Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy of Blood Moon Tetrads and Ancient Cultures.
Welcome to the July 2024 Blog post! This is a special month as it marks the 10th Anniversary of this Blog that I initiated back in 2014! With over 150 blog posts on various topics related to Biblical Astronomy in the last 10 years, we have been blessed to develop a loyal following of readers and participants from around the globe. I love and am very passionate about this unique Christian Ministry work, and remain humbled and Thankful to my Heavenly Father for His Infinite Love, Grace and inspiration to Bless God’s People! The impetus for this blog grew out of the original website [] that we put together in 2002-3, based on the teachings and seminars related to the Birth of Christ, and The Celestial Prelude. I will always be grateful to my dear friend & brother in Christ, Paul Viarengo, for his love and generosity in helping me to establish and support this website, which remains a key asset and research archive. In the last few years I’m most thankful and grateful to and for Rev. Jon Nessle, his teachings, support and his example are invaluable contributions to this field of Bible research, along with his scientific background and prowess. I’m honored to accept his invitation to serve and teach with him, Ren Manetti and Roberto & Diane Martinez in The Next Reformation Church. Our outreach activities include a weekly Tune-in-Tuesday forum, and a recent roadshow as we served and taught together on the Celestial Gospel Seminar this past April for the Northeastern CFF Believers in New Jersey! Keep your eyes open for more efforts like this down the road…
To honor our 10th anniversary, and for the sake of context it is helpful to revisit some of the Celestial events that opened this blog in 2014. A primary topic of conversation in that period was the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015. This of course raised interest in the previous Blood Moon Tetrads during the inception of the State of Israel in 1949-50, and the 6-day war of 1967 when Israel reclaimed control of Jerusalem for the 1st time in near 2000 years. A respected commentator and Blood Moon teacher; Mark Biltz noted that after the 1st Blood Moon of 2014 there was an initial invasion of Ukraine by Russia, ISIS Advances, a 2-month war between Israel and Gaza, an Ebola Plague, an overthrow of Yemen, economic meltdowns and middle East upheaval. Many of these types of events were not only repeated in 2021-2022, but remain in the news headlines today!
The Season of Repentance is the call to repent before the Day of the Lord. Jewish tradition says those who are written in the Book of Life (the saved) will be resurrected on the Feast of Trumpets. The undecided and evil ones will then have time to repent during the time of judgment that ends at the Day of Atone-ment. The period of time between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atone-ment is representative of the seven years of the Tribulation. It is fitting then that the Great American eclipse of such significance marks the the Season of Repentance. It was another sign pointing towards the significance of 2017 as it relates to the return of Christ, in comparison with the Alpha/Omega or Aleph-Tav; as the first and last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet embody the Great American Eclipses crossing America, from 2017-2024.
Joel 2:25-32 and Acts 2:16-27 prophecies of solar and lunar eclipses are note-worthy since solar eclipses are considered a sign for the Gentile nations of the world, while lunar eclipses are more significant for Israel. This aligns with God’s classification of people on earth into 3 groups; Jews, Gentiles & the Church of God.
There was another total solar eclipse that occurred on March 20, 2015. At the center point between the Blood Moon lunar eclipses of the 2014-15 Tetrad, it occurs before the religious new year begins on Nisan 1 (March 21). This eclipse was visible in the North Atlantic occurring in the constellation Pisces. Pisces speaks of the Redeemer’s People or us. Here there is a solar eclipse that took place 888 days before the Season of Repentance 2017. 888 is the number of our Redeemer’s name in Greek–Jesus.
The Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-15 opened with a Passover Lunar Eclipse on 4/15/2014. Prior to the 4/4/2015 Passover Blood Moon, a unique Total Solar Eclipse occurred on March 20th, at the Spring Equinox, marking the start of the Hebrew month of Nisan, to open the ecclesiastical year, at the midpoint of their Shemitah year in 2015. Any Total solar eclipse reaching the rarefied air of the North Pole is unequalled, with the path of this Solar Eclipse ending at the Pole, putting it within Eclipse totality for near 2 minutes. A total solar eclipse at the North Pole on the Spring Equinox takes place only about once every 100 centuries, but it never happened on Nisan 1 in Hebrew Timekeeping, especially when seen with a Super-moon, putting this Total Solar eclipse in a class by itself. A chart of Blood Moon Tetrads over the last 2000+ years is available in our blog post @ Biblical Blood Moon Calendar.
This March 20th eclipse in 2015 was indeed a special one. While comparing historical eclipse data on the Spring Equinox; we found a solar eclipse (not at the North Pole) on March 20, 71 AD, also on Nisan 1 on the Hebrew Calendar.#1 Only months before the eclipses in 71 AD, Jerusalem’s Temple was attacked and destroyed. This Temple destruction occurred on the infamous 9th of Av in 70′ AD. In spite of prince Titus’ strict orders to his Roman Legions not to harm the Temple, it was “accidentally” set on fire and consumed. On August 5th, AD. 70, bloody scars on smoking ruins mark dire scenes of daily offerings ceased in Israel on 7/13/70′ AD, for lack of able-bodied priests to Sacrifice. This was recorded–at a noted time in history when Jerusalem’s Temple was destroyed by fire.
The Total Solar Eclipse on March 20th, 2015, was not only unique because it took place at the North Pole, but also because it fell right in the middle of this Blood Moon Tetrad. Much has been written about the position and timing of this total solar eclipse, but taking place in the center of this Tetrad is a key, when we view how the 2016 solar and lunar eclipses link the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad to the Rev. 12 sign of Sept 23, 2017. The year of 2016 also saw a mirroring of solar and lunar eclipses in 70 AD. Not only are the solar and lunar eclipses mirrored exactly as seen in Table 1 below in 70/2016, but a Rev. 12 sign is also reflected in the center of the 70′ solar and lunar eclipses, on 8/27/70, three weeks after the destruction and burning of Jerusalem’s Temple by Titus on the 9th of Av.
The final Super Blood Moon of the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad occurred after the Hebrew 50-year Jubilee on the Day of Atonement, Sept. 23rd, 2015, just 2 years prior to the Rev. 12 sign on 9/23/2017. This is notable as the 9/28/15 Super Blood Moon was the 1st Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad that was visible in Jerusalem, as the city of God was liberated by Israel for the first time in near 2000 years in the preceding Jubilee year of 1967, marked too by the previous Blood Moon Tetrad of 1967-68. As we consider this feature of visibility over Jerusalem, we find it upheld with each of the lunar triples bracketing the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad, as a 2nd Blood Moon of both lunar triples was also visible over Jerusalem. This directly links the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad and the eclipses of 2016 to the 70′ AD razing of the Jerusalem Temple.
Figure 1. Lunar Triples in 2010-11 and 2018-19 bracketing the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad. #2
As the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad of the end days was centered between the saddest days on Israel’s Calendar, the days of Av marked by Lunar Triples in 2010-11 and 2018-19, as seen above they recall the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple on two key occasions in their history, one we have highlighted below, with the 69-71 AD solar and lunar eclipses, marking the Roman Destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. It is notable that the triple union of Jupiter-Regulus in Leo, marking Christ’s birth in 3-2 BC, is set here, as the next Jupiter-Regulus union didn’t recur till 10-15-69 AD, #3 opening to the Partial Lunar Eclipse on Sukkot on 10/18/69′, seen in Table 1 below.
The year 2015 has another date of interest. Yom Kippur 2015 proves to be 2,520 exact weeks from June 7, 1967 when Israel won the Temple Mount. This is also expressed as 49/360-day years. However, in counting these days, Yom Kippur 2015 is an exact 700 days before Elul 1, 2017 and the Season of Repentance. On an added note, there is another total eclipse on March 9, 2016 …[This March 9th date aligns with the Roman’s Destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD, with very similar celestial signs in the sky.
2000 years of Blood Moon Tetrad history marked by Peter’s Sermon to open the Age of Grace, [Acts 2:20] have seen Jesus’ foretelling Israel’s Bible and Celestial Prophecy Plan of a Destruction of Jerusalem’s Temple, sealed in solar and lunar eclipses, fulfilled in 70 AD. We saw the Jews dispersed the world over, returning to Israel’s Reformed State, in 1948-50 marked by a Blood Moon Tetrad. In 1967-68 another Blood Moon Tetrad stamped the 6-day war with Egypt, and Jerusalem’s first reclaiming under Israeli control, since 70 AD, all leading to a next prophecy to rebuild a Third Jerusalem Temple. A chart of the Blood Moon Tetrads over the last 2000 years is found in our blog @ Biblical Blood Moon Calendar. The summary below from this link, shows Jesus’ Prophecy of Rome’s 70 AD Destruction of the Temple, mirroring the 2016 Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
Solar & Lunar Eclipses from 69-71 AD. 2016 Solar & Lunar Eclipses omitting Adar 2:
Jupiter-Regulus triple union 10/15/69 #1 in Leo the Lion
Partial Lunar Sukkot 10/18/69
Jupiter-Regulus Conjunction 12/30/69 #2
Total Solar Nisan 1 3/30/70 Total Solar Eclipse 3/9/2016
Penum lunar Passover 4/14/70 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse-3/23/2016/Nisan 14
Jupiter-Regulus Conjunction 6/7/70 #3
Temple destroyed by Titus 8/5/70 9th of Av, 70 AD in Age of Grace opened by Peter citing Joel 2 @ Pentecost 28′ AD.
Rev. 12 Sign of the Woman 8/27/70 in Virgo
Annular Solar Rosh Hash 9/23/70 Annular Solar Eclipse 9/3/2016/Trumpets Feast
Penum lunar Sukkot 10/08/70 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
Sukkot/9-16 to 9/23/16
Partial Lunar Purim 3/4/71 Partial Lunar Eclipse
Total Solar Nisan 1 3/20/71 Total Solar Eclipse
These dates may look familiar to those following this Biblical Astronomy Blog [], as the first 2 Total Solar Eclipses of 2016 form the continuation of Solar and Lunar signs on Hebrew Feast and Holy days after the Blood Moons of 2014-15. Due to a lack of consensus on the ripeness of Aviv Barley in Israel, the alignment of these solar eclipses with Hebrew Feast and Holy days went mostly unnoticed in 2016. But they are key as they represent a direct link to the Aug. 21st, 2017 Pan-Am Total Solar eclipse. A key detail about the 2nd Blood Moon of each lunar triple bracketing the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad was its visible over Jerusalem. This provides a direct link with Blood Moon Tetrad to the razing of the Jerusalem Temple in Hebrew Sabbath years of 586-587 BC and 69-70 AD. King Nebuchadnezzar burnt the Temple in 587-586 BC [2 Chron. 36:17-20], and it was burnt again 69-70 AD, by Titus and his Roman legions. In both cases Jerusalem lay desolate for the next 50 years on the Jubilee Calendar. #4
The solar and lunar eclipses marking the 69-70 AD destruction of Jerusalem’s Temple, 70 AD was the last year Jerusalem was under control of Israel until the Blood Moon Tetrad of 1967-68. The Luni–Solar Eclipses of 2016 mirror the 69-70 AD solar and lunar eclipses exactly on holy days & Hebrew feasts. Its also noteworthy that the triple union of Jupiter-Regulus marking the birth of Christ in 3BC, is linked to the Temple destruction in Jerusalem foretold by Christ [Matt. 24:1-2], since the next Jupiter-Regulus conjunction did not recur until Oct. 15th, 69 AD. #5
By putting these birth signs of Christ together with the physical Temple being destroyed, it recalls Jesus’ words in [Jn. 2:19-20] where Jesus links the Temple’s destruction, wherein he was standing when he said “destroy this temple,” with the “temple of his body.” Christ embodied the Temple in two aspects; first as the Bride of Israel when he spoke this prophecy, then a New Covenant Gentile Church in Christ, communing with the Heavenly Father in spirit after the Day of Pentecost in the Age of Grace, [Eph. 2:11-22]. Since Jesus superseded the physical Temple in his Spiritual body–the Church, the Jerusalem Temple on the Mount will not be seen again until its daily sacrifices are restored prior to Jesus’ 2nd Coming. The 69-70 AD solar and lunar eclipses marked Rome’s destruction of the Temple, by Titus mirrored in soli-lunar eclipses of 2016, that lead to the 2017 rewind of the Great Wonder of Rev. 12:1-2. Amazingly, another version of this Rev. 12 celestial wonder occurred on August 27th, in 70 AD, between the 4/14/70 Passover Lunar Eclipse, and the 9/23/70 Rosh Hashanah Solar Eclipse!
Figure 2. The Rev. 12 sign on August 27th, 70 AD: With a Jupiter-Venus union, in the hind paw of Leo the Lion. #6
The woman-Virgo has a crown of 12 stars, with Jupiter and Venus in so close a union, they appear to merge into one star as in 2 BC, but this time in the lower rear paw of Leo. The Sun clothes Virgo and the Moon at her feet. The planets Jupiter and Venus are also aligned with Mercury-Gabriel in Leo’s other hind paw, and the King Star-Regulus in Leo. What is unique with this version of the Rev. 12 Sign is that it occurs in the midst of solar and lunar eclipses falling on Hebrew Feast days as they also marked the 70 AD Temple’s destruction in Jerusalem.
These 2016 Lunar Eclipses followed the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 that totaled 6 Lunar Eclipses in 3 consecutive years on Hebrew Feast days, adding weight to the Four Blood Moons! As we consider the import of these Penumbral Lunar Eclipses in 2016, we should point out the similarity to the Penumbral Lunar Eclipses in 70 AD marking the Romans’ destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. The following chart from our Biblical Blood Moon Calendar blog shows the 70 AD Roman Temple Destruction as Jesus Prophesied, [Matt. 24:1-2].
It is notable that if the ripe Barley determination was made before the Total Solar Eclipse on March 9th, 2016 it will also have aligned on NISAN 1, even as the linked sign on 3/30/70 AD! This comparison of Solar and Lunar signs of 70 AD and 2016 is truly remarkable! Also, as we mentioned in the Purim Blood Moon post, 71 AD was the last Lunar Eclipse on Purim found in the intervening period until 3/22/2016. The noted parallel here is that these Solar and Lunar signs marked the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD, while today we are looking for the return of a Third Temple in Jerusalem as the next step to fulfill Biblical Prophecy, to establish Israel’s reclamation of Jerusalem as seen in the 1967-68′ Blood Moon Tetrad, in the 6-day War with Egypt. Thus we see note the history of these Solar and Penumbral Lunar Eclipses in 2016 as they align in the only other Sun and Moon signs on Hebrew Feast Days that did not cluster as Blood Moon Tetrads over the last 2000 years!
As we consider the Archaeo-Astronomy of ancient world cultures in light of their various associated forms of astrology, we will view how these systems have survived into the modern world. With this in mind, what does a regular deck of playing cards have in common with the El Castillo Pyramid at Chichen Itza, Mexico?
Figure 3. El Castillo Pyramid at Chichen Itza. #7
The Maya were ruthless devotee’s of human sacrifice, whose culture was ruled by its Astrology, controlling every aspect of their timekeeping, which organized their lives. As the Mayan priests prepared the human sacrifice, they them to subdue any resistance to their
of precious stone, nearly hard as
, to cut out the victim’s
. This secondary comparison to playing cards however belies a more prominent one upon closer inspection. As we find compelling evidence revealing a surprising link to the roots of astrology not only in the origin of Mayan timekeeping practices, but many ancient calendars in general.
The structure of a deck of playing cards is based on 4 suits, reflected above, of 13 cards each, that when the numbers 1-13 are added, equal 91. The same pattern is seen in the El Castillo Pyramid, with 4 flights of 91 stairs, leading up to the altar at the pinnacle of the Pyramid. These 4 suits of 13 cards when multiplied equal 52, corresponding to the number of weeks in a year of our Gregorian Calendar, whose reflection is seen in the Maya Tzolkin Calendar of 52 years. We find further calendar links in the total of 91 pyramid steps, equaling the number of days per season, times 4 flights totaling 364, corresponding to the number of days in the year–365, when the Joker Card is added. As the altar caps off the Pyramid’s pinnacle, the four flights of stairs, make a total of 365. The 52-year Maya Tzolkin calendar consisted of four 13-year periods, each symbolized by one of five spirit-heads, four of which correlated to the Cardinal Directions, while the 5th linked to the center or apex of the circle in the Calendar Round, representing the Earth. This picture of the El Castillo Pyramid agrees with the figure of the Great Pyramid on the Giza plateau, which was designed as a 1 to 43,200 geometric scale model, of planet Earth. Thus, we get the idea that the pyramid represented not only our planet, but also its seasons and timekeeping practices of these pyramid-building cultures that produced them. The calendars that emerged from these cultures also looked to unify the solar and lunar cycles into a comprehensive system of temporal and spatial order. The face cards of the deck represent the day-gods of the Maya Calendar, designed to rule over the temporal and spiritual order of Mayan culture, typified in the structure of their pyramids and calendars. The deck of playing cards was probably structured as a memory system for this classic luni-solar calendar.
Figure 4. Ouroboros Serpent #8
We can trace also the origin of the number 666 from Astrology. The Zodiac is a narrow band about 18 degrees in width making a complete circuit of the sky around the earth, symbolized in pagan art by a serpent whose body formed a circle. The serpent named Ouroboros swallowed his own tail in his mouth as a symbol of self destruction. Astrology taught that the fate of mankind was always decided by the position of the stars. Now the fatalistic astrology of the chief gods of the Zodiac were the 7 fate-controlling planets who wound their way through the 36 rooms of the Zodiac. As the 7 planets travel through the narrow band of the zodiac at varying speeds —symbolized as a seven-headed serpent (Rev. 12:3), they dictated the fate of entire cultures and nations. The Zodiac band was divided into 12 houses, one for each month of the year, and each house was divided into three rooms, with 36 rooms/ decans in all, one for each 10 degrees of the Zodiac circle. This counterfeit heavenly order is the astrological basis of our present method of time-keeping. For example, the clockface– derived from the 12 houses of the Zodiac, as the original Heavenly Clock, whereby today we measure time, even as our ruler has 12 inches to a foot, determining our spatial dimensions.
Figure 5. Roulette Wheel #9
The original Roulette wheels have a 360-degree circle with 36 divisions of 10 degrees each, with a blank or zero division to represent the 5 days beyond the 360 days in a year. There are 36 numbered cards in a 52 card deck. One card each represents the 52 weeks with 12 face cards, 4 Kings, 4 Queens, and 4 Jacks, and 4 suits that represent the four seasons. Why do fortune-tellers use a deck of cards to predict the future? Because the deck of cards derives from Astrology. Our present townships are composed of 36 square miles because, as several writers point out, the ancients divided the earth according to the divisions in the sky. Just as our 12-inch ruler was once a symbol of the 12-house Zodiac, so our 36-inch yardstick based upon the 36 rooms into which the heavenly houses are divided. Also, the remainder of the sky outside the Zodiac band was also divided into 36 constellations, 15 on the south side and 21 on the north side. A god of each constellation was set up to rule over one of the 36 rooms of the Zodiac. Every star in the sky was viewed as a god in the abode of departed spirits included in a constellation, and over whom a god was set up who ruled over a Zodiac room. Each Zodiac house-god ruled over a month of the year, and the 7 planetary house gods regulated, the celestial order and the affairs of mankind via this Astrology, by their relative positions in the various rooms of the Zodiac. The Sun-god ruled over them all (the All-Seeing Eye) who was envisioned as the central fire, from which each had sprung. Pagans believed that all other gods were but emanations of the Sun-god. In their numerology 1, 6, 12, 36, 111, and 666 were the most sacred numbers in Astrology. Like the Roulette Wheel, the charts divided into 36 numbered sections, or [magic squares]. There were six columns in all directions with the numbers 1 to 36 placed inside the entire chart. Any direction you add the columns, they total 111. There are six squares in each column and 6 x 111 = 666. If you add all digits from 1 to 36 they will total 666. So, the number 36 was a sacred number that identified with the 36 room-gods of the Zodiac, and the number 666 was a summary number of the Sun-god, because it was his sacred number as the ruler of the Zodiac. Thus it was not a coincidence that the earth’s axis is tilted 23.4 degrees from vertical which is 66.6 degrees from hortizontal. [Obliquity cycle] #10
Thus the number 36 was a sacred number that was linked to the 36 room-gods of the Zodiac, and the number 666 was a summary number of the Sun-god, and his sacred number as the ruler of the Zodiac. This was an archetypal blueprint of how the enemy counterfeited the original Celestial Gospel, by substituting his astrology for the foundations of the Creator’s Biblical Astronomy, going back to the Tower of Babel., where the original one language of humanity was confused by God to prevent the enemy’s One world unity based on Astrology as the counterfeit of The Creator’s Celestial Gospel.
The primary temporal symbol in Mesoamerican myth, as in other ancient cultures was the snake who swallowed it own tail. We find in this circular snake, a symbol of cyclic time depicted below in the concentric Calendar Wheel, where the outer wheel shows the 52-year cycle of the Maya Calendar, divided into 13 renditions of the four year cycles [13 x 4=52] known as [rabbit, house, cane & reed]. We noted these elements in our earlier comparison, of the structures of the El Castillo Pyramid and the common deck of playing cards. The four circles in the Serpent’s body relate to the four Cardinal Directions of the calendar, embodied in four of the Mayan spirit heads.
Figure 6. Maya Concentric Calendar Wheel #11
The graphic above conforms to the Egyptian serpentine image of the Sothic Calendar arranged, according to the four Cardinal Directions, as the serpent head swallows its own tail, with scales symbolizing the stars of heaven. This Egyptian picture of the Sothic Calendar shows a reconciliation between the 360° circle with the 365-days of the calendar year. Encircled in the serpent’s coils at the cardinal points, are the 4 Egyptian gods Sothis/Sirius, Isis, Osiris & Horus, each presiding over a cycle of 365 years which totaled the 1461–year cycle when the rising of the star Sirius aligned with the Sunrise. This idea links to the 260-day tzolkin calendar of the Maya, because the Sothic Calendar also conforms to the 260-day pattern [260 x 1461] that equals 365.25 x 1040 days.
This provides another depiction of the world monomyth cropping up in cultures with no direct physical contact, appearing at different points in history, yet sharing universal archetypes of archaeo-astronomy based on truths of a common celestial myth.
Like the ancient Egyptians, the Maya pyramid-building culture of ancient Mexico had a very advanced Astronomy. They also regularly divided their year into 360 days, called a “tun” and added 5 extra days, called “haab,” considered an unlucky period. According to Peter Thompkins, Maya also “calculated the orbit of the Earth about the Sun as 365.2420 days, and marked the close of the year by the erection of a stone they called a tun. They did likewise for a twenty- year cycle or Katun, a period they considered to be governed by the Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn.“#121
The history of Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction cycles was also recognized in close association to the precession of the equinoxes in the Hebrew cosmology seen in Genesis 1:6-10, along the world-views of many ancient cultures including, Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece and the Meso–Americans. Peter Thompkins continues by saying that; “The Maya had a very special sacred year of 260 days called tzolkin, that the Aztecs called tonalamatl.” This 260-day sacred calendar was “divided into 13 months of 20 days, and the multiples of 13 and 20 became the heart of a chronological computation stunning in its simplicity and exactness. A greater cycle of 260 years was 13 consecutive Jupiter-Saturn cycles of 20 years.”#132
The greater 260-year cycle based on the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, cycle was also a tool utilized by the Mayans to break down the extra long cycle of the precession of the equinoxes. Thompkins states that the “Maya also had a cycle of 942,890 days, or 2,582 years, that turned out to be 130 Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions.”#143 Twice this cycle [5,163 years], not only gave the equivalent of the greater 260-year cycle of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions, but 100 of these greater 260-year cycles equaled 26,000 years, often reckoned the length of the precession. With Kepler’s Trigon, the Mayan tzolkin, and the Egyptian Sothic Calendar, we have three culturally distinct and seemingly independent views of how Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions subdivided the precession. The amazing visual similarity between the Mayan tzolkin wheel, that preceded Kepler’s geometric structure of the Trigon by centuries, is also worth noting, especially in how both calendars include a reference to the lunar cycles according to the base 60 number system. This provides an ancient basis and foundation on the Sexegesimal, earth-commensurate standard based on precession, from the Mayan culture. The Kepler Trigon unfolds the pattern of the clock face of the precession, opening a new precessional age on average every 2160 years, with the close approach of Jupiter and Saturn to the vernal point. In this division of the precession into manageable parts, we can see how the luni-solar cycle, governed by the phi ratio, depicts the universal cosmic order based on precessional number factors ruling their calendar, was reflected in their monumental architecture.
Figure 7. Kepler’s Trigon #15
We gain true insight into the stellar revelation the Almighty Creator invested into His Celestial Gospel as we witness the mathematical precision of luni-solar and planetary astro–cyles, patterned to the Pi and Phi ratios. Cultural traditions of the world have spawned their astrologies as counterfeit views of the original truths of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy. that diverged from the authentic principles of the Messianic Prophecies of the Celestial Gospel in favor of cultural idols of astrology and conventional views of Archaeology, and Archaeo-Astronomy, to support these false views. The Conventional wisdom of archaeology has been to view the results of the digs and sites, from their mainline historical view of the culture and society that produced it, with various regional influences considered. Although a portion of attention has been focused on societal religion, and the religious context and practices that produced these sites, conventional wisdom would benefit if more attention was focused on the principles of the world monomyth, by Joseph Campbell in this context. As stated, our position is in general agreement with Campbell’s idea of the world monomyth [The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 1949] that names Christ as a prime example among others, of the universal hero setting the pattern upon which all cultural hero’s have been formed.#16
We can also trace the Archaeo-Astronomy of ancient cultures going back to the Tower of Babel that were first based on the tenets of the Celestial Gospel but became corrupted in the Babel’s ancient astrology [Gen. 11:1-9]. We can also track the Babylonian name for their temporal cycle involving the Moon’s eclipse cycle, or period of lunation, which is called a saros rooted in the Hebrew word [zera]. This period of lunation lasts 18 years and 11, (10.96) days. Mathematics in modern times defines, zero is the absence of quantity, the point where a constant function changes its sign from positive to negative, (or the spiritual to the physical). Practically, this transition between the physical and spiritual realms is embodied in Jesus Christ, who is the apex and crown of Creation. He is the point of access to God-the Heavenly Father and as the Word made flesh, he is seated on his throne at the right hand of God, at the utmost pinnacle of the cosmos. [Eph. 2:4-8]
Due in part to the importance of Astronomy in ancient culture, and the star religions that formed around ancient timekeeping and celestial science, our view is the astronomical myth and tradition linked to ancient Star religions, is a primary and universal key to understanding the inner workings of cultural archetypes. Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy is of special and unique value here, because of the message and blueprint it carries in the celestial prophecies of Christ, as seen in the planetary unions surrounding the Star of Bethlehem, marking Christ’s birth, unlocking the keys of Biblical Astronomy. The primary caveat here of course, is that based on the Creator’s Intelligent Design, the celestial and angelic signs of the birth of Christ are viewed as direct messages from the Creator’s Throne-room regarding the long awaited appearance of Christ-God’s Only Begotten Son.
One of the many tenets of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy is to focus on how numerous star religions have deviated from the original message concerning Christ, the ultimate Hero, written in the Heavens. Basic forms of Astrology that emerged during this process of corruption were documented in our website study on “Biblical Astronomy vs. Astrology,” providing important background on this specific study. As opposed to understanding star religions in a skewed light of the exclusivity of cultural contexts, that only blind their adherents to their idol practices. We prefer an inductive Scriptural approach seen in Rom. 1: 22-25, which enlightens us as to how Astrology has corrupted and hidden key Scriptural truths from coming to the surface, since they have changed God’s truth into lies, worshipping and serve the Creation more than the Creator. Our focus is to shed new light on these practices, preferably based on principles akin to the original, more ancient Astronomy, from which idol astrology first deviated. In the process we will notice common points that come to light, as these star religions venerated idol relics in place of the original Hero, [Acts 7:43].
The Authentic Protevangelium was the Witness of the Stars. The Celestial Gospel of the Coming Hero-Redeemer: Jesus Christ, was the 1st Gospel written from God to Man. The the signs of the zodiac were the first symbol–heralds of a Coming Redeemer, whom we would know based on the written Messianic prophecies. From the first prophecy of the Promised Seed [Gen. 3:15] the woman’s seed was spoken as the one to bruise the serpent with a terminal death blow to its head. Rev. 12:4 below reveals the central goal of the adversary, “to devour the woman’s child as soon as it was born.” We witness this intent in Herod’s slaughter of infants born nearest when the Magi’s star first appeared over Bethlehem. All of Biblical history revolves around this conflict between the two seeds; the seed of the woman and the serpent’s seed. Just as the “woman” has a dual fulfillment, so the symbolism in reference to the serpent–dragon in Rev. 12 changes also.
Revelation 12: 3-5
3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
“And there appeared another wonder in heaven”- “Another” is a Greek word indicating that this heavenly wonder was different from that described in Rev. 12:1. As a first heavenly wonder noted a woman of the Constellation Virgo, so this second heavenly wonder, though different from Virgo, was still a celestial sign.
‘and behold a great red dragon‘– Although there are several potential celestial candidates for this sky dragon, including Hydra which also spans a third of the stars of the ecliptic with its massive size, it becomes apparent that Draco is the sign that is referred to in its initial significance in Revelation. This is the first of 13 occurrences of the Greek word “drakon“ in the book of Revelation, with the first eight uses of this word here in Rev. 12, [Rev. 12:3,4,7,7, 9,13,16,17, Rev. 13:2, 4,11, Rev. 16:13, 20:2]. The number thirteen is symbolic of rebellion and the dragon embodies the idea of spiritual warfare in the heavens. As we inspect the details of the Biblical record of Revelation 12, the characteristics of Draco the dragon come to the surface. The first incidence of the word “Dragon” in Rev. 12:3 are focused traits of Draco over the other names of the adversary in Rev. 12:9. As a result of the war in heaven, the dragon and his 3rd of the heavenly angels were cast down to the earth. This was depicted astronomically as a meteor shower in 3 BC, that curiously coincides with the events surrounding the birthday of Jesus Christ.
Figure 8. The October 8th Giacobinid Meteor shower of 2000. #17
R.H. Allen was one of the first I’m aware of that linked the casting down of the dragon and his angels to a meteor shower. The meteor shower in question originated from the Dragon at the North pole, tied to its parent comet known as the Giacobini-Zinner Comet.
I was not aware of the idea of this specific Meteor shower being linked to the second celestial wonder of Rev. 12, until I listened a teaching by Jon Nessle regarding the Eta-Draconid Meteors correlated with the birth of Christ.
According to Rev. Nessle, there are actually 3 sets of Draconid meteors, two of which show a radiant or origin, from the star Eta-Draconis. One of these stars is viewed as the greater and the other the lesser of the Eta-Draconids. It is the lesser of these two that occurred during the period of Sept. 9th-12th in 3 BC. #18
A defining factor of this Meteor shower is that the lesser Eta-Draconids are best viewed at sunset, or in the early evening, while most Meteor showers are best seen later at night, as stated in the excerpt below from the October 2nd, 98’ Weekly News Bulletin of Sky & Telescope;
“On the evening of Oct. 8th, debris from the Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner/ 21P may provide a stunning sky show. The Giacobinid Meteor shower turned out two of the best Meteor displays of the 20th century in 1933 and 1946. Lesser showers arrived in 1926, 1952, & 1985. Unlike most Meteor showers the Giacobinids are at their best in the evening as opposed to after midnight. Their radiant is in the tail of the Constellation Draco. This point is highest right after dark at mid-northern latitudes; it moves lower throughout the night and is near the horizon by dawn.”#19
This fact alone showing the meteors falling from their radiant in the dragon’s tail as the dragon sign itself descends from the upper reaches of the sky to the earthly horizon in the dawning of a new day, when Christ was born, to enact the casting down and descent of the dragon’s power, on the Sept. 11th birth of Christ. Since this new day began at sunset in the Hebrew Calendar, the first moments of the birth time of the promised seed were revealed with the setting star Spica, about 20 minutes after Sunset in Virgo. The graphic of Draco at the celestial North Pole below [Plate III] depicts the head & body of the dragon inside the northern polar circle, with the dragon’s tail starting with the star Thuban, outside of the polar circle.
Figure 9. Draco the Dragon and the North Astronomical pole, from the Star Atlas of Hevelius. 20
Also shown is Cepheus the Crowned King with Polaris, the pole star, between his feet. Since the star Eta-Draconis is located below the serpent’s head near the ecliptic North pole, with Thuban in the dragon’s tail, as the equatorial pole star, it symbolizes the dragon’s dominion, both as the original morning star and the god of this world. We should note that though the north-pole of the Equator was wrested from the dragon, via the precession of the poles, he retains sway over the pole of the ecliptic, the celestial axis around which the equatorial pole revolves. This is a still point in the heavens near the core of the Dragon, and the Cat’s Eye Nebula [NGC 6543] between the stars Grumium and Chi Draconis. Notes of interest regarding the star Grumium, also spelled Grumian, meaning “subtle or deceiver,” as Denning: “views the radiant of the Meteor flow seen about the 29th of May, also named the Draconids,”#21 as one of 3 distinct Meteor showers from Draco, this being the sole whose radiant was not Eta-Draconis. In Figure 10 below, 3 second magnitude stars in the dragon’s head are readily visible, with a red star-Thuban in the dragon‘s tail. The testimony of this dragon sign embodies the enemy cast down, including other categories of the spirit realm seen in this meteor shower, framing the birth of Christ. Although the casting down of the dragon occurred in the 1st Heaven and Earth, [2 Pet. 3:5-7] in the deep past before human history, the Dragon’s fall with his minions was not a foregone conclusion, until Christ was resurrected and Ascended. This is one aspect of the Rev. 12 record, that shows it is not in chronological order. With the birth of Christ, the prophecy of the dragon’s doom in [Gen. 3:15] was tied to promised seed for the first time.
This Meteor shower from September 9th-11th 3 BC, marking the birth of the ascending Morning star, shows most clearly this transition of heavenly and earthly power, tolling the death knell of Draco’s dominion. The occurrence of this Meteor shower at sunset was another sign of confirmation that would have drawn the Magi’s focus to sunset, as the time of day to be watchful for the celestial signs marking the birth of Christ.
Figure 10. Draco the Dragon at the Celestial North Pole. #22
This Eta-Draconid Meteor shower during the birth of Christ also links to the planet Saturn, tying the Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunction of 7 BC to the Jupiter-Regulus triple union in Leo in 3BC. This first Jupiter link was based on the retrograde motion and triple unions of Jupiter, 4 years apart. Saturn is also tied to the star Eta-Draconis in its regular transit across the Meridian, at midnight of May 23rd, filed for centuries occurring only 3 days before the 1st Jupiter-Saturn triple union, May 27th of 7 BC. This binds the 1st Jupiter-Saturn Triple conjunction to a series of celestial signs marking Christ’s birth from 3-1 BC, opening with the May 19th, 3 BC Mercury-Saturn union. This not only adds a conclusive celestial bond with the Celestial Prelude signs in 7-5 BC with Christ’s birth signs in 3-1 BC, but also ties Draco vertical at the north pole with the Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunctions, on the ecliptic, showing the casting down of Draco from his high perch at the North Pole to a horizontal position on the ecliptic, where he has a prime view of the secrets of the pit, [Isa. 14:15]. This linkage with the planet Saturn and the star Eta-Draconis is focused on the initial dominion & first estate of the dragon at the pinnacle of the 1st heavens and earth. But the Meteor shower shows the dragon cast down at sunset, in the twilight of his dominion. The Eta-Draconid Meteors encircle the birth of Christ on 9/11, and led to the 1st triple union of Jupiter-Regulus in Leo, on 9/14th. This September 14th date is key for at least three reasons. First, it fell within the annual twenty-day period when Virgo is clothed with the Sun. Secondly, it initiates Saturn’s 13-year ring cycle, and 3rd it seals a 1st Jupiter-
Regulus Conjunction in Leo in 3 BC. Since this Planetary union was visible to the Magi, as early as the 11th of September, the meteors were already falling from their perch high in the northern sky, signifying the dragon cast down & his third of the stars of heaven, at the same time of the events marking Christ’s birth, the heir apparent to fill this gap in heaven vacated by draco and his minions.
The Astronomy of the ancient Maya civilization also holds some fascinating keys regarding the star Eta Draconis, relating to the Maya Serpent Calendar. Dr. Marian Hatch, an expert on the Maya Serpent Calendar, made some tantalizing connections between the orientation of the serpents on this amazingly detailed calendar, and the positions of the Constellation Draco, in the northern skies. She discovered that:
“the varied snake positions link true with the path of Draco’s Constellation as it would have appeared in the evening sky 2000 years ago. Dr. Hatch noted that the star Eta Draconis was unique that it alone among all other stars stayed virtually unchanged in right ascension for the 2300 years between 1800 BC to 500 AD, regularly transiting across the Meridian at midnight of May 23rd, and November 22nd, with a variation of less than a degree. Thus the star Eta Draconis provided the Maya with an accurate measure of the sidereal year, and a yardstick for comparison between the tropical and sidereal years, as well as indicating the precessional lag in other stars…#23/4 {emphasis mine}
Figure 11. Draco’s position in the Maya Serpent Calendar. #24
Dr. Hatch’s research shows an implied link between the precession of the poles and the precession of the equinoxes, as they are represented both vertical at the North Pole and horizontally on the ecliptic. From the graphic above we will also notice how the bodies of the serpents align with the circular rows of the Maya day-gods, which are depicted as scales on the serpent’s hide, [Job 41: 7-18]. This calendar’s accuracy is unsurpassed in the history of Astronomy, as it incorporates the Venus cycle in correlation with the luni-solar cycles. We will look deeper into the details of this dragon calendar, tying to the head and tail of the dragon, its scales and so-called lunar Nodes as we progress in new studies along these lines, revealing spiritual implications of the Mazzaroth linked to its four serpentine Constellations.
As the Maya Serpent Calendar shows, Eta Draconis supplied the benchmark by which both the the tropical and sidereal years were tracked and contrasted, not to mention the effect of precession on heavenly stars, which seems the Mayans could have tracked going back to at least 1800 BC, coinciding with the star Eta-Draconis. The linked Eta-Draconid Meteor shower also marked Christ’s birth, providing a powerful witness to the dragon’s fall, depicting the casting down of the dragon with his minions for all time.
It is no “coincidence” that earth’s axis is tilted 23.4 degrees from vertical or 66.6 degrees from hortizontal. This keeps the terrestrial pole pointed to the North star, which 5000 years ago was a tail star in Draco-named Thuban, but now has shifted via the precession of the poles to Polaris in Ursa Minor, the little flock underfoot of King Cepheus, seated at God’s Right Hand, embodied in Christ with his spiritual body-the Church.
As individual believers, sons & daughters of God in Christ, we too can crush the serpent enemy immediately with his minions, under our feet, [Rom. 16:20] as we are seated in the heavenlies in Christ at the Heavenly Father’s Right Hand!
God Bless!
2. [] Graphic 3B “Like No Other”
4. Number in Scripture, E.W. Bullinger
5. [THE JUPITER-SATURN CONJUNCTION GEOCENTRIC TROPICAL ZODIAC) 600 BCE to 2400 CE copyright 1998-1999 by Richard Nolle all rights reserved].
6. Stellarium Astronomical Software; August 27th, 70 AD
7. Fig. 3 picture credit for El Castillo Pyramid.
8. Fig. 4 picture credit for Ouroboros serpent []
9. Fig. 5 picture credit for Roulette Wheel []
10. Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids, Peter Thompkins [general reference]
11. IBID, p41. from the De Siguenza Manuscripts.
12. IBID
13. IBID
14. IBID
15. Figure 7 picture credit, for Kepler’s Trigon.
16. Joseph Campbell, An Introduction, Revised version.
17. Figure 8 picture credit for the Draconid Meteor Showers.
18. Jon Nessle’s Teaching on Draconids
19. October 2nd, 98’ Weekly News Bulletin of Sky & Telescope
20. Star Atlas of Hevelius, Draco @ the North Pole
21. Star Names their Lore & Meaning, R.A. Allen, p. 212.
22. Figure 10 picture credit of Draco. []
23. Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids, Peter Thompkins [general reference]
24. Dr. Marian Hatch on Draco’s position in the Maya Serpent Calendar. IBID