This month’s post is the result of a realization and desire to improve accessibility to the blog studies on this site, as the Archive is insufficient on its own. With separate hyperlinked access to each blog, it is much easier to navigate the individual studies here, and cross-reference related topics for further study. With our 5th Anniversary quickly approaching on the 4th of July, it is high time for these improvements, which will be further augmented with a Table of Topical Studies where related blogs can be grouped as a study aid. I’m so thankful for all the readers that are blessed by these studies, especially the contributors who have and will share God’s Wisdom inherent in His Word, related to these topics of Science and Biblical Astronomy.
Blog Contents 2014-2023
July 3rd Four Kingdoms of Life
July 4th Celestial Prelude of Signs leading to the Birth of Christ
July 12th Blood Moons and Israel
August 9th Biblical Blood Moons Calendar
Sept. 10th The Menorah – Prophetic Tabernacle Plan – Celestial Symbolism
October 8th Blood Moon Lunar Eclipses Surrounding the Birth of Christ
October 20th Blood Moon Lunar and Solar Eclipses-Oct. 2014
November 21st Blood Moon Lunar and Solar Eclipses and the Lords Feasts [Pt. 1]
November 28th Blood Moon Lunar and Solar Eclipses and the Lords Feasts [Pt. 2]
December 14th Birth date of Jesus Christ [Pt. 1]
December 25th Birth date of Jesus Christ [Pt. 2]
Jan. 30th Biblical Astronomy of the Venus-Mars Conjunctions 2015
Feb. 8th Eastern Light through the Tabernacle [Pt. 1]
Feb. 24th Eastern Light through the Tabernacle [Pt. 2]
Mar. 10th Birth and Return of Jesus Christ and the Celestial Sphinx
Mar. 14th Pi Day
Mar. 20th Total Solar Eclipse at the North Pole
Mar. 30th History of the Blood Moon Tetrads and Jerusalem
April 6th Passover Blood Moon-April 4th and Nova Sagittari 2015
April 18th Biblical Evidence of the Blood Moon Tetrads on Hebrew Feasts
May 16th Blood Moon Tetrad and the Celestial Prelude
June 6th Blood Moon Tetrad and the Rev. 12 Heavenly Signs [Pt. 1]
June 15th Blood Moon Tetrad and the Rev. 12 Heavenly Signs [Pt. 2]
June 24th 2015 Triple conjunction of Jupiter-Venus and Christ’s Birth and Return
July 26th Jupiter-Venus triple conjunction and Regulus with the Birth and Return of Christ
Aug. 1st The Great Pyramid and the Boundary Stone of the Promised Land [Pt. 1]
Aug. 17th The Great Pyramid and the Boundary Stone of the Promised Land [Pt. 2.]
Aug. 31st Partial Solar Eclipse on Rosh Hashanah 9-13-15
Sept. 24th Biblical Astronomy of the Super Blood Moon 9-28-15
October 7th Jupiter-Venus Triple Conjunction and the Birth of Christ.
October 13th Biblical Astronomy of End Times Prophecy of Dendera Zodiac Axes
November 2nd Summary of 2015 Heavenly Signs Bracketed by Venus-Mars Conjunctions
November 20th New Evidence of the Coma Supernova and the Birth of Christ.
December 14th Celestial Prelude and the Biblical Astronomy of the Birth of Christ
Jan. 2nd Biblical Astronomy of the Venus-Saturn Conjunctions of 2016
Jan. 24th Biblical Astronomy of the January-February 2016 Planetary Alignment
March 6th Blood Moon Bombshell of 2016?
March 14th Pi-Day 2016
March 22nd Purim Blood Moon on March 23rd 2016.
March 29th Biblical Astronomy of 2016 Solar and Lunar Signs
April 30th Biblical Astronomy of the Mercury Transit May 9th 2016
May 31st Biblical Astronomy of the Blood Moon Tetrads and Judah Ben Samuel’s Jubilee Prophecies [Pt. 1]
June 30th Biblical Astronomy of the Mercury-Venus Conjunctions of 2016-2017
July 16th End Times Prophecies of the Great Pyramid and the Pi and Phi Ratios [Pt. 1]
Aug. 1st End Times Prophecies of the Great Pyramid and the Pi and Phi Ratios [Pt. 2]
Aug. 29th Biblical Astronomy of the Invisible Lunar Eclipse and the Jupiter-Venus Conjunction in Virgo-August 2016
Sept. Biblical Astronomy of the Tishri 1 Annular Solar Eclipse 9-1-2016
Oct 3rd Biblical Astronomy of the Passover Darkness and the Crucifixion of Christ
November 1st Biblical Astronomy of the Comets in Perseus-Destroying the Adversary
November 12th Biblical Astronomy of the Super-Moon on Nov. 14th
Dec. 13th Biblical Astronomy of the 2016-2017 Comets and the Blood Moon Tetrads
Dec. 25th Heart of the Magi
Jan. 19th Heart of the Magi [Pt. 2]
Feb. 11th Lunar Eclipses and the Crucifixion of Christ
March 14th The Biblical Astronomy of Pi Day 3-14-17
March 15th The 70 Weeks of Daniel 9 and the Acceptable Year of the Lord
April 13th The Celestial Prelude and the Birth and Return of Christ
May 20th Biblical Astronomy of the Phi Ratio in the Temple/Tabernacle of Israel [Pt. 1]
June 24th The Biblical Astronomy of the August 21st Total Solar Eclipse-America Repent!
Aug. 1st Moses’ Tabernacle colors and the Phi and Lucas Ratios
Sept. 1st The Heavenly Sign of Rev. 12 and Teshuvah the Season of Prayer
Sept. 29th The Celestial Sphinx and the Jupiter-Spica Triple Conjunction of 2017.
Oct. 4th The Modern Blood Moon Tetrads and the Mars-Spica Triple Conjunctions
Oct. 20th The Biblical Astronomy of the Birth and Return of Jesus Christ and the Dual Fulfillment of Revelation 12, [Part 1]
Nov. 6th The Biblical Astronomy of the Birth and Return of Jesus Christ and the Dual Fulfillment of Revelation 12, [Part 2]
Nov. 15th The Biblical Astronomy of the Christmas Day Signs in 2 BC and 2017
Nov. 21st Celestial Symbolism of the Cherubim in Ezekiel’s Vision
Dec. 2nd, 2017 Abraham and the Prophecy of the Magi
Dec. 17th 2017 The Feast of Hannukah and the Magi
Jan. 15th Super-Moon Triad, Blood Moon Tetrad and the Jerusalem Temple
Feb. 8th Convergence of the Super-Moon Triads with the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad
Mar. 9th Virgo’s Triple Crown, The Great Pyramid and the Celestial Sphinx
Mar. 12th The Biblical Astronomy of Pi Day 3-14-18
April 4th The Birth of Christ on Tishri 1 with the New Moon
May 20th Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions and the Celestial Prelude
June 10th Biblical Cosmology of the Precession of the Equinoxes
June 21st The Blood Moon Tetrad of 168-166 BC and the Abomination of Desolation
July 3rd The Blood Moon Tetrad of 168-166 BC and the Abomination of Desolation [Part 2]
July 20th The Anti-Christ Equation [Part 1.]
August 8th The Anti-Christ Equation [Part 2] Full post.
August 28th The Times of the Gentiles and Temple at Jerusalem.
Sept. 10th Comet Giacobini-Zinner and the Birth and Return of Jesus Christ.
Oct. 1st Lunar Occultations and the Birth’s of Moses and Christ.
Oct. 13th The Pegasus Square and God’s Blueprints for Creation.
November 1st The Celestial Prelude and the Blood Moons of 5 BC, [Part 1].
Dec. 2018 The Celestial Prelude and the Blood Moons of 5 BC, [Part 2].
Jan. 3rd New Year Lunar Eclipses of January 2019 and the Jupiter-Venus Conjunctions
Feb. 10th Ancient Monuments of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy, [Part 1].
March 10th Ancient Monuments of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy, [Part 2].
April 13th Attributes of God in Christ
May 30th The Father of Lights
June 15th The Biblical Astronomy Blog Key
July 13th, Heavenly Signs and Earthly Tremors, Part 1.
August 31st, Solar System Symmetry and the Design Pattern of the Jerusalem Temple.
Sept. 15th, Biblical Astronomy of the Sufferings and Glory of Jesus Christ.
October 2nd, Phi and Pi ratios in the Jerusalem Temple and the Body of Christ.
Nov. 7th, Biblical Astronomy of the 7 Genesis Titles of Jesus Christ.
Nov. 10th Biblical Astronomy of the 2019 Mercury Transit and the Jupiter-Venus Unions.
Dec. 21st, The Celestial Prelude, the Star of Bethlehem and the Great Pyramid.
Jan. 17th, 2020 Heavenly Signs and Earthly Tremors- 20202.
Feb. 7th, Biblical Astronomy of the Lunar Mansions.
March 1st, Biblical Astronomy of Pi and the Lunar Mansions.
April 23rd, Lunar Mansions Part 3, Dendera Lunar Decans.
May 8th, The Great Sphinx, the Dendera Zodiac and The Gospel in the Stars.
June 8th, Biblical Astronomy of Heavenly Signs.
July 16th, Witness of the Great Pyramid Star Shafts, and the birth and Return of Jesus Christ.
August 29th, Geometric Growth in the 1st Century Acts Church.
Sept. 30th, Witness of the Great Pyramid in Job 38 and Rosh Hashanah, Part 1.
Nov. 1st, Structure of the Hebrew Menorah and the Pi Ratio.
Dec. 17th, The Jupiter-Saturn Timeline, The Celestial Prelude and The Coma Supernova.
Jan. 19th, 2021 The Jupiter-Saturn and Mercury, Triangular Massing.
Feb. 12th, The Triple union of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, with the Moon.
March 14th, Pi Day Reprint of the Structure of the Hebrew Menorah and the Pi Ratio.
March 31st, The Year of The Comet 323/P SOHO.
May 5th Biblical Astronomy of the Star of David.
Aug. 1st, The Celestial Prelude and the Celestial Encore.
Sept. 20th The Megalithic Monuments of Ancient Egypt.
Dec. 18th, Orion, The Pleiades, the Great Pyramid and Precession.
Jan. 30th, 2022 Timeline of the Celestial Prelude and the Celestial Encore.
Feb. 28th, Kepler’s Supernova-1604SN A Beacon at the Celestial Crossroads.
Mar. 13th, Pi Day- The Miracle of the 153 Fish and Pi.
April 16th, The Celestial Signs of April 2022 and Passover.
June 18th, The Old Covenant Foundations for the Celestial Gospel.
July 10th, Biblical Astronomy of the Grand Celestial Alignment of June 2022.
Aug. 21st, Biblical astronomy of the Luni-Solar Eclipses of 2021-22.
Sept. 30th, The Miracle of the Sundial of Ahaz.
Oct. 30th, The Great Pyramid and Jacob’s Ladder.
Nov. 30th, Biblical Astronomy of the Miracle of Joshua’s Long Day.
Dec. 16th, 2022 Blog Summary of the birth of Christ and the Celestial Prelude.

Jan. 25th. Joshua’s Long Day and the Birth of the King’s Son.
Feb. 27th. Expanded Light on the Coma Supernova and the Celestial Prelude.
March 13th. Divine Signature of Pi in the Bible.
April 7th. Almond symbolism in the Menorah and Aaron’s Rod that budded.
May 29th. Ancient Megalithic Code of the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge and New Jerusalem.
June 30th. Daniel, the Antikythera Device and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions of the Celestial Prelude.
July 30th. The Prophet Daniel, the Magi and King Cyrus.
August 30th. Cuneiform Tablets, the Magi, and the Star of Bethlehem.
Sept. 29th, 2023, The Sacred Geometry of Biblical Astronomy.
October 14th, 2023, Biblical Astronomy of the 10-23-14 Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse.
Nov. 29th, 2023, The Eclipse Menorah of 2014-2027.
Dec. 15th, 2023, Synopsis of the Celestial Prelude. Part 1.
January 2024, Synopsis of the Celestial Prelude. Part 2.
February 2024, Is there Bible Evidence for an Eclipse with Jonah?
March 2024, The Great Pyramid’s Void and its Star Shafts.
April 2024, The Celestial Gospel; Class Syllabus for the NJ Day in the Word.
May 2024, Was the Coma Nova a Recurrent Nova like the Coming Eruption in Corona Borealis?
June 2024, The Spirit of God is the Light of God in Concretion.
July 2024, Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy of Blood Moon Tetrads and Ancient Cultures.
August 2024, The Creator’s Deliberate Design and Pi & Phi Ratio‘s.
September 2024, A Deeper Perspective on the Precession of the Equinoxes.
October 2024, The Rev. 12 Sign, Virgo’s Crown & the Birth and Return of Christ.
November 2024,
December 2024,