one of these “doubles,” forming a unique figure that could be classified as a specialized acrosticBet is itself a word meaning “within” and “house.” Metaphorically, it depicts a mouth, a house and the interior of man, symbolizing internalized action.” 8

This meaning for Bet, of the interior of man, implies human freewill choice, that results from internal deliberationspoken into action externally. This relates not only to the 7 polarized sets [Ecc. 3], as people chose daily actions within the ranges of human activity reflected within these 14 pairs. Also, Bet as a “house,” is intriguing in light of the truth that these 7 stars; [Pleiades] are the angels of the 7 churches, since a church is considered the house of God, the dwelling place of His people, in the body of Christ, [Rev. 1:201 Cor. 6:19-20]. As the figure above also relates not only to the 7 spirits of God, that reside before God’s Throne in Heaven, [Rev. 4:5] but also the 7 Old Testament manifestations of the spirit, as seen in Isa. 11:1-2 and Figure below, reflected in the Menorah in the Earthly Temple and Tabernacle. 

In Figure 4 below the Menorah with each of the three branches functioning as a double with each of the seven companion OT Manifestations of the Spirit that emerge from the Holy Spirit of the Lord, on each side of the Central Servant BranchThis center branch depicts Jesus Christ the Light of the World, as the suffering servant branch who enlightens the world, [Ps. 119:105, John 15:5].

Figure 4. The Menorah and the OT manifestations of the Spirit. 9

 See the source image

The Menorah’s height excluding the lamps was also 17 handbreadths high [17 Tefachim+1 including the base] which also corresponds to the first 17 words of Numbers 1:1.
Num. 1:1 And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first day of the second month, in the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying,
Leo Tavares tells us:
The Bible details in Exodus 25:31-35 how God commanded the Israelites to make a Menorah made of pure gold, which was a lampstand with 7 branches (a CENTER branch and 3 united pairs of branches). This Biblical passage consists of 324 Hebrew letters (or 18 × 18 letters). It follows that we can represent these Hebrew letters as an 18 × 18 Matrix. When we do this, we find that the Ordinal number values of the Hebrew letters form a perfect shape of a Menorah yielding a sum of 999: 10 


MENORAH = 999 

As we compare this Ex. 25 text to the Standard word values of the 7 Hebrew words in Genesis 1:1 that also forms a perfect Menorah, we find some interesting parallels. 


Genesis 1:1 (913 + 203 + 86) + (401) + (395 + 407 + 296) 

 401 + (9 × 9 × 9) = (913 – 296) + (407 – 203) + (395 – 86) 

Exodus 25:31-40

31 And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his branches, his bowls, his knops, and his flowers, shall be of the same. 32 And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side: 33 Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick. 34 And in the candlestick shall be four bowls made like unto almonds, with their knops and their flowers. 35 And there shall be a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, according to the six branches that proceed out of the candlestick. 36 Their knops and their branches shall be of the same: all it shall be one beaten work of pure gold. 37 And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it. 38 And the tongs thereof, and the snuffdishes thereof, shall be of pure gold. 39 Of a talent of pure gold shall he make it, with all these vessels. 40 And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount.

Verse 37 indicates the purpose of the lamps of the Menorah, “that they may give light…’ It is noteworthy that this is the same purpose of the celestial luminaries stated in Genesis 1:14-16. Interestingly, the word for “lights” in the firmament [Gen. 1:14, 16: *H216maor] is the same word used in reference to the lamps of the Menorah, (Exodus 20:27, 35:14). Moreover, the same Hebrew word that refers to the Menorah’s individual lamps, also refers to the individual celestial lights of the Sun and Moon in Gen. 1:16. Thus we have a perfect correspondence between the purpose not only of the individual celestial lights and each of the Menorah’s lamp’s, to shed light upon the Earth. The emphasis with a Sun-centered system is placed on the Light of God. God’s Light is the Source of Life on Earth, even as God is the Source of Light. The celestial lights support this order from the Hand of the Creator.

Genesis 1:14-16
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: [15] And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. [16] And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

  Since the same Hebrew words are used in reference to both the luminaries of the firmament and the lamp-stand of the Tabernacle, we are wise to notice the details of the Menorah’s celestial symbolism 

Here we find Biblical evidence in the Menorah regarding the Hebrew zodiac, structured as the earliest known heliocentric model, as seen in the Menorah Solar System, far ahead of Aristarchus of Samos
(270 BC), who 
was the first of the ancient Greeks to re-submit the idea of a Sun centered cosmos. With the Son of God and light of the world embodied in Jesus Christ as the central Servant Branch of the Menorah and Hebrew zodiac, we see the original roots for a Sun-centered solar system that Copernicus gets credit for, despite the position of antagonism in the Roman Catholic Church centuries after his death. This idea was first established with the Hebrew Menorah, [Ps. 19] that was structured on a celestial plan of the ancient solar system of seven planets, with luni-solar cycles and the Sun as the center candlestick [Rev.1:20], always enlightening the Earth with a heliocentric viewpoint.

Both Philo and Josephus were early observers who provided context for the Menorah’s rounded branches, associating them with larger astronomical concerns. This approach hearkens back to a link with the lamps of the lampstand and the planets that first appears with the prophet Zechariah already during the sixth century B.C., who described the five visible planets, and the Sun and the Moon, as the “eyes of YHWH:” 

These seven are the eyes of YHWH, which range through the whole earth. [Zech. 4:18] 

In (Figure 5.) below we see the first candlestick, or Menorah in the form of what James Strong has called a “stylized tree.” Strong gives his own description of Exodus 25:33 quoted below:

Ex. 25:33 Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick.”

Strong’s geometric synopsis of this verse states:


It will be perceived that each section of the semicircles of which these lines are the radii is composed of two members: the shank (a plain tube) and the bulb (or swell), and that each has a third part or base (a circular double flange, as a means of connection, hence an actual joint) only where it is united to a different kind of piece; i.e., at the bottom and top of the central shaft and of the six arms, including the intersections of the shaft with the arms.”11 [emphasis mine]

Figure 5. The Hebrew Menorah. 12

central shaft and of the six arms

  When we apply what we have already seen in the Biblical teaching of the Sun’s dual symbolism, to the Menorah, then it takes on a new light, associating the Sun not only with the solar system, but also the circular zodiac. The very structure of the Menorah shows its central shaft as the foundation of the candle, since it holds the main light as the centerpiece of the candlestick. All the branches of the candlestick are attached to the central shaft, even as they obtain their light from the main candle. This pattern is mirrored in the solar system as the planets and moons do not generate their own light, but reflect the light of the Sun, in their orbits. We find not only the order of the solar system reflected here but also that of the ecliptic in 12 Constellations. This is evident in the semicircular pattern based on the pi ratio. By expanding on Strong’s analysis of the Menorah this comes to light. In Strong’s smaller geometric model of the Menorah, we note bulbs on the six branches of the candlestick that are projections of the central bulb, from whence all the radiating lines of the central light emanate. These projections of the central light on the six branches, (five naked eye planets and the Sun & Moon) depict how these luminaries reflect the Sun’s light in their individual orbits upon the Earth. This system shines light on the temporal periods and orbits of each naked-eye planet in our solar system, in relation to the Sun’s light. This is revealed first in the context of the mathematics of the 7×7=49 standard, a primary trait of light in Creator’s celestial order. The graphic below correlates this celestial lunar light not only to the Menorah and its geometric structure, but also the sacred geometry of the Pi day Post of March 2022 and the Lucas number of 153– the miraculous number of fish caught in Peter’s net, in John 21.

The symbolism of the candlestick also extends beyond our solar system to include the circle of 12 signs of the zodiac. Strong’s emphasis above on the geometric design of the Menorah, exhibits the Hebrew zodiac as in Genesis 49, with Jacob’s prophesies over his twelve sons. We should note that these lines noted by Strong as “the radii of the semi-circle,” reflecting the symbolic light of the world, if extended into a complete circle, the radii would divide it into 12 equal parts of 360 degrees of the circle according to the pi ratio. We can be safe in making this conceptual leap in the implied design of the Menorah, because we have already seen this pattern in the Temple pillarsJachin and Boaz. This makes the Menorah the most complete piece of the furniture of the Temple and Tabernacle, acting as a celestial symbol of the structure of both our solar system and the zodiac. It is the most complete because it is the third aspect we have observed that utilizes the pi ratio, following on the great Brazen Sea and the Temple pillars. These aspects of The Celestial Symbolism of the Temple and Tabernacle utilize the pi ratio to depict the Hebrew calendar of 12 months of 30 days in the sacred 360-day year used by Noah. The Menorah goes beyond this, embracing the planets in a heliocentric model of the ancient solar system, long before the Greek Aristarchus of Samos proposed it in the second century BC.

The Menorah’s implicit use of the pi ratio incorporates the previous usage of this principle in the Brasen Sea and the Temple pillars, while adding the symbolism of the heliocentric solar system to these previous applications, all incorporated into a single model. This systematic usage of the Pi Ratio in the sacred furniture, altars and Pillars of the Temple and Tabernacle, are supported in the consistent application of this mathematical principle as illustrated above in the Pi mathematics of the circle as seen in the practical reckoning of Pi in the 22 letters and 7 vowels of the Hebrew Alphabet applied to the Menorah structure of [Genesis 1:1 and Isa. 44:6], that we saw related to the central number of 401 in Gen. 1:1, where the Circle with a circumference of 1259 units yields a diameter of 401 units, according to the Pi formula.

This consistent, orderly, progressive and systematic usage of the Pi ratio in the architecture and design of the Hebrew Temple and Tabernacle, and its sacred elements and furniture, illustrates the purposeful application of this advanced mathematical principle, far in advance of human science awareness or application. This shows the Word of the Almighty Creator as the true Source for these and other advanced mathematical and geometric concepts that were applied not only in Sacred Architecture, but in the Intelligent Design of all Creation itself. As we continue our quest to seek out and expand tangible scientific evidence of the awesome works at the Hand of our Creator and Heavenly Father, the distant thunder echoing in our ears will become an undeniable storm of cascading truths overwhelming any credible opposition, until the ultimate realization and witness of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of the Almighty Heavenly Father of Lights, to whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. The Sooner this realization comes, the greater benefit to the recipient.

God Bless,





1.  Harmonica Macrocosmica [A. Cellarius, Amsterdam 1660]
2. []
3. , picture credit
5. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins p. 306
7. Jesus Christ is Not God, 2nd edition, p. 97
8. Otiot: Sacred Signs, from “The Book of Sacred Names.” Jacobus G. Swart
9., picture credit for Figure 4.
11. The Tabernacle of Israel, Its structure and Symbolism, ppg. 68-69 James Strong
12. IBID, picture credit for Figure 5.


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Geometric Growth in the 1st Century Acts Church

Signs, Miracles and Wonders in the Book of Acts
Manifestation of Believing   [MOB]                                                                   Rene Fretz

A High Altitude Survey of Acts in Light of the [MOB], and the power manifestations.

Jon Nessle, Wayne Clapp, Ed Horney, Jan Magiera, John Crouch, Ren Manetti, Will Barlow.

This teaching is based on the recent MOB Conference call that I linked to the Book of Acts, as it lays out the growth and expansion of the 1st Century Church. In the session, our Aramaic Scholar Jan Mageira shared some notes and charts that really blessed me. One chart Jan shared from her notes, was an Aramaic word picture of Faith which translates; “Strong Water to the Seed.” Strength is pictured as an Ox, as a pillar of the Church, one standing strong on God’s Word. The basic idea is firmness or certainty. The seed once planted, in ideal ground needs the best water to grow, allowing water to saturate the seed for ideal growth. Renewed mind believing comes by hearing the Word of God, but it is this higher level of faith that catalyzes Church growth. There are growth examples in all 4 Kingdoms of Life; Plant, Animal, Human & Spiritual. Growth occurs via the Laws of Nature God designed in Creation, but the impartation of Believing, Miracles and Gifts of Healing all supersede these laws to bring the impossible to pass at the command of the one operating in the certainty of this supernatural level of believing. We are aware of two universal key ingredients in the Manifestation of Believing [MOB]; human freewill and God energizing, that are always present. Once we Know That God energizes, a key question becomes HOW does God energize? We find examples in the Word of God where He energized in believer’s personal lives for blessing and deliverance in certain situations. This summary is focused on the Book of Acts for the following reasons;

The Seven Sons of a Sceva | HubPages

The pattern for growth in all four kingdoms of life increases according to the perfect geometric pattern of the Fibonacci Series. Plant-life is based on optimum utilization and exposure to light and water, enhanced by the spiral growth form of the Phi ratio and the distribution of leaves or seeds on the plants above ground, and the pattern root structure of the plant below ground. The Sunflower florets for example, are set in two rotating spirals, 21 clockwise and 34 anti-clockwise, programmed into the DNA of plant auxin, ordered via the Fibonacci numbers arranging the seeds in the most compact array to optimize their ability to gather light from the Sun for maximum growth and replication. There is also a general agreement between the geometric increase of growth via the Fibonacci Series and summarizing and concluding statements of the Book of Acts, that start with addition and geometrically increase in scale to multiplication, at higher levels. The “Grk. Word Auxano,” is the root for “auxins” found in 3 of the Acts summary statements; [Acts 6:7, 12:24, 19:20, Eph. 4:16]. We see this in how 1st Century Churches grew and were added in key areas, [Acts 9:31multiplied, 16:5, established in the faith, and increased in number daily…]

Sunflower Florets Arranged in Fibonacci Spirals

Sunflowers show complex Fibonacci sequences

Common themes of Music and geometric growth based on the Fibonacci series are exhibited in DNA, scalability, and replication. The principles of Plant DNA-auxins depicting the spiritual life and growth of the Acts 1st Century Church are witnessed in the gradual, progressive and systematic growth from the simple to the complex. We find a general compatibility of the numeric expansion of the Fibonacci Series [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21] in the initial Fibonacci numbers; 1,1,2,3 increasing by simple addition; reaching a point of transition to multiplication. This growth is seen in Acts first with individuals, then moving on to groups/church levels daily! No matter the level of growth and expansion attained, these precepts do not deviate from these basic growth principles. In the Beginning with the initial utterance in His Symphony of Sound and Light, The light of Almighty God has continued its inexorable spread across all levels of Creation and our world. As all the choirs of the Kingdoms of Life add their voices to this universal Scriptural Score, All Creation praises our Almighty Creator and Loving Heavenly Father of Lights, spreading strands of truth, ever echoing and reverberating in newly variable combinations, unifying the works of His Hands, with each sharing their unique part in His infinite Mystery of Godliness.

[Rom. 8:19-2319 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, 21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

[Ps. 148-149, I Cor. 3:6-7, Col. 2:19]

The Musical Structure of the DNA Double Helix. 

Musical DNA No Background Icons PNG - Free PNG and Icons Downloads

DNA [the following research is found on Wikipedia and is suggested for further study]
For more information on DNA see Appendix 1 below.

Each cycle of the DNA molecule measures 34 angstoms long by 21 angstroms wide. 21 and 34 are consecutive
Fibonacci numbers. As the series increases the ratio of 34/21 is a closer approximation of phi, [1.618…] since it is further into the series progression than the previous examples of 3 and 5Jean-claude Perez suggested there is a strong link between DNA and golden ratio in 1991,[1] then later in 1997 in his book l’ADN décrypté[2]. His work shows the relative proportions of nucleotides within coding DNA sequences like genes or RNA strings are governed by specific Fibonacci and Lucas number sets. This discovery was validated particularly on all known HIV and SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus) retroviruses, whole genomes with Professor Luc Montagnier (the discoverer of HIV virus) who called the discovery a “DNA supracode” [1].

As we find the Fibonacci number sequence of 21, 34 in both plant auxins and human DNA in the above examples we can see a similar pattern in God’s Word. A Grk. word for growth is Auxano 2 [G837]=to enlarge, grow up, [give the] increase. Botanical examples of Auxano, from the Plant Kingdom include; [Matt. 6:28] consider how the lilies of the field grow… [Matt. 13:32, Lk. 13:19] the tiny mustard seed grows greatest among the herbs. [Mk. 4:8] In the Parable of the Sower, the plant sprang up and increased bearing fruit…
[Luke 1:80, 2:40] Jesus as a child grew and waxed strong in spirit. [filled (G4137) with wisdom (G4678) and grace (G5485), 3 shows Jesus as the ideal example of Auxano growth in Human and Spirit Kingdoms.

This word also describes the growth and increase of God’s Word in believers according to the pattern of 8 Great Statements in the Book of Acts. [Acts 2:43-7, 6:7, 9:31, 11:2112:24, 16:5, 19:20, 28:31] 4 the Word of God increased and the number of disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly. Key verses where these 3 words; signs, miracles and wonders occur together are;

Acts 2:22, 22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:

As a fan of Biblical Astronomy it is notable that in Peter’s Sermon on the Day of Pentecost in 28AD, he references the OT Prophecy of [Joel 2:28-31] where the first use of the word “wonders” [teras] in Acts, occurs referring to celestial signs; [Rev. 12:1-2]. At the opening of the Age of Grace, it shows the vitality and importance of Biblical Astronomy in our current administration. Acts 2:20 refers to Blood Moons, or Lunar and solar eclipses where the sun is turned into darkness and the Moon to Blood before, or leading to the Great and notable Day of the Lord, and the return of Christ.

Blood Moon over Jerusalem.

Image result for Blood Moon over the Wailing Wall image

Heb. 2:4 Signs, wonders and mighty works [Dunamis]. A sign signifies something by the work wrought, or the specific type and nature of the deliverance. Peter & Paul did similar miracles while ministering to the Judean and Gentile churches in Acts 3:2-8, vs. 14:8-10, both men healed a man lame from his mother’s womb, having never walked, who began leaping and walked immediately upon their healing.

Where the [MOB] is present in bringing signs and wonders to pass we find a pattern of God energizing His spirit supernaturally with the power manifestations in his believers in the Church. Where the word for “Wonder” [teras] is used in specific sections of Acts, referring to the effect produced on those witnessing the mighty works, tells us How, When and Where God energized His spirit for the Word of God to grow, resulting in the rise and expansion of the Acts Churches. The rise in personal believing exercised by those witnessing these signs and wonders, builds into the results of expansion, growth of the Church and healing deliverance of the Church, not to mention the awe and respect for God, as in the first great statement.

 [Acts 2:43] fear or respect of God came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles, leading to Acts 2:47As Jon Nessle has taught; this reverence and respect for God listed with the OT manifestations seen on the positive side, which is discerning the spirit of the Lord. 5

[Isa. 11:2-3] And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; And shall make him of quick under-standing in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:

Spectro-Chrome Prismatic Light

The spirit of understanding is dicserning of spirits on the negative side. As the discerning of spirits is listed as the 7th NT Manifestation in I Cor. 12, it reflects the depth of spiritual perfection and discernment on both the positive and negative sides required to operate the power manifestations. 6 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge and wisdom, [Ps. 110:10, Prov. 1:7]. [Heb. 5:14] reminds us that by reason of use we should exercise our spiritual sense to discern both good and evil. The Acts Great Statements also record the opening and unveiling of the Great Mystery in practical application in the transition to the Book of Acts from OT Manifestations to NT Manifestations, seen in the progressive spiritual growth of the 1st Century Church. This reverence was at the heart of the Unity and 1 accord [Acts 1:14, 2:46] of the Church [Eph. 4:1-4], as this awe and respect came upon every soul, via witnessing Signs, miracles and wonders. This spiritual unity is a focus of the 1st summary and conclusion statement in Acts, the number one signifying unity and commencement.

  Fearless: A Pentecost Reflection – God In All Things                                                                                         

 Acts 2:46-47, was a direct result of Peter’s Sermon on the Day of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, and opening of the Age of Grace Admin, the Lord added [to the church] daily, such as should be saved.

The 1st section of Acts saw the miracle New Birth first become available, marked by a sign “cloven tongues like as of fire” with Speaking in Tongues as a new worship manifestation of power from on high [Acts 2:,4 38], and in many tongues understood in their own language evoking a multitude responding in Praise to God, a key summarized in the first Great Statement, [Acts 2:47].

[Acts 2:22, 3:16, Faith in his Name], “call on the name of the Lord”-
[Acts 7:59] At Stephen’s sto
ning. 9:14-all that call on thy Name.
[Acts 22:16]; Paul with Ananias calling on the Lord’s Name.
[Rom. 10:12-14]; No difference between Jew
and Greek for the Same Lord is rich over all that call on Him. [1 Cor. 1:2]. 7

The Counterfeit in Acts 19-the sons of Sceva tried to derail calling on the Lord’s Name after failed attempts to shut down the Word via fear and intimidation. Both in Acts 5:18-19, below and Acts 19:17, fear and reverence came on them all, and the genuine Name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.

This links the 1st and 7th Great Statements of Acts not only in the apostolic ministries of Paul and Peter in the two denominations of the 1st Century Church, but also in the 7 Great Statements as a set, where the 8th is a new beginning. Ananias and Sapphira is another example where reverence of the Lord was violated with immediate terminal consequences [Acts 5:1-5], Great reverence ensued. Genuine believer’s true motivation in repentance is not fear/legalistic condemnation, but in the love, joy and delight for God to seek and walk in His light. As His will is revealed for us in our calling, we develop a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father in the practical application of our gifts, callings and purpose.

Acts 4:30-37 By stretching forth thy hand to heal that signs and wonders may be done, This shows when leaders and believers “get their hands dirty” in service to the body, God energizes [MOB] required to bring gifts of healings with these signs and wonders to pass in the impartation category, revealing the powerful Hand of the Lord, with them leading to the 4th Acts summary statement;

[Acts 11:2121 And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord.

Acts 5:12-16 By the hands of the Apostle’s were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; The Shadow of Peter healed the sick and those vexed with evil spirits. Peter and Paul both did special miracles [Acts 5:15-16, 9:42, 19:11-12], raising the Dead!

The Angel delivering Paul from Prison


Acts 5:18-19 When the High Priest and Sadducees laid hands on the Apostles to imprison them, the angel of the Lord opened the prison doors releasing them, told them to “Go Stand and speak in the Temple to the people all the words of this lifefreeing the men of God with the ministry of reconciliation. This is the 1st record in Acts of angelic action in the movement of the Gospel. All leading to the 2nd section in Acts 6:7 where the Word of God increased and the number of disciples multiplied greatly. Here the Quality of believers increased to Disciples at a higher level, while the Quantity also transitions to multiplying of individual disciples vs. added believers. [Acts 6:1 disciples multiplied, at a lower rate beforegreatly” multiplying in Acts 6:7, as in the Fibonacci number series, where the expansion multiplies faster the deeper into the numeric series we progress, until “Churches are multiplied” on a group level in Acts 9:31].

Acts 9:31 Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.

This is a key record in Acts where the intervention of an angel plays a key role to protect Paul and others. Since Acts was the birthday of the Church of Christ’s spiritual Body, it is also the first time Christ’s authority over both the angels and the Church is witnessed at the same time, [Rev. 1:20]. Thus it behooves us to pay attention to the actions of angels, and their influence on the growth of God’s Word in Acts.

In the 2nd section we see in Acts 6:8, where Stephen was full of faith and power, doing great wonders and signs among the people. Acts 6:15 says Stephen’s face was perhaps illuminated like the face of an angel. Stephen also recounts God who sent Moses as the deliverer of Israel, by the hand of the Angel of the burning bush. Since the growth of the Church began in Jerusalem, there was an emphasis on the signs done by Moses in Egypt and the wilderness in Acts 7:36.

Phillip the Evangelist and the Ethiopian Eunuch

Encounters With God – Philip & The Ethiopian Eunuch – Acts 8:26-40 | OneLife Community Church

In Acts 8 the people seeing and hearing the miracles done at the hands of Phillip gave heed with one accord in Samaria [Acts 8:5-8], was sent to Gaza by an angel [8:26] where he met an Ethiopian Eunuch, as Phillip evangelized beyond and outside Jerusalem, since the Eunuch was not a Jew. This was an initial sign after Acts 2:38-39, that the Word was moving to the Gentiles, followed by the record with Simon the Sorcerer, a key account where the positive impact of God’s Word shut down occult powers. In Acts 9 Saul, after he saw the events involving Stephen, led efforts to persecute and slaughter the Church.

Paul was persecuting the Church of Christ with authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on the Name of the Lord, but God called him to bear God’s Name before the Gentiles, kings & Isreal,  [Acts 9:1415]. Here the Church’ growth waited on the personal growth of Paul as a key minister to impact the spiritual conflict of that day. When Jesus recruited Paul, he took a top agent of the enemy, turned him from darkness unto light. This removed the impetus from the enemy, transferring it on the right side. We find the Church influenced on a group level by individual key leaders, as chief persecutor-Paul was recruited and converted by Christ to become the leading Apostle to the Gentiles. After his conversion these attacks ceasedone reason why the Churches had rest in the 3rd Great statement of Acts 9:31, a great example of the practical application of comfort of the holy spirit.
As the church walked in awe and respect of the Lord and comfort of the Holy Spirit they were multiplied. Here we find the 1st time the Churches multiplied on a group level vs. single believers, or disciples, resulting from the people reverencing and respecting the Lord, and being edified; [oikodomeo].

This opens the 4th section with Peter healing Aeneas of the palsy and raising Tabitha from the dead, that was known throughout Joppa so that many believed in the Lord, [Acts 9:42]. In Acts 10:3 Cornelius reached out to Peter, at the Angel’s direction where Peter has a vision so God can take him beyond the OT Law, to witness to Cornelius and the Gentiles. This promise was first revealed to Peter in Acts 2:38-39, as we saw was reiterated with Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. Finally, in Acts 10 God showed Peter in the vision the full ramifications of the initial prophecy at Pentecost, where the Gentiles manifested holy spirit, and shared the baptism of the Spirit. This lead to the 4th section of Acts, [Acts 11:21] where the “Hand of the Lord” was with them, and a great number believed and “turned to the Lord.” Four is the number of the World, where the Gentile nations believed and manifested just as the apostles did at Pentecost.

New Testament 5, Lesson 7: Peter and Cornelius - Seeds of Faith Podcast

Next was the time for Barnabas to rise and be sent to Antioch in Acts 11:22 who was full of the holy spirit and Faith, leading to the 5th great summary statement “and much people were added to the church,” [Acts 12:24]. In Acts 12 Peter is delivered from Herod’s Prison by an Angel, another instance of angels with key roles in signs and wonders, in this case the believers in the house praying for Peter’s release, thought it was Peter’s angel at the door, not Peter himself. In Acts 12:23 in Herod’s speech, the people said his was the voice of god [idol] and when he did not give God the glory, reverence and respect due to ego, the angel smote him so he was eaten with worms and expired. This shows the consequences of not reverencing the Almighty at this point. On the heels of this, the 5th Acts Great statement takes place, an awesome witness and testimony to the temperature of believing, awe and respect of God by omission at this stage of growth, in the new area of Antioch, like Ananias & Sapphira previously.

Acts 13:42-43, Acts 14:1-4 Paul and Barnabus in Iconium, where a great multitude of Jews & Greeks believed. 14:3 shows Paul and Barnabas teaching and preaching the Gospel where signs and wonders were done by their hands. This witness by Paul & Barnabas continued in the Acts Council at Jerusalem, where they recounted the signs and wonders God wrought among the Gentiles, [Acts 15:12]. Paul and Barnabas split over John-Mark [Acts 15:36-39], Paul goes with Silas, and not much is heard of Barnabas afterwards.

This leads to the 6th Great Statement in Acts 16:5 where the Churches were established, [3:7, strengthened- stereoo. In this section of Acts [14:22-23] we find the leaders exhorting [parakaleo] and confirming the souls of the disciples, [confirming=episterizo, exhorting-parakaleo 15:32, 18:23], 8 ordaining elders and in this way confirmed every church [Acts 15:41]. This provided the basis for the church growth to increase in number daily. Paul gets the vision of the Man of Macedonia in Troas [Acts 16:9-10], calling for their help. Here they met Lydia and her believing household. Upon shutting down the divination spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ, [Acts 16:16-36] they saw a backlash from the local magistrates being persecuted, beaten and imprisoned by those who lost their soothsaying income from their spiritualist damsel, but as they were equipped in their faithful reply of singing praises to God in prayer, a great earthquake shook them loose, so the apostles  were delivered from prison, saving the jailer with his house.

In Acts 19 Paul in Ephesus ministered the Holy Spirit unto the believers and they Spoke in Tongues and prophesied, [19:3-8, 11] God wrought special miracles [dunamis] by the hands of Paul. When counterfeit exorcistspiritualist Sons of Sceva were sent packing, as they counterfeited the “Name of the Lord,” with a “false spirit of Jesus,fear [respect] fell on them so the true “Name of the Lord Jesus was magnified, calling attention to the real power of the “Lord’s Name.” Here we see the reverence of the Lord combined with calling on the Lord’s Name, to the end the genuine was magnified. This focus caused the people to burn their books of occult practice, so the Word mightily grew [Acts 19:20] and prevailed against diminished opposition in the 7th summary statement. Acts 19:21 says “After these things were ended…” shows link and level of completion in the first 7 Great Statements of Acts, with the unity of the 1st and 7th verses based on the “Name of the Lord.”

Here we see another level of spiritual counterfeit in the organized group opposition and industry behind Dianna of the Ephesians, whose Temple was a wonder of the old world, getting labor Unions and local politicians involved to riot and shout down the Apostle’s; [Acts 19:24-29, 32-34 like antifa]. This was an answer to the Churches multiplying in growth, demanding the enemy to respond in kind, with a chaotic assembly [Ekklesia] most of which “knew not the reason they were come together.” However, cooler heads led by Alexander prevailed against Demetrius-the Union boss who accused Paul of turning away many from the industry tied to the worldwide worship of the idol goddess Dianna, teaching “there be no gods that are made with hands,” [Acts 19:26].

In Acts 23:6-9 Paul’s background in the Judean religion being familiar with the belief’s of the Sadducee’s and Pharisee’s, he drew on his own history as a Pharisee, hitting upon a point of division between the 2 sects, since the Sadducee’s did not believe in Angel’s or spirits, but the Pharisee’s hold with both. So he used this schism based on the doctrine of angels to his advantage to escape with his skin.

During Paul’s journey to Rome he witnessed the Gospel of Christ before Governor Festus, and King Agrippa. Once Paul started the Ocean voyage from Crete with the ensuing storm, the crew had lost hope, Paul exhorted them that there would be no loss of life in the remainder of their trip, only the ship, [Acts 27:20-25].

Acts 28:31 is the 8th Great Statement, where “Paul dwelt in his own hired house for 2 years, preaching and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.

After all the strife and contention that the adversary put up to oppose the movement of God’s Word, all the stonings, stripes and hazards encountered by Peter, Paul and the Apostle’s and Believers, they finally got to the point where they could have free course to share God’s Word minus persecution, in all confidence “no man forbidding him,” showing he was unhindered in these efforts. I believe this speaks volumes for our day because the enemy knows his days are numbered and short, so he is pulling out all the stops leading up to the tribulation, that we are witnessing in the current pandemic and Signs-of today.

In summary, we have seen a strong link between the awe and respect of God, seen in the 1st, 3rd and 6th Great Statements, resulting in Hand of the Lord, being with the apostle’s, so that more signs, miracles & wonders are operated in the ministries of the apostles and prophets, in the Name of Jesus Christ. With this super-natural deliverance resulting from God energizing this deliverance among the believers, the Name of God is manifested in light of His true benevolent power, witnessed far and wide by his genuine ministers. The pattern of Church growth laid out in the Book of Acts, provides a standard and replicable blueprint modern Christians can emulate as we abide by the principles evident in this record. This seems to be our clarion call as seen in the 8th Great Statement as a New Beginning for the application of these keys in genuine Church outreach.

These statements also depict the unity of the 7 Ones [Eph. 4] in practical Application! [Body, Spirit, Hope, Lord, Faith, Baptism, God-father].

God has no hands and feet but our hands and feet to walk amongst the almost dead…



Appendix 1.

DNA spiral as a Golden Section

The DNA molecule, the program for all life, is based on the golden section.  It measures 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of its double helix spiral.

Construction of the golden section, based on phi, the golden ratio
DNA and phi, the golden proportion, in the dimensions of its spirals
34 and 21, of course, are numbers in the Fibonacci series and their ratio, 1.6190476 closely approximates phi, 1.6180339.

B-DNA has spirals in phi proportions

DNA in the cell appears as a double-stranded helix referred to as B-DNA.This form of DNA has a two groove in its spirals, with a ratio of phi in the proportion of the major groove to the minor groove, or roughly 21 angstroms to 13 angstroms.

B-DNA major and minor grooves in phi or golden ratio proportion

Insight on B-DNA proportions contributed by Melih Yazici.

The DNA cross-section is based on Phi

It has been reported but not yet confirmed by this site that a cross-sectional view from the top of the DNA double helix forms a decagon:

Top view of DNA molecule

A decagon is in essence two pentagons, with one rotated by 36 degrees from the other, so each spiral of the double helix must trace out the shape of a pentagon.

Pentagons are based on phi, the golden ratio

Construction of a decagon using two pentagons based on phi, the golden ratio

The ratio of the diagonal of a pentagon to its side is Phi to 1.  So, no matter which way you look at it, even in its smallest element, DNA, and life, is constructed using phi and the golden section!

The following quote is from Gary Meisner who authors the [] site.

I think we can all agree that imaginary entities do not create anything. If God is our Creator though, then He is not imaginary. Just to have this exchange of thoughts, we type away at computers dependent upon sophisticated programming codes, communication networks and power sources that took highly intelligent human beings centuries of purposeful design to achieve. A single strand of our DNA though contains a more sophisticated code than any mankind has created. That code contains the complete instructions to create the human brain, which is far more sophisticated than any computer we’ve conceived, and the neural networks that allow your eyes to see, your brain to think and your fingers to type. I am in awe at the need of other story telling humans to believe that the amazing intricacy in the cosmos happened without intelligence, thought and design, completely by chance and with absolutely no purpose.- Gary Meisner. 9


1. Jean-claude Perez in 1997 from his book l’ADN décrypté.
2. Strong’s Concordance, Auxano
[G837], James Strong.
3. IBID, (G4137) wisdom (G4678) grace (G5485)
4. The Rise and Expansion of the Christian Church in Acts, The Way Intn’l Seminar.
5.  Jon Nessle The OT manifestations, Isa. 11:2-3.
7. Companion Bible marginal notes, E.W. Bullinger
8. IBID on [Acts 14:22-23, 15:32, 41, 18:23]
9. Gary Meisner author of the [] site.


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Biblical Astronomy of “Heavenly Signs.”

Birth of Jesus Christ
Biblical Astronomy of the Birth of Christ

Luke 11:29-30
And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet. 
30 For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.

The Presence of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago, was a sign to that generation that fulfilled all the Messianic OT Prophecies, including the Gospel in the Stars, in agreement with God’s Word. Jesus embodied the eternal purpose and God’s Plan of the Ages, to redeem mankind, which is exactly the story related in the Gospel of the Stars, as a precursor to the Scriptural record. Thus, as we take a unified view of the various categories of Heavenly Signs, we are much better served as opposed to a segregated view of these categories, as signs unto themselves. In this way we are not seeking after individual signs, but are aware of them as a general category, placing them in a proper biblical context to glean their meaning and message.

As we can see from the example above, not all Biblical “signs” are astronomical in nature, but that does not mean there is no astronomical connotation that could exist for a biblical sign, as we find above. The Hebrew word in Strong’s [H226] means a “sign, token, badge, standard, monument, warning, omen, symbol, miracle or proof.”1 In Gen. 9:12-17 it indicates God’s Promise in the Rainbow after Noah’s Flood. Also as His Covenant was confirmed by circumcision, [Gen. 17:11, Rom. 4:11]. The Great Pyramid was also a prophetic sign of Jesus Christ, [Isa. 19: 19-20]. There are astronomical signs; of various types, [2 Kings 20:8-9]. As we see other types of Biblical signs above, we find a strong biblical basis for various types of signs designed to get our attention. According to a Lexical Aid to the OT, This word can refer to anything showing or confirming a past, present or future event. 2  Thus, whenever these events are confirmed by signs from the Hand of God, it demands our full attention!

This blog is third in a series of rebuttals against the critique of Frances Rolleston’s work of The Mazzaroth, by Dr. Danny Faulkner, who has categorized heavenly signs on his own, naming 4 types of signs listed below.

First, Faulkner recognizes what we would call a “sign of the times” as Jesus taught in his parable of Matt. 16:1-4. The idea that this is a specific type of Parable where Jesus taught spiritual truths from natural scientific phenomena is noteworthy. This illustrates how the Creator intelligently designed His systems in Creation, to depict His Almighty omnipotence and wisdom. Second, as Psalm 8Psalm 19, and Romans 1:18–20 tell us, God’s existence is revealed through the heavens, constituting a category of Celestial Sign. This can also reveal God’s purposes in His Creation, as we see with His plan to redeem mankind through His only begotten Son, not only as the main theme of the Gospel in the Stars, but also God’s Word. Third, the star that led the Magi to the infant Jesus (Matthew 2:1–29–10) was undoubtedly a sign from heaven. This illustrates how the Almighty utilized specific celestial signs to mark the birth of Christ, His only begotten Son, to carry out the primary purpose of His plan and goal to redeem mankind. Fourth, there will be signs in heaven that reveal God’s wrath (Isa. 13:9–13Joel 2:30–31Matt. 24:29–31Mark 13:24–27Luke 21:25–28Revelation 6:12–17). 3 Under this category heading Faulkner includes signs of the end times and the Return of Christ, but there are also signs like Blood Moons which Faulkner lumps together here in [Joel 2:30-31] above, that are not always indicators of God’s wrath. You can also include Meteor Showers, one of which played a notable role in the signs around the birth of Christ. Thus, in these categories we have at least six types of possible signs in heaven and heavenly bodies that conform to the God-ordained purpose for them. We have classified another dozen types of signs that are referenced below. In the face of how these categories of Celestial Signs work together with the Gospel in the Stars, to fulfill God’s primary purpose, Faulkner succumbs to the blindness of his segregated view of these categories of heavenly signs by saying; “With no clear biblical support for these signs being the Gospel in the stars, it is pure conjecture that Genesis 1:14 requires that there be a Gospel in the Stars.” 4 Genesis 1:14 does notrequire a Gospel in the Stars” but by the nature of the story related by the 12 constellations with their decans, this record in God’s Word attests to a strong foundation for the Celestial Gospel, supported by Biblical Heavenly signs.

A Recent Blood Moon over Jerusalem.

Regarding the Star of Bethlehem, Faulkner states; “If, as most scholars think, the Magi were Persian, they likely had read Daniel’s prophecy of 70 weeks and hence knew that the time of the Messiah’s arrival was nigh. In fact, the Magi were not the only people who were expecting the Messiah at that time, for many Hebrews were looking for the Messiah as well. We do not know what the star that the Magi saw was, but supporters of the gospel in the stars want us to assume that it must have had something to do with the gospel in the stars. This is all a bit muddled though, because many supporters of the gospel in the stars believe in some astronomical event, such as an unusual planetary conjunction was the star. If that sort of thing was the star, then did the Magi really require the gospel in the stars? 5

Faulkner does not seem to think that a Gospel in the Stars is biblically “required,” so he proposes a number of scenarios to cast doubt on its validity. Proponents of the Celestial Gospel however, recognize the key role that the Stars fulfill in support of God’s witness to mankind, not only of God’s existence, but also as Creator. At least Faulkner is forthright enough to admit that he does not know what the star seen by the Magi was. However, as we have advocated and documented since the 1980’s, in our study of the signs marking Christ’s Birth, it becomes apparent that Jupiter was the planet that the Magi referred to as “his Star” in Matthew 2:2. The Magi had noted the triple union of signs in 7-6 BC, involving Jupiter and Saturn, that provided them a blueprint for the actual signs marking Christ’s birth, starting in 3 BC. An early sign in August of 3 BC motivated them to begin their caravan to Jerusalem. Both of these aspects of the General and Specific celestial signs marking the birth of Christ are apparent in the study on “The Stars Over Bethlehem, which provides further details of what the Magi observed in the skies overhead marking the Messiah’s birth, both in Virgo and Coma, pictured in the title banner of this blog above.

The clear biblical astronomy support for the Gospel in the Stars could not be in plainer sight, but was still missed by Faulkner, seen in the correlation of two of the categories of celestial signs he points out. First, the evidence we have presented regarding the birth of Christ above, with the Celestial Gospel, and how the monuments of the Giza Plateau, like the Great Sphinx as a memorial for the Alpha/Omega constellations of the 12 signs of the MazzarothVirgo and Leo, show the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid prophesy of the birth of Christ, providing a strong suit for the function of these ancient monuments. Secondly how, these constellations of Virgo and Leo marking Christ’s birth point to the Great Sphinx, with various planetary unions seen in the Celestial Sphinx, and also how the Great Pyramid witnesses to these aspects of the Celestial Sphinx with heavenly signs in Sept. 2017, give conclusive proof of the sacred function of the oldest man-made wonders on our planet’s surface. In our last blog we referenced a key astronomical function of the Great Sphinx, in its Pre-dynastic stellar role as a sighting device linked to its astronomical functions, to observe and record the horizon points of the sunrise, found not only in the Sphinx’ orientation facing due east, but also in relation to the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

The Great Sphinx

Image result for Great Pyramids with satellite pyramids images

The Sphinx’s solar alignments relating to the borders of the tropics, depict ancient knowledge of the zodiacal band, within which the heavenly bodies named by the Creator [Ps. 147:4, Gen. 37:9-11, Isa. 40:26, Job 9:7], shed their 3-fold light upon the Earth. God set the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, as boundaries within which the Sun, Moon and Planets all move, above and below the celestial Equator. Thus, it is the stars within the Zodiacal Band that God marked to carry the message of His Gospel in the Stars, and His eternal plan and purpose for mankind’s redemption.
We find added biblical evidence of this truth in Joseph’s second dream [Gen. 37:9-11], in an astronomical context.

Gen. 37:9-11 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. 10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? 11 And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.

In this second dream of Joseph, we find evidence of the knowledge of the zodiacal band with the Biblical Patriarchs, since the 11 brothers of Joseph appear as the 11 stars with Joseph being the 12th constellation, summarizing the main signs found along the path of the Sun and Moon, embodied in his parents. This ancient knowledge of the zodiacal band among the Biblical Patriarchs, is another proof of the Gospel in the Stars in concert with Scripture and the Great Sphinx, that corroborates the historic signs from Giza not only of Christ’s birth, and first coming but also, points to the Return of Christ, and his Second coming. This also links another type of celestial sign showing the Blood Moon tetrads, as another category of Biblical Celestial Sign tied to the history of Israel and Jerusalem. These heavenly signs fall in the category of a Celestial sign including many Jerusalem prophecies that have recently been fulfilled, so we can truly recognize these “signs of the times,” as Jesus taught in Matt. 16:1-4.

God’s Revelation in the celestial gospels features 48 constellations, which include the 12 Signs of the zodiac, along with their 36 decans. These star-pictures were drawn around and associated with their specific star groups, starting with the earliest Bible Patriarchs, so that they would be handed down and remembered throughout the ages. In [Gen. 1:14] the lights in the firmament of Heaven were to be for “signs, seasons, days and years.” The word for “signs” [H226-owth] 6 is the same Hebrew word that refers to 12 constellations of the Mazzaroth. These signs were afterward, [Gen. 37, 49, Num. 2, Deut. 33] identified with the 12 sons of Jacob, representing the 12 tribes of Israel, providing a direct link, between the Gospel of the Stars and these Signs. In Joshua 4, when the nation of Israel first crossed into the Promised land, there was a special sign” [H226] that occurred where this notable occasion was marked by the Hand of God, and 12 special stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel were used to build a memorial to honor God, who brought Israel through the wilderness. Thus, even though this sign was not astronomical in nature, it still carries astronomical ramifications due to being linked not only to the 12 tribes, but also to the 12 stones, [Eben-H68] of this memorial.

Joshua 4:5-9 Then Joshua called the twelve men, whom he had prepared of the children of Israel, out of every tribe a man: And Joshua said unto them, Pass over before the ark of the Lord your God into the midst of Jordan, and take you up every man of you a stone [H68-Eben] 7 upon his shoulder, according unto the number of the tribes of the children of Israel: That this may be a sign [H226] among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones? Then ye shall answer them, That the waters of Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it passed over Jordan, the waters of Jordan were cut off: and these stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel forever. And the children of Israel did so as Joshua commanded, and took up twelve stones out of the midst of Jordan, as the Lord spake unto Joshua, according to the number of the tribes of the children of Israel, and carried them over with them unto the place where they lodged, and laid them down there. And Joshua set up twelve stones in the midst of Jordan, in the place where the feet of the priests which bare the ark of the covenant stood: and they are there unto this day.

The Hebrew word for stone [H68-Eben] in Joshua 4:5 above, is the same word used for the 12 precious stones on the breastplate of the High Priest, both linked to the order of the 12 tribes [Exod. 28:10-11, 39:6-14] seen not only in the breastplate of the High Priest, but also in the order of encampment the 12 tribes in the wilderness, [Num. 2:2ff] around the Tabernacle, in their Cardinal Directions as follows:

1. VIRGOZebulon, Woman, Ship, carrying God’s people to safe harbor. [Deut. 33:18]
2. LibraLeviPriesthood, Judgment. The Scales balanced in the redemption of Christ’s Blood.                

3. SCORPIO-DAN [NORTH] [Gen. 49:17] a serpent by the way, with Ophiuchus/Serpens decan. 

4. SAGITTARIUS-ASHER; Crown of Life to the world, His bread shall be fat, as the Gospel Carrier. [Deut. 8:3]

5. CAPRICORN-Gad, Overcoming Troop [Deut. 33:18-19]  

6. AQUARIUS-REUBEN [SOUTH] [Gen. 49;3-4] “unstable as water” 

7. PICSES-SIMEON, [Gen. 49:5-6 & Levi] as brothers were not to be united, since together they killed a man.

8. ARIES– NAPHTALI means “struggle.” but the end of Naphtali alone is Taleh, a Lamb, [Jn. 1:29].


10. GEMINIBENJAMIN, Named Benoni as Rachel died birthing him, [sufferings]. Renamed by Jacob Son of my right hand-[Glory].   

11. CANCER-ISSACHAR, [Gen. 49:14-15] A Strong Ass between 2 burdens.

12. LEOThe LionJudah [EAST] [Gen. 49:8-10] Juda is a Lion’s whelp.

Thus, we find the general relation between the Blessings for each of the 12 Sons and the 12 signs of the zodiac in Gen. 49 and Deut. 33. When we allow God’s Word to speak for itself, and not rely on Theological Commentaries as our “go-to” primary resource in Bible research, the Scriptural witness will be clear. Since Joshua 4 links the same word for 12 Sons & signs of the zodiac, with the 12 stones of their memorial entrance into the promised land, we find a biblical link between the 12 signs of the zodiac with the 12 tribes of Israel, each tribe with their own sign and stone. This is not my opinion or conjecture, but Scriptural truth. The same word for “stone” [H68] is used in Ex. 28, in reference to the breastplate of the High Priest, where the names of the 12 tribes are engraved-6 each, on the shoulder onyx stones according to their birth order, [Ex. 28:10-11]. Just as there were 12 main gates in the city of Jerusalem, so there are also twelve gates and twelve foundation stones in the New Jerusalem, (Rev. 21:12-14). The order of the tribes not only matched the order of their wilderness camp, [Num. 1:52] but also includes their own tribal Standard, [H1714-degel] 8
flag or banner, for each tribe. This is crystal clear in;

Numbers 2:1-2 And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, Every man of the children of Israel shall pitch by his own standard, [H1714] 9 with the ensign [H226] of their father’s house: far off about the tabernacle of the congregation shall they pitch.

Contrary to Faulkner’s opinion, there is no mystery as to what is depicted on each of these tribal banners or flags! Num. 2:2 tells us plainly that every man pitches by his own standard with the ensign [H226] of their father’s house. The word for ensign is the key being the same Hebrew word used in [Gen. 1:14, Josh. 4:5-9] linked to the 12 signs of the zodiac, each of the 12 banners with the emblem of their tribal constellation. In Psalm 74 this point is driven home so there is no doubt;

Psalm 74:4 Thine enemies roar in the midst of thy congregations; they set up their ensigns for signs.

Even the enemies of Israel “pitched” under the colors of Israel’s tribal banners in order to infiltrate them. Both the Hebrew words for “ensigns” and “signs” in this verse are the same word [H226]. So they lifted up their banners or tribal flags emblazoned with their family sign of the 12 “signs” or constellations of the zodiac. Thus we can see how Scripture records what images were on these standards.

Faulkner references Rolleston’s “problems with the zodiac in the Bible, stating; “the alleged parallels between the blessings for each son and the zodiacal signs are extremely creative. The only obvious possible connection is the one supposedly between Leo and Judah in that Judah is referred to as a lion. However, there is not even a hint of the other 11 links that Rolleston makes to Genesis 49. Rolleston speculated that each son carried a symbol from one of the signs of the zodiac and that Jacob pointed to each zodiacal symbol in pronouncing his blessing. This is entirely speculation on Rolleston’s part, and I have found no commentary that mentions, let alone endorses, this idea.”10

Lion of Judah Names of Christ Banner

As we can see in our Zodiac list above, the correlations between the 12 tribes and 12 signs from Deut. 33 and Gen. 49 are much more congruent than Faulkner cares to admit, but God’s Word says nothing about Jacob pointing to the signs with his blessing, a pure fabrication. In Faulkner’s critique of Rolleston, she claimed the same correspondence between the tribes of Israel and signs of the zodiac is contained in the final blessing of Moses in Deut. 33 (Rolleston 1865, part 2, p. 38). Here and elsewhere (Rolleston 1865, part 1, p. 12, part 2, p. 48) Rolleston further claimed that in the wilderness each of the tribes carried a standard with the tribe’s respective zodiacal sign inscribed upon a standard. It is true that the tribes had standards, or banners, (Num. chapter 2 and 10), but Scripture does not record what was on the standards.”11

Faulkner’s views on Virgo and the “virgin birth” are included as follows; “Exhibit A is Virgo, which many take as an obvious analog to Mary. But is it? The prophecy of the virgin birth is from Isaiah 7:14, written a little more than seven centuries before fulfillment. Isaiah was written long after the gospel in the stars supposedly originated, but there is no biblical evidence that there was any other prophecy or expectation of a virgin-born Messiah prior to Isaiah. Given the high value of virginity, it is not surprising that a virgin might show up among the constellations. A virgin with a child in the ancient constellations would have been quite unusual, and so perhaps might have been a good argument for the gospel in the stars. Rolleston understood this, and so she was very creative is claiming that just such a thing did exist. But, alas, she did this with quite a bit of sleight-of-hand, by moving an unclear figure from the Dendera planisphere to a new location and suggesting a false history to accompany it.“12

The first problem with a “virgin birth” is that it not a Biblical Doctrine, since the Bible teaches a virgin conception. Mary was not married to Joseph at the time of the Almighty’s visitation on her, which was prior to their marriage. Faulkner’s comments on the “Virgin Birth” are included below, and as he points out “A virgin with a child in the ancient 12 signs  would have been quite unusual, and so perhaps might have been a good argument for the gospel in the stars.”13 In support of this, we have already shown regarding the Coma Decan on the Dendera zodiac, there is nothingunclear” about how the Coma decan is depicted on this planisphere, accept in Faulkner’s mind, because it contradicts his disbelief in the Celestial Gospel. Neither was the Coma Decanmoved to a new location” as it appears in alignment with Axis E on the Dendera zodiac along with Virgo’s Seed, witnessed as a stalk of grain on the Dendera planisphere. This picture of the promised seed as a young boy in the Virgin’s lap for this very reason was the celestial depiction of the virgin’s seed, in agreement not only with Gen. 3:15 but also Isa. 7:14, as an excellent case for the Gospel in the Stars. Once any honest reader sees the evidence on the Genesis 3:15 Planisphere Axis below, all doubt is removed regarding the validity of the Gospel in the Stars.

The unity of the Gospel in the Stars with God’s Written Word is evident on many levels, but those disclaiming the validity of the Celestial Gospel are blinded to this truth. Psalm 19 is a key chapter of Scripture that not only attests to the existence of the Almighty Creator, but also displays how the houses of the Sun referring to the 12 constellations of the Mazzaroth, provide the circuit-[ecliptic] where the Sun of Righteousness [Mal. 4:2] lives, moves and has his being. In this way, the heavens still speak to us today according to the principles of Biblical Astronomy, as the Sun. Moon, planets and Stars have their voice.

Psalm 19:1 – The Bible Wallpapers

Psalm 19:1-6 “The heavens declare the glory of ELOHIM. (CREATOR)

The verbs in this section are literary, then in vs. 7 they transition to the astronomical.

A Literal translation according to usage of Psalm 19:1-4 reads as follows:

v.1 “The heavens continuously [all the time, not sporadically] go over and over, again and again, rehearsing the glory of God, the Creator [Elohim], and all of God’s expanse keeps setting forth God’s great handiwork in the heavens.”

v.2 “Day in and Day out, the heavens are continuously pouring forth, telling and prophesying; and, night after night, the heavens continuously pour forth intelligent information.”

v.3 “There is no speaking forth by way of the heavens, nor words they pour forth in all the earth, where the words the heavens pour forth have not been heard.”

v.4 “The heavens allotted measurements (Zodiac-signs & seasons in Gen. 1:14) have gone over all the created earth, and the teachings of the heavens have gone all over the inhabited earth. In the constellations hath He established a tabernacle for the sun,”

notes on v.4 “line”= [qav] prophecies, also a survey line denoting the ecliptic or direction of the sun through the heavens, and the lines marking the decans” within the zodiacal houses of the sun. This is the universal standard of timekeeping and the basis of numerous cultural calendars throughout history. Also the lines of Latitude and
longitude on the face of the earth are found here, corresponding to these measuring lines, ordering the Heavens and reflected upon the Earth. [Rom. 10:17-18]

In them“=the heavens
tabernacle“=houses of the sun. [mansions of the 12 signs of the mazzaroth]

v.5 And he as a bridegroom embarking from his bridal canopy (pavilion), like a champion rejoices to run his course.

notes on v. 5…The oriental wedding would conclude with the groom leading the bride out of the canopy (indicative of God’s protection) after the marriage ceremony. This also is a figure for Christ-The Bridegroom, courting his BrideIsrael [Not the New Testament Church of his Spiritual BODY].

v.6 Its rising is at one end of the heavens, its circuit reaches from one end to the other, and nothing [yes, no one] is hidden from its heat.

v.7 “The law of the Lord is perfect”=JEHOVAH’S Word in relation to His creation. [Here is the transition from literary to astronomical verbs]

“converting the soul”=returning as the sun returns in its circuit, so God can restore and heal every aspect of the soul life of a man, in the process of complete salvation wholeness.

v.8 The testimony of the Lord is faithful [as the sun is a faithful witness in the heavens Ps. 89:36-37] making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart. The commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes.

notes on v.8 “enlightening”=as the sun. {Isa. 60:18-19, II Pet. 1:19 “daystar”} The celestial bodies shed a 3-fold light upon the earth!
“testimony”-a repeating witness also as the Sun on the ecliptic.

v.9-10 The reverent fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The ordinances of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired than gold, than much pure gold, they are sweeter than honey dripping from the honeycomb.

“clean”=active continual cleansing.
“true”=faithful in perpetuity

v.11 By them your servant is warned [reminded, illuminated and instructed] and in keeping them there is great reward.

“By them”=in them [moving & dwelling in the ordinances of the Lord, for in them we live & move & have our being] even as the sun lives and moves in and through the houses of the zodiac.
“warned”=instructed as in II Tim. 3:16 by Doctrine, Reproof and Correction.
or watching as the stargazers and Biblical astronomers observe the heavens to learn its lessons and secrets. Even so the planets and celestial orbs observe the Creator’s ordinances as they remain in their ordained orbits.

v.12-13 Who can discern their lapses and errors? Clear and restrain me from unconscious faults, let them not have dominion over me.

“errors”=wandering within ordained limits as the planets in their orbits, like the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
“dominion”= to rule over as the sun rules over the day and the moon over the night [Gen. 1:18].

v.14 May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in thy sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

The Stars in their courses and the planets in their orbits, cycle through seasons of change in their orientation to the Sun. As the planets seem to “wander” in their appointed courses, ordered by God according to the phi ratio, like a sine wave they move both closer to, and farther from the Sun’s light. Even so, man in his growth and maturation process “wanders” on the path towards God’s light, and his physical and even spiritual growth also, is ordered by the same phi ratio. As we discern these orbits and their planetary lapses, we are enlightened, warned and instructed in our walk with the Lord. There is abundant grace and mercy in God’s forgiveness, even as a child stumbles and falls before he walks, and walks before he runs. As we learn to walk closer with our Maker, and run to serve His perfect counsels and purposes, we lend our voice to the growing chorus of the Body of Christ, walking the paths of the holy, while avoiding the snares of the evil one, until that long-awaited day when the Lord returns for us in the ultimate victory of the ages. This is some of the key teaching we can glean from the Celestial Gospels, as they exhibit some of the strongest evidence for the reality of our Almighty Heavenly Father and Creator.

Heavenly Signs – The Faithful Watchman

Other categories of Celestial Signs we have documented on this blog since 2015 include:

1. Solar Eclipses; [3/20/15, 8/31/15, 9/1/16, 6/24/17]
2. Nova’s; [4/6/15]
3. Supernova’s; [11/20/15, 11/1/2018 Celestial Prelude;
4. Planetary Alignments; [1/24/16] Birth of Moses
5. Blood Moon Tetrads; [3/30/15, 5/16/15, 6/15/155/31/16, 10/4/17, 6/21/18, 11/1/18]
6. Planetary Conjunctions; [7/26/15, 10/7/15, 6/30/16]
7. Mercury Transits: [4/30/16, 11/10/19]
8. Comets; [12/13/16, 11/1/16, 9/10/18]
9. Super Moons; [1/15/18, 2/08/18]
10. Lunar Occultations; [10/1/18, 3/1/20]
11. Earthquakes; [7/13/19, 1/17/20]
12. Gospel in the Stars; [4/23/20, 5/8/20]

*Please check the linked blogs under each category of Heavenly signs for greater Biblical details on each type of sign.

Problems with Faulkner’s Interpretation of Orion

The name Orion appears three times in the Bible (Job 9:938:31Amos 5:8). Rolleston correctly noted that Chesil is the Hebrew word translated as “Orion” in all three uses (Rolleston 1865, part 2, p. 30). “Rolleston viewed Orion as a type of Christ. Part of this came from the name “Orion. The meaning and source of this name is obscure, but, according to Allen (1963, p. 304), it comes from Akkadian, and means “Light of Heaven,” an apparent appeal to Matthew 4:16 on Rolleston’s part.”14  Faulkner references various mythologies and legends where some of those stories have Orion stung on the foot, but others do not specify where the scorpion stung Orion.”15 We are more concerned with the star lore from a biblical or Hebraic perspective, although ancient Egyptian myth has proven to contain many of the celestial gospel themes in their original star names and decans. Many of these themes survived the idolatrous corruption of myths linked to the Solar cult of RA and Pharaoh’s ties to it, so that some ancient truths of the Gospel in the Stars still live, for example in the Dendera Zodiac, in the Coma decan prior to its Greek corruption.

As we view the Genesis 3:15 Planisphere Axis in Figure 1 below, we will clear the air of the confusion Faulkner seems to be spreading regarding the Gospel in the Stars. This axis embodies the persistent hope of mankind in the Coming Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Faulkner correctly references Genesis 3:15 as the 1st Messianic prophecy in God’s Word, and as such is a key reference, worthy of a closer look as a foundation to the Gospel in the Stars.

Gen. 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Here we have a reference to the seemingly endless struggle between light and darkness, embodied between the serpent and its seed, versus the Woman with her seed. God is telling the serpent that the seed of the woman, who is Jesus Christ would bruise the serpent’s head, indicative of the fatal blow that Christ inflicts on Satan, as opposed to the serpent stinging Christ’s heel, showing Christ’s sacrifice, that freed all mankind from the serpent’s curse. This story from Gen. 3 is depicted  in astonishingly powerful ways in the Gospel in the Stars, as seen with this Planisphere Axis below.

Figure 1. Genesis 3:15 Planisphere Axis.

This “Genesis 3:15 axis” extends through the North pole intersecting a number of constellations and notable decans that relate aspects of the Genesis 3:15, theme from various teaching perspectives. Starting at the top of the planisphere, we find the Scorpion constellationScorpius, whose prominent tail stinger is positioned just under the heel of Ophiuchus the Serpent-bearer constellation, who is engaged in a struggle with the serpent. The axis intersects the star in Ophiuchus’ heel, called Saiph, in the LXX Greek meaning “bruised.”16 This is the same Greek word used in Gen. 3:15 for “bruised,” while Ophiuchus’ other leg is poised over the head of the Scorpion, showing the fatal blow as he crushes the enemy. This enlargement of Ophiuchus wrestling the serpent for Corona-the Crown of Dominion, while the Scorpion stings his heel, tells us how our spiritual adversary is pictured both as a serpent and a scorpion, in conflict with the man, fitting the three Scriptural elements of the star picture. In Hebrew the Scorpion is Akrab, meaning war or conflict; [Ps. 91:13] with the man.

Figure 2. Ophiuchus, Serpens and Scorpius.

the serpent scorpion

As this axis extends through the next sign, we find it intersecting the decan of Ophiuchus called Hercules, whose foot is placed above the Head of Draco the serpentdragon at the North pole. The axis runs between the two heads of Hercules and Ophiuchus, who are aligned, but inverted to each other. The star in Hercules head is called Ras Al Gethi, meaning the head of him who bruises, keeping with the Gen. 3:15 theme. 17 As this axis extends down to Hercules left foot, it shows the result of Ophiuchusbattle with the Serpent, since Hercules left foot is crushing the Dragon’s head, seen in Fig. 3destroying the devil’s works. As Hercules is kneeling, his right heel is lifted up as if it was wounded, in some star maps with a spear through his heel. [Rev. 12:9-10, Ps. 74:12-14]

Figure 3. Hercules foot over the Dragon crushing it’s Head. 18

The Fourth Star-family - Part 3

If we now look at the other end of the Gen. 3:15 Planisphere Axis, we find amazingly that it intersects Orion, specifically at the star in Orion’s foot named Rigel, meaning “the foot that crushes,” which is fitting since it is pictured crushing the enemy. The main star in Orion’s other leg incredibly is “Saiph” the same word for bruised we saw in Ophiuchus that is used in Gen. 3:15! Not only do we find both ends of this amazing Planisphere axis agreeing with the same star name tied to Gen. 3:15, but before the axis reaches Orion’s foot, it intersects his the bright star in Orion’s shoulder called Bellatrix, meaning “swiftly destroying,” in reference to the swift destruction of the enemy at the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. 19

Job 38:31-33

31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? 32 Canst thou bring forth
Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? 33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the Earth?

Figure 4. The decan of Orion, with his foot over the Hare initiating the River of Judgement.

zodiac stars

The original meaning of Orion is “coming forth as light.” The same word is used in Genesis. 1:17 and Isa. 60:1, referring to the light of the celestial luminaries.

Faulkner takes exception with Rolleston’s linking of Christ’s identification with Ophiuchus and Orion in the Celestial Gospel, despite the obvious parallels in this stellar depiction of [Gen. 3:15.] But if we let the stars speak, their witness of truth shines through any confusion. Faulkner says that Rolleston “observed that although in most charts Orion’s foot rests upon a hare, in at least one ancient Indian star chart there is snake in place of the hare. Presumably, this snake has bitten, or bruised, Orion’s heal, but he is crushing the serpent’s head in fulfillment of the first Messianic prophecy (Genesis 3:15).”20 Of course, this depiction of a serpent instead of a Hare is not limited to Indian zodiacs, but was also the case in the Dendera zodiac, along with Persian zodiacs as well. 21 As we have seen with the square Dendera Zodiac it is not only one of the oldest planispheres around, as found with its depiction of the Great Sphinx, but it is also a uniquely wonderful source for the identification of ancient decans, that describes Lepus the “hare,” as a serpent. According to Seiss, the Persian and Egyptian zodiacs also include the image of the serpent under Orion’s foot, caught in the claws of a hawk or eagle. 22

According to Faulkner;
There are several problems with Rolleston’s connection of Orion and Jesus Christ. First is Rolleston’s parallel between Orion dying by means of a scorpion and Christ’s heel being bruised by Satan. For example, the scorpion story is not the only story of Orion’s demise. An alternate ending (Olcott 1911) has Orion swimming away after battle with the scorpion when Apollo tricked Artemis into shooting the dark object in the water (Orion’s head) with an arrow. Only later did Artemis sorrowfully learn that she had killed Orion. Rolleston seemed to select the stories that best fit her hypothesis and ignored others. Furthermore, a scorpion is not a snake. To claim illustration of Genesis 3:15 with a scorpion is a tremendous stretch.”23

Since the Gospel in the Stars is a pictorial representation, that parallels God’s Word, at times they tell a composite story of the truth of Christ. This axis is a good example of a composite pictorial depiction of Gospel truth, that is backed up by the meanings of the individual star names in the constellations and decans of these star pictures. The combined image of this Gen. 3:15 Axis not only presents 3 heavenly giants in combat with serpentine enemies, but there is also a forth decan on this axis shown taking the central star of the heavens away from the dragon’s control. Once the serpent replaces the Hare from later zodiacs, this Gen. 3:15 axis shows a powerful unified image in multiple constellations all centered around the Gen. 3:15 theme.

Figure 5. Draco and Cepheus at the North Pole.


The fourth decan referred to above is Draco the dragon, seen in Figure 5 above, with Hercules’ Foot above its head, inside one of the circles of the Northern Polar Venn Diagram. This is pictured astronomically as the dynamic equatorial pole slowly moves around the static pole of the ecliptic, at the center of the upper circle. The common area between these overlapping polar wheels we find as a vesica of the Venn Diagram. This gives us another viewpoint of the precession of the poles, as the equatorial pole shifted from Thuban, in Draco’s tail to Polaris of Ursa Minor over the past 5000 years. This fulfills the promise of the coming redeemer, as our Gen. 3:15 axis passes through the current pole star Polaris, seen under the feet of Cepheus, the Crowned King, [Eph. 1:20-22]. This celestial image of the King of kings is realized and fulfilled in Christ Jesus, who now presides over the central star of the heavens, formerly under the dominion of the Dragon. Within this Polar circle, we find a triangle that encloses the Little Bear of Ursa Minor. The Triangle roughly consists of the Ecliptical pole at the center of this upper circle, along with two pole stars. One is Thuban the former pole star in the Dragon’s tail on the circle’s perimeter at the upper right corner, and the other is the current pole star Polaris, at the lower-left corner. As we find in Figure 6 below, the Pole star marked Al Ruccaba, is under the foot of Cepheus, meaning “the Branch,”24 exerting his authority over all Creation. Thus the man’s wounded foot has become the instrument of the serpent’s destruction, not only seen in the crushing fatal blow to the serpent’s head, but also is witnessed in the outcome of Ophiuchus’ struggle with the serpent for the Crown [Corona in Fig.2] of Dominion.

Figure 6. Cepheus the Crowned King.

Once again we find the common thread of truth running through this Gen. 3:15 Axis, because in the knee of the leg over Polaris, we have the star Al Rai, which means “he who bruises or breaks,25 since it is the man Jesus Christ as King Cepheus, who ultimately breaks the serpent and destroys it. This name Al Rai also marks a star in Orion that matches with Cepheus, just like the star Saiph matches Orion with Ophiuchus on both ends of this axis! This is by design of the Almighty, who named these stars, and aligned them to tell the divine story we are witnessing in the Gospel in the Stars right now! What critics like Faulkner have failed to realize, is that just like the Written Word of God is divinely inspired, so the Gospel in the Stars is also from the same Source. This signature of the Almighty on His handiwork is all the proof required to show the genuine validity of the Hand of the Almighty that underwrites the Celestial Gospel.

Faulkner’s problems with linking Christ with Orion seem to be that they don’t agree with mythology, which would be fine if world myths were the standard for truth. They can be valuable as we have noted, when they preserve the ancient themes of the Biblical Patriarchs written in the Gospel of the Stars, but not so much when they embody the corruption of those truths. As the stories support the biblical theme of the Genesis 3:15 prophecy of Christ, they not only show themselves worthy of our attention, in this case, but other cases also where the constellations and decans reference specific Scriptural themes. As we pointed out, the constellations can use composite truths as seen in Figure 2, where both the snake and the scorpion are pictured in conflict with the man, so the theme of [Gen. 3:15] is upheld as the scorpion and serpent depict it, especially when we take into consideration the other serpents being crushed by Christ figures on this axis! So the standard is, does the stellar image agree with Scriptural truths? Not does it fit our pet thesis, opinion or cultural mythologies.

Faulkner’s use of cultural myths as a basis for interpreting the meaning and message of the stars is an unfortunate example of him accusing Rolleston, Bullinger and Seiss of exactly what he is guilty of; choosing the argument that fit his critique of Rolleston’s Gospel in the Stars thesis. Faulkner’s cursory handling of the Hebrew word and root for Orion is another example. As Faulkner states;

A third problem with Rolleston’s interpretation is chesil, the Hebrew word used for Orion. Elsewhere this word is translated “fool.” For instance, the eight times that the word fool appears in Proverbs 26, this is the word used. Thus, by the Hebrew name for him, we can see that Orion is not an individual worthy of respect and devotion. To equate this fool with a type of Christ at the very least seriously borders on blasphemy, and most Christians ought to find this offensive. If Rolleston had been as proficient in Hebrew as required to do the word studies that she supposedly did, then she would have known that the Hebrew word for Orion is the same as a “fool.” Instead, Rolleston (1865, part 2, p. 10) claimed that chesil means “bound together,” while Bullinger (1893 p. 125) claims that chesil refers to a great man, but these claims are patently false. Rolleston either was not qualified to do these studies, or she intentionally ignored this blasphemous connection. Bullinger, Seiss, and others ought to have known better than this, but, alas, they did not, or they chose to go with their pet thesis instead. This is an example of gospel in the stars proponents ignoring biblical names for stars, opting instead for pagan sources, because those sources support their thesis.”26

A more in-depth view of the Hebrew Root structure for “chesil” is seen in an analysis from Strong’s Concordance, of this word. If Faulkner would have paid attention to Strong’s handling of this word, he would have known that sometimes a single Hebrew word, can have different usages. In this case “chesil” [H3685] is the name of the constellation Orion, [Job 9:9, 38: 31-33, Amos 5:8], which the orientals call the Giant, perhaps where Bullinger got his “great man” from? They apparently saw this as the figure of an impious giant bound to the sky, referring to Job’s; “canst thou loose the bands of Orion?” Gesenius has a revealing comment and warning that says; [We must not interpret the Scripture as though it countenanced foolish superstition.] 27 Had Faulkner followed Gesenius’ advice here, he could have avoided the bulk of his undistinguished commentary, since much of mythology could be considered “foolish superstition,” [1 Tim. 4:7].

Another usage in this category in reference to Isa. 13:10 is the “Orion’s” or giants of Heaven, talking about the greater constellations of the sky in a Star Atlas catalog. Since Orion is one of the most prominent and visible signs in the sky, it was used as an exemplar for these types of constellations. A third usage of this word [H3686] refers to a town in Southern Judah, along with a fourth usage [H3687] referencing “folly,” [Prov. 9:13]. 28 This compares to what Faulkner discussed [H3684], but he made no references to these other astronomical usages of this word, because it did not fit his rant that people should be offended on the blasphemous ramifications of comparing Christ to afool.” Again, Faulkner is the one “ignoring or omitting biblical names for stars like “Orion,” so that he can criticize Rolleston, Bullinger, and Seiss, in their support of the Gospel in the Stars. This also links to another of Faulkner’s criticisms of Gospel in the Stars backers, that we are not adhering to the “Hebrew words closest to the original intended meanings and their soteriological purposes, and thus ought to be central to the Gospel in the Stars thesis.”29 It seems this qualifies as a key example where we make our case for not only the Gospel of the Stars, but also provide a lesson in “not handling the Word of God deceitfully,” expressly for egotistical purposes or self-promotion, [2 Cor. 4:2]. These tendencies from Faulkner only serve to undermine his critique.

The last decan highlighted by our Gen. 3:15 Planisphere Axis, is Auriga, as seen below in Figure 7. Our axis runs very close to the point where the large horn of Taurus, the onrushing Bull pierces the heel of our Shepherd. In keeping with the Gen. 3:15 theme we have found with all the signs and decans our axis marks, here the Bull’s horn strikes the heel of Auriga’s right foot, at the star named Al Nath, meaning the wounded or slain. 30

Figure 7. Auriga The Shepherd. [Jamieson, 1822]

auriga-jamieson-1822-cr (373K)

Bullinger says; “He is the Good Shepherd who gave his life for the Sheep, [Jn. 10:11], the Great Shepherd who was brought again from the dead, [Heb. 13:20] and now the Cheif Shepherd, [I Pet. 5:4] seen in the day of his coming glory.” 31 Auriga depicts a picture of the exalted and mighty savior, exercising his loving mercy and salvation in the midst of the scenes of judgment, just as the scriptures tell us that in the midst of wrath he remembers mercy. (Hab. 3:2)

Auriga contains the sixth brightest star in the sky: Capella, the goat star, the chief star in this decan means “She-goat,“32 and marks the heart of the mother goat. She and her kids are scared but they are safe in the arms of the shepherd. Here we see the Shepherd ruling in his authority, rescuing his own from evil, gathering and protecting as a shepherd. With our Gen. 3:15 axis closely by-passing Capella before reaching the tip of the bull’s horn piercing his heelAuriga sits astride the Milky Way, the symbolic Lord Jesus Christ, the sacrificial lamb who is coming again to execute judgment.

With the conclusion of our Gen. 3:15 axis running down through Orion, we find issuing from Orion’s foot, the River of the Judge-Eridanus, [Hab. 3:5]. This indicates Jesus‘ righteous judgment against the enemy and all the evil ones. Along the course of Eridanus, we find the Serpent-Cetus’, futile attempt to alter or stop the inexorable flow of these waters of 33
 judgment with one of its claws. The evil ones will never be able to escape their doom, because of their refusal to succumb to the loving Grace of God in Christ. Thus, their end resides where these waters of judgment pool in the Lake of Fire, or the Second Death. [2 Thess. 1:7-8]

In summary, the Genesis 3:15 Axis provides a panoramic view of the Gospel in the Stars across the expanse of the signs in the Zodiacal band, of the stars named and numbered by The Creator, to relate the infinite theme of God’s eternal purpose carried and fulfilled by His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, as told in the first Messianic prophecy written in God’s Word. The truth as it is presented in the heavens by the Hand of God Himself, is indisputable, to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

The True Desire of God’s Heart is that all men be saved, and come unto a knowledge of the truth…so it is as we see the final days approaching, we reach out with God’s loving arms to those walking in darkness, to show them the light!!

God Bless!




1. Strong’s Concordance, [H226] James Strong.
2. Greek-Hebrew Key Study Bible, Lexical Aids to the OT, [H226], p. 1577
6. Strong’s Concordance, [H226] James Strong.
7. Strong’s Concordance, [H68-Eben] James Strong.
8. IBID,  [H1714-degel] James Strong.
9. IBID.
11. IBID.
12. IBID.
13. IBID.
14. IBID
15. IBID.
16. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger, p.58
17. IBID, p. 59
18. Figure 3 [picture credit] []
19. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger, ppg.126-127
21. Star Lore, Wm. Tyler Olcott, p. 244
22. Gospel in the Stars, Joseph Seiss, p. 116.
24. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger, p. 103.
25. IBID.
27. Gesenius’ Hebrew Lexicon to the OT, “chesil” [H3685].
28. IBID, [H3686, H3687].
30. Witness of the Stars, E.W. Bullinger, p. 135
31. IBID.
32. IBID, p.134.
33. IBID, p. 129.

General Reference: The Genesis 3:15 Planisphere Axis, is my expanded teaching based on Bob Wadsworth’s original teaching from “A Voice Crying in the Heavens.” Bob is well known for his articles in the Biblical Astronomy Newsletters for many years, a wonderful resource in this field.

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Are Virtue Signaling Pastors Breaking the Law?

As we are all making sacrifices and enduring certain hardships due to the Covid-19 virus,
I wanted to pass on Jon Nessle’s excellent article in a special blog post this month.

Are Virtue Signaling Pastors Breaking the Law?
(2020 Covid-19 Pandemic)
By Rev. Jon O. Nessle

It was the winter of 1974 and my first Sermon. The room had been rented and
everything organized and I was ready. But then a snow storm hit. Normally an inch
or two of snow would not thwart my congregation who were from small Midwest
towns and farms, who would not think much of it. But this snow fall was over 8
inches! I called everyone up and said, don’t come. We will reschedule it. I knew
that there would be some stubborn or persistent folks who would brave the elements
and still try to come and I had elderly members that I did not want to put at risk. So
I postponed the meeting and told everyone to even call folks that they didn’t think
would come, just to make sure no one tried.

Weeks later when the meeting was to be held again, it began snowing again. I
declared, not again! I called up a few strong believers and we prayed for the snow
to stop. At the same time another congregant was flying in to the local airport. He
later told me of a strange thing he witnessed. He saw the snow stop falling! He said
it happened all across the sky simultaneously. The snow stopped all at once and as
the plane was descending to land he watched the clear patch of sky increase in size
moving downward. The layer of snow fell together like a falling blanket, leaving
clear air above! I asked him when was this? It was exactly at the same time we were
praying. We on the ground saw the snow stop and so we continued preparations for
the meeting.

Then one hour before the meeting was to start, I received a phone call from my
Mother. Her house had caught on fire! Thankfully, it was put out in time and the
damage was not terrible. I was 30 miles away. I asked her if she was OK and she
said yes and I explained that I could be there in a few hours and she said that was
fine. So I taught my first Sermon and made the Devil sorry he ever messed with me!
What was the difference between those two incidents? Wisdom.

With this current pandemic, these are unprecedented times in our lifetime,.
Ecclesiastes, a book of wisdom declares:
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under
the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time
to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a
time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time
to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a
time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of

Perhaps this too is a time for wisdom : Because of the potential to spread the virus,
this is a time to refrain from embracing. Sometimes we face situations in which
there seem to be conflicts of priorities or Laws. This is one of them. On one hand,
the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution states that “Congress shall make no
law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
On the other hand, Regional Health Authorities and State and County Governments
are imposing quarantines or limits on the size of meetings including Church, to limit
potential exposure to the virus. What should we do? Normally such constitutional
things are adjudicated in a Court of Law in which a Judge weighs the issues and then
based upon his or her wisdom, applies the law. We do not have time for that, for
this virus does not wait. But since this conflict of law will ultimately be resolved by
wisdom, can we not appeal to wisdom now?

This is the key question: Is complying with the Government’s temporary restriction
on large meetings, including Church meetings, an act of fear and therefore a violation
of faith? Is there a Biblical precedent for this situation? Yes there is! Quarantines
are Biblical and the rules are outlined in Leviticus 13ff. Therefore, obeying
quarantines are not a questioning of our faith.
Leviticus 13:1-5
1 And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, saying,
2 When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab,
or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of
leprosy; then he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest, or unto one
of his sons the priests:
3 And the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of the flesh:
and when the hair in the plague is turned white, and the plague in
sight be deeper than the skin of his flesh, it is a plague of leprosy:
and the priest shall look on him, and pronounce him unclean.
4 If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh, and in sight be
not deeper than the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned white;
then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague seven days:
5 And the priest shall look on him the seventh day: and, behold, if
the plague in his sight be at a stay, and the plague spread not in the
skin; then the priest shall shut him up seven days more:

The priests were tasked with the job of diagnosis and quarantine because they were
authorities who could be trusted. While some could dogmatically claim that the
observation of such things must be done exactly the same today, I say that the
principles that are here can transfer to our modern situation. Today the trusted and
licensed ones who are tasked with diagnosis of disease and setting quarantines are
Doctors. Back then the Priests were trained and experienced in this. Today our
equivalent, Pastors, Priests and Rabbis, etc. are not. But the truth of quarantining
for a period of time still stands.

The Law of Moses also contained fascinating details about hygiene that protected
the Jews from germs 3000 years before they were discovered by Louis Pasteur.
There are directives about washing after touching dead things, and being unclean for
periods of time. This also includes washing clothes that were worn and even shaving
and social distancing!
Leviticus 14:8
8 And he that is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes, and shave off
all his hair, and wash himself in water, that he may be clean: and
after that he shall come into the camp, and shall tarry abroad out
of his tent seven days.
9 But it shall be on the seventh day, that he shall shave all his hair
off his head and his beard and his eyebrows, even all his hair he
shall shave off: and he shall wash his clothes, also he shall wash his
flesh in water, and he shall be clean.

Leviticus 14:34-48 even speaks of checking homes and condemning the buildings.
Again in modern times, religious leaders are not tasked or trained for such things.
Other trained and licensed experts are. It is fascinating to read this section of
Scripture knowing that mankind did not know about germs (but God did…)
Leviticus 15:2-13
2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any
man hath a running issue out of his flesh, because of his issue he is
3 And this shall be his uncleanness in his issue: whether his flesh
run with his issue, or his flesh be stopped from his issue, it is his
4 Every bed, whereon he lieth that hath the issue, is unclean: and
every thing, whereon he sitteth, shall be unclean.
5 And whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe
himself in water, and be unclean until the even.
6 And he that sitteth on any thing whereon he sat that hath the issue
shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean
until the even.
7 And he that toucheth the flesh of him that hath the issue shall
wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until
the even.
8 And if he that hath the issue spit upon him that is clean; then he
shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean
until the even.
9 And what saddle soever he rideth upon that hath the issue shall
be unclean.
10 And whosoever toucheth any thing that was under him shall be
unclean until the even: and he that beareth any of those things shall
wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until
the even.
11 And whomsoever he toucheth that hath the issue, and hath not
rinsed his hands in water, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe
himself in water, and be unclean until the even.
12 And the vessel of earth, that he toucheth which hath the issue,
shall be broken: and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water.
13 And when he that hath an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he
shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his
clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.

Leviticus 17:15
And every soul that eateth that which died of itself, or that which
was torn with beasts, whether it be one of your own country, or a
stranger, he shall both wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water,
and be unclean until the even: then shall he be clean

Disease was prevented by the requirement to go outside the camp and defecate there
and then bury it. (Deuteronomy 23:12, 13.) Bloodborne diseases were prevented by
the prohibition of eating blood and viruses borne by unclean animals were avoided
by dietary laws. Leviticus 22: 4ff states that these rules even applied to the priests
themselves. Furthermore, Exodus 30:17-21 required the priests wash at the Laver.
While this would have ceremonial significance, it also has health implications for
the Tabernacle was a place of assembly for the congregation and as such, a common
source of the transmission of germs, much like schools are today. Social distancing
also was part of the Law:
Deuteronomy 23:10, 11
10 If there be among you any man, that is not clean by reason of
uncleanness that chanceth him by night, then shall he go abroad
out of the camp, he shall not come within the camp:
11 But it shall be, when evening cometh on, he shall wash himself
with water: and when the sun is down, he shall come into the camp

So was the compliance with the Law a question of fear or faith? No, it
was of 
obedience. Therefore because of this precedent, I think that wisdom
should prevail 
and that we ministers who run Church meetings ought to think
of our most vulnerable congregants and not put them in harm’s way. Look. The Priests
and even Moses were super-believers and at times had interceded to miraculously stop
plagues, more than once. So why were these health related regulations even needed?

Yes, these times are fearful and assembling with fellow believers is a comfort, but
the mitigating factor of the potential for virus transmission discourages that. But
thankfully, because of our affluence and technology in the USA and other countries,
there are other ways of assembly. We can assemble virtually over the Internet or in
cell phone conference calls. But we also must reach the most vulnerable group
which is our elderly folks who make up a significant proportion of some Churches.
They do not tend to utilize technology to the same degree as younger generations.
But there are still ways of dealing with this. I heard of congregations who have
assembled in their cars in parking lots and the Pastor preached from horseback.
Churches could even utilize closed Drive in Theatres for this purpose.

Furthermore, I know of no general reason for any minister to require anyone
to break 
quarantine, unless, of course, one has technicolor revelation to do so.
I say “technicolor” because such a thing would violate what I have just shared from the
Bible. There is precedent for doing so like when Paul circumcised Timothy despite
what he wrote about circumcision, but again, he had technicolor guidance to do so.
So if a minister thinks he has such guidance, may I remind him that the rules for
prophets given in the Old Testament apply:
Deuteronomy 18:22

When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow
not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not
but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously:
thou shalt not be afraid of [revere, (hence obey any more)] him.

There could be a miracle like what happened with the snow preceding my second
meeting. But if there is no divine intervention, people could get hurt. So if anyone
follows his so-called guidance and gets sick he cannot attribute that to their lack of
faith. There are healthy Churches and unhealthy ones, true ministers and false ones,
and there is a lot of gray area in between for both. When it comes to such
complicated analyses, the words of Jesus suffice: “By their fruits ye shall know
them.” He did not say “by their words…”

In my opinion, any organization who legalistically requires people to attend Church
is violating the spirit of assembly which is at the core of any ekklesia. People ought
to be coming because they want to, because they get results, fruit, not just words. If
people are criticized and judged there, something is wrong. It is not healthy. Or if
ministers feel they have to signify themselves or their Church by breaking the rules
of quarantine, both rules, I say, of our secular government and in the Bible, unless
they have “technicolor” revelation to do so, it is either that they are confused,
immature or virtue signaling. The English Oxford Dictionary describes “virtue
signaling” as: “a pejorative neologism for the conspicuous expression of moral
values.” That is, it is a newly coined term of communicating disapproval by
conspicuously expressing one’s moral values. They are disapproving of the
quarantine by signaling their supposed “holy bravery” by implying they have great
faith in spite of it. Well, that’s great for you, but what about grandma? You can be
responsible for your own risks, for the Bible says, “may your blood be on your
head.” But what about the vulnerable folks in your congregation?

In a religious setting, virtue signaling is the “persistence or occurrence of various
costly religious practices such as circumcision, fasting, snake handling, and trial by
ordeal. This idea is that the participation in an act with a religious purpose serves as
a way to signal one’s dedication to the beliefs held by that religion, thereby signaling
personal morality to onlookers.” 1

These virtue signalers are trying to gain acclaim and followers like birds dancing and
displaying their plumage to attract mates. The Bible has another way of describing it.
Colossians 2:23a

Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility…

The word “will worship” is ethelothrēskeia which is defined as a self-devised external form of ceremonial service. 2
Self-devised, as in not of God, external, as in showing off, ceremonial, as in not practical or useable. So my advice is find yourself another Church if they are requiring you to break quarantine. After this is all over you can go back if there is anyone left…

1 Bulbulia, Joseph; Schjoedt, Uffe (2010-07-16), “Religious Culture and Cooperative Prediction under Risk: Perspectives from Social Neuroscience”, Religion, Economy, and Cooperation, DE GRUYTER, pp. 35–60


Jon’s reference to Ecc. 3 and the “28 times” as they relate to the 28 Lunar Mansions, fits in with our current series on the Lunar Mansions, which we will be wrapping up in our Part 3, blog post later this month.

From the 28 times in Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 we see the obvious juxtaposition to “easy times
vs. “difficult” ones14 on either side, like 2 hands. These associated attributes with the twenty-eight “times” in Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 come in pairs, and in each pair, one element is the opposite of the other. Birth/ Death; Planting/ Plucking; Killing/ Healing,
Breaking down /Building up, etc. This strongly suggests the goal is to portray a range
of human activity according to this pattern whether good or evil, depending on individual choice. Again, with the knowledge that all these results can occur in life, with God on our side in His path of righteousness, we can still prevail in the most difficult of “times” in this world. This brings to mind Deut. 30, where God’s Word lists some related pairs resulting from
freewill choice He has given to all men, to walk in their lives in the ways that they choose to go.

Deut. 30:19-20

19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

20 That thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for He is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

God not only gives us this freewill choice, He also tells us which choice benefits us the most! We are thankful for Jon Nessle, providing us a perspective of added wisdom in these difficult times that clarifies the vagaries of choice we are faced with every day.

Let’s Choose life Folks

God Bless,
