The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 and the Rev. 12 Heavenly Signs [Part I.]
A Primary theme of our work regarding the Biblical Astronomy surrounding the Birth and Second Coming of Christ is based on the idea of The Celestial Prelude. As we documented in our most recent Blog Post on The Blood Moon Tetrad and the Celestial Prelude, the heavenly signs over the last seven years of the BC era, recognized by the first Century Magi, not only allowed them to accurately discern the timing of the Birth of Jesus Christ, but they also set the pattern for an accurate end-time recognition of the heavenly signs marking the Second Coming of Christ. In this light, we have continued with a detailed comparison of heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ with those leading up to his glorious Return. This post carries on that theme. The accurate understanding of the Biblical Astronomy of these two most critical events in all human history, is based on the record in Revelation 12. To ascertain a proper Biblical perspective of this powerful Bible Prophecy, we must first allow that this record has a dual significance that applies in detail, both to the Birth and Return of the Lord Jesus Christ. In previous Blog posts, we have referenced the “sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow,” [I Peter 1:11] as one perspective from which to understand the dual significance of the Biblical Astronomy of the Rev. 12 record. The Sufferings of Christ were endured in his perfect sacrifice for Israel and all mankind, in the Birth, life-ministry, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. His glory we are close to witnessing as the heavenly signs that marked his first appearance on Earth, rewind to prepare us for his victorious Second Coming. As we have been documenting, the heavenly signs, and planetary conjunctions seen leading up to, and including the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, are setting the stage for the recapitulation of heavenly signs marking his glorious return. We can also understand the dual significance of this Rev. 12 record in light of the Ministry of Christ to Israel as the declaration of the King of Kings, which was rejected by Israel, resulting in the dispersion of the Jews during the Age of Grace, over the last 2000 years. The Second Coming of Christ represents the declaration of His Kingdom, when he sets up his Millennial Reign on Earth. As we have seen in the heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ, the Rev. 12 “Great Wonder in Heaven” was witnessed in the Sept. 11th, 3 BC sign in Virgo, fulfilling this prophecy, as the Sun Clothed Virgo with the Moon under her feet. These are the primary elements of this celestial prophecy that unmistakably mark the birth of Christ. As we have maintained for many years, and in my DVD presentation on The Biblical Astronomy of the Birth of Christ, available in our Bookstore in the Right hand margin of this page, we have documented the details of this Rev. 12 record, along with very moments of Christ’s birth in the Biblical Astronomy, and historical records that narrow the time of his birth down to a period of about 10 minutes! The graphic in Figure 1. below, from the book Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed, has been utilized a number of times to depict this heavenly sign. A number of renown, professional astronomers agree with this, not the least among them being Dr. Earnest Martin.
Rev. 12:1-2 (Rev 12:1) And there appeared3700 a great3173 wonder4592in1722 heaven;3772 a woman1135 clothed with4016 the3588 sun,2246 and the3588 moon4582 under5270 her848 feet,4228 and upon1909 her848 head2776 a crown4735 of twelve1427 stars:792 (Rev 12:2) And she being with child2192, 1722, 1064 cried,2896 travailing in birth,5605 and pained928 to be delivered.
Figure 1. Revelation 12:1 sign. 1

There are a number of key elements beginning with this sign in Rev. 12:1, when viewed in the context of the Return of Christ that can qualify as a Biblical chronology in this record, once viewed in the context of the current Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015. As a key Blood Moon prophecy from the book of Joel states:
[Joel 2:31] “The Sun shall be turned to darkness and the Moon to Blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.”
As we have detailed in numerous posts on this Blog, the Blood Moon Lunar and Solar Eclipses that have occurred on Hebrew Feast and holy days during the previous 7 Blood Moon Tetrads in the Age of Grace, culminating in the current eighth Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, represent a benchmark in the timeline leading to the Day of the Lord. Since we know that these heavenly signs will take place before the Second Coming of Christ, we can factor them into our comparison of heavenly signs leading us to the Lord’s Return. This is why we take note of not only the Blood Moon Tetrads, but all the Solar and Lunar Eclipses in the vicinity of the Tetrads, especially those marking the return of Israel to her homeland in 1949-50, and regaining Jerusalem in 1967-68, including the current 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad. The Solar and Lunar Eclipse/Feast dates of the current 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad are as follows:
April 29th, 2014 Annular Solar Eclipse
October 23rd, 2014 Partial Solar Eclipse
March 20th, 2015, Total Solar Eclipse [Nisan 1]
Sept. 13th, 2015, Partial Solar Eclipse [Feast of Trumpets]
Sept. 15/16, 2015 Celestial Sphinx Sign [Rev. 12:1-2]
Sept. 23rd, 2015 Day of Atonement/50 Year Hebrew Jubilee
Sept. 28th, 2015 Super Blood Moon-Feast of Tabernacles
The Partial Solar Eclipse on September 13th at the Feast of Trumpets this Fall is the next heavenly sign in the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, before the fourth and Final Super-Blood Moon on the Feast of Tabernacles, Sept. 28th, 2015. Between these signs marking the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Tabernacles this September, we have the Day of Atonement on Sept. 23rd, 2015. This day opens the 50-year Hebrew Jubilee, year 5776 on the Hebrew Calendar! Technically, the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 does not completed until the 28th, but the fact that this initiates a special Jubilee 7–year Sabbatical period, alerts us to the synchronicity in God’s timing of these events. This Day of Atonement/Hebrew Jubilee is also critical being exactly 2 years prior to the Sept. 23rd, 2017 “Great Wonder in Virgo,” [Rev. 12: 1-2], but the Day of Atonement in 2017 is not till Sept. 30th.
As we compare this to the heavenly signs of The Celestial Prelude, there was a key planetary alignment and a Blood Moon both in Pisces, exactly two years apart on Sept. 15th 7 BC and the same date in 5 BC. These heavenly signs not only directed the Magi’s attention to the sign Virgo, clothed with the Sun, but also the lunar eclipse on September 15th of 5 BC, establishing that the Magi should be watchful of lunar activity marking Christ’s birth. This framed the 42 minute period between Sunset and Moon-set on the only day of the year when Virgo “was clothed with the Sun and the Moon at her feet, as prescribed in Rev. 12:1. Thus it is quite significant leading up to the Return of Christ that another two year period from the Day of Atonement: 9-23-2015 to the Rev. 12:1 sign on 9-23-2017, is being marked in the heavens, as at the Birth of Christ. Just as Jupiter was recognizedby the Magi as “His Star” [Matt. 2:2] at the birth of Christ, so Jupiter the King Planet is actually being “birthed” during the two weeks leading up to this sign of “the Sun clothing Virgo with the Moon at her feet,” on 9-23-2017. As we can see, the parallels between the Celestial Prelude of the Birth of Christ and his glorious Return are eye-opening!
Below we can see the Figure 2 graphic from the Stellarium Astronomy Program, depicting the celestial sign from 9-23-2017. Virgo is “Crowned with 12 stars,” circled in red in Leo. This “crowning of Virgo” including the 3 planets; Mercury, Mars, and Venus, aligned with the king star Regulus in Leo, is fitting since Leo is the royal sign of Judah that forms the crown of 12 stars over Virgo’s head as part of the Rev. 12 sign, fulfilling Rev. 12:3 in one sense. It is fulfilled in another sense as explained below when considered from the view of the Celestial Sphinx. Also marked in Figure 2, is the king planet Jupiter being “birthed,” near Spica [Al Zimach] of Virgo, clad in the Sun with the Moon at her feet. An important note related to the Celestial Sphinx, is that as dated above, we find an added Rev. 12:1 sign on Sept. 15/16th, 2015, with the Sun in Virgo and the Moon at her feet, while Venus is in Leo from June through October of 2015 in a triple conjunction with Jupiter. Thus we see the king Planet Jupiter, in a celestial dance with the Venus-the Bright and Morning Star, leading up to the “birthing of Jupiter” in Virgo, in 2017. This seems to reflect the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Regulus in 3-2 BC, marking the birth of Christ as Jupiter the king planet crowned Regulus the King star and brightest star in Leo, which started 3 days after the Rev. 12 sign in Virgo on Sept. 11th, of 3 BC, also a sign of the Celestial Sphinx.
Figure 2. Sept. 23rd 2017- Virgo Clothed with the Sun and Crowned with 12 Stars. 2

(Rev 12:3) And there appeared3700 another243 wonder4592 in1722 heaven;3772 and behold2400 a great3173 red4450 dragon,1404 having2192 seven2033 heads2776 and2532 ten1176 horns,2768 and2532 seven2033 crowns1238 upon1909 his848 heads.
The word “appeared” [G3700]3 in verse 3, refers to a detailed gaze of fascination, noting its structure as something to be wondered at. This second “wonder in heaven,” is a celestial sign like the previous verse, since the same Greek word [G4592-semeion] is used in both instances, but referring to a different class of heavenly sign, a circumpolar called Draco the Dragon set by the Creator at the northern Celestial Pole [Job 26:13]. This is the first of 13 uses of “dragon” in Revelation, indicative of the disorderly and rebellious nature of the fiery Red Dragon. We find here the seven fold order of the Dragon’s spirit kingdom referenced in the Dragon’s 7 heads along with the 7 crowns upon his 7 heads. These 7 heads imply 7 ruling [unclean spirits-daimon; Rev. 16: 13-14] who embody a leading aspect of the Dragon’s power over his spiritual kingdom, as he opposes the Kingdom of God in Christ. During the heavenly sign of 9-23-2017, shown in Figure 2 above there is a notable conjunction of the Moon and Saturn in Ophiuchus, once the Moon moves beyond Virgo’s feet. The sign Ophiuchus is depicted in Part II. of this post in Figure 7, in his struggle with the head and tail of the Serpent Serpens, divided by the man Ophiuchus. Serpens is also depicted in Figure 7 with the 7 stars of Corona the Crown sign over its head as the “god of this world,” symbolizing not only the authority handed over to the serpent in Adam’s fall, but also the authority of the 7 ruling spirits above. Serpens is also uniquely marked with 7 stars in its head -neck segment held by Ophiuchus, matching the description of the heavenly sign in Rev. 12:3. Thus the union of the Moon with Saturn in Ophiuchus as part of the great Rev. 12 heavenly sign on 9-23-2017, unmistakably identifies the crowned Serpent Serpens with its prominent head and tail, as this 2nd “wonder in heaven,” in verse 3 above.
(Rev. 12:4) And his848 tail3769 drew4951 the3588 third part5154 of the3588 stars792 of heaven,3772 and did cast906 them846 to1519 the3588 earth:1093 and the3588 dragon1404 stood2476 before1799 the3588 woman1135 which was ready3195 to be delivered,5088 for to2443 devour2719 her848 child5043 as soon as3752 it was born.
This verse [Rev. 12:4] also relates directly back to the first prophecy of the promised seed in Gen. 3:15, where the seed of the woman would bruise the serpent’s head, while the serpent’s seed bruises the man’s heel. As the dragon’s head directs the spirit realm in his tail, the desired acts of persecution and destruction against the woman’s seed are carried out by the serpent’s seed-those who follow the Way of Cain [Jude 1:11], in open rebellion against the true God. This revealed the overriding purpose of the serpent at Christ’s birth, devouring the Promised Seed of the Woman, as soon as he was born. We saw an example of this in the actions of the serpent’s seed-King Herod, who murdered all the male children around Bethlehem under age 2, in an effort to devour the infant Jesus, as soon as he was born. Having failed at this, the enemy turned his attention to the persecution of Israel and the Christian believers as the Second Coming of Christ grows nearer. We can see this ever increasing Judeo–Christian persecution in today’s headlines, as the great Day of the Lord quickly approaches.
Figure 3. from “Apian”s Astronomicum Caesareum,” [Ingolstadt 1540 AD] The Dragon’s alternating head & tail. 4
As seen in Figure 3: the graphic above, there is an ancient connection in Mythology and Astrology, with dragon and the lunar cycle, seen here in the lunar Node; the point where the Moon crosses over the ecliptic, was also called the dragon’s head and tail, dictating the periods of the eclipse cycle, according to the phi ratio. The Eclipse limits for both solar and lunar eclipses are dictated by a 6 degree range within 12.5° to 18.5° of the lunar Node, wherein a New Moon or Full Moon takes place. The average period of 173.333 days between eclipses, is seen as the Sun links with a lunar Node when two of these 173.333 day-periods elapse, giving us an eclipse year of 346.62 days, 18.6 days short of the solar year of 365.242. This reveals an aspect of the phi ratio because 18.618 x 18.618=346.62 telling us that the eclipse year relates to the overall luni-solar cycle via the phi ratio of 1.618. This link between the head and tail of the dragon and the eclipse cycle of the luni-solar year, establishes the importance of not only the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, but also the related Blood Moon Lunar and Solar eclipses during this period.
Since the 6 degree range of the lunar Node was formerly tied to Draco at the northern Celestial Pole, it indicates the time before the dragon throws down his spirit realm in verse 4. However, after the dragon itself is struck down, in verses 8-9, its head and tail would be transferred from the polar regions, down to the ecliptic, where Serpens and the Hydra are located. This powerful figure of dragon casting down his 1/3 of the stars of heaven, [fallen angels] to the Earth, was symbolically depicted as a literal Meteor shower from the Constellation Draco, during the time of Christ’s birth. For a deeper look into this topic, please review our website article: “Introduction to the Jupiter-Regulus Conjunctions.” As we approach the Second Coming of Christ, this section of Scripture takes on a new perspective in reference to the War in Heaven.
When we compare the 1/3 of the stars [G792-aster]3 of heaven being cast down in Rev. 12:4 as opposed to verse 9, we find that the dragon throws 1/3 of his angels down in verse 4, but in verse 9 the dragon itself is cast out to the earth and an undisclosed number of his angels are cast out with him. The casting out in verse 4 is an action of the Serpent’s will, as these fallen angel’s are under his authority, being dragged in his tail. But in verse 9 the dragon has no choice, being thrust down with his angels. Also the War in heaven that initiates both the dragon and his angels being cast out of heaven does not take place until verse 7. Thus it appears that the first casting down of 1/3 of the fallen stars in verse 4, occurred at the birth of Christ, signified by the Eta-Draconid meteor shower that took place during Sept. 11th, 3 BC, but the second casting out of the dragon is still future.
R.H. Allen adds that; “the conclusion of the verse [Rev. 12:4] “did cast them to the earth,” would show a possible reference to meteors.”5 This is the earliest reference in print I have found that ties a Meteor shower to this section of Revelation 12. This Meteor shower that originates from the tail of Draco, the dragon, is linked to its parent comet, known today as the Giacobini-Zinner Comet. Traditionally comets have been viewed as omens of dis–aster, perhaps another ironic twist from the Heavenly Father to mark the fall of the archaic Morning Star with a heavenly sign pointing out his own disastrous end, at the birth of the Ascending Morning Star Jesus Christ. As we can see, a dual perspective of this record in Rev. 12 based on it applications to both the Birth and Return of the Lord Jesus Christ, opens up some aspects of these truths that have gotten little or no attention to date. Part II of this post will look into more of these details as they come to the surface.
This concludes Part I of this post, we will follow-up with Part II later this week.
1. Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed, American Christian Press [picture credit]
2. Stellarium Astronomy Program, Virgo clothed with the Sun and the Moon at her feet; 9-23-2017.
3. Strong’s Concordance, [G3700, G4592, G792], James Strong.
4. Apian”s Astronomicum Caesareum, [Ingolstadt 1540 AD]
5. Star Names their Lore and Meaning, R.H. Allen