Blood Moon Lunar-Solar Eclipses and The Lord’s Feasts [Part I.]

History of Biblical Astronomy

Biblical Astronomy of the Hebrew Temple and Tabernacle

Isa. 9:6-7 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful counselor, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince [sar] of peace.  Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it and to establish it with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.

Jesus Christ is the Prince [SarH8269] of Peace. Christ is the only one who has ever brought true peace to the world, and without the birth of Christ peace is not possible. Continuing our study of the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, we can see how the Blood Moons fit into the heavenly signs and feasts of the Lord that the Creator has employed, marking the victorious Return of the Christ-the Prince of Peace. Before believers can truly claim the eternal peace that God has set aside for His Children, we must vanquish our spiritual and human adversaries, and once and for all grasp the victory in the war that has been raging through the ages. The Blood Moons symbolize this war which has been fought on the battlefields of Israel physically, and spiritually against the princes of the darkness of this world. [Eph. 6:12]

The Babylonian word “Sar” is doubtlessly related to the Hebrew word [sar *H8269] of the same spelling, meaning; “prince, captain, chief, ruler, leader, head.”1 The word has retained this meaning even in modern usage, as in the Tsar of all the Russias. As a testimony to what may have been based on the first human language, “Aesar” is a word for “God” in both, Icelandic and Irish, “Osar” in Egypt like “Osiris” was the prince. The English word “sir,” and the Roman “Ceasar” are also traceable to this root. In Isaiah 9:6, a great prophecy of the promised seed, its applied to the Christ as Sar-Shalom; the Prince of Peace, who will bring peace to all Creation [Eph. 2:11-18], as a result of his glorious return, marked by the prophetic Blood Moons. It is also used of Prince Moses in Exodus 2:16.

 According to Hislop, The Chaldean version of this word; “Zer,” meaning “to encompass” gives us not only the idea of the mathematical concept in English for: “Zero signified by a circle among the Chaldeans,” but also Zero; “the seed.” Further, it relates to the Hebrew word zera [*H2233] used in reference to Jesus Christ the promised seed in Genesis 3:15. Thus the Chaldean word for the “woman’s promised seed” was “Zero-ashta,” also the basis of the name Zoroaster.2 Notably, the Zoroastrian prophetic writings in the Zend-Avesta, predicted the return of Zoroaster, the savior who renewed all existence in preparation for the Last Judgment. References to the woman’s promised seed here relate to an article [The Celestial Prelude of Signs Revealing the Birth of Christ] on our Blood Moon Blog, and our site; “The General Sign of the Celestial Prelude.” [read more]

  Hislop goes on to say: “As he who by the Chaldeans was regarded as the great Seed was looked upon as the Sun incarnate, and as the emblem of the Sun was a circle, the hieroglyphic relation between zero; “the circle,” and zero; “the seed” was easily established.”3

Another view of the meaning of the Hebrew word for prince; “sar,is Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace and Creation embodying “the sum of creation, [Isa. 9:6]. Rosh ha-Shanah on Tishri 1, was the “head” of the Hebrew calendar as New Year’s day and Jesus’ birthday, the first day of the fifty-year cycle of Hebrew Jubilees. Isaiah’s prophecy of the birth of Christ above, followed the basic temporal pattern of the holy days and feasts of Israel’s sacred calendar, set up by the Heavenly Father from the beginning. As we continue our study of the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, we will see how the Hebrew Feasts and Holy days form the basis of the temporal and stellar patterns upon which God structured both appearances of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ on the Earth.

The Four Cardinal Points
Christ as Prince of Creation

In the prophecy of the “Great Wonder” in Rev. 12:1, the feet of the woman, Virgo are found at the intersection of the ecliptic and the Celestial Equator, also known as the autumnal equinox, one of the so-called 4 “pillars of heaven,” the four Cardinal points pictured above. This celestial point was generally marked on the Hebrew calendar during the Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot, that occurred later during Tishri, the 7th Month of their year. With the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, the endtime emphasis on the Lord’s Feasts has been brought home to us in no uncertain terms with multiple Blood Moons marking the Feasts and Holy days on Israel’s Calendar. It is interesting to realize that a great majority of Blood Moons that occurred in the current Age of Grace, over the last 2000 years are usually found near this part of the sky, close to Spica in Virgo. This gives a clue to the heavenly signs marking the second coming of Christ, as we would expect them to resemble the blueprint of signs marking Jesus’ Birth, within the added context of the Blood Moon Tetrads on the Lord’s Feasts. In this light, there are notable Blood Moon lunar eclipses that took place surrounding the heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ in 3-2 BC, that we will take a closer look at, but first we must grasp the critical importance of the feast of Tishri 1, the sacred seventh month, as it is revealed in the following reference from Alfred Edersheim:

“Just as age was reckoned from Tishri 1 to Tishri 1, so were the regnal years of Judean Kings. The blowing of trumpets of Rams Horns was also part of the coronation ceremony of these Judean Kings.” 4

Thus the start of Jesus’ reign as King of Kings is marked on his birthday of Tishri 1, the “Day of Trumpets.” The significance of the King’s Coronation tied to Rosh Hashannah, New Years Day and the head of Israel’s calendar, is that Jesus as the King of Kings presides over all temporal, civil and sacred matters as the King-High Priest of Israel. God also marked this coronation in the heavens with the triple conjunction of the King planet Jupiter with the King star Regulus in Leo during 3-2 BC, based on Jupiter’s retrograde motion. Thus, his birth on this key day in Hebrew timekeeping was foreordained by God, to fit the pattern of 7 primary Hebrew Feast and holy days of their sacred calendar, since before the foundations of the world. This critical date on the calendar of Israel is perfectly synchronized to mark Jesus’ birthday on New Years Day, Tishri 1, 3 BC. Thus it is fitting that a majority of Blood Moons would occur near this area in Virgo, symbolizing Israel, close to Spica-Al Zemach, marking the only begotten Son and offspring of God the Father. We can see the wisdom in understanding the dual significance of the Revelation 12 prophecy, as it not only applies to Jesus’ first appearance with his birth and sufferings, but also his victorious return in Glory. Almighty God has mirrored the heavenly signs marking the birth of Jesus Christ, 2000 years later in the Lunar light of the Blood Moon Tetrads and Israel’s gathering as a nation, to set the stage for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

double square rectangle
Sacredc Geometry of the Double Square Rectangle

Since the months of the Hebrew calendar were lunar, based on the sighting of the new moon, the order of the lunar and solar cycles set the basis for the signs marking the birth of Christ. The Prince of PeaceSar-zero symbolized in the Sun, embodied the promised “great seed” [Mal. 4:2], on at least seven levels; 3 of which are the ecliptic where upon the sun travels [Psalm 19:4-6], the moon-its (saros cycle), all within the circle that “encompasses” the heavens within the “bubble universe.” The numbers highlighting the Jubilee cycle [Levi. 25:4,8] combine 7, 12 and 50which are at the core of God’s division of Space-Time into days and nights. We find the roots of His “sacred geometry” in the famous 3-4-5 triangle, popularized in the ancient world by the Pythagoreans, but applied long before by Elohim the Creator and “Great Geometer,” as the Pythagoreans named Him. The affinity between the numbers 7 and 12 is found in this unique triangle because the sum of 3 + 4 provides the number of days in the week of Creation, the master-plan of all 7-day weeks to follow. It also numbers the 7 Spiritual Administrations making up all time. This relates back to the Biblical Hebrew root of “seven” [savah]; meaning to be full, satisfied and to have enough, indicated by God resting from His work in Creation, on the 7th-Sabbath day. This speaks to the perfection of God’s Creation, upon its completion, showing us the roots of the concept of the Sabbath day of rest.

The sum of 3+4+5 gives us the number of 12 Months in a year, relating to the signs of the zodiac and the 12 tribes of Israel. The sum of it’s square’s gives us the number 50 related to Pentecost and the Hebrew Jubilee. When we multiply 3 x 4 x 5 it equals the base 60 numerical standard underlying the Precession of the Equinoxes, ordering of all Space-Time in Creation. The graphic above shows the relation of the 3-4-5 triangle to the double square rectangle found not only in the dimensions of the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid, but also is the basis and ground plan of the Hebrew Tabernacle and Temple.

The number 7 is a hallmark for God’s organization of temporal matters in Creation. It indicates the signature of the Hand of the Creator and His spiritual perfection incorporated in His Intelligent Design of Creation. It is the Living God speaking by way of His Words and His Works. Like the stamped seal of His signet ring, the number 7 is water-marked regularly in the divine division of His times and seasons. There were first seven days in the Sabbath Week of Creation and seven times these seven days began Israel’s counting to Pentecost. As Tishri, the holiest month of Israel’s Calendar is the seventh, so the seventh year is the Sabbatical Year, making the sacred order of God’s temporal division plain. Seven times these seven years brings us unto the fiftieth year of the Jubilee in Israel. Some have wisely considered the candlestick or Menorah, to be a sacred symbol of seven, not only of the Sabbath week of Creation, but also the 7 stars of the 7 angels of the 7 churches, and their epistles, as Rev. 1:20 teaches. As we will see, this pattern of 7 continues with the structure and services of the Temple and Tabernacle, since they are symbols in miniature of the pattern of heavenly things, [Heb. 8:5].


As we find the Menorah pattern of 7, underlying the structure of the Hebrew Calendar, so we also find its order in the pattern of 7 major Feasts of the Lord. However, this order of 7, also known as a “septenary order,” is not just a singular order, but it is emphasized on multiple levels, as we will see in the progression of the Lord’s Feasts. As the central candlestick of the Menorah has three branches on either side, so we find also the pattern of 7 Feasts of the Lord. These feasts begin with Passover, Unleavened Bread, then First-fruits. We find the feast of Pentecost representing the the central candlestick of the Menorah, as the fourth feast, with three feasts on either side in the calendar. Next is the Feast of Trumpets, followed by the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Since Pentecost was 7 weeks from First-fruits, this is a Sabbath of Sabbaths [7×7] or 49 days, with the 50th day being Pentecost. This makes Pentecost a High Holy Day, or a special Sabbath, standing central and apart from the other feasts, as we find in the Menorah’s structure. This has many times been associated with God giving the OT Law to Moses on Mt. Sinai, and since the Holy Spirit was first poured out on the apostles and believers on the Day of Pentecost in 28 AD, it symbolizes the work and 7 manifestations of  Holy Spirit in the OT; [Isa. 11:1-3] with nine manifestations in the New Testament, [I Cor. 12:7-11]. Notably, the Day of Pentecost is seen as a transition from the Administration of Christ to the Grace Administration, where the spiritual new birth of believer’s first became available, witnessed in as they spoke in tongues. [Joel 2:28-31, Acts 2:2-4, 16-20]
We can see this emphasis again with the Feast of Tabernacles, as the seventh feast in the 7th month, lasting 7 days, depicting a completion of spiritual perfection [7x7x7], which was the most joyous of the Hebrew Feasts celebrated at the end of the harvest season, also known as the Feast of In-gathering. The spiritual completion of the Believer will also be witnessed in the 7th Administration of Final Paradise. [Rev. 21]

Along with seven, twelve & fifty, (phi) 1.618, the numerical ratio of the golden section, has been found to govern botanical, animal and human growth cycles relating to the Hebrew harvests seasons marked in their calendar. These agricultural growth cycles are in turn governed by the cycles of the Sunlight via photosynthesis in plants, indicating the dominion of light over the four kingdoms of life on the earth. Many of the Lord’s feasts were associated with the harvest of certain crops. Even as Pentecost was held at the end of the wheat harvest, so the Feast of First-Fruits was held on the 16th of the Hebrew month Abib, on the 2nd day during the week of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, upheld by bringing a barley sheaf to the Priest, as barley was the first grain to ripen. If the offering of the first fruits was holy and accepted by God, then it signified that the the balance of the offering was acceptable also. Edersheim also makes reference to the significance of the number 7 in Hebrew time reckoning:

 “The Sabbath is the seventh of days; seven weeks after the commencement of the ecclesiastical year is the Feast of Pentecost; the seventh month is more sacred than the rest, its “firstborn” or New Moon being not only devoted to the Lord like those of other months, but specially celebrated as the “Feast of Trumpets,” while three other festivals occur within its course, the Feast of Tabernacles, its Octave, and the Day of Atonement. Similarly each seventh year is Sabbatical, and after seven times seven years comes that of Jubilee.”(emphasis mine)

This not only points out the recognition God is focusing on the Hebrew calendar with the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, but it also points out the relationship between Tishri 1, the day of trumpets and the birth of Christ. Every 7th or Sabbatical year also commenced on the Day of Atonement during Tishri, the sacred 7th month. According to Dr. Martin, the year of 27-28 AD, Jesus’ 30th year, was the year he opened his ministry to Israel, was also a Sabbatical Year.6 Just as 2015 is a Sabbatical year, a year of rest and restoration for the land and soil, so also was the Jubilee, which was heralded by a chorus of trumpets. What better year than a Sabbatical year could there be for Jesus to carry out his ministry? What better day could there be for the renewal of Creation, than the birthday of the promised seed enacting its recovery? 28 A.D. was also the year that Jesus was resurrected and in this “year of our Lord,” Christ Jesus proved his Lordship over both the Sabbaths of days and years, for example by working seven healing miracles on seven Sabbath Days of rest during his ministry to Israel. Even as we found, the Feast of Tabernacles emphasized as the 7th feast of the Lord, during the 7-day week of this feast during Tishri, the 7th month so we see a similar emphasis with a Sabbath of healing Sabbath miracles, proving that he is indeed the Lord of the Sabbath.

These 7 Sabbath Healing Miracles are recorded as follows:

Matt. 12:9
Mark 1:21
Mark 1:29
Luke 13:11
Luke 14:2
John 5:8
John 9:14


1. Strong’s Concordance [note on H8269] James Strong
2. The Two Babylon’s, Alexander Hislop
4. The Temple, Alfred Edersheim
6. The Star that Astonished the World. Earnest Martin

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipses surrounding the Birth of Christ

Birth of Christ
The Heavenly Signs Marking the Birth of Christ

Blood Moon Eclipses Surrounding the Birth of Christ

For those planning to view the Blood Moon Lunar eclipse Wednesday morning 10-8-2014, they have a treat in store for them.  This event takes place at sunrise while the Blood Moon will be setting, providing a very rare opportunity to see the rising Sun and setting Blood Moon in the skies at the same time. This adds spice to an already tasty menu of Blood Moons on Hebrew Feast and holy days, such as tomorrow’s Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. The events surrounding this Blood Moon Tetrad just get more amazing the closer we approach their conclusion. Why could this be? Perhaps its because when the Almighty spun the stars and planets in their courses, at Creation, He knew the critical significance attached to marking the great appearances of His only begotten Son.

The Creator’s perfect prophetic plan of redemption naturally accounts for all contingencies. This includes not only all aspects of his Written Word being upheld, but also with the full support of the witness of His Creation. As He set the truth of the coming redeemer-Jesus Christ in His Written Word, He also backed these truths with many signs and wonders on earth, and in the heavens. These Heavenly Signs spoke to those with eyes to see, just as loudly as the witness of the Scriptures. Just as this was the case with the first coming of Christ, so it is with his imminent Return. In this light, our examination of the Blood Moon Tetrads takes on added meaning and depth for the end times, since God provided a blueprint of heavenly signs, starting over 2000 years ago, marking the birth of Christ, that provides the keys to our recognition of his Second Coming. We find this Scriptural record in Revelation 12.

Rev. 12:1-2 “Now a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the Sun with the Moon under her feet, and on her had a garland of 12 stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.”

Virgo marking the birth of Christ
Virgo Clothed in the Sun with the Moon at her Feet on 9-11-3BC-Tishri 1.

This Scripture gives us the keys to decipher the celestial signs marking the first and second coming of Christ. A sign in the heavens in verse 1, refers to a celestial sign on the path of the Sun, called the ecliptic in the heavens. On this path which the Sun takes through the heavens in its annual course, there is only one sign of the zodiac depicted as a singular woman-Virgo the virgin. Virgo is clothed with the Sun for 20 days every year, which is one of the 12 keys of the “Celestial Prelude” listed below. However the Moon only appears at the feet of Virgo one day each year while she is clothed with the Sun. This was September 11th in 3 BC marking the birth of Christ, [Rev. 12:2].

This heavenly sign took place again in autumn of 2017, after the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 [Joel 2:28-31]. We will take a detailed look at a comparison of these signs in an upcoming study, which this serves as the basis for, but for now let’s continue with the heavenly signs of Christ’s first appearance. The Apostle Peter refers to the return of Christ in his second epistle;

II Peter 1:19 “So we have the prophetic Word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.”

We as Sons of God, don’t have to wait for the return of Christ to stand in his delegated authority to us, because the power of Christ in us, is a spiritual reality in our Christian new birth. As we stand on this authority of the arisen daystar in our hearts; [II Pet. 1:19], all kingdoms of darkness in this world are already under our feet. As we find in the chart below, an aspect of the darkness of the world is symbolized not only in lunar occultations in April of 6 BC, but also the luni-solar eclipses of 7-1 BC. This reveals prophetic patterns that the Heavenly Father wrote into His celestial epistles for those with the understanding to decipher and believe the truth of this stellar witness, marking the long-awaited return of the promised seed.

Hebrew Zodiac
Hebrew Zodiac Mosaic

The heavenly signs setting the pattern of the birth of Christ, starting at the first Jupiter-Saturn union of 7 BC, set forth specific signposts that the Magi were on the lookout for starting in 3 BC. These preliminary signs from 7-5 BC provided the Magi the blueprints they would need to recognize the heavenly signs identifying the time frame of the birth of Christ. When I first posted this study 20 years ago on our website, it fell in a category I called the “Celestial Prelude,” The fact that the heavenly signs of this dress rehearsal unfolded over a period of 2 years was also a clue of what the Magi could expect, when the curtain actually arose on the celestial pageantry of the birth of Christ. Below is a reprint of the key points that were posted in a “Summary of the Celestial Prelude,” which serves as a good starting point for review, in light of the modern context of the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015.

As we see in the charts comparing the heavenly signs of 7-5 with those of 3-1 BC, the stellar pattern of conjunctions is strikingly similar. Some points that would have caught the Magi’s attention are as follows:

12 Characteristics of the Celestial Prelude

• Jupiter was clearly marked as “his star.”
• Jupiter was involved in a triple planetary Conjunction.
• Jupiter was involved in a series of planetary conjunctions.
• Jupiter’s retrograde motion would play a key role.
• Jupiter’s triple union was followed by a massing of planets.
• This massing of planets was followed by a Mars Conjunction.
• The Jupiter-Mars Conjunction was followed by a series of lunar occultations, and total “Blood Moon” lunar eclipses.
• This series of conjunctions would last about two years.
• The annual twenty days when the Sun is in Virgo would be a key.
• The September 15th alignment of Jupiter, Saturn the Earth and Sun in 7 BC that occurred in the evening at sunset, directed the Magi’s attention to the end of the 20-day period when Virgo was “clothed with the Sun.”
• The lunar eclipse on September 15th of 5 BC established that the Magi should be watchful of lunar activity during this time. This framed the 42 minute period between Sunset and Moonset on the only day of the year when Virgo “was clothed with the Sun with the Moon under her feet.”
• The September 15th Heliacal Rising of Jupiter and Saturn foreshadowed the Heliacal Setting of the star Spica, between the setting Sun and Moon in Virgo, identifying a key 30-minute period when the birth of Christ took place.

These twelve stellar pointers provided by the Hand of the Heavenly Father left no doubt as to the time of year, the specific day and even the time of day for the Magi to recognize the time frame of the birth of the only begotten Son of God. Since we have this detailed account of the celestial setting marking the birth of Christ, it is fitting that we reconstruct the specifics of the solar and lunar eclipses leading up to the birth of Christ, for comparison with the modern Blood Moon Tetrads for insight. The following chart includes the solar and lunar eclipses, up to and including the Lunar Eclipse marking the death of Herod in Jan. of 1 BC.

Jupiter the King Planet
Jupiter the King Planet

Solar and Lunar Eclipses from 7-1 BC

Lunar Eclipses BC        Solar Eclipses BC    Hebrew Feasts    Planetary Unions BC
4-14-7 Penumbral            4-29-7                                              5-27-7 Jupiter/Saturn
5-13-7 Penumbral            10-23-7                                            9-15-7 Jup-Sat-Earth-Sun aligned   10-8-7 Penumbral            4-18-6 Annular                               10-5-7 Jupiter/Saturn
11-7-7 Penumbral           10-13-6 Total                                   12-1-7 Jupiter/Saturn
4-4-6 Partial                    3-8-5 Partial                                     2-25-6 Jup/Sat/Mars
3-23-5 Total                    4-6-5 Partial                                     3-5-6 Jupiter/Mars
9-15-5 Total                   9-1-5 Partial                                     3-5 Comet/nova
3-13-4 Partial                  10-1-5 Partial                                  3-4 Comet
9-5-4 Partial                     2-15-4 Total                                   5-19-3 Mercury/Saturn
1-31-3 Penumbral          8-21-4 Annular                                  6-12-3 Venus/Saturn
2-27-3 Penumbral          2-15-3 Total    John-Baptist born     8-31-3 Mercury/Venus
3-2-3 Penumbral           8-10-3 Annular                                   9-11-3 Christ’s Birth
8-26-3 Penumbral         Tishri 1           Trumpet Feast            9-14-3 Jupiter/Regulus
9-11-3 JC’s Birth         2-5-2 Hybrid     4/20-27 Passover      2-17-2 Jupiter/Regulus
1-20-2 Partial               7-31-2 Hybrid                                     5-8-2 Jupiter/Regulus
7-17-2 Partial              6-20-1                                                 6-17-2 Jupiter/Venus
1-9-1 Total                  7-19-1   4/8/2 Passover disrupted     8-27-2 Massing: Jup-Venus-Mars-Merc
7-5-1 Total                 12-14-1   Hanukkah-Magi w/ Jesus   12-9-2 Venus/Mars
12-29-1 Partial           12-26-1 Partial

*Solar and Lunar eclipse info is provided from the NASA website on Solar and Lunar eclipses.

The Jupiter-Saturn triple Conjunctions in 7 BC, highlighted by a planetary alignment on Sept. 15th 7BC, initiated a pattern of heavenly signs that reappeared in September of 5 BC with a pair of lunar eclipses. On 9-5-5BC there was a partial Solar eclipse, with a Total Lunar eclipse following 10 days later on 9-15-5BC. These heavenly signs exactly 2 years apart, pointed out to the Magi that they should be on the lookout for heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ, in the next 2-year period in September of 3 BC! Since September marked Hebrew New Year’s Holy day, called Rosh Hashanah starting the sacred seventh month of Tishri, on September 11th 3BC, the Magi would have been on notice with their eyes riveted to the heavens for the signs denoting the coming of the prophesied King of the Jews. As stated in the summary above, the lunar activity in 5BC established that the Magi should be watchful of lunar activity during this time, two years later in 3BC. This framed the 42-minute period between Sunset and Moonset on the only day of the year when Virgo “was clothed with the Sun with the Moon under her feet.” [Rev. 12:1]. This period in mid-September towards the end of the annual 20-day time-frame when the “Sun was clothing Virgo,” was also marked by the first of 3 unions of Jupiter and Regulus in 3-2BC, showing a celestial coronation ceremony where the king star Regulus in Leo, the sign marking the Lion of the Tribe of Judah [Rev. 5:5], was crowned by the king planet Jupiter as a result of Jupiter’s retrograde motion in Leo. [read more] This was a key aspect of the Creator’s singular means of depicting the crowning of His Promised Seed in the heavens.

Leo the Lion of Judah
Leo the Lion of Judah with Regulus

Although there is no overt Blood Moon Tetrad marking the birth of Christ, there is critical lunar activity, without which the Magi would not have fully realized the heavenly signs surrounding Christ’s birth. It is also noteworthy that these specific heavenly signs marking the birth of Christ are framed by four Total lunar eclipses between March of 5 BC and July of 1 BC. In light of the remarkable Blood Moon Tetrad activity involving the history of Israel that would follow over the next 2000 years, this is certainly significant, and may qualify as a preliminary sign to be cognizant of, not only Total lunar eclipses in general, but lunar eclipses in sets of 4 particularly.

With these heavenly signs from 7-1 BC marking the specifics of the Birth of Christ, we should not be surprised to see similar celestial events marking the much awaited and prophesied return of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is in fact what we are seeing in light of ther dual significance of Revelation 12:1-2. The biblical truths of this scripture tell not only of Christ’s birth, but also his second coming, established by similar heavenly signs marking both events. As we are witnessing during the time of writing this study, the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015, we are on a sharp watch for any heavenly signs that resemble those around his birth, and the signs from the Hand of the Almighty pointed out in the chart above, give us the basis of this search. This in truth serves as a divine check and balance system in Biblical Astronomy, because as we see the blueprints of heavenly signs that told of the first coming of Christ, we will see a racpitualtion of heavenly signs marking his triumphant return.

As far as the next Blood Moon Lunar eclipse is concerned on the Feast of TabernaclesOctober 8th 2014, like the full moons of previous months leading to the Sukkot Blood Moon, known as a Super Moons, due to their position and distance to the earth, they are closer than normally seen. This 2nd Blood Moon in the 2014-2015 Tetrad is characterized by a series Super moons in the previous months capped of by a Sukkot Blood Moon. This is important because as the Blood Moon Tetrad series continues into 2015, the Super Moon will return again, only this time as part of the 4th Blood Moon of the series. Also, this month’s Blood Moon takes place in the constellation Pisces, which is noteworthy, because historically the sign of the fishes symbolized the land of Israel. The fact that the heavenly signs from 7-5 BC almost all occur in Pisces, is interesting because for the Magi, the constellation Pisces symbolizes the House of Jacob, and as they followed the King’s Star Jupiter, it explains why the Magi came to Jerusalem looking for the King of Israel. Pisces is also critical due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, which shifted from the Age of Aries to the Age of Pisces in 7-6BC, marked by the triple union of Jupiter and Saturn during that time.

We trust this article provides some added perspective on the Blood Moon Tetrad, historically and Biblically so we can decipher the signs the heavenly Father laid out in the skies, in His perfect Foreknowledge.