Synopsis of the Celestial Prelude Part 2.
Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone
As a brief review of the previous session, the Rev. 12:1 configuration of the sun and moon in the constellation Virgo was observed in Jerusalem between sunset and moonset, during evening twilight in the 20 days that the Sun was in Virgo, from Aug. 27th to Sept. 15th, 3BC. On Sept. 11, 3 BC, sunset occurred at 6:18 P.M. and moonset at 7:39 P.M. According to Rev. 12, it was during this 81-minute period that Jesus Christ was born and took his first breath of life to become a living soul. This new day, the first day of the new month of Tishri 1, 3BC, was marked by sighting of the New Moon, the sliver of the Crescent Moon marking the birth of the Son of God, and 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ. The description in Revelation 12:1 provides a precise astronomical record of this evening of September 11th, 3 B.C. We also reviewed the material on The Summary of the Celestial Prelude. It will benefit the reader to check the details of these teaching notes, as they have been expanded to fill in certain aspects and features of the original teaching from Rev. Nessle’s class on 12-12-23.
Tishri 1 was also the anniversary of Creation, but even more-so the renewal of Creation, foreshadowing the Return of the Lord when the waiting of the earnest expectation of creation will be fulfilled, as the manifestation of the sons of God is realized, and the whole of creation groans and travails in pain together, even as the Saints await the redemption of our bodies, [Rom. 8:18-23]. This also aligns with the truth that Tishri 1 was the first day of the New Year-the day of Trumpets and the inception of the Jewish civil Year, from the times of Moses back to Noah and prior. Gen. 8:13 tells us Noah turned 600 years old on this day, also when he first found the dry land to reappear. This shows us on the Patriarch Noah’s birthday, where God was able to restart the human race afresh in Noah’s family, even as our planet Earth was reborn after the cleansing flood removed the evil violence [hamas-H2555; Gen. 6:11], of that generation off the face of the earth.
Revelation 12:2 tells us the woman was in labor, near birth. Since there is only one of the 12 constellations on the ecliptic that is a woman, we know these signs took place in Virgo, the virgin. Rev. 12:3-4 reveal that the Enemy was cast out of heaven with his plan to kill the child as soon as he was born. In v. 4-5 the woman completes her labor, birthing the Christ-child, Jesus, providing clear acceptance of this child as the promised seed Jesus-the Christ, and Messiah.
Jesus Christ was born on Wednesday, September 11, 3 B.C., between 6:18 and 7:39 P.M., Jerusalem time. On this day, the new moon first became visible in the western sky shortly after sunset, on the 1st day of a new month. This singular day in history, saw the star Spica in Virgo in the process of setting between the Sun and Moon. #1
Since Jesus was born on Tishri 1, 3 BC between sunset starting @ 6:15-6:18 P.M. and moonset @ 7:39 -7:45 P.M. These setting times are from Dr. Ernest Martin, in his book “The Star that Astonished the World” #2 and the book “Jesus Christ our Promised Seed,” #3 by V.P. Wierwille. Together they provide a range of times we are showing. We should also notice that Spica, would have set mere minutes after sunset on Sept. 11th. The star Spica in Virgo-teaches “Branch” prophecies; in [Isa. 4:2, Jer. 23:5, Zech. 3:8, 6:12], embodied in Christ in the 4 Gospels as King in Matthew, Son of Man in Luke, Servant in Mark, and Son of God in John. We find the star Spica in Virgo’s hand, as the first a bunch of harvested wheat. The setting time of the star Spica was 17 min. after sunset, which I believe sets the time parameters for Christ’s birth-down to the minute, based on lunar sighting conditions of the first sliver of the Crescent Moon, marking the start of the new month of Tishri, at the equinox of this historic evening. This puts Jesus’ birth time range related to Spica’s setting time @ 6:32-6:35 PM, 17 minutes after sunset.
Fig. 1. “The “Great wonder” of Rev. 12:1 Sunset, 6:18 P.M., Sept. 11, 3 BC. #4
The diagram shows the sun half-way set. The sun is on the ecliptic, the dotted line, and the solid line is the celestial equator, which is directly overhead at the earth’s equator. At this point, the first thin crescent of the moon appears, at Virgo’s feet, marking the first of the new month, Tishri. #4a
In this graphic we find the exact azimuth of Spica/Al Zemach @ 90 degrees East on the Celestial Equator, or due East/West @ the Fall Equinox position. This is key due to its alignment with the Cardinal points of the compass @ N,S,
E,W. As key aspects of the Planisphere, built upon the Ecliptic and celestial Equator, they encompass the 48 signs of the ancient Mazzaroth, including the 12 signs of the ecliptic with their 36 decans. Even as the star Spica/Al Zemach represents how Christ embodies the four Gospels @ the four quarters of the heavens, as the four chapters of the Celestial Gospel, so Christ embodies all Creation as the missing Chief Cornerstone that fits atop the Great Pyramid, uniting its 4 triangular sides as the most accurately oriented structure to these cardinal points of the ecliptic in history, built as an exact model of the northern hemisphere of our planet, on the dimensions of 1 to 43,200, from pole to the equator.
This embodies how earth’s northern Hemisphere, encapsulates the Great Pyramid that is geometrically mirrored in the heavens, its capstone symbolic of the terrestrial North Pole, projected to the Celestial North Polar star, as a 3D map of both our planet and the heavens. Here the righteous Son/ Sun [Mal. 4:2] symbolizes an ancient knowledge of a Sun-centered Solar System, millennia prior to the “Copernican Revolution,” also witnessed in how the central candle enlightens the entire Hebrew Menorah, [Rev. 1:20].
Fig. 3 Jupiter Crowning Regulus in 3-2 BC. #5
The Rev. 12 sign was not the only astronomical event on September 11, 3 B.C. From sunset in the evening of Wednesday, September 11 to sunset of the next day-the 12th, the first of 3 Jupiter-Regulus conjunctions would have been visible to the Magi, as Jupiter could be seen approaching Regulus in the pre-dawn light of Sept. 12th. At this time the king planet–Jupiter was visible in approach of the king star-Regulus and brightest star on the ecliptic, in the sign Leo, the Lion of Judah, as it was from Judah’s seed that the promised seed and Messiah, appeared.
These four-fold truths related to the Star Spica/Al-Zemach are established in our realization that the King star Regulus is not just a single star but embodies 4 stars in the sky. Although appearing as a single star, Regulus is actually a quad-ruple star system [a.] composed of four stars that are organized into two pairs. The spectroscopic binary [b.] Regulus A is a blue-white main-sequence [c.] star and its companion, which has not yet been directly observed, but is probably a white dwarf. [d.] This is evident when viewed through a smaller telescope- with a minimal 50x magnification, Regulus is visible as two objects separated by 177 arcseconds; [177 arcseconds].#[e.] The Brighter of the two is called Regulus A, and the fainter-Regulus B. A cooler “orange” dwarf star [dwarf star]-[f.] Regulus B has a mass equal to 80% of our Sun’s, but only half as bright, and a surface temp. of 4,885 kelvin, [8,333 F or 4612 C], shining at [magnitude 8.1]. [g.] [B: a spectral classification of K2 V. M4 V.] [h. h.a]
Regulus B, also has its own companion called Regulus C, but @ a mag. of 13.5, it’s only visible with powerful telescopes. With only 1/3 the mass of our Sun, the red dwarf star-Regulus C [red dwarf ] [i.] is bound by gravity to Regulus B as a gravitational partner called Regulus BC. The last measurements taken between 1867 and 1943 showed distances ranging from 4.0 to 2.5 arcseconds, but no new measurements are available. The fourth star in the Regulus system hasn’t been directly resolved by imaging, but its presence was revealed by spectroscopic analysis of Regulus A. [spectroscopic analysis]. [j.] Astronomers think this may be a close orbiting white dwarf [white dwarf] [k.] star and spectroscopic partner. There is a star known as Regulus D, but it is not linked to Regulus A. Instead, it points out a 12th mag. star located 212 arcseconds from the Regulus system. For decades people believed this star to be a companion of Regulus, but recent studies from the Gaia Satellite [Gaia satellite] [l.] show this to be a background star unrelated to the Regulus system. Thus, the 4–fold Biblical symbolism of the star Spica/Al-Zemach carries through to the star Regulus in Leo, the Lion of Judah, visible to the Magi on the same night they saw the Star of Bethlehem. This also provides added linkage between the Bethlehem star in Virgo, and the 1st Jupiter-Regulus conjunction in Leo the Lion, as witnessed by the Celestial Sphinx signs. This also brings to mind the The Great Pyramid’s alignment with the King star Regulus on the feast of Trumpets-Sept. 20th, 2017 as seen in the graphic below, according the Christ angle of the ascending/descending passages. As this took place, the Great Pyramid’s apex alignment with the star Al Nitak, the 1st 3 of Orion’s belt stars, linking the Pyramid’s chief cornerstone to the belt of the “wounded one,” relating again to Gen. 3:15.
Figure 4. Great Pyramid Regulus-Venus and Apex-Al Nitak alignments.
The Great Pyramid embodies the Christ-centered squared-circle geometry as seen in the Pyramid’s cap-stone. In Scripture, the words; “sun,” “headstone,” and “cornerstone” all share the same Hebrew gematria value of 53. In Greek the word “Son” shares this number value, of 530, tells us the Pyramid’s top-stone, embodied in the Lord Jesus Christ, is “the Saviour” [432] and “foundation” [432] of “all things” [432] as a “great sign” [432] symbolizing the light of the Sun [Ps. 19:4], whose radius is [432,000 miles], or half the Sun’s diameter; [864,000 mi.] matches the “cornerstone” [864], “the word of the Lord from Jerusalem” [864] in [Mic. 4:2]. #m In Figure 4 above we find the ascending and descending passages of the Great Pyramid‘s two primary interior passageways-dotted red line. They appear linked to the Doctrine of the Two Ways, one going up to the King’s Chamber, and the other down to the pit. It also features the missing 5th, cornerstone-the central capstone, who is Christ as the Chief Cornerstone, the head-stone at the Pyramid’s apex unifying the cornerstones of it’s base, “the stone that the builder’s rejected,” (Ps. 118: 21-23).
Several ancient cultures designated four bright stars in the zodiac as the “four corners of the earth” or the “four royal stars.” At the time the constellations were drawn by Shem, these four stars were near the sun’s location in the sky on the first day of autumn, winter, spring and summer, considered as 4 of the most important locations in the sky. These four stars were well known at the four corners of the ecliptic, the first being the bright red star, Antares that anciently marked the autumnal equinox, where the sun appears on the first day of autumn. The next star Fomalhaut, was also a bright star, marking winter. This is followed by Aldebaran, another very bright red star located 180.0° opposite on the ecliptic from Antares, precisely marking the Spring Equinox when Antares marked the Autumn. Finally, the bright star Regulus, located almost exactly on the ecliptic, marked summer. Regulus, was “the Prince,” and traditional leader of these four royal stars.[n]
Each of these four royal stars was in one constellation of the 12 Mazzaroth signs on the ecliptic. Antares is found in the heart of the Scorpion (Scorpius). In Aquarius-Fomalhaut is located at the end of the waters being poured out by the Water Bearer. Aldebaran is located at the eye of the Bull (Taurus). Finally, Regulus is located in the heart of the Lion (Leo), the king of the royal stars. These are called the four cornerstone constellations not only as they form the square base of the Great Pyramid, when mirrored in the sky they form the corners of a great square in the ecliptic, as the basis of the idea of ‘squaring the circle,’ or ‘cubing the sphere’ as they also embody a foundation to under-stand the Gospel in the Stars.
Two of these ‘royal stars’ intersect in two of these constellations. Antares is not only the heart of the Scorpion, but also is found under heel of the Serpent-Bearer (Ophiuchus), [o] who is encircled by a great serpent (Serpens) and who is crushing the head and heart of the Scorpion-Antares. The second pair is the bright star of the Southern fish; Fomalhaut-not only in the stream of Aquarius, but also in the Head of the Southern Fish (Piscis Australis).[p]
This great fish is pictured drinking in the “stream of living waters” from Aquarius, but these are not the only star names shared in different signs. Also we find the star named “Saiph,” meaning “bruised” [Gen 3:15] in the heel of Ophiuchus at one end of the Planisphere axis, matched at the other end with a star of the same name in Orion’s foot, as it crushes the serpent enemy at both ends of this axis.
In the case of the Scorpion/Serpent pair, there is a third constellation closely linked to them-the Eagle (Aquila), located near the serpent’s tail. The Eagle typifies the enemy of the serpent and is often shown in flight with the Serpent in its claws, even as the Serpent Bearer crushes Scorpius underfoot.
i. Four Faces of the Cherubim. Both Ezekiel and John the Revelator describe creatures which correspond to the four cornerstone constellations. Ezekiel describes creatures with four faces: the face of a lion, of an ox, of a man and an eagle, later reveals them as a special class of angel-Cherubim (Ezek. 1:10, 10:14, 20-22). The first three of those forms correspond to the Lion, the Bull, and the Water Bearer constellations. The 4th corresponds to the Eagle, the decan often substituted for the serpent/scorpion when symbolizing the celestial aspect of the fourth cornerstone. This relates to the same substitution of the Tribe of Dan-called a serpent by the way, as they were the first tribe to introduce idolatry to the other tribes of Israel.
John the Revelator also describes four creatures, each of which is found on one side of the throne of God. One was like a lion, one like a calf, one like a man, and one like a flying eagle (Rev. 4:7). Here we see the same 4 life–forms in correspondence to the 4 constellations, but in the reverse order as they are found on the ecliptic. This may not only put the leader first, but also have ramifications for the reverse order of ecliptic signs relative to precession.
ii. Four Principal Tribes of Israel. Jacob (Israel) had 12 sons, and each of them is linked in God’s Word with one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. [q] Hebrew scholars have expressed uncertainty of the correspondence of all twelve, but the four references to the royal constellations are clear from Scripture. They are the four principal tribes: Reuben, Judah, Dan, and Joseph.
Figure 5. Aquarius and the Southern Fish. [r.]
Each of those four tribes is associated with one of the royal constellations in the blessing given them by Jacob or Moses. Reuben was told he is “unstable as water,” alluding to the Water Bearer. The name Reuben, means “Behold a son,” also ties him to the Water Bearer, among the zodiac signs, having the figure of a man. He is also mentioned as being over the “excellency of power” (Gen. 49:3-4)
“Judah is a lion’s whelp” (Gen. 49:9) ties him to the Lion. Moreover, John refers to Christ as “the lion of the tribe of Judah” (Rev. 5:5), establishing the linkage of Judah to the lion. The Lion represents the King, and Judah began the royal lineage through which the Davidic line of kings came. The name Judah means “praised,” suggesting that this line of kings in the Christ-Line through him (especially Christ) would be praised.
“Dan shall be a serpent…that bites the horse heels” (Gen. 49:17), which parallels the symbolism of the Scorpion/Serpent, depicted stinging the Serpent Bearer in the heel. The name Dan means “judge” and the serpent symbolizes the wisdom of a judge. The serpent in Eden was acknowledged as being one of the wisest of his creatures. For example, the Lord has admonished his servants to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” The kind of wisdom referred to especially refers to that of being a good judge. Antares, the bright star in the scorpion, found at the heart, acknowledged as the seat of wisdom. For example, the Lord put wisdom into the heart of King Solomon so that he could judge his people wisely (2 Chron. 1:11-12, 1 Kings 10:24; cp, Exo. 26:2, Ecc. 8:5, Job 38:36).
Finally, Joseph is compared to a wild ox, with Joseph’s son’s Ephraim and Manasseh compared to its two horns (Deut. 33:17). The Hebrew word refers to an extinct species of wild ox which has two long forward pointing horns, as seen in the sign of Taurus the Bull. The bright star in the Bull represents its eye, which is the symbol of a seer (one who “sees”). Joseph was a great seer, so the Bull was appropriate for his sign. The name Joseph means “Jehovah has added,” probably referring to his multitude of descendants. Thus, each of the four principal tribes of Israel is explicitly correlated in the blessings of Jacob to one of the four cornerstone constellations.
iii. Balaam’s Prophecy. The same imagery was repeated in the prophecy of Balaam about the destiny of Israel. He mentions that Israel “shall pour water out of his buckets” (Reuben/Water Bearer), “he lay down as a lion” (Judah/ Lion), and he has “the strength of an unicorn” (Joseph/Bull), and shall “break their bones” as does either an eagle or constrictor serpent (Dan; Num. 24:7-9). The fact that again all four figures correspond to the cornerstone symbolism indicates that this prophecy refers to the constellations associated with these tribes.
iv. Banners and Directions. Each of 12 tribes of Israel had a flag or banner with its sign. The Hebrew word for “sign” is translated “ensign” in the KJV Bible (Num. 2:2), but Hebrew commentators make it clear that the signs also refer to zodiac constellations. According to tradition, the figure of a man was found on Reuben’s banner, a lion on Judah’s, a serpent on Dan’s, and a bull on Joseph’s (Son’ Ephraim, who took his place). Their camp, in the wilderness reflected the four banners facing these four directions: Judah facing East, Reuben facing South, Ephraim facing West, and Dan facing North, (Num 2:3,10,18,25).
v. Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength. The four cornerstone constellations also reflect 4D mankind in the symbolic four aspects of living souls: the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical. An example where the Lord seems to notice these categories is when he tells us to serve him with all our “heart, soul, mind and strength” (Mk. 12:13). Thus “heart, soul, mind and strength” refers to human emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical aspects. Note that again these four align with the same order as the four cornerstone constellations. We also find evidence of this pattern in the four types of human personalities.
vi. Elements. The Lord also uses the symbols of fire, wind, water, and earth to represent these four aspects of living creatures. For example, he stated that “ye were born into the world by water, and blood, and the spirit, and so became of dust a living soul…” [Earth, wind, fire, water]
vii. Four Hebrew Tabernacle Colors. The Lord commanded Moses to use four colors of cloth repeated throughout the tabernacle, especially for embroidering images of the cherubim. They were blue, purple, scarlet, and linen (white), nearly always stated in that order (Ex. 26:31, 36; 27:16; 28:5-15). Those are the same as the four colors of the cherubim.
viii. Colors. The four elements are also represented by four colors. Red seen in fire, blood, and emotions. White represents the spiritual, just as white clothing symbolizes purity used for baptisms and sacred ceremony. Purple represents royalty as seen in Leo the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The water is blue symbolizing Peace and the spirit. These colors are also found in the Hebrew Tabernacle repeated throughout, especially in representation of the cherubim. [Ex. 26:31, 36, 27:16, 28:5-15]
A strong indicator of these four aspects in the stars is the placement of each of the royal stars sign. Regulus is located at the heart of the Lion and the color associated with Judah/East/Lion is red. The heart is considered the center of the emotions and red is the color of blood/fire, the element linked with the emotions. Thus the red lion of Judah is linked to the emotions. Red is linked to Adam the first man/servant of God in the gospel of Mark that embodies the emotional aspect of mankind.
The ancient Greeks described Taurus as a snow-white bull. Aldebaran, the first magnitude star is located at the eye of the Bull. The eye is symbolic of a seer, as was Joseph of Egypt, associated with the Bull. Thus, the Bull is symbolic of spiritual strength, and especially the gift ministry of being a Prophet/Seer.
Blue is symbolic of peaceful tranquility, that goes with the wisdom of a good judge. When applied with a gift ministry it is the wisdom that is from above, which is first pure, peaceable and gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits [Gal. 5:22] as part of the fruits of righteousness, sown in Peace of them that make peace. This is how we can emulate the Prince of Peace, to promote true and genuine peace and Justice.
Fomalhaut is located in the head of the Southern Fish. This aligns with the mental powers. The color that is associated with this direction may vary: it can be blue, representing water. As we utilize the colors of the Tabernacle, their scriptural basis provides us the solid foundation of God’s Word to draw our conclusions from, and avoid speculation.
Antares is located at the heart of the Scorpion. The heart is the seat of wisdom, and the scorpion/serpent symbolizes wisdom. The heart/chest can also symbolize physical/emotional strength.
Thus, the placement of all four of the royal stars in the cornerstone signs is consistent with the symbolism of emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects of all living souls. Note also that spiritual and physical aspects are opposite each other in the circle (white opposite purple), as are the mental and emotional (blue opposite red), also found in the Yin/Yang symbol.
It is Christ as the Crown and Apex, firstborn of all Creation, the Second Adam, who embodies the fullness of the Great Pyramid [Isa. 28:16], who completes the superstructure of both the physical [in Jerusalem] and spiritual Temples– [spiritual body] of his churches in the Bride of Israel and the NT Church of the Believer’s in Christendom, [Eph. 2:18-22]. In this way, the light of heaven is shed on the earth in Christ, the Son/Sun of righteousness [Ps. 19, Mal. 4:2] who rules over all Creation as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. [Gen. 1:14-17]. We also find this pattern of the four points of the compass in star & planet signs marking the birth of Christ.
Plate 1. The Great Pyramid and the Squared Circle. [#s]
The pattern of eastern access to the Temple and Tabernacle is also found in the order of the celestial signs surrounding the birth of Christ. We find this in the pattern of the 3 Jupiter-Venus Conjunctions, marking Christ’s birth that occurred from 3 to 1 BC. The first Conjunction was in the final degree of Cancer, near its zero line border with Leo. The second was fully in Leo, while the third was in Virgo. These three signs represent the eastern quarter of the zodiac of Israel, the heavenly image of the eastern side of the wilderness camp of the Israelites, the entrance or Way to the Door of the holy place (the truth) in the Hebrew Tabernacle. In Genesis 3:24, after God rejected Adam and Eve from Paradise, He protected the Way of the Tree of Life on the east of Eden, with the Cherubim’s fiery sword, until the redeemer could come to reactivate the way of salvation and eternal life with God, for humanity. This door ultimately led to the altar of the holy of holies, (the Life) in the inner heart of God’s temple- Sanctuary, containing the Ark of the Covenant. A temporal progression of these conjunctions perfectly matches the divine pattern of Israel’s tribal arrangement on the eastern side of the Tabernacle. Judah/Leo was due east of the entrance to the holy of the holies, via the holy place, centrally located between the other two eastern tribes of Issachar/Cancer and Zebulon/Virgo. This eastern door to the Tabernacle represents the way, the truth, and the life, of John 14:6, which is embodied in Jesus Christ as the light of the world, and the door of the sheep, the Good Shepherd [Jn.10], the true way which leads unto life.
The truths of Jesus as the Shepherd are vividly seen in 3 Psalms 22, 23 and 24, showing the sufferings and glory of the Lord. As Prophet, the Good Shepherd gave his life not only for the sheep, but for the safe-keeping of all people who would come unto him [John 10:11]. As the High Priest and the Great Shepherd, he is the first, last and only door, the alpha and omega, providing the way of access via his resurrection [Heb. 13:20] unto life, into the genuine spiritual fellowship with our Heavenly Father. As the King and Chief Shepherd, his return exhibits his final glory, coming as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, [I Pet. 5:4, Rev. 19:16].
Thus, like the eastern shepherd, Jesus Christ embodies Jehovah-Nissi: the redemptive name for God protecting His people, [Ps. 23:1].
The Door, or gate giving access to the holiest of all was covered by a veil in both the Temple & Tabernacle. The veil of the Tabernacle, which hung on four pillars, separated the holy of the holies, the central point of God’s presence among His people, from the holy place. Woven into the fabric of this linen veil, Cherubim were depicted, as a special class of angels who are always prominent in God’s throne-room. They are uniquely pictured as having four faces that correspond to the “four royal signs” of the zodiac, ruling the four-corners or celestial pillars of heaven, previously seen in Numbers 24:7-9.
Plate 2.The Molten Sea of the OT Jerusalem Temple. # [t.]
In I Kings, the design record of the ten brazen bases of the smaller Brass Lavers, provide a strong clue that links the Cherubim with these four Cardinal Directions.
I Kings 7:25-30
25It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea was set above upon them, and all their hinder parts were inward. 26And it was an hand breadth thick, and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies: it contained two thousand baths. 27And he made ten bases of brass; four cubits was the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits the height of it. 28And the work of the bases was on this manner: they had borders, and the borders were between the ledges: 29And on the borders that were between the ledges were lions, oxen, and cherubims: and upon the ledges there was a base above: and beneath the lions and oxen were certain additions made of thin work. 30And every base had four brazen wheels, and plates of brass: and the four corners thereof had undersetters: under the laver were under-setters molten, at the side of every addition. Verse 29 above clearly associates the Cherubim with the lions (Leo and the oxen (Taurus), in the design of the ten brass bases. This link is fully developed in Ezekiel’s vision at the River Chebar, which we see below. Exodus 36 gives us details of the colors used in the veil of the Tabernacle depicting the Cherubim. Let’s consider some of this color symbolism in the services of the Tabernacle and Temple.
Exodus 36:35-36 And he made a veil of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen: with Cherubims made he it of cunning work. And he made there-unto four pillars of shittim wood, and overlaid them with gold: their hooks were of gold; and he cast for them four sockets of silver.
The veil hung from four pillars, representing the terrestrial number, and the earth’s orientation to the four Cardinal Directions of the horizon. The symbol of the number four is prominent in the imagery above, not only in the four pillars holding the Tabernacle’s veil, but also in the four Tabernacle colors shown in the veil. The four colors are blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen. Blue represents peace showing us God’s presence, as seen in the Son of God as the Prince of Peace. Purple represents royalty, as seen in Christ the King of Kings. Scarlet or Red represents blood, and is seen in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the high priest offering the perfect sin offering of his own life for our redemption. The linen was white, as symbols of the purity & righteousness of the Servant of God. Thus, the four colors of the Tabernacle all embody the four-fold ministry of Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone in the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, showing his dominion over all Creation. As we’ve seen, these four pillars correspond to the four Cardinal Directions, named the equinox and Solstice seen on the ecliptic and Equator as the four-corners of the heavens. These four cardinal points correspond to the tribes, four royal signs and colors as follows:
Eagle/Aquila [replacing Scorpius below]
North/Scorpion/Scorpius/Dan/White (omitted in Num. 24, & Ps. 75:3ff)
East/Lion/Leo/Judah/Purple. (Numbers 24:9)
South/Man/Aquarius/Reuben/Blue. (Numbers 24:7)
West/Bull/Taurus/Ephraim & Manasseh/Red (Numbers 24:8)
The vision of Ezekiel at the river Chebar describes these living creatures, specifically their four faces, matching the signs of the four Cardinal Directions of the heavens. As we have noted regarding the North, it was omitted for a number of reasons. In the North we find the face of the sign Aquila the Eagle [Ezek.1:10], replacing that of his natural born enemy, the serpent-Dan/Scorpion, as is evident in the triple sign of the man Ophiuchus, as he wrestles Serpens the serpent, while stamping out the light of the Antares red-star, in the heart of Scorpius the scorpion. Ezekiel’s vision is recorded below.
Ezekiel 1:3-11
The word of the LORD came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of the LORD was there upon him. 4And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire in-folding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire. 5Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. 6And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings. 7And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot: and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass. 8And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings. 9Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward. 10As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.11 Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies.
The matching of the faces of these four living creatures with the four signs at the cardinal points in Numbers 24, is worth a closer look. First, this correlation between the four Cardinal Directions of the horizon seems an obvious celestial reference, supported by the celestial wheels within wheels connected with these Cherubim, [Ezek. 1:16, 20-22, 10:1-22]. These wheels relate to the celestial structure of the ecliptic and the Equator, as one wheel is pictured within the other, and the points where they cross are the equinoxes. One Hebrew word for “wheel” in Ezekiel, [10:2 & 10] is galgal [*H1534], a variation of Gilgal [*H1536], the “Hill of God,” [I Sam. 10:5] where Joshua set up an altar of twelve stones [Josh 4], one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel. The word galgal is also the root origin of our word “Galaxy,” showing a galactic application of these wheels even into the modern day. Similar to the stellar reference of the 12 precious stones of the High Priest’s breastplate, as symbols of the twelve signs of the zodiac, Joshua’s altar marked their entry into the promised land, which was first deeded to Abraham [Gen. 13:14-15]. God marked the end of the Israel’s sufferings in the wilderness even as He had marked their exit from Egypt, with a miracle of parting of the waters, both of the Red Sea and of the Jordan River. He also marked the beginning of Israel’s reign of kings both in the anointing of Saul, along with the first Passover in the promised land at Gilgal. Joshua 5:9-10 has a figurative portrait of this initial Passover, as these “wheels of God’s justice” rolled over the heathen that stood in Israel’s way. Thus, when we view the two phases of the return of the promised seed, first in his sufferings second in his glory, we can see the following division along the lines of Jesus’ ministry as seen in the four gospels:
He came as a man/Son of Man/Luke/Aquarius
He sacrificed his life/Servant/Mark/ Eagle for Scorpion
The Son coming in judgment/Son of God/John/Taurus
The Lion-king of Judah rending his prey/King/Matthew/Leo
As symbolic references to the four quarters of heaven, the 4 unified faces of these living creatures represent a composite of the celestial narrative, witnessing to the return of the promised redeemer, and his judgment on the assembly of the wicked. The 22nd Psalm reveals more details of this evident celestial pattern, in the context of the Lord’s sacrifice, in Golgotha’s foreboding shadows. This is the record of the assembly of the wicked passing their depraved judgment on the Lord, as they orchestrated the events that surrounded Jesus’ crucifixion. But as his immanent return speeds towards us, the mighty conquering judge will execute his righteous verdict with everlasting consequences for the evil ones.
Psalm 22:11-23
11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.
12 Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.
13 They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.
14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.
15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.
17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.
18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.
19 But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.
20 Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog.
21 Save me from the lion’s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. [reem]
22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
In this Psalm, the wicked natures of those who brought about Jesus’ crucifixion are discernible in these obscene caricatures of the four winds of the host of heaven. These dark spectre’s of the Cherubim rejoiced in the Lord’s demise and death as they encircled him like dogs, ravening lions and gaping bulls, embodying the idol masks of Astrology. This was the peak of the power of this wicked assembly, but their time is past and their doom is sure. As verse 14 above tells us: Christ was “poured out like water,” which depicts him in this celestial context as the man of Aquarius, who pours the living waters of the gift of holy spirit into the saints. This also agrees with aspects of the common Hallel, as the last words of Psalm 118 rang throughout the Temple, during the Feast of Tabernacles in the last days of Christ’s ministry. We find this Biblical record in John 7.
John 7:37-44
37In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 38He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
39(But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) 40Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, said, of
a truth this is the Prophet. 41 Others said, This is the Christ. But some said, Shall Christ come out of Galilee? 42 Hath not the scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was? 43So there was a division among the people because of him. 44And some of them would have taken him; but no man laid hands on him.
It is Christ as the Crown and Apex, firstborn of all Creation, the Second Adam, who embodies the fullness of the Great Pyramid [Isa. 28:16], who completes the superstructure of both the physical [in Jerusalem] and spiritual Temples-body [spiritual body] of his churches in the Bride of Israel and the NT Church of the Believer’s in Christendom, [1Cor. 3, Eph. 2:18-22]. In this way, the light of heaven is shed on the earth in Christ, the Son/Sun of righteousness [Ps. 19] who rules over all Creation as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. [Gen. 1:14-17]
I trust this will help with further insight into the celestial signs that marked the birth of Christ and how, as Rev. Jon Nessle has taught, they are the best scientific evidence for the truth of God and His word in existence.
Happy New Year and a Joyous 2024,
In Christ,
1. Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, VP Wierwille, p.
2. “The Star that Astonished the World” Dr. Ernest Martin, p.
3. Jesus Christ our Promised Seed, VP Wierwille, p. 70
4. IBID, Figure 1, Picture credit, p. 71.
4a. IBID.
5. IBID, Figure 2 picture credit, p. 61
a. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/star/Star System
b. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/star/Binary Star
c. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/star/main sequence
d. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/star/White dwarf
e. earthsky.org/…sky-measurements-degrees-arc-minutes-arc-seconds
f. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/star/Dwarf star
g. earthsky.org/…s/what-is-stellar-magnitude
h. earthsky.org/…s/stellar Classification
h.1. earthsky.org/…stellar Classification
h.2. IBID
i. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/star/Red Dwarf
j. atnf.ciro.au/…/astrophysics/binary types
k. earthsky.org/…/white-dwarfs-are-the-cores-of-dead-stars
l. sci.esa.int/web/gaia
m. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 96-101, Bonnie Gaunt.
n. johnpratt.com/…lds/meridian/2001/4corners
q. IBID [https://www.johnpratt.com/items/docs/lds/meridian/2001/4corners.html]
r. Figure 5 Picture credit; Witness of the Stars, p. 84, E.W. Bullinger.
s. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, p. 96-101, Bonnie Gaunt.
t. [pinterest.com]