We had an exciting astronomy event this past weekend folks, with a most rare and prominent occasion- an Annular Solar Eclipse. I saw this “Ring of fire” eclipse over my house in Nevada-Saturday morning @ about 9:30 with 80-85% coverage of the Sun. What a glorious sight! But what does it mean? This was not just any old eclipse, it is a follow-up to only the 2nd cross-country eclipse ever recorded to cross the entirety of the continental United States. The first installment of this later Eclipse took place in 2017, which we recognized in our June blog of 2017, on August 21stTotal Solar Eclipse. In that blog, I recalled the incident in the Bible where, Jesus told us “there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon and in the stars,” prior to His return, causing many to wonder at what this huge “X” of solar eclipses across the U.S. might mean. Some believe this 3 eclipse series, visiting the shores of United States in 2017 and 2023-24, could initiate certain signs of the end-times, marking a 7-year period of tribulation spoken of in the Book of Revelation. Just to be clear, I’m not saying that, but this does not mean these celestial signs are not related to unique events of this nature, especially in light of the lunar cycle that framed these events starting in 2014.
This blog will clear up some of the confusion surrounding these events, for example if these signs Do relate to the 7-year tribulation, why does the period between these eclipses fall just short of seven calendar years? This blog will include elements of a reprinted article, explaining why astronomical prophecies in the Bible, especially involving eclipses may not refer only to calendar years.
This study is not designed to be an exhaustive view of all eclipses within the 2020 decade, but focuses on a period starting with the Blood Moon Tetrads of the formation of the nation-state of Israel, following to include the Blood Moon Tetrads of 2014/2015, and their Metonic Partner Blood Moon Tetrads of 2033/ 2034. The North Pole Spring Equinox Eclipse of 3-20-2015 also has its counter-part in the 3-20-2034 Great Eclipse, on the Equinox exactly 19-years later. This Metonic 19-year period is bracketed by Blood Moon Tetrads & Equinox Eclipses, holding some of the most notable eclipses in history, whose shadow paths out-line the conflicts and actions of key ancient and modern human empires.
As we approach the 2000-year anniversary of the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, This central event in all human history certainly is the focus of celestial history even as it is in Scripture. In the pre-ponderance of Biblical, historical and chronological evidence resulting from decades of Biblical research and teaching, April 28th, 28 AD is not only the most likely candidate for the date of Christ’s crucifixion, it is the strongest and most well supported option that fits the accuracy of Biblical timelines on this subject. This is not only during the time Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, but also based on calculations of Herod’s death eclipse in January, 1 BC, not 4BC. We also include the Bible guideline of Jesus at 30 years old, when according to Judean law, he was qualified as an adult, able to carry out his ministry in the 1-year [not 3] called the “acceptable year [singular] of the Lord,” according to Bible prophecy, [Isa. 61:1-2]. This is the text that Jesus quoted when He taught in the Synagogue [Luke 4:18-19], but he did not quote the entire text, stopping mid-verse 2 because “the day of vengeance of our God,” is and remains still future, in reference to God’s wrath in the day of judgment, and was not part of Christ’s ministry at that time.
As we view Luni-Solar eclipse cycles, we begin with the 346.62 day eclipse year, wherein the moon, earth and sun are realigned in the same lunar node on the ecliptic. This involves the coordination of three different kinds of years:
Solar Year: The Earth’s orbital cycle around the sun. 365.242 days
Lunar Year: The Moon’s cycle to complete 12 orbits of the Earth. 354.3 days
Draconic Year: when the earth, moon and sun align at a Lunar node on the ecliptic. 346.6 days
We should not focus on any one of these types of years, but look at coordinating all three. When these 3 yearly cycles align it forms a pattern whereby we can predict eclipses, most clearly evident in the 19-year [6940+/- day] Metonic cycle.
Thus, eclipses generally repeat on about the same day of the year every 19 years. Eclipses are more easily predicted via the Saros cycle of 223 lunar months, or about 18 years and 11 days, which is also 19 eclipse years.
As the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth spun the Sun, Moon and Stars in their cycles according to His perfect and Omniscient timing, we can gain an understanding of His order of Creation, and set our lives in correspondent order with the Father of Lights. [Gen. 1:14-19]
These Solar eclipses could serve as a warning of impending judgments, since the crossing point of these eclipses is very near to the New Madrid fault zone. This fault zone is six times larger than the San Andreas fault zone in California and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. Back in 1811 and 1812, a series of very devastating earthquakes along the New Madrid fault zone opened some deep fissures in the ground, caused the Mississippi River to run backwards in some places, and were reportedly felt as far away as Washington D.C. and Boston. As the strongest earthquakes ever recorded east of the Rocky Mountains, the heart of this “X” falls not only closest to the eclipse’ place of longest duration of totality, but also precisely in the area where we would expect such an earthquake. This does not mean these three solar eclipses are predicting an earthquake event, but it may serve as a warning for the U.S. to repent and turn to God, reminding us the Day of Christ’s crucifixion darkness was accompanied by a great earthquake.
As we review the context of the total solar eclipse on August 21st, 2017–the 2nd Pan-American Eclipse across the US, we find the following dates, shown with the Regulus unions in Leo, and the Jupiter-Venus conjunctions in Virgo in 2016-2017, as signs of the Celestial Sphinx:
July 30th, 2016 Mercury-Regulus Conjunction
Aug. 5th, 2016 Venus-Regulus Conjunction
Aug. 26-27th, 2016 Jupiter-Venus conjunction [Jupiter enters Virgo]
Feb. 26th, 2017 Jupiter-Venus conjunction
August 21st, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Leo @ Regulus
Sept. 23rd, 2017 [Virgo clothed with the Sun/Moon @ feet]-Rev. 12:1-2
Sept. 30th Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement
Nov. 13th, 2017 Jupiter-Venus conjunction
The two brightest planets –Venus and Jupiter –teamed up to provide the closest planetary conjunction of 2014, which has been the closest Venus-Jupiter union during the six Lunar Eclipses of 2014-2016, until August 27, 2016, when Jupiter entered Virgo eventually to be “birthed” in 2017. This Venus-Jupiter union on August 27th, saw these two planets three times closer than during their 2015 union when they were separated by only 1/3 of a degree.
This comparison of celestial alignments within the Lunar Eclipse Sextet from 2014-2016 with the Total Solar eclipse of August 21st, 2017 shows a series of solar and lunar eclipses on sacred feasts of the Hebrew Calendar. This high-lights the importance of the timing of the eclipse on 21st August 2017 relating to Elul 1, marking a 40-day Season of Repentance to Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. It also brings to light the spiritual nature of the recent invasion of Israel by Hamas, behind the Palestinian Terrorists who brutally slayed women, children and civilians on the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. We need a recognition of the true source of Hamas’ hatred for Israel, its ancient roots exposed from Scripture to reveal the enemies of the true God, and their seething bloodlust against the race of His only begotten Son-Jesus Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as found in [Genesis 3:15, 49:8-10]. As we investigate the roots of “Hamas,” this word is the same Hebrew Word that means “violence.” It is found in Strong’s Concordance [H2555-Chamac]1 with its 1st usage found in Gen. 6:11; where the pre-flood earth was corrupt and filled with violence. In v. 12 it says “All flesh had corrupted [H7843] its way upon the earth. All flesh here is not all without exception, as Noah and his family were saved in the Ark. Also, v. 13 repeats the idea of v. 11, establishing the truth that the earth was filled with violence; [H2555-Chamac], through them-those who had corrupted themselves, via this violence-prompting God’s destruction of all the evil ones via the great flood of Noah. The kind of violence linked to “hamas,” is not a garden variety of damage inflicted upon humanity. Strong’s says its vehement violence inflicted to oppress. It is extreme wickedness and cruel violence, so rampant in those days, God had to wipe it off the map, and start over with the human race-with Noah. Thus, God executed the violent ones on the earth, those who had given themselves over to the devil spirit of violence that had so ingrained itself in the lives of that evil generation, because God hates those wicked ones that love this kind of brutal violence; [Ps. 11:5-6]. They are those who covenant by eating the bread of wickedness & drink the wine of violence, [Prov. 4:17], as the soul of this kind of transgressor feeds on violence, [Prov. 13: 2, Isa. 59:6-7]. Those destitute of the true God are given over to idols, making their land full of bloody crimes and their city full of violence, [Ezek. 7:18-23]. This is the iniquity discovered in the Adversary himself, the violence embodied in the “great Satan,” not the U.S. or Israel, as the terrorists say, but the fallen archangel and prince of darkness; [Ezek. 28:16], who once sat at the side of the Almighty. This spiritual hatred rooted in the conflict between the two seeds of Gen. 3:15, is what makes for the virulent blood feud witnessed through all of OT History, and now in the last days, we are returning to the days that are like those of Noah.
As it was the enemy’s desire to prevent the 1st Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the genocide of Haman’s plot foiled by and the bravery of Queen Esther and Mordecai, that saved the Jews by the Hand of Almighty God of their day, so it remains their desire to inflict as much pain and destruction on Israel and the Christian world as possible today. God’s acts of righteous judgment will be completed as the evil ones of today are exposed and dealt with according to God’s perfect justice. The remainder of this blog is a reprint of the sections and the summary article on the 3 eclipses that started in August 2017. Please refer online to; [https://eclipsewitness.com/eclipse-judgment-series] where you can find more info on this topic for your personal study…
The American Century in Eclipses. 2

Two sets of Eclipses define the American century. The first set define its beginning…a cross country USA eclipse on June 8, 1918…7 eclipse years (2422 days) later, an eclipse cut across the Northern US from Minnesota through New York City. The second set defines its end…starting with a cross-country USA eclipse on August 21, 2017 …seven eclipse years (2422 days) later, an eclipse cuts south to north through New York State ( the “empire state”)…
Between the 1918 and 2017 USA cross country eclipses is 36, 234 days.
Between the 1925 and 2024 USA eclipses is 36,234 days… Between each matching member of the pairs is 99 years and 74 days… or 1190 months and 13 days… The True American Century written in eclipses, bracketed by 7-year eclipse pairs.
June 8, 1918
In this illustrated Map of June 8, 1918 eclipse, Mt. Saint Helens in center of totality. The only Eclipse that traveled across the entire contiguous USA before 8-21-2017 was June 8, 1918. During this time the US was embroiled in WWI— and at the start of a Spanish Flu Pandemic …note incredible similarity to path of 8-21-2017 USA eclipse. This marks the beginning of US dominance in world affairs.
2422 days from Jan 24, 1925 US eclipse
36,234 days from August 21, 2017 US eclipse
Jan, 24, 1925
At the mid-point of the roaring 20’s on January 24, 1925, a total solar eclipse across the northern USA from upper Minnesota provides the last total solar eclipse in New York City, the new epicenter and empire of western civilization, (“empire state”). New York was home to the financial and cultural centers of the nation–Wall Street, Broadway and vaudeville, Tin Pan Alley—the city was treated to rare clear skies and the eclipse was widely observed. The eclipse path crossed the Atlantic ocean to extreme northern latitudes. Near totality at Kennedy Home.
2422 days from June 8 1918 US eclipse
36,234 days from August 21, 2017 US eclipse
USA-Three solar eclipses in 7 years starting in 2017 – See the A? #3
It’s difficult to find any nation in history so perfectly trisected by solar eclipses geographically as the USA is by eclipses on 8-21-2017, 10-14-2023 and 4-8-2024…over a 2422 day span. A is for Alpha, (Hebrew) Alef , It’s an “A” that is comprised of three lines, two x’s. The 8-21-2017 and 4-8-2024 are Hepton Total Eclipses, both on Monday’s.

Paleo-Hebrew was the script in which the Old Testament was written, not the modern script that is currently used ( being standardized around 200 B.C.)
On the left is a Tav–the last letter (22nd) of the Hebrew alphabet– essentially a cross or X in the above illustration.
On the right is the Paleo-Hebrew Aleph–the first letter of the alphabet. The Tav is being written by the shadow of the moon on both locations.
The Aleph-( where we get Alpha and our letter A) is written by shadows of the 2017, 2023 and 2024 eclipses on the USA. 4
The Alpha and the Omega
Reading right to left, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” –Rev.22:13… go back and look at the Aleph (A) over the USA mapped in last section
Total Solar Tav over America-2017 and 2024
It’s a cross. It’s also a Tav, the last letter, the 22nd, of the original Hebrew alphabet. It means truth. In the Greek alphabet, X is the symbol for the letter ‘chi. ‘ Chi (or X) is the first letter in the Greek word for “Christ” and can stand in for the word “Christ“, which is why people can write “Happy Xmas.” In the early days of the Christian church, Christians used the letter X as a secret symbol to indicate their membership in the church to others.
The above map illustrates the Total solar eclipses of 2017 and 2024 over America, both on Mondays, separated by a 2422 day (7-eclipse years) span.
The Mideast Eclipses of 2027 and 2034—see the X
[map from 1260d.com] 5
As the author points out this eclipse crossing in view of the Giza Plateau, embodies the southern border of the land promised to Abraham by God in Gen. 15:8, [see Ex. 6:1-8]. As we have just concluded 120 hours of teaching in our OT History class over 1.5 years, showing how the Jews have dwelt in this middle eastern land of Israel starting with Abraham for 1900+ years! This evident truth of Bible history will never be erased by holocaust denying terrorists. On Aug 2nd, 2027 and March 20, 2034 Total Eclipses intersect near the Valley of the Kings in Egypt…are also separated by a 2422-day span (7 Eclipse Years). Like the American Total Eclipses, both are Hepton Cycle eclipses taking place on Mondays. All four crossing eclipses are members of the same Hepton Cycle. 27 AD to 34 AD contain all the probable dates for the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Monday Aug 21 2017
The USA divided in half on Aug, 2017. 7 months and 1 day after Trump’s inauguration. First day of the month of Elul, Hebrew year 5777. In Jewish tradition, the month of Elul is a time of repentance in preparation for the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. 6
Monday April 8 2024
2422 days later, the USA is divided South to North, along with Mexico and extreme Eastern Canada. This occurs 8 days after Easter and 14 days before Passover. 7
The Mideast eclipses occur on boundaries of this 2,000th year anniversary, but no solar eclipse can naturally occur on the exact day’s anniversary. Jesus was crucified at Passover (which is at full moon). Solar eclipses happen at new moon.
The total eclipses occur 7 eclipse years (draconic years -346 days) apart, both on Monday –Moon Day. A span of 2422 days. They are part of a unique series of eclipse groupings called a Hepton. 8
Ring of Fire 2023
531 years and two days after Columbus discovered America, an Annular eclipse creates a ring of fire from Oregon to Texas and then on to South America this past weekend, October 14th 2023, one of 3 U.S. solar eclipses in the USA in Seven Years, [2017-2024].
Extremely significant Ring of Fire eclipses also occur during this time frame… including 12-26-2019 Tsunami Anniversary Eclipse.
6-21-2020 Solstice/Father’s Day Pandemic Eclipse,
6-10-2021 Canadian Judgment, and USA Ring of Fire 10-14-2023.
There are many ways to look at this grouping but it seems to demand consideration because of its obvious boundaries around the USA. There are three eclipses in 7 years in the USA and the nation is perfectly trisected. The fact that the nation was politically divided and subdued during this time frame stands clear as a historical fact. 9
USA, Central America, Exits Brazil
It enters Oregon–center of annularity coming ashore near Florence at 9:05 am. Oregon’s second eclipse in 7 years- and heads across the Southwest USA. Crosses Gulf of Mexico, Yucatan, Central America, across the Amazon and exits into the Ocean at Natal, Brazil. Natal is Portugese for Nativity. 10
Over the Cross of the Four Corners
The only place in the USA where four states meet and form a cross, the sacred lands of the Four Corners region. The Eclipse path perfectly covers the Cross as it travels over some of the most beautiful areas on planet earth, including confluence of Green and Colorado Rivers, several national parks and centers of the lost Anasazi Civilization like Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde.
Corpus Christi–The Body of Christ
The eclipse exits the USA at the exact centerline of annularity directly over the city of Corpus Christi, Tx (Body of Christ) – The only city in America that bears such a name. The eclipse then traverses the gulf of Mexico before crossing the Yucatan. 11
Ring of Fire Eclipse 10-14-23
A “Ring of Fire”/ Sunflower Annular eclipse passes over the western US on 10-14-23 before traveling to the Yucatan and crossing northern Brazil. 177 days before the Spring 2024 total eclipse.
Remember! Total and Annular Solar Eclipses are rare. To have three completely trisecting the USA in 7 years is nothing short of incredible. One eclipse is past-the Great American Eclipse of Aug 21 2017, The next total solar eclipse in the USA arrives 2422 days later on April 8, 2024, It will be the only Total solar eclipse to touch all three nations in the 21st Century. The shadow paths of these two eclipses mark an X over America-centerpoint just south of Carbondale Illinois, specifically near Salem Road near east bank of Cedar Lake.
The total eclipses occur 7 eclipse years (draconic years -346 days) apart, both on Monday –Moon Day. A span of 2422 days. They are part of a unique series of eclipse groupings called a Hepton. 12
The exact midpoint of the Total eclipses is 1211 days. That date turned out to be Dec.14, 2020...It so happens there was another total solar eclipse then on the other end of the Americas, also a Hepton Eclipse, also on Monday. It coincided with a momentous day in the USA;
Joe Biden is confirmed President by Electoral College
The precise midpoint of the 2017 and 2024 USA eclipses was Dec. 14, 2020. On that day, between 10am and 5pm Eastern time, the Electoral College certifies Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as President and Vice-President of the United States of America. A significant Monday Total Solar eclipse perfectly spaced between two Total Solar Monday eclipses. 13
7 eclipse seasons–1211 days– in either direction brings you to the USA Eclipse Judgments of 8-21- 2017 and 4-8-2024 (which themselves are exactly
7 eclipse years apart).
7 eclipse seasons is 3 and 1/2 eclipse years … 34 months to the day before the USA’s Ring of Fire eclipse.
TWO TAVS MAKE AN ALEF / USA ECLIPSES, totally unique 2024
The April 8 2024 Eclipse will be the only one to cross Mexico, USA and Canada in the 21st Century. It occurs 8 days after Easter on a Monday.
Texas will get its second solar eclipse in 6 months. 14
First Tav–Annular 2023 and 2024 Total
Here is the cross/ Tav / X / Omega formed by this past weekend’s 10-14-23 Ring of Fire and the 4-8-24 Total solar eclipses, 177 days apart. They cross in Texas somewhere in the hill country. The exact point where paths cross has yet to be posted on the internet.
Second Tav– Total Eclipse Tav-2017 and 2024
And here is the Tav formed by the 2017 and 2024 Total USA Solar Eclipses, their intersection south of Carbondale Illinois, at Salem Road on the East edge of Cedar Lake. 15
And The Alpha-The sum of the Two Tavs
Once again, the shadows of the three eclipses that occur in a 7-year span clearly write the letter A upon the United States. It is Alef, Alpha. Perhaps those with wisdom will reckon these days.
USA 8-21-2017
Total Eclipse/Judgment Eclipse. Hepton Cycle Monday Eclipse. The Great American Eclipse. The most viewed American eclipse of all time. America Divided. First major city in totality was Salem, Oregon–the largest US city named after Jerusalem. Before this, the last eclipse visible in the US was Feb. 26, 1979, seen only in the Northwest. 16
Eclipse Feb 26,1979
Last Total eclipse in USA for 38 years. Totality over Mount Saint Helen’s (1222.2 degrees longitude). 388 days before she awoke with an earthquake on Spring Equinox of March 20 1980, before she exploded to the due north on May 18 1980 in the largest volcanic eruption in modern Continental US History. The beginning of the technological era. The final era of the American Empire and the creation of one of the last world Empires. 17
American Judgment 4-8-2024
Hepton Cycle: Monday Eclipse. Total Solar Eclipse. Judgment Eclipse. Finishes both Tavs and the Aleph over the USA (2nd Tav pictured above). 8 days after Easter, 2422 days from USA eclipse of 2017, 1211 days after Election Eclipse of 2020, 177 days after Ring of Fire eclipse of 10-14-2023. Do these eclipses embody Judgment on America?
A Metonic Cycle is a 19- solar year period of time which is bordered by the exact same solar date, lunar phase and ecliptic reality. In this case, matching solar spring equinox eclipses on 3-20-2015 and, 19-years later on 3-20-2034. Both of these dates are also bordered by lunar eclipse tetrads which fall on the high holy days of Judaism (Passover and Feast of Tabernacles). Within this Metonic are a series of eclipses that appear to highlight the empires of man, both along the anniversary years and around them. 18
Lunar Eclipse Tetrads announce the Metonic
The North Pole Spring Equinox Total Solar Eclipse of 3-20-2015 is the official Solar beginning of the Metonic we are considering, but its bordered by a extraordinary set of lunar eclipses, which created quite a stir in some circles. The so-called “Blood Moon ” Tetrad of 2014 and 2015 brought successive lunar eclipses on the high holy days of Judaism. Passover ( April 15) and Feast of Tabernacles (October 8) in 2014 and again Passover ( April 4) and Feast of Tabernacles (Sept 28) in 2015…nestled between these events was the singular 3-20-2015 Solar Eclipse which ended directly at the North Pole. It is unclear whether any eclipse in history has ever done such a thing. 19
Tetrads also announce the end of Metonic
There is another perfect lunar tetrad (meaning total eclipses) in the years 2032 and 2033. Between the the years 2033 and 2034 the lunar eclipses land again on the high holy days of Judaism.
2033–April 14 and October 8
2034–April 3rd and September 28…you will notice that these dates are essentially the same as the Lunar tetrads of 2014 and 2015. That is how the amazing Metonic cycle works.
A 19-year Chapter to write the Final Story
19 solar years is exactly 235 lunar months, and exactly 21 eclipse years (eclipse years are 346.62 days). Within this time frame are the Judgment Eclipses. Does the time frame start between the lunar or the solar? Is it the Blood Moon Tetrads that announce the beginning and the end of the cycle, or is it the tremendous Spring Equinox Eclipses of 2015 and 2034 that rest between them?
The Beginning of the Blood Moon Metonic
The only lunar eclipses considered in our survey involve the High Holy day tetrads. They occur on the 19 year Metonic just as the Solar Eclipse Equinox eclipses match calendar days of 3-20-2015 and 3-20-2034.
Lunar eclipses on the High Holy Days of Judaism in the years 2014 and 2015 sandwich a Total eclipse of the Sun on the Spring Equinox of 2015 ( Jewish and Muslim New Year) which ends immediately at the North Pole. Only 7 such lunar eclipse tetrads have occurred since the coming of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. A Blood Moon Tetrad occurred between 1493 and 1494 shortly following the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 and the discovery of the New World.
A Blood Moon Tetrad occurred between 1949 and 1950 on Passover, after the 1948 declaration independent Jewish state, which was followed by the war for Jewish independence.
A Blood Moon Tetrad occurred between 1967 and 1968, following the 1967 “Six Day War,” during which Israel liberated the entire city of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount where the First and Second Temples once stood. For the first time in 2,000 years, Jerusalem, in its completeness, was the capital of the Jewish state. A lunar tetrad occurs in 2023 and 2033 and a High Holy day tetrad occurs in the years 2033 and 2034 (though the eclipses will not be total in year 2034) 20
The End of the Blood Moon Metonic
They occur on the 19-year Metonic just as the Solar Eclipse Equinox eclipses match calendar days of 3-20-2015 and 3-20-2034. A lunar tetrad occurs in 2023 and 2033 and a High Holy day tetrad occurs in the years 2033 and 2034 (though the eclipses will not be total in year 2034). In each case, an important solar eclipse occurring on the Spring Equinox is sandwiched by lunar eclipses occurring on the high holy days of Judaism. 21
The author of this article via his website [https://eclipsewitness.com/eclipse-judgment-series] certainly presents some compelling celestial history here in a most convincing context. The celestial structure of these Luni-solar eclipse signs is not something one should ignore. If you do, you do so at the peril of yourself and your loved ones. These celestial signs surrounding the 2000th anniversary of Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection and ascension are not a “coincidence,” being a direct by-product from the Hand of our Almighty Creator, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I don’t agree with all the author’s conclusions, but I’m sure the Believer’s will get blessed and be edified with this research! Enjoy…
God Bless!
1. Strong’s Concordance, [H2555-Chamac] James Strong.
2. https://eclipsewitness.com/eclipse-judgment-series
5. map from 1260d.com
6. https://eclipsewitness.com/eclipse-judgment-series
10. IBID
11. IBID
12. IBID
13. IBID
14. IBID
`15. IBID
16. IBID
17. IBID
18. IBID
19. IBID
20. IBID
21. IBID