Biblical Astronomy of the Venus-Mars Conjunctions of 2015.
The Biblical Astronomy of the Venus-Mars Conjunction of February 22, 2015 is a unique heavenly sign, the first of two Venus-Mars conjunctions in 2015. The first Venus-Mars union from Feb. 21-22 in Pisces, presages the Spring Equinox on March 20th/Nisan 1, while the second Venus-Mars conjunction occurs November 3rd, 2015 in Virgo. As we stated in our previous post, the Total Solar Eclipse on Nisan 1, opens the ecclesiastical year in the Hebrew Calendar on the Spring Equinox, even as the Partial Solar Eclipse marks the opening of the civil yearon Hebrew New Years, Sept. 13, 2015 and the Feast of Trumpets.
Even as Jesus fulfilled the Spring Hebrew Feast and Holy days, from Passover through Pentecost in his first appearance on Earth, and his ministry to Israel, so we can expect him to fulfill the Fall feasts and holy days of the Hebrew calendar in his victorious return. We can see this in Christ’s ministry as Prophet, Priest and King because as he embodied the one-time perfect sacrifice for Israel as the Passover Lamb, so he also took on the duties of the High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek, whose eternal priesthoodhas permanently replaced the Aaronic Priesthood, with the sacrifices of bulls and goats. These duties were highlighted by the sufferings of Christ as he laid down his life not only for Israel, but for all mankind. The fall feasts however reflect his majestic glory and the inception of his Millennial reign on earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, returning to vanquish all his foes, installing his everlasting Kingdom of Righteousness.
We find this conjunction of Venus-Mars on Feb. 21-22, located on the ecliptic almost at the point where the Sun will mark the Spring Equinox in the following month, on March 20th. This directs our attention to the opening of an important Jubilee year on the Hebrew Calendar, on March 20th/Nisan 1 with a Total Solar Eclipse. Having this Sabbatical year marked not only by planetary conjunctions, but also with the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, certainly distinguishes the Biblical Astronomy this Sabbatical year above many others in the eyes of the Almighty. These two Venus -Mars conjunctions of 2015 effectively frame the crescendo of the Blood Moon Tetrad in 2015, between Feb. 21-22 and Nov. 3rd. This reminds me of some similar heavenly signs involving Venus and Mars that surrounded the Biblical Astronomy of the birth of Christ. Between the March 31st, 2 BC Venus-Mars-Saturn conjunction and the Venus-Mars union of 12-9–2 BC some key heavenly signs surrounding the birth of Christenlightened the heavens. The following segment of my DVD presentation on the Biblical Astronomy of the Birth and Return of Jesus Christ, details some of these heavenly signs for us.
For the complete story on these heavenly signs and the Biblical Astronomy surrounding the birth and return of Jesus Christ, you can order your copy of this DVD from our bookstore. [read more]
As we saw in our Biblical Astronomy DVD presentation, the June 17th, 2 BC conjunction of the King Planet Jupiter and Venus the bright and Morning Star was a key heavenly sign marking the birth of Christ. The fact that there were two Venus-Mars conjunctions bracketing this Jupiter-Venus conjunction, between March 31st, 2BC and Dec. 9th, 2BC, should alone arrest our attention. But when we add the fact that the greatest portion of heavenly signsmarking the birth of Jesus Christ in 3-1BC were also bracketed by two Jupiter-Venus conjunctions, really causes us to stand up and take notice. The first Jupiter-Venus Conjunction took place on August 31st 3BC, in Leo with the last one occurring on August 21st 1BC, in Virgo.
As the mainheavenly signs marking the birth of Christ are summarized in the Alpha-Omega signs of the Biblical Zodiac–Virgo and Leo, we see the signs of the celestial Sphinx emphasized once again. For more details on this topic, please refer to my study on the Biblical Archaeo-astronomyof the Great Sphinx [read more]
Since the Venus-Mars conjunctions of 2015 bracket the crescendo of the Blood Moon Tetrad in the Sabbatical year of 2015, we see Venus-the bright and Morning Star unified with Mars, signifying the Warrior Archangel Michael, emphasized in their battle joined against the forces of darkness. Even as the Dragon attempted to take out thepromised seed of Israel, Jesus Christ at his birth, so the persecution of Israel has continued, as the series of Blood Moon Tetrads has witnessed over the last 200 centuries. Ever since the prophecy of the Promised Seed first took place in [Genesis 3:14-15] spiritual warfare has been waged [Rev. 12:7] between the forces of Light and Darkness, coming to points of crisis as seen in the dual fulfillment of [Revelation 12:1-4].
Archangel’s Sword and the Blood Moon
As we have already seen, the dual fulfillment of [Rev. 12:1-4] is witnessed in the sufferingsof Jesus Christ, fulfilling the Spring feasts and holydays as the embodiment of the Passover Lamb in his ministry to Israel. The gloryof the Lord is seen in his fulfilling of the Fallfeasts and holy days in his victorious return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The events playing out in today’s Middle East region surrounding Israel’s current war, is setting the stage for the end of days– the final events of human history leading up to the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ. As the 2015 Blood Moon Tetrad concludes later this year, a key aspect of Joel’s Prophecy[Acts 2:20] will have been fulfilled before our eyes.
Acts 2:20 “The Sun shall be turned into darkness and the Moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord Come.”
It was not a coincidence the Apostle Peter quoted the words of Joel in the preamble of his Pentecost sermon; [Acts 2:17-20] opening the Age of Grace. This period of God’s awesome blessing which brought us the availability of the spiritual new birth, was kept secret by God since the World began, [Rom. 16:25-27, Eph. 3:2-7]. Now we stand at the precipice of the fulfillment of this wonderful Age, the end of which Peter prophesied at its inception, whose conclusion will witness the ultimate victory over the forces of darkness told in the heavens by these specific celestial signs. The series of partial/total solar eclipses on the Lord’s Feasts and holy days, along with the series of Blood Moon Tetrads leading to theconcluding Blood Moons we are about to witness, including the first Blood Moon this year coming on April 4th in the Spring of this Jubilee year of 2015, initiates the completion of the set of preliminary heavenly signs that Joel prophesied would take place. Since there are no more Blood Moon Lunar or Solar eclipses scheduled to fall on Hebrew Feast days for the next 500 years, there has never been a time in human history where all the prophetic requirements leading to the End of Days has been in place like they are now. Joel told us these signs would occur “before the great and notable day of the Lord,” referring to the long-awaited return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Recognition of the specifics of how the second fulfilling of [Rev. 12:1-4] comes to pass, along with the key planetary conjunctionsand other heavenly signs, involved in the completion of this scenario, will tell the tale of the Biblical Astronomy of the End of Days, as we countdown to 2017.
The Christmas Holidays and the Birth of Jesus Christ
Entering the traditional holiday season and the historical celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, always raises the question of when the actual birth of Christ took place. Most people realize that the date of Jesus Christ’s birth was not on December 25th, despite the nativity scenes or the historical “Christmas” holiday. In order to distinguish the truth about the actual birth of Jesus from what tradition has held for centuries, we must take a hard and detailed look at what the Bible says about the birth of Christ first and foremost. The Biblical witness to the birth of Christ, along with what history and astronomy tell us about not only the year, but also the day of Christ’s birth, is detailed here.
The birth of Christ as the anointed Savior of the world was a highly anticipated and longed for event, being prophesied not only in the Bible and Biblical cultures, but also non-Christian or Judaic religions. Many world cultures have a rich tradition of the coming of a foretold Savior of the world. Thus the significance of the birth of Jesus Christ has worldwide implications, but we must start with the Biblical record to get a clear understanding of what the Bible says about the birth of Jesus. As we begin our study of the Biblical record of the birth of Jesus Christ in the gospel of Matthew, we notice key astronomical events leading the Magi to Jerusalem in search of the new born King of Kings. It is therefore critical to recognize what the Bible says about Astronomy, along with the heavenly signs that took place from 3 to 1 BC. As we view the Biblical and historical record we will find awesome detail in how the celestial epistles support, compliment and establish the witness of God’s Word. Some astronomers and theologians have tried to link the 12 BC sighting of Halley’s Comet with the birth of Jesus Christ, as seen in the graphic below, but this is much too early to accurately tie into the biblical record of Christ’s Birthday. Comets also have been seen as a sign of evil and foreboding, not marking the coming of a great king. All the kingdoms of Creation truly stand in Praise and Honor to the witness of the Creator, Who founded the heavens, and set their combined beauty in motion, marking the birth of Jesus Christ the King of Kings.
Nativity Scene
In earlier posts on this Blood Moon blog, we have seen how the heavenly signs of the Celestial Prelude set the pattern for the birth of Jesus Christ, as recognized by the Magi. As we have noted, the Magi would have perceived the tantalizing detail of heavenly signs from 7 BC to 5 BC, and we can imagine their excitement as they witnessed the heavens come alive with the prophesied signs of the Messiah’s birth. We have also come to realize the significance of the sacred feasts of the Hebrew calendar, marked by the Blood Moon Tetrads of the Age of Grace and the importance of Tishri 1, Rosh Hashannah linked to the first sighting of the New Moon at the feet of Virgo, on the equivalent of our September, 11th 3 BC. This highlighted Hebrew New Years Day in the most sacred seventh month in the Hebrew calendar, marking the birth of Christ.
Matt. 2:1-2, 9-10Mat 2:1Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, [2]Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. Mat 2:9 and are come to worship him When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. [10]When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
When the Magi first noticed Jupiter, his star in the rising, in August of 3 BC, it began a corroboration of the celestial prelude of 7-5 BC, and it set the wheels in motion bringing them to their historic destination, to discover the promised seed of Israel in Bethlehem, in December of 2 BC. In Matthew 2:2 the Magi asked the first question recorded in the Gospels when they said; Where is he that is born King of the Jews?As the only ones aware of the true nature of the heavenly signs of Jesus’ birth, these Gentile Magi set the stage for all the world to salute the King of Kings.
The Greek words in Matt. 2:2, “in the east“ are en te anatole, literally meaning “in the rising, referring to the Heliacal Rising of a star in the dawn before sunrise.” 1 The “east“ is a Biblical figure of speech called an idiom representing truth, which is appropriate since the Messiah’s birth would bring the long awaited “all truth” [Jn. 16:13] of the ages. An interesting aspect of this word “anatole” is that it’s Hebrew equivalent is translated “tsemach.” This is a direct correlation to the star Al Zimach(the branch) in Virgo, known to us as Spica. This is the stellar representation of Jesus Christ as the promised seed of the woman Virgo, in a constellation representing Israel. Thus, the sunlightof the dawn and the light of “his star”–Jupiterare both seen prophesying the birth of “the branch” Jesus Christ. This witness of the Scripture not only alerts us to the roles of both Jupiterand the Sunin the stellar revelation of the birth of Jesus Christ the Promised seed, but it also reflects the year-month affinity between the cycles of the Sun and Jupiter. As the Sun spends a month in each of the 12 signs of the zodiac, so Jupiter spends a year enlightening each zodiacal sign.
Thus the light of the king planet Jupiter, in it’s Heliacal Risingin Conjunction with Regulus the king star in Leo, signaled the Magi regarding the birth of the Christ the King. With Jupiterinretrograde motion in Leo, it highlighted the king starRegulusin a tripleconjunction between 3-2 BC. [triple Gen. 49:9-10]
The accuracy of God’s Word here is truly breathtaking, when we consider that the same word for both the sunlight of dawn, and the pre-dawn light of Jupiterare translated as “the branch” in the Hebrew. This prophecy of Jupiter and the Sun, also witnesses to the 4 dimensions of Christ’s ministry as the branch;the King, Son of Man, Son of God and Servant, as seen in the four gospels;Matthew, Luke, John and Mark. When Jesus Christ matured to full manhood according to Hebrew Law, at age 30, he displayed the full awareness of his place in history, and his local circumstances, by announcing the opening of his ministry during a Jubilee year.
Just as the Sabbatical year was a year of rest and restoration for the land and soil, so also was the Jubilee, which was heralded by a chorus of trumpets. What better year than a Sabbatical year could there be for Jesus Christ to carry out his ministry? What better time could there be for the renewal of all Creation, than the birthday of the promised seed enacting its recovery? 28 A.D. was also the year that Jesus was resurrected and in this “year of our Lord,” Christ Jesus proved his Lordship over both the Sabbaths of days and years, for example by working seven healing miracles on seven Sabbaths of rest during his ministry to Israel. Of special interest in the sacred seventh month, is the lunar cycle which provided the basis of the Hebrew calendar, devoted to the Lord. On Tishri 1 the first-born or New Moon was specially celebrated at the “Feast of Trumpets,” which coincided with the first appearance of the thin crescent moon under Virgo’s feet on this natal day of creation, the Day of Trumpets, our September 11th, 3 BC. We have also noted in previous posts on our Blood Moon Blog, that the birth date of Christ was framed by Blood Moon Lunar eclipses near Passover in 5 BC, and coinciding with the death of King Herod in January 1 BC. [read more]
To grasp the significance of the the birth date of Jesus Christ in Biblical Astronomy terms, we need to take a closer look at the Creation record, when God first set the heavenly orbs into motion.
The 12 Signs of the Zodiac
Gen. 1:14-18
14 And God Said Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven, to divide the day from the night: and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years: 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also. 17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth. 18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness, and God saw that it was good.
Menorah Mosaic
The word for “lights” in the firmament [Gen. 1:14, 16 “maor“] is the same word used in reference to the lampsof the Menorah, (Ex. 20:27, 35:14). This word shares the same root of the word used for “light” in Genesis 1:3-4, which God divided from the darkness, setting the standards of Day and Night. It is noteworthy that the Day was divided from the Night and the light from the darkness prior to the Creation of the Sunand Moon. Also, the foundational order of Creation seen in God’s command dividing the light from the chaotic darkness, incited by the enemy in his overthrow of God’s original order in the First Heaven and Earth, preceded God’s re-ordering of this light in the Second Heavensand Earth. The verses above also exhibit how the Sun, Moon and Stars regulate the seasons, feasts and years in God’s created temporal order. [read more]
They were also important markers for someone significant to come, in this case the Redeemer of Mankind-Jesus Christ, in both his birth and Second Coming. [Jupiter’s Triple coronation of Regulus video and graphic] As such, and within the context of the dual application of the prophecy in Rev. 12:1-2, and the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, with the other heavenly signs and celestial cycles involving the Sun, Moon and Stars, point out a general and even more detailed timing of the Second Coming of Christ, just as they did with his birth and first appearance. This reference from Genesis reveals the links between the cycles of the Sun and Moon, and the light which these two great lights shed upon the earth. The purpose of the Sun, like other stars, is to give light upon the earth, the nature of which is a three-fold light. First, it’s physical light in a literal sense because the stars along with the moon and planets illuminate the earth. Secondly, as we have seen in the study of astronomical cycles, their numerical model is based on the phi ratio, and the base 60 Space-Time standard of the precession of the equinoxes. This is an important aspect of Natural Law, reflected in the symmetry of creation. Phi ratio Symmetry is the basis of the nano-structure of microcosmic matter, the macrocosm of the firmament, and the conceptual world of mathematics. Symmetry is latent in God’s created temporal order, ruled by the regular cycles of the Sun, Moon and Stars, daily and yearly. Thirdly, the stars, planets, Sun and Moon illuminate earth in spiritual light: the eternal light of the witness of God’s Word, a primary theme of our study. The principles of these 2 great lights ruling over the day and night, marking out days, months and years, is also preserved in the luni-solar calendar of Israel, unified according to the phi ratio, in symphony with the 50-year cycle of the Hebrew Jubilee. The phi ratio, also known as the divine proportion, or golden ratio, is a central aspect of the Symmetry and beauty in God’s creation. We find this depicted in the word “Seasons” in Gen. 1:14 [H4150-moed] meaning an appointed or fixed time, signal, an assembly convened for a specific purpose, a solemn feast or festival, place of meeting, or year.2 Thus, as these 2 great lights of the Sun and Moon coordinate with the stars exhibiting special signs on the holy feast days and sacred festivals of the Hebrew calendar, we find the unification of these three celestial calendars in God’s created temporal order exerting a powerful influence as a “mandate from heaven,” over Israel and the cultures of the world. A great example of this is the current Blood Moon mania in the headlines of world media, raising the awareness of end times prophecy and the history of Israel in the collective public mind.
Since Rosh Hashanah as Tishri 1, is the “head” of the Hebrew calendar, New Year’s day and Jesus’birthday, the first day of the 50-year Hebrew cycle of Jubilees, it gets our undivided attention as we realize that New Years Dayon the Hebrew Calendar is also marked by the Blood Moons and Solar eclipses over the last 2000 years. Since the Blood Moons embody a state of crises or the bloodshed resulting from War in Israel, we can trace the activities of the spiritual enemies of Israel throughout Biblical and secular history. To gain a true insight into the links in Blood Moon Tetrads with Hebrew feasts, we need to grasp how Christ relates to these Hebrew feasts. Rosh ha-Shanah on Tishri 1, was the “head” of the Judean calendar as New Year’s day and Jesus’ birthday, the first day of the 50-year Hebrew cycle of Jubilees. This set the foundation temporal pattern of the holy seasons, and feasts of Israel’s sacred calendar. During the “Great Wonder” of Rev. 12:1, the feet of the woman, Virgo fall at the autumnal equinox, one of the so-called four “pillars of heaven,” the four Cardinal Directions on the compass. This celestial point was generally marked on the Hebrew calendar by the Feast of Tabernacles, which occurred later during this Seventh Month. The significance of Tishri 1 the seventh month, is seen in the following from Edersheim:
“Just as age was reckoned from Tishri 1 to Tishri 1, so were the regnal years of Judean Kings. The blowing of Rams horn trumpets was also part of the royal coronation ceremony of these Judean Kings.”3
Thus the inception of Jesus’ reign as King of Kings is marked on his birthday of Tishri 1, the “Day of Trumpets,” with heavenly signs in Virgo near Spica, so we see similar signs with Blood Moon Lunar and Solar eclipses occurring on Hebrew feasts marked by a series Blood Moon Tetrads. The significance of the king’s coronation tied to Rosh Hashanah, New Years Day and the head of Israel’s calendar, is that Christ is the King of Kings presiding over all temporal, civil and sacred matters as the King-High Priest of Israel.
This represents the first installment on our Blood Moon Blog post, on The Birthdate of Jesus Christ, with Part 2 coming later this month.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Folks!!
1. Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the NT, Thayer
2. Ibid-H4250
3. The Temple,Alfred Edersheim
4. Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the NT, H5982, H5975
Biblical Astronomy of the Hebrew Temple and Tabernacle
Summary of Blood Moon Lunar-Solar Eclipses and the Lord’s Feasts [Part I.]
The first installment of this study focused on many levels of the Menorah pattern of 7, related to the Lord’s Feasts and holy days. When viewed in the context of the Blood Moon Tetrads, the Menorah takes on new light culminating in the Blood Moons of 2014-2015.
Picking up from key elements in the first part of this study of the Blood Moon Tetrads linked to the Lord’s Feast’s over the last 2000 years, we noted important ties to agricultural aspects of the 7 Feasts of the Lord, and their relation to the harvest of certain crops. Within the structure of the Lord’s 7 O.T. Feasts, the Hebrew Calendar focused on three of these sacred feasts, all commemorating the celebration of an important harvest. The first harvest was celebrated in Nisanduring the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the barley harvest, when a sheaf of barley was brought to the Priest for the wave offering of the first-fruits of the harvest. This was the first day the Hebrews began counting the 7 weeks toward Pentecost. During our current Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, the next heavenly sign that occurs on a Hebrew Feast will be a total Solar Eclipse, taking place on Nisan 1 of 2015. This represents the center of this Blood Moon Tetrad, initiating the sacred year of the Hebrew Calendar. The 2nd harvest observance was the wheat harvest at Pentecost, 50 days later. The third harvest was the Feast of Tabernacles in the middle of the 7th month. This final harvest of the year included the grapeharvest, ending the agricultural year before winter. As these three feasts of the Lord were celebrated during three separate harvests, they also celebrated three great events in the history of Israel. First, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, celebrated Israel’s Exodus from the bondage of Egypt. The second, Pentecost was recognized by Hebrews to mark the time God first revealed the Law to Israelat Mount Sinai. The third feast, the Feast of Tabernacles was a 7-day feast commemorating God’s watchful care of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness forty years. [Levi. 23] As we have just witnessed the final harvest Moon, as a Blood Moon on the Feast of Tabernacles in October of 2014, we can see the continuance of God’s watchful care for Israelduring their current war with Hamas. This war will eventually escalate to a situation where Israel is surrounded by her enemies, intent on wiping her off the map, but Almighty God will intervene to save Israel and destroy those enemy nations coming against her.
The 40 years of Israel’s wandering in the wilderness depicted not only God’s care for His chosen people, but also God’s righteous judgment on Israel for their stiff-necked defiance. God’s plan of redemption was structured around these feasts illustrating future events in Bible prophecy, related to how these feastsare fulfilled in the ministry of Christ as Prophet, Priestand King. The feast of Unleavened Bread shows the resurrection of Christ as the first-fruits from the dead, [I Cor. 15:20-23]. The wheat harvest of the Feast of Pentecost illustrates the giving of the holy spirit on the Day of Pentecost, when the apostles and believers initially spoke in tongues. The Feast of Tabernacles depicts the resurrection of the just and unjust, in the harvest at the end of the world.1 This is being highlighted by the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 especially in last harvest Moons, as Blood Moons during the Feast of Tabernacles in both years, emphasized during the Jubileeyear of 2015.
There were 7 weeks of counting, that linked Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread with Pentecost. At the time of the first Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread,Israel left the bondage of Egypt. A major transition point during the Exodus was the giving of the Law at Sinai, to which Pentecost became linked. The last Passover embodied in Jesus Christ. symbolizes not only Israel’s Exodus from Egypt, but the Church’s Exodus from death and bondage to the OT Law. The current Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, conspicuously marks the Passoverfeasts of both these years in the last Blood Moon Tetrad that will not take place again on Hebrew feasts or holy days, for the next 500 years!! Christ’s redeeming work led to Pentecost in 28 AD, when the new birth first became available, and the gift of holy spirit was poured out as prophesied by Joel [Joel 2:28-31], starting a new spiritual administration, the Age of Grace. Christ was resurrected at the first harvest during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, as the first-fruits from the dead. At Pentecost in 28 AD, the believers were made a harvest, manifesting the first-fruits of theholy spirit as they spoke in tongues for the first time; [Rom. 8:23]. Believer’s in the age of Grace having the first-fruits of the spirit, meet Christ in the air in his victorious return for his Saints, gathering us together, [I Thess. 4:14-17]. Christians during the current end times are warned by a series of Blood Moon Tetrads, among other heavenly signs, leading to the last days prior to our gathering together unto the Lord. The final, and complete harvest will be at the return of Christ withhis Saints, when the enemies of God are vanquished, and remaining believers are resurrected. God’s Word describes this as the harvest at the end of the world.2[Matt. 13:38-39]
As the first-fruits from the dead, Jesus Christ is the crown of God’s spiritual harvest, being resurrected at the first harvest during the feast of Unleavened Bread. At the very time of offering the first-fruits according to Leviticus 23:10-11, Jesus Christ furnished himself as the first-fruits from the dead, the first in a long line of believers who will conquer death. The perfect coordination of the luni-solar celestial cycles with theLord’s Feasts as we have seen in the Blood Moon Tetrads during the Age of Grace, shows the undeniable witness of the Creator’s Hand behind these events, according to His perfect foreknowledge. The apparent consummation of these Blood Moon Tetrads seems to be taking place at the posting of this Blood Moon blog in the fall of 2014, leading into the Jubilee year of 2015. The sooner the followers of both Christianity and Judaismrecognize that Christ fulfilled every aspect of the 1st three of the Lord’s Feasts and the Old Testament Law, the more prepared we will be for his immanent return.
Jesus Christ fulfilled the OT Law as a result of his first appearance in his ministry to Israel, including the first set of three feasts, opening the way for Pentecostin 28 AD. “When the Day of Pentecost was fully come…” [Acts 2:1a], which had been in process for centuries prior, the way was finally cleared for the holy spirit new birth to be shared with humanity. Now we stand at the threshold of the Lord’s long awaited return when he will fulfill the second set of three feasts of the Lord leading to the feast of Tabernacles as seen in the Hebrew calendar.
One aspect in the celestial relationship to these feasts is seen clearly in connection with the Book of Ruth. This short story in the OT Bible record holds great insight for our understanding of the Lord’s Feasts, as they relate to the 1st and second appearances of the Lord JesusChrist. Ruth was a Gentile woman, of the Moabites, who by God’s Grace and Mercy was included in the Royal genealogy of King David. Ruth 2:11-12 records Boaz’ high opinion of Ruth and her reward, for her trust under the Hand of the God of Israel. Ruth came to Bethlehemwith Naomi, at the start of the Barley harvest [Ruth 1:22 to 2:22], and gleaned in the fields of Boaz till the end of the Barley and Wheat harvests, [Ruth 2:23]. Following this she obeys Naomi’s instruction to go to Boaz, activating her right of the eastern custom called kinsman redeemer. Since Boaz was part of Naomi’s family, and both Ruth and Naomi’s husbands had died, it became Boaz’ right to take Ruth in marriage, if a closer kinsman didn’t activate this right ahead of him. Ruth 3:9 shows how Ruth presented herself to Boaz and how he covered her with his cloak, signifying his acceptance and protection of her in their resulting impending marriage.
As we consider the skies during this time of year in Israel, its instructive to realize Virgo’s position during this harvest season. When viewed historically, we find astronomers as early as Caesius, linking Virgo with Ruthgleaning in the fields of Boaz.3Annually we can see Virgo’s position mirroring the harvest seasons as follows. Virgoarises in the Eastduring the Barley harvest and Wave Offering, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Virgo at Sunset on September 11th 3 BC, marking Christ’s Birth.
Virgois at zenith, the highest point in the sky during early evening at the start of the Wheat harvest, during the Pentecost Feast. Finally, Virgois settingin theearly eveningwestern skies of the latter harvest, during the Feast of Tabernacles. As we find in the graphic above, this matches Virgo’sposition on the eve of September 11th, in 3 BC!4 We should be reminded that this was the period when theSun was clothingVirgo, giving us a beautiful link to Boaz spreading his cloak over Ruth, as a figurative sign of his acceptance and protection of her. Since Boaz was part of the royal genealogy leading to the Christ, the Sun of Righteousness and the light of the world, enlightening Virgo is truly a beautiful celestial figure aligning with this Scriptural truth. It also embodies the Bridegroom [Ps. 19:5], as Christ, clothing his Bride-Israel, a figure of the marriage supper of the Lamb, all foreshadowed in Boaz redeeming his kins-woman Ruth! This Marriage Supper of the Lamb will occur during the Feast of Tabernacles, while the latter harvest relates to the 14th day of this seventh month of Tishri.
Also, when the Gentile Ruth came to Bethlehem, the birthplace of both David and Jesus and was allowed by God’s Grace, to share in the Lord’s royal genealogy, she was a forerunner of the Gentile Magiwho came to Bethlehem as the first Gentiles to recognize the promised seed. Remember that it was his star–Jupiter in Virgo leading the Magito Bethlehem, following their meeting with Herod. The graphic below depicts, not only the 12 signs of the Hebrew Zodiac in the center of this Temple scene, quartered in the four points of the compass or the Cardinal directions, but also the Tabernacle with Menorahs in the upper box, along with the women, as Ruth gleaning in the fields during harvest time, in the lower box.
Hebrew Temple Zodiac
This perspective on the Book of Ruth gives us a panoramic view of the Biblical harvest feasts in light of the celestial events surrounding the birth of Christ. We can see that these harvest feasts were first addressed to Israel in the Old Testament, with important applications to the Blood Moon Tetrads in the Age of Grace marking the victorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we recognize Jesus Christ; as the master key to unlocking God’s Word, both written in the heavens and in Scripture, our understanding of the majesty of God’s Word and Works to and for man, is enlightened at new levels of understanding that God has opened to us.
Hebrew timekeeping is based on the Creator’s system regulated by the celestial cycles of the Sun, Moon and Stars according to [Gen. 1:14-17]. As we have already seen, the 12 signs/months of the Hebrew Zodiac directly relate to the 12 tribes of Israel, as Israel is enlightened by this 12-fold light of God. The Creator spun the stars and planets in their orbits in the heavens, to shed light upon the earth according to this 12-fold symmetry. We have also seen how the 50-year pattern of Hebrew Jubilees is based on the golden section, or phi ratio which governs the growth life of the plant, animal and human kingdoms on earth. These agricultural and biological growth cycles are in turn ruled by the cycles of Sunlight via photosynthesis in plants, indicating light’s dominion over the four kingdoms of life on the earth. Photosynthesis is possible due to another 12-fold symmetry found in the chlorophyll molecule, a life-giver for the agricultural and biological life kingdoms that transforms light into organic substance. Is it a coincidence that the spectrum’s of light and sound are also built on 12-fold symmetries? Not at all, since God is light and in Him is no darkness at all, and the sound of His Spoken Word at Creation reverberates throughout all Creation since the Beginning, as the basis of what holds it all together. Thus it is fitting that this symmetry is carried to the harvest seasons of the Hebrew Calendar and the 7 feasts of the Lord associated with these harvest celebrations.
1. Jesus Christ our Passover, VP Wierwille, ppg. 407-408
2. Jesus Christ our Passover, VP Weirwille, p. 409
3. Star Lore, Myths, Legends and Facts. William Tyler Olcott, p. 385.
4. Graphic Credit from Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, VP Wierwille
The cosmologyof the Hebrew Menorah is an important topic to understand when it comes to the celestial symbolism of God’s divine prophetic plan for His Tabernacle and Temple in the Old Testament. The Menorah embodies the pattern of sevenseen in the Creator’s Temporal order, beginning with the Creation Week, and extending through the pattern of seven year Sabbaths, leading to Pentecost and Hebrew Jubilee. We also find this plan in 7 Administrations, or ages of time that God set up from the beginning. The Creator spun the stars and planets in their heavenly orbits to reflect His universal pattern of growth life as seen in the phi ratio, and the Fibonacci number series to rule over the four seasons and the sacred rhythms of all life. As these stellar cycles dictate the Creator’s Temporal order in Nature, humanity can join in the flow of the Song of Creation in the circadian rhythms of life, as we grow and change through the seasons of Life. God has promised to keep these seasons turning as part of His covenant with Noah after the Great Flood, [Gen. 8:22]. The Cosmology of the Menorah is a key aspect of the plan of the Tabernacle, depicting the heavenly order of our solar system based on the principles of the phi ratio. This comes to light mainly in Revelation 1:10-20 below, where Christ stands at its center, embodying the Sun of our solar systemholding seven stars in his right hand.
God designed the plans and blueprints of the earthly Temple and Tabernacle based on the only original version of His Heavenly Temple, [Rev. 11:19]. Hebrews 9:11-12 also tells us that the heavenly Temple is the center of worship of the Creator and True God, and also where the godly angels minister to the One True God, [Ps 104:3-4]. In the graphic below we see the structure of the Tabernaclewith its Outer and Inner Courts subdividing the double-square blue-print, based on the phi-ratio. The Interior of the Tabernacle was divided into two squares, the outer square was called the Holy Place, while the inner Square was a perfect cube, called the Holiest of All, containing the Ark of the Covenant. In the Holy place was found the Table of Shewbread, where its 12 loaves of Shewbread were placed, relating to the 12 tribes of Israel, symbolized in 12 precious stones of the High Priest’s Breastplate as he ministered to the nation of Israel in the Old Testament. We find this pattern mirrored in the heavens with the 12 major signs of the zodiac containing the celestial prophecies, and also in the New Testament as Christ chose 12 Apostles to minister to his church, along with the “seven angels of the seven churches.”
As we have seen in the number symbolism already pointed out in related studies, the number 120 continues to appear in key contexts. For example, the Holy Place in Solomon’s Temple had 10 Tables of Shewbread, each with 12 loaves, [10×12=120]. This is mirrored in New Jerusalem with 12 foundations of precious stones, also with the same number of 12 pearls, angels and apostles. This numbersymmetry is reflected in the Book of Revelation, in the New Jerusalem whose dimensions are 12,000 furlongs square, with a wall of 144 cubits, whose human residents number 144,000, [120 x 1200]. Added to the Table of Shewbread in the inner court, were the Golden Altar and the Menorah. Even as there were 10 Shewbread tables in Solomon’s Temple, so his Temple also held 10 smaller Menorah’s, each with 7candlesticks [7×10=70 lamps], so there were 70 souls from Jacob’s loins [Ex. 1:5] multiplied as the stars of Heaven [Gen. 15:4-6, Deut. 10:22]. This number symmetry extends to the 70 elders ruling Israel, known as the Sanhedrin, and the 70 Sabbath years Jerusalem kept while Judah was in Babylon, [Jer. 35:11]. This carries to Judgement on Jerusalem of 70, 7’s completing its transgressions, to bring in everlasting righteousness, [Dan. 9:24]. This is mirrored in the NT as Jesus also chose 70 Disciples to spread his gospel, [Lk. 10:17].
Hebrew Tabernacle Plan
God’s instructions to Moses regarding the Menorahare set in Exodus 25:
Exodus 25:31-40
31 And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his branches, his bowls, his knops, and his flowers, shall be of the same. 32 And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side: 33 Three bowls made like almonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick. 34 And in the candlestick shall be four bowls made like almonds, with their knops and their flowers. 35 And there shall be a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, according to the six branches that proceed out of the candlestick. 36 Their knops and their branches shall be of the same: all it shall be one beaten work of pure gold. 37 And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it. 38 And the tongs thereof, and the snuffdishes thereof, shall be of pure gold. 39 Of a talent of pure gold shall he make it, with all these vessels. 40 And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount.
Verse 37 indicates the purpose of the Menorahlamps, “that they may give light…’ It is noteworthy that this is the same purpose of the heavenly luminaries stated in Genesis 1:14-16. Interestingly, the word for “lights” in the firmament, [Gen. 1:14, 16: *H216-maor] is the same word used in reference to the lamps of the Menorah, (Exodus 20:27, 35:14). Moreover, the same Hebrew word referring to the Menorah’sindividual lamps, also refers to the individual heavenly lights of the Sun and Moon in Gen. 1:16. So we see perfect relation between the purpose of the individual celestial cycles and the individual lamps of the candlestick, to shed light upon the Earth. The emphasis with a Sun-centered system is placed on the Light of God. God’s Light is the Source of Life on Earth, even as God is the Source of Light. The geometric structure of the Menorah reveals intricate details as we take a deeper look into the 3 Knops, 3 flowers and 3 Bowls on each of the branches off the central Menorah shaft. [Ex. 25:33] tells us of 3 bowls made like almonds, each with a Knob and Flower blossom on all 6 branches, showing [3x3x3=9] ornaments on each branch times 3 branches=27 on each side of the central Servant Branch [27×2=54], added to the 12 ornaments on the central branch [54+12=66]. Numerically this is interesting because there are 27 O.T. books in the Bible, and a total of 66 books in the entire Bible. Since the Bibleembodies all Scriptural light for Mankind, as a lamp unto our feet, [Ps. 119:105] it is a fitting truth. These numbers appear again related to certain heavenly cycles below, also mirrored in the 9 full seriesofcoloredcurtainsof Cherubim, each of 27 cubits on the Tabernacle’sinternal walls. It is interesting to note an correlation of these numbers to the internal and external measurements of the Tabernacle. The internal measures were 12 cubits wide by 29.5 cubits long. This links to the Luni-Solar cycle of 12 lunar months, with a 29.5308-day,lunar synodicmonth, [29 43/81 days]. The Tabernacle’sexternal measures were 30 cubitslong by 12 1/3 cubitswide. The 12 1/3cubits translates to 12.368lunar synodic months per solar year [12 7/19] harmonizing with the luni-solar cycle 12/30 day months according to the Phi ratio, over the 50-year Jubilee period.
Hebrew Menorah Mosaic
Revelation 1:10-20 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What you see, write in a book, and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia; to Ephesus, and Smyrna, and Pergamos, and Thyatira, and Sardis, and Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. 12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: 18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. 19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; 20 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.
Verses 12-16 above relate the description of the “Son of Man” as the one in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, shining as the Sun in his strength, [v.16]. This identifies the Sun, personified in Jesus Christ, [Mal. 4:2] holding seven stars, shining in the center of the seven branches of the candlestick. These seven heavenly luminaries are associated with the angels of the seven churches in Rev. 1:20. Here God’s Word draws a direct comparison, first, between the Sun in the center of the Candlestick, embodied in Jesus Christ. This sets the context wherein we can understand the symbolism of the other branches of the Menorah. Secondly, the angels of the seven churches are embodied in Seven Stars held in Jesus Christ’s right hand. At this point, we should notice the mythological roots of planetary symbolism, how the planets Mercury–Gabriel, Mars-Michael, Saturn-Satanand the Sunand light of the world–Jesus Christ, also called the Covenant Angel named Wonderful, [Judg 13:18], are linked with these stars.
In Revelation 10:16 the word for “stars” in reference to the seven stars held in Jesus’ right hand in the Greek is the word “aster“ [*G792]. This word is used in reference to both angelsand to heavenly bodies whether fixedor wandering stars, like the planet Jupiter [Matt. 2:2, 7, 9 & 10]. Matt. 2:2 is especially interesting in this light because here the Magi address the first question of the New Testament; “Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him.”
As we have seen, Jupiter is proven as the star of the Messiah, and as the King planet, it is prominently mentioned by the Magi as identifying Jesus as the King of the Jews. Another Biblical title of the Messiah correlating to a stellar identity, is Jesus as the Morning Star, (Rev. 2:28, 22:16). This relates to the planetVenus, seen in it’s morning and evening star appearances. This title of the Morning Star only occurs one other place in God’s Word, (Isa. 14:12), in reference to Lucifer, while still in his angelic first estate. As the 1st bright and Morning Star, Lucifer was second only to God in authority, but his dominion over the angelic realm was stripped from him when iniquity was found in him, in his attempted coup’ in heaven. Christ has superseded him as the new Morning Star, and Lucifer’s former authority over the archangels Michaeland Gabriel was transferred to Christ, who is seated at the right hand of the Father. Since Christ Jesus supersedes Lucifer’s original ministry as the Bright and Morning Star, the planet Venus symbolizes both an angelic and spiritual dominion as the “Covenant Angel named Wonderful,” [Judges 13:18]. This CovenantAngel whose name was not revealed, but kept secret at that point in the Old Testament, because as part of the mystery of Jesus’ future angelic dominion, had the princes of this world, or the operatives of the fallen Satan gotten wind of it, they never would have crucified the Lord of Glory, (I Cor. 2:8). This Hebrew word for “wonderful” [*H6382] also appears in the famous prophecyof Christ in Isaiah 9:6, describing him as a wonderfulor miraculous Counselor. Those who follow his counsel will partake in the supernatural signs and wonders that are produced from belief in his Words. Even the Scribes and Pharisees called him Rabbi, [Jn. 6:25] so God’s Word recognizes Christ as a Marvelous Teacher, even as the Archangel Gabriel is named when delivering God’s messages unto men.
It is thus interesting that heavenlysigns involving the planet Venus are included in the signs leading up to the Blood Moon Tetrad 0f 2014-2015. A Venus transitand a Total Solar eclipse, took place in 2012, as these events were prophesied in Mayan Astrology. On the 5th & 6th of June 2012, there was a Venus transit, along with a Solar eclipse on the eve of November 13th, both important dates on the TzolkinCalendar of the Maya, foretelling these events over a 1000 years ago! This Solar Eclipse was one of two triads of Solar eclipses framing the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, as singular heavenly beacons and signposts marking this Blood Moon Tetrad with particular emphasis. Venustransits many times occur in pairs, eight years apart. The last one happened in 2004, paired with the recent one in 2012, which appeared between the horns of Taurus, the Bull. Biblically, Taurus symbolizes the lord returning in judgment on mankind with his horns set to pierce and destroy his enemies. This marked the Mayan Acopcalypse, which as we all know did not happen exactly the way they predicted. It is however, instructive to realize what really goes on with a Venus Transit, since we won’t be seeing another one for quite a while. The graphic below depicts an example of the phi ratio geometry manifested in the fibonacci number series as it relates to Venus Transits, and the celestial dynamics of our solar system.
Venus Transit Pentagon
In the Almighty’s Intelligent Design of Creation, examples of golden sectionSymmetry embodied in phi ratio patterns abound in our solar system. They are God’s geometric finger prints indicating the pattern of natural growth-life, which only God can originate as the True Source of all living things. The Earth-the garden home of Man, abounds with examples of phi Symmetry in all Four Kingdoms of life. A beautiful illustration of this is found first in a comparison of Venus-Earth orbits. The 2 planets orbit the Sun in a phi ratio, harmony, depicted above in a geometic pentagonal pattern. Since their mean orbital distances link to [1+1/phi2]:1.5 The phi ratio relationship is also found in Venus’closest and furthest distances from the Earth, defined as [phi4 :1] to 99.99% accuracy, which are depicted as two 5-pointed stars, one within the other!6 Also when the 5 triangles associated with these stars are nested together, we find Golden Spirals emerging, as seen in the nautilus spirals at the center of galactic swirls millions of light years in diameter, forming the pattern of numerous spiral galaxies. Additionally, Venus forms a beautiful 5-petalled flower around the Earth every 8 years, equivalent to 13Venus years, revealing the Fibonacci series [5:8:13] based on the phi ratio, ordering Space-Timeplanetary orbits in our solar system.7 This five-pointed star whose segments relate to phi, are also found in Nature for example in the center of an apple. Only the Creator’s Hand working in His handiworks can account for this symmetric beauty underlying all Creation, since “random chance” most assuredly cannot.
The actual celestial scene referred to in the Mayan doomsday astrology is pictured below on 12/21/2012. Our view as we take an approach from Biblical Astronomy provides the wisdom of God’s Word applied to the message of the heavens, leading up to the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015. This sets a general context of the victorious return of Jesus Christ as prophesied by the Blood Moons and Solar eclipses referenced by the Prophet Joel.
Ophiuchus’ battle versus his enemy is pictured in this Constellation group as Scorpio and Serpens. This gives us an example of taking a composite view to glean the truth from these celestial signs. Man’s struggle for dominion against the serpent is highlighted by the temporary wound the serpent inflicts on him, as shown by the scorpion’s stinging of his heel [Gen. 3:15]. The starpicture of this initial prophecy of the promised seed cannot be fully grasped, unless we take a composite view of this celestial scene [Ophiuchus, Serpens, Corona Sagittarius & Scorpius]. The same can be said of the four serpents in the sky, where the function and mode of operation of the evil one is concerned. A Biblical view of these celestial signs focused on the galactic center of the Milky Way Galaxy, is best understood as a representation of Genesis 3:15.
The graphic below from the Voyager17 Astronomy program depicts the sky on this predicted date for the end of the world, based on the Mayan Astrology. The primary components of the scene are Sagittarius, embodying the returning Lord Jesus Christ, riding his flying white steed in ultimate victory in the spiritual warfare against the dragonand his brood, represented by Scorpius the scorpion. The Sun is centered at the tip of Sagittaruis” arrow which is aimed at the red starAntares, the heart of the Scorpion, as its being crushed from above by the foot ofOphiuchus, revealing the light of the world shining his inescapable light on the kingdom of darkness, totally exposing the evil works of the enemy while conquering and laying waste to them all.
The Second Coming of Christ
As The Sun of God arises here with healing in his wings, the light of the world is pictured at the heel of Ophiuchus. This is the heel wound inflicted by the Scorpion, but his sacrificial death was not only temporary, but also the most liberating act mankind has ever experienced, since it was this singularsacrifice of Christ, that freed all mankind from the slavery and tyranny of the Adversary. This loving sacrifice that fulfilled the Father’s masterplan to redeem mankind, was faithfully and obediently carried out by Jesus Christ, resulting in the
deadly wound he inflicts on the serpent. This image of Jesus as the great healer of all our wounds, as he delivers us with his perfect sacrifice, that only he could offer as the innocent blood and perfect man, is the ideal image to broadcast on the celestial showcase, leading up to the crescendo of the Victorious Second Coming of our Conquering Lord and Savior. As the Bible tells us in Joel 2:31 these celestial signs of the Blood Moon and Solareclipses will occur before this great and notable day of the Lord comes to pass…
As we uncover the spiritual context of the celestial signs surrounding the prophecies of Joel, we are awakened to some of the deeper truths surrounding the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015. Taken in the context of the series of Blood Moon Tetrads over the last 2000 years in ther history of Israel, we cannot help but notice a pattern emerging for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear and discern the signs of the end of days, leading to the victorious return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Strongs Concordance to the Bible was utilized for Greek and Hebrew Word definitions.
All Scriptural references are taken from the KJV unless otherwise stated.